File Copy of Witness Statement of David West Pgs 7-12.pdf

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    .:4 :t tl*mx*q*ent on *s dismissal *f ** x*pli*atirw ibr is*r.* m ;xpp*;:l is t})* tln\}"*****ii" lhtr F:*r** Hxtrnaiiti*n iruenng *xga* **f*rs l"l's* L:hi*i' !{*gixarmre *fi i;i r

    f?*bmanry"*S*$" 3,3s. tu*ky. 5ir. fi*rsaej *nd hts. 5i**|: *pp*nr*d l*r h$r. I:*rg1ws,;ln xn*:i

    &{r. *a*hrw*n*lng}:" h{r. I*srvr* 8L *nqi } ;pn*mr**i for lh* ilil:t ri': heh,lif *f **I&*qre*saing $n*ts. ils h*xdr:g *f thc i1i*fi;{: ilxtrx*ii;un {;xrns ifr x:: *;:* rn *r ar*i;$riiuly 3{}SS wi* r3s *l'li*f'&{xgisra{* *rd*ring {h* e*mrnin;sl r.ii'5,$r. F*rgus*n ayreJ ltr"*slhar*.nsingh t* xrvxit l}"le ; *f ** l\'*rra:li fur Xtenrm hv *s,4";{*ffi?ey fr**ersl.

    fu{.r" fi*E6us*:"1 axd hr{r. fieibaransinph n*xl *x*n*rs*d th*ir r:61"w itntl*r the A** tt x;:plyf*r a rwit *f fusb*s$ ss{pu$. Al *:** hnh*as **rpri$ i:earing" &$s" $ingil xpp*arc*i fe:n &ir.S*lb*ra;:simmh md &{r. S*rnge;s*n repr*$snt*c$ }Tims*ifl }*r{::" Jxm*s tswis *il. 5lr.Qllin*3r k{axsheil cf &e l"lnir aale{ I represcrutred thry il*mmrxsimn*r *f f*s*ns" and "wewcr* insl;?etcd h-v &{s. T*ng Fnek *i'*r* #ktef $tns* $qyi}eit*r"s il*p*mm*r{{. 'i}*

    xppli*ari*n rvas i:r*ar* sfiai *nisrniss*d hy x.h* l{*vr*urxi:}s &.l**krrn iuscr*e *}*mh*mern rrr:

    Ss h4*y ?*ilf. Tk*3,hmeJ ais* fileeg x *f;n$*i{ut;{r*ai m*ri*n *h*1l*ng;ng t}:*: i*p:riit3 **:

    ti,le &q{ bl*t, tiris eons'.rtutri:rtai rnoti\ n i\&$ n*t }:*xrd umlil "l*nc ii}ii} rssr pxrilgrxph

    ?? Xps3*wi.

    ill" l!dr. Serg*sur: s*ri u%{r" *a?b;ru:*nsingh n*xl *pp*;li**3 th* *{**isi*n *f .fu.isqics P*rwir*ffi*n{which }led *ismiss**i t}:q: F{aheus {i*iut*s;rppli*xri*ni. &{n ft*helt$*n {X: ru:d h{n,

    ;*iili is;ltt***ed and m*rk*d'"tr*,\xi"J"' J:*sp*etflil3'**k il:i$ i"{lrrr,;r;rhle il**n lr:;**t8 the s{xlrsmemm eif,.?useirs *f &ppeal $nrirh $l fixfiisrefhs *$. ,tl} :ure{ S{} **" }:i:

    3atdg:n*nt, |irclt tt'.v*uid ilst b* unj*s; *r *ppx"*ssirr t* rxrr*d::*;vL{r. ftalbxa::singh

    *nd h{r" f,**n'"ehitre l**al t}rxrg*s,.r*rx p*ndir:g xgarr:st:h*n: *rn**:h* }*e*l

    *harg*x **:.iiqi *c s{ey*d **,sr *x.trix*il:l*n.

    i0I $.

    $ing!: app*arer.l fbr h{r" Sergxs*n s,'xd 5tr. 3:i*g*rnicl QC anu l"{s" $ir:gi:rn, lR{ k* sr*

    &4r. fi*lhsr*n$isgh. 5{r. l-ew:* QC, Mr. 5$e;rd*s 5{, h$::. A}ph*;:s*, .tlr i}uarnih.{ffii h Iffi F,il u;rpenrwe"! *ffi bshsi* *f r-\e t*mrnissl*n*r f*r Frismms- instiru*;cu l:' ht& I".ing #ffi! k. T"" ,rr.

    -. r r .,'^, 'l"t* fr tThx;rpp*al sv{rs inecer{* by Justieen *f A;pp*x} $t*l}mc3,en, Narin* rnri -\rl':rffi. ThFf,hur: 'n 1li-" sf)*:f A.;:p*nl, hy * *":*;*dry* decisron i$:*l$cl:*)'{::r i.q ;x*i Srn;th "irs, b$f*;u-dff rc$ l;"" ,

    . ".r*rt " T;;, 6!rn. * *,*

    app**1. A rr:** cmp3' *f tl:* judgn:*::l *l *t* 'f**::: r;*'App*i:i t*eli"*r**{ nn*}'r&S.-J "!o

    . **'.#-_-'

  • LIJ. The Ccurt of Appeal also orderecl baii t6 corltinue pending the deren'ninarron of anapplieation for specral i$ave to appeatr frorn thrir qiecision tc rhe Privy Counci:. Theapplication for special ieave was disrnrssed by the Frivy Coilncil on le June 20llJ onthe ground tha{ tirey *lici not have a r-ighr of ;ippeai. As wns eustomary, I advisedInspector Williarns, rvho was the complainant in the exrradition mafter. to arress b!r.

    Ferguson anri Mr. Gaibaransingh since tlreir haii had now ceasecl, l-tre Sovemrnent

    had by then changecl, rvith the Clairnant being appcinted Attorney Oencrai in May

    ?010. I advised the Attorney General, hlr. Anand F.amlogan {rh* Clarmant hereinl, ofmy insmuction to fnopector Wiliianrs. The Attorney General {rhe Ciainxent hereinl

    asked rne laow { *suld issue that instruction rvithor:t telling hina; he advrsed me thet

    oniy he could make the request t* the palice. He then instructed ms ro rescind rnyinstructicn, r,vhich I did" As a resuit, Mr. Ferguson and Mr, $albaransrngh u,'ere not

    inrmeciiateiy arrest*d; lhis occ*rred on 15'n iune ?tli0. approxlmately r:ne week after

    tfre said decisian of the Priw' Couneil.

    }'{r. Fergr"rson ancl Mr. 0albaransingh then applied to the F{igti Court icr bail. 'jlhe

    application was heard b"v ldr. Jusricc Kokaram. Mr, Fi*seir: $C anci Mr. ilassrepresented h{r" Ferguson and }vlr, Gaibaransingh. Mr. K*lvin kalni

  • ,.1: .:,


    .:l ,,1


    ,,4 ,

    '':' f.t'li




    m*{ion 1vs$ disfili$seri hy Ju*ti** K*}r*ran: sn :?'1'J*}3'*;m;i, \1;:$ nj$ii #isrnisssrl

    {}& eppssl hy tk* tmurt *f Ap;:*al"

    & ssc*r:d or r*,'lecq?d rpplllatr*i :'ar hxll r{a$ rviad* h,r' &{r" F*rgrxs*n ;*nd }!::"

    &aXhsrs,?sir:gh. T&is ;rpp{i*ali*n ',r;rw }rs;xrd hefmr* h$r" .l*sli** }{*idip ,i*er *r ai:q,*:"}[ ]'&"n

    Jxl,v l*tr#. b{c. S}dsr $C" }{s. $*phla Ch*l*, *Ys. 3'fic}re}}e $*l*m*.t;sa';3 }{r" iiinctr*.}:.

    repres*nfed k$r. ir*r6ut*n *nct 5{r". {-'a["txlr*nsl,ngh" 5!r, Keiv:n ft*mklss**n \\&$

    r*l*i**ef t* X*,*ei m* t**r tnle r\ttsrsfy' fi*n*rml" T* m3' suryfi$*" ;:l ihe hs;:nn6 5{n.Ksmkiss**n ng*i* tei*k ti':e nsvel xnci iiiffsrsnt B**i*!*n *f ru*uir;lliry #rx ths issu* *l'

    h*ih h* inf*mn*d *:e J*dg* that w* &'*re thsrs: iw *rslsr th* s***tt rlilh slxs prrne ipl*e

    r:f hail. I infurm*r:! ktr, it*mkisss$f; {}1e{ rl rva* Etan*ard prefrli{* *f rh* il*it t,* *bje,*t

    f* hnil: #*rl${q}"$*nt #n {h* ciixcussi*rx lr,hi*ir **cu:E*ei bs&teev: 5trr. Ramkiss$nn xfi'i

    myxelf- I r"rn**rsl**d l4ag 1:* rv*x ilf{nn#;r: i;:siru"-t;..rtts i:iul', l}t*:\tlr:r:re-v'Sencr;ti,'[?i*

    "[ue161*, fus'"vfrr.*tr, r*f!**e*i b*i]." ..\!t*r tixs i'l*arixg, {hs A{ti3fi}r:3" #*n*r;ri }'{r"

    &nml*gem h*d a *#Rq'*r$&qi#!? with me arid insln:sts*$ *** **t i# gxi inveiived ;n xhc

    Fiar$m ffi xarir*$ill*n xqai:"1"

    Tliis instru*ti*n *f &c Att,":r"r*."- S***rn! $*rrq'ltirst*n*iing" I ;*;':li***;;l t* ixil *[ff,]:ltxi]*


    t* *mctr t* Uu,r*n' th* pr*gr*ns *f thx Fisr** frxtrx*ilti*i; ;rx i *x* h**n intrn:atel_rinvmiv*q{ in t}r* rxx*tt*r }r*S*r*. _.*' , -.*ji!:1 ,* tr

    ffi***n *r ar*unel $'o ffi*t*b*r l#i$, s*mr ? ',"r mmnlthx x *r *r* Ilr{r'3"ilir&ri*$l r*i'useif .--' ::; r:S'1& 6xp*ciai l*xu** rrr ;eppe*l rr: {its he}he*-c {#rtr}r;$ nppii*nti*n, the Ax*rne-r- **n&b} is*kbd $i.,.3 p*$,X,&**re K,;nrvxnt fur rhs &,sturn *f hfr" f,*rgu**R a*d lr{;: #nibars'1si{:*h:*}ML:nixt'l*-*""*''*qtd -'-'"

    1 r,""tt L " tr a-

    -,r$mles, I *1s**hs*esef. k*m n:,v r*ndi*g th* deli3';1{:r1'$peBsr$ *xl**r;i:n,lt\rlrri"'&aqj:-**'-

    tl':* &it*ru:ey *en*ffiql aj** issel*d * pres$ r*i*;l**. lru* **pics,;f,:h* n*rvspnpffion*

    xre ar**hed *nd markeci "tr!"\1,1"4,'. I :t';l* sq:r;:ris*{* ;}t t}:e ti;::ing of rh* pr*ss r*le*ss

    giv*x lixrt lr*:::;:t3'*alr* *xp*ricn*s w"isli ** L,*ri. i?:e t*t'*rini:!* g:r**ti** ?rns h**n t* ru':p su*h t-h* sn*ss rsleasc a*cr tlls *xtr;rdili*:: u,l*s **mpi*t*d. **t *e lbr*, thxt is

    is $ay *fl*r the f"ugltir"* !:sd ,b*en r*xi*i;*i1 *r::-:: ih* j*n*r*:*ti*n *i i'n:ri;iar:: &?*b*g*"

    '1 I


  • t,s:ii

    1*. l"et *nether i*g*l ;hrileng* t*ll**'ecl. .\1r' F*rg;sor ;nd 5lr. fiaibaransl*gh trl*diin*lhcr appiication ior rcarE i'*r jr:*ic;al :*\':e*'i thrs:in:e" ng;linst lhi:.i*cisiun *f lh*

    ;\t{*rne.v {ier:era} l* issur i}l* r.van*rt:cr:herr rg:um'"tirlrout giving ihern a right ro

    be hesrd on {he teprrsrltalicns n:atie b3 ;he ilirestsr 'm Pubiic Froseeutions and the

    I-inited $t*tes *f Anrcri*il" Ths Alt*rne3' tenersi was repr*sented 1ri,' 5lr. .\'*'ors"Sinana* $f in e{i*itisl: to }'lr. Kelr,i:: lt,ar:rliss**n" ,\,{r. .fiosein $C .md }*ir. Dassrepresent*ei 5lr. i:erguso* a*d. trlr. )'i;tc:rcli QC .rn* 5{r, Persad representer"i }1r.

    Saibaransingh" The appliealion ll'ns dis*lssed b:.' I{aiianr Justise Jn** fharies.

    :?. *n app*ai, thE {*unt of app*ai 1J*sl*rrr* *f '\ppcal K*rigaiotr. }lsndanea *nd\l'reke;l granled !e:v;: i* \'1r. ilerg*s';n ;*,,i 1{r. t"iaihEransinghr lo .:rpir ibr judieial

    isvr{l\'*rl'ti:*.{lt*rne1"{ien*:ai"s s;!ii:ecls:,-'r:, lhe i*xrt *f Apprai's iis*isi*n wasdeiivcrcii r'n I -'\ Dece;nne: li)ii;.

    :S. klr. I:*rgusrn and }Jr. *albaransingh thr* n:aCe a "i"r ;lppli*ati*n l*r brul, uirich rvasheaici and ilisrnissed br"llr..lusl!c* 11*:J*s:r ** ll"j Seeen:bev f{r}{}. }lr" Sir:nnan5C end l1r. l3srnki$so.ln r*presenlcd *e Alt*n:eq Sr:ner*l rrh!Xc }1r. f{{rsein Se ;rn;l

    Ftr. I)::ss repr*senled IIr" Ferguson &n* 3nr. llitchel{ Qf anet .\fr. Persad re;:resented

    Mr: *clixiran:ingh" Ag*in" il:e At:*mer$ f*pr{se;}iir:g the A{hx'$ey $*nerai took the

    nor.*! p*siti*:: .:! :ieiopting ; sleuEral pos;r!*r *n b*ii: :he iu.lge *u:nxr:sntsd an !h!:t ;ttparagr;lpll t *f hi* judgne:lt; r.i xrue c*g'1 *t lhe ",u.lgnrcnl *f !1r. .Xusliee Xsndqsir is*ttached ;:nii mark*'J "" D. 11'" S."" ;s i*ll orvs

    ",!lr. -{ 5{, I'cc"lrue*,Ss}r;e}r {*;;r:st, 14ns r*ffri;"1erleof frt* ^ffor:':;lrut}ie..1$,r.ferifirea:s*: r&e rsls o-l"l&e.-i{i r/t:s r*ncl''a;i .ppi"ir*rir:n-,r*.'$eii itd-s cr rterr}3'

    llr,"ql:r*j-{rryg. :'}ri ic.r sgg llulldle.'..ik;i ilr-rrr ii:s'iy'rrx*rrr*,lje ."}S *$i.t }*neutr*i ilr rrjJilc,r'r rrr t/.'rj rrrJ.';Jrc *p*:rl;r:.iilril it;;lt,rrg r,ig'gt"*"'ftt? /ite .'{:cf ri*r ll ;-t ftrsv:&rr&trt$ -!r;r lJ:r *pr i,t*trnt"r'g,xvr*d;i;r:g:o;r* i$".i |gi,ii &c;rr: {ltc|l l,r:r -r;,5icil {r rlls

    ,ia{},rl ,recii,fil ,:rffeer*rygr S"ilbri: x** Ca,r:1."1 ;.r.*.iryc*i * /ir* i;rrNfoad' rL xille,& lilJs rl$I

    pr*C;pil;lled fllc' lx.{f&r;l ,:ry1*iuci;t",ri; ir:; i:i;l':.,;g i'trg*rry' s61.1'6r iti ii;e "s,l*'tirrt yi;." "'i$;lieir1r, l;;rj ;r; {x;r*liirjor;{'L,ddrp:gti' jf:;fr'{r;. *nr{ &l"t r,?j*: .;5 {:}rr' r1.r f*c ;,tt,tijr)g*crc*cr:s r.rr"lilc ,:*&f;t int*rgsr :ll $ ;r i:riJ,' ;,r; .'r;l li*:i", * psJilJoi: o"i'*erltr*J1ry. ts


  • I


    ,.f '{:

    ffittre!j";n{:{}r?$i"flgrlt v"ilh lnc r,r;c i?1'/i:f ."rS' ,:x r,-ppi:ecr.'r,.l:.1 iirr* 3'7;;' i3'prrrt$t?.l x Jtrta}

    ,&e rr"*uJd, in an"t"fl'tirif. l'* fx:r'ci*ir:tj J;. ,.',ii-Ii:f." "'r'1{/:.".r- ,ttdf,lirrc:rrl ln lllr'r r,rr*}li_} ,1

    rf rprocr/ i n t t r nat i o na,r CIi:i:glrlJ*mr" ".

    The *ext sl*p in the iegnl prceee{iin*s 1{":}$ ;i1s *eari*g rnC ,ieirrminat;,rn cl"tile

    ;udicinl rer"i*r,v e*siisati$n bef*r* )'ir. .l::s:ice i3o*doos:::gh" -.\r :hat hen:ing \tr.Fitugeraiti QC. }{r" I.lersein $e. 5lr. }:rss. \i:i. i3ri*per::*ii;ul. }'ls. }'hn:eha;r :i:rii }1s"

    Alfonss repr*sented Mr" Ferguso;r: liir" lii:ch*li Qf. 1.{r. Pcrs*d rn;J }!r. Aiphons*

    feFres*tlled }if. fieibaransiagh, l1t* Atle.rnc,r" eeneru; r,vas representeli h1,' \,{r.Sinanan 5e, \{;. Ran"kissaon, }trr Sr:nita id*rikiss*rrn. 1'{s. i}e*rvatee t}ilrr.i-**tto*singh *nd hts. "Tnhn.

    l{nr';:1g ur:rkcil;l'.lrc Lil;t:ntj i:r *rtr;tii:iirn:r*{:cr$ ti,q {}",*r ; i ',*lrr$, it i: rrrrhrxrn1' kn**lcdge imri { cax sa,-r' ;hat thal l;:e ne* i-egai Tea,.::. i*C 't1 }.{r. $inansn Sil

    *nd l\,{r. Kslr'in itamkisserrrn. har.l tidr*r }rc\;:*usi3'd*nc nn3'*xtra*titie:l ma{t*r:; !i:rr-rr

    against ths Stats. Alsr:. {er the i:es: *: x:3 rffi.ll;ert}{ln, irfr" S;n;nan $C ilear.i i:ni,l'*ne

    cxtredilinn r?l*tter ii:lvrrir';ng 3{r.'i}e*:ge,\rli:ur $tokesl ,ri*r:np ilis t{i rnEnlh;npp*intncn! a$ 3 :ernBorary" .lueige. l:';r:;':*r, 5ls. 5uni;r !{ar:ki-rs*r.:l'.r;r$ ni}{ rnvrir.*d

    in an3"il:{}ili'i r*prr$e*t;}tiott ir:;}:e ?:;:xi: [,x:l:ijll:cr rvhlls J ',,.JS.r1 ti:r. i-'::it i]n 1fu6,-***'"r-.F

    othcr hrnii, I k:ru''.v .\tl" !-:tz$errirl !i .l';; \ll iii;rcr:l .) L :,. ": r'er"iferigntjj * "$ilk and ilr. Fitagerald Qf *, bcr:is:er ,"r'ith peniculrr ,*x;*rr*r1ds;ri1 .'*,r*{,firn t,1

    "'' ..,ft''"t^ 6iffeners. Fll.rn &)'said knolri{:rigc r'i:;e tr.,:tc:irr;;l:lg rif lxc L'llt *re!''m1 ilx_qqi;d,ri'rth tlie p,reri*us LeEai?eam *i:ieh:;J r*pres*nir,"i lh"; "Lnr'nr". CEirer.ri *nd*b$K*** lr' 1yr5 -**-'X.cquesting "$t*tc i* e.xtradirr*n fi!;Ii1sr$ :i ".r3s x:3 **sr;r';rti.,rr ri:.rt tnc r:qf;ft'!Tean': did nol have fte b*neiri *ilhe irstilr.:l:rrna, ;i!':c *r i:ir:r::rcal in.iruted-L'frJrerval,"thai extratiitliln mfliters are llandie*.: rr" :he i- n:l ln *cliaboxrtr*n '.ril!r the Dir*et*r

    *f tr)ublic Prosscuti*ns r"the DPF"i;r,t,";f,:i:* il*quesllng 5;"n*isi;ru: ihe *xprri*ne*

    in hanriling. smo*g *thers^ ih* riiiirfitx;isli* ri i:::;rn rri"liti-; ar(1::r:n:ie P:;.rr*rr*xtisdilicn rrlatisr.

    Tire Ludicial r*vi*n- rppirr:;:rr '-rri .':iiess:'::: 'inr "ir"ldpr 4ua*ite,J ihe ".\i:er;nsvCenerai's deeisi** 1* rx:rariits }fr. *e!rnr:i5:;rr:, "r::.i ),ir. l*:l:rs*n. i'le ais* lrstir r-1n





  • to J(cjJrc :jl*l lite *:xerpriate :"i:runl n;! .l:.;:;ic*:d ;xri "T.rlh*g,.r A {rue cop-1, l:; :hejudg*'s,J**isj*rli'ia{*i ''" X*l,en:b*r ni;:: ;{", "1;r.1 ---.-! r;:d rn*rksd.,I}.11.,6.."

    -i:' Fro;il n:3 ;:*adjnq .:i il:* Juiig*'s .i*c:sj*r:_ i ;rbscn.erj lhar ".ri paregraph ijj cl.i:isji;iigrne:rt. *r* jildge sl$Ied lhs: ll:s An*r:l*,r f;enerri hari n*r aifr"anssd $ugse$t ih*l therc existed a sclti*ei pr&r{xe* $i ,iisccr:rtiruing !*eai *irarges if thef'i:giliv* is e-rlraej:leq:. j em sbie tg $0t trrrrfi ;n.r satil *xpcrie:,lee *t r,v*rking at the Lrnirrhai tii* fi!)F h::* ln :h* past ilgreci! i:: *x:r;l,i:rit* firrtier$ :* ihe .iise*ntinua!:on *fl*eal char;{s s* ri}:ri :i:a extra,jiti*::l c*uij pr"rceej ;xi *iat s., ij*nc* *t- ihai pr;le liceexists itrTxons i!:e r*rcrjs oj:he L nrt.

    tr:: m1' 3r:il$:ving rire drl'ei*prnenr$ jn rh* piar** xx;rarri:i*n ineiut*ing fbiinwingrn*dlg rep$ns r;n riie 5Ji-^:e , incluJing :i* rf r;r:, itsdl,u ; {rnddrstosij i: r* b* rhe lacrth*t rh* .,\ii*rn*;. rjE:r*:ai , ritc fi;imcn: ;c.-ilrn, .._ijd it,Ji *Fprll,i lhs ***jsi** *l tj"re_tu;iSc.

    ilated:; ""' ,

    '-i It r l. .,, i

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