Final test

Раздел 1. Listening B1 – B12 You will hear a man talking about Television Day. Listen to the tape and complete the sentences B1 – B12. Do you ever stop __B1_________________ your television? Well, there is a special day to do this. World Television Day started on November 21, 1998. The United Nations General Assembly ___B2________________ be a day to commemorate one of the most revolutionary inventions ever. __B3_________________ the first World Television Forum was held, in 1996. The purpose ___B4________________ encourage countries to exchange TV programmes that focus on peace and culture. The UN hopes to __B5_________________ international understanding. The UN also believes that making high quality television shows leads to a well-informed and better-educated public. It also __B6_________________ freedom, equal rights and democracy. Television __B7_________________ influential forms of media in history. We grow up with it. Babies learn language from it. It shapes our ideas and is __B8_________________ whole world. Television sets first started appearing in people’s homes in the 1930s. There was only one channel back then and __B9_________________ and white. Today, we have multi- channel TVs that broadcast programmes live all over the

Transcript of Final test

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Раздел 1. Listening

B1 – B12

You will hear a man talking about Television Day. Listen to the tape and complete the sentences B1 – B12.

Do you ever stop __B1_________________ your television? Well, there is a special day to do this. World Television Day started on November 21, 1998. The United Nations General Assembly ___B2________________ be a day to commemorate one of the most revolutionary inventions ever. __B3_________________ the first World Television Forum was held, in 1996. The purpose ___B4________________ encourage countries to exchange TV programmes that focus on peace and culture. The UN hopes to __B5_________________ international understanding. The UN also believes that making high quality television shows leads to a well-informed and better-educated public. It also __B6_________________ freedom, equal rights and democracy.

Television __B7_________________ influential forms of media in history. We grow up with it. Babies learn language from it. It shapes our ideas and is __B8_________________ whole world. Television sets first started appearing in people’s homes in the 1930s. There was only one channel back then and __B9_________________ and white. Today, we have multi-channel TVs that broadcast programmes live all over the world. We watch wars, floods, presidential inaugurations and sports finals __B10_________________. Not everything about TV is good. Many people blame it for obesity in children, a breakdown in family communication and an obsession with celebrity. _B11__________________ the future of television will be. Maybe computers __B12_________________.





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You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task. You now have 30 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 30 seconds)

Taken from:

You will hear part of an interview with a woman called Barbara Darby, who works as a casting director in the film industry. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

According to Barbara, a casting director needs above all

A to learn from experience.

B to be a good communicator.

C to have a relevant qualification. D to have a natural feel for the job.

Barbara says that she looks for actors who

A can play a variety of roles.

B complement each other.

C accept her way of working.



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D think deeply about a part. At which stage in the casting process does Barbara meet the actors?

A before she goes to see them performing live

B once the director has approved them

C before a final short list is drawn up

D as soon as a final selection is madeWhat led Barbara to become a casting director?

A She was doing similar work in the theatre.

B She realized she had the skills needed.

C It was recommended by a colleague.

D It had always been her ambition.Barbara explains that what motivates her now is a need for

A personal satisfaction.

B professional recognition.

C a glamorous lifestyle.

D financial security.What made Barbara give up her job for a while?

A She'd become tired of travelling.

B She was ready to try something new.

C She felt she'd been put under too much pressure.

D She found that she was no longer as committed to it.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Audio1, Audio 2





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Taken from: CAE Practice Tests Plus with key. Nick Kenny and Jacky Newbrook

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their jobs in television.


For questions 7-11, choose from the list (A-H) each speaker's job.

A make-up artist

B producer

C actor

D researcher

E sports presenter

F lighting engineer

G sound designer

A7 A8 A9 A10 A11


For questions 12-16, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says they find difficult about their job.

A having to upset people

B incorporating last-minute changes

C not getting enough variety

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D listening to people's problems

E being told what to do

F keeping up to date

G not getting recognition

H working in uncomfortable conditions

Speaker 1 (A12)

Speaker 2 (A13)

Speaker 3 (A14)

Speaker 4 (A15)

Speaker 5 (A16)


You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 20 seconds)

Taken from: Complete CAE Workbook Laura Matthews and Barbara Thomas

Page 6: Final test

Раздел 2. Reading


Read the text. Put the paragraphs into the correct order. Match each paragraph with one of the headings A-F below. There is only one paragraph to one of the headings. One heading is extra.

Television unifies us

1. But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn’t try to raise the cultural level of the people or develop their artistic taste. Many of TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment, but also cultural and educational programmes. Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and makes us closer to other people. Besides, it is a good company for people who live alone.

2. Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers and magazines. Television dominates one’s life if the family watches it most of the time. Television informs, educates, and entertains people. It is also a habit-forming drug impossible to resist. Various TV games, such as quiz shows, and music programmes attract a large audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the viewers. Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. Some people find them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation.

3. The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the life of the society. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people say, ”News is not what happens – it is what you see or read in mass media.” In other words, mass media shapes public opinion. (Sometimes it is good, but sometimes terribly bad. It depends.)

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4. Some people say there is too much violence on television, which has a bad influence on viewers, especially young people. Television often shows scenes of violence.

5. There is also a lot of advertising on TV. A lot of commercial firms buy the time to advertise their goods. Advertising often annoys the general public. A film, a good basketball or football match may be interrupted several times with advertisements for the soap powder or new perfume.

To convince the viewers that a certain product is the best and to persuade him to buy it takes not only a lot of imagination but also a lot of time. The same advertisements are repeated dozens of time every day, which bores the viewers.

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5


A. Promoting hate

B. A pleasant way to relax and spend our free time

C. Not only entertainment

D. Time is money

E. Guidelines about watching

F. TV is more real than reality

1 2 3 4 5

Taken from:

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Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-7) with the parts of the sentences (A-H). There is one extra part.

The Making of 'Tipping Point'

Many of the most expensive commercials ever made are those in which an A-list celebrity flashes a beautiful smile at the cameras. _1_____Their recent television advertisement, the most expensive in British history, cost ten million pounds, and it features, not the rich and famous, but villagers from the mountains of Argentina.

The advertisement features a game of dominoes. It begins in a darkened room where several thousand ordinary dominoes are set up on a specially-designed table. _2________ Dominoes knock over books, which in turn knock bigger household objects such as suitcases, tyres, pots of paint, oil drums and even cars. The final piece in the chain reaction is a huge tower of books. These flutter open to reveal a structure in the shape of a pint of Guinness.

The location chosen for the commercial was Iruya, a village high up in the mountains of north-west Argentina. _3_____ The journey there could take up to ten hours. Asked why this remote destination was chosen for the shoot, the director said that even though it was the most difficult location they could have picked, it was perfect.

For one month, the village, population thousand, increased in size by almost thirty percent. One hundred and forty crew members descended on the village. These included the world record holders in domino toppling, Weijers Domino productions from the Netherlands. _4______

Creating this film was no easy task. Preparations for filming took well over a month. Twenty six truckloads of objects were brought in. _5_____ They included 10,000 books, 400 tyres, 75 mirrors, 50 fridges, 45 wardrobes and 6 cars. Setting the objects up took skill and patience. They needed to be arranged so they would fall over easily, and this involved balancing them on stones. Some of the sequences had to be reshot 15 times and 24 hours of footage was captured. However, the sequence in which six cars fell over was successfully shot in just one take.

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Filming in this location was not without its difficulties. Firstly, being so isolated, it was hard to obtain resources at short notice. The second problem was the high altitude. _6______ It was also hard working with the villagers who had no experience of film-making. Finally, setting and resetting the props caused a good deal of frustration.

These days when CGI is all the rage, it was surprising that so little of the work was done using computer effects. The only sequence that used computer graphics was the one in which the tower of books fluttered open to reveal a pint of Guinness. _7________ Even so, this was no simple matter. They had to ensure that all the books in the tower had a different appearance.

Director Nicolai Fuglsig said about the project : ‘Despite all the challenges, the cast was fantastic and it was a really amazing experience.’ Whether or not the effort put into the advert pays off is another matter entirely.

A Then the falling dominoes head out of the room into the streets, causing progressively larger objects to tumble.

B These were all chosen to suit the town and fit in with the people’s way of life.

C Getting there involved driving along 48 kilometres of dirt roads and crossing twelve rivers.

D Iruya is situated 3000 metres above sea level and the film crew was not used to working in such conditions.

E The prop department did construct a small version on site, but most of the work was done in a studio in London.

F Added to this was the total of one hundred and thirty 'actors' who were recruited from a five neighbouring towns.

G Setting up the dominoes on the table took a team of experts three days, but took just 14 seconds to topple.

H Not so with the famous Irish drink company Guinness.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Taken from:

You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way

with electronics. For questions A17-A22, choose the answer (A. B, C or D)

which you think fits best according to the text.

It's Only a Game

Labeling someone a 'video-gamer' conjures up images of obsessed teenagers

sitting in darkened rooms, faces illuminated only by the glow of displays, and

young enough for repetitive strain injury to heal quickly. Yet despite there being

a grain of truth in it, the stereotype belongs to a bygone age. The fact is that

video games are no longer the exclusive domain of the young male population.

Young females are playing in growing numbers, but so too are adults.

More mature adults, who've left behind the 18-34 age brackets so cherished by

conventional games marketers, are often simply early gamers who have grown

up. They want to keep on playing, but have evolved beyond first-person shooter

games such as Doom and its descendants.’ Fun shouldn't be difficult,' says

George Harrison, Nintendo's senior vice president of marketing and corporate

communications. 'People are looking for 15 minutes of diversion, often with their

family.' It's this realization that has the veteran video-game firm rethinking both

its hardware and software offerings.

In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that the stereotype of the 'video-


Page 11: Final test

A was to a certain extent accurate.

B harmed the image of the games.

C was always damaging to teenagers.

D became outdated almost immediately.

In the second paragraph, the writer is

A criticising certain attitudes.

B predicting long-term trends.

C reporting a change of policy.

D justifying a continued interest.

Peter Molyneux: Computer Games Creator

A lot of the time I don't know where my ideas come from. It's not as if I see a

picture gradually forming - it's like 'ping', a picture is suddenly there, and it can

make you feel slightly out of control of the process. It can be quite disturbing

sometimes. But I find the computer game an incredibly creative medium. It

brings together so many different disciplines that you would think are totally

incompatible: there's the logic of programming, mathematics and physics, mixed

with entertainment, storytelling, narrative, excitement and the emotions you feel

when you are playing a game. I have a vast number of little notebooks for work,

full of scribbles and some text, although I'm not in any way artistic - I can't draw

or sketch - and being dyslexic, I find communicating via a written medium very


The big picture ideas are easy. The devil is in the detail. The real challenge

always comes about six months down the line when you have to design all the

minutiae of the game. You have to consider things like how many pieces of

information players can take before they'll get confused and frustrated.


Page 12: Final test

I really believe the only difference between a creative person and the non-

creative person is that creative people tend not to have a little voice in their head

saying, 'That's not going to work, that's a stupid idea.' People who are very

creative just have a ridiculous amount of confidence. I don't believe they are

geniuses. If you look at any children when they're playing, they are making up

scenarios and fighting battles of good and evil - huge epic stories with just a

couple of sticks, a ball and a sandpit. I just think creative people tend not to lose

that. They tend not to get that adult voice.

What does Peter find hardest when designing a new computer game?

A coming up with original ideas

B combining skills from different disciplines

C working out exactly how it will work in practice

D explaining his ideas to others involved in the process

In the third paragraph, Peter is suggesting that creative people

A rely greatly on common sense.

B look to traditional tales for inspiration.

C are in danger of becoming over-confident.

D have a streak of brilliance that can't be explained.


By 'Christovsky' FUN:

Sam and Max's long-awaited return to the adventure game format is a

refreshing and thoroughly enjoyable affair. The change to 3D graphics is



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remarkably successful, as is the implementation of a simplified point-and-click

system that shaves off all the superfluous options and puts an end to the tedious

keyboard/joypad control of the 3D games. Add to this a catchy score of jazzy

musical numbers to add atmosphere to the locations and you've got a game that

looks, feels and sounds utterly fantastic.

Each episode has perhaps 2-3 hours' worth of playing time in it, and feels like a

quick gaming fix rather than something more substantial (much like comparing TV

episodes to a film, in fact). Extended play, however, in the form of secret or

optional jokes and things to do, can prolong each episode's lifetime significantly.

The format allows the introduction of several very funny and well- designed

secondary characters who achieve a good involvement in the plot, but each of the

new locations (which are, nevertheless, equally entertaining and original) is

available for one episode only, so puzzles cannot cross over between them as they

would in a larger, full-length game. This unfortunately makes the puzzles feel less

intricate and less challenging than veterans will have come to expect, although

they are just as zany and still require some lateral thinking.

The humour is almost spot- on. Sam's deadpan and Max's craziness bounce off

each other brilliantly, although it's a pity that Max seems to get the majority of the

punch lines. Still, these exchanges, mixed with some highly original characters,

places and scenarios, make for a truly hilarious game.

The reviewer says that the game is like a TV programme because of

A the way it is organized.

B the overall look and feel.

C the strength of the characterization.

D the players' level of involvement in the plot.


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What aspect of the game does the reviewer criticize?

A the choice of locations

B the predictable use of humour

C the undemanding level of the puzzles

D the large number of unnecessary options.

Taken from: CAE Practice Tests Plus with key. Nick Kenny and Jacky Newbrook

After finishing В13, В14 и А17 – А22 do not forget to put the answers in the blank of answer sheet № 1. Pay attention, that the answers В13 – В14, А15 – А22 are in different parts of the blank.

Раздел 3. Use of English

Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line to B15-B23.

In Britain there are 12 national ____________ newspapers DAY

and most people read one of ____________ every day. THEY

Daily newspapers are ________________ on every day PUBLISH

of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are

___________ than daily newspapers. All the Sunday LARGE






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newspapers are ______________ . Most national news- NATION

papers in Britain express a ________________ opinion, POLITICS

most of them right-wing, and people _____________ the CHOICE

newspaper that they read according to ___________ own THEY

political _____________ . BELIEVE

Taken from:

For questions B24-B35, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

The Video Loggers

One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is 'blog', a shortened

form of 'web log'. A blog is a diary(B24) on the Internet by the person writing it -

the 'blogger' - who presumably (B25) other people to read it. It is ironical that

modern technology is being used to (B26) new life into such an old-fashioned form

as the personal journal. And now, as the technology behind video cameras is making

them easier to use, we have the video log, or 'vlog'. Vlogging does not require (B27).............................................................................................






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sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed Internet connection

and a host are all that is needed. Vloggers can put anything that (B28) their fancy

onto their personal web site. Some vloggers have no ambitions (B29)than to show

films they have shot while on holiday in exotic places. However, vlogs can also

(B30) more ambitious purposes. For instance, amateur film-makers who want to

make a (B31) for themselves might publish their work on the Internet, eager to

receive advice or criticism. And increasingly, vlogs are being used to (B32)............................................................................................political

and social issues that are not newsworthy enough to (B33) coverage by the mass

media. It is still too early to predict whether vlogging will ever (B34)off in a major

way or if it is just a passing fad, but its (B35) is only now becoming apparent.

B24 A released B sent C posted D mounted

B25 A believes B expects C assumes D supposes

B26 A add B inhale C insert D breathe

B27 A absolutely B largely C utterly D highly

B28 A grasps B appeals C takes D gives

B29 A except B apart C rather D other

B30 A serve B employ C function D play

B31 A publicity B fame C name D promotion

B32 A emphasise B publicise C distribute D circulate

B33 A earn B warrant C excuse D cause

B34 A fly B show C take D make

B35 A potential B possibility C ability D feasibility

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Taken from: FCE Test Builder, Mark Harrison

For questions B36-B43, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 There needs to be tighter control than there is at present over what happens in reality TV programmes.TIGHTLY

Reality TV programmes should be...........................more tightly controlled.................................................than they are at present.

News programmes should not be allowed to show disturbing images in the early evening.



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News programmes should...............................disturbing images in the early


I eventually managed to persuade Louisa that I was telling the truth.

SUCCEEDEDI eventually.....................................Louisa that 1 was telling the truth.

George felt a sense of pride in the achievements of the family business.

PROUDGeorge .....................................the family business had achieved.

Unless the director gets the actor he wants for the main part, the film will be cancelled.

MEANIf the director doesn't get the actor he wants for the main part, it…….................................the film.

The reliability of the Internet as a source of information is sometimes difficult to determine.

HOWIt is sometimes difficult to a source of information.

I only realized that I'd forgotten my wallet when I go to the station.

ARRIVEDIt wasn't......................................the station that I realised I'd forgotten my wallet.

The employees suggested some improvements to the computer system which would make it easier to use.

FORWARDThe employees....................................improving the computer system to make it easier to use.

Driving without a seatbelt is illegal in most European countries.









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It is........................................without a seatbelt in most European countries

Taken from: Complete CAE Workbook Laura Matthews and Barbara Thomas

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Раздел 4. Writing

You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement.

Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games. Some people, however, believe that teenagers should spend their free time doing more physical activities.

What can you say for and against teenagers playing computer games?Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan

1 Introduction (State the problem).2 Arguments "for".3 Arguments "against".4 Conclusion.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television,

newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to

the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and

celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

Write 200 – 250 words.

Use the following plan:

Make an introduction; Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it; Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree

with it;



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Draw conclusion;

Раздел 5. Speaking


Task 1 Give a talk on mass media.

Remember to discuss:

• whether mass media are important to modern people, why

• how reliable they are in the presentation of information, why

• which source of information you consider the most accurate, why

• what you think about the Internet as a source of information.

You will have to talk for 2 – 2,5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Taken from:

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Task 2

You are in a computer shop. You would like to buy a computer game for your younger brother, who is nine years old. You can pay £20 only.

Before making a decision, ask the shop assistant about:

computer games on sale at the moment what the games are like the cost

The teacher will play the part of the shop assistant and will speak first.

Remember to:

be active and polite get all the information you need decide on the computer game to buy

Taken from: Practice Test for the Russian State Exam, Elena Klekovkina, Malcolm Mann