Final Drafts of all Three Publications

Final Drafts of all Three Publications By Saba Kebede

Transcript of Final Drafts of all Three Publications

Page 1: Final Drafts of all Three Publications

Final Drafts of all Three Publications

By Saba Kebede

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Front Cover

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Front CoverThis is my front cover and I think that it clearly represents my music magazine genre and the fact that it appeals to the younger market. I think that it appeals to the younger market for the fact that the image is of a young model and also my masthead looks cool and cool so that it appeals and targets specifically my target audience. I also added artists that would appeal to my audience as well so that it looks attractive. My model is looking directly to the camera and as a result can represents how the image is personal. The cover lines are lined up through my knowledge of Photoshop. I also added a barcode in which I also wrote the issue number and the price of my music magazine that is 2.50. I also put ‘weekly edition’ and the LOOP website. The effective use of the list of artists is there in order to show the audience what is going to be featured in my music magazine and what they are going to expect.

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Table of Content

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Table of ContentThis is my contents page and I think that it creates a consistent theme with my front cover. This was intentional because I wanted to produce a consistent theme in which would attract my target audience. The fact that there is more than one image is effective seeing as it is packed with information and that’s what I think the younger market will be inclined to buy; a music magazine priced reasonably with a lot of information in it. My table of content clearly represents what my music magazine will consist of in the inside. The colour themes are consistent, due to the fact that it is blue, black and white. The reason I chose blue instead of red for example is because the colour red connotes and symbolises the theme of rock and roll in which is the complete opposite of my genre of music which is R&B and Hip-Hop. I used the black lines in between what each page is about, because of the fact that my inspirational magazine which is Rolling Stone had used the same affect, and by doing this in my music magazine it would develop conventions in which I liked to portray through.

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Double Page Spread

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Double Page SpreadThis is my double page spread which features my model Sofia, whose image reflects clearly on my article. The article is about a young ordinary school girl who did the normal things that any young teenager would do, and then gets recognised through her school’s competition “Westwood’s Got Talent’ in which she was the star of the show. It’s thoroughly about her journey through fame and the struggles that she had undergone to get to where she is now as an established and well-known artist. The image is of my model facing outwards without eye contact with the camera, and therefore is looking out of the window at her past and therefore the theme of reminiscing is clearly portrayed here. I have used all the conventional features such as the credits at the top left hand corner, leading text to introduce the article, pull quote and drop cap, as well as the page number. I have used these conventionally so that my music magazine looks professional.