Files 2 (18)

Jordan Prince The Voice of the Kindred Age: 33 Class: Charismatic Hero/Fast Hero Level: 9 Prestige Class Clan: Caitiff Generation: 6th STR: 18/+4 DEX: 18/+4 CON: 20/+5 INT: 20/+5 WIS: 20/+5 CHA: 20/+5 Movement: 30 Languages Spoken: German , Japanese, Spanish BAB: +5 Melee: +9/+4 Ranged: +9/+4 HP: 129 DR: 25/+5 Regen: Via Blood AC: +9 Dex( +4) + (Defense +5) Saving Throws Base Attrib ute Misc Fortitude 4 5 Reflex 5 4 +2 feat Will 2 5 +2 feat Skills Craft (Visual Arts ): +21 Pilot: +19 Computer Use: +17 Intimidate-: +9 Perform (Dance): + 10 Drive: +17 Hide: +10 Move Silently: +10 Heal: +16 Diplomacy: +11 Survival: +8 Streetwise: +8 Listen: +21 Search:+17 Sense Motive: +8 Bluff: +8 Knowledge (General Science) +11, (Politics) +8, (Finance) +8, (Investigation) +8, (Law) +8, (Occult) +8, (Zoology) +8, (Arts & Crafts) +8(General Academics) +17 Special Abilities Blood Pool: 30/ Spend 6 per turn Kindred Disciplines Auspex 2 Celerity 5 Fortitude 5 Obeah 6 Jordan manifests the “Third Eye” when using level 4 or higher Panacea- Spend 1 BP to heal 8pts to target Anesthetic Touch- Stops pain and paralyzes target. Opposed WP, failure by # of points determines duration (1 turn, 2 turn, 5 turns, 1



Transcript of Files 2 (18)

Jordan Prince

The Voice of the Kindred

Age: 33Class: Charismatic Hero/Fast HeroLevel: 9Prestige ClassClan: CaitiffGeneration: 6th

STR: 18/+4DEX:18/+4CON:20/+5INT:20/+5WIS:20/+5CHA:20/+5

Movement: 30

Languages Spoken:German , Japanese, Spanish

BAB: +5Melee:+9/+4Ranged: +9/+4HP: 129DR: 25/+5Regen: Via BloodAC: +9Dex( +4) + (Defense +5) Saving ThrowsBaseAttributeMiscTotal


Reflex54+2 feat11

Will25+2 feat9

Skills Craft (Visual Arts ): +21Pilot: +19Computer Use: +17Intimidate-:+9 Perform (Dance): + 10Drive: +17Hide: +10Move Silently: +10Heal: +16Diplomacy: +11Survival: +8Streetwise: +8Listen: +21Search:+17Sense Motive: +8Bluff: +8Knowledge (General Science) +11, (Politics) +8, (Finance) +8, (Investigation) +8, (Law) +8, (Occult) +8, (Zoology) +8, (Arts & Crafts) +8(General Academics) +17

Special Abilities Blood Pool: 30/ Spend 6 per turnKindred DisciplinesAuspex 2Celerity 5Fortitude 5Obeah 6 Jordan manifests the Third Eye when using level 4 or higherPanacea- Spend 1 BP to heal 8pts to targetAnesthetic Touch- Stops pain and paralyzes target. Opposed WP, failure by # of points determines duration (1 turn, 2 turn, 5 turns, 1 hour , 1 day)Neutral Guard- Spend 2 temporary Wisdom, no one not already within 10ft can approach. Opposed Will saves to approach (if succeeds by 3 points, foe is paralyzed for 5 turns)Treat the Sick Mind- Senses Derangements (Sense Motive DC 14) and can cure them (Healing DC= 18+ targets Wisdom mod)Unburdening the Bestial Soul- Removes the soul to heal Humanity, requires 3 successes opposed WP vs WP. Body is zombie-like when soul is absent . Eye creates soft glow around target Renewed Vigor- Can heal any target by spending a temporary Wisdom point, even aggravated damagePrescence 3Charismatic Hero Charm: The Charismatic hero gets a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence members of his chosen gender. (Some characters are charming to members of the opposite gender, others to members of the same gender.) The bonus is equal to the characters Charismatic level. A Charismatic hero can only charm Gamemaster characters with attitudes of indifferent or better. The charm bonus cant be used against characters who are unfriendly or hostile.Favor: The Charismatic hero has the ability to acquire minor aid from anyone he or she meets. By making a favor check, a Charismatic hero can gain important information without going through the time and trouble of doing a lot of research. Favors can also be used to acquire the loan of equipment or documents, or to receive other minor assistance in the course of an adventure. A Charismatic hero spends 1 action point to activate this talent. To make a favor check, roll a d20 and add the characters favor bonus, equal to the characters Charismatic level. The GM sets the DC based on the scope of the favor being requested. The DC ranges from 10 for a simple favor to as high as 30 for formidable and highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. A Charismatic hero cant take 10 or 20 on this check, nor can the hero retry the check for the same (or virtually the same) favor. Favors should help advance the plot of an adventure. A favor that would enable a character to avoid an adventure altogether should always be unavailable to the character, regardless of the result of a favor check.The GM should carefully monitor a Charismatic heros use of favors to ensure that this ability isnt abused. The success or failure of a mission shouldnt hinge on the use of a favor, and getting a favor shouldnt replace good role-playing or the use of other skills. The GM may disallow any favor deemed to be disruptive to the game.Captivate: The Charismatic hero has the ability to temporarily beguile a target (a GM character) through the use of words and bearing. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a captivate attempt, must be within 30 feet of the hero, and must be able to see, hear, and understand the hero. To captivate a target, the hero must use an attack action and make a Charisma check (DC 15), adding his or her Charismatic level as a bonus. If the Charisma check succeeds, the target can try to resist. The target resists the captivation attempt by making a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Charismatic heros class level + Charismatic heros Cha bonus). If the saving throw fails, the hero becomes the targets sole focus. The target pays no attention to anyone else for 1 round. This focusing of the targets attention allows other characters to take actions of which the captivated target is unaware. The effect ends immediately if the target is attacked or threatened. A Charismatic hero can concentrate to keep a target captivated for additional rounds. The Charismatic hero concentrates all his or her effort on the task, and the target gets to make a new Will save each round. The effect ends when the hero stops concentrating, or when the target succeeds on the save.Fast HeroEvasion: If the Fast hero is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Fast hero suffers no damage if he or she makes a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used when wearing light armor or no armor.Uncanny Dodge 1: The Fast hero retains his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker. (The hero still loses his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense if the hero is immobilized.)BESM abilities*These spring from his exposure to the Blood of Dracula and Titans BloodArt Supplies Space- Jordan always has a notebook, pens, pencils and markers handy, as if calling them from an extradimensional spaceAlternate Forms- Jordan can make minor physical changes at will; including +/- 10% size, gender, +/- 50% age, color changes and minor form changes (body shapes or proportions)Special Defense- Jordan never needs to sleepNatural Weapons- Jordan can sprout claws without knowing ProteanSpecial Defense- Jordan is highly resistant to Necromantic magic spells and effects, gaining a +6 to Defense and saves.Jumping- Jordan gains +40 to all Jump checksHeightened Senses- +4 to all Hearing and Smell checks, plus Darkvision and Infravision 60ft.

FEATS *indicates bonus feat from class/other sourceLeadership*Vehicle Expert- +2 to all Drive and Pilot checksAircraft Operation (spacecraft)Creative (Craft Visual Arts and Perform Dance) +2 to these checksSubmissive Demeanor- When targeted by spells or effects, make a contested Will save vs the caster. If you win, they consider you an unworthy target and choose another. This effect ends if you take hostile action.Seductive(x2) - +2 to Charisma based checks towards males and females.Student of the Arts- +2 to all Perform checks and to one Craft or Profession check (Visual Arts)Iron WillLightning Reflexes