Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata...

Fiber Channel Service Synchronous data connectivity for critical data backup applications Point to point connectivity Flexibility to add bandwidth Stringent security standards Low latency, high bandwidth Fiber Channel Services

Transcript of Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata...

Page 1: Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata Communications of the most advanced and largest (United Telecom Limited), and subject submarine

Fiber Channel Service

Synchronous data connectivity for critical data backup applications

Point to point connectivity

Flexibility to add bandwidth

Stringent security standards

Low latency, high bandwidth

Fiber Channel Services

Page 2: Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata Communications of the most advanced and largest (United Telecom Limited), and subject submarine

Fiber Channel Services

Enterprise customers in financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and information

To meet the needs of large enterprises that technology generate huge volumes of data that require highly redundant storage, Tata must be securely stored. According to recent Communications introduces Fiber Channel, a analyst reports, the amount of stored data high-speed, physical channel for network doubles every 18 months. Loss of this data can storage and transparent transmission of upper severely hurt a business and downtime costs are layer protocols. As the world's most widely used considerable - especially when factoring in lost transmission protocol for SAN networks, Fiber productivity, reduced revenue, and brand Channel uses Tata Communications' WDM/fiber damage. In addition to business continuity network to deliver point to point connectivity for concerns, some companies must also comply SAN applications.with regulations, such as Base II banking

standards and other international and national Fiber Channel delivers a fusion of storage and regulations that dictate how data must be networking technologies that minimize business stored. downtime and offer a high degree of operational

flexibility to data centers and enterprise As more enterprise data is being stored in data customers. The service carries different types of centers and data recovery facilities, a compelling traffic for applications that require first-rate n e e d h a s e m e r g e d f o r a n e t w o r k capabi l i t ies of storage and network communications solution that offers cost-technologies.effective, reliable, high speed networking to

connect storage area networks (SANs). Fiber Channel circuits are extended to customers' equipment from nearby Tata Communications' WDM on optical fiber and in most cases, are installed in a customer's building or in a building nearby.

High Performance Network-based Storage

Fiber Channel Schematic

Page 3: Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata Communications of the most advanced and largest (United Telecom Limited), and subject submarine

Key Features

- Synchronous and asynchronous mapping

- Compatibility with a variety of hardware and certified storage vendors (IBM, HP, Cisco, NEC, Sun, Brocade, Hitachi, etc.)

- Multiple bandwidth choices from 1G to 10G (FC100, FC200, FC400, FC800, FC1200)

- Dedicated point to point L1 service with 99.9% throughput

- Dedicated fiber pair for service between two points

Enterprise Challenges

- Stored data doubles every 18 months

- 89% of large enterprises are unsatisfied with the present WAN bandwidth (Source: RHK)

- 60% of European IT managers are unfamiliar with Ethernet Services for WAN applications and only 8% use these services (Source: IDC)

- Only 25% of all data centers have a disaster recovery plan and less than 4% provide recovery time of less than one day

Fiber channel is the answer....

Added Benefits

Low Latency and High Speed

Fiber Channel provides consistent, high speed transport of large data amounts at speeds of one to ten gigabits per second. Data is moved quickly and reliably between computers, servers, disk arrays, and other devices with extremely low latency for SAN applications.

High Security

Fiber Channel features a dedicated physical fiber that connects one location to another without passing through a hierarchy of carrier networks. Because it provides dedicated point to point connectivity, Fiber Channel does not access a shared network resource, such as an IT cloud or carrier-grade network. Any data leakage is immediately detected and remediated.

Bandwidth Flexibility

Fiber Channel scales from 1G up to 10G. As requirements grow, customers can add bandwidth incrementally—an ideal solution for applications that require scalable, flexible bandwidth availability.

Proactive Monitoring

Included management and troubleshooting tools and 24X7x365 support ensure that in case of link failure, mean time to restore is minimal.

Proven Reliability

Some of the world's largest banks, Fortune 500 companies, and other institutions have used fiber channel networks to provide reliable, affordable, on-time data delivery. Tata Communications offers mission-critical data center reliability at a price point that is affordable to any business or organization.

Page 4: Fiber Channel brouchre26-10-10 - Tata Communications · Fiber Channel Services About Tata Communications of the most advanced and largest (United Telecom Limited), and subject submarine

Data Rate (Gb/s)

Throughput Specification


1.0625 100

2.125 200

4.25 400

8.5 800

10.5 1200

Supported Applications

Fiber Channel service supports the following customer applications:

- High-performance storage

- Large databases and data warehouses

- Storage backup systems and recovery

- Network-based storage

- Digital audio/video networks

- Managed storage solutions

- Synchronous application requirements

- Services requiring low recovery point objective (point of last data backup)

Bandwidth Levels

Fiber Channel Services

of the most advanced and largest (United Telecom Limited), and subject About Tata Communicationssubmarine cable networks, a Tier-1 IP to approval by the Chinese government, network, with connectivity to more than C h i n a ( C h i n a E n t e r p r i s e

Tata Communications is a leading 200 countries across 400 PoPs, and Communications)global provider of a new world of nearly 1 million square feet of data Tata Communications Limited is listed communications. With a leadership center and co l locat ion space on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the position in emerging markets, Tata worldwide. National Stock Exchange of India and Communicat ions leverages i t s Tata Communications depth and its ADRs are listed on the New York advanced solutions capabilities and breadth of reach in emerging markets Stock Exchange. (NYSE: TCL)domain expertise across its global and includes leadership in Indian enterprise pan-India network to deliver managed data services, leadership in global www.tatacommunications.comsolutions to multi-national enterprises, international voice, and strategic se rv i ce p rov ide r s and Ind ian investments in operators in South Africa consumers. ( N e o t e l ) , S r i L a n k a ( Ta t a The Tata Global Network includes one Communications Lanka Limited), Nepal

To learn more about Tata Communications Fiber Channel Services, visit