Futures-thinking for the next generation ASEANs: facing the 21st century language learning...

ASEANs: facing the 21st century language learning challenges Victoria G. Pineda Information Technology Dept. De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Email: [email protected] http://slideshare.net/mobilemartha De La Salle University Manila, Philippines 25 November 2013


This presentation was delivered as part of the SUT Fiesta Discourse on Language Learning in the 21st Century, in Suranaree University of Technology, Nakon Ratchasima, Thailand, Nov. 25, 2013. The event was organized by Dr. Andrew Lian.

Transcript of Futures-thinking for the next generation ASEANs: facing the 21st century language learning...

  • 1. Futures-thinking for the next generation ASEANs: facing the 21st century language learning challenges Victoria G. PinedaInformation Technology Dept. De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Email: [email protected] http://slideshare.net/mobilemartha De La Salle University Manila, Philippines 25 November 2013

2. My appreciation toSuranaree University of Technology 3. OUTLINE My Background Present ASEAN economic landscape Current trends in educational models The Rhizomatic approach Models: Personal Learning Networks Models: K-creation and K-exchange Case Example: The Social Studies courseware (if time permits) Proposed Research Focus Final note: Asian cultural diversity 4. Short introduction on who I am 5. Basic Info Archipelago of 7,107 islands 3 major group of islands Around 90M population Strong American & Spanish influences The only Catholic country in Asia the 8th most multicultural nation in the world1 We value family, education & democracy Source of map image: http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/country/philippines.html 6. Familial ties 7. HEIS in the Philippines Total number of state colleges & universities - 607 Private non-sectarian colleges & universities -1249 Private sectarian colleges & universities - 324 Total - 2180Source of image: http://www.ust.edu.ph/The University of Santo Tomas is the oldest university in the Phils, founded in April 28, 1611. UST celebrates its 400years this year. 8. HEIS in the Philippines Governing body is theCommission on Higher Education (CHED) Accreditation of degree programs is important Programs exhibiting best practices & serve as benchmarks are recognized as Centers of Developments or Centers of Excellence No. of HEIs with COEs/CODs: Government 39 Private - 61 9. De La Salle in the Philippines www.dlsu.edu.ph 17 campuses in the archipelago Trimester schedule 5 colleges Highest level of HEI accreditationFounded in 1911 10. Learning Commons: the biggest library & holds upto-date and wide selection of printed and online learning resources Competent facultyEmpowered student servicesTransformative Learning + Understanding by design + Service LearningIVLE-LMS24/7 availability of reliable web portal & wifi services 11. Disaster studies & DMISWhat I doResearch collaborationPersonal learning environments Community-based disaster risk reduction Open learning objectsTeacher ICT capacity buildingCommunity engagement 12. ASEANs strength is competitive interconnectedness 13. The World Economic Forum defines competitiveness as the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of an economy. http://www.weforum.org/issues/global-competitiveness/index.html 14. Did you know? Thailand, recovering from six years of political chaos and environmental disaster, has been leading the region, recording thefastest growth in the fourth quarter of 2012 since the country began compiling economic data in 1993. Source: http://www.asiasentinel.com/econ-business/is-asean-the-new-brics/ 15. Because of this.. The rise of Asia (we are now in the Asian Century) means greaterlinguistic and cultural interactions with the rest of the world. The rise of the ASEAN Economic Community, means greaterlinguistic and cultural interactions within the region (and a little beyond as there are prospective connections with non-ASEAN Asian countries as well as Australia and New Zealand). The adoption of English as the language of communication for ASEANs quest for the mobility of its citizens means that the demand for English will rise considerably. But that is not all. If the mobility program is to succeed, there will also be a need for the development of local languages. Cultural study will encompass all languages. This is very likely to mean at least two things: (a) the demand for language and culture learning will certainly outstrip the supply of formal avenues for language/culture learning (schools, universities etc.) and (b) people will need to meet unpredicted and unpredictable needs as they navigate through their newly mobile life. They will not need a university certificate, but the ability to pass some kind of standardized proficiency test at a time decided by themselves, or perhaps a prospective employer, rather than by institution or government.From Andrew Lians Plenary lecture in DLSU, Feb. 22, 2013 16. Because of this.. diversification of education and educational practices. Distance learning despite still being under discussion with regard to its efficacy, has become institutionalized. MOOCs are attracting countless students certification, credentialing and challenge examinations are gaining tractions 17. Because of this.. and the direction is a smarter self-managedDo-It-Yourself societySource: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p hwDtHUK_I8&feature=player_embe dded 18. So my perspective 19. Rhizomatic Approach to learning environments 20. The ORIGINALthe rhizome has no hierarchy and no tree-like structures knowledgerepresentations"transformational locations for breeding multiplicities knowledge because ofmodel of connectivismemerging technologies the rhizome is alliance, uniquely alliance 21. The Rhizome a metaphor to represent a dynamic, open-ended, selfadjusting (not chaotic) personal learning network constructed (by the learners themselves) to meet perceived and actual needs. (Lian, 2011) Making the learner more mindful of her learning incidents and capabilities, making her define her personal learning environment, makes her more capable of increasing the rhizome lines of her learning. (Pineda, 2012) 22. How do you perceive your learning rhizome? Source: http://www.cartoonsto ck.com/directory/p/par tnership.asp 23. In practical terms, this has meant a paradigm shift on the part of the teachers and course designers not just to shed part of their role but also to share it with the students. This meansthat amongst other things the students have choices on how or where or when to interact with teachers or other students. 24. First model 25. new way of understanding the learning process 26. What a Personal Learning Network Does able to define and The better the learner is construct her personal learning environment, the more she is capable of increasing the shoots and stems of her learning. The more the student increases the learning interactions or circumstances, the more thestudent has better understanding of the individual ability to acquire knowledge and to retrospect on it. (Pineda, 2012) 27. new way of understanding the learning process 28. What a Personal Learning Network Does The PLN likewise provides a way to discover what individuals naturally do and serves as a springboard for rethinking for how passionate they are about the things they do well or how much they wish to become excellent. 29. Another model 30. A short story2009201020112012 31. A short story MARIAMAVIC2009201020112012 32. A short story MARIAMAVIC2009201020112012 33. A short story MARIAMAVIC2009201020112012 34. A short story MARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 35. A short story MARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 36. A short story MARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 37. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran oliverMAVIC2009mid201020112012 38. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 39. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 40. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 41. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 42. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver2010social connection knowledge exchange - formal & informal collaborative work & tools communication technologies20112012 43. A short story lennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 44. A short story aselennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 45. A short story aselennarthMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 46. A short story marcusaselennarthothersmukisaMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 47. A short story marcusaselennarthothersmukisaMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 48. othersA short story marcusResearch project lennarthasemukisaBook chapterMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver201020112012 49. A short story marcusaselennarthothersmukisaMARIAkiran MAVIC2009oliver2010social connection knowledge exchange - formal & informal collaborative work & tools communication technologies20112012 50. othersA short story marcusResearch paper lennarthMARIA2009mukisaBook chapterkiran MAVICaseoliver2010social connection knowledge exchange collaborative work & tools communication technologies20112012 51. marcusThe connection story aselennarthothersmukisaMARIA andrewkiran MAVICralpholiverIncreasing nodes & networks Increasing possibilities of more k-exchange and k-creation2009201020112012 52. What is this model all about? Connectivism! 53. Lima (2011) claims that current trends of knowledgebuilding pushes a modern world inherent of complexity leading to a new norm, a shift from hierarchical configuration to a rhizomatic arrangement of knowledge networks. 54. Some rhizome examplesOf course, there are still many spaces for exploration 55. Builds autonomy Develops mastery Identifies the sources of information & learning resources Underscores purpose & openness Congruent to collaborative networkingWhy rhizomatic approach? The adaptive competency of the 21st century Expertise is still essential Self-management & self-regulation Goal-oriented & resilient Peer learning, dynamic collaboration and harmonious knowledge exchange 56. Lets not forget Our Asian diversity & uniqueness 57. How to cook the Kangkong?Each Asean member has a kangkong story to tell 58. Focus research areas PLE (personal learning environments) capacity planning & building based on a rhizomatic model Development of Personal language learning & collaborative tools Design of multicultural learning environments Macrosimulations and gamifications in context/local domains 59. Todays complex problem solving requires multiple perspectives. The days of Leonardo da Vinci are over. Etienne Wenger 60. Maraming salamat po. Victoria G. Pineda Information Technology Dept. De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Email: [email protected] http://slideshare.net/mobilemartha 61. Additional References Lian, A.P. (2013). Reflections on Intellectual and Strategic Educational Development in an Exponentially-Expanding Technological World, a presentation delivered in The Forum on Strategic Approaches to the Future, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines on February 23, 2013. Retrieved from http://pleandrhizomes.net/2013/05/02/reflections-on-intellectual-and-strategiceducational-development-in-an-exponentially-expanding-technological-world-2/Lima, M. (2011). The Power of Networks: Mapping an increasingly complex world, a presentation at Royal Society of Arts (London), December 8th, 2011, Full audio recording in RSA Events. Retrieved from http://www.thersa.org/events/audio-andpast-events/2011/the-power-of-networks-knowledge-in-an-age-of-infiniteinterconnectednessPineda, Ma. V. (2012b). Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) as an approach to understanding the rhizomatic learning connections of 21st century students. Proceedings of AsiaCALL2012, the 11th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language-Learning. A special issue of the AsiaCALL Online Journal. Retrieved from http://asiacall.info/acoj/wpcontent/uploads/2013/09/Pineda_Ma_V_AsiaCALL2012_Proceedings.pdf