Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row

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  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row


    1GostoGosto Tweet

    Without blinking an eye, Ill be the first to admit that my

    favorite body-part to train is the upper back. For me at

    least, when I see someone with a thick or defined upper

    back, I know (s)he has put her work in at the gym.

    Comparatively speaking, there are a lot more people

    walking around with six packs than there are those with an

    impressive upper back.

    I mean, what looks more impressive, this (AKA: the walking

    bag of douche who will inevitably make this his Facebook

    profile picture)

    Or this (Oleksandr Kutchers upper back)

    Not even close if you ask me.

    To no fault of their own, though, most trainees like to train what they can see, and the back often gets the shaft in

    favor of things like the pecs, abs, and biceps; or, the mirror muscles.

    That said, while things like deadlifts, barbell rows, and chin-up variations are undoubtedly the go to movements for

    sculpting a powerful upper back, one of the more underrated, or less utilized exercises out there is the dumbbell row.

    As a matter of fact, Id argue that the dumbbell row is one of the more underrated upper back exercise, since not only

    More About Tony

    Tony Gentilcoreis a Certified

    Strength and Conditioning

    Specialist (CSCS) and Certified

    Personal Trainer (CPT) through the

    National Strength and Conditioning.

    Tony Gentilcore spends roughly

    98% of his time looking at

    LOLCats, and the other 2%

    watching re-runs of Jason Bourne

    movies. He occasionally writes

    about lifting heavy things too. If

    you'd like to receive updates, sign

    up for Tony's newsletter and he'll

    keep you in the loop.



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    rcises You Should Be Doing: Deadstop DB Row http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/exercises-you-should-be-doing-d...

    6 19-05-2014 01:31

  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row


    does it help build a thick upper back, but its also a great movement for the lats as wel l.

    Unlike the aforementioned exercises listed above, dumbbell rows are a single limb movement, which carries its own

    advantages in the sense that its easier to ascertain whether or not theres a streng th imbalance or weakness

    between the left and right side. Too, due to the lack of equipment needed (all you need is a single DB), anyone can

    do them at any time.

    First things first, however, as simple as the dumbbell row might appear, its surprising how much this movement is

    actually butchered. Simply put, what most trainees feel is a dumbbell row is anything but, and is often nothing more

    than a test to see how long before my eyes starting hurting.

    Before we get to the actual exercise, here are some common technique flaws that I tend to come across.

    Here, theres really no emphasis what-so-ever on the upper back itself. Instead, the movement resembles some sort

    of explosive arm curl with momentum taking over. Worse still are those guys who do this and grunt as if theyre giving

    birth to a bowling ball on every rep. LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!

    This one is quite common, where youll see someone performing a row, only to completely rotate their up per torso

    because theyre using too much weight to do it correctly. Ideally, the torso should stay completely stationary, with the

    chest/nipple line pointing towards the bench the entire time.

    rcises You Should Be Doing: Deadstop DB Row http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/exercises-you-should-be-doing-d...

    6 19-05-2014 01:31

  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row


    This one should look familiar to anyone who trains at a commercial gym rounded back , head protruding forward,

    absolutely no scapular retraction (adduction) taking place. I cringe everytime I see this.

    Which takes us to todays exercise of the day

    Who Did I Steal It From: strength coach, and fellow t-nation.com contributor Tim Henriques

    What Does It Do: As noted above, this is a fantastic exercise to build a thick upper back (big biceps, too, since

    theyre in the direct line of pull), but also ta rgets the lats as well in addition to p roviding a nice stretch in that area to


    Key Coaching Cues: While maintaining a neutral spine position throughout (the body should make a straight line

    from the head to lumbar spine), start with the dumbbell resting on the floor. Grab the handle and crush it gripping it

    as hard as you can. Doing so will single the rotator cuff to fire and to pack the shoulder back through a process called


    From there, I like to tell people to pretend theyre starting a lawn mower rowing t he dumbbell by bring their elbow

    towards the hip (not just going straight up and down). Effectively, youll be pulling through the elbow, finishing at the

    top by retracting (technicaly, adducting) your shoulder blade towards the midline of the body. In other words, squeeze

    your shoulder blade like a mofo at the top.

    To finish, youll return the dumbbell back to the floor, coming to a complete STOP. Pause for a second or two, and

    repeat for desired number or repetitions.

    Of Note: for those with shorter arms, you may want to grab a stepper or a few mats to place on the floor to decrease

    the range of motion.

    And there you have it. Try it out today and let me know what you think! Also, just a friendly reminder, if you found this

    post useful, be sure to click the Like button located at the bottom. Ill be your best friend forever if you do.


    1GostoGosto Tweet

    rcises You Should Be Doing: Deadstop DB Row http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/exercises-you-should-be-doing-d...

    6 19-05-2014 01:31

  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row



    Jonathan Goodman

    Thanks for the article Tony. I've been using 1s pauses to encourage proper firing for the

    last couple months now with my training in addition to most of my clients and it's working


    I think you need a new question below though. Some people who read this blog might find

    rocks to be light.

    Peter Poletti

    I really like how you've demonstrated a few common errors before demonstrating correct

    form. I'd love to see that applied more often.

    The deadstop here sounds interesting, definitely going to give these a try.

    Bret Contreras

    God those "bad form" one's made me laugh! It's always fun filming them.

    Benjamin Pickard

    Hey Tony,

    I also like pointing out common exercise errors and giving a solution... would like to see

    more of this type of article down the road!

    What are your thoughts on 'Kroc' Rows? They look awfully similar to 'explosive arm curl

    guy' but they seem to be popular and I know personally they work great for my upper back.

    Do you avoid them with your athletes/clients in favor of deadstop or strict rows?



    jos h

    Well crap. I think I might be "explosive arm curl" guy. And I thought I had good form on

    dumbbell rows...doh! Thanks for the article, and thanks for the great videos. I'll have to give

    the deadstop variation a try on Thursday.


    LOL @ worst form ever guy that is almost every guy haha.

    @ Benjamin Pickard - I think someone doing Kroc Rows would be considered:

    "Using a weight too heavy and too large to complete a full range of motion rep so I justhope there is some benefit to using a bunch of body english to hoist a 150lb dumbell 20

    times guy"

    Michael Gray

    I'm glad you included the "pull to the hip" cue. I think this is one of the most commonly

    missed components to DB Rows. Nice job TG!

    Tony Gentilcore

    @ Bret: I know, right? Although I have to say that trying to purposely perform stuff "wrong"

    is kinda hard. We had to take several takes because we were laughing so hard!

    @ Benjamin: I'm pretty familiar with Kroc rows and have nothing against them at all. My

    only issue is when guys who can barely do 50 lbs with good technique, start throwing

    around heavier loads with know real purpose other than to make my eyes bleed.

    Personally? I've never really gone out of my way to include them in any programming

    because I feel most trainees would be better served to learn to row correctly. But that's just


    rcises You Should Be Doing: Deadstop DB Row http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/exercises-you-should-be-doing-d...

    6 19-05-2014 01:31

  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row


    See Tony's photos on Flickr

    rcises You Should Be Doing: Deadstop DB Row http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/exercises-you-should-be-doing-d...

    6 19-05-2014 01:31

  • 8/12/2019 Exercises You Should Be Doing_ Deadstop DB Row


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