Folleto de Bodwell

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Transcript of Folleto de Bodwell

  • 7/29/2019 Folleto de Bodwell




    At Bodwell High School

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    F Ss As 13 - 17

    A u u s 1 2 - 2 8 , 2 01 2

    A n I n t r o d u c t I o n t o t h e c A n A d I A n h I g h S c h o o l c u r r I c u l u m

  • 7/29/2019 Folleto de Bodwell


    schedule above is subject to change.

    WeeK 1SundAy mondAy tueSdAy WedneSdAy thurSdAy FrIdAy SAturdAy

    AuguSt 12 AuguSt 13 AuguSt 14 AuguSt 15 AuguSt 16 AuguSt 17 AuguSt 18

    0a - 12:00p


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    WeeK 2SundAy mondAy tueSdAy WedneSdAy thurSdAy FrIdAy SAturdAy

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    MEAl TIMEs:

    BreAKFASt 8:00 - 9:00Amlunch 12:00 - 1:00PmdInner 5:30 - 6:30PmeVenIng SnAcK 9:00Pm

    AuguSt 26 AuguSt 27 AuguSt 28

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    Bodwell HigH ScHool is a private co-educational boarding school oering gr ades 8 to 12, and university preparation,

    in the beautiul North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The school is certifed by the BC Ministry o Education and has

    become known as the Waterront School. The campus is 70,000 square eet overlooking t he harbour and is adjacent to acres

    o city parks. Bodwell High Schools wide range o acilities and eatures include dormitories, a multi-purpose gym, an indoor

    swimming pool, a tennis court, a presentation theatre, music rooms, a library and caeteria.

    AcAdemic PrePArAtion

    Bodwells Academic Preparation Program (

    designed or students ages 13 17 as an introducti

    Canadian high school curriculum. Teachers use based approach to create an engaging and in

    learning environment or students. Students will

    their English skills comprehensively through readin

    speaking and listening exercises in small class sizes

    include mathematics, science, social studies and

    The program also provides a ocus on physical e

    by oering a variety o classes taking place throug

    week. The APP program helps ease students into

    academic year by providing an early start in their ed



    The APP program oers a wide variety o excursio

    around the city o Vancouver. All excursions are

    planned or students to learn outside the classr

    experience Canadas culture and people. Throug

    program, students will visit amous landmarks, a

    and become amiliar with the city.


    Bodwell High School has an on-site student reside

    rooms that accommodate 2-4 students. All bedro

    breathtaking views o either the waterront to the

    the mountains to the north. There are student lou

    audio-visual equipment, computers, and a kitche

    snacks. The residence is managed by our experien

    in directors and supervisors. Three nutritious mea

    evening snack are provided by the school caeteria

    AcAdemics & Athletics cAmp schedule 2011

    ProgrAm ScHedUle

  • 7/29/2019 Folleto de Bodwell


    deAdlIne For APPlIcAtIon: mAy 31, 2012

    ProgrAm Fee: $2,600 cAd

    US unds are accepted at the daily exchange rate on the date o payment.

    Please ensure that the students ull name is clearly indicated on the payment.

    The ollowing payment options are available: wire transer, cheque or bank drat,

    credit card, cash or travellers cheque.

    ProgrAm Fee IncludeS:

    Accommodation rom the Program Arrival Date to the Program Departure Date*

    Transportation (airport pick-up/drop-off, to and from outings)

    Medical Insurance

    $200 Registration Fee (non-refundable)

    Meals (3 per day plus an evening snack)

    Academic Preparation Classes & Excursions

    Report Card & Certicate of Completion

    * Additional days will be charged at $100 per day, if available. If attending Bodwell for the

    Fall 2012 Semester, no additional days will be billed between the two programs.

    ProgrAm Fee excludeS:

    Flight to and from Vancouver

    Unaccompanied Minor Service Fee (arrangements for both ways

    to be made in advance with airline)

    Spending Money for Personal Expenses

    $200 Damage Deposit (refundable)** Collected upon arrival to the program and returned upon departure if no damage has

    incurred. If attending Bodwell for the Fall 2012 semester, no additional deposit will be



    955 habsi div , n Vav, Bc, cAnAdA, V7P 3S4

    t: 1 (604) 924-5056 | Fa: 1 (604) 924-5058 | eai: f@ bw.