Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012

UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY, 11:30 A.M.-1 P.M.: Native American Heritage Month Observance - McGill Training Center FRIDAY, 7-10 P.M.: Deck Party - The Lanes SATURDAY, 8 A.M.: Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk - Murphy Field House NOV. 22, NOON-2 P.M. & 3-5 P.M.: Thanksgiving Day Buffet - Club Meade NOV. 22, 11 A.M.-2 P.M., 3-4:30 P.M. : Thanksgiving Day Meals - Freedom Inn Dining Facility AMERICAN HEROES WWII, Vietnam veterans awarded Bronze Star at DINFOS ceremony PAGE 16 HISTORY LESSON Fort Meade Museum hosts World War I symposium for military enthusiasts PAGE 12 Sound off ! ´ VOL. 64 NO. 46 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community November 15, 2012 PHOTO BY PFC. JUANCARLOS PAZ FLYING HIGH Kordell Green pulls a frontside-180 air over a trash can at Maloof Skate Park in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 21. The photo won the 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera) Photo of the Month Contest for its composition, moment and color toning. Located at Fort Meade, the 55th is the Army’s only active-duty Combat Camera unit and rapidly deploys worldwide into the full spectrum of military operations to capture, edit and transmit high-definition imagery.

Transcript of Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012

Page 1: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012

UPCOMING EVENTS TOday, 11:30 a.M.-1 P.M.:

Native American Heritage Month Observance - McGill Training Center

FrIday, 7-10 P.M.:Deck Party - The Lanes

SaTUrday, 8 a.M.:Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk -

Murphy Field House

NOV. 22, NOON-2 P.M. & 3-5 P.M.:Thanksgiving Day Buffet - Club Meade

NOV. 22, 11 a.M.-2 P.M., 3-4:30 P.M. :Thanksgiving Day Meals - Freedom Inn Dining Facility

aMErICaN hErOESWWII, Vietnam veterans awarded Bronze Star at DINFOS ceremony

page 16

hISTOry lESSONFort Meade Museum hosts

World War I symposium for military enthusiasts

page 12

Soundoff!́vol. 64 no. 46 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community november 15, 2012

photo by pfc. Juancarlos paz

FLYINg HIgHKordell Green pulls a frontside-180 air over a trash can at Maloof Skate Park in Washington, D.C., on oct. 21. The photo won the 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera) Photo of the Month Contest for its composition, moment and color toning. located at Fort Meade, the 55th is the Army’s only active-duty Combat Camera unit and rapidly deploys worldwide into the full spectrum of military operations to capture, edit and transmit high-definition imagery.

Page 2: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012� SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................19

TroubleTicket............... 4 Movies.................................26

Community................. 22 Classified.............................28

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Edward C. rothsteinGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by Patuxent Publishing Co.

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Each year on Nov. 11, we pause to honor the service and sacrifice that our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guards-men have made in serving our nation.

The holiday is simply known as Veterans Day.

Our veterans represent the best of Ameri-ca. Coming from every background and every walk of life, they represent the rich tapestry of our nation and earned our respect by their willingness to defend our way of life and the freedoms so many are able to take for granted.

Last week, Fort Meade celebrated Veter-ans Day in true “Team Meade” fashion. The observance started Nov. 8 at the Fort Meade Museum Plaza as my father Harold recalled his experiences growing up with veterans of World War I, how he attended school with men returning from World War II, and his personal experiences as a Soldier serving in the Korean War.

Rep. Donna F. Edwards also attended the observance and talked about her experiences growing up as the daughter of an Airman and her life as a military child.

She made a special effort to remind us that veterans’ service to our country doesn’t end when they leave the military. For many veterans, it is a way of life.

The congresswoman encouraged everyone to remember our veterans every day, not just on Veterans Day. Every day is an opportunity to honor them for their service to our country and their service to our local communities.

Friday morning, I was invited to speak about Veterans Day at Century High School in Sykesville. I was truly impressed by the stu-dents’ wealth of knowledge about veterans, past wars and the sacrifices that our service members make on their behalf to keep our country safe and to defend the Constitution of the United States.

There also was a ceremony Friday at the Defense Information School hosted by Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski. The event honored two Army veterans who served in World War II and the Vietnam War. Both men received long overdue military honors as they were presented with the Bronze Star for their brav-

ery and hero-ism.

Dr. Charles Rath Jr. is 93 years old. Charles Shyab is 68. Respec-tively, it took 65 and 45 years for each of these veterans to be honored for their meri-torious service to our county.

As DINFOS Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin, who pinned the Bronze Star on each of these veterans put it: “They are American heroes and American treasures.”

We are thankful to Sen. Mikulski’s office for tracking down the documentation that made these awards possible.

To all of our veterans, I say “thank you” for your service. May you always be remem-bered on Veterans Day.

In addition to honoring veterans, the month of November is also designated as a time to honor and commemorate our mili-tary families.

Let’s remember that this is a monthlong celebration to honor the commitment and sacrifices made by families of our nation’s service members.

I especially want to honor the sacrifices of military children, who show courage and resilience as they move from base to base, school to school, and home to home. They are shining examples of patriots who enrich neighborhoods across America.

As we enter the holiday season, please take a moment to reflect on the people who have served, as well as those still serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. We should offer these service members and their families our sin-cere gratitude for their sacrifices.

We are a nation that is truly blessed by the courage and selfless service of our service members. Thanks for all you do to defend and protect our freedom.

Have a great week!

Show of gratitude to past, present service members

COL. Edward C. rOthstEin

Garrison Commander

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By Installation Management CommandPublic Affairs Office

Garrison commanders are recruiting for about 2,000 job openings.

While the competitive process can be time-consuming, exceptions to the process allow for noncompetitive selec-tion of current Installation Management Command employees, transitioning Sol-diers, disabled veterans and certain oth-ers.

At the same time, the Army still faces a new fiscal environment that could require more civilian workforce reduc-tions in the future. Therefore, the head-quarters will continue to closely oversee the filling of critical vacancies to ensure the command stays within sustainable end-strength numbers.

IMCOM started fiscal year 2012 fac-ing a mandatory reduction of more than 4,000 civilian positions including the headquarters, the regions and the garrisons.

In the interest of retaining a highly experienced and specialized workforce, the command approached the neces-sary reduction with a commitment to meet the end-strength target through attrition and judicious filling of critical vacancies.

This proactive approach to human resources management has succeeded to the extent that IMCOM has exceeded its reduction target through voluntary separations, retirement and cross-leveling through reassignment.

The new personnel outlook is good news for protecting the workforce, but the garrisons are now anxious to fill these nearly 2,000 openings to sustain their operations.

“It’s great to see that we could con-tinue to meet our mission requirements while still taking care of our civilian workforce,” said IMCOM commander Lt. Gen. Michael Ferriter.

The federal hiring system is a competi-tive process, designed to evaluate appli-cants fairly, but not necessarily quickly, especially in recruiting from outside the government. But federal regulations allow for noncompetitive consideration of the very populations IMCOM seeks to help, including current employees, transitioning Soldiers and disabled vet-erans.

“As we look at ways to expedite the approval process, there are steps the garrisons can take to speed the process,

IMCOM looks to expedite hiring at garrisonsincluding streamlining the recruiting process, working in advance with the [Civilian Personnel Advisory Center] on determining the level of competition, getting job assessments ready, consid-ering noncompetitive selections of the current IMCOM workforce, and hir-ing veterans and family members,” said IMCOM Director of Human Resources (G1) Karen M. Perkins.

Most hiring actions still must go to the HQ IMCOM Human Resources Man-agement Board for initial screening and a recommendation to the commanding general. When the commander approves a hiring request, he specifies whether a vacancy must be filled by a current IMCOM employee or whether it can be recruited outside the command and even outside the federal workforce.

The first step remains the IMCOM Enterprise Placement Program, which may provide a reassignment opportunity for a potentially vulnerable IMCOM employee who is willing to relocate. While the IEPP process is working, man-agers can begin their recruitment process to be ready to select if IEPP does not provide an eligible candidate.

If managers want to consider using one of the special hiring authorities laid out under Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations, there are many ways to hire transitioning Soldiers, disabled veterans and persons with disabilities, noncom-petitively.

“These are excellent ways to select qualified people noncompetitively, and they help disabled veterans and transi-tioning Soldiers, which we want to do anyway,” Lois Keith, chief of Civilian Personnel in the IMCOM G1, said.

One such authority is the Veterans’ Recruitment Authority, which allows for noncompetitive appointment to posi-tions in grades up to GS-11 of dis-abled veterans or veterans who served on active duty during a war, a recog-nized campaign or expedition, or certain other military operations. The VRA also extends to recently separated veterans.

Another opportunity is to appoint a veteran retired from active duty with a disability rating of 30 percent or more. These appointments are 60-day tempo-rary or term to start with, but may be converted to career or career-conditional at any time.

There are no grade limits with a 30 percent disability appointment, as long

file photo

thanksgIvIng at FreedOM InnJoin the Fort Meade community in celebrating the annual Thanksgiving Day meal at the Freedom Inn Dining Facility on Nov. 22.

The Thanksgiving meal will be celebrated formally at lunchtime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. An informal dinner will be served from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

Both lunch and dinner menus will include turkey, Cornish hens, dressing, candied yams and seasoned green beans.

Traditionally, the lunch meal is served by senior enlisted and officers of the participating tenant activities. Meal cardholders may dine at both meals.

Non-cardholders who choose to partake at both meals must pay at each.

as the applicant meets all qualification standards.

Another talent resource is Army spouses, who normally won’t qualify for noncompetitive appointment, but often come with wide experience and varied skill sets that might not be readily avail-able in the local talent pool.

Former government employees eligible for reinstatement can be selected non-competitively in any grade up to their former highest grade, as long as they meet qualifications.

The installation CPAC is the local resource for all civilian hiring. But especially when trying to expedite hir-ing through the use of noncompetitive

appointments, every action should be in consultation with them.

With the need for balance between expedited hiring and sustainable end strengths, garrison commanders need access to more than one option when filling a critical vacancy.

The headquarters will likely stay very involved in the hiring process for the foreseeable future in the interest of shel-tering the workforce from future adverse actions due to civilian reductions.

Options do exist, however, and using the hiring authorities provided can help garrisons fill their critical vacancies while also providing opportunity for some very deserving candidates.

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Nov. 5, Larceny of private proper-ty: Unknown person(s) removed an unsecured, unattended bicycle from a residence.

Nov. 5, Shoplifting: AAFES secu-rity at the Exchange observed the subject, via surveillance camera, conceal four magazines and proceed

beyond the point of sale without rendering proper payment

Nov. 8, Larceny of private prop-erty: An unknown person took a cell phone, which was left unse-cured and unattended, during a

luncheon ceremony at the Defense Information School.

CommunityCommunityCrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

By Suzanne TeagueEnvironmental Division

Today, Nov. 15, marks the 16th year of America Recycles Day.

The day is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of recycling while providing an education platform that helps raise aware-ness about the value or reducing, reusing and recycling — every day — throughout the year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and groups around the world have begun collaborating on a strategy in the hopes of curtailing an ever-increasing inter-national problem - electronic waste.

Our need to talk and be connected 24/7 along with the “want” to have the latest and greatest in high-tech products is creating an insurmountable amount of electronic waste. E-waste is today’s fastest-growing waste stream.

This is an example of how fast electronic waste is growing: 65 million smart phones were sold in the U.S. in 2010. In 2011, that number jumped to 95 million. Worldwide, 1.8 billion mobile devices were sold, up 11.1

percent from 2010.The ramification of how we deal with

e-waste is not just a national concern but a global one as well.

The EPA reported that Americans dis-posed of approximately 2.4 million tons of electronic waste in 2010 with only about 25 percent of it being recycled. The amount of e-waste worldwide is even more staggering at approximately 40 million tons.

Cell phones alone only average a recy-cling rate of 8 percent, which means we’re missing out on the recovery of valuable metals such as copper, silver, gold and pal-ladium.

It’s estimated that roughly 75 pounds of gold, 35,000 pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver and 33 pounds of palladium could be recovered from 1 million cell phones.

This huge surge of electronic waste hasn’t gone unnoticed. On America Recycles Day in 2010, President Barack Obama estab-lished an Interagency Task Force on Elec-tronics Stewardship to deal specifically with e-waste.

The purpose of the task force, which

includes the EPA, General Services Admin-istration and the Council on Environmental Quality, was to develop a strategy that would address the life cycle of electronic products — from design to the eventual recycling or disposal of items.

The need to have a policy in place is for national and international reasons.

The recovery of metals and materials through recycling reduces the environmen-tal impacts and energy demands that would otherwise occur with mining and manu-facturing. With just 25 percent of e-waste being recycled, the U.S. is sending tons of it to the landfills and exporting the remaining to developing countries.

Unfortunately, because recycling is unregulated in developing countries, crude recovery practices are used, leading to the release of toxic substances such as lead, mercury, acids and dioxins into the envi-ronment.

Serious public health and environmental impacts are a growing concern, and the EPA is working with international groups such as the United Nations University-

Solving the E-waste Problem Initiative to develop a cradle-to-grave strategy for these electronic products.

Locally, the state of Mary-land generates 150,000 tons of e-waste annually. A statewide electronics recycling program has been in place since 2007 with recent modifications implemented on Oct. 1.

The revised law applies to

manufacturers of a “covered electronic device,” a computer or video display device with a screen that is greater than four inches measured diagonally. The law requires man-ufacturers to put a manufacturer’s brand label on the device; pay a registration fee; and provide educational and instructional materials relating to the destruction and sanitization of data from the device.

E-waste generated at Fort Meade is processed through the Defense Logistics Agency, previously known as DRMO. One of DLA’s major roles is to explore reuse opportunities for the equipment while mak-ing it available to other DoD organizations through reutilization, transfer or donation.

Additionally, because the Recycling Facility at Fort Meade is limited to the type of e-waste it can accept and process, only cell phones and batteries from laptops can be turned in at the facility. No personal e-waste can be accepted by DLA or the Recycling Facility.

Best Buy and other companies such as Samsung and Dell have initiated take back programs and recycling programs that allow customers to drop off old electronics for re-use or recycling.

Taking that a step further, these com-panies have committed to standards and guidelines that their recyclers must meet to ensure that the e-waste doesn’t end up in landfills or sent to developing countries for a higher profit.

For more information about reducing electronic waste, call Suzanne Teague at 301-677-9185 or Arthur Frechette at 301-677-9674.

E-liminate E-wasteNew strategies focus on recycling, disposal of electronic waste

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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Eleven participants enrolled in the second Public Affairs Course for Inter-national Students at the Defense Infor-mation School graduated Nov. 6.

The students, representing Ukraine, Jordan, Brazil, Taiwan, South Sudan, Lebanon, the Czech Republic, the Phil-ippines and the Republic of Macedonia completed the five-week course that began Oct. 1.

“I’m very glad, very happy,” said Col. Philip Panyang Sr., a spokesperson for the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, after receiving his diploma. “I learned some basics of professional communica-tion. The knowledge is very useful. I will use it to train younger officers.”

DINFOS Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin congratulated the graduates dur-ing the ceremony.

“You’ve done a tremendous job,” Mar-tin said. “I salute you for your diligence and your dedication.”

The Public Affairs Leadership Depart-ment at DINFOS oversees PACIS. The course does not emphasize a U.S.-centric approach to military public affairs, but provides a foundation of knowledge so students can deploy as public affairs officers in an international operational environment, such as a U.S.-led coali-tion, a NATO operation, a U.N. peace-keeping mission or other multinational operation.

The curriculum includes social media, public affairs ethics, the basic principles of audio-visual products, crisis commu-nication, media interviews, on-camera exercises and global security trends.

By the end of the course, students must complete a Capstone Project, or communications plan that incorporates what they have learned to address a com-munications challenge they are facing in their military command. The students will deliver their plan to their military leadership when they return home.

The next PACIS class will begin Jan. 16. The participating countries have not yet been determined.

During the ceremony, Martin said a highlight for the students was the opportunity to meet George Little, the acting assistant secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and the Pentagon press secretary.

Students observed Little at the Pen-tagon as he conducted his daily brief-ing with military journalists. Afterward,

International students graduate from DINFOS

Little answered student questions.“They learned from our top public

affairs professional,” Martin said.The ceremony’s guest speaker was

Price B. Floyd, former principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and now vice president of Digital Strategy for BAE Systems.

Floyd said although each of the stu-dents is returning to “tough communi-cations environments,” they now have “more tools to use those challenges.”

“Now is the time to put all that you have learned into action,” Floyd said. “You are needed now more than ever.”

After the ceremony, Martin presented Floyd with a plaque of appreciation and a book about the Medal of Honor. Stu-dents from Jordan, Brazil, Lebanon and the Philippines then presented Martin with gifts.

Before the students departed, Stefo Lehmann, coordinator of PACIS, expressed the school’s best wishes for

the graduates.“As you return to your countries to use

the skills you acquired here, do not forget to reach back to DINFOS,” Lehmann said. “We are a resource for you.”

1st Lt. Gemira Dy, chief of the News and Research Branch in the Armed Forces of the Philippines, said taking PACIS was very fulfilling.

“I am better not just as a public affairs officer, but also as a representative of my country,” she said.

Photo by SPc. JoSePh Joynt

Charles Brown, chief of the International Military Student Office, and Nicole Meade, assistant at the IMSO, stand with the 11 graduates of the second Public Affairs Course for International Students on Nov. 6 at the Defense Information School. The five-week course teaches international officers how to positively represent their country’s military in the media.

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Chief Warrant Officer 5 Princio Texidor, a judge for the Philip A. Connelly Award, talks with the staff of the Freedom Inn Dining Facility following his critique on Nov. 8. The dining facility is one of seven chow halls in the running for the prestigious, food excellence award in the civilian garrison category.

Story and photo by Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

At 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 8, just 15 minutes before the lunch crowd was set to enter the Freedom Inn Dining Facility, three judges in long white coats paced through the building taking notes, checking food temperatures and taking photos of the meals.

The three men, on their fifth of seven stops around the world, were critiquing every aspect of the Freedom Inn’s operation with a rigorous list of objectives. The results would ultimately decide the winner of the 45th annual Philip A. Connelly Award, which recognizes excellence in food service, for the civilian garrison category.

“There’s hundreds of Army food service operations in the world, and this is one of seven that rose to the top to compete for the best,” said Ron Coneybeer, a Connelly Award judge. “I’d rank it against any civilian food service operation off the post. They do an awesome, awesome job.”

The facility had been preparing for the competition since Oct. 18, with practice lunches served every Thursday.

On Nov. 8, when the judges arrived for their critiquing of the facility, the staff didn’t miss a beat, said Melba Taylor, contract manager for the Maryland Business Enter-prise Program at the Freedom Inn.

“I think we did great,” she said. “We kind of know. Operationally we did well; the meal looked great.”

The Freedom Inn is representing the Installation Management Command’s Northeast Region in the Connelly Award. Out of more than 120 civilian-operated facilities in the Army, only seven were selected to compete in the prestigious com-petition.

Competitors include: U.S. Army Gar-rison Grafenwoehr, Germany; DFAC 50, Fort McCoy, Wis.; Presidio of Monterey, Calif.: Army Drill Sergeant School, Fort Jackson, S.C.; and Casey Main Dining Facility, Camp Casey, Korea.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Princio Texidor, a judge with the competition, told Freedom Inn employees that just being selected for the final judging sets them above the rest of the Army.

“You are the top seven, that says a lot,” he said. “Just being in the top seven, you guys are winners. You are the cream of the crop, you are the best.”

The judges, however, were looking for “the best best” out of the seven facilities, Texidor said.

Each facility is judged on a variety of cat-egories that include food safety, supervision, serving, and food preparation and quality.

Freedom Inn judged for 45th Connelly Award

The dinning halls start the competition with 1,000 points, with deductions taken for mis-takes during the judging.

After their visit last week to the Free-dom Inn, all three judges said they were impressed with the facility.

“I expected nothing less than what I saw,” Coneybeer said. “It’s a professional operation. It has a great feel as soon as you walk through the door, filled with a lot of dedicated, passionate people. And it shows

in the food and it shows in the operation and it translates into great food for the service.”

Judges have two more stops to make on their tour.

Winners will be announced within the next two months. The winner will be pre-sented with the award in Dallas in mid-April.

Taylor is confident they will be there.“We feel good about it,” she said. “I think

we will go to Dallas.”

By Capt. Christopher CusmanoFort Meade Legal Assistance Attorney

A service member with a qualifying dependent has important implications for Basic Allowance for Housing, travel allow-ances, access to TRICARE, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege card benefits, and many other issues.

There are two types of military depen-dents: primary dependents and secondary dependents.

A lawful spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 are considered primary dependents. They automatically qualify as dependents once a relationship is proven through a marriage certificate, birth certifi-cate or custody order.

Other family members for whom the ser-vice member provides support may qualify as secondary dependents if it can be deter-mined that the individual is dependent upon the service member.

Under federal law, there are four poten-tial secondary dependents:

• Biological parents, parents-in-law, step-parents, parents-by-adoption or an indi-vidual who stood “in loco parentis” to the service member for a continuous period of at least five years before the service member turned 21.

• A child older than 21 who is enrolled full time at an accredited college or univer-sity may qualify until age 23 or graduation, whichever occurs first.

• An incapacitated child older than 21.• An unmarried individual who has not

yet turned 21 (or 23 if enrolled as a full-time student), who has been placed in legal and physical custody of the service member for a period of at least 12 consecutive months as a ward of the court.

To qualify as a secondary dependent, the individual’s income must be less than one-half of their actual monthly living

expenses, and the service member’s con-tribution to the individual must be more than one-half of the actual monthly living expenses.

This is a strict financial test. Supporting documentation is required to substantiate the individual’s income and the service member’s contributions.

In addition, the individual and service member must both sign a Dependency Statement to further establish the relation-ship. Ultimately, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, or DFAS, will deter-mine whether the individual qualifies as a secondary dependent and if the service member may apply for dependent benefits.

If DFAS determines that an individual qualifies as a service member’s second-ary dependent, the service member may register and enroll the individual in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, and then apply for

dependent-rate BAH, sponsor the indi-vidual for an identification card, and seek other benefits.

Once enrolled in DEERS, college stu-dents under age 23, incapacitated adult children, and a ward of the court may regis-ter for access to standard Tricare benefits.

Dependent parents and parents-in-law, however, are restricted and may only regis-ter for the TRICARE Plus program, which only provides direct care at a military treat-ment facility and pharmacy.

The process of applying for and qualify-ing as a secondary dependent can be dif-ficult. DFAS provides an updated website and comprehensive guide that will answer many questions at:

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the Fort Meade Legal Assistance Office at 301-677-9504.

Secondary dependents: Who qualifies as a military dependent?

Page 7: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Lt. Col. Marion BakalorzHeadquarters Command Battalion

The Fort Meade Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board is an installation function that protects ser-vice members and their families.

The board, which meets quarterly, recently convened on Oct. 10.

The AFDCB provides the garrison commander with a tool to identify, investigate, report and act on condi-tions within the Fort Meade commu-nity that in any way adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, morale and discipline of the armed forces and their families.

Placing a business, locale or activity on the off-limits list is not something the board or the garrison commander takes lightly. The requirements to place an activity on the off-limits list are stringent. All efforts are made by the board members to fully investi-gate and review any activity that is recommended for off-limits consid-eration.

Board members can attempt to correct existing adverse situations by contacting local law enforcement or engaging with local civic leaders or officials prior to considering an activ-ity for off-limits status.

If these methods are unsuccessful, the board takes action. If found to be justified, the board makes recommen-dations to the garrison commander to place businesses, locales or other activities that adversely affect our personnel on the off-limits list.

To consider an activity for off-lim-its status, board members must first be made aware that a problem exists. Any of the Team Meade partner com-manders can provide notification to the Armed Forces Disciplinary Con-trol Board of potentially adverse con-ditions that impact this installation.

The board is composed of a wide array of individuals. The voting mem-bers of the board are the unit com-manders and agency directors whose service members are directly impacted by these conditions.

Voting members are aided by advisory members that include law enforcement, legal, medical, health and environmental protection, pub-lic affairs, equal opportunity, fire and safety, religious support, alcohol and substance abuse, personnel and community activities, and consumer affairs representatives.

If requested by board members, civil authorities also can provide sub-ject matter expertise.

A business or activity under consid-eration for off-limits status is officially notified, and the proprietor is offered the opportunity to appear before the board prior to the board’s recommen-dation to the garrison commander.

Even after an activity is placed on the off-limits list, the board con-tinues to maintain visibility of the establishment or activity. Removal from off-limits status requires a board recommendation to the garrison com-mander.

If the business or activity resolves the issue that led to its placement on the off-limits list, it can petition the board to be removed from the list.

As a result of the last board, two businesses were recommended for off-limits status for the sale of Spice, a synthetic drug. The board also conducted a review of the existing off-limits locations and recommended they remain on the off-limits list pend-ing further investigation.

The president of the board may call special meetings.

The board will likely expand its review of other establishments in the immediate vicinity of Fort Meade that sell Spice or other synthetic drugs to our service members.

The garrison commander’s approved list of off-limits establishments will be advertised through command chan-nels and will be posted on unit bul-letin boards.

The Fort Meade off-limits list also will be provided to other military installations within the Military Dis-trict of Washington.

Disciplinary Control Board takes action to keep Fort Meade safe

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Page 8: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Historian Michael Knapp gave a pre-sentation on American troops during a little-known chapter of World War I at a symposium held Saturday on Fort Meade.

Knapp, chief of the Field Museums Branch at the U .S. Army Center of Military History at Fort Lesley J. McNair in Washington, D.C., delivered a 45-min-ute presentation on the 332nd Infantry Regiment. Also known as the American Doughboys, the regiment served in Italy during the first world war.

Knapp was one of several scholars who presented lectures on various topics during the Western Front Association East Coast Branch’s fall World War I His-tory Symposium. He is the co-author of “Organization and Insignia of the Ameri-can Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1923.”

The daylong symposium was held at the Fort Meade Museum and Small-wood Hall. More than 60 people attended the event, which included tours of the museum and an optional lunch at Club Meade.

WFA East Coast is dedicated to fur-thering interest in the period of 1914 to 1918 and in perpetuating the memory, courage and comradeship of those who served their countries during the “Great War,” according to the organization’s website.

The museum displayed its World War I collection, including newly acquired arti-facts from the 314th Infantry Regiment. The regiment was part of the 79th Divi-sion, which trained at the Camp Meade before deploying to Europe.

“WFA East Coast hopes that those who attend the symposium will take away an appreciation for the remark-able collection of World War I artifacts displayed and interpreted at the Fort Meade Museum,” said Paul Cora, chair-man of the WFA Branch. “We hope they gain an enhanced understanding of the role which Fort Meade played in prepar-ing American troops for participation in World War I.”

Barbara Taylor, museum exhibits spe-cialist at the Fort Meade Museum and a member of WFA East Coast Branch, lec-tured on the many roles that dogs played in the armies of World War I.

Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein stopped by the symposium and was made an honorary commander of the WFA East Coast Branch with a

Fort Meade hosts WWI symposium

photo by nate pesce

World War I enthusiasts Alexander Falbo and Jim Holder dress in period British royal engineer uniforms during the Western Front Association’s East Coast Branch’s World War I History Symposium at Smallwood Hall on Saturday. More than 60 WFA members attended the daylong event, which focused on various topics during the “Great War.”

certificate.The 332nd Infantry Regiment was

formed on Aug. 30, 1917 at Camp Sher-man, Ohio as part of the 83rd Division. Under the command of Col. William Wallace, the regiment arrived in Italy in July 1918.

“The regiment is identified as the best,” Knapp said. “Most of the men are highly trained, motivated and very disciplined.”

The regiment was assigned to train with the Italian Arbiti Regiment, who were known to be “ferocious Soldiers,” Knapp said.

“They really learned to fight Italian style — open warfare,” Knapp said, not-ing the Arbiti was mobile in its defenses rather than static.

Wallace soon learned why the Ameri-cans were sent to Italy.

“Wallace realizes that the major reason why they are in Italy is diversion and propaganda,” Knapp said. “The infantry is to make the Austrians and Germans think the American presence in Europe is so overwhelming they have would have to capitulate.”

During the Vittorio-Veneto offense on Nov. 3, 1918, the 332nd Infantry estab-lished contact with an enemy rear-guard battalion, which was defending the cross-ings of the Tagliamento River near the village of Ponte-della Delixia. Early on Nov. 4, the 2nd Battalion of the infantry crossed the river on a narrow footbridge. After a brief struggle, the battalion cap-tured the Austrian position on the far side.

Knapp said Tagliamento was the “only real, honest battle” the infantry fought.

There was one casualty and seven wound-ed.

“It was well thought-out, well planned,” Knapp said.

After the armistice between Italy and Austria-Hungary became effective at 3 p.m. on Nov. 4, the American troops were later ordered to occupation duty and sent to different areas throughout the Austrian-Hungarian empire. The infantry then assumed peackeeping duties.

After designing its famous winged Lion of St. Mark insignia in Genoa, Italy, the regiment later returned home to parades and fireworks.

Alexander Falbo, a history major at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a World War I enthusiast, was among those who attended the sym-posium.

Page 9: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 13


photos by nate pesce

Michael Knapp, chief of the Field Museums Branch at the U.S. Army Center of Military History, presents the story of the 332nd Infantry Regiment and its service in Italy in 1918 at the Western Front Association’s East Coast Branch’s World War I History Symposium held Saturday at Fort Meade.

“I loved it,” said Falbo, noting that the presentation on the 332nd Infantry was of particular interest. “This topic is not covered as a whole in World War I history.”

Editor’s note: Information for this article was taken from

A World War I-era postcard from Camp Meade is on display at the Fort Meade Museum. The museum’s collection of World War I artifacts was a highlight of the symposium, which also featured a talk by Barbara Taylor, the Fort Meade Museum’s exhibits specialist, on the role that dogs played in the armies during the war.

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Page 10: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski presented two Army veterans with the Bronze Star in a ceremony Friday morning at the Defense Information School.

Dr. Charles Rath Jr., 93, and Charles Shyab, 68, were each recognized for their respective meritorious service in World War II and Vietnam.

In her remarks before presenting the med-als to the veterans, both residents of Silver Spring, Mikulski called the ceremony “very poignant and well-deserved” and the recog-nition “long overdue.”

The Bronze Star is the fourth-highest award for bravery, heroism or meritorious service bestowed by the U.S. Armed Forces for service in or with the military after Dec. 6, 1941.

“I feel great,” Rath said before the cer-emony.

Rath said he felt honored, although it took more than 65 years to receive the medal,

“You got to stay alive ‘till tomorrow,” he said.

Although it took nearly 45 years for Shyab to receive the Bronze Star, he said he is fortunate.

“I am really surprised,” Shyab said before the ceremony. “I am absolutely happy, excit-ed and blessed. The Lord has definitely blessed me.”

At the ceremony, DINFOS Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin welcomed the audience of garrison leaders, family members and DINFOS students.

In acknowledging Veterans Day, Martin said: “We can’t help but pay homage and pay

tribute to the great privilege that we have to serve a cause that is bigger than ourselves.”

Martin called Rath and Shyab “American heroes and American treasures.”

Rath, the son of Presbyterian missionar-ies, earned his undergraduate degree from the College of Wooster in Ohio, then attended what was then the Western Reserve School of Medicine in Cleveland. After completing his post-graduate training at Harvard Medi-cal School, Rath was drafted in January 1944 at the age of 24.

A captain, Rath served for almost five months in active combat as the assistant regimental surgeon with the 253rd Infantry Regiment, 63rd Infantry Division. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his meritorious achievement while in support of the Blood and Fire Division’s drive through Central Europe on April 1, 1945.

Mikulski said he “stood at his surgeon’s table; he stood his ground to help those in need.”

In presenting the medal to Rath, Mikul-ski said Rath served “to save Europe, to protect the United States and to save West-ern civilization.”

A Seventh-day Adventist, Shyab attended what was then Columbia Union College in Takoma Park. After college, he worked for a year at Western Electric as a cable installer.

He was drafted in 1967 at age 22. A con-scientious objector, Shyab served as a combat medic but did not carry a weapon.

A specialist, Shyab was the senior medic with Company C, 1st Infantry Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Divi-sion in Vietnam. He was awarded the Bronze

‘American treasures’Two veterans awarded Bronze Star

photo courtesy of the office of sen. barbara a. mikulski

Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski and Defense Information School Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin congratulate veterans Dr. Charles E. Rath Jr. (second from left) and Charles Shyab after they were awarded the Bronze Star at a ceremony Friday at DINFOS. Rath served as an Army captain and an assistant regimental surgeon in World War II. Shyab served as an Army senior medic in Vietnam.

Star with “V” Device for his valorous achieve-ment from April 26 to April 28, 1968 during the Battle of Chu Moor Mountain.

During the engagement, Shyab repeatedly exposed himself to small-arms enemy sniper and mortar fire to help wounded Soldiers. While treating casualties, Shyab was seri-ously wounded in the shoulder, thigh and knee by enemy fire and was forced to be evacuated.

Mikulski said Shyab’s religious beliefs are “deeply rooted in the principles of nonviolence.”

Although Shyab was a conscientious

objector, Mikulski said “he did not object to serve his nation. He did not object to being in harm’s way.”

Martin pinned the Bronze Star on each recipient.

After presenting the medals, Mikulski gave Rath and Shyab each a folded flag that hung over the nation’s capital in their honor. She also presented them with a certificate of appreciation on behalf of herself and the Senate.

“You most certainly deserve these med-als,” Mikulski said. “You deserve our grati-tude.”

Shutterfly, an Internet-based social expres-sion and personal publishing service, is launching its Thank the Troops campaign to honor service men and woman.

Through the Shutterfly Thank the Troops Facebook app, Americans can create a free Shutterfly card of thanks for military service members serving overseas and veterans in VA hospitals this holiday season.

Shutterfly is partnering with A Million Thanks nonprofit organization to build a sense of community with the goal of dis-tributing more than one million Shutterfly cards of appreciation to active-duty military and veterans.

In addition, Shutterfly and the Office of

Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation invite Army families to participate in the “My Army Life in Photos” contest. The company will distribute free photo books to the military community this month.

Participants can upload their photos and tell the stories of their lives in the military over the past year in photos.

“Shutterfly’s vision is to make the world a better place by helping people share life’s joy,” said John Boris, senior vice president and chief marketing officer of Shutterfly.

“We are thrilled that throughout the month of November, all Americans can help us show gratitude for the men and women who serve our country and their families.

We hope our Thank the Troops Campaign will bring joy to our service men and women everywhere.”

Along with partners Chase and Verizon, Shutterfly hopes to get a thank-you card into the hands of every military service member and veteran in a VA hospital this holiday season.

Sending a free card is easy. Americans can access the Facebook app, select a card, add a personal message or photo, click “send” and share the card to their Facebook feed, and inspire friends to create their own card.

Shutterfly will take care of printing and delivery.

Completed cards will be distributed to

troops and veterans with the help from A Million Thanks organization, which is dedi-cated to thanking service members for their sacrifices, dedication and service.

For more information and to create a card, visit

Shutterfly also has partnered with Pho-toImaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association to donate free prints for their fourth annual Portraits of Love Project, which aims to provide active military with free family portraits during the holiday sea-son.

For more information, visit

Shutterfly honors military with thank-you cards

Page 11: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Growing up post-World War I, Har-old Rothstein’s favorite national holiday was Armistice Day — a time to com-memorate the end of the “Great War.”

He remembers sitting on a curb, watching the parade downtown. But most of all, he remembers the look on the faces of veterans and Soldiers marching past him.

“The most important thing to me was watching units come marching by, espe-cially the veteran units,” he said. “Each one of them had a color guard out in front. And the color guard was made up of men that have gone literally through hell and back.

“And I watched them as they marched, whether they were carrying a flag or car-rying their Springfields, but all of them were braced and all of them had a look of pride.”

The pride and brotherhood of veter-ans was the theme of Rothstein’s speech during the installation’s Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 8 at the Fort Meade Museum Plaza. The 45-minute ceremony featured Rep. Donna F. Edwards and Rothstein, father of Garrison Com-mander Col. Edward C. Rothstein.

“When my people ask me why I picked my dad to speak, it’s not because it was easy because it’s not, to ask your father to speak on a day like today,” the colonel said at the ceremony. “But truly to me, it is about what a veteran is. He was drafted. He used the G.I. Bill. He got his education and continued to serve our country in the public domain by being a public school teacher.

“What my dad represents is when he took that uniform off, he still maintained that pride in the uniform while wearing civilian clothes and being a veteran.”

Observed Nov. 11 every year, Veterans Day started in 1926 as Armistice Day following World War I. After World War II and the Korean War, the observance was renamed Veterans Day to honor the veterans of the latter wars as well.

“What Veterans Day means to me is pretty simple,” the garrison commander said. “One- to two percent of our nation have the opportunity to wear this uni-form to defend 100 percent of our coun-try. We give up our inalienable rights to allow others theirs, to protect freedom

‘Pride and brotherhood’Past, current service members honored at Veterans Day observance

photos by brian krista

Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein presents his father Harold Rothstein with a plaque after the retired biology teacher spoke about his military experiences during the annual Veterans Day Ceremony at the Fort Meade Museum Plaza.

and promote democracy worldwide.”Edwards, congresswoman for Mary-

land’s 4th District, grew up in a military family. Her father John Edwards served 30 years in the Air Force.

In her remarks, Edwards said she learned from her father the importance of honor, service, dedication and com-mitment to community and country.

“Although he retired his uniform, he never retired his service,” she said. “I think that is true for so many who have worn the uniform of our armed services, that they continue to serve in every com-munity, in every capacity.”

As congresswoman for the 4th Dis-trict, which now includes Fort Meade, Edwards said she is determined to help veterans and active-duty service mem-bers.

“It’s a serious commitment to both honor our veterans on Veterans Day for your commitment and your service, but not forget that there is a day after Veterans Day,” she said.

In his speech, Harold Rothstein spoke about his experiences on Armistice Day, interactions with veterans and his service in the Army.

“Being a veteran is something akin to having pride and a brotherhood amongst people,” he said.

A veteran of the Korean War, the elder Rothstein was drafted in 1952 and served

with Company H, 38th Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division as a forward observer. He was on the frontline in Korea as the ceasefire took effect in 1953.

He later served as a military police-man with Company A, 519th Military Police Battalion, Military Police Inves-tigative Service.

Rothstein was honorably discharged and married in 1955. While completing his education, he and his wife, Marilyn, raised their four children. He used the G.I. Bill to earn his bachelor’s and mas-ter’s degrees from Seton Hall University in New Jersey.

He taught biology and marine biology in New Jersey high schools until 1991.

The elder Rothstein said one of his earliest encounters with veterans was when he initially attended college in 1947 when veterans returning from World War II were using the G.I. Bill to earn a degree.

He said there was something that made the group “different than every-body else.”

“There was a bond that they had that

wherever they went, whether it was a class on campus or going out for a beer, they bonded together,” he said. “There was this companionship that they had, that nobody else could enter into their circle. They were very unique, and I thought to myself that maybe some day I would have that experience.”

After graduating college in 1952, Rothstein went to the draft board and said he was ready to be drafted. Eventu-ally, he was called to serve in the Korean War.

“It was something I never regretted doing,” he said. “The opportunity to serve my country and the opportunity to wear the colors was something I didn’t hesitate doing.”

He then recalled a story about a letter from a Soldier to his mother about all the friends he had lost in battle.

“During this time, I think back to those who were killed in combat, those that died by accident, those that died because of some horrific disease. It doesn’t really matter,” he said. “They never had the chance to be a veteran.”

Rep. Donna F. Edwards of Maryland’s 4th District discusses her background as a military daughter during the Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 8.

Page 12: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 17


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

As a teen during the Vietnam War, Garri-son Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein never attended a Veterans Day assembly at school — they simply didn’t exist during the Vietnam War.

“We didn’t have that when I was a teen-ager. We put it off to the side,” he recalled. “I was sheltered during that time, as most teenagers were. We didn’t know a war was going on. Veterans, to me, didn’t mean that much.”

In a speech at Century High School’s Veterans Day Assembly in Sykesville, Roth-stein explained that it is important to gather to remember and honor veterans.

“It is my duty and my honor to be here to share these comments with you,” he said. “I absolutely believe that when veterans take off that uniform, they don’t hang it in the closet. It’s an opportunity for them to come out here and share with you their soldiering, whether they’re Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, Sailors or Coast Guardsman.”

The 90-minute assembly also featured the school’s chorus and wind ensemble, the Coast Guard Academy Glee Club, and Janice Chance, a gold star mother. Dozens of veterans from various wars also attended the event.

Prior to the assembly, Rothstein said he looked forward to talking to the students and thought it was important to expose young people to veterans.

“An opportunity like today, showing the kids who veterans are and that they need to be embraced, is huge,” he said.

During his remarks, Rothstein explained what Veterans Day means to him — a celebration, not a memorial. It is a time to celebrate the selfless service and sacrifice of veterans, he said.

“The one- to two percent of the country who wear the uniform, we give up our rights freely to ensure you have your inalien-able rights, to ensure you have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly,” he said.

The importance of community, family and friends also was addressed by Roth-stein. Community, he said, empowers ser-vice members with the strength to make the sacrifices needed and put themselves in harm’s way.

“The one- to two percent that wear our uniform is said to be the strength of

‘Duty and honor’Garrison commander speaks at Sykesville’s Century High School

photos by jen rynda

Kayin Lovelace of the Century High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps talks with Air Force Master Sgt. Donald Spindler of Sykesville during the high school’s Veterans Day event on Friday. Dozens of veterans from various wars attended the ceremony.

our country,” he said. “I am absolutely convinced that the strength of that one- to two percent are our families, friends and community.

“What Veterans Day means to me is the strength and that bond. It’s the bond and strength that we have as a community, as a family, that gives us more strength than you could ever imagine.”

Following the assembly, a Living His-tory Museum was set up in the auxiliary gym that displayed exhibits from the Buf-falo Soldiers and recruiting brigades and photos that veterans had of their time in the military.

Several students said they enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the veterans.

“It’s really nice to be able to talk to them,” said Austin Miller, a sophomore. “We appreciate it.”

Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein addresses Century High School in Sykesville during its Veterans Day Assembly on Friday. The 90-minute event also featured the school’s chorus and wind ensemble, the Coast Guard Academy Glee Club, a gold star mother and various displays.

Page 13: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Rona S. HirschStaff Writer

Nine Fort Meade firefighters were first on the scene of a two-alarm fire on Nov. 7 in Seven Oaks, the same Odenton apartment complex where a fire broke out a block away just six weeks earlier.

Last week’s fire started just after 1 p.m. in the 2000 block of Kintore Circle, across from the Llewellyn Avenue gate.

Firefighters from the Anne Arundel County and Fort Meade fire departments responded to the blaze that swept quickly through all three levels of the building, said Division Chief Michael Cox of the Anne Arundel County Fire Department.

“Conditions deteriorated rapidly and it took 60 firefighters about 30 minutes to bring it under control,” Cox said.

No one was injured. “A few people were home but they escaped prior to the arrival of firefighters,” Cox said.

Twelve apartments sustained smoke and water damage, and at least three apartments were destroyed, said Fort Meade Deputy Fire Chief Bruce Smith.

“The rapid actions of our firefighters along with solid tactics during the initial fight saved the structure, preventing about two-thirds of the individual apartments from receiving any damage,” said Lt. Col. J. Dar-

rell Sides, Fort Meade provost marshal and director of the Directorate of Emergency Services.

Thirty people were displaced including two Soldiers from the 400th Military Police Battalion and the 310th Military Intelligence Battalion. One of the Soldiers had relocated to the building after he was displaced from the previous fire.

A Fort Meade ladder truck and engine truck responded to the Nov. 7 blaze, which started in the rear garden, said Smith.

Investigators determined that the fire was accidental, caused by “improperly discarded smoking materials,” said Cox.

On Sept. 30, more than 60 firefighters from surrounding counties responded to the two-alarm fire that damaged 12 apartments, including four occupied by installation per-sonnel, said Sides.

The Fort Meade Fire Department was the second arriving engine and the first truck at the fire, which started at around 6:05 p.m. on a third-floor balcony in the 2000 block of Military Place.

The cause of the fire was accidental, attributed to the use of a grill too close to the building, said Cox.

About 20 residents were displaced. Prop-erty managers worked to relocate them within the complex, said Cox.

Fire strikes twice at Seven Oaks apartment complex

Photo by Joshua Kruger

Fort Meade firefighters work to extinguish a two-alarm fire at the Seven Oaks complex in Odenton on Nov. 7. About 60 Anne Arundel County and Fort Meade firefighters responded to a 911 call and arrived shortly later to battle the blaze that destroyed at least three apartments and displaced 30 residents including two Fort Meade Soldiers.

Page 14: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 19


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Through the eight-week season and three-week playoff tournament, neither the Black Knights of the 29th Intelligence Squadron nor the 704th Military Intelli-gence Brigade lost a single game.

With the post’s flag football champion-ship on the line on Nov. 8, the two teams took their success to another level as both closed out perfect seasons with champion-ship titles in their respective divisions.

The Black Knights defeated the 34th IS, 26-6, in Division II, while the 704th MI beat the Navy Information Operations Command’s Men of War, 20-6, for the Division I title.

“I’m happy with it,” said Desmond Burgess of the 704th MI. “Knowing what it feels like not to lose is always a good feeling.”

The 704th MI moved through the regu-lar season challenged only by the Men

of War. The team carried its 15-0 record into the playoffs, and continued to play inspired football, shutting out two teams including the Men of War.

With an 11-4 record, Men of War finished the regular season as the third-placed team. However, they defeated the second-place Marines twice in the playoffs to earn a spot in the championship.

In last week’s finals at Mullins Field, Men of War took a quick 6-0 lead fol-lowing a touchdown pass from Josh Babineaux to Omar Chavez. The 704th immediately responded when a pass from Keith Whitfield to Douglas Riggi tied the game at 6-6.

The 704th took a lead late in the first half as Burgess sacked Babineaux in the end zone for a safety, giving the 704th an 8-6 lead at halftime.

In the second half, the 704th defense shut down the offensive attack of Men of War, while the 704th offense added

Playing for PerfectionTwo teams complete perfect seasons in post championships

another 14 points off a touchdown pass to Burgess and Whitfield’s interception return.

Whitfield finished the game with two touchdown passes and an interception return for a touchdown, but also threw for four interceptions — three of which were picked off by Serge Bretrous.

Turnovers also plagued Babineaux, who threw three interceptions and one touchdown pass.

Several team members credited the victory to another strong showing by the 704th defense, which allowed more than one score only once during the season.

“It gave us that boost,” Burgess said. “We needed that boost after they got that quick score. That safety was key.”

The Division II matchup pitted the top two regular season teams against each other. The 34th IS closed out the season with an 11-1 record, with its sole loss to the Black Knights in Week 2.

Following the loss to the Black Knights, the 32nd IS rattled off a nine-game win streak to finish the season.

Defense was the mainstay the Black Knights throughout the regular season, as the 12-0 team shut out six oppo-nents, allowing only 44 points all season — including 20 points to the Spartans in Week 6.

“Without defense, we wouldn’t be win-

ning any games,” said Gabriel Gonzalez, Black Knight quarterback.

While its defense helped produce the perfect season, the Black Knights offense quickly gave the team room to breathe after taking a 14-0 lead in the champi-onship on two touchdown passes to Jay Pemberton.

Gonzalez then ran on for a touchdown to give the Black Knights a 20-0 lead at halftime.

Jeff Daniels, 34th IS quarterback, found his passing rhythm at the start of the second half, putting together a nine-play drive that was halted at the goal line. But after holding the Black Knights to a three-and-out, Daniels connected with Darius McCracken to cut the lead to 20-6.

A touchdown pass by Gonzalez to Lazarus Brown in the end zone extended the lead to 26-6, giving the Black Knights the Division II championship.

Daniels finished the game with a touch-down pass and an interception, while Gonzalez dominated on offense with three touchdown passes and one touch-down run.

Gonzalez attributed the team’s success to the speed of its players.

“We have probably the fastest team in the league,” he said. “It’s easier to beat anybody when you’re faster on the field.”

Josh Montero (front) of the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade defends a pass intended for Men of War’s Serge Bretous during the Division I intramural flag football championship on Nov. 8 at Mullins Field. The 704th completed a perfect season with the 20-6 victory over Men of War.

FAR RIGHT: Black Knight Jay Pemberton celebrates with Herbert McDonald following a touchdown catch in the Division II championship game at Mullins Field. Pemberton’s two touchdown receptions helped the Black Knights defeat the 34th Intelligence Squadron 26-6. photos by brian krista

Page 15: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Although most have only been play-ing the sport for six months, more than a dozen rugby players from the instal-lation met a challenging foe Saturday afternoon at Mullins Field.

From the island continent where rugby is considered one of the most popular sports, a group of Australians visited Fort Meade for a series of friendly touch-rugby games. The group of Australians, most who work at their country’s embassy in Washington, D.C., combined playing with teaching new skills and strategy.

“My first thought was that we’re going to get annihilated,” said Fort Meade player Jon Castillo. “They grew up playing rugby in comparison to us playing baseball and football.”

The Fort Meade players, who have been meeting since June, started with several Soldiers who had a background in rugby and wanted to teach the sport to fellow service members.

“We had a love for the game,” Cas-tillo said.

Since rugby is a full-contact sport, similar to football but without pads or helmets, injuries were a concern at the start. Instead of contact, they play touch-rugby, which removes a large por-tion of injury risk.

“This is a good way for people to get the experience of rugby,” said Mark Bejarano, who has been playing for more than 10 years. “It’s a way of showing them noncontact, so you don’t see the injuries. You see good ball movement, good play, good communication.”

With six months of training, the group scheduled the friendly match with the Australians through a referee who works with both teams. Castillo said his players were excited to be on the field with the “Aussies.”

“We’ve been kind of pumping it up,” he said.

Australian Mick Farina said his group plays once or twice a week during their lunch break at the embassy. While Farina and his team had the benefit of growing up where the sport is popular, the Fort Meade players did have one advantage.

“We probably have the experience, but they’ve definitely got the fitness,”

Tackling a new sportAustralians challenge Fort Meade team to friendly game of rugby

photos by nate pesce

Will Huff, 14, tries to avoid getting tagged by an Australian player during a friendly touch-rugby match on Saturday at Mullins Field. Members of the Australian Embassy in Washington, D.C., competed against a group of Fort Meade rugby players.

RIGHT: Kit Gonclaves of the Australian rugby team dives during Saturday’s touch-rugby game. The experienced rugby players combined playing with teaching new skills and strategy to the Fort Meade players.

Farina said. “They all look fitter than us. It could be interesting.”

The teams played a series of games, with the Australians giving some point-ers between matches. Bejarano said the opportunity was beneficial for the newer players to learn more about the sport.

One chief difference he saw between the Australians and the Fort Meade team was the communication skills.

Bejarano said his team is still working on learning to communicate on the field verbally, while the Australians commu-nicate nonverbally.

“It’s a friendly match, but they’re playing for real, though,” he said “You can see they’ve been playing a long time. They know what they’re going to do without even talking. ... They are just so phenomenally good.”

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Page 16: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 21


Sports ShortsEFMP Bowling

The Exceptional Family Member Program is sponsoring its monthly bowling event on Monday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Lanes.

Exceptional Family Members will receive a free shoe rental and one game. Other family members will receive discounted games and shoe rentals.

Registration is required by Friday.For more information, call 301-677-7836 or email theresa.r.strawhecker.

[email protected].

Intramural basketball meetingA coaches meeting will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Murphy Field House

for those interested in forming an intramural basketball team for the winter.Each team is asked to send a representative to the meeting. The league will

begin Jan. 19.For more information, call 301-677-3318.

Turkey Trot 5K Run and 1-Mile WalkThe installation’s annual Run Series continues with the Turkey Trot 5K Run

and 1-Mile Walk on Saturday at 8 a.m. at Murphy Field House.The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run

is $25.The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $85.The pre-registration cost is $40 for a family of three to six people. On the

day of the event, the cost is $60 per family.All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt.The next run will be the Reindeer 5K Run and 1-Mile Walk on Dec. 15 at

Murphy Field House.For more information, call 301-677-7916.

Ski clubThe Sun, Snow, Surf Ski Club at Fort Meade is seeking new members for

its 2013 trips.The club, which organizes a variety of athletic activities including ski trips,

bicycling, hiking and social activities, travels across the country and Europe.The club also sponsors activities in the area.For more information or to join, call Bill Bishop at 301-604-2113 or email

[email protected].

NFL SundayThe Lanes’ lounge is a showing venue for NFL games this football season,

with the exception of local blackouts, on eight, 42-inch high-definition flat-screen televisions. Food service and full bar are available.

For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Texas Hold ‘emTexas Hold ‘em no buy-in games are played Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Lanes.Games are free and open to the public.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Dollar DaysThe Lanes offers Dollar Days every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Bowlers receive a game of bowling, shoe rental, a hot dog, hamburger,

small fries, pizza slice or small soda for $1 each.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Since the five or so hockey fans in Jabber Nation haven’t seen a good fight in a while, I figured I’d start this week’s Jibber with this clip, courtesy of NAS-CAR.

Just in case life without hockey is keep-ing you down, here’s a clip of a 2-year-old doing his best Elvis impersonation.

And if a kid jamming to “The Jail House Rock” doesn’t bring you to a happy place, then try this photo of Big Ben:

So, why did I start this week’s column pandering to hockey fans?

For one, I really liked the NASCAR fighting clip. Say what you will about four left turns and rednecks, but nothing is better than a NASCAR fight.

For two, I feel bad for hockey fans. Their commissioner is a dunce, and the sport is on the verge of being less relevant than NASTRUCK, if it’s not already.

In fact, I feel bad for any fan base that is left out in the cold and wanting without any means to make things right. Every fan base except for Notre Dame’s. Those dingos should be left cold and wanting, especially since I’ve been want-ing to punch most of them cold in the face since I was 7.

This video explains why:

In case you can’t watch the video, ND fans make up the most obnoxious/annoying/egocentric/delusional pack of humans in the history of humans.

They think they’re good, even when they’re not. They think they matter, even when they don’t. And now they think they should be in the BCS Championship Game instead of either Kansas State or Oregon.

Truth be told, Notre Dame should probably be ranked above Kansas State and Oregon. They’ve played a harder schedule; they’ve fared better versus com-

mon opponents; and as much as it pains me to say it, Notre Dame at the top of the polls is good for college football.

Notre Dame, very much like the Cowboys, Yankees and Lakers, is more important and a better draw than its peers. It’s just one of those dreadful facts we have to live with — sort of like the fact we are going to die someday or sprout hair in our ears.

That’s why they have the Notre Dame Broadcasting Network (NBC), while every other team/conference has some obscure network that gets less viewership than ESPN Ocho.

ND’s prominence is also why pollsters are always quick to push the Irish into the Top-10 every year, even when the team is barely good enough to beat Navy.

HOWEVER! After more than a decade of complaining about the BCS and its use of computers to determine a cham-pion, I must — at least on this occasion — recant my criticism and praise those lovely digital ratings.

You see, the fact that Notre Dame is still on the outside looking in at the BCS championship, despite the facts listed in the previous graphs, proves there may be a Touchdown Jesus somewhere in the football galaxy.

And, contrary to what the mural above Notre Dame Stadium may imply, it’s obvious this gridiron god is just, and happens to have a fantastic sense of humor.

Tune in next week to find out what I’m thankful for this year (besides ND getting hosed).

And of course, if you have comments on this or anything to do with sports, contact me at [email protected].

Love me some TD J

Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs


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Page 17: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s dis-cretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Fort Meade Facebook page at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

German /Italian Wreath Laying Ceremony

Fort Meade will host a joint wreath-laying ceremony on Sunday at 10 a.m. to remember the World War II German and Italian prisoners buried at the Rock Avenue Cemetery.

In September 1943, 1,632 Italian and 58 German prisoners of war arrived at the installation, according to the Fort Meade Museum website.

Two Italian POWs and 33 German POWs died here and were buried at Fort Meade.

For more information, contact Kristen Parker at 301-677-1436.

Commissary holiday closings

The Fort Meade Commissary will close Nov. 22 for Thanksgiving.

The commissary will reopen Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

On Nov. 24, the commissary will open at 7 a.m. for early-bird shopping and at 9 a.m. for regular store hours.

Commissary hours on Dec. 24 will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The store will be closed Dec. 25. It will reopen Dec. 26 at 7 a.m. for early-bird shopping and at 9 a.m. for regular store hours.

For more information, call the commissary at 301-677-7465.

Flu shots at commissaryKimbrough Ambulatory Care Center

will administers influenza vaccinations today, Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fort Meade Commissary

Participants must be TRICARE eligible. Johns Hopkins patients are not eligible.

Health benefits fairA DoD health benefits fair will be

held Nov. 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8542 Zimborski Ave.

Stop by and pick up the new plan brochures and talk to health representatives.

Open season ends Dec. 10. The effective date for deductions is Jan. 13.

The new premiums and brochures are posted online at under “Investigate Health Insurance.”

If you are not planning on changing coverage for health, dental or vision, check the new rates in case they change.

If you are enrolled in Flexible Spending Account and/or TSP Catch-Up, you must re-enroll.

For more information, call 301-677-6526.

Solution-focused counseling

The Military and Family Life Counselor provides nonmedical, solution-focused counseling to service members and their families.

For more information, call MFLC at 410-916-7350.

Native American Heritage Month

Fort Meade will commemorate Native American Heritage Month today from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8542 Zimborski Ave.

The 780th Military Intelligence Brigade is hosting the observance. The theme is “Heritage of Service.”

The free event is open to the public.The keynote speaker is historian

David Hatch, who will discuss the history of Native American code talkers who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and whose efforts saved thousands of lives during World War II.

All Fort Meade service members and civilian employees are encouraged to attend with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Administrative leave is authorized.

For more information, call the Fort Meade Equal Opportunity Office at 301-677-6687; the Equal Employment Opportunity Office at 301-677-6298; or the 780th MI Equal Opportunity Office at 301-677-2755.

Harvest Fest RevivalThe Missionary Ministry of the

Argonne Hills Gospel Service invites the

community to its “Harvest Fest Revival 2012” today and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road and Grandea Avenue.

For more information, call Michael Eaton at 410-446-5307.

Karaoke NightThe next Karaoke Night will be today

from 7 to 10 p.m. in the 11th Frame Lounge at the Lanes.

The event is held the third Thursday of the month.

For more information, call 301-677-5541 or visit

Car seat checkThe Fort Meade Fire Department and

state of Maryland will host a free car seat check on Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Demps Visitor Control Center parking lot at the intersection of Route 175 and Reece Road.

No appointment necessary.To ensure proper fit, bring the vehicle

and car seat owner’s manuals and the child who will be using the seat.

For more information, call 301-677-5577.

Crafters neededCrafters and local artisans are needed

for a Christmas bazaar that will be held Dec. 7 from 5 to 8 p.m. and Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Seven Oaks Elementary School.

Cost is $35 for a 6-foot table.For more information, call 337-718-

1776 and leave a message.

Pershing Hill bazaarThe Winter Bazaar at Pershing Hill

Elementary School will be held Dec. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The school, located at 7600 29th Division Road, is sponsoring the fundraiser for the fifth grade’s field trip to Philadelphia.

The bazaar will feature games, crafts, vendors, food, a silent auction and photos with Santa,

For more information, call Pershing Hill at 410-222-6519.

Tax Center volunteers needed

The Fort Meade Tax Center at 4217 Roberts Ave. is in need of volunteers to help provide free tax assistance and electronic filing for Soldiers, retirees and their families.

Both tax preparer and administrative

assistance positions are currently available.

No tax experience is required. All training and certifications are provided.

Training starts in January. The tax center is open until the end of April.

To volunteer or for more information, call Capt. William Biggers at 301-677-9086.

ROWC seeking new members

The Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club of Fort Meade is seeking new members.

The group meets at Club Meade for a luncheon and program on the first Tuesday of each month, from September through December and February through May.

Regular membership is extended to spouses, widows and widowers of retired officers and to retired officers of all branches. Associate membership may be extended to adult caregivers and relatives of the household, OCS members, DoD employees who retired at the grade of GS-9 or GGD-9 and above, to local government retirees of the equivalent professional rank as the DoD members, and to veterans who served as officers in the military but separated from the service before retirement.

Membership dues are $25 per year. Members may bring guests to the luncheons.

For more information, call Lianne Roberts, ROWC president, at 301-464-5498.

Professional development seminar

The commanding general of Military District of Washington will host a professional development seminar on Nov. 30 from 8 a.m. to noon at National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.

The seminar will update officers and senior enlisted service members on changes to the Army Doctrine and Comprehensive Soldier Fitness.

Battalion-level and higher command teams and staff, garrison command teams and headquarters battalion-level command teams located on Fort Meade are required to attend.

MDW company commanders, first sergeants and staff are encouraged to attend.

All attending personnel must be



Page 18: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 23

Community news & notes

identified by Tuesday to the following points of contact: Michael Egly at 202-685-2910 or [email protected] or David Stone at 202-685-1923 or [email protected].

Army Education WeekThe Fort Meade Army Education Center

is celebrating “American Education Week” through Friday.

Representatives from the following schools will provide an overview of their certificate programs and answer questions: University of Maryland, University College; Webster University; Central Michigan University; Stratford College; Trident University; and Anne Arundel Community College.

Seating is limited.For more information, email john.

[email protected] or call 301-677-6421.

Bible studyA six-week, no-homework Bible study

program is held Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

Remaining sessions will be tonight and Nov. 29, and Dec. 6 and 13.

Find hope and inspiration as the class studies “Living Victoriously in Difficult Times” by Kay Arthur.

To register, call 301-677-3785.

Couples evening studyProtestant Women of the Chapel is

offering to couples a free evening study of the book, “The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted,” on Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. through Dec. 20 at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

Free child care is provided.For more information, call 301-677-

6035 or email [email protected] or visit

Auto care coursesThe Automotive Skills Center at 6530

Taylor Ave. offers monthly courses from 1 to 3 p.m.

Cost is $10 per class.Active-duty service members, DoD

civilians, retired and Reserve personnel and their family members are eligible.

An FMWR card is required to use the center. New patrons must first view a 20-minute safety video, then attend a 10-minute briefing.

The following courses are offered:• Sunday: Basic Welding 101• Dec. 2: Proper procedures for replacing

timing beltsFor more information, call 301-677-5542.

EFMP holiday partyAll Fort Meade exceptional family

members and their families are invited to the EFMP Joint Service Children’s Holiday Party on Dec. 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center.

The event will feature holiday crafts and games, a visit from Santa, refreshments and the opportunity to meet with other EFMP families.

Registration is required by Friday at 301-677-7836 or 301-677-9017.

Story TimeThe Medal of Honor Memorial

Library offers pre-kindergarten Story Time on Thursdays from 9:30 to 10 a.m. or 10:30 to 11 a.m.

For more information, call 301-677-5522 or 301-677-4509 or visit

Out & About• The Patuxent Research Refuge’s

Hollingsworth Gallery is featuring the work of local photographer Gloria D. Hynes, a master gardener, in November and the nature exhibit of photographer Joseph G. Giitter in December. For more information, call 301-497-5763 or visit

• Symphony of Lights in Columbia, a 20-minute drive-through of more than 70 larger-than-life holiday light displays benefiting Howard County General Hospital, will open nightly this year from 6 to 10 p.m. starting Monday and ending Jan. 6. The display is closed Dec. 31 for the “Midnight at 7” event.

Admission is $20 per car or van (up to eight passengers) and $45 for commercial vans and minibuses seating 9 to 24. Tickets can be purchased at the main gate. Private walk-throughs are available for groups.

Military Appreciation Nights on Nov. 28 and Dec. 13 offer service members with military identification $10 off admission.

Coupons for $5 off are available at and

For more information, call 410-740-7840 or visit

• Friends of Patuxent Wildlife Holiday Bazaar will be held Dec. 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the National Wildlife Visitor Center of the Patuxent Research Refuge 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel.

The bazaar will feature wild and not-so-wild new and gently used treasures for purchase, and a bake sale. Participants also can take a photo with the holiday polar bear and create origami ornaments and hand-crafted cards. Find unique gifts from local crafters.

For more information, call 301-497-5763 or visit

• Indoor auto racing will be held Dec. 8 from 6 to 10 p.m. at 1st Mariner Arena, 201 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. Doors open at 6 p.m. Racing begins at 7 p.m.

Each class will compete against the clock in time trials that will determine starting positions in a series of qualifying heat races.

Tickets are $25 and $35. Cost for children 12 and younger is $10. For more information, visit

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Thursday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant, 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is tonight. For more information, visit or call Mary Gray, the local president, at 410-916-5385 or Arthur R. Cooper, national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Meade Area Garden Club will meet Friday at 10 a.m. at the Jessup Community Hall located at the corner of Route 175 and Wigley Avenue.

The speaker, David Shover of Modern Designs LLC, will demonstrate and discuss “Holiday Arrangements.”

A bake sale also will be held at this meeting.

The community is welcome; no reservations are necessary. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Pat Loosarian, membership chairman, at 410-519-6443, or Sharon Durney, club president, at 410-761-5019.

• Families Dealing with Deployment meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or

email [email protected].• Patient/Family Advisory Council

meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center. The next meeting will be Nov. 20 in Kimbrough’s main conference room on the third floor, room 3C03.

For more information or to become a council member, call Becky Mays Jenkins, coordinator of Patient and Family Centered Care, at 301-677-8261.

• Gen. George G. Meade Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars will hold its next monthly luncheon on Nov. 20 at 11:30 a.m. at Club Meade. Cost is $15.

This month’s speaker is Erik Milman, a political consultant who will provide an analysis of the recent election and a prim-er on what a political consultant does.

MOWW is a veterans service organiza-tion open to all active, retired and former officers of the uniformed services, their spouses and offspring. The Fort Meade chapter generally meets every third Tues-day at 11:30 a.m. at Club Meade. For more information, contact retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sheldon A. Goldberg at 301-572-6168 or email [email protected].

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is Nov. 25. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Nov. 26. Free child care will be provided on site.

For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or email [email protected].

• Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Roost, 9827 Love Road. The next meeting is Nov. 28. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit

• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at Club Meade. The next prayer breakfast is Dec. 6.

All Fort Meade employees, family members, and civilian and military personnel are invited. There is no cost for the buffet; donations are optional. For more information, call 301-677-6703 or email [email protected].




Page 19: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 25

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Page 20: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! November 15, 2012


The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at

Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. NEW PRICES: Tickets are $5 for adults (12 and older) and $2.50 for children.

Today through Dec. 7

Today: “The Possession” (PG-13). Parents become a bit concerned with their daughter’s obsession with an antique wooden box that may carry a dark secret. With Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick, Natasha Calis.

Friday: “Premium Rush” (PG-13). In Manhat-tan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city. With Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez.

Saturday, Sunday & Wednesday: “Won’t Back Down” (PG-13). Two women who are dissatis-fied with their children’s school try to make a difference. With Maggie Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis and Holly Hunter.

Nov. 23, 28, 30: “End of Watch” (R). Police partners form a close bond, and also share a challenging life on the street. With Jake Gyl-lenhaal, Michael Peña.

Nov. 24, 25, 29 & Dec. 1: “House at the End of the Street” (PG-13). A mother and daughter move next to a house with a deadly past. With Jennifer Lawrence, Max Thieriot, Elisabeth Shue.

Dec. 2, 5, 6, 7: “Argo” (R). In 1979, after Ira-nian revolutionaries storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran, a CIA “exfiltration” specialist concocts a risky plan to free six Americans trapped. With Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston and Alan Arkin.

Get to work on time. Know the hours of operation for

Access Gates on Fort MeadeDemps Visitor Control Center,

Bldg. 902 Reece Road7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,

Monday through Friday

Gate 1: Mapes Road and Route 32

5 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days a week

Gate 2: Mapes Road and Maryland Route 175

5 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday;

closed weekends and holidays

Gate 3: Rockenbach Road5 a.m. to 9 p.m.,

7 days a week

Gate 6: Llewellyn Avenue and Maryland Route 175

6 to 8 a.m., Monday through Friday for inbound traffic;

3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday for outbound traffic

Gate 7: Reece Road and Maryland Route 175

(Demps Visitor Control Center gate) 24-hour access

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Page 21: Fort Meade Soundoff Nov. 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 27


Fort Meade 2012 Holiday Religious services, activitiesDATE SERVICE TIME LOCATIONNov. 15-16 Harvest Festival Revival 7 p.m. Chapel CenterNov. 22 Thanksgiving Day Mass 10 a.m. Post ChapelDec. 2-6 Reconciliation Services (Catholic) 5:30-6:30 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 2-6 Advent Retreat (Catholic) 7-9 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 9 Episcopal Service of Lessons & Carols 4 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 11 Hanukkah Luncheon Celebration 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Chapel CenterDec. 12 Fort Meade Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony 5 p.m. Parade Field (near gazebo)Dec. 24 “Happy Birthday Jesus” Mass (for children) 5 p.m. Chapel CenterDec. 24 Christmas Eve Midnight Mass 10 p.m. Chapel CenterDec. 24 Episcopal Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 24 Episcopal Christmas Eve Carols/Service 10:30/11 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 25 Christmas Day Mass 12:15 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 31 New Year’s Vigil Adoration 4-4:45 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 31 New Year’s Vigil Mass 5 p.m. Post ChapelDec. 31 Gospel Watch-Night Service 10 p.m. Chapel CenterJan. 1 Mary, Mother of God 12:15 p.m. Post Chapel

Times of the regular weekend Protestant and Catholic services during the day will remain the same (if not noted). For more information about religious services, call the Garrison Chaplain’s Office at 301-677-6703.

Chaplain’s WordRHYTHMS OF LIFE

“In waiting we begin to get in touch with the rhythms of life - stillness and action, listening and decision.

“They are the rhythms of God. It is in the everyday and the commonplace that we learn patience, acceptance and

contentment.”— Richard J. Foster

Find the Fort Meadereligious schedule

Look for the “Community” tab then click on “Religious Services” for

schedules, events and contact information.

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