Fire Flier

Rev. 5/22/13 “Fire Flier” - Page 1 of 4 Shenkel UCC “Fire Flier” Sabbatical 2013 – August 18 – November 23, 2013 Frequently Asked Questions What makes a fire burn Is space between the logs, A breathing space. Too much of a good thing, Too many logs Packed in too tight Can douse the flames Almost as surely As a pail of water can. So building fires Requires attention To the spaces in between, As much as to the wood. When we are able to build Open spaces In the same way We have learned To pile on the logs. Then we can come to see how It is fuel, and absence of the fuel Together, that make fire possible. We only need to lay a log Lightly from time to time. A fire Grows Simply because the space is there With openings In which the flame That knows just how it wants to burn Can find its way. “Fire” by Judy Brown This flier has been prepared by Shenkel’s Pastoral Relations Committee for the members of Shenkel UCC to share information about our pastor’s sabbatical which will take place from August 18 – November 23, 2013. Pastoral Relations Committee Dave Derman Bill Faust Ted Gray Sandy Rowe, Chair Barb Sweinhart Kim Yocom Carol Lykens, Member Emeritus Mary Lou Smith, Member Emeritus


Shenkel Sabbatical, Shenkel UCC

Transcript of Fire Flier

Rev. 5/22/13

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Shenkel UCC “Fire Flier”

Sabbatical 2013 – August 18 – November 23, 2013 Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a fire burn Is space between the logs, A breathing space. Too much of a good thing, Too many logs Packed in too tight Can douse the flames Almost as surely As a pail of water can.

So building fires Requires attention To the spaces in between, As much as to the wood. When we are able to build Open spaces In the same way We have learned To pile on the logs. Then we can come to see how It is fuel, and absence of the fuel Together, that make fire possible.

We only need to lay a log Lightly from time to time. A fire Grows Simply because the space is there With openings In which the flame That knows just how it wants to burn Can find its way.

“Fire” by Judy Brown

This flier has been prepared by Shenkel’s Pastoral Relations

Committee for the members of Shenkel UCC to share information

about our pastor’s sabbatical which will take place from August

18 – November 23, 2013.

Pastoral Relations Committee Dave Derman

Bill Faust Ted Gray

Sandy Rowe, Chair Barb Sweinhart

Kim Yocom Carol Lykens, Member Emeritus

Mary Lou Smith, Member Emeritus

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What is a sabbatical? The word sabbatical has its roots in the biblical concept of Sabbath (“to rest” or “to cease”) Sabbath keeping is setting aside time that God consecrates and makes holy. Sabbatical time is a time for our pastor to shift gears in order to rest, disengage, study, reflect and travel in order to return to minister among us refreshed and renewed in body, mind and spirit. 1

The theme for Pastor Bonnie’s sabbatical is “Tending Fire,” inspired by the wisdom imparted in 2 Timothy 1:6: “I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you” and the poem “Fire” by Judy Brown, which reminds us that “building fires requires attention to the spaces in between, as much as to the wood.” The purpose of her sabbatical is a.) to bless our pastor with uninterrupted time for experiences, discovery and reflection that will delight, inform, and re-energize her spirit (space), b.) to provide our pastor with opportunities to discover new ways to fan the flames of the Spirit in our congregation by learning about, participating in, and reflecting on life-giving ministries in other settings (tending her own fire and preparing to tend ours upon her return) and c.) to offer our congregation an experience in her absence that will broaden and reinforce our identity as a welcoming, open-minded, and mission-oriented congregation. (fuel).

Do other clergy go on a sabbatical? A three month sabbatical following six years of service as a local church pastor is included in the standard call agreement for pastors serving in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (and almost all other Conferences) of the United Church of Christ. The UCC recognizes sabbaticals as “the gifts that keeps on giving,” since sabbaticals benefit both pastors and their congregations.

How long will Pastor Bonnie be gone? Pastor Bonnie’s sabbatical will begin following worship on Sunday, August 18th. She will return and will resume her pastoral responsibilities following worship on Sunday, November 24th.

What will Pastor Bonnie be doing during her sabbatical? Pastor Bonnie will begin her sabbatical with a canoe trip offered by Renewal in the Wilderness ( A great book to read if you want to learn more about this part of her sabbatical is John Lionberger’s Renewal in the Wilderness. From there Pastor Bonnie will attend a week long “Appreciative Leadership for Transformation” clergy training event ( Then, thanks to the gracious hospitality of a UCC church in Morristown, NJ, Pastor Bonnie will be able to spend five weeks of her sabbatical participating in a different and unique ministry as a volunteer at The Seeing Eye ( While using her gifts for public speaking and spiritual nurture, she will have the opportunity to learn from a non-church organization that excels at community outreach, fundraising, and volunteer care while helping people (and dogs!) develop their fullest potential by nurturing the God-given gifts that lie within. She will wrap up her sabbatical on retreat with the monks of New Skete ( in Cambridge, NY, and finally, just hanging out with her family without having to be simultaneously thinking about

1 Bullock, A. Richard and Richard J. Bruesehoff. Clergy Renewal: The Alban Guide to Sabbatical Planning. Copyright

© 2000, The Alban Institute.

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writing a sermon, preparing for a church meeting, or running off for a hospital visit! Amidst all these activities Pastor Bonnie will be sure to leave some “space between the logs.”

Who will cover Pastor Bonnie’s responsibilities during her absence? Everyone will be expected to step up to ensure that Shenkel’s ministry continues to thrive while Pastor Bonnie is away. Specific responsibilities will be covered as follows:

Worship The Pastoral Relations Committee has arranged for guest preachers to cover each Sunday Pastor Bonnie is away. Lay leaders have been trained to serve as hosts and liturgists for worship. Barb Burhans will be responsible for opening and closing on Sundays, and will adjust heat and air-conditioning as necessary. The Rev. Deborah Spink Winters will supply the liturgy for the worship bulletins, and our Director of Music Ministry, the Rev. Doug Holder, will choose the music that will be included in worship each week. Barbara Brown will provide oversight for all worship concerns, and will stay in touch with our Office Administrator, Judy Embriani, regarding worship bulletin preparation.

Pastoral Care Needs The Elders and Lay Visitors will take care of most pastoral concerns, including bringing home communion to those who request it. Chaplain Eric Martens, our Student-in-Discernment, will also be on call for pastoral needs and emergencies. Bill Faust will be the contact person for all pastoral care needs. Sherri Mocarski will administer the Help Fund, with the assistance of the Elders if needed, while Pastor Bonnie is away.

Church Administration The church office will continue to be staffed by our Office Administrator, Judy Embriani, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 – 1. Our Consistory President, Jeff Graef, aided by Consistory Members and designated committees, will supervise the staff, facilitate communications, and oversee any other administrative tasks that need to be taken care of. Chris Gray, our Financial Secretary, will take care of sending gift acknowledgements while Pastor Bonnie is away.

Special Services of Worship Special services of worship, such as baptisms, weddings, funerals or burials may be arranged by contacting the church office or Bill Faust.

Youth Group Linda Foss will work with the Y-Team (Kaleena Sweinhart, Samantha Pennell, Ben Mocarski and Lucas Gray) to ensure the continuation of the youth program through the Fall.

Who will pay for the sabbatical? Shenkel has been planning for this sabbatical for years, setting aside $300 each year to cover the church’s expenses during the sabbatical time. There will be approximately $2870 available as of 8/31/13. In addition, line items already in the budget such as mileage reimbursement will also be used to cover expenses incurred by the church during the sabbatical. Since we did not

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receive the Clergy Renewal Grant we applied for, the Pastoral Relations Committee has worked creatively with a limited budget to plan for the church’s sabbatical expenses! Pastor Bonnie will be able to use any remaining money from her continuing education line in the 2013 budget; otherwise, she will use her personal savings for the sabbatical expenses she incurs.

What if a question/concern arises while Pastor Bonnie is away? The Pastoral Relations Committee (Sandy Rowe, Chair) will serve as a clearinghouse for all questions and concerns. Ultimately, the Consistory (Jeff Graef, President) will exercise the authority to resolve all issues related to Shenkel UCC and congregational life.

Will Pastor Bonnie be in contact with us while she is away? An important part of a sabbatical is to make a complete break from things. Pastor Bonnie will not be responding to voice mail or email from church members during her sabbatical. In the unlikely event that some extraordinary news absolutely must be communicated to Pastor Bonnie, Jeff Graef, our Consistory President, will contact Pastor Bonnie via her family.

How will we get “reacquainted” when Pastor Bonnie returns? Opportunities for the sharing of experiences (both Pastor Bonnie’s and Shenkel’s) at the conclusion of the sabbatical will occur over time in a variety of ways. We trust that the Spirit will be at work in all of us to inspire our communications and direct our ministry together in as-yet-unimagined renewed and re-energized ways.

How can I learn more about the sabbatical? Contact Pastor Bonnie before her departure on August 18th, or speak with any member of the Pastoral Relations Committee (listed on the front of this flier). A “Who to Contact” quick reference list with email address and phone numbers is included on the hard copy of this flier available from the church office for questions and concerns that arise between August 18 and November 23.

A Quick “Who to Contact” Reference

General Questions: Judy Embriani, Church Office Administrator [email protected]; 610-326-2525

Sandy Rowe, PRC Chairperson

Church Administration: Jeff Graef, Consistory President

Worship Coordination: Barbara Brown, Worship Coordinator

Pastoral Care: Bill Faust, Elder and Lay Caregiving Team Coordinator

Youth Group: Linda Foss

Building Concerns: Joel Sweinhart or Bill Faust, Property Committee