Filling stations

Gas Gas Stations Of Yesteryear Stations Of Yesteryear Old American Gas Stations from all around the Old American Gas Stations from all around the country country Some are abandoned, some are restored and Some are abandoned, some are restored and many are still in use many are still in use



Transcript of Filling stations

Gas Stations Of YesteryearGas Stations Of YesteryearGas Stations Of YesteryearGas Stations Of Yesteryear

Old American Gas Stations from all around the countryOld American Gas Stations from all around the countrySome are abandoned, some are restored and many are Some are abandoned, some are restored and many are

still in usestill in use

Old American Gas Stations from all around the countryOld American Gas Stations from all around the countrySome are abandoned, some are restored and many are Some are abandoned, some are restored and many are

still in usestill in use


 I also remember getting a five-cent soda and a bag of

peanuts to put in the soda. Oh yes, it was a penny for the

bottle unless you had an empty one under the seat. Does that

make me old or what?I remember a lot of these - -

but how many years has it been since anyone said

that they were going to the "filling station"?

In the next picture, notice the kid jumping on the bell hose.

Did YOU ever do that?I remember riding our bikes back

and forth at the closet station near us and driving the owner


Notice the prices on the one to the right. Yes that's only $ ..34 for Hi test

And $ .28 for regular.

Oh, don't forget the 9/10 of a penny.