Fort Meade Soundoff March 7, 2013

SEQUESTER Garrison discusses impact, reality of budget reductions PAGE 3 UPCOMING EVENTS FRIDAY, 7 P.M.: Latin Night - The Conference Center SATURDAY, 7 A.M.-2 P.M.: Indoor Triathlon - Gaffney Fitness Center SUNDAY, 2 A.M.: Clocks spring forward as daylight saving time begins MARCH 15, 7-10 P.M.: Karaoke Night - The Lanes MARCH 17, 6-10 P.M.: Model Passover Seder - Argonne Hills Chapel Center FAMILY TIME 200th MP Command hosts daylong youth science camp PAGE 7 Sound off ! ´ VOL. 65 NO. 9 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community March 7, 2013 PHOTO BY SPC. MICHAEL G. HERRERO Spc. Jesus Guerrero, 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), coaches another Soldier with his M4 rifle at the Fort Meade range on Feb. 26. Guerrero is experienced in advanced rifle marksmanship and assists other Soldiers with proper firing techniques. BY A LONG SHOT



Transcript of Fort Meade Soundoff March 7, 2013

Page 1: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013

sequesterGarrison discusses impact, reality of budget reductions

page 3

uPCOMING eVeNtsfrIday, 7 P.M.: Latin Night - The Conference Centersaturday, 7 a.M.-2 P.M.: Indoor Triathlon - Gaffney Fitness CentersuNday, 2 a.M.: Clocks spring forward as daylight saving time beginsMarCh 15, 7-10 P.M.: Karaoke Night - The LanesMarCh 17, 6-10 P.M.: Model Passover Seder - Argonne Hills Chapel Center

faMIly tIMe200th MP Command hosts daylong youth science camp

page 7

Soundoff!́vol. 65 no. 9 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community March 7, 2013

Photo by SPc. Michael G. herrero

Spc. Jesus Guerrero, 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), coaches another Soldier with his M4 rifle at the Fort Meade range on Feb. 26. Guerrero is experienced in advanced rifle marksmanship and assists other Soldiers with proper firing techniques.

by a long shot

Page 2: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013� SOUNDOFF! March 7, 2013

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................10

CrimeWatch................. 4 Movies.................................12

Community................. 13 Classified.............................16

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Edward C. rothsteinGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

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It’s official.Late Friday evening, President Barack Obama

signed an order as required by the “sequester” legislation: $85 billion in automatic budget cuts to federal spending over the next seven months.

The president acknowledged that the budget cuts will be painful but not completely catastrophic.

We are now at a place where I no longer have to talk speculatively about “if sequestration happens.” Sequestration is a reality and we will do what we have to do to meet budget cuts.

Over the past week you may have either read my column in Soundoff!, attended the garrison Commander’s Call on Feb. 27, or perhaps seen or read news reports that have outlined the impact and some of the tough decisions you and I will have to endure as we adhere to Department of Defense budget cuts requirements.

So I’m not going to repeat how tough the impact of sequestration will be on the Fort Meade com-munity.

I do, however, have two thoughts I want to share with you on this subject.

My first reflection is, “We are Team Meade!” I say “Team Meade” with a lot of pride because

I know I can count on each of you to work with me, the garrison command and your partner com-mands as we weather these budget cuts. After all, “We are Team Meade and we do what we have to do to get things done.”

My second and, perhaps, more emotional thought this week relates to another reality of sequestration - the additional stress it adds to everyone’s life.

That said, I want to remind each of you that we all need to pay attention and encourage individuals who may need help dealing with stress to reach out and seek assistance. We need to continue to foster a climate that says seeking help is a sign of strength.

I have spoken about resiliency as our ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and our ability to bounce back from adversity.

I ask that you keep in mind the need to look out for one another. We all deal with stress. For some, however, managing stress is not easy.

If you know someone who is having a difficult time dealing with stress, remember that we have an abundance of resources on the installation. Please take the time to review some of the indicators of

stress and think about how you can help others get assistance.

In my mind, Team Meade also means we take care of one another.

On another note, I want to a c k n ow l e d g e that March is Women’s History Month. Sunday marked the 100-year anniversary of the Woman Suffrage Parade, a march down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., to advance women’s suffrage in the United States.

The parade is noted by historians as the first major national effort towards achieving women’s suffrage.

March 3 was selected as the parade date because it was one day before the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. Organizers knew the city would be filled with spectators, many of whom were men in town for the inauguration.

More than 8,000 marchers, including nine bands, four mounted brigades and 20 floats, filled the streets of Washington, D.C.

It would take another seven years, but in 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment secured the vote for women.

The installation was scheduled to celebrate Women’s History Month on Wednesday with its annual observance at McGill Training Center featuring Regina Hanson, an intelligence analyst for the FBI.

This month is an opportunity to remember and acknowledge the contributions of women to our society. The list of “She-roes” is a long one that includes many contributions by women to the U.S. Armed Forces.

There are many stories about women that illus-trate their tenacity, courage and creativity and their role in the history of the United States.

Please take the time this month to explore web-sites, attend local programs and learn more about women’s contributions to our society.

Have a great week!

Bracing for sequestration; celebrating Women’s History

COL. Edward C. rOthstEin

Garrison Commander

Page 3: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013 March 7, 2013 SOUNDOFF! �


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

With sequestration looming, Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein led a town hall discussion about the impact of sequestration and projected cuts to the Army budget.

The town hall was conducted during the Commander’s Call on Feb. 27 at the Post Theater.

Wellness and financial services for employ-ees were a main topic of discussion as those in attendance asked questions of garrison officials during the event.

Rothstein said he wanted to look at the sequestration from a micro-level and how it will specifically impact the Fort Meade community.

“My immediate concern is you,” he said to the large crowd. “It is personal to me and it is about you and the impact it will have on you. ... It’s a very community-wide impact that this is going to have.”

During a congressional hearing Feb. 26, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Ordierno said about 48 percent of the Army’s budget is for both civilian and military employees. Under sequestration, about 251,000 Army civilian employees will be furloughed one day per week without pay beginning in mid-April and will continue to September.

The goal is to achieve a 10 percent reduc-tion in pay for the fiscal year, which will help the Army cover its shortfall of $18 billion in its operation and maintenance accounts, said Ordierno.

When the sequestration was triggered on Friday, the Army planned for 22 days of furlough for all civilian employees. Only pure non-appropriated fund employees are excluded from furloughs, but firefighters and police also may be excluded. Service members will not be furloughed.

Rothstein said that in mid-March employ-ees will receive notice of the furloughs, which will begin 30 days from that date.

In addition to affecting the Fort Meade workforce, the furloughs also can lead to cur-tailed or closed services throughout the post.

“Those decisions on which days have to be worked [out] between you, your division and directors,” Rothstein said. “It may be more suitable to tell people that this building or that service will shut down this entire day as opposed to trying to make it through the entire week.”

During the congressional hearing, Ordi-erno said the effects of sequestration will be felt in many services.

Garrison discusses impact of sequestration

“On our installations, civilian furloughs, a 70 percent reduction in base sustainment funding, and the elimination of contracts will strain our ability to protect our Army family programs,” Ordierno said. “If sequestration is implemented, we will be forced to reduce funding for our schools, our daycare centers, family assistance and community service pro-grams, family and substance abuse counsel-ors, and tuition assistance for our Soldiers.”

While the sequestration does not affect service members directly, at Fort Meade it could cause installation services such as Child Development Centers, chapels and fitness centers to be reduced in the future.

“The intent is to maintain the three CDCs and their operations,” Rothstein said. “The intent is to keep them up and running. ... If I cannot maintain them, then we will be look-ing at curtailing operations or shutting down a CDC. Everything has got to be on the table for the safety of the kids.”

Rothstein also said closing and curtail-ing security gates is a possibility. The gates would be closed based on the priority of the entrance.

In addition to installation services being affected, Rothstein said the sequestration and furloughs also would impact yearly events that cost money.

“Perception is reality,” he said. “Although we can get money from other ways to do things, the perception is reality. We’re not

going to go have parties while you’re going to be furloughed. ... When it comes to the decision whether its going to be the Memorial Day Remembrance or keeping three CDCs or taking care of our barracks, it’s a pretty easy decision.”

Other topics discussed during the town hall are services to help employees through the process including stress management and financial advice.

“Army Community Service has free finan-cial counseling available to any ID cardhold-er,” said Doris Tyler, ACS director. “We’ll get you in as soon as we can.”

Rothstein said the garrison will do its best to lead the workforce through the process and will be as open and honest as possible about the decisions and consequences of the sequestration.

“It’s not about more with less,” Rothstein said. “It’s absolutely going to be less with less. We are going to prioritize what we can and cannot do, and will commit to that.”

photo by brandon bieltz

GIFT OF GIVINGBrian Noratell (second from right), area manager of Dunham and Smith Agencies, presents Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein with gift cards valued at $1,300 to the Fort Meade Commissary on behalf of Gatorade. Also pictured are Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter; Doris Tyler, director of Army Community Ser-vice; and Ernestina Ryals Vasquez, store director of the Fort Meade Commissary. The gift cards will be distributed to families through the Family Readiness Program at ACS.

‘It’s not about more with less, it’s absolutely going to be less with less.’

Garrison Commander Col. edward C. rothstein

Page 4: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013� SOUNDOFF! March 7, 2013


Feb. 27, Larceny of private property: An unknown person removed a U.S. flag that was affixed to the outside of their government quarters.

Feb. 22, Simple possession mari-juana: A vehicle approached Gate 7 on Reece Road, where contact was made with the driver. An odor was detected from the vehicle, which was suspected to be the smell of mari-

juana. Units obtained verbal consent to search the vehicle, which revealed a small amount of suspected marijuana. The substance was tested and revealed positive results.

Feb. 26, Shoplifting: An investigation at the Exchange revealed that the subject concealed a bottle of cologne and exited the store without render-ing proper payment.

CommunityCommunityCrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

illustration Courtesy aafes

ExchangE tEmporary parkingDue to construction of the new Exchange, the customer parking lot has been relocated to a temporary parking area formerly occupied by the PXtra. Operating hours for the Exchange remain the same: Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

By Tara C. DombeckHealth Promotion Research AssistantU.S. Army Public Health Command

Whenever you hear about eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, you may think you have to give up foods and res-taurants you enjoy and that you must eat a boring regimen of meals every day.

That can be discouraging, especially if you have certain cultural, ethnic and lifestyle practices that you include in your eating habits.

However, eating healthy does not mean you must give up your prefer-ences and tastes in foods. You can make small adjustments to your diet while still enjoying the foods you love.

March is National Nutrition Month. The theme is “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day,” which encourages everyone to continue following their food prefer-ences, lifestyle, culture and health prac-tices, but to make healthy food choices within those preferences and practices.

Good nutrition is also one of the Army surgeon general’s top priorities for building and sustaining good Sol-dier and family member health through the “Performance Triad.” Nutrition, along with a focus on healthy activity and sleep, is one of the three legs of the triad.

Choosing to eat a healthy diet has many benefits including enhancing fit-ness and performance. In addition, con-suming a healthy, well-balanced diet may reduce a person’s risk of develop-ing certain chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer, as well as obesity.

Many Americans do not meet the recommended guidelines for a well-bal-anced diet, which includes each of the five major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy products.

If you have decided to choose a more healthy diet, here are a few simple tips you should follow every day, no matter what your food preferences are:

• Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet each day.

Place fruits and vegetables in highly visible places on your kitchen counter, pack fruits and vegetables in a cooler to take with you when you are on the go,

and choose steamed vegetables as side dishes when eating at your favorite res-taurant (rather than choosing vegetables cooked in butter and oil or covered in sauces, which add extra calories from fat).

• Eat more whole grains.Choose whole-wheat breads and pas-

tas and whole-grain rice rather than white varieties of these items.

• If you enjoy meat as part of your diet, choose low-fat options such as lean cuts of beef and chicken, and cer-tain types of fish (such as salmon and trout).

If you do not eat meat, you can get protein from beans, soy products, nuts and seeds. Eggs are a good source of protein, but you should limit the amount of egg yolks you consume to no more than one a day since they contain cho-lesterol and saturated fat.

• Choose low-fat and low-calorie dairy products such as skim milk, rather than whole milk. Limit the amount of cheese you consume.

• Decrease your intake of salt and high sodium foods. Check labels for low-sodium items.

• Make better beverage choices by drinking plenty of water every day and choosing calorie-free beverages, 100 per-cent fruit juices and fat-free milk.

• Pay attention to portion sizes.Many people eat more than the rec-

ommended serving size of foods, so choose smaller portions. Stop eating when you feel satisfied.

• Always practice food safety by wash-ing your hands before preparing and eat-ing food and by keeping raw meat and fish separate from fruits and vegetables when preparing meals.

Eating right does not mean that you must give up your food preferences. Eating right, your way, every day means taking small steps that will make a big impact on your health no matter what your lifestyle and cultural preferences are.

For more information about eating a healthy, balanced diet, visit the fol-lowing websites: Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition at or Opera-tion Live Well at

Eat right, your way, every day

Page 5: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013 March 7, 2013 SOUNDOFF! �


Due to construction of the new Exchange, the Walter Reed National Medical Center shuttle bus has changed its pickup location from the Exchange to the parking lot near the Fort Meade Credit Union and the former Residential Community Initiative office, on the corner of Redwood Road and Leonard Wood Avenue (Buildings 4471 and 4463). All pickup times of the shuttle will remain the same.

Walter Reed Shuttle Bus ScheduleArrives At Fort MeAde

5:50 A.M.

7:50 A.M.

9:50 A.M.

1:50 P.M.

3:50 P.M.

5:50 P.M.

depArts Fort MeAde

6 A.M.

8 A.M.

10 A.M.

2 P.M.

4 P.M.

6 P.M.

Arrives At WAlter reed

7 A.M.

9 A.M.

11 A.M.

1 P.M.

3 P.M.

5 P.M.

7 P.M.

depArts WAlter reed

7:10 A.M.

9:10 A.M.

1:10 P.M.

3:10 P.M.

5:10 P.M.


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Page 6: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013� SOUNDOFF! March 7, 2013


By Navy MCSA Andrew DeanDefense Information School

The Defense Information School is in the process of making improvements to its network computer systems that will enable staff to be more productive when working remotely and in nearly any environment.

The information technology team at DINFOS is implementing a program called Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, or VDI, which is a server that allows users to securely access information on their network computers in a more efficient manner.

The DINFOS IT team began imple-menting VDI six month ago.

“The solution that we’re implement-ing right now is going to allow staff to access their applications and access their desktop easier anytime, anywhere,” said Ibukunolu Sanni, a system engineer who is part of the DINFOS IT team.

At present, DINFOS staff members are issued a government laptop in order to work remotely. They log onto their network computers by using a Virtual Private Network, a process that can take as long as 10 minutes. The new VDI system reduces the login time dramati-cally and allows users to access their network computer desktops via a roam-ing profile.

“My whole objective is to reduce the footprint. Right now, you’ve got people who go TDY [temporary duty] with two pieces of equipment,” said Chief of DINFOS Information Technology Den-nis W. Cornell, referring to a desktop and laptop.

The VDI system reduces the equip-ment necessary to work remotely to one piece of equipment — a Common Access Card-enabled computer. Even-tually this capability will extend to the use of a Common Access Card-enabled tablet.

“Right now, the benefits you’ll see for a teleworker or someone who goes TDY is that they can use their own equip-ment,” Cornell said. “We’ll provide them instructions on how to download driv-ers for the CAC readers. There are two additional programs that would have to be installed, but it would be a pretty seamless process.”

The new VDI system, which relies heavily upon servers to perform func-tions, will allow DINFOS to switch most of its computers to cheaper, more effi-cient “thin” clients. Thin means staffers

DINFOS IT upgrades ensure more efficiency

Photo by Lt. Cmdr. Karen e. eifert

Ibukunolu Sanni and Rod Atcherson, members of the Defense Information School information technology team, work to make Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, or VDI, a reality for DINFOS instructors. VDI makes working remotely easier for staff members without sacrificing the security features that traditional desktop PCs offer users.

will no longer need the computer that typically sits at an employee’s feet.

By switching to thin clients, DINFOS will save money from software licensing costs, equipment costs and increased hardware lifecycle.

“Looking at lifecycle management now, you’re looking at roughly five years of usage out of a single work sta-tion,” Cornell said. “With a thin client, I can probably stretch that out to seven years.”

Considering the difference in cost and the sheer number of work stations at DINFOS, the amount saved would be significant, he said.

The DINFOS IT team said the plan for the VDI system upgrade has been in the works for a couple of years and is projected to take two years to fully

implement. The equipment and licensing were implemented last year.

Resources for the new hardware will be implemented throughout 2013.

Although it will take a while before VDI reaches DINFOS students, the plan is that they, too, will be able to use this improved technology. DINFOS staff working remotely will immediately see benefits once the server is upgraded.

“They won’t have to worry about being accountable for another piece of equipment,” Cornell said. “I can just give them a CAC reader — and I have tons of those.”

The DINFOS IT team works dili-gently to ensure its roaming profiles maintain the same level of security when accessed remotely as when accessed tra-ditionally via desktop PC.

follow fort meade at

Page 7: Fort Meade Soundoff  March 7, 2013 March 7, 2013 SOUNDOFF! �


By Sgt. 1st Class Mark Bell200th Military Police Command

Ecobots, NASA launch activities and several other science experiments were on the menu during a daylong camp held Saturday for Army Reserve youths.

Hosted by the 200th Military Police Command’s Child, Youth and School Services staff and organized by a local 4-H organization, more than a dozen youths spent the jam-packed day wrapped up in science experiments as their fathers and mothers participated in the monthly, battle assembly week-end.

While 200th MPCOM Soldiers reported to the morning’s first forma-tion, campers were busy getting their name tags and learning about the other Reserve youth who would soon be their newest friends.

Maj. Gen. Sanford Holman, com-manding general of the 200th MPCOM, a command that has more than 14,000 Soldiers and their family members across 44 states, said having a success-ful family program is a key component of the Army Reserve family.

“Our families may not physically stand in our formations during battle assembly weekend, but they are defi-nitely a part of our formations across this command,” Holman said. “My wife and I know the importance of ensuring our families are informed about the resources and tools available to them to succeed before, during and after deploy-ments.”

As Soldiers cleared the area after a brief morning formation, the room was transformed into a large science center. The first order of business was to sepa-rate participants into smaller groups, ensuring siblings were matched with people they didn’t know.

Deadra Martin, the 200th MPCOM’s CYSS coordinator, said separating fam-ilies was important because sometimes siblings will cling to each other.

“We want them to get to know other Army Reserve youth and make new friends,” she said.

Two brothers, Jack and Logan Maroclo, who were nearly attached at the hip, quickly adapted and made new friends. After an hour of science experi-ments, 7-year-old Jack ran up to a staff member and shouted, “I am having the best time here!”

With a smile, the 4-H volunteer

Army Reserve youth tackle science day camp

photos by spc. Amber KArAmbellAs

Young family members of Army Reservists use their creativity for a science project during the day camp attended by more than a dozen youths. The 200th Military Police Command’s Child, Youth and School Services staff hosted the daylong camp organized by a local 4-H organization during battle assembly weekend.

Megan Dakwa, 12, of Gaithersburg works on her micro-robot using only a toothbrush, small motor and watch battery during a science day camp hosted Saturday by the 200th Military Police Command at Fort Meade. Dakwa is the niece of Staff Sgt. Kofi Tutu, a supply sergeant in the Army Reserve.

quickly got him back to his waiting team members to finish a project.

That excitement was visible through-out the room as teams began talking and learning about each other while creating small, makeshift robots from a toothbrush, small motor and a watch battery.

Jessica Crawford, the Family Readi-ness Group leader for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 200th MPCOM, smiled from a corner chair as she watched the young family members become more engaged with each other as each new experiment was introduced by the 4-H staff.

“We want them to feel comfortable and be able to explore their creativity with the sciences,” Crawford said. “We don’t need electronics to keep them engaged, and these activities here today seemed to be doing the job.”

Crawford has spent the past sev-eral months working with her husband, Capt. Brandon Crawford, to create interactive experiences for families of the Champion command headquarters.

She said being a part of the Army Reserve family is no easy task, espe-cially for the younger generations.

“We have to listen to our children,” she said. “They are our future and pos-sibly the Army Reserves’ next leaders.”

As the campers sat down for lunch provided by the local American Legion Auxiliary, the higher volume of chatter filled the air as new friends a few hours prior were now best friends.

“Will you be here next month?” one boy asked another.

“Heck yeah, I will,” said another boy. “We better tell our dads to bring us here again. I didn’t know he had this much fun when he plays Army.”

As lunch finished and campers played kick ball, jump rope and other play-ground games, the bonding of Army Reserve friends was clearly noticeable.

“We couldn’t ask for anything more,” Crawford said. “We have to inspire our children to be the best, and what better role models than a parent in the Army Reserve and a supportive spouse?”

After lunch, participants engaged on more science experiments including snow, germ glow and marbles.

The fun-packed afternoon ended on a quiet note as campers designed posters about what it means to be a military youth.

“We want them to walk away know-ing they are not alone and there are others just like them,” Crawford said. “They may go to a school where they are the only military child, but being here, they know that the person sitting across the table is going through the same types of situations with a parent in the Army Reserve.”

Holman said military families must recognize that their children matter and have a voice.

“Communication is one of the major components to a successful family,” he said. “It doesn’t just apply to our Army Reserve families, but our neighbors and communities, too.”

Crawford said the 200th MPCOM is a community, and families must lean toward each other as a bigger family.

“In today’s Army, our husbands and wives are called upon to do more with less,” she said. “Our future is uncertain but very bright. The Army Reserve has many resources and tools to help fami-lies be successful.”

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By Mark DeVaughnCommunications CoordinatorHealth Net Federal Services

For Air Force Col. Wayne R. Monteith, work came first.

He was responsible for more than 5,000 people and worldwide operations, including flying the GPS constellation. He considered that his priority above routine health care.

In December 2010 – at the insistence of his secretary who rescheduled the appointment three times – Monteith had his first colonos-copy at age 51, almost a year after his doctor’s initial recommendation.

One reason for the delay was what Mon-teith called “institutional,” but he also felt he didn’t need one.

“We are raised in our careers with a war-rior ethos, to not complain and not get sick,” he said. “For me, having rarely been sick, I construed it as a sign of weakness.”

He’s not alone.Health Net Federal Services’ goal is to

increase the number of beneficiaries in the TRICARE North Region who obtain the recommended colorectal cancer screenings to save lives.

The Centers for Disease Control and Pre-vention lists colorectal cancer as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. among cancers affecting men and women.

Colorectal cancer screenings can, in many cases, prevent colon and rectal cancers by finding polyps before they turn cancerous.

Heading to his appointment, Monteith felt he was in great health. He had been a competitive runner and his physical fitness score put him in the top one percent of the Air Force.

It wasn’t until the physician assistant came to speak with him after his colonoscopy and started crying that he realized something was wrong.

“My doctor informed me I had an aggres-sive tumor that could kill me if not removed,” Monteith said. “I’m not sure if it sunk in immediately, but I certainly knew they had to be wrong. I had no symptoms. Zero.”

Yet, according to the American Cancer Society, most people diagnosed with early colorectal cancer do not experience symp-toms. Symptoms such as blood in the stool, persistent stomach pain and unexplained weight loss may not appear until the disease has progressed.

Because of the size of his tumor, surgery was scheduled within the week. He said that even then he didn’t quite accept what they were going to do. He didn’t even bring an overnight bag with him to the hospital.

The surgery resulted in the removal of one-third of his large intestine and the adjacent lymph nodes, and a four-day hospital stay.

Pathology reports confirmed Stage 3 colon cancer. About two weeks later, chemotherapy treatments started.

“To be blunt, chemo sucks,” Monteith said. “If I can help one person avoid chemo-therapy, then I’ve done my job.”

He described one side effect, cold sensitiv-ity – especially while receiving treatments in Colorado Springs, Colo., during winter – as “drinking a cupful of glass” when breathing in the cold air.

The American Cancer Society reports that as many as one in five people diagnosed with colorectal cancer have a family history of the disease. Monteith didn’t learn his family his-tory until he was already diagnosed.

“While still in the hospital, my father told me he had polyps removed when he was 40,” Monteith said. “Had I been armed with that information, my doctor told me I would have been instructed to be screened at least 10 years earlier. We may have avoided this entirely.”

His message about the importance of dis-cussing family medical history is simple: “It’s vital that you ask; it could save your life.”

Monteith is in remission and looking for-ward to celebrating the five-year mark when he can officially declare he is cured.

“That’s the big event we are looking to celebrate,” he said.

There is another positive to his colorectal cancer experience - the discovery of early-

stage melanoma during a routine follow-up last year. The finding and removal of the melanoma would not have occurred had he not been going through this, he said.

“My family describes it as, ‘Wayne: 2, Cancer: 0.’ I’m not looking to go 3-0. And certainly not 2-1,” Monteith said.

To his fellow military community, Monte-ith advises: “Don’t roll the dice.”

He said it’s not about feeling lucky. He feels fortunate, not lucky that the screening caught the disease.

“I believe people think, ‘It won’t happen to me.’ I would have said the same thing the day before my colonoscopy,” he said.

TRICARE covers routine colorectal can-cer screenings at no cost to TRICARE benefi-ciaries when they see a network provider.

For more information, facts and tips, visit and like Health Net Federal Services on Facebook.

Editor’s note: Col. Wayne R. Monteith cur-rently serves as deputy director, Department of Defense Executive Agent for Space Staff and Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (Space), Pentagon.

In his prior position, Monteith was com-mander, 50th Space Wing, Air Force Space Command, Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., where he led more than 5,300 military, DoD civilians and contractor personnel serving at 14 operating locations.

‘Don’t roll the dice’

Colorectal cancer screening can lead to survival

Can you keep unordered merchandise?By Jane M. WinandChief, Legal Assistance Division

Perhaps this has happened to you. You respond to an ad offering a free pocket wrench as a gift. To your surprise, the wrench arrives in the mail along with a complete tool kit and a hefty bill.

Or maybe you receive an elaborate cell phone cover in the mail that you never ordered.

Although you notified the company that you never requested the tool kit or phone cover, you continue to get notices demanding payment and threatening to ruin your credit rating.

What should you do if you receive

goods that you didn’t order?First of all, if you receive merchandise

that you didn’t order, you have a legal right to keep it as a free gift. You do not have a legal obligation to notify the seller if you keep the unordered merchandise.

However, it is a good idea to contact the company by writing a letter to inform the seller that you consider the item a free gift. This may discourage the seller from send-ing you bills or other payment notices and could also clear up an honest error.

Send the letter via certified mail. Keep the return receipt and a copy of the letter for your records should a claim for pay-ment be made by the seller at a later date.

However, the unordered merchandise that you received may have been the result of an honest shipping error. For instance, the box with your free plastic mixing bowl may also contain a complete set of cook-ware and a receipt for the cookware, which bears the name and address of a different consumer, not you.

Obviously, the shipping personnel weren’t being careful and included some-one else’s purchased cookware in the box with your free bowl.

In the case of a shipping error, you should write the seller and offer to return the merchandise, provided the seller pays for postage and handling.

Give the seller a specific and reasonable time to pick up the merchandise or arrange to have it returned at no cost to you. Thirty days should be a reasonable time.

Also inform the seller that you reserve the right to keep the merchandise or to dispose of it if the seller has not claimed it in the specified time.

Some items may be sent legally without your consent. For example, free samples of shampoo or laundry detergent that are clearly marked “free” may be sent legally.

Charitable organizations also may mail merchandise while asking for a contribu-tion from you. In either case, you may keep the merchandise as a gift.

How can you protect yourself from receiving unordered and unwanted mer-chandise? Be careful and be smart. If you participate in a sweepstakes or order goods advertised as “free” or “trial,” be especially cautious and realize that you may be dis-appointed in the quality of the goods.

Read all of the information about the offer to make sure you are not joining a club with regular purchasing obligations. Keep a copy of the advertisement or cata-logue that led you to place the order in case there are problems in the future.

Should you have a problem with unor-dered merchandise and the company has not been helpful, contact your local postal inspector, the Maryland Consumer Pro-tection Division at 410-528-8662, or the Federal Trade Commission at

You also may schedule an appointment to meet with a Fort Meade Legal Assis-tance Division attorney at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

How can a high school student affiliated with Fort Meade, who has completed a Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps pro-gram and wants to enroll in college, pay tuition?

By applying for the Officers’ Spouses’ Club’s annual JROTC Scholarship.

The OSC presents a financial award for academic achievement to a deserving, col-lege-bound high school student who has completed the JROTC program at Meade High School or at a high school within a 35-mile radius of Fort Meade.

“We place a high value on commitment and service to our country,” said Heather Thomas, scholarship chairperson. “We want to support a student who plans — like many spouses — to serve our country through military service.”

The JROTC Scholarship, which requires a 2.5 GPA, is the club’s only scholarship that does not require applicants to be a military dependent or dependent of an OSC member.

The OSC also offers the Merit Scholar-ship and Etta Baker Memorial Scholarship for academic achievement to high school graduates and college students who are mili-tary dependents and the child of an OSC member.

Applicants for the Merit Scholarship must have a 2.5 GPA, while applicants for the Etta

Baker Memorial Scholarship must have a 3.0 GPA.

The Military Spouse Scholarship is award-ed for academic achievement to military spouses who are completing an undergradu-ate degree. The recipient, who must have a 2.5 GPA, must be a member of OSC.

All four awards will be applied to the 2013 to 2014 academic school year.

Applications for all the scholarships must be postmarked by April 1. They are available at the OSC website at

The OSC’s annual scholarship award cer-emony will be held in mid-May. Scholarship award recipients will receive an invitation in the mail.

Thomas said that although OSC is a social group, it is primarily a service organization that recognizes academic excellence and a commitment to the community.

“We appreciate young people who are not only leaders in the classroom but who are also leaders in the community,” Thomas said. “Our past recipients were well-rounded individuals who were not just accomplished scholastically, but also were active in school and community activities.”

Thomas said the club supports military spouses because of the difficulties they often face in attaining a post-secondary education.

“Many spouses begin a degree at one institution and have to transfer because their service member spouses are reassigned,” Thomas said. “Relocating is just one of the

obstacles. … Realistically, a military spouse working on a degree may also be coping with deployment while juggling the needs of children without any help from extended family members.”

The club holds fundraisers throughout the year to fund its scholarships. Last year, OSC awarded $10,000 in scholarships.

The club’s biggest fundraisers are bingo in the fall, a holiday bazaar and the Old Joe Golf Tournament, which will be held April 12.

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s Central Maryland chapter provides funding for the Etta Baker Memorial Scholarship.

Spouses’ Clubs give back

Scholarships reward outstanding student leaders

By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

A high school student who is dedicated to community service while performing well in school is the perfect candidate for the Enlisted Spouses Club Scholarship Award.

“The ESC is about volunteering and giving back to our communities, and this is a big part of our scholarship program,” said Patricia Baker, ESC president. “Each student needs to show how they are giving back while also maintaining their grades.”

The annual scholarships are presented to graduating high school seniors and full-time continuing education students. Valued at $1,500, scholarhships will be given to a military child or spouse of any military member from any service branch and will be applied to the 2013 to 2014 academic

school year.The Evelyn Silva Scholarship Award of

Excellence was first awarded in 2011. It was created to honor Evelyn Silva, a long-stand-ing member of ESC who has committed her life to volunteering for the military.

The $2,000 scholarship is given to a graduating high school senior who is a military child and resides in the Fort Meade area. The student must carry a minimum 3.0 GPA and volunteer at one or more orga-nizations. The scholarship will be applied to the 2013 to 2014 academic school year.

Applications for each scholarship are available at the ESC website at They must be postmarked by March 15 and received in the ESC post office box by March 22.

The scholarships will be awarded at the

ESC’s annual scholarship ceremony on May 20 at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

Baker said the ESC has been awarding scholarships to military dependents for 60 years.

“We feel that these students show some-thing special by dealing with everything that involves being part of a military family and still succeeding in school and being a volun-teer in the community,” Baker said. “With all these challenges, we want to reward them while also encouraging them to continue with their schooling.”

The ESC Scholarship Award may be used at any accredited college, university, business or vocational school for one year. The Evelyn Silva Scholarship must be used for full-time, post-secondary education.

The ESC started offering scholarships two years ago to enlisted spouses continuing their education.

“Many spouses find it hard to maintain a career while moving every few years, but a degree can help ease these transitions,” Baker said. “This scholarship program was founded to help these spouses go back to school so they can start a career that can move with them.”

The club’s scholarships are funded by proceeds from the Post Thrift Shop, which is operated by the ESC.

“We have been very blessed and are very grateful to have the support of our com-munity as donors and customers,” Baker said. “Without the continued support of the Fort Meade community, we wouldn’t be able to offer these scholarships.”

Community service: A prerequisite for scholarship

file photo

Annalisa Irby and Kinza Shah, both graduating seniors at Meade High School, and Roger Isom Jr., a graduating senior at Broadneck High School in Annapolis, accept the Officers’ Spouses’ Club’s Etta Baker Memorial Scholarship at last year’s award ceremony.

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Story and photos by Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Over the course of eight weeks, 114 gym-goers and dieters from Fort Meade battled to become the biggest loser on the installation.

When it was all over, the post was more than 800 pounds lighter through Gaffney Fitness Center’s annual Dump Your Plump competition.

On Tuesday, the top finishers were crowned in a brief ceremony at Gaff-ney’s pool.

Matthew Wise was the overall winner, losing 26.81 percent body fat.

Stacy Fretwell led the women’s cat-egory with a 13.8 percent loss. Mark Hamilton dropped 16.9 percent to win the men’s category.

The Deadweight Team of Wise, Francisco Jamison, Alonzo Coley and Mahlon Thomas lost a total of 16.1 percent body fat to take the title in the team competition.

“It feels good,” Fretwell said of her first-place finish. “It feels real good.”

Organizers said the competition, now in its fifth year, was more competitive than in the past as Fretwell narrowly edged out Yulanda McCowin, who lost 13.6 percent, while the second- and third-place teams were separated by less than half a percentage point.

In total, participants shed a combined 801.8 pounds, with all teams losing 512 pounds and individuals dropping a total of 289.8 pounds.

Last year, 267 competitors lost a combined 1,527 pounds. But this year the average weight lost by a competitor increased from 5.71 pounds to 7.01.

“The dedication was there because people lost weight every single week as opposed to just one big push at the end,” said Angie Wanner, sports special-ist for the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Dump Your Plump organizer. “People were consistently losing weight.”

Dump Your Plump, which began Jan. 7, is a flexible weight-loss competition that allows contestants to design their own workout plan and diet.

Participants could enter as individu-als or as teams.

Competitors are required to weigh in weekly on Mondays, Tuesdays and

Wednesdays. The private weigh-ins mea-sure the percentage of weight lost, not total pounds.

For each week that a competitor misses a weigh-in, a pound is added to the final weight. Missing a total of four or more weigh-ins or missing more than two consecutive weigh-ins results in elimination.

Nearly 300 people registered at the start of the contest, but that number dropped to 114 by Feb. 28 when the competition ended.

Wise won the competition for the second straight year and was awarded the grand prize of an iPad Mini.

The top man and woman finishers were first-time winners. Fretwell par-ticipated in the competition last year, but wasn’t able to drop enough to win the competition. This year, Fretwell, who swam in high school, switched her workouts from cardio on the treadmill to swimming five hours a week.

“I’ve been eating right, eating health-ier and working out,” the Meuse Forest resident said.

Hamilton had a large lead in the men’s competition, beating Doug Wise, who dropped 10.7 percent body fat.

This year’s competition was Hamil-ton’s first.

“In December I [read about] Dump Your Plump and I thought this would be a good chance to get back in shape,”

Fort Meade sheds more than 800 pounds

Stacy Fretwell poses in front of the Gaffney Fitness Center pool Tuesday morning after being named the top woman loser in the annual Dump Your Plump competition. Fretwell lost 13.8 percent body fat during the eight-week competition by swimming an hour a day.

Mark Hamilton stands on an elliptical at Gaffney Fitness Center on Tuesday. Hamilton won the individual men’s category in Dump Your Plump by losing 16.9 percent body fat.

Biggest WinnersOverall:• Matthew Wise, 26.81 percent body fat

Individual men:• Mark Hamilton, 16.9 percent body fat• Doug Wise, 10.7 percent body fat

Individual women:• Stacy Fretwell, 13.8 percent body fat• Yulanda McCowin, 13.6 percent body fat

Top teams:• Deadweight, 16.1 percent body fat• The Fat Badges, 10.3 percent body fat• FTDTL Pudge Club, 10.1 percent body fat

the Severn resident said.A marathon coach recovering from

injury, Hamilton dropped the weight by counting calories, attending spin classes, using stationary bikes and ellipticals,

and running outside.Hamilton now plans to run a half

marathon in the coming weeks.“It’s pretty cool,” Hamilton said of


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Sports ShortsMixed martial arts class

Gaffney Fitness Center is offering free, mixed martial-arts classes every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 10 a.m.

The next class is Saturday.Classes include lessons in Brazilian Jui Jitsu and Muay Thia and are taught by

certified instructors.For more information, call 301-677-3867.

Arena football players

Youth Sports has openings of the 7U, 8U, 9U, 10U and 11U arena football teams.

To sign-up or for more information, call 301-677-1149 or 301-677-1156.

Spring sports registration

Registration for spring sports is under way at Parent Central Services, 1900 Reece Road.

Spring sports include soccer, T-ball, baseball, softball, track, indoor football and basketball.

Coaches are needed for soccer and baseball.For more information, call 301-677-1149 or 1156.

Old Joe Golf Tournament The Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses Club is sponsoring the 8th Annual Old

Joe Golf Tournament on April 12 at Eisenhower Golf Course, 1576 Generals Highway, Crownsville.

Shotgun start will be at 8:30 a.m.Cost is $70 for active-duty service members, retirees and family members,

and $75 for everyone else.Registration and payment are due by March 29.Registration includes green fees and cart, putting contest, continental

breakfast, barbecue lunch, two beverage tickets, door prizes, snacks and player goodie bags.

Proceeds benefit the Fort Meade OSC Scholarships and Welfare Programs.For more information, email Lorin Neslony at [email protected]

or visit

EFMP bowlingThe Exceptional Family Member program is sponsoring its monthly bowling

event on March 20 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Lanes.Exceptional family members will receive a free game and shoe rental. Other

family members will receive discounted games and shoe rental.To register, call 301-677-4473 or email [email protected].

Texas Hold ‘emTexas Hold ‘em no buy-in games are played Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Lanes.Games are free and open to the public.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

For more Fort Meade sports, visit

I’m not sure if you remember my column about a month ago when I talked about the beautiful walk along Llewellyn Avenue between my office and the Colonel’s.

If you don’t know exactly where I’m talking about, just take a left at the Main Post Chapel and look for the dookie.

Seriously, the geese around here have turned the sidewalk along Llewellyn into their personal port-a-pot, and now my leisurely stroll to the boss’ office is one giant game of bird-poo hopscotch.

My hope is the storm we received on Wednesday – the same storm that is forc-ing me to write this column on Tuesday because of Maryland’s trepidation of precipitation — will provide that patch of sidewalk between the chapel and the future home of the Fort Meade Resil-iency Center (aka Kuhn Hall, aka our former Distinguished Visitors Quarters) the spring cleaning it needs.

Ah, spring. It’s a time of renewal. The grass grows from brown to green. The cherry blossoms bloom (March 28 to 31 this year). And, apparently, geese do the 2.

But even the byproduct of their busy bowels sticking to my shoes, and the boobery up in D.C., can’t get me too down.

That’s because spring also means base-ball.

This time of year, instead of reaching for my happy pills, all I have to do is watch the movie “Field of Dreams” and let the deep, soothing voice of Terrence Mann, played brilliantly by James Earl Jones, turn my frown upside down.

Now I’ve heard all the complaints about baseball: It’s too slow, it’s boring, it’s not as good as football.

All of that may be debatable, but the fact of the matter is, nothing in this world is more beautiful than a perfectly turned 6-4-3 double play.

Plus, nothing is more breathtaking than a monster home run.

Baseball fights are better than hockey fights, or boxing for that matter.

And, dare I say, baseball collisions are better than any hits you will see in today’s NFL.

No other thing has inspired story-

tellers like Ernie Harwell bit.l y / Z 8 H B B 2 , Harry Caray, or Vin Scully

Nothing tastes better than a dog at the ballpark, and no phrase soothes the soul like “Pitchers and catchers report.”

And all of these things aren’t even what’s best about baseball. At least not for me, not right now. When things seem pretty crummy, baseball puts things in its proper perspective.

Or in the words of Terrence Mann, “The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamroll-ers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again.”

We’ve fought wars, lost loved ones, and gone through furloughs before, and baseball has kept chugging along. Its persistence assures me that we will do the same.

Baseball is great memories of my dad, coaching my son’s CYSS team, taking Ryan Howard in the first round of my fantasy draft — and then trading him for Jeff Francoeur and some other scrub I can’t remember.

It’s the stinging hands you feel after hitting a line drive. It’s the danger of that line drive hitting a poor girl in the throat during a Little League game, and the freedom I felt as I sped around the bases while that girl was being carried off the field. The girl was fine, and I slid into home without a throw.

Baseball is playing catch with my big brother.

And it’s because of all this, and so much more, that I can say without a doubt, that even though football may be America’s game right now, baseball will always be our pastime.

If you have comments on this or any-thing to do with sports, contact me at [email protected].

‘People will come, Ray’

Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs


Jibber Jabber - OpiniOn

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Community news

By Melissa BrachfeldPublic Affairs SpecialistNational Museum of Health and Medicine

By 1863, the Civil War had been rag-ing on for two long years, with significant casualties on both sides of the conflict.

The year would see the battles of Chan-cellorsville and Chattanooga, among many others. It also brought the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the most pivotal battles of the Civil War.

Since Feb. 11, the National Museum of Health and Medicine, an element of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, has put several arti-facts, specimens and images from 1863 on display as part of its ongoing com-memoration of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War.

The museum is located at 2500 Linden Lane in Silver Spring. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. Admission is free.

Items on display include medical illus-trations depicting the wounds of soldiers from Ohio, North Carolina, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

According to Eric Boyle, of the NMHM Otis Historical Archives, illustrations in the exhibit document the amputation of an arm, gangrene of the foot, a gunshot wound to the chest, and more.

Boyle said one of the tintypes shows Pvt. Charles Lapham of the 1st Vermont, who was wounded near Boonesborough on July 8, 1863. Lapham was struck by a solid shot that shattered both of his legs. Forty-eight hours after he was wounded, he “rallied” and was able to successfully undergo amputations on each leg.

Boyle said Lapham recovered rapidly, and after 11 months was supplied with artificial limbs. By October 1864, Lapham reported he could walk up and down staircases. He contributed photos to the museum to document his mobility.

Craig Schneider, a specialist in the museum’s historical collections, said visi-tors will also be able to see the bones of soldiers who were wounded or killed in 1863.

One specimen is a portion of the left arm of Pvt. John Gilbert, Company C, 42nd New York, which was amputated after being struck by a bullet at the Battle of Gettysburg. Schneider said Gilbert remained in service, eventually transfer-ring to the Veteran Reserve Corps.

These bones, illustrations and other artifacts replace objects on display from battles and events in 1862, which first

Medical Museum installs Civil War artifacts

Image courtesy of the NatIoNal museum of health aNd medIcINe

In this tintype from the National Museum of Health and Medicine’s Otis Historical Archives, Pvt. Charles Lapham of the 1st Vermont poses after undergoing amputations on both legs. The lower portions of his legs were shattered by a solid shot during a battle near Boonesborough on July 8, 1863. He received artificial limbs 11 months after surgery.

went on display on May 21, 2012, in celebration of the museum’s 150th anni-versary.

The 1863 images and specimens are in the museum’s Civil War exhibit located in “The Collection That Teaches” gal-lery. The exhibit calls back to the muse-um’s earliest days as the Army Medical Museum, and features the right arm of Capt. Henry Wirz, known for his time as commander of the Confederate prisoner-of-war camp at Andersonville;

a pocket surgical kit that belonged to Mary Walker, the first woman awarded the Medal of Honor; and the lower right leg of Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, which was amputated following the Battle of Gettysburg.

NMHM offers a free, docent-led Civil War-themed tour of its exhibits the sec-ond Saturday of each month, beginning at 11 a.m. No reservations are required.

For more information, call 301-319-3300 or visit


The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at

Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. NEW PRICES: Tick-ets are $5 for adults (12 and older) and $2.50 for children. 3D Movies: $7 adults, $4.50 children.

Today through March 24

Today: “Broken City” (R). War ignites between an ex-cop and a corrupt mayor. With Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Friday & Saturday: “Bullet to the Head” (R). A cop and an assassin join forces to take on a common enemy. With Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Sarah Shahi.

Sunday: “Warm Bodies” (PG-13). A zombie encounters a young woman, rescues her from an attack and falls in love. With Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, John Mal-kovich, Dave Franco and Analeigh Tipton.

March 14, 16, 20: “Beautiful Creatures” (PG-13). Supernatural love story set in the South, regarding the tale of two star-crossed lovers. With Alden Ehrenreich, Alice Englert, Jeremy Irons.

March 15, 17: “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunt-ers” (PG-13). Siblings with a haunted past hunt witches for a living. Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen. (3D)

March 21, 22: “Parker” (R). A thief with a unique code of professional ethics is double-crossed by his crew and left for dead. Assum-ing a new disguise and forming an unlikely alliance with a woman on the inside, he looks to hijack the score of the crew’s latest heist. With Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez and Michael Chiklis.

March 23: Studio Appreciation FREE screen-ing: Tickets available at the Exchange Food Court. Seating open to non-ticket holders 30 minutes prior to showtime.

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Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Fort Meade Facebook page at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

Many happy returnsAs of March 1, the Fort Meade Joint

Installation Tax Center has served 688 clients, and saved service members and their families $202,507 in preparation fees and $2,035,300 in tax returns.

The tax center is located at 4217 Roberts Ave.

To schedule an appointment for assistance with preparation and electronic filing of federal and state income tax returns, call 301-677-9366.

Tech ExpoA Technology Exposition, hosted by

U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, will be held April 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fort Meade Conference Center.

Spring forwardDon’t forget to set your clocks

forward one hour Sunday at 2 a.m. when daylight saving time ends. Also, don’t forget change the batteries in your smoke alarms.


This is an opportunity for the organizations and units structured under the Fort Meade garrison, Defense Information Systems Agency, National Security Agency, U.S. Cyber Command and other tenant units to see the latest in emerging technologies, network with industry experts, and share ideas and future goals.

The expo will feature demonstrations and presentations from a variety of companies.

For more information, visit

Model sederA Model Passover Seder will be

conducted by Rabbi Levi Finkelstein on March 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

There is no charge.Passover commemorates the exodus

of the ancient Israelites from Egypt. The traditional seder features a retelling of the biblical story and symbolic foods.

Finkelstein leads “Lunch with the Rabbi” on Tuesdays at noon at the chapel center.

For more information, call 301-677-6035.

Latin NightEnjoy a night of Latin dancing at the

next Latin Night on Friday at 7 p.m. at the Conference Center.

The event is free.For more information, visit

Free chamber concertThe U.S. Army Field Band will

present a Chamber Concert Series mixed performance on March 20 at 7 p.m. on Fort Meade at Devers Hall, 4214 Field Band Drive.

The free concert is open to the public. No tickets are required.

The repertoire covers a wide spectrum of chamber music literature ranging from classical vocal works to an original jazz composition.

For more information, call 301-677-5789 or visit

Families helping familiesThe Exceptional Family Member

Program Support Group will meet Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Learn how to become a better advocate for your special needs child.

The presenter is Renee Cotton of the Maryland Coalition of Families for Children’s Mental Health.

Registration is required.To register or for more information,

call Anita Hendrix at 301-677-4779 or email [email protected].

School board president to address concerns

Anne Arundel County Board of Education President Andrew Pruski will be joined by Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein to address concerns and answer questions about the school system during an outreach event on March 16 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Exchange.

The event is open only to those who have regular access to the installation.

This will be the third outreach event hosted by the board. Similar events were held earlier this school year at Arundel Mills and Westfield Annapolis malls.

Questions will be addressed on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, call 410-222-5312 or visit

Lunch and Learn The Safara Group will present a free

Lunch and Learn Financial Seminar on March 19 and 23 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Conference Center, 6800 Taylor Ave.

Topics are: • How to go from debt elimination to

wealth creation • The VA Loan and Home Equity

Conversion Mortgage Loan Programs and how they can work for

you • TSP/401K - retirement plan alterna-

tives • Good Debt vs. Bad Debt – how to

know the differenceSeating is limited. RSVP by March

14.To register, call 732-800-1477.

Financial Readiness classesArmy Community Service offers

Financial Readiness classes at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Classes are open to DoD identification cardholders, including active-duty service members, retirees and their family members, DoD civilian employees and contractors.

Registration is required for each class.

• Financial Service and Account Management: Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m.

• Money Management: March 14, 1 to 3 p.m.

• First Term Financial Readiness: March 26, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m

• Consumer Awareness: March 28, 1 to 3 p.m.

To register or for more information, call 301-677-5590. To schedule an appointment, visit

Career, relationship classesThe Fleet and Family Support Center

offers the following free classes at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave.:

Registration is required for all programs.

• Common Sense Parenting: Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• Stress Management: March 14, 9 to 11 a.m.

• Sponsorship Training: March 19, 1 to 3 p.m.

• Anger Management: March 21, 9 to 11 a.m.

• Building Healthy Relationships: March 22, 9 to 11 a.m.

For more information, call 301-677-9014, 301-677-9017 or 301-677-9018.

Mob/Dep programsThe Mobilization/Deployment

Program will offer the following programs at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Registration is required.• Pre-deployment Brief: March 15,

9:30 to 11 a.m.• Family Readiness Group

Roundtable: March 20, 9 to 11 a.m.• CARE Team Training: March 25, 9

a.m. to 3 p.m.For more information, email Pia

Morales, Mobilization/Deployment Pro-gram manager, at [email protected] or call 301-677-4110.

Free summer leadership camp

The Navy-sponsored Drug Education For Youth is now accepting applications for the free two-week summer leadership camp on Fort Meade from July 9 to 19 for ages nine to 12.




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Community news & notes

Participants will learn the basics on drug use and prevention, alcohol, tobacco, peer pressure and gangs. All gear, training material and field trips will be provided by DEFY.

Availability is limited. Applications will be taken until April 30.

To download an application, visit and forward it to the DEFY mailbox at [email protected].

For more information, email Chief Hankins at [email protected], CTN2 Vassell at [email protected] or [email protected].

Easter Bunny brunchBrunch with the Easter Bunny will be

held March 23 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Conference Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny will visit from noon to 1 p.m.

Cost is $13 for adults and $8 for ages 4 to 10. Children ages 3 and under attend free.

Tickets are on sale at the Youth Center.

For more information, call 301-677-1437 or visit

Easter Egg HuntFort Meade’s annual Easter Egg Hunt

will be held March 30 at noon at the Youth Center.

The free event will feature contests, activities, treats and door prizes.

Bring your own basket for the egg hunt.

For more information, call 301-677-1437 or visit

Youth Job FairThe Fort Meade Youth Job Fair will

be held March 21 from 3 to 6 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave.

The event, for ages 16 to 21, is open to the public.

More than 35 businesses and schools will be represented. Bring resumes.

For more information, call the Army Community Service Employment Readiness Program at 301-677-6658.

Seeking Youth Job Fair volunteers

Youth Job Fair volunteers are needed March 20 from 1 to 4 p.m. and March 21 at a variety of times from 1 to 7 p.m.

Deadline to apply is Wednesday.Duties include registration, set up/tear

down and room monitoring. Floaters are needed to help with crowd flow and with distributing and collecting evaluations.

For application information, email [email protected].

Career prep classesThe final class of the Teen Career

Job Fair Prep Classes: Got Questions, We Have Answers will be offered today from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Fort Meade Teen Center.

The topic is: Get Your Resume Reviewed/Feedback (Is my resume good enough?)

Reservations are not required.For more information, contact Vikki

A. Torrence at [email protected] or call 301-677-5590, or contact James E. Deyat or call 301-677-1749.

Out & About• Leisure Travel Services is offering

its next monthly bus trip to New York City on March 23, with discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $55. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit

• The Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club is sponsoring a bus trip to the Sight and Sound Theater in Pennsylvania to see the presentation of “Noah” on April 16.

Cost is $100, which covers the bus, a smorgasbord lunch at Hershey Farms Restaurant, and show ticket.

The bus will leave Ridgeview Plaza at 8:30 a.m. lunch and return at approximately 5:30 p.m. For more information or reservations, call Joan Fiscus at 410-465-0492.

• The U.S. Army Field Band will present “The French Connection - French music for flute, oboe, clarinet and piano” on Sunday at 3 p.m. at Lutheran Church of Saint Andrew, 15300 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring.

Staff Sgt. Joel Klenke will perform a solo clarinet recital on March 24 at 6

p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, 6800 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia.

Both concerts are free and open to the public. No tickets required.

For more information, call 301-677-5789 or visit

• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is tonight in the banquet hall in back of the building. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. For more informa-tion, call 410-674-4000.

• National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County conducts a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is tonight. For more informa-tion, visit

• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is Friday. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, visit or call 410-551-7953.

• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590.

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Monday. Free child care will be provided on site.

For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or email [email protected].

• New Spouse Connection meets the second Monday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Monday. The program provides an opportunity for all spouses new to the military or to Fort Meade to meet and get connected. For more information, contact Pia Morales at [email protected] or 301-677-4110.

• Enlisted Spouses Club meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center.

The next meeting is Monday. For more information, visit or email [email protected].

• Bully Proofing Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Monday. The group is geared for parents of children ages 5 to 12. For more information, call 301-677-5590.

• Bridging the Gap deployment support group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second Tuesday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Tuesday. For more information, call Sharon Collins at 301-667-4116 or email [email protected].

• Fort Meade TOP III Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting is Wednesday. The association is open to all Air Force active-duty and retired senior noncommissioned officers. For more information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob at 443-479-0616 or email [email protected].

• Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at VFW Post 160 on Route 170 in Glen Burnie. The next meeting is Wednesday. Active-duty, Reserve and retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited. For more information, call 410-761-7046 or 301-262-6556.

• Fort Meade Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America will host its next luncheon on March 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Conference Center.

The guest speaker is Sgt. Maj. Alfred J. Rivera, USAF Superintendent, 305APS/Det 1, BWI, who will brief on space available travel on Air Mobility Command aircraft (military and military-chartered commercial aircraft) at BWI and other area locations.

The public is invited, but reservations are required. Cost of the luncheon is $15. For reservations, call T. Wayne Hobbs at 410-799-8331.

• Meade Area Garden Club will meet March 15 at 10 a.m. at the Jessup Community Hall at the corner of Rout 175 and Wigley Avenue. Jim Heins, a volunteer coordinator for the C&O Canal Association, will present the program “C&O Canal: The Park That Almost Wasn’t.”

No reservations required. Refreshments will be served. Those interested in joining the club may attend one program before paying the annual fee of $20.

The meeting will be canceled if Anne Arundel County Schools are closed or open late due to inclement weather. For more information, call Pat Loosarian, membership chairman, at 410-519-6443 or Sharon Durney, club president, at 410-761-5019.





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March 31 - Postwide Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service – 7 a.m., Chapel Center

Protestant ServicesMarch 20 – Living Last Supper (hosted by Gospel Congregation) – 7 p.m., Chapel Center

March 24 – Palm Sunday Episcopal Service – 8:30 a.m., Post ChapelMarch 24 – Palm Sunday Traditional Protestant Service – 10:30 a.m., Post Chapel

March 24 – Palm Sunday Contemporary Protestant Service – 10:30 a.m., Cavalry ChapelMarch 24 – Palm Sunday Gospel Protestant Service – 11 a.m., Chapel Center

March 28 – Holy Thursday Protestant Service – 11:30 a.m., NSA

March 29 – Good Friday Protestant Service – 11:30 a.m., NSAMarch 29 – Tenebrae Service of Shadows – 2 p.m., Post Chapel

March 31 – Easter Sunday Episcopal Service – 8:30 a.m., Post ChapelMarch 31 – Easter Sunday Traditional Protestant Service – 10:30 a.m., Post ChapelMarch 31 – Easter Sunday Contemporary Protestant – 10:30 a.m., Cavalry Chapel

March 31 – Easter Sunday Gospel Protestant Service – 11 a.m., Chapel CenterCatholic Services

March 8, 15, 22 – Stations of the Cross & Lenten Supper – 6:30 p.m., Chapel CenterMarch 24 – Palm Sunday Masses – *Regular Sunday Mass Schedule

March 28 – Maundy Thursday Service – 11 a.m., NSAMarch 28 – Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7 p.m., Chapel Center

March 29 – Good Friday service – 11 a.m., NSAMarch 29 – Good Friday Stations of the Cross – noon, Chapel Center

March 29 – Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion – 7 p.m., Chapel CenterMarch 30 – Easter Food Basket Blessing – noon, Chapel Center

March 30 – Holy Saturday Great Easter Vigil – 8 p.m., Chapel CenterMarch 31 – Easter Sunday Masses – *Regular Sunday Mass Schedule

*Regular Catholic Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. Cavalry Chapel; Sunday: 9 a.m. Chapel Center; 12:15 p.m. Post Chapel. There will be no 5 p.m. Mass at Cavalry Chapel on Holy Saturday, March 30. Regularly scheduled noon Mass will be held at the Post Chapel, except March 28 and 29.

Jewish ServicesMarch 28 – Passover meal – 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., Chapel Center

Spring religiouS ServiceS on Fort Meade


“People don’t care how much you knowuntil they know how much you care.”

— Theodore Roosevelt

See Page 16 for the Fort Meade Chapel Services schedule.

Find the Fort MeadereligiouS Schedule for the “Community” tab then click

on “Religious Services” for schedules, events and contact information.

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