Floaters March 13

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Transcript of Floaters March 13

  • 7/29/2019 Floaters March 13


    Winter MoaningsFor Fourteen Days or Longer as may beReasonable

    So, at 11.80 per meter per month, or

    thereabouts, it is Reasonable for someone

    with, say, a 21 meter boat and 1,250 to stay

    put for 5 months or so. It is Reasonable,

    therefore, to close great lengths of towpath

    mooring to people who do not have, or are not

    able to choose to pay, say, 11.80 per meter

    per month.

    It is only Reasonable, though, not generous or

    well-thought through. The payment is

    something like a protection racket pay now

    and nothing is going to happen to your boat if

    I come past with my Patrol Notices and my

    little pencil in my pocket. You will pay per

    meter per month not to be moved on.

    A thought suggests itself to your Editor,

    though say you are paying per meter per

    month for but one month, on a pleasant

    stretch of towpath above Stonebridge Lock,

    say. You would have been able to moor here

    for a fortnight, having just cruised up here

    from Springfield, if it were not a Winter

    Mooring, not signposted and marked Permit

    Holders Only.

    But you have paid for your Permit and have

    moored your boat (odd, there seems to be

    less space here than it said on the CaRTwebsite, after youd managed to find the

    Winter Moorings page, looked at the nice

    photograph and received your password

    reminder, found your customer number, and

    paid on your debit card).

    Police and ThievesThey oughta be SCENT downAfter waiting, oh, so much waiting, for CaRT

    to re-open the burgled Stonebridge Facilities

    Centre, vandals have seen it padlocked

    again. The Floater awaits further

    developments with some unease.

    The film they tried to banIts shorter than The Hobbit, less offensive

    than The Passion of the Christ, and has

    fewer songs than Les Miserables. CaRT tried

    to ban it, but the Wiltshire County Council

    sponsored Boaters Voices is available

    online now!


    In a month you move on. So, subtract the

    allowable Fourteen Days, and assume it isFebruary: you have just paid 11.80 per

    meter per fortnight. Reasonable?

    Surely what is Reasonable, as concerns a

    Navigation Authority, as CaRT relentlessly

    claim they are, is that which does not

    unreasonably inhibit Navigation. If it is

    Reasonable to close, say, 108 meters of

    towpath at Enfield Lock for 5 months, which

    would undoubtedly inhibit Navigation, if

    there were Navigation to be done - so it isReasonable to assume there isnt - then is it

    not equally Reasonable to allow those

    without 1,250 pounds to see out the

    Winter months on a mooring of their choice?



  • 7/29/2019 Floaters March 13


    Inlanders With Attitude******************************

    Most Executives of BW/CRT think

    that IWA is a boating organisation

    which of course it is not. Given that

    these people have been in their

    posts and dealing with IWA for some

    time it is surprising that they still

    don't seem to have taken this on

    board. If they cannot understand this

    when it's been made clear to them

    so many times over, then what hope

    is there that staff will change their

    views either?*****************************

    Inland Waterways Association trustee

    Vaughan Welch writing in Navigation,

    apparently some variety of Boaters

    newsletter. The Floater only wishes his

    contributors were so outspoken and free

    with their views, however inconvenient.

    A Spectre is Haunting the WaterwaysThe London BoatersGroup, so the Floater has heard, have consensuallyappointed a boater to draft a Statement which, in response to the

    provocations of an alphabet of acronyms, is intended to draw a series

    of red lines in the sand, to mix metaphors, and to offer fig-leaves to

    embarrassed bureaucrats. Final details are scarce, but the Floater

    believes the Statement may cover some or all of the following:

    That London Boaters Group reject any proposal of Local MooringPermits, as the License already paid for by boaters is all the permitanyone should need. The hope that this policy will both raise revenuefor the Trust and drive down the number of eligible boaters to zero

    through their withdrawal to terrestrial accommodation, emigration or

    death is neither necessary nor likely to prove effective. London Boaters

    believe rather that the year-round presence of boaters in London and

    throughout the country benefits the waterways.

    That Community Moorings, as understood by London Boaters, are ameans of developing offline moorings as a community run project. They

    should not encroach upon towpath mooring, which will remain open to

    all boaters for the 14 day period, or longer, as specified by Law.

    That although London Boaters welcome the introduction of WinterMooring Permits in the place of towpath closures, their proposal is thatthe Trust relaxes enforcement through the winter, when waterways use

    is lower, and focus their resources instead on keeping a steady turnover

    of boats on the more popular mooring sites throughout the summer,

    applying only measures in keeping with the word and the spirit of

    existing legislation and in co-operation with other waterways users.

    That current discussion of Non-Compliant Continuous Cruising,Capacity,Overcrowding and Honeypot Sites, and consequent attemptsat managing life on the waterways through restrictions, permissions

    and enforcement are and will remain ill-informed and ineffective until

    academic qualitative and quantitative research is conducted.

    That only when the responsibilities of the Canal and River Trust to carryout canal, lock and towpath maintenance are given their due attention,

    and are sufficiently financed, will the full potential of the waterways toprovide homes, workplaces, and an attractive and sustainable

    environment for all users be properly measured or understood.

    London Boaters Group appear to believe that priority should be given tothe provision of services and security on the towpath for all waterways

    users, over and above the current focus on restrictions, permissions

    and enforcement, and that this will surely result in an improved

    experience of the canals and rivers for all and the preservation of a

    unique and valuable way of life.

    Amen, etc.



    Who Killed Cock Robin?Once his jolly red breastand familiar trillingsong thrilled visitors to the waterways. For

    ten years he sang of a vibrant, largely self-

    sufficient waterway network. Was the

    bright young bird defending his territory,

    trying to attract a mate, or just singing a

    meaningless trill for joy of living?

    His many abandoned nests now rest in the

    ivy that hangs from the scaffold of boarded-

    up public houses, they reflect in the glass

    fronts of buildings that back onto the

    canals. It is thought that no nest-egg

    resulted from these speculative tangles of

    twig and moss.

    It is for his song, though, and the cocky

    manner in which he strutted in his prime

    that he will be most fondly remembered. I

    am, he would trill, worth 250,000 per

    annum, worth 250,000 per annum, worth

    250,000 per annum