Extremes of XML

Extremes of XML Philip Fennell


Extremes of XML. Philip Fennell. XML – meta language…. describes other languages . i s phenomenally successful. is phenomenally s uccessful. e very information domain imaginable. some are indeed sublime. some are, shall we say… esoteric. XML, a lingua franca for the web. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Extremes of XML

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Extremes of XMLPhilip Fennell

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XML – meta language…

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describes other languages

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is phenomenally successfulis phenomenally successful

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every information domain imaginable

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some are indeed sublime

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some are, shall we say… esoteric

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XML, a lingua franca for the web

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XML grew out of SGML

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early applications hinted at diversity

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reflecting upon the nature of XML

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XML sharing the stage with JSON

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15 years of activity

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six application categories:

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what is fascinating is…

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not how much…

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or how fast…

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but the breadth of application

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the XML Envelope

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introspection is often fruitful

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should turn our attention outwards

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towards the edges of the envelope

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pushing the boundaries of XML

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is not an edge case, it’s the centre

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captures how we model a domain

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edge of current data modeling lies the Semantic Web

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the boundary between XML and the Semantic Web is blurred

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a mixed and, it should be said, confused relationship

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XML - a singular standard

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Semantic Web has managed to adopt at least four

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RDF/XML has posed a problem…

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it’s not a markup language

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transform it with XSLT

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but don’t query it with XQuery

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XML in the Semantic Web is becoming sidelined

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XML content does still intersect with the Semantic Web

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metadata could, and should, be modeled as

RDF Linked Data

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RDB to RDF Mapping Language for Relational Data Model

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what about SPARQL over XML?

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schema lifting and lowering

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lowering lifting

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describes the process of mapping schemas to RDF ontologies

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Semantic Web Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL)

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<xs:complexType name="entryType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> <sawsdl:modelReference href="http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/#Entry"/> </xs:appinfo> <xs:documentation> The Atom entry... </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:complexType>

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how to utilise these annotations to map from a document tree to a graph?

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Type Introspection in XQueryMary Holstege, Balisage 2012

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(: Get the model reference annotations for a complex type. :)$contextNode/sc:complex-type() !


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<!– Class definition. --><owl:Class rdf:about=http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/#Entry> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Entry Class</rdfschema:label> <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">see 4.1.2 of the rfc 4287</rdfs:comment> …</owl:Class>

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<!-- Source Atom XML Fragment. --><entry> <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title> …</entry>

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# Triple from the shadow graph (Turtle).@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .@prefix awol: <http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/#> .

[ a awol:Entry ] .

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it has uses beyond the domain of web services

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to build a 'shadow' graph index via the mapping rules

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seamlessly mix XQuery and SPARQLover the same content

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a world that's throwing itself at the notion of schemaless databases

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where better should we do such a thing than in declarative languages

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many processes can been seen as a series of transformations

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static content and application state

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application's data structures are a snapshot of its current state

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crossing the line from passive state representation to active state manipulation

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XProc succeeds as a mechanism for orchestrating sequences of XML processing steps

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useful aspect of XProc is it’s ability to create domain-specific languages

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manipulate the configuration of an application

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<admin:forest-create forest-name="forest1" host-id="hp6910-772" data-directory=""/>

<admin:database-create ml-database-name="data" security-db="Security" schema-db="Schemas"/>


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application configuration can be viewed as a pipeline of instructions

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source input as the current state…

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a set of actions that reconfigure

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an instruction to commit the changes…

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sets of changes can themselves be composed into compound actions

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<mla:create-database database="data" schema-db="Schemas" security-db="Security"> <p:input port="forests"> <p:inline> <mla:forests> <mla:forest name="forest1" host="hp6910-772" data-dir=""/> </mla:forests> </p:inline> </p:input></mla:create-database>

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the composing of XProc processing steps is an incredibly powerful tool

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define your own steps and abstractions

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applications outside of XProc’s originally intended domains

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publishing content appears to be reasonably straightforward

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the separation of concerns tells us to keep

the markup of content free from presentation and layout

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to take publishing in an intriguing direction –

the Document Description Format

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a framework that looks at documents as functions over a dataset

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getting data to the point of consumption in

a manner tailored to the recipient

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consume many and varied sources of information

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transform them to a common structure and apply presentation and layout


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build flexible page layouts that adapt to variability in the source data

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data bindingcommon structure


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DDF's main design decision was to 'consider the document as a function of some variable data'

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when the document is evaluated, data is transformed into a common structure

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from which a view can be generated for presentation

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embedding XSLT syntax and semantics provides the mechanism for transformation

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partial evaluation is also possible, where theprocessing results in new transformations

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another aspect of DDF that is worth noting is the presentation system

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going beyond simple flows, DDF supports constraints between components

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with so much more and varied data, we need a new direction in document delivery

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mixed success for XML in user interaction

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XForms has grown enthusiasm with the rise of native XML databases

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there's another area of interaction, that goes beyond conventional form filling…


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Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language SMIL :)

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has a whole subset of its extensive specification set aside for animation

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SMIL Animation has, historically, been tied to its host document types

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with the advent of SMIL Timesheetsthat dependency was broken

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orchestrate animation in a web page,orchestrate steps in a workflow

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the order of execution of XProc pipelines is not limited to being sequential…

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allowing the possibility of asynchronous step processing

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with SMIL Timesheets it is conceivable that you can define the orchestration of

step execution in a pipeline

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<p:pipeinfo> <smil:timesheet xmlns:smil="http://www.w3.org/ns/SMIL30"> <smil:par> <smil:item select="#service1" begin="term-aggregation.begin" dur="30s"/> <smil:item select="#service2" begin="term-aggregation.begin" dur="30s"/> <smil:item select="#service3" begin="term-aggregation.begin" dur="30s"/> </smil:par> </smil:timesheet></p:pipeinfo>

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<terms:get xml:id="service1" name="OpenCalais" href="http://opencalais.com/"/> <p:sink/>

<terms:get xml:id="service2" name="MetaCarta" href="http://www.metacarta.com/"/> <p:sink/>

<terms:get xml:id="service3" name="Yahoo" href="http://search.yahooapis.com/"/> <p:sink/>

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putting together unrelated applications of XML can extend their respective usefulness

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the final step from information to presentation is the conversion of text, values and graphics…

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into a visual representation, a rasterization of shapes for display or printed media

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SVG is on the ascendant again!

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whilst X3D never hit the prime time

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experts at Pixar, who brought us Toy Story, developed a 3D image rendering architecture called Reyes

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Reyes defines a processing pipeline that

applies a series of transforms to

graphics primitives

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so they can be more easily processed for visibility, depth, colour and texture

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what has this to do with XML?

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at the edge of the XML envelope is the boundary between text and binary formats

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when XSLT 2.0 came along it introduced the concept of sequences

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a rasterized image is just one long sequence of integer values with some header info

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push the boundaries of the XML envelope still further…

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implement the Reyes rendering pipeline and a TIFF encoder with XSLT

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created from a simple SVG graphic

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where all the rectangles are sub-divided into pixel sized micro-polygons

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depth sorting, transparency, colour and sampling calculations

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finally encoded according to the TIFF format

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serialized as a Base64 encoded file

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this example is somewhat extreme as it is highly questionable if XSLT is the right technology

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however, it was surprisingly straight forward to implement with XSLT

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XSLT provides the transformation tools and XML provides the representation

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Overlapping Edges

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in the XML Envelope there is no clear dividing line between categories

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all the categories require description

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modeling relies upon processing

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publishing utilises processing

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interaction could drive processing

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presentation is the product of processing

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much has been accomplished over the last 15 years

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robust tools, techniques and design patterns

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XML does not have any hard and fast limits to its application

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there are many more applications to which XML and its attendant technologies can be put..

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than we might have originally imagined.

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Thank you

Extremes of XML