Final capitalising on female strenghts in it

Capitalising on Female Strengths in IT and Business Analysis Maria Horrigan Principal Consultant
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Capitalising on Female Strengths in IT and Business Analysis

Maria Horrigan Principal Consultant BA World Sept 2009

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Slideshare and blogs


# BAWorld09

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Capitalising on Female Strengths

• Identifying areas where women excel and capitalise on these

• Gaining an edge through understanding users and interaction with customers

• Using corporate relationships to network• Dominate through communication and

people skills• Understanding the importance of knowing

everything about the business

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“IT Conference” Shanghai 2008

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Sex and the city?

Celluloid Stereotypes:• US Upper-middle class white culture• Shopping, clothes and shoes• Is this who we are?

Sex in the city is a television show produced by NBC. This presentation was for educational purposes only and is NOT in any way, shape, or form affiliated with NBC, or any other persons or organizations responsible for the production of Sex in the City , all trademarks and copyright belong to their respective owners .

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FEMALE ARCHETYPESStrengths and weakness of these archetypes

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Archetypes vs Sterotypes

• So what are the female archetypes?• Why are archetypes good?• Pan-cultural• Any period of pan-historical

• How can we capitalise on archetypes?

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8 Female ArchetypesThe Waif Little girl lost, Damsel in distress,

endures hardshipThe Librarian Prim and proper, repressedThe Nurturer Takes care of everyoneThe Crusader A fighter with a causeThe Spunky Kid Girl next door, team playerThe Boss Goal orientated, takes chargeThe Free Spirit Optimistic, follows her heartThe Seductress Manipulative, A survivor

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The Waif

Strengths• Tenacity and endurance• Asks for help• Seeks to understand• Good Listener

Weaknesses• Not taken seriously• Perceived as always needing to be

“bailed out”• Not seen as competent

Jennifer Aniston

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The Librarian

Strengths• Knowledgeable• Intelligent• Able to problem solve• Know where to find the info

Weaknesses• Repressed • Perceived as Arrogant and not friendly• Old fashioned

Jane Austin

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The Nurtuer

Strengths• Listens and counsels• Encourages and Mentors • Empathy and Supportive• Collaborative, Communicator

Weaknesses• Seen as “fussing” or “nagging”• Indecisive, don’t want to favour one over another• Others let them pick up the slack

Florence Nightingale

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Strengths• Strong, make tough decisions• Has a mission and vision• Champions a position• Strategic focus, Leader• Good Communicator

Weaknesses• Not Collaborative• Seen as Aggressive



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The Spunky Kid

Strengths• Persistent• Maturity beyond years• Dependable• Easy to talk to - Girl next door• Team player

Weaknesses• Pushy• Annoying

Lisa Simpson

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The Free Spirit

Strengths• Challenges status quo• Marches to a “different drum”• Likes to dream about possibilities• Innovative, Creative, Optimistic

Weaknesses• Plans may not be practical• Impatient for change• May not be a team player

Amelia Earhart

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The Boss

Strengths• Powerful• Decisive• Leader , Strategist• Communicator• Driven and focused on outcome

Weaknesses• Aloof, distant, not friendly• Task orientated vs people orientated

Queen Elizabeth I

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The Seductress

Strengths Communication, Persuasion Goes after what they want Empathy Networking – knows the right people

Weaknesses Self interest – may not be a team player Superficial – not genuinely interested Aggressive – “Barracuda” “Cougar

Jessica Rabbit

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Jennifer Aniston

Jessica Rabbit

I drink your milkshake

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Women aren’t milkshakes

…. more like a McFlurry

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Archetypes = Me as a McFlurry

challenged the current way

Be Confident, assertive

Asked for help when needed

Set the direction, lead


Share knowledge, mentor

Supportive, counsel

Get the job done

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Capitalise on these Archetypes

• So how do we ‘capitalise’ on these strengths of these archetypes?

• Need to read the situation – people & context

• We all have these archetypes inside us• Need to know how much and in what

volume to apply them in our working lives• Contextual, Situational, Contingent

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Play to your Archetype strengths

• Each individual brings unique strengths to a role

• Become more comfortable with who you are, know your talents and strengths

• Be confident in abilities• Need to understand your natural

tendencies and make them work in your favour

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What does A BA role look like today? Understanding the business and technical environment to achieve success

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“Women are a part of this culture of success only to the extent that they explicitly embrace and

deal with the five R's”.


"Membership in the Club: The Coming of Age of Executive Women," Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Carol R. Greenberg

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Five R‘s- qualities expected of successful people in business

• Respect (both earned and given)• Responsibility - the willingness to be

responsible for your own actions• Resourcefulness – know how, life long

learning, networking• Revenue development - proposal writing

or bringing in new business.• Risk taking - essential to innovation.

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Value in understanding the business

• Business success depends on anticipating future trends and developments

• …. and aligning strategy with implementation • IT is part of the everyday business, every

program & initiative, will have some touch point with technology

• Business analysis is often key to solving the complex problems and issues

• When we understand the business there is an opportunity to add value, be a trusted advisor

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Business Context

Not just about the technology

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Understanding Users Interaction



Ability to organise

Build rapport

Get the job done

Decision making

Problem Solving







Interpersonal skills


Female Strengths



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Understanding Users Interaction



Ability to organise

Build rapport


Get the job done

Decision making

Problem Solving







Interpersonal skills


BA Skills


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Learning to speak-geek

• As a Business Manager, I needed to understand techno speak so that I knew what I was signing off on

• As a BA, I needed to understand the possibilities of what the technology could and couldn’t do

• I don't have a formal IT qualification• I’ve come from the business side so have lots

of business degrees and qualifications• … but I had to ‘learn’ geek-speak

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How I survived moving into a career in Business Analysis• Learned to speak-geek – understand the

technology and how it would help the business and my work processes

• People mentored me – Key colleagues mentored me and supported my knowledge development

• New collaboration tools - Web 2.0 • New roles for me – gravitated toward places I

didn’t expect to go, pushed my capabilities

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Role of technology has changed• IT no longer about reducing operational cost

and more about IT as an enabler to achieve organisational goals

• Its about managing information, communication and knowledge

This is a good industry to work in:• It’s constantly changing and challenging• Lots of opportunities to capitalise on your


It”s not all about pizza and programming

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Business vs Technical BA roles

• Exciting range of IT jobs available that aren’t just about technical skills

• Provides opportunities to work in dynamic and creative environments (medicine, movies, fashion)

• Increasing need for skills such as• Communication, Collaboration, Ability to

organise, Driving change, delivering outcomes, Problem solving

• Many women working in IT also come from non IT backgrounds

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Backgrounds of IT Consultants

• I looked at the background of a lot of the female (and male) consultants

• There are former teachers, scientists, nurses, administrators, psychologists, army officers

• What is common is that they are great communicators, organised, they can take on just about any problem that comes their way, and they get things done.

• Not all have IT degrees, but they do have experience in IT (business and system) and certification in areas of IT management

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So what does an IT job look like today?

Business analysis and process re-engineering• Collaboration, communication, diplomacy,

design & analysis

IT strategic analysis and planning – architecture

• Analysis, decision making, vision, business savvy, influence, persuade

User-centred apps & web design• Team-player, collaboration between

tech/graphic designers, business and users centred, design

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People Mentored Me

• Lack of senior females in my area didn’t deter me, it just made me look to other sources for mentoring

• I learnt from one of my staff • I learnt from one of my colleagues • I learnt from thought leaders• I joined female IT networking groups• (WIC, WIT, ACS)

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Mentoring vs Female Competition

We should be about collaboration and support

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I’m NOT Wonder Woman

• “I am NOT Wonder Woman, I am in wonder of Women”

• Its hard to juggle all the demands of work • Like other women I have obligations outside of

work• We need more women in IT to bring more

diversity into this workforce• Change the group norm to reflect the wider

work vs life balance needs of everyone. Break stereotypes

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How to meet the challenges

• Don't try to do it alone. Seek collaborations both professionally and personally

• Learn to recognise and capitalise on opportunity

• Never allow yourself to stereotype other women, or rush to judgment on their seriousness

…Or what I have learnt the hard way

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How to meet the challenges cont

• Never blame discrimination or bias for the difficulties you encounter. Instead keep trying to improve and learn

• Try to get promising young women into the network early. Keep in touch with them and make sure they get whatever mentoring and assistance they need

• Be open to change• Be yourself

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The Gender Question In ICT

• 75% of IT roles filled by males• Females higher in middle management• Gap is closing on executive roles• Average salaries are close to average

male salaries and gap is closing in the last 5 years – females about 5% lower on average

• Little salary difference in permanent roles, more difference in contractor market

Chris Scullin Peoplebank presentation WIC 2009

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• Confidence• Soft selling and negotiation• Personal perceived value• Career aspiration not clearly defined• Baby Boomers vs Gen X vs Gen Y

Chris Scullin Peoplebank presentation WIC 2009

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Is it about still about Gender?

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Baby Boomers - born during the post-WWII baby boom • experimental, individualism, free spirited,

social cause oriented • healthiest, and wealthiest generation to that

time, grew up genuinely expecting the world to improve with time• Started the ball rolling - saw inequity in

society/workplace, questioned status quo

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Gen X - mid 1960s to late 1970s

• Product of their depression era parents (went through 90s recession and first time a generation was worse off than parents)

• Stay in role 3 years• Look for stability• Respect hierarchy and believe in reward

for loyalty and effort

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Gen Y - early 80s to late 90s

• More demanding, higher expectations• More empowered• Expect to be rewarded for just turning up• Competitive• Merit based (not time in role)• Want it all now (not been through the hard

times and are the product of baby boomers)

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So what does the future hold ?

Each generation has different work needs:• Baby Boomer’s fought the inequity• Female Gen Xs are now reaping the

benefits of the fight – now moving into senior roles

• Gen Y’s fight isn’t one of gender – it’s about merit

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So what does the future hold ?

• Why have female numbers in ICT courses dropped off dramatically in the last 5 yrs?

• Why do female Gen Ys not want be in IT? • Is it the Uni courses on offer?• Is it the geek stereotype?• Does everyone just want to be an

environmental activist?


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What do we need to do?

Still need to:• Change the perception of ICT as a career• Showcase our champions• Collaborate and communicate into and

outside of the ICT community• Encourage and mentor


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Mentoring the Web 2.0-way

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Living in a Web 2.0 World

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Use of Web 2.0 tools

Nielsen report, 2009:• 0.5 billion to 0.67 billion participants between

2007 and 2008 world wide• More than four in five Australians use Web 2.0

communication technologies at least monthly• Growth three times as fast as the pace of

general online growth• Biggest increase comes from the 35-49 yr• Web 2.0 tools used more frequently than email

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The Web 2.0-way

Tools represent new ways to:• Communicate and reach out to others• Create trusted relationships• Collaborate• Mentor• Share knowledge & experiences

... why do I do this?

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Why I use Web 2.0 tools

Instant access to:• My Community of Practice• Knowledge (in people’s heads, not in

documents) • Experts, gurus and thought leaders• Access to friends, their friends and their friends• The power of many• Trusted information from trusted sources• Time saving tools – its instant and responsive

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LinkedIn –

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Facebook – building online communities

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Social Bookmarking

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Matt’s blog

Craig’s blog

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CONCLUSIONSTake home messages

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• We might be perceived as Stereotypes like the SITC girls, Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte or Samantha

• History tells us that there’s more to us than shallow stereotypical characters

• My experience is about drawing on archetypal strengths and adapting to context and situation

• These strengths are vital and important and will mean I am judged on merit and my work will speak for itself

• Promote and mentor

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Fin - Any Questions?

Maria Horrigan Principal Consultant

Email: [email protected]:, zenagile.wordpress.comSlideshare: @miahorri