Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate Fear and the Evolution of Languages Bruce A.Tate (Oct25), 2014


Old languages emerge and new languages are born when big things happen, and big things are happening now. In this keynote, we'll look at some of the biggest challenges facing programming evolution, and their likely impacts on programming. Functional Programming Languages have a prominent role, but also there are interesting things happening in the browser and a pendulum shift toward better type models. Speaker: Bruce Tate Keynote @ http://functionalconf.com/

Transcript of Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

Page 1: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fearand the Evolution of Languages

Bruce A. Tate

(Oct25), 2014

Page 2: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

42 miles, day and night(Oct25), 2014

Page 3: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fear shapes places(Oct25), 2014

Page 4: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

(You can see it from space)(Oct25), 2014

Page 5: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fear vs. Discovery(Oct25), 2014

Page 6: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fear and language creation

(Oct25), 2014

Page 7: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate(Oct25), 2014

Page 8: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fear and language creation

(Oct25), 2014

Page 9: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Fear and language adoption

(Oct25), 2014

Page 10: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate(Oct25), 2014

Page 11: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Technology Adoption Curve(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Technology Adoption Curve






(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption Curve






(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Visual Basic PhPFortran

... ... ... ...

... ......

Language Adoption Curve


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

JavaCobol C++

Visual Basic PhPFortran

... ... ... ...

... ......

Language Adoption Curve




(Oct25), 2014

Page 16: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

HLL Structured OOP Functiona

Paradigm Adoption Curve(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

HLL OOP Functiona

Paradigm Adoption Curve

Mental Model


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

The Chasm

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

The Chasm


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

The Chasm:)


:) :):)




(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

The Chasm






:) :):)



(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

The Chasm




(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

End: Moore; Begin: Tate

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 26: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Will we have to retool?

What will it cost me?

Will it be abandoned?

Will it break?

Will I lack talent?Paralyzing


Is it too difficult to learn?(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 28: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 29: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 30: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate



Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate



Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate



Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 33: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

Longer cycles

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Language Adoption and Fear

Bigger chasms

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Language Adoption and Fear


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate



Language Adoption and Fear

-Too much to learn-Proprietary-Old hardware

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate



-C++ Syntax-Internet-JVM

+ Deployment

Language Adoption and Fear(Oct25), 2014

Page 40: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

Deployment Problem

(10 diskettes)

(As late as the mid 1990s)

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Deployment Problem

(10 diskettes) X (9 registers per store)

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Deployment Problem

(10 diskettes) X (9 registers per store) X (5 stores)

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Deployment Problem

(10 diskettes) X (9 registers per store) X

(5 stores) X (3 services) X

(n fixpacks/year) ...

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Deployment Problem

Now add...

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Multiple vendorsSanctioned application code

Fragile techniques(screen scraping)

Unprotected memoryMultiple tiers

(Oct25), 2014

Page 46: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate


Multiple vendorsSanctioned application code

Unsanctioned apps and macrosFragile techniques(screen scraping)

Unprotected memoryMultiple tiers

(Oct25), 2014

Page 47: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Multiple vendorsSanctioned application code

Unsanctioned apps and macrosFragile techniques(screen scraping)

Unprotected memoryMultiple tiers

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Java crosses the chasm(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Java crosses the chasm(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Java crosses the chasm(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Java crosses the chasm(Oct25), 2014

Page 52: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

JavaErlang (Elixir)


ElixirScala ...

Java crosses the chasm(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate




(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate




?(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


What’s thebest wayto eat an


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

What’s thebest wayto eat an


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

1. Building communities is easier

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

2. OO languages, FP features

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

3. Deployment options abound

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

4. Interfaces are cleaner

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate




?(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

1. Code complexity (always first)

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

defmodule  VidStore  do    use  StateMachine      state  :available,  [        rent:  [  to:  :rented,                          calls:  [  &VidStore.renting/1  ]]]        state  :rented,  [        return:  [  to:  :available,                              calls:  [  &VidStore.returning/1  ]],        lose:  [  to:  :lost,                          calls:  [  &VidStore.losing/1  ]]]    state  :lost,  []        ...end

(Oct25), 2014

Page 65: Fear: The Role of Fear in Language Adoption by Bruce Tate

© 2014 Bruce Tate

defmodule  VidStore  do    use  StateMachine      state  :available,  [        rent:  [  to:  :rented,                          calls:  [  &VidStore.renting/1  ]]]        state  :rented,  [        return:  [  to:  :available,                              calls:  [  &VidStore.returning/1  ]],        lose:  [  to:  :lost,                          calls:  [  &VidStore.losing/1  ]]]    state  :lost,  []        ...end

VidStore.rent video

VidStore.return video

video |> rent |> lose

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

2. Multicore and Distribution(the real Y2K)

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

defmodule Chatroom do use OtpDsl.GenServer, initial_state: HashDict.new()

defcall enter(name), users do send_all(users, "#{name} has entered the room") reply(:ok, Dict.put(users, name, _from)) end

defcall leave(name), users do d = Dict.delete(users, name) send_all(users, "#{name} has left the room") reply(:ok, d) end

defcall message(name, message) do send_all(users, message) reply(:ok, d) end

defp send_all(users, message) do Enum.each(Dict.values(users), User.send_line(&1, message)) endend

code example: Copyright © 2014 - Peter Minten(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

defmodule Chatroom2 do use GenServer.Behaviour def enter(name) do :gen_server.call(:chatroom, { :enter, name }) end

def leave(name) do :gen_server.call(:chatroom, { :leave, name }) end

def message(name, message) do :gen_server.call(:chatroom, { :message, name, message }) end

def init(_args) do { :ok, HashDict.new() } end

def handle_call({ :enter, name }, from, users) do send_all(users, "#{name} has entered the room") { :reply, :ok, Dict.put(users, name, from) } end

def handle_call({ :leave, name }, _from, users) do d = Dict.delete(users, name) send_all(users, "#{name} has left the room") { :reply, :ok, d } end

def handle_call({ :message, name, message }, _from, users) do send_all(users, message) { :reply, :ok, users } end

defp send_all(users, message) do Enum.each(Dict.to_list(users), fn { user, pid } -> User.send_line(user, message) end) endend code example: Copyright © 2014 - Peter Minten

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Too big to show

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


DSL from Dave Thomas:https://github.com/pragdave/otp_dsl

Example from Peter Minten

Thinking in Elixir: Hiding Your Messageshttp://pminten.github.io/blog/2013/09/14/thinking-in-elixir-hide-your-messages/

code example: Copyright © 2014 - Peter Minten

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

3. ComplexityIs JavaScript the best we can do?

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

import  Mouseimport  Window

drawPaddle  w  h  x  =      filled  black  (rect  80  10)                      |>  moveX  (toFloat  x  -­‐  toFloat  w  /  2)|>  moveY  (-­‐(toFloat  h  *  0.45))    display  (w,  h)  x  =  collage  w  h    [  drawPaddle  w  h  x  ]

main  =  lift2  display  Window.dimensions  Mouse.x

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Erlang (Elixir)ClojureHaskell


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


Erlang (Elixir)ClojureHaskell


(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

Erlang (Elixir)ClojureHaskell

ElixirScala ...

(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate

?(Oct25), 2014

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© 2014 Bruce Tate


DSL from Dave Thomas:https://github.com/pragdave/otp_dsl

Example from Peter Minten

Thinking in Elixir: Hiding Your Messageshttp://pminten.github.io/blog/2013/09/14/thinking-in-elixir-hide-your-messages/

code example: Copyright © 2014 - Peter Minten

(Oct25), 2014