Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired...

Facilitation Skills for Chaotic Times MendoFutures Module 3– January 2015 www.stevezuieback.com

Transcript of Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired...

Page 1: Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

Facilitation Skills for Chaotic



Module 3– January 2015


Page 2: Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

Assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry

v  In every organization something works

v  What we focus upon becomes our reality

v  The act of asking questions influences the group & determines the focus

v  People have more confidence & comfort to journey to the future (the unknown) when they carry forward parts of the past (the known)

v  It is important to value differences

v  The language we use creates our reality

v  We create a preferred future through on-going conversations

Page 3: Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

Sample Questions

v  Thinking about your experience with this group, what have been the high points?

v  What is it you appreciate/value most about the people you work with?

v  Where’s the passion in the system?

v  How can we create what we want in the future?

v  How will we measure our progress and success?

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Appreciative Inquiry Method

1.  What was the most intriguing aspect of the Process Enneagram from out last module?

2.  What applications have you considered or tried using the Process Enneagram? What lessons are you learning?

3.  What questions do you know have that will deepen your understanding and application of the Enneagram?

Page 5: Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

Leadership Map of Excellence

4 Areas of Assessment

1.  Functionality

2.  What to do to increase functionality

3.  Level of complexity of the work

4.  Best dialogue process

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Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Complexity and Group Functionality to the Right

Management and Facilitation Approach

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Facilitation Processes

•  Discussion Method

•  AAR •  Appreciative


•  Workshop Method

•  4 Step Action Planning

•  Mental Models •  Decision Matrix

•  Process Enneagram •  Mental Models •  Sequence of


Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

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Unformed, Formed and Health Groups

1.  Unformed: An “unformed group” is a collection of people who come together for the first time or meet so infrequently that they are not gelled. They really aren’t a group yet

2.  Formed: A group of people with a common vision/mission, practice and shared work.

3.  Formed and Dysfunctional: A formed group that experiences dynamics that hinder or prevent it from achieving its stated goals.

4.  Healthy Group/Teams: When a group accepts members as human beings and still holds their behavior accountable - symbolizes by the expression, "Manage the behavior, not the person.

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Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

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Leadership Map of Excellence

Assessing Functionality

1.  Observation

2.  Intervention

- Role Playing Exercise -

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Management, Discipline and Facilitation

1.  Management: In the context of group dynamics, management is what you do with formed groups to developed higher levels of functionality. Management deals with individual dynamics in ways that connect individuals to the rest of the group

2.  Discipline: Our use of the word discipline refers to group dynamics in which the group cannot function because of an individual’s or subgroups behavior. In this case disciple is how the person-in-charge removes, isolates or ignores the behavior in order to teach the group what it cannot seem to do for itself.

3.  Facilitation: Facilitation refers to what the leader does through the dialogue process. Prevention strategies are steps that the leader can take prior to an interaction with their team. Intervention Strategies are process steps that leader can use when an unanticipated dynamic arises in a group. These are very context specific

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Classic Cause of Chronic Dysfunction

1.  Dysfunctional Meetings

2.  Irritability at group member behavior

3.  Individual as a Bully

4.  Adolescents and Fairness

5.  Rumors

6.  Pushing a Group

7.  Leader’s dysfunctionality

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Micro Skills

1.  Keep our bodies still, especially our heads.

2.  Talk with slow, deliberate gestures.

3.  Pause frequently

4.  During the pause, freeze the gesture until we start to talk again.

5.  Breathe from the abdomen

6.  While delivering the message, maintain eye contact without blinking.

7.  While delivering the message use a whispery voice.

8.  Use position rather than person - be in charge.

9.  Split the dysfunctional person or persons from the group

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

1.  Dysfunctional Meetings

•  Unclear focus and purpose

•  Members are at different stages of understanding or decision making

•  Group can’t stay on topic

•  Person-in-charge lacks power to punish and this creates safety issues

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

2.  Annoyance and Irritability at Group Member Behavior.

•  Shocked – gently respond

•  Confused – “see me later”

•  Annoyed – discipline

•  Annoyed w/o authority - ignore

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

3.  Individual as a bully

•  If possible, remove the bully

•  Isolate the bully

•  Appear fair to group

•  When beaten down verbally, switch to visual

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

4.  Adolescents and Fairness

•  In a chronically dysfunctional group it is more likely that the group will view an inappropriate individual, who clearly has a negative impact on the group, as a leader.

•  Publicly warn the individual of discipline and then consistently apply it.

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

4.  Rumors

•  This can happen when the person-in-charge disciplines in private.

•  The group needs to know that discipline is happening so that they aren’t shocked if the person suffers more severe consequences.

Michael Grinder

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Strategies for Dealing with Chronic Dysfunction – Macro Strategies

4.  Leader is contributing to dysfunctionality

•  Lack of clarity of focus or purpose.

•  Inconsistent behaviors and practices.

•  Inconsistent messages.

•  Lack of relationships with the group

Michael Grinder

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Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

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Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

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Ralph Stacey

Copyright © 2006 Dalmau Network Group

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Far From Agreement

Close To Agreement

Types of problems we face in our organizations

Far From Certainty Close To Certainty

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Far From Agreement

Close To Agreement

Far From Certainty Close To Certainty

For these problems, use hierarchy, top down control, be in role/position, demand accountability

For these problems, use networks, relationship

building, influence

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Difficult  and  complex  problems  •  Wherever  the  situa7on  is  complex  •  Wherever  the  change  you  seek  is  complex  •  Wherever  the  outcomes  are  vague  or  unclear  •  Wherever  there  are  unknown  or  unpredictable  forces  that  can  influence  

or  interfere    •  Whenever  people’s  feelings  or  reac7ons  are  likely  to  be  triggered  

significantly  •  Whenever  you  will  need  to  equip,  educate  or  train  others  to  implement  

and  sustain  the  change  •  Whenever  there  any  poli7cs  involved  or  likely  •  Whenever  individuals  or  groups  have  the  poten7al  to  feel  disenfranchised  

as  a  result  of  the  change  

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The business and its future

Far From Agreement

Close To Agreement

Far From Certainty Close To Certainty



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Far From Agreement

Close To Agreement

Far From Certainty Close To Certainty

The Process Enneagram is a very useful tool

for addressing problems that fall in the

middle ground

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Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

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Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

Facilitation Processes

•  Discussion Method

•  AAR •  Appreciative


•  Workshop Method

•  4 Step Action Planning

•  Mental Models •  Decision Matrix

•  Process Enneagram •  Mental Models •  Sequence of


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Discussion Method Confidence Line


Life Stories Appreciative Inquiry Need Set

Nominal Group Process

Mental Models Imaginization Appreciative Inquiry Enneagram

Mental Models Imaginization Ladder of Inference Crumple & Toss Handling Difficult

Totems Taboos and RI Need Set Appreciative Inquiry

Workshop Method Action Planning After Action Review

After Action Review Discussion Method Appreciate Inquiry Enneagram

Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning

Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

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Management, Discipline

and Facilitation

Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation for


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Leadership Map of Effectiveness Matching Group Functionality and Complexity to the Right

Leadership Approach

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

Facilitation Processes

•  Discussion Method

•  AAR •  Appreciative


•  Workshop Method

•  4 Step Action Planning

•  Mental Models •  Decision Matrix

•  Process Enneagram •  Mental Models •  Sequence of


Page 31: Facilitation Skills for Chaotic TimesEnneagram Workshop Method Mental Models Enneagram Paired Weighting Decision Matrix Action Planning Facilitation Process and the Process Enneagram

Leadership Decision Making Map Matching Complexity and Group Functionality to the Right

Management and Facilitation Approach

Complexity of Issue

Straightforward Complicated Complex Chaotic

Capable Not Capable

Functionality of Group

Unformed Formed

Management vs.

Facilitation Management for Formation

Management, Discipline and facilitation or


Management, Facilitation & Capacity Building

Facilitation Processes

•  Discussion Method

•  AAR •  Appreciative


•  Workshop Method

•  4 Step Action Planning

•  Mental Models •  Decision Matrix

•  Process Enneagram •  Mental Models •  Sequence of


Formed and Functional/Healthy

Formed and Dysfunctional