Floating-point arithmetic FPA semantics FPA representation sign.

Christoph M. Wintersteiger Floating-point arithmetic

Transcript of Floating-point arithmetic FPA semantics FPA representation sign.

Page 1: Floating-point arithmetic FPA semantics FPA representation sign.

Christoph M. Wintersteiger

Floating-point arithmetic

Page 2: Floating-point arithmetic FPA semantics FPA representation sign.

• Types• Half (16), Float(32), Double (64), Quadruple (128 bit)• double x = 1.5;

• Variables• E.g., float x; double y;

• Operations

• Special values:

• 5 Rounding Modes• Ties toward odd, Ties toward even, to negative, to positive, to zero

Floating-point arithmetic

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• Operator semantics are defined on reals• Rounding when necessary• (predefined rounding modes only)

• E.g., (fp.add rm a b)

• Verification• Rounding introduces error• Unintuitive and unexpected results• Lacks `nice’ mathematical properties (e.g., associativity)• E.g.

FPA semantics

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• Approximation of real numbers• Standards: IEEE754 vs SMT

• Special exponents (IEEE754)• = 0…0 for ±zero and denormal/subnormal numbers• = 1…1 for ±oo and NaN

FPA representation

sign exponent significand

(−1 ) sign ⋅significand ⋅2exponent

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• TypesAny combination sbits/ebits: (_ FloatingPoint ebits sbits)Single: (_ FloatingPoint 8 24), also Float32Double: (_ FloatingPoint 11 53), also Float64

• Variables(define-fun x () (_ FloatingPoint 8 24))(define-fun y () Float32)

SMT floating-point arithmetic

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(fp.add rm x y)(fp.sub rm x y)(fp.mul rm x y)(fp.div rm x y)(fp.sqrt rm x)(fp.rem x y)(fp.fma rm x y z)…

Fused Multiply-Add:

+ ,− ,∗ , ÷ ,% ,𝑎𝑏𝑠 ,√❑ , 𝑓𝑚𝑎 ,𝑚𝑖𝑛 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤<¿>≥SMT floating-point arithmetic

(fp.isNormal x)(fp.isSubnormal x)(fp.isZero x)(fp.isInfinite x)(fp.isNegative x)…

(fp.leq x y)(fp.lt x y)(fp.geq x y)(fp.gt x y)(fp.eq x y)

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• Special values:

• Rounding modesRNE, roundNearestTiesToEvenRNA, roundNearestTiesToAwayRTP, roundTowardPositiveRTN, roundTowardNegativeRTZ, roundTowardZero

SMT floating-point arithmetic

(_ NaN ebits sbits)(_ -zero ebits sbits), (_ +zero ebits sbits)(_ -oo ebits sbits), (_ +oo ebits sbits)

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double Kp=1.0, Ki=0.25;double set_point=20.0, integral=0.0;double error, in, out;

for (int i=0; i < N; i++) { in = read_input(); error = set_point – in; integral = integral + error; out = Kp*error + Ki*integral; set_output(out);}

An example

then out

If in

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• Verification• Unwind loops• No quantifiers

• Convert• QF_FP -> QF_BV• QF_BV -> SAT

Example strategy

• Good approximate results• Real arithmetic• Fixed-point arithmetic• Reduced precision FPA• Interval analysis

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(declare-fun Kp () (_ FloatingPoint 5 11))(declare-fun Kp () (_ FloatingPoint 5 11))(declare-fun …

(define-fun rm () RoundingMode RNE)

(assert (= c18 (fp #b0 #b10011 #b0010000000))) ;; = 18.0(assert (= c22 (fp #b0 #b10011 #b0110000000))) ;; = 22.0(assert (= cp3 (fp #b0 #b10000 #b1000000000))) ;; = +3.0(assert (= cn3 (fp #b1 #b10000 #b1000000000))) ;; = -3.0

(assert (= Kp (fp #b0 #b01111 #b0000000000))) ;; = 1.0(assert (= Ki (fp #b0 #b01101 #b0000000000))) ;; = 0.25(assert (= set_point (fp #b0 #b10011 #b0100000000))) ;; = 20.0(assert (= integral (_ +zero 5 11))) ;; = +0.0

An example in SMT2

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(assert (not (=> (and(fp.leq c18 in)(fp.leq in c22)(fp.eq error_post (fp.sub rm set_point in))(fp.eq integral_post (fp.add rm integral error_post))(fp.eq out (fp.add rm (fp.mul rm Kp error_post)

(fp.mul rm Ki integral_post))))(and

(fp.leq cn3 out)(fp.leq out cp3))


> z3 pi_controller_1.smt2unsat

An example in SMT2

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• fp.add is commutative?(assert (not (fp.eq (fp.add RNE x y) (fp.add RNE y x))))

> z3 add_is_commutative.smt2unsat

• fp.add is associative?(assert (not (fp.eq (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE x y) z) (fp.add RNE x (fp.add RNE y z)))))

> z3 add_is_associative.smt2satmodel (define-fun z () (_ FloatingPoint 5 11) (fp #b0 #b11010 #b1101111011)) ;; 1.8701171875 * 2^11…

Checking properties

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• Approximations• Real arithmetic• Fixed-point arithmetic• Reduced precision FPA• Abstract interpretation-based


• Precise• Translation to bit-vectors and/or

SAT(MathSAT, Z3, Sonolar, CBMC)

• Mixed abstractions (CBMC)• Abstract CDCL (MathSAT)• Translation to reals (Realizer)

Related techniques• Theorem prover-based (Gappa)• Proof assistants (Coq, HOL)• Often not sound or complete

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1. Translate to QF_BV(build circuits)

2. Translate to SAT (e.g., Tseitin translation, bit-blasting)

3. Run SAT Solver4. Translate models/proofs

(back to QF_BV, then QF_FP)

Solving QF_FP via SAT

Circuit for and method of providing a floating-point adder

US 8463835 B1 (Xilinx)

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• Conversion QF_FP -> QF_BV -> SAT

Example performance


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1. Mixed abstractions (CBMC)2. Non-conservative approximations (Z3)3. Abstraction into interval arithmetic

(MathSAT)4. Translation into non-linear reals (Realizer)

Advanced QF_FP solving

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Abstraction refinementSolve abstraction(s)

Check model

Refine abstraction(s)(model-guided)


satRefine abstraction(s)(proof- or core-guided)



no refinement possiblefailed

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• Abstract the problem• By reduction of significand precision• Adjust rounding modes• Replacing by fresh Boolean yields over-approximation• Restrict to non-rounded results yields under-approximation

• Over- and under-approximation• Solve them at the same time

• Refinement• Removal of under-approximation constraints• Increase of significand precision

Mixed abstractions

Brillout, Kroening, Wahl: Mixed Abstractions for Floating-Point Arithmetic. FMCAD 2009

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Mixed abstractions

Brillout, Kroening, Wahl: Mixed Abstractions for Floating-Point Arithmetic. FMCAD 2009

sign exponent significand

sign exponent significand



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Small-float approximation

sign exponent significand

sign exponent significandRM


Zeljic, Wintersteiger, Rümmer: Approximations for Model Construction. IJCAR 2014

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For the theory of floating-point numbers:

Small-floats inclusion

𝑠≤𝑠 ′∧𝑒≤𝑒′⇒𝐹 𝑃 𝑠 ,𝑒⊆𝐹 𝑃𝑠 ′ ,𝑒′

Smaller bit-width makes subsets of numbers.

Zeljic, Wintersteiger, Rümmer: Approximations for Model Construction. IJCAR 2014

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Approximation framework




No implication!May fail

Zeljic, Wintersteiger, Rümmer: Approximations for Model Construction. IJCAR 2014

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¿ ¿ ∨

𝑦 +¿ 0𝑝0


𝑝1 ¿ ¿𝑦

1.75𝑝2 𝑥 2.0𝑝3 𝑥 −4.0𝑝4

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Example precision terms

(fp.op a_1 … a_n)

(fp.op p a_1 … a_n)And

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Refinement schemeSolve approximation

Reconstruct model

Refine approximation(model-guided)


satRefine approximation(proof- or core-guided)



no refinement possiblefailed

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• Search for• Approximate model• With all precisions assigned to values• (not necessarily the same)• Implementation: precision 0 =

• Could also• Optimize toward fewer rounding occurrences• Search for small values first• Use real numbers• And many more…

Approximate model construction

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Model-guided refinementSolve approximation

Reconstruct model

Refine approximation(model-guided)


satRefine approximation(proof- or core-guided)



no refinement possiblefailed

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Precise model reconstruction


¿ ¿ ∨

𝑦 +¿ 00


0 ¿ ¿𝑦

1.750 𝑥 2.00 𝑥 −4.00

2.0 3.5(




𝜔 𝜔



Page 29: Floating-point arithmetic FPA semantics FPA representation sign.

• Choose terms to refine• Check which terms introduce imprecision•

• Increase precision of highest ranked term(s)• Error • propagated from a term’s children• or newly introduced by the term

Model-guided refinement

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Proof-guided refinementSolve approximation

Reconstruct model

Refine approximation(model-guided)


satRefine approximation(proof- or core-guided)



no refinement possiblefailed

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• Various levels of granularity• Increase precision of all terms• … those that appear in the unsat core• … those that appear in the proof• … as expensive as you like• Trade-off between precision and efficiency

Proof-guided refinement

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• Built upon existing decision procedure• Preserved: soundness, completeness

• Solving more but smaller problems often faster

• Candidate models provide hints for the refinement

• Also preserves termination• If is a well-founded relation• And there is progress in every iteration

Algorithm properties

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Fröhlich, Kovásznai, Biere: More on the Complexity of Quantifier-Free Fixed-Size Bit-Vector Logics with Binary Encoding. CSR 2013Kovásznai, Fröhlich, Biere: On the Complexity of Fixed-Size Bit-Vector Logics with Binary Encoded Bit-Width. SMT 2012

A note on complexity

∃𝑥 𝑓∈𝐹𝑃𝐴 (11 ,53) .𝜙 (𝑥)

∃𝑥𝑏𝑣∈𝐵𝑉 64 .𝜙 ′ (𝑥)

∃𝑥0 ,…,𝑥31∈𝔹 .𝜙 ′ ′(𝑥0 ,…,𝑥31)







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• Crucial for success• “Close” models • Effective model reconstruction

• Incomplete solvers• Can be efficient when starting “close” to a solution• Can find solutions quickly (or we abort them early)• Examples:• Local-search, “cheap” optimization• Perhaps Horn or 2-CNF abstractions

Non-conservative approximation

Fröhlich, Biere, Wintersteiger, Hamadi: Stochastic Local Search for Satisfiability Modulo Theories. AAAI 2015

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• Decision procedure framework• Concepts from abstract interpretation• Abstract values from abstract domains• Fixed-point computation over abstract values• Meet irreducibles (~ invertible constraints)• Very nice theory

• For FP-ACDCL• Half-open floating-point intervals, e.g., • Combined into intervals, e.g., • MathSAT

Abstract CDCL

Brain, D’Silva, Griggio, Haller, Kroening: Interpolation-Based Verification of Floating-Point Programs with Abstract CDCL. SAS 2013Brain, D’Silva, Griggio, Haller, Kroening: Deciding floating-point logic with abstract conflict driven clause learning. FMSD 45(2) 2014

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Decision Propagation


𝑥 (…∧𝑥 )→ 𝑦

(… )→¬𝑥

𝑥∈[1.0 ,2.0] (… )→ 𝑦∈[4.0 ,5.0]

(… )→ 𝑥∈[2.0 ,3.0]

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Realizer• Translates QF_FP into QF_NIRA• Satisfiability-equivalent• Eliminates all floating-point terms• Uses for real-valued • Normalization• Rounding

Leeser, Mukherjee, Ramachandran, Wahl: Make it real: Effective floating-point reasoning via exact arithmetic. DATE 2014

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Mixed abstraction performance

Brillout, Kroening, Wahl: Mixed Abstractions for Floating-Point Arithmetic. FMCAD 2009

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FP-ACDCL performance

Brain, D’Silva, Griggio, Haller, Kroening: Interpolation-Based Verification of Floating-Point Programs with Abstract CDCL. SAS 2013Brain, D’Silva, Griggio, Haller, Kroening: Deciding floating-point logic with abstract conflict driven clause learning. FMSD 45(2) 2014

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• Comparison• Bit-blasting (in Z3)• FP-ACDCL (MathSAT)• Small-float approximation (in Z3)

• Benchmark sets• Verification of C programs• Randomly generated systems of

polynomial inequalities

Experimental evaluation


Z3 76 56

MathSAT 76 76

Ours 86 46

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Data (SAT)

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Data (UNSAT)

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Complexity of operations5.3 Homogeneous general-computational operations 5.3.0

5.3.1 General operations

Implementations shall provide the following homogeneous general-computational operations for all supported arithmetic formats; …

― sourceFormat remainder(source, source)When y ≠ 0, the remainder r = remainder(x, y) is defined for finite x and y regardless of the …

… FPREM1 … can reduce the exponent of ST(0) by no more than 63 in one executionof the instruction … Software can re-execute the instruction (using the partial remainder in ST(0) as the dividend) until …IEEE 754-2008, Sec 5.3.

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. May 2012

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Conclusion• SMT2 Floating-point standard• Solvers are starting to support it• Various solving approaches

• Near future: challenging problems• Out-of-the-box performance• Theory combination• Quantifiers• Real error bounds• Non-linearity

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