Final group 4 government edtc 5840

Group 4 - Elements of Online Curriculum & Programs: What Can Go Wrong In A Government Setting Presented By: Cynthia V. Anderson M.A. ~ Caitlin Crossman B.S. EDTC 5840 Designing an Online Curriculum


Designing an Online Curriculum ~ What can go wrong. Includes addressing the problem with a hesitant instructor & adding interactivity to a static curriculum.

Transcript of Final group 4 government edtc 5840

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Group 4 - Elements of Online Curriculum & Programs: What Can Go Wrong In A Government Setting

Presented By: Cynthia V. Anderson M.A. ~ Caitlin Crossman B.S.

EDTC 5840 Designing an Online Curriculum

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Your Face-to Face Facility & Manual

Can Be ProblematicInstructor ReadinessStatic Online Curriculum

Moving To An Online Environment

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~Stay Calm~Addressing The Problem of Instructor Readiness/ Static Online Curriculum

Overview of Presentation• Presenter Credentials & Message• Stay Calm ~ Teacher Hesitancy in Embracing Online Learning Presenter: Caitlin Crossman

• Stay Calm ~ Transforming your current static curriculum to interactive experiences. It’s easier than you think! Presenter: Cynthia V. Anderson

• Works Cited


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Welcome & IntroductionsYour Presenters:

Caitlin Crossman B.S. in Elementary Education; Teacher 4th grade in the Kirkwood School District – St. Louis MO; B.S. Elementary Education

Cynthia V,. Anderson MA Communication Management; MC Nonprofit Management; BA Media Communications; AA Graphic Design – St. Louis, MO

Presenter Introductions

Caitlin Crossmanon “Instructor Readiness”

Cynthia V. Andersonon “Static Curriculum”


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Switching Focus On Web-based Interactions From Face-to-face Can Be Problematic.

What Can Go Wrong: A Hesitant Instructor

Human factors• Instructor’s knowledge of

course materials• Instructor’s prompt

communication with students• Instructor’s constructive

feedback on student work• Instructor’s timely feedback on

student work

Design factors•Course content based on learning outcomes•Useful learning materials•Clear guidelines and rubrics•Assignment examples

Factors of Success in ANY Learning Environment


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Switching Focus On Web-based Interactions From Face-to-face Can Be Problematic.

What Can Go Wrong: A Hesitant Instructor

Technical factors• Online distribution of materials• Useful multimedia• Discussion board feature• Timely technical

assistance/support• User-friendly course delivery


Factors of Success in an Online Learning Environment


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Switching Focus On Web-based Interactions From Face-to-face Can Be Problematic.

Solution: Follow Current Best Practices and Tackle

New Practices in Steps

• Seek out training

• Consider functionality

• Consider accessibility

• Determine the Level of Lowest Common Technology

Embracing the Technical Aspects- Step 1: AssessingAvailable Technologies

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Switching Focus On Web-based Interactions From Face-to-face Can Be Problematic.

Solution: Follow Current Best Practices and Tackle

New Practices in Steps

• Develop rubrics

• Collect past student submissions for exemplars

• Consider transforming old class content

Embracing the Technical Aspects- Step 2: Determine Learning Outcomes


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Switching Focus On Web-based Interactions From Face-to-face Can Be Problematic.

What Can Go Wrong: A Static Online Curriculum

Solution: Interactivity

• Has a major impact on the quality of online distance learning programs (Muirhead, 2001)

• The Most Difficult Aspect = Building In Interaction

• The Most Important Aspect = Building In Interaction

Builds a sense of community

Exposes students to a variety of learning resources

Students are more actively engaged in the learning process (Brown, 2001).


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Stay Calm ~ Transforming your Static Curriculum to Interactive Experiences. It’s easier than you think!

Problem: Static Curriculum 3 Types of interaction strategies for success

• Learner-to-Content interacting with the content

• Learner-to-Instructor motivating the student to learn

• Learner-to-Learner student interactions with peers Moore (1993)


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Learner - Content Interaction

Intellectually Interacting With Content = Changes in the learner mind (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

•Understandings•Perspectives•Cognitive Structure

Benefit To The Student•1 format does not meet all learning styles

•A variety of formats eliminates monotony


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Learner - Content Interaction

Intellectually Interacting With Content = Changes in the learner mind

•Understandings•Perspectives•Cognitive Structure

Provide Resource Links to online resources

Benefit To The StudentAllows students to explore the topic in more depth


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Learner – Instructor Interaction

Stimulates & Motivates•Conversational language creates a welcoming atmosphere…

•Reinforces understandings•Provides feedback•Example Walk through expectations with a recorded video via:

Enhanced Syllabus


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Learner – Learner Interaction A sense of A Community = Valuable Resource

Student Introductions

Students become joint problem solvers as a community

Group Work


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Our Hope, is that through our joint efforts we have presented information that will lead to student:

SatisfactionRetention Increased Learning

~ A quote from Dr. Michael Simonson ~15

Thank You!

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Michael Simonson, Ph.D.

“Ingenuity might be required to use some of these techniques at a distance, but the end result offers opportunities to broaden and invigorate the educational experience for both the learner and the instructor!”

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Works CitedBaghdadi, Ziad D. (2011). Best practices in online education: Online instructors, courses, and administrators. Turksih Online Journal of Distance Education, 12, 109-117.

Brown, R. E. (2001, September). The process of community-building in distance learning courses. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2). Retrieved October, 2014.

Lee, Joohi. (2014). An exploratory study of effective online learning: Assessing satisfaction levels of graduate students of mathematics education associated with human and design factors of an online course. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15, 111-132.

Moore, M. G. (1993). Three types of interaction. In K. Harry, M. John & D. Keegan (Eds.), Distance education: New perspectives (pp. 12-24). London: Routlege.

Muirhead, B. (2001). Interactivity research studies. Educational Technology & Society, 4(3). Retrieved June 20, 2005.

Simonson, M. (2012). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc

Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (n.d.). Incorporating Interaction Into Your Distance Learning Course. Retrieved October 2014, from Academic Technology Center:


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Image Credits

Copyright © 2014 Anderson & Crossman

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Complements of CVA


Permission granted for presentation use

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Thank You & Well Wishes from Group 4!

Presenters: Cynthia Anderson & Jessica Crossman

EDTC 5840 Designing an Online Curriculum