FU prospectus 09-10Athanasiou Georgina Damianos Andreas Pittalis Renos Stylianou Paraskevi Field...


Transcript of FU prospectus 09-10Athanasiou Georgina Damianos Andreas Pittalis Renos Stylianou Paraskevi Field...

Page 1: FU prospectus 09-10Athanasiou Georgina Damianos Andreas Pittalis Renos Stylianou Paraskevi Field Work Supervisor ... DIS401 Dissertation 6 — ... Interpretation, presentation and
Page 2: FU prospectus 09-10Athanasiou Georgina Damianos Andreas Pittalis Renos Stylianou Paraskevi Field Work Supervisor ... DIS401 Dissertation 6 — ... Interpretation, presentation and

Department ofPrimary Education

ChairpersonDemetriou LouciaVice-chairpersonHadjipanayiotidou Anna (Acting)ProfessorsAthanasiou LeonidasTompaides DimitrisAssociate ProfessorsDemetriou LouciaAssistant Professors Hadjipanayiotidou AnnaKadji ChrysanthiKaratasou KaterinaMakrides KlitosPanaoura AretiPavlou VictoriaTsolakides Simeon*LecturersAnagnostou GarifallosEteokleous NikleiaOrphanos SteliosVisiting Teaching StaffTzouriadou Mary – Professor Demosthenous EvripidesMpekos IoannisSpecial Teaching StaffAthanasiou GeorginaDamianos AndreasPittalis RenosStylianou ParaskeviField Work SupervisorSoteriades Andreas

* Rank temporarily assigned by a Selection Committee until evaluation procedure is finalised.

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Primary Education4 Years, Bachelor of Education (Ptychio), European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS

General aim:The program aims to help students to acquire the essential academic, pedagogical, and methodological background, and to develop desirableskills and attitudes so that they effectively and creatively practice the profession of educator in a continuously changing and evolving world, and torender them capable of continuing, if they so desire, into graduate studies.The Objectives of the program are:- The acquisition of academic and pedagogical background in the context of current perceptions.- The development of essential teaching, administrative, and interpersonal skills and attitudes so that students practice effectively and qualitatively the profession of educator in the elementary school.- The acquaintance with practice in elementary school classrooms.- The development of sensitivities and respect to the children and to the diversity among them.- The development of inquiring mind as well as the capability and willingness for advancement of the profession and the pedagogical knowledgethrough research.

- The involvement in research that promotes pedagogical knowledge and supports the profession.- The acquisition of the background to continue studies at graduate level.LaboratoriesStudents of the Department also have access to the University's general purpose computer laboratories. These laboratories, with a total of 140workstations, offer a wide variety of software including office applications, and educational software packages. The laboratories provide high-speed Internet access and printing facilities and are accessible 08:00 to 21:00 daily.The program has been conditionally approved by the Evaluation Committee of Private Universities ( ECPU )

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The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits andcomprises of required courses, specialization courses, electivecourses and general education electives as specified below:

ECTSRequired Courses 204Elective Courses 16Specialization Courses 8General Education Electives 12TOTAL 240Required Courses ECTS HoursTEP301 Teaching Practice at Primary Education 8 —TEP401 Teaching Practice at Primary Education 8 —DIS401 Dissertation 6 —MAT202 Teaching of Mathematics at Primary Education 5 3SCI100 Natural Sciences 5 3GRK100 Text Production 5 3GRK103 Modern Greek Literature 5 3GRK102 Modern Greek Language 5 3GRK204 Teaching of Greek Language at

Primary Education 5 3GRK205 Teaching of Literature for Children at

Primary Education 5 3MAT200 Basic Mathematical Concepts 5 3SCI303 Teaching of Natural Sciences at

Primary Education 5 3PES100 Introduction to Pedagogical Sciences 5 3EDE201 Educational Evaluation at Primary Education 5 3GRK203 Reading and Writing at Primary Education 4 3HED303 Health Promotion through Primary School 4 3GRK308 Teaching of Greek as a Second Language

at Primary Education 5 3TEP205 Teaching Practice at Primary Education 4 —TEP206 Teaching Practice at Primary Education 4 —DIS402 Dissertation 4 —HIS300 History of Education in Greece and Cyprus 4 3SOC401 Sociology of Education 4 3SED200 Introduction to Special Education 4 3SED402 Learning Difficulties 4 3ENV300 Environmental and Social Studies

at Primary Education 4 3COM101 Computer Science 4 3SEP101 School Experience I at Primary Education 4 3SEP103 School Experience II at Primary Education 4 3CUR102 The School Environment and its Organization

at Primary Education 4 3CUR203 Theory and Methodology of Teaching

at Primary Education 4 3REG401 Christian Education 4 3PSY102 Developmental Psychology 4 3PSY202 Psychology of Learning 4 3GED121 Intercultural Education 4 3ENV402 Methodology of Environmental Studies

at Primary Education 4 3

GED122 Museum Education 4 3ENG101 Basic English 3 3ENG201 Intermediate English 3 3ENG301 English Composition 3 3ENG401 Advanced Writing 3 3HED301 Nutrition at Primary Education 4 3MUS100 Music I-Theory 3 2MUS303 Music II-Teaching of Music at

Primary Education 3 2ART101 Art I at Primary Education 3 2ART403 Art II – Teaching of Art at Primary Education 3 2PED101 Physical Education I at Primary Education 3 2PED103 Physical Education II – Teaching of

Physical Education at Primary Education 3 2DIS301 Methodology of Educational Research 2 2DIS302 Statistics 2 2Elective Courses ECTS HoursHED400 Topics of Health 4 3CDL400 Child Language and its Disorders 4 3CUR400 Curriculum Development 4 3CUR401 Educational Management/ Administration 4 3TEC400 Audiovisual Technology 4 3PHI401 Philosophy of Education 4 3PSY401 Psychology of Personality 4 3PSY402 Social Psychology 4 3DRA200 Creative Drama 4 3COE400 Comparative Education 4 3PCO401 Parent Counseling 4 3TEC302 Educational Technology 4 3MOV401 Movement 4 3General Education Electives ECTS HoursGED110 History of Cyprus 4 3GED111 Public Relations 4 3GED113 Introduction to Communication 4 3GED120 European Union and Cyprus 4 3Specialization ECTS HoursSPE304 Choose one of the four categories

at the 5th semester 4 3A Specialization in Greek Language 4 3B Specialization in Mathematics 4 3C Specialization in Natural/Environmental

Sciences 4 3D (one of the following) Artistic Forms1 Specialization in Music2 Specialization in Art Education3 Specialization in Drama Education4 Specialization in Physical Education 4 3SPE305 Specialization in the category selected

at the 5th semester 4 3

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Description of CoursesART101: Art I at Primary Education, ECTS 3Students are expected to acquire basic and neces-sary skills in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional cre-ations, using a variety of materials in painting, sketch-ing, and relief and be able to apply them in teachingactivities in the elementary school classroom.ART403: Art II – Teaching of Art at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 3The focus of this course is to analyze teaching strate-gies and theories for better preparation of prospectiveteachers for designing effective learning experienceswhen teaching elementary art education. Methods ofteaching are thoroughly examined and ways of inte-grating the guidelines given by the Ministry ofEducation and Culture, into the curriculum, are dis-cussed. Students will have the opportunity to practicedifferent methods of teaching in class. CDL400: Child Language and its Disorders,ECTS 4This course looks at how language develops in chil-dren. The aim will be to develop an understanding ofcurrent models of language and cognitive processes.The course will present developmental trends in lan-guage development in respect of different aspects oflanguage (e.g., phonological-morphological). Additio-nally, some language disorders are going to be pre-sented and discussed. COE400: Comparative Education, ECTS 4Models and theories. Comparative examination andanalysis of educational issues with the application ofsocial sciences theories and methods. Analytic exam-ination of the educational systems of other countries.Evaluation, interpretation and comparison of the char-acteristics of local and foreign educational systems,considering the social elements and forces withinwhich they operate. Develop understandings aroundeducational issues and their examination through anew perspective. Broadening perceptions on educa-tion and forces that act upon it.COM101: Computer Science, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to help students acquire therequired knowledge and skills in order to be able touse information technology within the context of theirprofession as teachers. At the end of the course stu-dents will be in a position to conceive the usefulnessand the necessity of using Information technology, inaccordance with the demands of the InformationTechnology Era. The subjects to be covered are:Introduction to Technology, M.S. Word, M.S. Excel,M.S. Power Point, Email and the Internet. CUR102: The School Environment and itsOrganisation at Primary Education, ECTS 4Students are expected to familiarize themselves withthe natural, manmade and social environment ofschool, relate it to the organization of space and real-ize the need for the acquisition of the necessary skillsfor the teaching/learning activity and the functioning ofthe school organization.CUR203: Theory and Methodology of Teaching atPrimary Education, ECTS 4Teaching and learning as an engaging and interactiveprocess among the teacher, the learner, and the sub-ject matter. Teaching and learning as a problem-solv-ing process that engages the subject matter and thelearner toward the effective learning for all students.Processes that support the effective learning, i.e. dif-ferentiated and personalized teaching, collaborativelearning, metacognitive development, critical thinking,knowledge construction, interdisciplinary approach ofknowledge. Democratic processes of teaching andlearning, inclusive of equal opportunities, respect ofhuman rights, diversity, individuality, multiculturalism.CUR400: Curriculum Development, ECTS 4Educational policy and curriculum. The process andmodels of curriculum development within historical,political and sociocultural frames. The significance ofcurriculum and its structural elements. The Cypruselementary-school curriculum and other curricula.Curriculum development at macro and micro levelsand adaptation to the needs of particular school pop-ulation. Cohesiveness, cohesion and sequence ofcurriculum elements and their relation to teaching.Curriculum implementation. Textbook production andevaluation. School curriculum and out-of-school cur-riculum. Forms of curriculum that intervene in theprocess of planning and evaluation. Forms of curricu-lum inquiry and their critical examination at local andEuropean level.

CUR401:Educational Management/Administration, ECTS 4The models of management and their implementationin school. Effectiveness, quality and the QualitySchool. The school as an organisation. Headship andleadership. Staff Development. The Cyprus Educa-tional System. The basic educational laws and rules.Communication systems in education. The decisionmaking process. The motivation of teachers and stu-dents. Change and innovation in education.DIS301: Methodology of Educational Research,ECTS 2Basic concepts of educational research. The use ofqualitative research, the use of quantitative researchand the use of the triangulation. The different types ofvariables and the scales. Research stages: under-standing the problem, review of literature, methodolo-gy, presentation of the results, discussion/conclu-sions. Measurement scales. Validity and reliability ofmeasurements. The use of questionnaire, interview,observation.DIS302: Statistics, ECTS 2The course is aimed at helping students becomeacquainted with the basic types of research (qualita-tive and quantitative) and the collection of quantitativedata. Many different indicators of descriptive statisticalanalysis by using different statistical packages.Explanation of the results of the statistical analysis andpresentation of the results by using different types ofdiagrams. The selection of the appropriate statisticcriteria for each case.DIS401 & 402 Dissertation, ECTS 10Planning and executing a study on a topic relevant toeducation based on empirical evidence or on litera-ture review, under the supervision of a member of staffof the department.DRA200: Creative Drama, ECTS 4Definition of the terms play, drama, theatre.Introduction to the different techniques of creativedrama and their implementation in the course of thegeneral aims of the pre-primary and primary schooleducation. The contribution of creative drama to thedevelopment of creativity, imagination, communica-tion, mental and physical knowledge of the child.Communication and development of the understand-ing of social behaviour through stories and improvisa-tion. The need of theatrical exercises and the use oflanguage and body language for the development ofcritical thinking and understanding of the views andneeds of others. The use of drama as an educationaltool for the purpose of teaching other school subjects.EDE201: Educational Evaluation at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5Aims of evaluation. Models of formative and compar-ative evaluation. Types of written questions. Classictheory text analysis criteria. Dimensions of education-al evaluation. Error analysis (Rasch model).Educational evaluation methods, models and forms.Examination and analysis of authentic forms of evalu-ation and comparison with aptitude tests.Interpretation, presentation and dissemination of eval-uation results with particular emphasis in the use ofthe portfolio technique. Critical examination of issuesconcerning educational evaluation, such as teaching,educational work, student-records, intervention pro-grams, education personnel, school unit, educationalsystem and education in general.ENG101: Basic English, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to develop students’ ability tocomprehend and analyze oral and written languageand to improve their communicative skills. It also aimsto familiarize the students with grammar and syntaxand provide them with extensive study of the majorgrammatical and syntactic rules including, vocabularydevelopment and basic concepts of writing.ENG201: Intermediate English, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to build on Basic English(ENG 101) and further improve students’ ability tocomprehend and analyze oral and written languageand express themselves confidently and accurately.Instruction and extensive writing will be provided toimprove students’ reading, writing, listening, andspeaking skills.ENG301: English Composition, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to develop the students’ writ-ing and oral skills on a mature level and provideguidelines on writing essays, formal letters, and cur-riculum vitae. Furthermore it aims to practice all lan-

guage skills in various oral and written tasks achievingaccurate and advanced communication. Finally thecourse aims to sharpen student’s ability in developingand expressing opinions, synthesizing texts andideas, and expressing authentic thought with clarity.ENG401: Advanced Writing, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to provide students withopportunities to further develop creative writing skillson a mature level and enable them to read, discussand interact on various topics in English. Importantlanguage function and structures will be revised andpracticed in this context.ENV300: Environmental and Social Studies atPrimary Education, ECTS 4This course focuses on the understanding of the inter-active relationships between man and the environ-ment. Through the study of different dimensions of theenvironment (place, time, culture, religion), the coursewill support students to develop abilities, conceptsand attitudes that will be utilised towards the properinterpretation of the environmental changes.ENV402: Methodology of Environmental Studiesat Primary Education, ECTS 4The main aim of this course is to discuss differenteducational methods that promote the understandingof basic environmental concepts by children of pri-mary education. Through this course students willgain training and knowledge on the development andselection of the most appropriate environmental edu-cation activities. These activities are expected to effec-tively support the primary children to gain environmen-tal knowledge and develop environmental awareness.GED110: History of Cyprus, ECTS 4Students are expected to acquire a general view of thehistory of Cyprus by the main events of the followingperiods: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Roman,Byzantine, Latin, Ottoman, British and Independence.Turkish invasion and its consequences.GED111: Public Relations, ECTS 4Students will be introduced to the principles and prac-tices of public relations and to the analysis of publici-ty as a social phenomenon through the study of thestructure of communicative practices, encoding anddecoding of the message, mass media and publicrelations, selection of media, advertisement, cam-paign of public relations, publicity and society. GED113: Introduction to Communication, ECTS 4The course provides an overview of the basic princi-ples and theories of interpersonal, group and masscommunication. It includes the following secondarytopics: concept, basic principles, function and aim ofcommunication, the model of communicationprocess, verbal/non-verbal communication behavior,theories and perspectives on relations, cultural differ-ences in communication, elements of mass communi-cation, mass communication in society and culturalprocess and nature of mass media and mass culture.The course aims at the understanding of the main per-ceptions of the theory of communication and at offer-ing access to a variety of choices dealing with com-munication behavior. GED 120: European Union and Cyprus, ECTS 4The history of the creation of the European Union (theimportant changes in the development of the Union),the relations between the EU and Cyprus and theimportance of the accession of Cyprus to the Union(perspectives of finding a solution to the Cyprus prob-lem through the accession). An explanation of thefunction of the major institutions of the Union. Thepolitical, social and economical changes in theCypriot society that arise from the new situation.GED121: Intercultural Education, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to help students realize thesocial terms that the multicultural coexistence placesand to be rendered capable to work in a multiculturaland multilanguage society. Also students will clarifythe significance of cross-cultural education, compre-hending basic principles in its objectives and its oper-ation. Finally, they will develop skills of integrating theconcept of multiculturalism in the teaching and learn-ing.GED122: Museum Education, ECTS 4Purpose of the subject is to give the students theopportunity to decode the message of historical mon-uments, paintings and crafts, to understand the cultur-al dimensions of their creation, to gain a personalsocial and cultural identity, to appreciate the monu-

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The course aims to enhance student s knowledge ofthe codes and rules of various text types, as well as ofthe processes and techniques of text production,( par-aphrase, condensation, analysis / narrative sequence,argumentation etc.) Emphasis is given in the text pro-duction as a systematic process, describable, control-lable and amenable in rules of deontology.GRK103: Modern Greek Literature, ECTS 5Introductory course offering basic historical knowledgein the area of Modern Greek Literature and elements ofthe methods of literary analysis. Introduction to the his-tory of Modern Greek Literature (literary periods, literarygenerations, literary movements, representativeauthors and texts). Introduction to the concepts andmethods of literary analysis (history of literature, literarytheory, comparative literature and literary interpreta-tion).GRK102: Modern Greek Language, ECTS 5The course offers the conceptual framework for thestudy of Modern Greek Language. It includes an intro-duction to basic elements and approaches in the sci-ence of linguistics (e.g. description - regulation, syn-chronic - diachronic approach, language - speech etc./ linguistic sign, phoneme, morpheme, utterance etc./dialect, sociolect etc. /phonology, morphology,semantics, pragmatics, dialectology, sociolinguisticsetc.).GRK203: Reading and Writing at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4The skills of first reading and writing. The reading readi-ness. The pre-reading and pre-writing stages. The var-ious approaches of first reading. How we teach firstreading: mechanism, understanding and tone. Thecurriculum, the text books and other media used in firstreading and writing. The other subjects of Greek lan-guage in first grade. How to support children with spe-cial needs.GRK204: Teaching of Greek Language at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5Analysis of linguistic theories that influence the lan-guage teaching. Integration of language teaching ofprimary school with the communicative and text-cen-tered approach. Critical examination of the existing lan-guage curricula and the text-books which are used forthe teaching of language. Ways of evaluation of thecourse. GRK205: Teaching of Literature for Children atPrimary Education, ECTS 5The course is offering the conceptual and methodolog-ical framework for the study and teaching of children’sliterature. It includes an introduction to the theory ofchildren’s literature and a short historical introductionto modern children’s literature. Emphasis is given inthe cognitive object that constitutes the study of chil-dren's literature and its approach as object of teachingand learning in the preschool and elementary educa-tion.GRK308: Teaching of Greek as a SecondLanguage at Primary Education, ECTS 5Differentiation of language teaching, according at thelevel at which students, whose mother language is notGreek, acquire Greek language, respecting their cul-tural and language origin. The linguistic material isoffered - in the frame of communicative approach - inreal situations of daily communication.HED301: Nutrition at Primary Education, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to introduce the basicprinciples of nutrition: nutritional value of foods, andthe value of a balanced diet in child development andhealth maintenance, especially in infancy and pre-school years and enable students to make healthychoices themselves and teach the subject effectively.HED303: Health Promotion through PrimarySchool, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to study and analyze thephilosophy of health education within the ‘health pro-moting school’, its aim and objectives, contentmethodology, planning and implementation as aninterdisciplinary subject of the curriculum.HED400: Topics of Health, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to encourage the devel-opment of a better understanding of health and mod-els of health, the correlation of health and illness, theadoption and change of health behaviors, the adoptionof preventative health behaviors and the acquisition ofskills, attitudes and values that will contribute to healthpromotion.HIS300: History of Education in Greece andCyprus, ECTS 4Students are expected to understand the dynamic

education in Europe, Greece and Cyprus from theClassic Period to the 21st century. The main character-istics of education in Greece and Cyprus today.MAT200: Basic Mathematical Concepts, ECTS 5The basic aim of the course is the development of stu-dents’ understanding on basic concepts in mathemat-ics in order to develop their efficacy in teaching math-ematics at primary education. Fundamental conceptsare investigated in the historical development of math-ematical thought. The number systems and the maincharacteristics, the logic, the problem solving, theprobabilities, basic concepts in geometry and basicconcepts in number theory. MAT202: Teaching of Mathematics at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5The course is aimed at helping students becomeacquainted with the objectives and the content ofmathematics in primary education, the teaching meth-ods of the subject as they have developed in recentyears, the teaching aids, and the contemporary meth-ods of evaluating students’ mathematical abilities. Atthe same time the course examines the fundamentalpsychological theories as they concern the develop-ment of primary mathematical concepts in primaryschool children.MOV401: Movement, ECTS 4The course aims to guide the prospective teacher inhelping students achieve (a) the overall developmentof their abilities, (b) the development of creativity,imagination and sensitivity and (c) the growth of theirindividuality. It examines the structure of a dancingcourse, the theory and the components of dancingmovements, the dancing games and the expression ofsentiments, the exercise of senses and the dynamicsof movement.MUS100: Music I - Theory, ECTS 3The aim of this course is to help students perceive thebasic theory of music and acquire basic skills in teach-ing music. The subjects covered are: reading and writ-ing music, major scales, intervals, words used for per-formance directions, singing, performing simplemelodies and rhythmic phrases, the role of music inchildren’s education, music games and manufactureof simple instruments.MUS303: Music II - Teaching of Music at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 3The aim of this course is to help students widen theirknowledge and skills gained in MUS 100 and consoli-date the various techniques contributing to the devel-opment of their teaching skills. The subjects coveredare: music activities and educator’s planning, interac-tion of music activities, assessment in music lessons,Dalcroze’s and Orff’s music education systems, basicmusic concepts, reading and writing music, scales,transpositions, composing, singing, performing.PCO401: Parent Counseling, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to encourage the organi-zation of seminars where issues relating to child careand health will be analysed and discussed in a mannerthat will promote parental and community involvementand will contribute towards parents’ involvement in thework of school and the improvement of teacher-parentrelationships.PED101: Physical Education I at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 3The importance of Physical Education in primary edu-cation. Introduction to curriculum and teachingPhysical Education. The basic steps of unit plan andlesson plan preparation for school. Physical Educationin primary level school program design.PED103: Physical Education II – Teaching ofPhysical Education at Primary Education, ECTS 3The focus of this course is to analyze teaching strate-gies and theories for better preparation of prospectiveteachers for designing effective learning experienceswhen teaching elementary physical education.Methods of teaching are thoroughly examined andways of integrating the guidelines given by the Ministryof Education and Culture, into the curriculum, are dis-cussed. Students will have the opportunity to practicedifferent methods of teaching in class. PES100, Introduction to Pedagogical Sciences,ECTS 5Pedagogical models and theories. Schools of peda-gogical thought i.e. traditional pedagogy (Herbart),progressive education (Dewey), liberal education(Freire) and critical pedagogy (Apple, Giroux). Criticalexamination of pedagogical and educational process-es, educational aims, human educative capacity froma philosophical and psychological perspective,teacher-learner-school relationship, socio-economic

agogical philosophy.PHI401: Philosophy of Education, ECTS 4Students are expected to understand basic philosoph-ical principles and their influence on education bystudying the concept and object of philosophy and itsinfluence on Education. The main philosophical trendsthrough ages, the relationship of philosophy and edu-cation, concept and concept analysis, education andits related concepts, ethics and religious education,the philosophies which influenced and are influencingGreek Cypriot education, control and authority inschool.PSY102: Developmental Psychology, ECTS 4 This course provides an overview of the process ofhuman psychological development through childhood,covering biological, social, emotional and cognitiveissues. The course will present the expected develop-mental milestones during each of these phases ofdevelopment and we will discuss how significant is therole of adults (parents and teachers) in child develop-ment. Students are expected to draw on their ownexperience and actively participate in the learning. PSY202: Psychology of Learning, ECTS 4The main focus of this course is to firstly present themain learning theories and how they can be linked toeducational practice. In particular, the definition, thenature and the process of learning, the factors thataffect the learning process, as well as, some cognitiveaspects that relate closely with learning (intelligence,memory, creativity), are going to be discussed duringthe course. The aim of the course is to offer knowledgeto students, who are future teachers, so that they willpromote efficient and effective learning. PSY401: Psychology of Personality, ECTS 4The course focuses on personality development, withspecial focus on personality development during child-hood. Factors that affect personality development aswell as the stages that are supposed to characterizepersonality development are going to be presentedduring the course. At the end of the course, studentsare going to be introduced to some types of personal-ity disorder – focusing on symptoms and treatment.The ways in which educators can facilitate healthy per-sonality development will be presented. PSY402: Social Psychology, ECTS 4This course develops students' knowledge of theoryand research in social psychology. Major theoreticalapproaches and issues in contemporary social psy-chology, including perceiving persons, perceivinggroups, social attitudes, leadership, conformity, attrac-tion and close relationships, helping others, aggres-sion, are explored. The application of social psycholo-gy to important social issues is discussed.REG401: Christian Education, ECTS 4The course is designed to help students familiarizethemselves with fundamental Christian Orthodox truthsand virtues and to enable them to teach these truthsand virtues effectively as a result of deeper study ofJesus Christ's incarnation, life, pedagogical example,miracles and resurrection, the worship and sacramentsof Christian Orthodox Church and accepted pedagog-ical principles for religious education.SCI100: Natural Sciences, ECTS 5The course focuses on developing research skills inscience education. It investigates children’s under-standing of concepts from the natural sciences bymeans of research. The course uses a critical review ofthe methods used in order to help students learn toplan and implement their own research. SCI303: Teaching of Natural Sciences at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5This is a course on science education in primaryschool. At the end of the course, students are expect-ed to know and understand the major theories ofteaching and learning in the natural sciences as well asthe content of science concepts such as electricity,magnets, etc. Students should be able to assess the-oretical and didactical approaches. Finally they willhave developed their personal ideas and opinions onscience teaching and be able to plan and implementteaching units in science. SED200: Introduction to Special Education,ECTS 4The content of special education and the definition ofthe concepts of special education needs. The histori-cal review of special education. The internationaldimensions of policy of integration and the necessityof establishing a school for all. Special education inCyprus and the policy of integration in the CyprusEducational System.

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Description of CoursesSED402: Learning Difficulties, ECTS 4In this course students will become familiar with thefield of learning disabilities and special education. Theaim of the course is for students to become aware ofthe main characteristics of children diagnosed withdifferent types of the learning difficulties (e.g., specificlearning difficulties, sensory problems, giftedness,ADHD), and the implications for differing perspectivesin teaching practice. SEP101: School Experience I at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4Familiarizing students with the notions of school asorganization, teaching and learning, and their prepa-ration to progressively undertake instructive initiative.Understanding theory and practice as a whole andtheir progressive application through teaching.Organize visits at elementary and kindergartenschools. Democratic, open, small school. Models andtheories of teaching and learning, i.e. teaching that isteacher / learner / material-centred, individualized, tra-ditional, progressive. Types and forms of questionsand answers. Effective teaching and learning, andcourse evaluation and planning including planning,goal-setting, activities.SEP103: School Experience II at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4Familiarizing students with the elementary school asorganization and preparing them to undertake instruc-tive initiative. Understanding theory and practice as awhole and their progressive application throughteaching. Organize school visits at small and specialelementary schools in urban and rural areas. In-class-room workshops and discussion, creation of portfo-lios and concept maps. Teaching and learning.Instructive models. Evaluation of real-time and video-taped exemplary teaching, and of educationalresearch data. Action research. Examination andanalysis of lesson plans, instructive objectives,means, activities, and instructive material. Creation ofeducational philosophy that includes democratic,interdisciplinary teaching and learning, multicultural-ism, collaborative learning, available resources forteaching and learning, creation of conditions for effec-tive learning for the student and the teacher.SOC401: Sociology of Education, ECTS 8Students will understand the sociological factors influ-encing the structure and dynamics of educationalprocess by studying the concept of sociology, basicsociological concepts, sociological perspectives:structuralism and other approaches, the school as asystem, the socialization and its process, school as asocial factor, equality and educational opportunity,education and social change and organizationalchange and efficiency.SPE304 A & SPE305 A: Specialization in GreekLanguage, ECTS 8The course is aimed to give students the opportunityto study independently basic domains of GreekLanguage and cognitive development in respect ofGreek Language. The study of the recent beliefs andideas for the development of the language teachingaccording to recent theories. The use of technology inteaching of Language today and the development ofcurriculum in Language.SPE304 B & SPE305 B: Specialization inMathematics, ECTS 8The course is aimed to give students the opportunityto study independently basic domains of mathematicseducation and cognitive development in respect ofmathematics. The study of the recent beliefs andideas for the development of the mathematicalthought according to recent theories. The use of tech-nology in mathematics education today and the devel-opment of curriculum in mathematics education.SPE304 C & SPE305 C: Specialization inNatural/Environmental Sciences, ECTS 8Students will critically examine the relations betweenman and natural environment and the impact humanactivity has on nature. The course includes an intro-duction to environmental education, the developmentof the discipline and its value as an educational toolfor teaching and learning about the environment andultimately the development of environmental valuesand attitudes.SPE304 D1 & SPE305 D1: Specialization inMusic, ECTS 8The aim of this course is to help students acquire theknowledge and skills of a music teacher and initiatethem into various techniques contributing to the suc-

cessful implementation of the program. The subjectscovered are: analysis of the music curriculum,Swanwick’s spiral music development of children,music and movement in the primary school (furtherdevelopment), aural, singing, performing simple chil-dren’s songs on the instrument of the pupil’s choice. SPE304 D2 & SPE305 D2: Specialization In ArtEducation, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in-depth a segment in ArtEducation in the primary school, under the guidanceof the advisor, in order to satisfy their own interests, toextend their knowledge in all the domains of ArtEducation and to develop skills, relevant to the objectof their specialization. SPE304 D3 & SPE305 D3 Specialization In DramaEducation, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in-depth a segment in TheatreEducation in the primary school, under the guidanceof the advisor, in order to satisfy their own interests, toextend their knowledge in all the domains of TheatreEducation and to develop skills, relevant to the objectof their specialization. SPE304 D4 & SPE305 D4 Specialization InPhysical Education, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in-depth a segment in PhysicalEducation in the primary school, under the guidanceof the advisor, in order to satisfy their own interests, toextend their knowledge in all the domains of PhysicalEducation and to develop skills, relevant to the objectof their specialization. TEC302: Educational Technology, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to help students to developthe ability to exploit Information CommunicationTechnologies (I.C.T) as educational tools in the con-text of Primary Education. More specifically, studentsare expected to be able to integrate modern techno-logical applications in the teaching and learningprocess (integration within the daily curriculum activi-ties) and within administrative and organizationalissues. TEC400: Audiovisual Technology, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to familiarize students withthe audiovisual tools of teaching, to understand thephilosophy, the importance, and the prospect of inte-grating them in the teaching and learning process.Also students will acquire skills of developing and inte-grating audiovisual means in the daily curriculumactivities, as well as integrate them within administra-tive and organizational issues, in the context ofPrimary Education. TEP205 & 206: Teaching Practice at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to familiarize themselves withthe practical aspect of their study (teaching practice)to planning, implementing with confidence and evalu-ating with adequacy peer group lessons from allareas of the School Curriculum and to develop effec-tive commitment and cooperation with the wholeschool environment.TEP301: Teaching Practice at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to extend their teaching expe-riences in planning, implementing, evaluating withsuccess lessons from all the areas of the SchoolProgram, to follow teaching strategies, techniquesand processes that enrich the pupils experience incognitive, psychomotor and affective domains, toorganize and manage effectively the class and schoolenvironment and to develop abilities and skills in eval-uating and reinforcing themselves and their schoolwork.TEP401: Teaching Practice at PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to be in a position to undertakefull responsibility in running, teaching and managing aclass, to regard themselves as an active and efficientmember of the schools personnel, to cooperate close-ly and sincerely with all the factors involved in theteaching learning process and to contribute with alltheir behavior and activity in the improvement ofschool effectiveness and it’s organizational health.

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Department ofPre-Primary Education

ChairpersonPapandreou Andreas (Acting)Vice-chairpersonLoizidou Natali (Acting)Associate Professors Kadis CostasPapandreou Andreas* Assistant Professors Apostolidou MarthaVasiliadou MariaLecturersChristodoulidou MariaChristodoulou NicolettaConstantinides PanayiotisLoizidou NataliAntoniades LeandrosVisiting Teaching StaffSouliotis Mimis – ProfessorNtinas Constantinos – Associate Professor Charalambous Kyriakos – Assistant ProfessorConstantinou AndriMaki Panaoura Georgia Mesaritou EvgeniaModestou ModestinaRoussou MariaSpecial Teaching StaffAndreou VassilikiDamianos AndreasHadjigeorgiou DespinaMytides ElliPegkas PanayiotisTapakis AlexandrosField Work SupervisorPapantoniou Antonis

* Rank temporarily assigned by a Selection Committee until evaluation procedure is finalised.

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Pre-Primary Education4 Years, Bachelor of Education (Ptychio), European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS

General Aim:The program aims to help students to acquire the essential academic, pedagogical, and methodological background, and to develop desirableskills and attitudes so that they effectively and creatively practice the profession of educator in a continuously changing and evolving world, and torender them capable of continuing, if they so desire, into graduate studies.The Objectives of the Program are:- The acquisition of academic and pedagogical background in the context of current perceptions.- The development of essential teaching, administrative, and interpersonal skills and attitudes so that students practice effectively and qualitatively the profession of educator in the kindergarten school.- The acquaintance with practice in kindergarten school classrooms.- The development of sensitivities and respect to the children and to the diversity among them.- The development of inquiring mind, as well the capability and willingness for advancement of the profession and the pedagogical knowledgethrough research.

- The involvement in research that promotes pedagogical knowledge and supports the profession.- The acquisition of the background to continue studies at graduate level.LaboratoriesStudents of the Department also have access to the University's general purpose computer laboratories. These laboratories, with a total of 140workstations, offer a wide variety of software including office applications, and educational software packages. The laboratories provide high-speed Internet access and printing facilities and are accessible 08:00 to 21:00 daily.The program has been conditionally approved by the Evaluation Committee of Private Universities ( ECPU )

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The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits andcomprises of required courses, specialization courses, electivecourses and general education electives as specified below:

ECTSRequired Courses 188Elective Courses 24Specialization Courses 8General Education Electives 20TOTAL 240Required Courses ECTS HoursTEP302 Teaching Practice at Pre-Primary Education 8 —TEP402 Teaching Practice at Pre-Primary Education 8 —DIS404 Dissertation 6 —GRK103 Modern Greek Literature 5 3GRK101 Children’s Language at Pre-Primary

Education 5 3GRK206 Teaching of Literature for Children at

Pre-Primary Education 5 3PES100 Introduction to Pedagogical Sciences 5 3EDE200 Educational Evaluation at

Pre-Primary Education 5 3MAT201 Teaching of Mathematics at

Pre-Primary Education 4 3GRK307 Teaching of Greek as a Second Language

at Pre-Primary Education 5 3SCI202 Teaching of Natural Sciences at

Pre-Primary Education 5 3HED302 The Promotion of Health through

Pre-Primary Education 4 3GRK105 Language Teaching at Pre-Primary Education 4 3TEP203 Teaching Practice at Pre-Primary Education 4 —TEP204 Teaching Practice at Pre-Primary Education 4 —DIS403 Dissertation 4 —DRA200 Creative Drama 4 3HIS300 History of Education in Greece and Cyprus 4 3SOC401 Sociology of Education 4 3SED200 Introduction to Special Education 4 3SED401 Early Intervention to Developmental

Problems at Pre-Primary Education 4 3ENV301 Environmental and Social Studies at

Pre-Primary Education 4 3COM101 Computer Science 4 3SEP100 School Experience III at Pre-Primary Education 4 3SEP104 School Experience IV at Pre-Primary Education 4 3CUR101 The School Environment and its Organization

at Pre-Primary Education 4 3CUR200 Theory and Methodology of Teaching

at Pre-Primary Education 4 3REG401 Christian Education 4 3PSY102 Developmental Psychology 4 3PSY202 Psychology of Learning 4 3CDL400 Child Language and its Disorders 4 3

ENV401 Approaches of Environmental Studies at Pre-Primary Education 4 3

ENG101 Basic English 3 2ENG201 Intermediate English 3 3ENG301 English Composition 3 3ENG401 Advanced Writing 3 3HED101 Child Care 3 2HED401 Nutrition at Pre-Primary Education 3 2DRA202 Theatre Education - Puppet Show 3 2MUS100 Music I - Theory 3 2MUS101 Music III - Teaching of Music

at Pre-Primary Education 3 2ART100 Art III at Pre-Primary Education 3 2ART102 Art IV – The Teaching of Art

at Pre-Primary Education 3 2PED100 Physical Education III

at Pre-Primary Education 3 2PED204 Physical Education IV – The Teaching of

Physical Education at Pre-Primary Education 3 2DIS301 Methodology of Educational Research 2 2DIS302 Statistics 2 2Elective Courses ECTS HoursHED400 Topics of Health 4 3CUR400 Curriculum Development 4 3CUR401 Educational Management/Administration 4 3TEC400 Audiovisual Technology 4 3PHI401 Philosophy of Education 4 3PSY401 Psychology of Personality 4 3PSY402 Social Psychology 4 3COE400 Comparative Education 4 3PCO401 Parent Counseling 4 3TEC302 Educational Technology 4 3MOV401 Movement 4 3General Education Electives ECTS HoursGED110 History of Cyprus 4 3GED111 Public Relations 4 3GED113 Introduction to Communication 4 3GED120 European Union and Cyprus 4 3GED121 Intercultural Education 4 3GED122 Museum Education 4 3Specialization ECTS HoursSPE302 Choose one of the four categories

at the 5th semester 4 3i. Specialization in Art Education 4 3ii. Specialization in Music 4 3iii. Specialization in Drama Education 4 3iv. Specialization in Physical Education 4 3SPE303 Specialization in the category selected

at the 5th semester 4 3

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Description of CoursesART100: Art III at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 3Students are expected to acquire basic and neces-sary skills in 2-dimensional and 3 dimensional cre-ations, using a variety of materials in painting, sketch-ing, and relief and be able to apply them in kinder-garten classroom activities.ART102 ART IV: The Teaching of Art at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 3The focus of this course is to analyze teaching strate-gies and theories for better preparation of prospectiveteachers for designing effective learning experienceswhen teaching pre-primary art education. Methods ofteaching are thoroughly examined and ways of inte-grating the guidelines given by the Ministry ofEducation and Culture, into the curriculum, are dis-cussed. Students will have the opportunity to practicedifferent methods of teaching in class. CDL400: Child Language and its Disorders,ECTS 4 This course looks at how language develops in chil-dren. The aim will be to develop an understanding ofcurrent models of language and cognitive processes.The course will present developmental trends in lan-guage development in respect of different aspects oflanguage (e.g., phonological-morphological). Addi-tionally, some language disorders are going to be pre-sented and discussed. COE400: Comparative Education, ECTS 4Models and theories. Comparative examination andanalysis of educational issues with the application ofsocial sciences theories and methods. Analytic exam-ination of the educational systems of other countries.Evaluation, interpretation and comparison of the char-acteristics of local and foreign educational systems,considering the social elements and forces withinwhich they operate. Develop understandings aroundeducational issues and their examination through newlenses. Broadening perceptions on education andforces that act upon it.COM101: Computer Science, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to help students acquire therequired knowledge and skills in order to be able touse information technology within the context of theirprofession as teachers. At the end of the course stu-dents will be in a position to conceive the usefulnessand the necessity of using information technology, inaccordance with the demands of the InformationTechnology Era. The subjects to be covered are:Introduction to Technology, M.S. Word, M.S. Excel,M.S. Power Point, Email and the Internet.CUR200: Theory and Methodology of Teaching atPre-Primary Education, ECTS 4Teaching and learning as an engaging and interactiveprocess among the teacher, the learner, and the sub-ject matter. Teaching and learning as a problem-solv-ing process that engages the subject matter and thelearner toward the effective learning for all students.Processes that support the effective learning, i.e. dif-ferentiated and personalized teaching, collaborativelearning, metacognitive development, critical thinking,knowledge construction, interdisciplinary approach toknowledge. Democratic processes of teaching andlearning, inclusive of equal opportunities, respect ofhuman rights, diversity, individuality, multiculturalism.CUR101: The School Environment and itsOrganisation at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 4Students are expected to familiarize themselves withthe natural, manmade and social environment ofschool, relate it to the organization of space and real-ize the need for the acquisition of the necessary skillsfor the teaching/learning activity and the functioning ofthe school organization.CUR400: Curriculum Development, ECTS 4Educational policy and curriculum. The process andmodels of curriculum development within historical,political and sociocultural frames. The significance ofcurriculum and its structural elements. The Cypruselementary-school curriculum and other curricula.Curriculum development at macro and micro levelsand adaptation to the needs of particular school pop-ulation. Cohesiveness, cohesion and sequence ofcurriculum elements and their relation to teaching.Curriculum implementation. Textbook production andevaluation. School curriculum and out-of-school cur-riculum. Forms of curriculum that intervene in theprocess of planning and evaluation. Forms of curricu-lum inquiry and their critical examination at local andEuropean level.

CUR401: Educational Management /Administration, ECTS 4The models of management and their implementationin school. Effectiveness, quality and the QualitySchool. The school as an organization. Headship andleadership. Staff Development. The CyprusEducational System. The basic educational laws andrules. Communication systems in education. Thedecision making process. The motivation of teachersand students. Change and innovation in education. DIS301: Methodology of Educational Research,ECTS 2Basic concepts of educational research. The use ofqualitative research, the use of quantitative researchand the use of the triangulation. The different types ofvariables and the scales. Research stages: under-standing the problem, review of literature, methodolo-gy, presentation of the results, discussion/conclu-sions. Measurement scales. Validity and reliability ofmeasurements. The use of questionnaire, interview,observation.DIS302: Statistics, ECTS 2The course is aimed at helping students becomeacquainted with the basic types of research (qualita-tive and quantitative) and the collection of quantitativedata. Many different indicators of descriptive statisticalanalysis by using different statistical packages.Explanation of the results of the statistical analysis andpresentation of the results by using different types ofdiagrams. The selection of the appropriate statisticcriteria for each case.DIS403 & 404: Dissertation, ECTS 10Planning and executing a study on a topic relevant toeducation based on empirical evidence or on litera-ture review, under the supervision of a member of staffof the department.DRA200: Creative Drama, ECTS 4Definition of the terms play, drama, theatre.Introduction to the different techniques of creativedrama and their implementation in the course of thegeneral aims of the pre-primary and primary schooleducation. The contribution of creative drama to thedevelopment of creativity, imagination, communica-tion, mental and physical knowledge of the child.Communication and development of the understand-ing of social behavior through stories and improvisa-tion. The need of theatrical exercises and the use oflanguage and body language for the development ofcritical thinking and understanding of the views andneeds of others. The use of drama as an educationaltool for the purpose of teaching other school subjects.DRA202: Theatre Education - Puppet Show,ECTS 3The need of theatre education at school. The influenceof theatrical exercises for the development of social-ization and of the language of the child. The develop-ment of theatre games into a school performance. Thecontribution of puppet show as an educational andentertainment medium and its connection to the otheractivities of the curriculum. Development of construc-tive skills, production, staging and presentation ofschool performances and puppet show. Revision oftexts and the skill to improvise on them to fit the needsand techniques of a puppet show.EDE200: Educational Evaluation at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5Aims of evaluation. Models of formative and compar-ative evaluation. Types of written questions. Classictheory text analysis criteria. Dimensions of education-al evaluation. Error analysis (Rasch model).Educational evaluation methods, models and forms.Examination and analysis of authentic forms of evalu-ation and comparison with aptitude tests.Interpretation, presentation and dissemination of eval-uation results with particular emphasis in the use ofthe portfolio technique. Critical examination of issuesconcerning educational evaluation, such as teaching,educational work, student-records, intervention pro-grams, education personnel, school unit, educationalsystem and education in general.ENG101: Basic English, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to develop students’ ability tocomprehend and analyze oral and written languageand to improve their communicative skills. It also aimsto familiarize the students with grammar and syntaxand provide them with extensive study of the majorgrammatical and syntactic rules including, vocabularydevelopment and basic concepts of writing.

ENG201: Intermediate English, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to build on Basic English andfurther improve students’ ability to comprehend andanalyze oral and written language and express them-selves confidently and accurately. Instruction andextensive writing will be provided to improve students’reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.ENG301: English Composition, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to develop the students’ writ-ing and oral skills on a mature level and provideguidelines on writing essays, formal letters, and cur-riculum vitae. Furthermore it aims to practice all lan-guage skills in various oral and written tasks achievingaccurate and advanced communication. Finally thecourse aims to sharpen student’s ability in developingand expressing opinions, synthesizing texts andideas, and expressing authentic thought with clarity.ENG401: Advanced Writing, ECTS 3The aim of the course is to provide students withopportunities to further develop creative writing skillson a mature level and enable them to read, discussand interact on various topics in English. Importantlanguage function and structures will be revised andpracticed in this context.ENV401: Approaches of Environmental Studiesat Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 4The main aim of the course is to discuss different edu-cational methods that promote the understanding ofbasic environmental concepts by children of pre-pri-mary education. Through this course students willgain training and knowledge on the development andselection of the most appropriate environmental edu-cation activities. These activities are expected to effec-tively support the pre-primary children to gain environ-mental knowledge and develop environmental aware-ness.ENV301: Environmental and Social Studies atPre-Primary Education, ECTS 4This course focuses on the understanding of the inter-active relationships between man and the environ-ment. Through the study of different dimensions of theenvironment (place, time, culture, religion), the coursewill support the students to develop abilities, conceptsand attitudes that will be utilized towards the properinterpretation of the environmental changes.GED110: History of Cyprus, ECTS 4Students are expected to acquire a general view of thehistory of Cyprus by the main events of the followingperiods: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman,Byzantine, Latin, Ottoman, British and Independence.Turkish invasion and its consequences.GED111: Public Relations, ECTS 4Students will be introduced to the principles and prac-tices of public relations and to the analysis of publici-ty as a social phenomenon through the study of thestructure of communicative practices, encoding anddecoding of the message, mass media and publicrelations, selection of media, advertisement, cam-paign of public relations, publicity and society. GED113: Introduction to Communication, ECTS 4The course provides an overview of the basic princi-ples and theories of interpersonal, group and masscommunication. It includes the following secondarytopics: concept, basic principles, function and aim ofcommunication, the model of communicationprocess, verbal/non-verbal communication behavior,theories and perspectives on relations, cultural differ-ences in communication, elements of mass communi-cation, mass communication in society and culturalprocess and nature of mass media and mass culture.The course aims at the understanding of the main per-ceptions of the theory of communication and at offer-ing access to a variety of choices dealing with com-munication behavior. GED120: European Union and Cyprus, ECTS 4The history of the creation of the European Union (theimportant changes in the development of the Union),the relations between the EU and Cyprus and theimportance of the accession of Cyprus to the Union(perspectives of finding a solution to the Cyprus prob-lem through the accession). An explanation of thefunction of the major institutions of the Union. Thepolitical, social and economical changes in theCypriot society that arise from the new situation.

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and multilanguage society. Also the students will clarify the significance of cross-cultural education, compre-hending basic principles in its objectives and its oper-ation. Finally, they will develop skills of integrating theconcept of multiculturalism in the teaching and learn-ing.GED122: Museum Education, ECTS 4 Purpose of the course is to give students the opportu-nity to decode the message of historical monuments,paintings and crafts, to understand the cultural dimen-sions of their creation, to gain a personal social andcultural identity, to appreciate the monuments in theirnatural environment and help children to understandand respect different artistic expressions. GRK101: Children’s Language at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 5Basic language children’s characteristics of pre-pri-mary age. Identification of language incapabilities ofthese children, mainly on the communicative field.Identification of the divergences of children’s languageon phonological, morphological and syntactical mat-ters in relation to their mother language. Similaritiesand differences between the children’s language atpre-primary age and that of adults.GRK103: Modern Greek Literature, ECTS 5Introductory course offering basic historical knowledgein the area of Modern Greek Literature and elements ofthe methods of literary analysis. Introduction to the his-tory of Modern Greek Literature (literary periods, literarygenerations, literary movements, representativeauthors and texts). Introduction to the concepts andmethods of literary analysis (history of literature, literarytheory, comparative literature and literary interpreta-tion).GRK105: Language Teaching at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4The relationship between communication and lan-guage. Language acquisition at the infant stage andthe parents’ role. Language development in the pre-school years. Basic domains of language develop-ment; interaction and other relationships among them;whole language development. The environmental printand emergent literacy at home and at the nurseryschool.GRK206: Teaching of Literature for Children atPre-Primary Education, ECTS 5Course offering the conceptual and methodologicalframework for the study and teaching of children’s lit-erature. It includes an introduction to the theory of chil-dren’s literature and a short historical introduction tomodern children’s literature. Emphasis is given to thecognitive object that constitutes the study of children'sliterature and its approach as object of teaching andlearning in the preschool and elementary education.GRK307: Teaching of Greek as a SecondLanguage at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 5Differentiation of language teaching, according to thelevel to which students, whose mother language is notGreek, acquire Greek language, respecting their cul-tural and language origin. The linguistic material isoffered - in the frame of communicative approach - inreal situations of daily communication.HED101: Child Care, ECTS 3The purpose of the course is to introduce the basicprinciples of health education, as a curriculum subject,its methodology and content. It also aims to transmitbasic knowledge on personal and public health andskills and attitudes related to the theory and practice ofthe care of babies and children in kindergartens andpreprimary schools.HED302: The Promotion of Health through Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to study and analyze thephilosophy of health education within the ‘health pro-moting school’, its aim and objectives, contentmethodology, planning and implementation as aninterdisciplinary subject of the curriculum.HED400: Topics of Health, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to encourage the devel-opment of a better understanding of health and mod-els of health, the correlation of health and illness, theadoption and change of health behaviors, the adoptionof preventative health behaviors and the acquisition ofskills, attitudes and values that will contribute to healthpromotion.HED401: Nutrition at Pre-Primary Education,ECTS 3The purpose of the course is to introduce the basicprinciples of nutrition: nutritional value of foods, andthe value of a balanced diet in child development and

HIS300: History of Education in Greece andCyprus, ECTS 4Students are expected to understand the dynamicinteraction of education with various factors: econom-ic, political, cultural, religious, philosophical, sociologi-cal etc. as a result of the study of the concept of edu-cation as a universal possession. The development ofeducation in Europe, Greece and Cyprus from theClassic Period to the 21st century. The main character-istics of education in Greece and Cyprus today.MAT201: Teaching of Mathematics at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 4The course is aimed at helping students becomeacquainted with the objectives and the content ofmathematics in pre-primary education (numbers andoperations, patterns, geometry, measurement, statis-tics and probabilities, problem solving), the teachingmethods of the subject as they have developed inrecent years, the teaching aids, and the contemporarymethods of evaluating students’ mathematical abilities.At the same time the course examines the fundamen-tal psychological theories as they concern the develop-ment of primary mathematical concepts in pre-primaryschool children.MOV401: Movement, ECTS 4The course aims to guide the prospective teacher inhelping students achieve (a) the overall developmentof their abilities, (b) the development of creativity,imagination and sensitivity and (c) the growth of theirindividuality. It examines the structure of a dancingcourse, the theory and the components of dancingmovements, the dancing games and the expression ofsentiments, the exercise of senses and the dynamicsof movement.MUS100: Music I – Theory, ECTS 3The aim of this course is to introduce students to thebasic theory of music and help them acquire basicskills in teaching music at pre-primary level. The sub-jects covered are: basic theory of music, singing, per-forming simple melodies on the instrument of thepupil’s choice and simple rhythmic phrases on the per-cussion, basic music concepts, music games (cate-gories of music games) and manufacture of simpleinstruments.MUS101: Music III - Teaching of Music atPre-Primary Education, ECTS 3The aim of this course is to help students acquire theessential knowledge and skills of a music educatorand initiate them into various techniques contributingto the successful implementation of the program. Thesubjects covered are: music activities and educator’splanning, interaction of music activities, assessment inmusic lessons, international music education systems,singing, performing.PCO401: Parent Counseling, ECTS 4The purpose of the course is to encourage the organi-zation of seminars where issues relating to child careand health will be analyzed and discussed in a mannerthat will promote parental and community involvementand will contribute towards parents’ involvement in thework of school and the improvement of teacher-parentrelationships.PED100: Physical Education III at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 3The importance of Physical Education in pre-primaryeducation. Introduction to curriculum and teachingPhysical Education. The basic steps of unit plan andlesson plan preparation for school. Physical Educationat pre-primary level school program design.PED204: Physical Education IV – The Teachingof Physical Education at Pre-Primary Education,ECTS 3The focus of this course is to analyze teaching strate-gies and theories for better preparation of prospectiveteachers for designing effective learning experienceswhen teaching pre-primary physical education.Methods of teaching are thoroughly examined andways of integrating the guidelines given by the Ministryof Education and Culture, into the curriculum, are dis-cussed. Students will have the opportunity to practicedifferent methods of teaching in class. PES100: Introduction to Pedagogical Sciences,ECTS 5Pedagogical models and theories. Schools of peda-gogical thought i.e. traditional pedagogy (Herbart),progressive education (Dewey), liberal education(Freire) and critical pedagogy (Apple, Giroux). Criticalexamination of pedagogical and educational process-es, educational aims, human educative capacity froma philosophical and psychological perspective,teacher-learner-school relationship, socio-economicchanges and education. The work of great educators

PHI401: Philosophy of Education, ECTS 4Students are expected to understand basic philosoph-ical principles and their influence on education bystudying the concept and object of philosophy and itsinfluence Education. The main philosophical trendsthrough ages, the relationship of philosophy and edu-cation, concept and concept analysis, education andits related concepts, ethics and religious education,the philosophies which influenced and are influencingGreek Cypriot education, control and authority inschool.PSY102: Developmental Psychology, ECTS 4 This course provides an overview of the process ofhuman psychological development through childhood,covering biological, social, emotional and cognitiveissues. The course will present the expected develop-mental milestones during each of these phases ofdevelopment and we will discuss how significant is therole of adults (parents and teachers) in child develop-ment. Students are expected to draw on their ownexperience and actively participate in the learning. PSY202: Psychology of Learning, ECTS 4The main focus of this course is to firstly present themain learning theories and how they can be linked toeducational practice. In particular, the definition, thenature and the process of learning, the factors thataffect the learning process, as well as, some cognitiveaspects that relate closely to learning (intelligence,memory, creativity), are going to be discussed duringthe course. The aim of the course is to offer knowledgeto students, who are future teachers, so that they willpromote efficient and effective learning. PSY401: Psychology of Personality, ECTS 4The course focuses on personality development, withspecial focus on personality development during child-hood. Factors that affect personality development aswell as the stages that are supposed to characterizepersonality development are going to be presentedduring the course. At the end of the course, studentsare going to be introduced to some types of personal-ity disorder – focusing on symptoms and treatment.The ways in which educators can facilitate healthy per-sonality development will be presented. PSY402: Social Psychology, ECTS 4This course develops students' knowledge of theoryand research in social psychology. Major theoreticalapproaches and issues in contemporary social psy-chology, including perceiving persons, perceivinggroups, social attitudes, leadership, conformity, attrac-tion and close relationships, helping others, aggres-sion, are explored. The application of social psycholo-gy to important social issues is discussed.REG401: Christian Education, ECTS 4The course is designed to help students familiarizethemselves with fundamental Christian Orthodox truthsand virtues and to enable them to teach these truthand virtues effectively as a result of deeper study ofJesus Christ's incarnation, life, pedagogical example,miracles and resurrection, the worship and sacramentsof Christian Orthodox Church and of accepted peda-gogical principles for religious education.SCI202: Teaching of Natural Sciences at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 5This is a course on science education in pre-primary.Students are informed about important theories of cog-nitive development and learning in science educationin the kindergarten. Taught concepts include magnets,photosynthesis etc. Finally they learn to implementtheir skills and cognition for developing and teachingscience units. SED200: Introduction to Special Education,ECTS 4The content of special education and the definition ofthe concepts of special education needs. The histori-cal review of special education. The internationaldimensions of policy of integration and the necessityof establishing a school for all. Special education inCyprus and the policy of integration in the CyprusEducational System.SED401: Early Intervention to DevelopmentalProblems at Pre-Primary Education, ECTS 4Knowledge of the different developmental disorders inpre-primary level (intellectual, emotional, speech, visu-al, hearing, etc difficulties). The process of an earlyidentification and scientific intervention.Methodological approaches for the development andapplication of activities which will help the educatorsdeal with these problems.

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Description of CoursesSEP100: School Experience III at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4Familiarizing students with the notions of school asorganization, teaching and learning, and their prepa-ration to progressively undertake instructive initiative.Understanding theory and practice as a whole andtheir progressive application through teaching.Organize visits at elementary and kindergartenschools. Democratic, open, small school. Models andtheories of teaching and learning, relating to teacher /learner / material-centred, individualized, traditional,progressive. Types and forms of questions andanswers. Effective teaching and learning, and courseevaluation and planning including planning, goal-set-ting, activities.SEP104: School Experience IV at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 4Familiarizing students with the kindergarten school asorganization and their preparation to undertakeinstructive initiative. Understanding theory and prac-tice as a whole and their progressive applicationthrough teaching. Organize school visits at small andspecial kindergarten schools in urban and rural areas.In-classroom workshops and discussion, creation ofportfolios and concept maps. Teaching and learning.Instructive models. Evaluation of real-time and video-taped exemplary teaching, and of educationalresearch data. Action research. Examination andanalysis of lesson plans, instructive objectives,means, activities, and instructive material. Creation ofeducational philosophy that includes democratic,interdisciplinary teaching and learning, multicultural-ism, collaborative learning, available resources forteaching and learning, creation of conditions for effec-tive learning for the student and the teacher.SOC401: Sociology of Education, ECTS 4Students will understand the sociological factors influ-encing the structure and dynamics of educationalprocess by studying the concept of sociology, basicsociological concepts, sociological perspectives:structuralism and other approaches, the school as asystem, the socialization and its process, school as asocial factor, equality and educational opportunity,education and social change and organizationalchange and efficiency.SPE302 i & SPE303 i: Specialization in ArtEducation, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in-depth a segment in ArtEducation in the pre-primary school, under the guid-ance of the advisor, in order to satisfy their own inter-ests, to extend their knowledge in all the domains ofArt Education and to develop skills, relevant to theobject of their specialization. SPE302 ii & SPE303 ii: Specialization in Music,ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in depth an area of music educa-tion, under the supervision of a tutor, to satisfy owninterests, to widen their knowledge horizon and todevelop relevant skills with the topic of their study.SPE302 iii & SPE303 iii: Specialization in DramaEducation, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give the studentsthe opportunity to study in-depth a segment in TheatreEducation in the primary school, under the guidanceof the advisor, in order to satisfy their own interests, toextend their knowledge in all the domains of TheatreEducation and to develop skills, relevant to the objectof their specialization. SPE302 iv & SPE303 iv: Specialization inPhysical Education, ECTS 8The aim of the specialization is to give students theopportunity to study in-depth a segment in PhysicalEducation at the preschool and school level, underthe guidance of an advisor, in order to satisfy theirown interests, to extend their knowledge in all threedomains of learning (psychomotor, cognitive andaffective) and to develop skills, relevant to the objectof their study.

TEC302: Educational Technology, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to help students to developthe ability to exploit Information CommunicationTechnologies (I.C.T) as educational tools in the con-text of Pre Primary and Lower Primary Education.More specifically, the students are expected to beable to integrate modern technological applications inthe teaching and learning process (integration withinthe daily curriculum activities) and within administra-tive and organizational issues. TEC400: Audiovisual Technology, ECTS 4The aim of the course is to familiarize students withthe audiovisual tools of teaching, to understand thephilosophy, the importance, and the prospect of inte-grating them in the teaching and learning process.Also students will acquire skills of developing and inte-grating audiovisual means in the daily curriculumactivities, as well as integrate them within administra-tive and organizational issues, in the context of PrePrimary and Lower Primary Education. TEP203 & 204: Teaching Practice at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to familiarize themselves withthe practical aspect of their study (teaching practice)to the planning, implementing with confidence andevaluating with adequacy peer group lessons from allthe areas of the School Curriculum and to developeffective commitment and cooperation with the wholeschool environment.TEP302: Teaching Practice at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to extend their teaching expe-riences in planning, implementing, evaluating withsuccess lessons from all the areas of the SchoolProgram, to follow teaching strategies, techniquesand processes that enrich the pupils experience incognitive, psychomotor and affective domains, toorganize and manage effectively the class and schoolenvironment and to develop abilities and skills in eval-uating and reinforcing themselves and their schoolwork.TEP402: Teaching Practice at Pre-PrimaryEducation, ECTS 8Students are expected to be in position to undertakefull responsibility in running, teaching and managing aclass, to regard themselves as an active and efficientmember of the schools personnel, to cooperate close-ly and sincerely with all the factors involved in theteaching learning process and to contribute with alltheir behavior and activity in the improvement ofschool effectiveness and it’s organizational health.

Page 16: FU prospectus 09-10Athanasiou Georgina Damianos Andreas Pittalis Renos Stylianou Paraskevi Field Work Supervisor ... DIS401 Dissertation 6 — ... Interpretation, presentation and