FY15 Convocation

Learn, Engage, Change FY15 Convocation 1


FY15 Convocation. UAS Mission. Student Learning enhanced by faculty scholarship, undergraduate research and creative activities, community engagement and the cultures and environment of Southeast Alaska. UAS Core Themes. Student Success Teaching and Learning Community Engagement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of FY15 Convocation

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Learn, Engage, Change

FY15 Convocation


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Learn, Engage, Change

UAS Mission

Student Learning enhanced by faculty scholarship, undergraduate research and creative activities, community engagement and the cultures and environment of Southeast Alaska.


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UAS Core Themes

Student Success

Teaching and Learning

Community Engagement

Research and Creative Expression


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FY14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY 14 Performance


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FY14 Accomplishments


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FY14 Accomplishments

Ketchikan Campus• Reorganized the Learning Center

• Developed a Testing Center supported by a $60,000 grant from the Ketchikan Borough

• Developed and implemented the new Maritime Multi-Skilled Worker Program in partnership with Vigor Industries

• Expanded the E-Learning opportunities in the social sciences


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FY14 Accomplishments

Sitka Campus• Redeveloped the Fisheries Technology Program in Sitka

• Applied and received a $2.5 million TAACCCT Grant for further expansion of the Fisheries Technology Program

• Developed the Medical Assisting Certificate Program which will be approved by the Board of Regents in September

• Launched the new Law Enforcement AAS in partnership with the Alaska State Trooper Academy

• Redesigned the Dual Credit Program with Mt. Edgecumbe High School


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FY14 Accomplishments

School of Education• Under contract operated the Department of Education and

Early Development’s Alaska Learning Network (AKLN)

• Doubled the AKLN offerings and headcount in FY14

• Provided training for K-12 teachers to teach Advanced Placement courses through AKLN in FY15

• Developed and received approval for a Superintendent’s Endorsement Program at UAS starting the summer of 2014

• Expanded the STEM offerings for classroom teachers15

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FY14 Accomplishments

School of Management• Provided a teach-out for the MBA Degree which had been

eliminated in FY13

• Continued to hone the school’s programs through the elimination of some emphasis area’s in the BBA

• Developing a new emphasis in the BBA for Management Information Systems

• Expanded offerings in the summer to further the completion agenda resulting in a 46% increase in credit hours

• Leads the university in majors with 279


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FY14 Accomplishments

School of Arts and Sciences• First graduates from the BLA in Alaska Native Languages and Studies

• First graduates from the UAS Honors Program

• Continued regional planning with Ketchikan and Sitka regarding course and program offerings

• Continued expansion of undergraduate research and internship opportunities for A&S students

• EPSCoR Grant involved 10 faculty and a number of students and other agency researchers on the “Icefield to Estuary” study at Berner’s Bay

• Sponsored the statewide Alaska Native Studies Conference on the Juneau Campus (150 attendees)


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FY14 Accomplishments

School of Career Education• Expanded the number of Tech Prep agreements with the

high schools throughout Southeast Alaska

• First graduates from the Mine Mechanics Program that completed the entire program from high school, to internship, to employment at HECLA Green’s Creek Mine

• Received an additional $300,000 grant from HECLA Green’s Creek to support the UAS Mine Training Center

• Upgraded equipment thorough purchases and gifts from companies


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FY14 Accomplishments

Library• Shared catalog throughout the state library system

resulting in a $20,000 savings

• Expansion of the user-driven acquisitions program

• Participated in a study of the library space and programs including visits to other university libraries in the Northwest

• Surveyed students on library use and future needs

• Developed a Virtual Open House for E-Learners

• Continued to expand the “Featured Collections”


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FY15 Budget Planning Process and Goals

• Strategic Planning and Budgeting Advisory Committee (SPBAC):– Institutional engagement and transparency– Focus resources on student completion agenda

• Academic Program Review:– Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the

programs– Make recommendations regarding program changes,

personnel adjustments, and resource allocations


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FY15 BudgetGoals for Efficiency

• Efficient energy use in buildings• Space consolidation for efficiency and a

more navigable campus• Reduce personnel costs through attrition

and consolidation• Streamline IT costs and strategies• Pursue internal and external partnerships


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Efficiency through Energy Reduction


FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY140.0






60.0Juneau Campus Energy Use Electrical Power

Int Elect HeatFuel Oil


UAS has reduced annual energy consumption by 11.2B BTU since FY07, avoiding over $290k in additional energy costs in FY14 alone.

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FY 15 Strategies for Cost savings

Space Consolidation• Bill Ray Center sale

– Reduced operating costs– $3M from sale allocated to new residence hall

• Bookstore/Health Sciences reallocation– Bookstore closed to eliminate annual subsidy– UAS and UAA Health Sciences will be consolidated in

the space

• Hendrickson/Whitehead renovation– Consolidate campus administration– Consolidate all IT operations– Unify Arts & Sciences and Education


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FY 15 Strategies for Cost savings

Position Savings• Position Eliminations

– Vice Provost for Academic Affairs– Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services– Bookstore Manager– Facilities Services (2)

• Reduction through turnover– 11 long-term employees retired– Replacements hired at lower rate– Sustaining long-established vacancy policy


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FY 15 Strategies for Cost savings

Administrative Program Review

• Juneau Campus Bookstore • Recreation Center restructure• Ketchikan Learning Center


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Efficiency through Streamlined IT

• FY14 changes to reduce costs in FY15 and beyond:

– Closed low-utilization computer labs

– Consolidated IT support with Library

– Eliminated most student-use computer purchases through virtualization strategy

– Audited and streamlined data network leased circuit costs

– Reduced ongoing licensing and maintenance costs through negotiated multi-year agreements


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Efficiency through Partnerships

• Emergency Management partnership with the City & Borough of Juneau

• Substation agreement with Juneau Police Department

• Ketchikan Library Consortium

• Collaborating with UAA for Library Cataloging


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FY16 Operating Budget


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FY16 Operating Budget Priorities

• FY16 Focus:–Seeking ongoing funding of

initiatives for student disabilities services and first-time freshmen experience

–Strengthening academic program partnerships within UA


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FY16 Budget Priorities: Disability Support Coordinator

• Students seeking accommodations for disabilities - fastest growing sub-population

• Provides a vulnerable population with an invaluable connection to the University 

• Directly impacts success in the classroom positively every day.


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FY16 Budget Priorities: Coordinator: First Year

Experience• Creates a Supportive Environment for First

Year Students On- and Off-Campus– On-campus students by coordinating the student

experience in the new first-year residence hall– Off-campus students by connecting them to the

campus community and peers in student housing

• Gets Students Involved

• Leads to Student Retention31

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FY16 Budget Priorities: Assistant Professor of Biology-


• Advance preliminary discussions about proposed joint offering UAS-UAF BS & BA in Fisheries

• Strong student interest in fisheries in SE Alaska 

• Increases undergraduate degrees in fisheries & graduate programs at UAF 


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FY16 Capital Budget Request


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UAS FY16 Capital


Priority PROJECTProject Type 2016 Request

1Whitehead / Hendrickson Remodel

R&R 4,485,000

2 TEC Renewal R&R 1,800,000

3 Auke Lake Student Commons NC 14,880,000

4UAS Center for Mine Training Portal

NC 1,000,000

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Capital Priority #1:Hendrickson/Whitehead



• Replace all ventilation equipment

• New air to water heat pump system

• Consolidate administrative functions

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Capital Priority #2:Technical Education

Center• Renewal Phase 3

– Improves spaces with acoustical walls, new lighting and building automation

– Provides new home for the mine training program


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Capital Priority #3: Student Commons

• Identified in the UAS Master Plan

• Strategically located between library, classrooms and freshman housing

• Expanded dining options for both new freshman housing and commuter students

• Addresses critical campus need for large and small assembly spaces


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Capital Priority #4: UAS Mine Training


• Resolves safety and access issues with current mine

• Supports:- Underground miner program

- Pathway to Mining Career

- Mine Mechanic Program


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Long Term Capital Priority:

Facilities Services Replacement• Current facility has code and

ADA deficiencies

• New facility site is identified in UAS Master Plan

• FY17 Capital is for planning & design


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Current Capital Progress


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New Freshman Residence Hall


• 120 beds

• Opening Fall 2014

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New Freshman Residence Hall


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Auke Lake Way Reconstruction


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Auke Lake Way Reconstruction


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Community Campus:Deferred Maintenance


Ketchikan deck reconstruction