Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian...

ROBERT DOHERTY FOOD & TRAVEL BASKET These are things that make me happy: food and drink, travel and reading, family and friends! “Eat Like you Give a F*ck” is a funny cookbook that teaches the basics of cooking but with some really colourful and honest language (keep out of the reach of children). The beer, wine, and cider are from places I’ve travelled to or my hometown of Caledon, Ontario! Are those pickles? Yes, I’ve included a jar of my mom’s famous strawberry jam and dill pickles! (Thanks Mom, love you). Next, I have a free introductory riding lesson at the barn where I learned to... shovel horse manure. Visit Crailin Stables in Ingelwood and learn to tack and ride a horse in a fun and safe environment (no manure handling involved). After, I’d suggest you take a short drive to Spirit Tree Cidery for a free tour of their orchard and cidery. Last, I have a subscription to National Geographic magazine, my favourite source to read, learn, and be inspired about things that make life and the word so interesting! Enjoy!

Transcript of Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian...

Page 1: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


These are things that make me happy: food and drink, travel and reading, family and friends! “Eat Like you Give a F*ck”

is a funny cookbook that teaches the basics of cooking but with some really colourful and honest language (keep out of

the reach of children). The beer, wine, and cider are from places I’ve travelled to or my hometown of Caledon, Ontario!

Are those pickles? Yes, I’ve included a jar of my mom’s famous strawberry jam and dill pickles! (Thanks Mom, love you).

Next, I have a free introductory riding lesson at the barn where I learned to... shovel horse manure. Visit Crailin Stables

in Ingelwood and learn to tack and ride a horse in a fun and safe environment (no manure handling involved). After, I’d

suggest you take a short drive to Spirit Tree Cidery for a free tour of their orchard and cidery. Last, I have a subscription

to National Geographic magazine, my favourite source to read, learn, and be inspired about things that make life and the

word so interesting! Enjoy!

Page 2: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My personal basket includes items that represents the second love of my life “Soccer” and the great city of Toronto.

Included in the basket you will fi nd all you need to enjoy one of the best sport and party in Toronto with TFC!! Yelling

“all for one” and waving red as high as you can! This beautiful game has been with me since I was 5 years old and has

major contributions to who I am today. The smell of pitch, laces tight, team ready to fi ght together... this is soccer!

Page 3: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


I started creating my basket with the question, what is my favourite thing? My favourite thing is the Canadian fl ag. My basket represents

my love for the fabulous country we are so lucky to live in. O Canada! An awesome place to be a sports fan, Canada dominates in Olympic

sport – especially in winter events. I love iconic mementoes from Canada’s sports victories, like an offi cial men’s hockey jersey from the

Vancouver Olympics – we won gold! I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied

for a year, and passed 10 hours of exams to earn a sommelier diploma. While I was studying, I pitched a tent and spent some time learning

about winemaking at Norman Hardie’s winery in Prince Edward County. Norman Hardie’s Burgundian-style wines have been critically acclaimed

by Matt Kramer of the Wine Spectator, as well as by renowned wine expert Jancis Robinson... Norm is defi nitely among Canada’s best

winemakers and Ontario has the limestone for stunning cool climate wines. When I am not watching sports, and probably while I am drinking

wine, I am listening to Canadian music – there are too many fantastic Canadian artists and bands to list. All I can say is what could be more

Canadian than seeing the Tragically Hip live at Molson Amphitheatre on Canada Day? And then there’s pizza... it hails from elsewhere but is

made with love in Toronto and damn my life would be empty without it.

Page 4: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


“The Stressed Out, Over Achieving, Creative, Chaotic and Kooky Woman’s Survival Kit” Bid on a basket inspired by my

personal life essentials complete with elements for Mind, Body and Spirit. Spirit comes in the form of fi xings for the

Ultimate Skinny Margarita (recipe included). Minds will be satisfi ed with hand selected books for discerning chicks from

best seller “Station Eleven” to “Creative Confi dence”, “10% Happier” and other juicy choices. And feed your Body with the

snack pack of champions; Turkey Jerky, Chocolate Covered Edamame and of course CheeCha Puffs; the perfect smart

nibble. (Comes complete with Bonus “Raging Bull” DVD). Enjoy!!

Page 5: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My basket includes a bottle of good bourbon (my favourite drink), a Waylon Jennings album (my favourite artist) and my

two novels (shameless self promotion – I’ll even autograph them). Hope you enjoy!

Page 6: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


In my basket there is 5 books that are boxing related such as biographies on Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali and Manny

Pacquiao. It also includes an instructional book on boxing. The other book is about the boxing underworld. These are

some of my favourite books I hope you enjoy my items as much as I do!

Page 7: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My personal basket includes restaurant Gift Certifi cates (I LOVE to eat), a copy of a book that’s very special to me,

some funny stuff (laughter is the best medicine, hands down), a psychedelic rhino throw pillow (because there has to be

something rhino related – they are my favourite), a delicious bottle of white wine, a CD of my favourite band, two redneck

sippy cups (cocktail season is upon us), a limited edition Iron Head T-Shirt (their stuff kicks ass!) and a journal, because

when I’m not bartending or doing voice work or boxing, I write – it’s been an outlet for me for a very long time. All of it

can be kept or gifted to people you love. Much Love, LB.

Page 8: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My personal basket includes a fl at screen TV and a Netfl ix subscription! When I am not at the gym, you can almost

always fi nd me on the couch. I don’t know what I’d do with my life if I didn’t watch TV. It’s actually a dream of mine to be

on a reality show… Should I apply for The Bachelor?

Page 9: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My personal basket includes items that describe me and what I love... eating, drinking and fi tness... a gift certifi cate to

Harbour 60, one of my favorite restaurants; 2 bottles of my favorite wine; and some start up items to help you achieve

your fi tness goals. Also included are four certifi cates (1 Round of Golf each) to Glen Abbey Golf Course. Enjoy!

Page 10: Fighter Raffle Items 8.5x11 - Fight to End Cancer...I also love the emerging greatness of Canadian wine. In 2011, I achieved a long-time dream: I studied In 2011, I achieved a long-time


My personal basket includes some of my favorite things, things that make me happy! Let’s start with the coffee...

Without my multiple daily doses of java I’m really not going anywhere or doing anything. And vino... White or red – either

way, always a great accompaniment to a good meal. Some Blue Jay tickets thrown in for good measure because the

boys of Summer always help me forget the Maple Leaf blues. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!