Film Institutes Evaluation Question.

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  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    By Mitchell Hall

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    What is a film institution?

    A film institution is often an established profit basedorganization which works towards the creation and distributionof a media product as well as advertising the product on aoften substantial scale. The media institute will provide the

    budget for the movie if they agree with the idea after reading ascript of the movie. The huge budget which films have beengranting in recent years has led to huge improvements inmovie props and scenes as well as improvements to

    animations such as CGI.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Major production companies likelyto produce my product.

    Out of the 5 institutes I pictured on the previous slide I believe that the most likely institutes toproduce my product would be either Universal Studios or Lions Gate Entertainment.

    The production wouldnt be made by Warner Brothers as they are more recognised for creating filmssuch as Harry Potter which is directed more as a family film rather than an 18+ certificate thrillermovie.

    My product also wouldnt be distributed by Paramount Pictures as although they have been known tomake all kinds of films our film may include too much gore for the company to distribute as althoughthey have created horrors and thrillers such as the likes of Paranormal Activity and The Devil Inside

    ; They are only an age rating of 15 as they manage to connote the violence whilst showing very littlegore on screen.

    Sonys Columbia Pictures also wouldnt be a smart choice of institute to distribute my product as theyalso arent very experienced in creating movies similar to mine. Although they are known to give a

    substantial budget as seen in movies such as Skyfall and White House Down.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Lions Gate Entertainment

    Formed in 1997 Lions Gate Entertainment have quickly risen to become oneof the most successful institutions in the world. Drawing in a revenue of over$2Billion in the financial year of 2013 and known for creating high budgetmovies such as The Expendables and also creating highly popular

    academy award winning movies such as The Hurt Locker. Lions Gate have

    created films from many genres and an example of a thriller which they

    have produced would be Saw which is an example of a very gory thrillerwhich similar to our film aims too punish those who have committedadultery, drug abuse and other offenses. As well as this there is Texas

    Chainsaw 3D which is also a very gory horror/thriller, the key character in

    Texas Chainsaw 3D , Leather Face has various physical as well as

    psychological defects which will mean that Lions Gate would have a greatknowledge of how to create a strong representation of a psychologicalproblem in our main characters mind.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Universal Studios

    Founded in 1912, Universal Studios has becomeone of, if not the, biggest film institutes to ever exist.In the financial year of 2011 Universal turned a$4.23billion profit, Universal Studios has becomemore than just a film institute with their own themeparks in Florida and California. Universal have beenbehind many different award winning productions.

    With recent thriller movies such as The Purge andThe Thing and also The Wolfman. Their work onThe Wolfman would be extremely useful to ourmovie as the main character shares similarities tomy main character. The Wolfman cant control hisinside emotions nor psychological wellbeing, this ismirrored in my own main character as he is shown tobe torturously in conflict with his mind. However,

    The Wolfman and The Thing are too fictionalwhereas The Purge involves less creativity andideas shown through this can be adapted into mymovie in order to create more tension and in order toreally drive the thriller genre to our audience.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Major Productioncompany I think that Lions Gate Entertainment

    would definitely be the best productioncompany for my movie as they are more

    better known for producing thrillermovies than other companies and theirexperience will be highly useful in

    creating my product.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Independent productioncompanies likely to produce my

    product Film 4 Production is an independent productioncompany owned by Channel 4 TelevisionCorporation, it is in association with the channelFilm 4 and is a British company responsible for a

    large number of films. They have been in co-

    production of very highly credited low budgetmovies such as the biographical movie 127 hours.This movie shows that although they are a smallindependent company with a low budget they carrya high reputation and are capable of getting majorproducers such as Danny Boyle who producedmultiple award winning movies such as Slumdog

    Millionaire. In the movie 127 hours Boyle usesvarious techniques in order to make the audienceshow a huge amount of sympathy towards themain character, he also puts the audience in thecharacters shoes by using different effects in orderto make the audience feel the disorientation of thecharacter through the shots used.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Another independentproduction company

    Founded in 2007 CBS Films is a Americanproduction company which is a division of TheCBS corporation. They aren't highly known formaking pure thriller movies but make manyhybrid genre movies of horror thriller or action

    thriller. A horror thriller which they produced isThe Woman in Black, although the movie is

    more conventionally a horror, the producersexcellently build huge amounts of suspensethroughout the movie and furthermore are clearlycapable of getting a very highly credited cast asthey were capable of getting Daniel Radcliffe forThe Woman in Black. The list of high profile

    actors carries on with actors such as DwayneJohnson in Faster and Jason Statham inMechanic.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.


    Independent ProductionCompany

    Out of Film 4 and CBS I would choseFilm 4 Productions as they are capableof getting highly respected directors who

    will be capable of creating a highlyeffective vision of my product, such asDanny Boyle who has frequently worked

    with Film 4 Productions.

  • 8/13/2019 Film Institutes Evaluation Question.



    If I could pick one of the 2 productioncompanies out of Film 4 and Lions Gate I wouldchose Lions Gate Productions as they are much

    more experienced at creating movies in thethriller genre. Also previous movies which theyhave created have various techniques whichcould be mirrored throughout my product to

    make it as effective as possible, and finally theywill have a much bigger budget in order tocreate the movie.