Facebook history by screens eng

Thefacebook Graphic Evolution of Facebook


Facebook history by screens

Transcript of Facebook history by screens eng

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Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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Alberto Rodríguez Vázquez - Marketing y Comunicación 2

You start calling Thefacebook

Exclusive network for users with an email from Harvard University

The "Groups" application is added

Nace "The Wall" (the Wall), as a public area of a profile


Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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Alberto Rodríguez Vázquez - Marketing y Comunicación 3


Early indications of potential Thefacebook, but still a network among students.

Take the leap of Harvard University, the rest of the universities, and in the same year to high schools

App "Photos" is added

It renames, renamed Facebook

Reached 5.5 million users

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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Launch of Facebook Plataform, an extension that allows programmers to create applications and external companies.

First strategic alliances are other companies in the sector, the first Microsoft.

New feature "Notes" Happens to be an exclusive network for

students through an open invitation to be Red, anyone can register.

First drafts of the iconography of Facebook

Reaches 12 million users

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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The graphical environment of Facebook begins to acquire the style and symbolism we know today.

Is the strategy of the user, which makes the contents and working in the sense that its graphical environment to that adpate it.

"Facebook Ads" appears classifieds looking for revenue following the philosophy of the "Long Tail".

Network opens to the Anglo market, counted as strategic partner to Microsoft.

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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Definitely choose the 3 columns in the design of Facebook.

New feature the "Search" begins with internal searches.

First security utilities for lists of friends.

Expansion to all markets translated into 21 languages , focuses specifically on the Spanish speaking market.

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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First added values on other networks including the "Like" button a utility that allows the contents of virally become visible

The concept of the power profile "Usernames" which in practice means a shortening of the url's of personal profiles.

Instant messaging "Facebook Chat" is introduced. In the background since their goal was not a platform chat.

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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It reaches 500 million users

Settlement of the brand "Facebook"

Usability changes for strategic purposes, the browser goes to a more visible area is highlighted.

Raid on the search engine market and partnership with Microsoft's Bing

Emergence of Fanpages

"Facebook" became a media phenomenon

Graphic Evolution of Facebook

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Marketing y Comunicaión // Consultoria y Formación

Historía Gráfica de Faceboook

Material adicional al curso de Socialmedia impartido para SideFormación.

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