full coverage of industry issues - from rainfall to outfall · Asian cultures. The 8th tooth is the...

full coverage of industry issues - from rainfall to outfall Media Data 2013 www.wateractive.co.uk

Transcript of full coverage of industry issues - from rainfall to outfall · Asian cultures. The 8th tooth is the...

  • full coverage of industry issues - from rainfall to outfallMed

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  • Wel


    e Water Active will start publishing Volume 8 of the magazine in January 2013.

    To help celebrate this momentous occasion, the team thought readers of the media data might enjoy some other significant 8s:

    The number 8 is considered to be a lucky number in Chinese and other Asian cultures.

    The 8th tooth is the so-called wisdom tooth.

    In Karate there are said to be 8 virtues: respect, honesty, courage, integrity, humility, compassion, patience, and peacefulness.

    We could, of course, sandbag you with chapter and verse as to why Water Active is the UK’s leading water industry publication.

    We could explain the many marketing opportunities available, bore you with the life histories of the Water Active personnel – all three of whom have suffered serious leg-related accidents or illnesses in the past few years (dangerous work this publishing game!)

    But we’re guessing that most of you know us and have already made up your mind about Water Active during the past seven years.

    We prefer to let the quality of the publication speak for itself - quality will always shine through.

    To those of you who remain to be convinced of the benefits of Water Active, the following quote may be of interest:

    “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” (Stuart Henderson)

    To those of you who already do support us, we look forward to talking to you over the next 12 months, as you already know that:

    “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.”

    Dan, Jez and Phil

    12 issues a year in print

    Online edition where links are liveWebsite with live daily updatesThe ONLY year book with free distributionOnline video adverts

    One of the largest classified sections in the water industry

    Leading the way with innovation and news

    “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” Stuart Henderson

  • January 2013

    Publication date: 9th January

    Features:AD & biogasBorehole & groundwater managementFiltration & screeningIndustrial water & effluent treatment

    February 2013

    Publication date: 6th February

    Features:Measurement, monitoring & analysisTanks, chambers & accessTrenchless technology & civil engineeringEcobuild 2013 Exhibition Preview

    March 2013

    Publication date: 6th March

    Features:CCTV & security infrastructureCSOs, SUDS & rainwater harvestingPump & mixing technologySewers, including maintenance & inspection

    April 2013

    Publication date: 3rd April

    Features:Sludge treatment & disposalFinancial, legal & professional servicesEnergy efficiencyIWEX 2013 Exhibition issue

    May 2013

    Publication date: 1st May

    Features:Asset refurbishment & maintenanceDosing & disinfectionIT, software & telemetryPipes, fittings & couplings

    June 2013

    Publication date: 5th June

    Features:Filtration & screeningMeasurement, monitoring & analysisValves & actuatorsUK AD & Biogas 2013 Exhibition issue

    July 2013

    Publication date: 3rd July

    Features:CSOs, SUDS & rainwater harvestingEquipment rentalPump & mixing technologyWater treatment & chemicals

    August 2013

    Publication date: 7th August

    Features:Laboratory equipment & servicesMBR technologyOdour, pollution & spillage controlTanks, chambers & accessThe Water Active Year Book 2013/2014 Edition

    September 2013

    Publication date: 4th September

    Features:Anaerobic digestion & biogasFlooding & drainage systemsMeasurement, monitoring & analysisTrenchless technology & civil engineeringOctober 2013

    Publication date: 2nd October

    Features:Drives & controlsPipes, fittings & couplingsSewage treatmentAquatech 2013 Exhibition Preview issue

    November 2013

    Publication date: 6th November

    Features:IT, software & telemetryPump & mixing technologySafety & trainingConsultants & contractors

    December 2013

    Publication date: 4th December

    Features:Field communications & transportMeasurement, monitoring & analysisWater conservation & leakage management2014 Year Planner

    Deadline for submissions is three weeks prior to the publication date for editorial and two weeks prior for advertising copy



    l Cal



  • Water Active is an A3 monthly print magazine full of news, case studies, products, opinion pieces, features and technical articles, with display, classified, Blue Page and other advertising opportunities available.

    Whatever your marketing needs the Water Active print magazine offers unrivalled help in getting your company and message in front of the water, wastewater and water-using industries.

    There’s not much more to say – just pick up a copy and you can judge for yourself as to the quality and quantity of the overall magazine content.


    t Print

    What’s on offer

    Display advertising – advertising placed within the main body of the magazine alongside the editorial content. All A4 and A3 advertisement sizes are accommodated.

    Classified advertising – smaller, long term advertising for products, services, recruitment and more specialist one off requirements.

    The Blue Page – a telephone directory style spread ensuring your contact details appear every month in the magazine, with a low cost 12 month entry.

    The What’s New pages – designed to promote individual products, services or short news releases with around 200 words and a photograph.

    Loose inserts – include your company literature within the shrink wrap of an issue of the magazine, posted to 7,109 potential customers.

    Year Planner – an A2 year planner printed in December and given away free to every reader. Advertisers sponsor a month, as one of just 12 participants, to ensure each message is seen all year in a manageable size.

    “Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” Mark Twain

  • Aviation & Aerospace 1% Chemicals 3% Civil Engineering Contractors 11% Consultants 4% Food & Drink Processing 7% Government 3% Ink/Paint/Dyes 2% Local Authorities/Health 5% Metal Fabrication & Finishing 2% Military 1% Other Manufacturing 6% Other 2% Paper & Pulp 1% Pharmaceuticals 3% Power Generation 1% Research/Academic 2%Supplier 4%Water Utilities 42%

    Analyst 2%Civil Engineer 14%Energy Management 3%Environmental Management 4%Managing Director 6%Operations Management 4%Plant Engineer 12%Plant Management 4%Process Engineer 17%Procurement & Purchasing 8%Project Engineer 12%Project Management 5%Research & Development 4%Senior Management 4%Technician 1%

    Print circulation profile

    Monthly circulation of 7,109

    Company activity

    Job functionHard-wiring to a junction boxis the most common methodof providing a power supply tosubmersible pumps but thismethod has a number of sig-nificant drawbacks: only aqualified electrician can con-nect and disconnect thepower supply wired to a junc-tion box or a panel; an isola-tion switch and pilot cablesmay be required; and, onceinstalled, hard-wiring is fixedand inflexible.

    Each of these design draw-backs has an on-going impacton maintenance time and cost.

    Take for example, the needto use a qualified electrician.This means that the time andcost of two skilled people arerequired every time the pumpneeds to be maintained orrepaired: the electrician to dis-connect the pump from thepower supply; an engineer tocarry out the maintenance orrepair on the pump, and thenthe electrician to reconnectthe power supply back to thepump.

    There is, however, an alter-native to hard-wiring whichovercomes all of these draw-backs whilst also improvingsafety and delivering a signifi-cant reduction in maintenancecosts. Decontactors™, devel-oped by industrial connectorspecialists MARECHAL, com-bine a socket, load-breakswitch and isolator in a singleproduct. The unique design ofthe decontactor means thatthe decontactor plug can beconnected and disconnected

    from the socket quickly andsafely by any authorised opera-tor, eliminating the need to usea qualified electrician everytime the pump needs routinemaintenance or repair. Using adecontactor, instead of hard-wiring the pump, means that ajob which previously wouldhave required two highly skilledoperators can be completed bya single operator.

    This makes every mainte-nance and repair task consider-ably cheaper and the work isalso faster, with the pump beingdisconnected or connected inseconds. This allows the main-tenance team to increase theirproductivity and completemore jobs in a shortertimescale. Additionally, whenthe pump is in a remote loca-tion, the engineer can discon-nect the power without thedelay of waiting for an electri-cian to reach the site.

    Decontactor socket-out-lets can be mounted on a wallor on an upstand, to replacehard-wiring into a junction boxor panel, and the decontactorplug is fitted onto the powercable to the submersible pump.The socket outlet includes anumber of design featureswhich enable fast and safe dis-connection by any authorisedoperator: simply pressing thequick-release switch on top ofthe socket outlet triggersspring-loaded contacts tobreak the connection and thesocket’s integral load-breakswitch to isolate the power(see Figure 1). This eliminates

    the need to install pilot con-tacts or an isolator, as well asproviding additional protectionfor operators by preventing anarc flash occurring when theplug is disconnected underload.An optional locking mech-anism and automatic sealing toIP54/55 or IP66/67 ensure thatthe connection is secure andwatertight as soon as the plugis inserted into the socket.

    When the plug is removedfrom the socket a safety shut-ter prevents the engineer, ormembers of the public, fromtouching the live contacts. Thecomplete removal of the plugfrom the socket also meansthat the engineer has a veryclear and visible method ofchecking that the power is dis-connected before he beginswork on the pump. Furthertime is saved because the engi-neer can immediately test theoperation of the pump after arepair and disconnect it again ifmore work is needed.

    In some situations it maynot be desirable for the pumpto be started simply by recon-necting the power. For thesesituations, optional, shorterauxiliary contacts in the decon-tactor can be used, in conjunc-tion with a contactor in thepanel, which cuts off the powerat the panel when the plug isdisconnected.This prevents thepower from being restoredsimply by re-inserting the plugand ensures that power to thesocket will only be restoredfollowing a re-start at thepanel.

    The decontactors can alsointegrate control signals fordirect on line (dol) or star-delta pumps to reduce thecomplexity of the installation.An internal keying systemensures that two adjacentpumps, powered by two cableswith the same voltage, can bemade non-interchangeable ifrequired. Both the connectedplug and socket, and the socketlid, can be padlocked for addi-tional protection against tam-pering or malicious disconnec-tion.

    Compliance to key safetystandards ensures that theinstallation meets the regulato-ry requirements for electricalsafety. In the water industry, itis vital that the socket outletsand plugs are sealed toIP54/IP55 or IP66/IP67, as stan-dard, to ensure that the con-nection is completely water-tight as soon as the plug isinserted into the socket. Inaddition, the decontactorscomply to the AC22/AC23

    load-break requirements of theEN 60947-3 standard and arerated to IEC 62262 level IK08and IK10 which provides pro-tection against shocks.

    Protecting the decontac-tors against damage by water,dust, and shock is only part ofthe reason why decontactorsoffer long-term reliability, evenin very harsh environments.Features within the plugs andsockets are designed to ensurean expected operational life-time of 15 years or more,regardless of how many times adecontactor is connected anddisconnected. The housings ofthe decontactors are manufac-tured in either metal or inrugged glass-reinforced poly-ester. Inside the housings, thecontacts are tipped with a solidalloy of 85% silver and 15%nickel which provides extendedresistance against corrosion.The design of the spring-assist-ed terminals allows the decon-

    tactors to compensate forstrand settlement and copperyield whilst the springs operateat only a fraction of their max-imum rated resilience. Thisensures that electrical perfor-mance is maintained through-out the lifetime of the decon-tactor.

    As a replacement for hard-wired connections for sub-mersible pumps, decontactorsunlock the potential forgreater flexibility, productivityand safety, in addition toreducing operating costs.Decontactor technology notonly promises a fast return oninvestment, but continues todeliver significant savings onmaintenance costs throughoutan operational lifetime of fif-teen years or more. Theseadvantages may lead the waterindustry to question whetherhard-wiring is the best optionfor providing electrical powerto submersible pumps.


    Replacing hard-wiring of submersible pumps with decontactors

    Tel: 0844 8042066www.marechal-electric.com

    july11pumps6 29/6/11 8:20 am Page 23

    Excellence in Water Treatment

    sera Dosing UK Ltd.Axon 2, Commerce Road,Lynchwood,Peterborough PE2 6LRPhone: +44 1733 396040 Fax: +44 1733 396050email: [email protected]

    For more than 65 years sera products have represented the highest measure of quality, safety and reliability in the treatment of drinking water, process water and wastewater.

    n Dosing and feeding pumpsn Dosing systems and disinfection systemsn Process measuring and control technology n Fittings and accessoriesn Extensive pre- and after-sales service

    23.indd 1 05/07/2011 10:28:54

    Independently verified using Royal Mail Presstream

  • For the ‘Facebook generation’, Water Active is available online, 24 hours a day, in an interactive format.

    The reader can print or save the entire issue or individual pages, as a PDF document. Editorial and advertisements are fully searchable and contain links directing the reader to a supplier’s website for more information.

    Each month every reader receives an email informing them that the lat-est issue has been released.

    Readers can also access the latest issue from the Water Active website, where all previous issues are archived.





    What’s on offer

    The same opportunities as with the print version, but in addition:

    Email sponsorship – a text only message contained within our monthly email informing readers that the latest issue is live.

    Additional content – the inclusion of extra information such as a company leaflet, incorporated at the end of the interactive version.

    Company literature – turn your company literature into a stand-alone interactive magazine with its own link for your customers to visit.

    “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.”

  • Aviation & Aerospace 1% Chemicals 8% Civil Engineering Contractors 6% Consultants 2% Food & Drink Processing 6% Government 2% Ink/Paint/Dyes 2% Local Authorities/Health 5% Metal Fabrication & Finishing 1% Military 1% Other Manufacturing 4% Other 2% Paper & Pulp 1% Pharmaceuticals 5% Power Generation 1% Research/Academic 4%Supplier 3%Water Utilities 46%

    Analyst 1%Civil Engineer 12%Energy Management 3%Environmental Management 7%Managing Director 4%Operations Management 4%Plant Engineer 7%Plant Management 6%Process Engineer 12%Procurement & Purchasing 7%Project Engineer 9%Project Management 9%Research & Development 7%Senior Management 8% Technician 4%

    Monthly circulation of 11,686

    Interactive circulation profile

    Company activity

    Job function

  • The



    The Website

    Easy to navigate, with an unparalleled search engine, the Water Active website provides daily news, case studies and new product updates, in both static and video formats, for those who can’t wait for their monthly magazine ‘fix’!

    There’s a comprehensive directory, enabling the efficient sourcing of products and services from companies within the industry. Whilst there’s no substitute for googling, visitors to the website want to know that those companies featured in the news, case studies and products can be found without leaving the site. With video capability, companies can include a short message or promotional video on their directory listing page.

    There’s also a diary page, ensuring every major event in the water industry both at home or abroad, can be found.

    Not too much information, not too little, but just the right amount.

    Nice and clean, nice and easy... www.wateractive.co.uk

    What’s on offer

    Banner advertising – a 468 x 60 pixel banner displayed at the top or bottom of the website, chosen on a rotational basis to ensure everyone gets some time on the home page.

    Button advertising – a 150 x 58 pixel button displayed down the right hand side of the website in one of 10 rotational positions.

    Suppliers Directory – three options for displaying your company contact details within the database, with a low cost 12 month entry.

    “In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.” Peter Nivio Zarlenga

  • 71,491 page views per monthAverage page views per visitor = 3.35

    0-10 seconds = 6.07%11-30 seconds = 7.39%31-60 seconds = 5.04%61-180 seconds = 8.88%181 – 600 seconds = 71.27%601-1800 seconds = 1.12%1801 + seconds = 0.23%

    Most popular page after the home page is /directory/

    Second most popular page after the home page is /diary/

    UK - 66% Mainland Europe - 15%North America - 8% New Zealand & Australia - 1%Rest of the World - 10%

    21,324 unique

    visitors per month

    Website stats

    Time on site per visit

    Geographical split

    Page views

  • Year


    k Year Book

    The Water Active Year Book is another ground-breaking concept from The Water Active Team. Traditional year books and directories have a cover price, and subsequently limited circulations with short print runs.

    The Water Active Year Book bucks this trend. It is a full colour, A5 perfect bound book distributed free of charge to all 7,109 subscribers of the print version of Water Active alongside the August issue. It is also available at exhibitions and can be viewed online, free of charge, as an interactive magazine via www.wateractiveyearbook.co.uk.

    Chapters include: Water Supply & Sewerage Companies, Environment Agencies, Central Government, Local Government, Health & Environmental Organisations, Academic & Research, Trade Associations, Civil Engineering, Suppliers Guide A to Z, Suppliers Guide Products & Services, Suppliers Guide 24 Hour Emergency Call Out.

    For advertisers, prices are kept to a minimum, ensuring it’s available to all suppliers in the market no matter what their budget size. This makes for a highly comprehensive book.

    What’s on offer

    Display advertising – A5 sized advertising, including double page spreads, placed within the main body of the Year Book.

    Entry in the A-Z Suppliers Guide section with company name, full colour logo, 15-20 word descriptive profile, postal address, telephone number, email and web address. Plus company name listed under industry sectors in the Products & Services section.

    Additional sectors can be purchased, so you can make sure that every product or service you promote gets seen.

  • Print circulation

    Circulation of 8,609

    Circulation of 11,686

    Interactive circulation

    The same circulation as the print version of Water Active but with extra copies distributed on request and at exhibitions and conferences.

    See print circulation page for full details.

    The same circulation as the interactive version of Water Active.

    See interactive circulation page for full details.







    Water Supply & Sewerage Companies

    Environment Agencies

    Central Government

    Local Government

    Health & Environmental

    Academic & Research

    Trade Associations & Other Relevant Organisations

    Suppliers Guide - A to Z

    Suppliers Guide - Products & Services

    24 Hour Emergency Call Out

    Civil Engineering

    Providing solutions to your fluid problems

    Cover 2012 - 2013.indd 1 17/07/2012 12:43:09191.indd 1 24/07/2012 09:51:31

    Units 7-8 Roewood Courtyard


    NottinghamshireNG22 8PG

    Stormsaver Ltd

    T: 0844 884 0015E: [email protected]: www.stormsaver.com

    UK rainwater harvesting experts. Reliable products, good value, excellent customer service.

    Stormsaver.indd 1 17/07/2012 09:43:33

    Stormsaver - Teekay

    Beacon HouseNuffield Road

    CambridgeCB4 1TF

    Synbiosis, Division ofSynoptics Ltd

    T: 01223 727 125E: [email protected]: www.synbiosis.com

    World leading manufacturer ofautomated colony counters.

    Synoptics.indd 1 10/07/2012 11:53:43

    No 1 Whitehall RiversideLeeds

    LS1 4BN

    Straight PLC

    T: 0113 245 2244E: [email protected]: www.straight.co.uk

    Straight plc, the UK’s leading manufacturer and supplier of waste and recycling solutions.

    Straight PLC.indd 1 10/07/2012 11:59:03 Edison RoadHams Hall Distribution Park

    Coleshill Birmingham

    B46 1AB


    T: +44 (0) 1675 437 902E: [email protected]: www.talis-group.com

    TALIS UK is the trading name which incorporates Atlantic Plastics Ltd, Erhard Valves Ltd & Cast Iron Services (CIS), all based in the UK. It has a rich history of

    servicing the water industry both in the UK and around the world, with an extensive range of water fittings and valves for a variety of mains and service pipes.

    Talis.indd 1 17/07/2012 09:48:17

    31a Cleveland Road South Woodford

    London E18 2AE

    Superior Filtration Ltd

    T: 020 8989 1171E: [email protected]: www.superior-filtration.com

    AGF Automatic Gravity Sand Filters. No moving parts. No power for operation. Kleerflo Automatic Strainers.

    No spinning/rotating parts. Compact Water Treatment Plants.Automatic Suction Strainers. Moving Bed Sand Filters.

    Superior Filtration.indd 1 17/07/2012 09:45:53

    3 - 5 Morrison Road Ind. EstateAnnfield Plain

    StawleyCo. Durham

    DH9 7RU

    Swan Pipelines

    T: 01207 288 021E: [email protected]: www.swanpipelines.co.uk

    We provide an on-site service to Water & Wastewater Companies & their Principal Contractors. We provide a wealth

    of knowledge and experience in Underpressure Drilling, Line Stopping, Underpressure Valve Insertions & Pipe Cutting.

    Swan Pipelines.indd 1 10/07/2012 11:47:40

    Disraeli House12 Aylesbury EndOld Beaconsfield

    BuckinghamshireHP9 1LW

    Teekay Couplings Ltd

    T: 01494 679 500E: [email protected]: www.teekaycouplings.com

    Teekay Couplings Ltd. supply and manufacture mechanical pipe couplings from 20mm-4500mm

    suitable for pipe repair and new installations.

    Teekay.indd 1 10/07/2012 12:12:35


    The SteadingCopthill Farm

    StamfordPE9 4TD

    SWAN Analytical UK Ltd

    T: 01780 755 500E: [email protected]: www.swan-analytical.co.uk

    Swan Sets the Standard Online instruments for water quality monitoring within water utilities,

    power stations, pools, pharmaceutical and semiconductor plants.

    Swan Analytical.indd 1 10/07/2012 11:50:53174.indd 1 17/07/2012 11:01:46

    Thames Water


    Parent Company: Kemble Water Ltd *

    Regulated utility: Thames Water Utilities Ltd

    Ownership: Investment banks and pension funds

    * Kemble Water is ultimately owned by Macquarie Bank and other Macquarie-managed funds plus some long term

    investors principally pension funds

    Thames Water is one of the largest water utilities in the UK and certainly the best known. In 2006 it was bought by a

    consortium led by the Australian Macquarie Bank from RWE.This has led to a complete change around in strategy as the

    company refocused on its core water and wastewater market in London and the Thames Valley.

    Thames Water faces huge problems with the victorian water network in the capital, shortage of water supplies and con-

    cerns over pollution of the River Thames.This is compounded by the difficulties of replacing infrastructure in a capital

    city and the drain on resources that the Olympics will cause.The Government has agreed in principle the huge (about

    £2.5 billion) Thames Tideway project which will be the biggest ever contract in the water industry.The first stage, the

    Lee tunnel, is designed to divert half the sewage currently discharged into the River Thames to Beckton STW which is

    currently being upgraded as part of a £190m project.Work on the Thames Tunnel is not due to be complete until 2020.

    The UK’s first desalination plant the Thames Gateway plant opened at Beckton opened in May 2010.A huge programme

    of Victorian water mains replacement is underway and £346m is being invested to reduce sewer flooding.Thames Water

    has by far the biggest capital investment programme in AMP5 of any water company.

    A major business reorganisation is underway with the establishment of an Asset Owner/Service Provider organisation

    and the implementation of SAP as well as the opening of a new Operations Management Centre.

    The company had another very successful year in 2010. It achieved its water leakage target, continued its work to

    upgrade its five major London sewage treatment works and invested over £1bn to renew aging assets.The key challenge

    ahead is the long and complex Thames Tunnel where public consultation is underway.

    Thames Water

    Financial data is for regulated utility Thames Water - Data for financial year ended March 2011


    Turnover 1600 m

    Operating Profit £598 m

    Capital Investment £1006 m

    Area served 13 300 km2


    -Water 8.7 m

    -Waste water 13.8 m


    -Water supplied a day 2600 Ml/day

    -Length water mains 31 300 km

    -Water treatment works 99


    -Length of sewers 67 700 km

    -Waste water treatment works 349

    -Sludge produced 250 000 te’s dry

    watercoprofiles copy 1 28/6/11 1:10 pm Page 6

    Information supplied by


    0288.indd 1 28/06/2011 18:28:36

    Total FREE circulation

    Circulation of 20,295

  • Tech


    l Dat


    A3 sizes

    A3 Double page spread - type H: 386mm x W: 561mm

    A3 Full page - type H: 386mm x W: 265mm

    A3 Half page vertical H: 380mm x W: 130mm

    A3 Half page landscape H: 186mm x W: 265mm

    A3 Quarter page portrait H: 186mm x W: 130mm

    A3 Quarter page horizontal strip H: 89mm x W: 265mm

    A4 sizes

    A4 Full page H: 254mm x W: 178mm

    A4 Half page landscape H: 124mm x W: 178mm

    A4 Half page vertical H: 254mm x W: 86mm

    A4 Quarter page portrait H: 124mm x W: 86mm

    A4 Quarter page horizontal strip H: 60mm x W: 178mm

    All finished artwork must be supplied as high resolution cmyk colour PDFs PDF version 1.4 maximum. If we are designing an advertisement for you then all pictures and logos must be supplied at 300 dpi or greater and saved as a jpeg format.


    trim H: 420mm x W: 594mm

    bleed H: 426mm x W: 600mm

    bleed H: 426mm x W: 303mm

    trim H: 420mm x W: 297mm

  • The Website Rotating top banner H: 60px x W: 468px

    Rotating side button H: 58px x W: 150px

    Directory logo H: Unlimited x W: 200px

    Product photo H: Unlimited x W: 200px

    All images must be converted to RGB format and 96 dpi or greater. Directory logos and product photos should be supplied as a jpeg format.

    Any rotating banner or button should be supplied as an animated giff file.

    PLEASE REMEMBER FOR ALL PRINTED ADVERTISEMENTS: 1) The fonts will need to be embedded in a PDF file, or saved as curves. Images should be at least 300dpi for the best result. 2) Please save your artwork as a CMYK file or Pantone colours before converting it to a PDF (no RGB files). Any queries on how to do this please ask us for advice. 3) We cannot change PDFs once they have been received. Please ensure all information is complete when we receive it, otherwise it will be returned to you, to amend and re-supply. 4) Save your artwork in pages not spreads and at the correct page size i.e. A4 = A4, A3 = A3 etc. Size of artwork to be the actual size of finished print unless there is bleed. 5) If you are supplying the artwork as a third party (as a designer/agency for example) please let us know which job or customer the artwork is for, so that we can put it to the correct job as soon as we receive it. 6) We cannot guarantee the reproduction quality of any other file types supplied.

    A5 sizes

    A5 Double page spread - type H: 176mm x W: 264mm

    A5 Full page - type H: 176mm x W: 115mm

    Year Book

    A5 Half page - type H: 88mm x W: 115mm

    trim H: 210mm x W: 296mm

    bleed H: 216mm x W: 302mm

    trim H: 210mm x W: 148mm

    bleed H: 216mm x W: 154mm

  • Rate


    Display A3 sizes A3 Double page spread £3300

    A3 Full page £2200

    A3 Half page landscape or vertical £1650

    A3 Quarter page portrait or horizontal strip £850

    A4 sizes

    A4 Full page £1650

    A4 Half page landscape or vertical £850

    A4 Quarter page portrait or horizontal strip £425

    Front cover earpiece (per side) £200

    Cover positions 25% extra

    Classified Yearly SCC (single column centimetre) £100

    Blue page annual entry - one sector From £125

    Monthly SCC (single column centimetre) £30

    What’s New page £100 per entry

    Loose inserts £110 per 1,000 up to 10 g

    Blue page annual entry with logo - one sector From £170

    Extra sectors can be purchased at £25 each

    All advertisements booked into the print version are automatically included in the interactive version.

  • The Website Rotating top banner £400 per month

    Rotating side button £200 per month

    Directory entry option 1 annual listing £45 Company name, telephone number and one sector. Extra sectors can be purchased at £25 each.

    Directory entry option 2 annual listing £100 Company name, postal address, telephone, fax, email and web addresses and up to three sectors. Extra sectors can be purchased at £25 each.

    Directory entry option 3 annual listing £150 Company name, postal address, telephone, fax, email and web addresses. PLUS: Full colour company logo, 100 word company profile and up to six sectors. You will also receive a FREE video slot to accompany your directory entry. Please supply a .flv file under 10 MB. Extra sectors can be purchased at £25 each.

    Year Book Option 1 Entry in A-Z Suppliers Guide section with company name, telephone number, email and web address. Plus company name listed under one industry sector in the products and services section. £75

    Extra sectors can be purchased at £25 each.

    Option 3 As an option 2 plus an A5 half page £245

    Option 4 As an option 2 plus an A5 full page £395

    Option 5 As an option 2 plus an A5 double page spread £595

    Option 2 Entry in A-Z Suppliers Guide section with company name, telephone number, email and web address, plus a full colour logo, postal address, 15-20 word description and two industry sectors. £95

    (All prices are subject to VAT)

  • Cont


    Phil Alsop Tel: 01923 23 33 77 Mob: 07786 084 559

    Email: [email protected]

    Dan Ware

    Tel: 01923 23 90 09 Mob: 07887 853 787

    Email: [email protected]

    Jez Kirby

    Tel: 01923 23 50 50 Mob: 07932 727 582

    Email: [email protected]

    Water Active Ltd, Unit 2, 57 Bushey Grove Road, Bushey,Watford, Hertfordshire, WD23 2JW, England

    Tel: 01923 23 50 50 - Fax: 01923 25 22 20Web: www.wateractive.co.uk - Email: [email protected]

