FOR THE JOURNEY - Hope United Methodist...

FOR THE JOURNEY November, 2013 - Vol. 20, No. 11 HOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is a right, and a good and joyful thing always and everywhere to give thanks to you - Father Almighty…” - From “The Great Thanksgiving” Communion prayer (UM Hymnal) “Thank You.” I suppose we often use that phrase without really thinking about its meaning. We say it out of appreciation, or when we receive something - whether a physical gift or an action. But regardless of when we say it, we say it to someone. It’s not just that we’re happy that we received, but we are recognizing the giver - it’s the “you” part of “thank you”. When we say “thank you” to God - it’s personal. Thanking God is recognizing God as the Source of what we have received. A “thank you,” or a “thanksgiving,” has an intended receiver - it is a gift given back to the giver. Saying “thank you” is to give personal credit and show appreciation to a giver, and giving thanks is also recognizing the value of what we have been given. We thank God for our food (for we realize that without it we would not survive), we thank God for his creation and we especially thank God for the gift of Jesus. Giving thanks (or “thanksgiving”) is an opportunity to realize what great gifts we have been given - food, family, friends, work, church, health, life, love and grace. But let us never forget that thanksgiving is personal. Give God the great Giver, the attention of your thanksgiving. For it is right, and a good and joyful thing always and everywhere to give thanks to God. Happy Thanksgiving! Pastor Robb

Transcript of FOR THE JOURNEY - Hope United Methodist...

Page 1: FOR THE JOURNEY - Hope United Methodist  · FOR THE JOURNEY November, 2013 - Vol. 20, No. 11 HOPE UNITED

FOR THE JOURNEY November, 2013 - Vol. 20, No. 11


“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is a right, and a good and joyful thing

always and everywhere to give thanks to you - Father Almighty…”

- From “The Great Thanksgiving” Communion prayer (UM Hymnal)

“Thank You.”

I suppose we often use that phrase without really thinking about its meaning. We

say it out of appreciation, or when we receive something - whether a physical gift or an

action. But regardless of when we say it, we say it to someone. It’s not just that we’re

happy that we received, but we are recognizing the giver - it’s the “you” part of “thank


When we say “thank you” to God - it’s personal. Thanking God is recognizing God

as the Source of what we have received. A “thank you,” or a “thanksgiving,” has an

intended receiver - it is a gift given back to the giver.

Saying “thank you” is to give personal credit and show appreciation to a giver, and

giving thanks is also recognizing the value of what we have been given. We thank God

for our food (for we realize that without it we would not survive), we thank God for his

creation and we especially thank God for the gift of Jesus.

Giving thanks (or “thanksgiving”) is an opportunity to realize what great gifts we have

been given - food, family, friends, work, church, health, life, love and grace. But let us

never forget that thanksgiving is personal. Give God the great Giver, the attention of

your thanksgiving. For it is right, and a good and joyful thing always and everywhere to

give thanks to God.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pastor Robb

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November 3 November 10 November 17 November 24

Lay Readers

Becky Gochanour

Jim Simonsen

Jan Lorentz

Anne Allen

Children’s Sermon

Annie Allen

Corey Fritz

Andi Phillips

Sharon Fortune

Host Team 8:15

Lois Nelson Lois Nelson Rich Swanson Joanne Mellema

Rich Swanson Joanne Mellema

Host Team 10:30

Bernie & Annie Allen

Bernie & Annie Allen

Kay Lee Elsie Bartlett

Kay Lee Elsie Bartlett

Coffee Fellowship

Joanne Mellema

Jan Lorentz

Nursery Volunteers

Annie Allen Allie Athas

Fritz Family Alberto Larabee

Renee Marino Eileen Howard

Sharon Fortune Anna Nyland

HOPE CHURCH STAFF Pastor..............................………….

Rev. Robb McClintock

SS & VBS Volunteer Coordinator… Office Manager……………………...

Renee Marino Betsy Larson

Pianist……………………………….. Choir Director ………………………

Andrea Blaeser John Weiland

. . . FOR THE JOURNEY articles should be submitted to the church office by the 20

th of each month. Contributions are welcome.

Pastor’s Office Hours “Walk-in” Office Hours are generally 11AM to 3PM, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, depending upon other meetings and scheduled appointments. Appointments are welcomed and can be made at anytime, day or evening. Appointments can be made for the office or elsewhere at your convenience. Tuesday mornings are reserved for prayer and study with a group of pastors unless an appointment is made in advance for that time.

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Preaching the Word Date Text Message

11/3/13* Ephesians 1:11-23 “Our Inheritance”

11/10/13 Luke 16:1-13 “Using Your Allowance”


Luke 12:13-21 Pledge Sunday

“Abundance Troubles”

11/24/13 Colossians 1:11-20 “It’s Coming Together”

* Communion Sunday

Daylight saving time ends November 3

rd fall back.

Attention Parents of Sunday School Youth

Christmas Program Practice will begin on November 10th during the Sunday School hour. The Children’s Christmas Program will be presented at the 10:30 Worship Service on December 15th.

Women’s Evening Bible Study will meet Monday, November 25th at 6:30 p.m. They will be doing lesson number 12. Women’s Evening Bible Study will not meet in December but wilI resume in January. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Hanson @715-878-4941.

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HHHHopeopeopeope For TFor TFor TFor Thehehehe HHHHolidaysolidaysolidaysolidays Annual Cookie WalkAnnual Cookie WalkAnnual Cookie WalkAnnual Cookie Walk

Saturday December 7Saturday December 7Saturday December 7Saturday December 7thththth From From From From 9999----11AM11AM11AM11AM

The “Cookie Walk” is an annual fundraiser for Hope UMC. Funds raised over the years have supported many different areas of the church including:

Music ministry, Christian Education, UMCOR, apportionments, Sr. High Mission trips, Roof fund, Building funds etc.

We ask that you bake homemade, decorative cookies for the sale. Cookies are then individually selected and sold by the pound. Our cookie walk has been reported as one of “the best cookie walks in town”. The event allows many to visit our church and connect with the people of Hope. Please consider the types of cookies and/or candies you would like to prepare and bring them to church between 5-7pm on Friday December 6th or before 7am on Saturday Dec 7th. You can also support the Cookie Walk by helping on Friday with set up or on Saturday with the sale. The senior high youth are all on board to help with the sale as well.

Please contact Lee Ann Richards 715-456-7233 or Jan Lorentz 1-608-886-0668.

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WE NEEDWE NEEDWE NEEDWE NEED YOU!!!YOU!!!YOU!!!YOU!!! More teammates are needed to help create and execute events for your church!!! Please prayerfully consider being a part of this group. We connect once a month on a Wednesday (usually the second Wednesday of the month). Treats are usually brought to the “connection” (meeting). Call (715)831-0835 or email ([email protected]) Kathy Gumbert.

“Taxi Team”

“Handy Helpers”

The listings are available through the office. Just call (715)835-5310 or email [email protected] and someone will give you contact information. ‘Hope’fully the list of volunteers will continue to grow as time goes. This mission work is an on-going situation. Just call the office to be added to list.

Church Photo Attendant

Sarah Larson has graciously volunteered to lead this mission. She has already inserted photos of some of our newer members and would love to update yours or include yours (if you are not yet on the “wall”—get it: Facebook). Just email [email protected] or call (715)559-5685 and set up a time.

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Renee Marino-Hope UMC Sunday School

Sunday School Youth Classes: 4-K- 5

th Grade Curriculum for First Semester...We are using Group’s “Noah’s Park

curriculum for 4K - 5th

grade. Each Sunday opens with Bible Story time, puppet ministry and music. Then we dismiss the youth between 2 class rooms for Bible story and fun hands on learning activities.

Middle School... This semester we are using “Reform” Curriculum from Spark’s House. We will have a short video and time for discussion. This class is led by Lynne Larabee and Justin Norlander on Sunday morning’s. The class meets at 9:15 am - 10:15 am downstairs, 3

rd room on the left.

Parents Please Remember…Any children in 2nd

grade or younger, need to be picked-up by a parent or older sibling from their Sunday School Class.

Mission Project…We will be collecting new pajama’s for the homeless for all ages. The collection will be from October –November. See flier in this newsletter. See Collection bin at the main entrance.

Sunday School Youth Christmas Program….It is that time start preparing for Youth Christmas program. We will be starting music practice for the Program in November. We will incorporate music during Sunday School opening. Scripts will be handed out by the 24

th of November. Please talk with your child about sharing their

special talents during the program. Maybe they would like to sing a solo or maybe play instrument. This time will come quickly. Please let me know if your child would like to share a special talent in the program.

Calendar… Thanksgiving break December 1

st **No Sunday school**

Sunday School Christmas Program December 15th

*During the 10:30 Service Christmas

Break December 22

nd & 29

th **No Sunday school**

Sunday School resumes January 5th

Happy Birthday this month to… Alex Bischof………November 19


Addison Fritz ….…. November 21st

Wyatt Fritz ……….. November 22nd

Chole Hite ……….. November 22


Ian McGinley…….. November 22nd

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone……….Renee

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The following are books I have selected to highlight, in hope it will interest you to check it out and read it. BOUNDARIES, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Is your life out of control? Do people take advantage of You? Do you have trouble saying no? Are you disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers? Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives. Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend in Boundaries is an aid if we have any of these questions above. THE MYSTERY OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS REVEALED by John Allegro In the summer of 1947, an Arab shepherd stumbled upon one of the most astonishing finds in the field of biblical archaeology---the discovery of seven ancient scrolls in a cave near the Dead Sea. The documents sent waves of excitement throughout the scholarly religious world, as they were found to be manuscripts from the book of Isaiah, older by approximately a thousand years than any previously known Hebrew copy of the Old Testament. In addition, they were proved to have been part of the library of a Jewish monastic community in existence before and during the time of Christ. There are 37 illustrations in the book. I think this would be a very interesting read. WORDS OF DAVID JEREMIAH by David Jeremiah There are several books in the library by David Jeremiah. This book is a collection of quotable truths spoken over a lifetime of powerful and grace-filled ministry. For forty years, Dr. David Jeremiah has been handling the Word of God in a clear, expositional manner over the airwaves and from the pulpits of churches and areas around the world. Dr. Jeremiah follows the pattern of Nehemiah 8:8, reading from the Book of God distinctly, giving the sense, and causing the people to understand the reading. This book is designed to sift through a lifetime of ministry to give you portable, quotable truths, arranged by topics for easy reading and sharing. Enjoy and blessings. ~Sara