e.x : alpha 1- antitrypsin deficiency - HUMSC · Foam cells: macrophages cells that contain fats...


Transcript of e.x : alpha 1- antitrypsin deficiency - HUMSC · Foam cells: macrophages cells that contain fats...

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 1 –الفريق العلمي

    مبسم هللا الرحمن الرحي

    Intracellular accumulation :

    Accumulation may be transient and reversible or


    Effect : range from harmless to toxic

    Located in : cytoplasm, lysosomes, nucleus

    • We have three categories:

    1- Accumulation of constituent of normal cell

    metabolism : Fat , ptn , carbohydrate

    2- Accumulation of abnormal substance of abnormal

    cell metabolism : storage diseases, inborn errors


    3- Accumulation of pigment : exogenous, endogenous

    • Mechanism / path ways of accumulation:

    1- Abnormal metabolism :

    Normal substance produced

    Metabolism is inadequate to remove it =accumulation

    Lecture 6

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 2 –الفريق العلمي

    E.x :Fatty changes

    Metabolism : عن إنتاج مركبات و مكونات عملية يتم من خاللها هي

    استهالكها للمركبات أخرى أو طريق استخدامها

    هذه العملية بعدالمتفاعلة أو المستهلكة الوضع الطبيعي = نقصان كمية المواد

    When we have abnormal metabolism accumulation

    will happen

    2- Mutated gene =abnormal ptn folding and transport

    =inability to degrade abnormal ptn =accumulation in


    e.x : alpha 1- antitrypsin deficiency

    Gene mutation : في تسلسل الحمض النووي الذي هي تغير دائم

    يتكون من الجين

    3- Normal endogenous substance >Enzyme > metabolite

    Deficiency of that enzyme = Accumulation

    e.x : lysosomal storage enzyme

    يؤدي إلى تراكم المواد في ال نقص اإلنزيمات التي تعمل على تكسير أو تحطيم المواد


    Lysosome: ة عشان تتخلص من موادللمحمسؤولة عن إفراز إنزيمات

    . معينة A lysosome is a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains

    digestive enzymes

    4- Exogenous substance >No enzymatic mmachinery for

    its degradation or transport =accumulation

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 3 –الفريق العلمي

    E.x : carbon or silica particles

    So, The main pathways of abnormal intracellular

    accumulations are inadequate removal and degradation or

    excessive production of an endogenous substance, or

    deposition of an abnormal exogenous material

    : كل مادة بدنا ندرسها هال الزم نعرف عنها

    1- Common in + can occur in

    2- Causes of it

    3- Gross +micro appearance

    4- Its stain

    5- Its effect

    # Lipids:

    • Steatosis • Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters

    • Steatosis

    Free fatty acid come from :adipose tissue or ingested food are

    transported into hepatocytes where there :

    1- Esterified to triglycerides

    2- Convert to : cholesterol or phospholipid

    3- Oxidative to ketone bodies , co2

    يتم تحويله للمركبات مختلفة من أجل hypatocyteفي خاليا ال F.Aيعني ال


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 4 –الفريق العلمي

    Transport of triglyceride from hypatocyte requires complixing

    with Apoprotein :

    Triglyceride+ Apoprotein = lipoprotien (which can move with

    the circulation )

    fatty changeشو هي مسببات ال الطبيعي، طيب لحد اآلن احنا بنحكي عن الوضع


    1- Alcohol abuse (most common)

    2- (starvation) starvation by increase mobilization from

    peripheral stores. CCl4 + ptn malnutrition decrease the

    synthesis of apoprotein.

    3- Obesity

    4- Diabetes mellitus

    5- Anemia

    6- Anoxia by inhibited fatty acid oxidation

    7- toxins by decrease apoprotien

    8- Ptn malnutrition

    So, excess accumulation of triglyceride may result from

    defect at any step from fatty acid entry to lipoprotein exit :

    1- Over supply

    2- Failure of oxidation, due to mitochondrial damage

    3- Failure of synthesis of lipoprotein due to damage of


    4- Failure of release of lipoprotein, due to cell membrane


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 5 –الفريق العلمي

    • Fatty changes is intracellular accumulation of fat

    (triglyceride) within paranchymal cell

    • Common in liver

    • Lipid accumulation = accumulation of triglyceride or

    accumulation cholesterol and cholesterol esters

    • Can occure in :heart , skeletal muscles, kidney

    • Fat stains : oil red o = fat appear as red colour

    • Fatty change effect : is reversible (we can treat it) but in

    severe cases it could be irreversible (poisoning) and

    leads to cell death (necrosis).

    • *Fatty changes :

    1- Liver:

    • Grossly : liver enlarges(3-6 kg) , become increasingly

    yellow , soft and greasy. Normal weight =1.5 kg

    • Microscopically :

    1- Small vacuoles in cytoplasm around the nucleus

    2- Vacuoles coalesce (unite together)displacing the

    nucleus to periphery

    2-heart : occurs ,due to:

    A-prolonged moderate hypoxia as (in sever anemia) result in

    focal intracellular fat deposits ,characterised as tiger like

    pattern .= yellow streaks and lines alternating with unaffected


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 6 –الفريق العلمي

    B- sever hypoxia or toxic myocarditis result in diffuse fatty


    • Accumulation of cholesterol and cholesterol esters

    Cholesterol: is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all

    cells in your body.

    In normal conditions cholesterol is metabolized in small

    amounts so that it doesn't accumulate بالوضع الطبيعي خاليا ال.

    macrophages هي اللي بتخلص من الcholesterol الزائد

    Macrophages that are in contact with fats that are in fat

    Necrosis may become filled with lipids which then causes foam

    cells to occur.

    Foam cells: macrophages cells that contain fats type of

    macrophages that localized to fatty deposits on blood vessel


    . Cellular cholesterol metabolism is tightly regulated to ensure

    normal generation of cell membranes (in which cholesterol is a

    key component) without significant intracellular accumulation.

    However, phagocytic cells may become overloaded with lipid

    (triglycerides, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters) in several

    different pathologic processes, mostly characterized by

    increased intake or decreased catabolism of lipids. Of these,

    atherosclerosis is the most important.

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 7 –الفريق العلمي

    In atherosclerosis, smooth muscles of the blood vessels

    and macrophages are filled with lips vacuoles that is

    composed of cholesterol, which give the atherosclerotic plaque

    a yellow color.

    Deposition of lipids (fat) → leads to accumulation of

    atherosclerotic plaques on the wall of blood vessel → leads to


    Lipid vacuoles = cholesterol + cholesterol esters

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 8 –الفريق العلمي

    Finally, in hereditary and hyperlipidemic syndrome's,

    macrophages accumulate cholesterol in skin and tendons

    cause forming masses called xanthomas.

    Xanthoma: an irregular yellow nodule on the skin, caused by

    deposition of lipids.

    effect of fatty changesواللي هو fatty changesوآخر شيء في ال

    Effect of fatty changes depend on : cause +severity of the


    1- Reversible: except ccl4 = inducing free radical

    2- Irreversible

    #protein accumulation :

    Morphologically visible protein accumulations are less common

    than lipid accumulations;

    1-excesisive exceeding capacity of the cell metabolized

    2-synthesis and secretion of excessive protein

    3-Defect in ptn folding


    1- In the kidney, trace amounts of albumin filtered through

    the glomerulus are normally reabsorbed by pinocytosis

    in the proximal convoluted tubules. However, in

    disorders with heavy protein leakage across the

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 9 –الفريق العلمي

    glomerular filter (e.g., nephrotic syndrome), much more of

    the protein is reabsorbed, and vesicles containing this

    protein accumulate.

    ترشيح ثم إعادة امتصاص .الكلية بشكل عام =

    إلى الجسم إعادة امتصاص = -٢إلى الكلية ترشيح =-١اتجاه المكونات في

    عن الكبيبة خالل من ترشيحها يتم التي األلبومين من ضئيلة كميات امتصاص عادة يتم

    اعادة بصيرلها األوقات وباغلب .القريبة الملتفة األنابيب في الخاليا كثرة طريق

    لكن البول في تخرج البروتينات من قليلة كميات يعني pinocytosis by امتصاص

    أي خلل في كمية يكون في كميات قليلة من البروتين urineالوضع الطبيعي أن

    يصير لما األمراض بعض يفالبروتين يشير لخلق في وظيفة الكلية .

    Leaking of protein across the kidney glomerular filter to the


    ب بتمر اللي البروتينات انه بصير اللي proteinuria اسمها حالة في بصير هون

    filter glomerular كل مش لهيك يستوعبها ممكن اللي الكميات من اكبر للفلترة

    فبصير بالبول تطلع وبتبلش من الكلية امتصاص اعادة بصيرلها الكميات هاي

    hypoprotien or hypoalbumin ومع الكلية بتخرجه اللي البروتين نوع حسب

    edema . When the level of protein in theقلة البروتين في المريض بصير عنده blood is low, water may leave the blood vessels and collect in the tissues. Water

    in the tissues is called "edema" .

    هذا على المحتوية الحويصالت ملتبدأ تتراك األيام بمرور الحالة ازدياد ومع

    مظهرورديpinocyt األنسجة يعطي مما البروتين،

    So, Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of symptoms due to

    kidney damage. This includes protein in the urine, low blood

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 10 –الفريق العلمي

    albumin levels, and significant swelling. Other symptoms

    may include weight gain ,feeling tired and foamy urine

    • Microscopy : giving the histologic appearance of pink,

    hyaline cytoplasmic droplets.

    • Effect: The process is reversible: if the proteinuria

    abates, the protein droplets are metabolized and


    2- the marked accumulation of newly synthesized

    immunoglobulins that may occur in the RER of some

    plasma cells, forming rounded, eosinophilic Russell


    Immunoglobulin ينتجه الجسم ويستخدم من قبل مضاد(بروتين)هو عبارة عن

    جهاز المناعة

    3- alcoholic hyalinein the liver or Mallory bodies

    Is an inclusion found in the cytoplasm of liver cells.

    Mallory bodies are damaged intermediate filaments within

    the hypatocytes. And we know that intermediate filaments

    are composed of a variety of proteins.

    ن ع ارة وهي عب السيتوبالزم داخل (الكبد الكحوليد )هاي الحالة بتكون في خاليا الكب

    intermediate filaments بعض متضررة تحاول مقاومة التحلل بتتجمع مع

    highly eosinophilic and thus appearMallory bodies are

    pink on H&E Stain We see

    • Mallory bodies in acute military disease in liver and

    acute hepatitis

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 11 –الفريق العلمي

    # Glycogen : caused by abnormalities in the metabolism of

    glucose or glycogen.


    1-In diabetes mellitus, glycogen accumulates

    a. renal tubular epithelium

    b. heart

    c. β cells of the islets of Langerhans Within the pancreas

    • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks and

    destroys cells in the pancreas, where insulin is made. Insulin deficiency

    • Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body becomes resistant to insulin, and

    sugar builds up in your blood.

    .نو الغاليكوجيفبتراكم الغلوكوز بستخدمهبس الجسم ما االنسولينهو النوع الموجود فيه

    can't effectively use the insulin

    •2-Glycogen also accumulates in glycogen storage


    A glycogen storage disease (GSD, also glycogenosis and dextrinosis) is

    a metabolic disorder caused by enzyme deficiencies affecting

    either glycogen synthesis, glycogen breakdown or glycolysis (glucose

    breakdown), typically in muscles and/or liver cells.


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 12 –الفريق العلمي

    • Effect :glycogen accumulation may lead to liver fibrosis and liver

    cirrhosis and this depend on the severity of the disease and

    how much there is defect in enzyme.

    # pigment : colored substances that are either :

    1. Exogenous: from outside the body, such as carbon.

    2. Endogenous :synthesized inside the body, such as

    lipofuscin, melanin, and certain derivatives of hemoglobin.

    • Carbon:

    ×This air pollutant is the most common exogenous

    ×When it inhaled ,

    1-it phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages

    2-Transported through lymphatic channels to lymph


    3-It aggregates and appear grossly blacken the draining

    LN and pulmonary parenchymal (atheracosis)

    Pneumoconiosis: a severe fibroblastic reaction caused by


    accumulation of coal dust in lungs.

    ×Effect : Normally, small amount of this is harmless but

    excess amount involved in the tissue will cause

    inflammatory reaction . Heavy accumulation induce a

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 13 –الفريق العلمي

    fibroblastic reaction that can result serious lung disease

    called Pneumoconiosis.

    • Lipofuscin :

    • • Fuscus = brown

    • • Inclusions of lipid peroxides, phosphates, proteins

    • • Not harmful

    • • Accumulates in liver, heart from normal “wear and tear”

    • • Sign of free radical damage

    • • Pigment accumulates near nucleus

    • • Indicative of age, oxidative damage

    • • Does not stain blue with Prussian blue or Perl’s iron

    من المنتجة والدهون البروتينات من معقدات عن عبارة الصبغة

    peroxidationالجذور بتحفزها العملية وهاي غريالمشبعة الدهون من

    ROSل على نشاطتدلخلية بس لب أذى تسبهي ما ب ROSالحرة

    • Melanin

    • • Melas = black

    • • found in epidermis

    • • Blocks UV radiation

    • Hemosidren :

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 14 –الفريق العلمي

    • is a hemoglobin-derived golden yellow to brown


    • Accumulates because local or systemic excess of iron.

    • Local excess of iron, and consequently of hemosidren

    result from hemorrhage, e.g in the skin = bruise

    • • Accumulation of hemosiderin is hemosiderosis

    • • Hemosiderin is normally found in marrow, spleen,

    liver/ نقطة إضافية

    • Hemosiderosis:

    • is a condition characterized by systemic overload of


    • First in the mononuclear phagocyte of the liver , bone

    marrow ,spleen heart, and pancreas , lymph node,

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 15 –الفريق العلمي

    but later in : parenchymal cell principally in liver,

    heart, pancreas.

    • Occurs in the setting of :

    (1)Increased absorption of dietary iron, a disease called

    hereditary hemochromatosis, one of the most common

    inborn errors of metabolism, in which excessive

    absorption of iron from the intestine lead extensive

    accumulations of iron in tissue, causing liver cirrhosis,

    heart failure& diabetes mellitus .

    وهي hemochromatosis بسموها وهون جيني مرض سببها تكون ممكن

    اجا اذا هون hemochromatosis hereditary جين في نقص نع ناتجة

    المعادن من الحديد طبعا) جدا عالي الحديد انه والحظنا فحوصات وعمل مريض

    والعين بالكبد يترسب رح بالتالي (بسهولة الجسم من بتطلع ما اللي جدا الثقيلة

    اذا جدا كبير التجمع وكونهتفاعل بيعطي كبيرة بكميات يترسب ولما والبنكرياس

    وهاي fibrosis يعمل رح بالكبد:* مثال للجسم يكون مؤذي رح reaction ال

    cirrhosis ل بتتطور

    المريض مع سكري يصير رح بالبنكرياس*

    (2) Hemolytic anemias:

    deposition of ironد المرض وتكسر و تؤدي إلى هابخاليا الدم الحمراء

    وتعطي اللون البني المريض بهذه الحالة بحاجة لنقل وبالتالي تتراكم في الجسم


    (3)Frequent Blood transfusions, in which the transfused

    red cells constitute an exogenous load of iron.

    Thalassemia =abnormal hemoglobin =destruction if

    RBCs =hemodialysis

    فيزيد الحديد وبترسب بالجسم مرضى الثالثينيات بحاجة لعمليات نقل متكررة

    و يصبر النسيج ، الحل : أخذ أدوية تمتص الحديدبكميات

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 16 –الفريق العلمي

    (4) Localized hemosiderosis : occurs at sites of trauma

    ,commonly seen in hands ,feet, trunk or face as dark red

    patches due to local hemorrhage its color gradually

    changes into brownish , bluish , yellowish then


    وهاد اصفر وبعدين بنفسجي بعدين باألول زرقا بتصير ب اليد ينطخ حدا لما

    leaking from RBCs صارله اللي الهيموغلوبين بسبب

    # Pathological CALCIFICATION: Is the abnormal deposition of

    calcium salts in tissue

    •1-Dystrophic Calcification: occurs in areas of necrosis and


    • Associated aging or damaged heart valves

    • Precipitated calcium salts look white

    • Basophilic when stained with H&E

    • Blue granular crystals

    *can be seen in :

    (1) TB caseous necrosis .

    (2) Calcification in atheromas of advanced atherosclerosis , is

    extremely common .

    (3) Calcific aortic valve in the elderly .

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 17 –الفريق العلمي

    (4) Carcinoma of the breast .

    2- Metastatic Calcification: occurs in normal

    tissues when there is hypercalcemia.

    ××Causes of hypercalcemia are :

    1- Increased secretion of parathyroid hormone.

    2- Destruction of bone : due to immobilization, or bone

    involvement by tumors as in in multiple myloma, leukemia, or

    diffuse skeletal metastases. بصير حركة بدون طويلة فترة يضل العظم لما

    deposition دم ال الى العظم من للكالسيوم

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 18 –الفريق العلمي

    (3) Vitamin D-related disorders . V.D increase the absorption

    of Ca in intestine

    (4 ) Renal failure in which phosphate retention leads

    tosecondary hyperthyroidism .Metastatic calcification resemble

    dystrophic calcification.It can occur widely throughout the body

    but principally affects the interstitial tissues of the blood

    vessels , , kidneys, lungs & gastric mucosa

    الغدة بافرازات مرتبط والكالسيوم hyperthyroidism الى يؤدي الكلوي الفشل

    .يزيد رح زادت ما كل ف الدرقية

    #cellular aging :

    Aging is one of the strongest independent risk factor for

    chronic diseases like cancer , Alzheimer disease& ischemic

    heart diseases .

    تتمو الخلية وانه تنقسم وتبطل وظيفتها تفقد انه لمرحلة وتصل الخلية تكبر××

    . للسرطان المضادةالدوية وا السرطان بتطور بدخل××

    Aging is regulated by limited:

    1- number of genes and

    2-signaling pathways that are evolutionary conserved from

    yeasts to mammals .

    Cellular aging is the result of a progressive decline in the life

    span and functional capacity of cells .

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 19 –الفريق العلمي

    Several mechanisms are responsible for cellular aging ,

    including :

    1-DNA damage :

    A variety of metabolic insults that accumulate overtime may

    result in damage to nuclear & mitochondrial DNA . Although

    most DNA damage is repaired by DNA repair enzymes ,some

    persists and accumulates as cells age .

    Some aging syndromes are associated with defects in DNA

    repair mechanisms & the life span of cellstaken from

    experimental animals can be increased if responses to DNA

    damage are enhanced or proteins that stabilize DNA are

    introduced .

    Damage of the cell = يتضرر الDNA = ه تموت ألنالزم بهذه الحالة الخلية

    المواد جينيا غير طبيعية هذا يؤدي إلنتاج السرطان إذا صار في تجمع

    . Pre mature aging : التي يحدث فيها نقص في ال مثل بعض المتالزمات


    2-Decreased cellular replication :

    All normal cells have a limited capacity for replication .and after

    a fixed number of divisions cells become arrested in a

    terminally non dividing state , known as replicative senescence

    Aging is associated with progressive replicative senescence


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 20 –الفريق العلمي

    Cells from patients with Werner syndrome , a rare disease

    characterized by premature aging , have a markedly reduced

    in vitro cellular life span ( tissue culture ) , as compared to cells

    taken from healthy children which have the capacity to undergo

    more rounds of replications & longer life span .Also seen in

    Progeria syndrome .

    In human cells , the mechanism of replicative senescence

    involves progressive shortening of telomeres , which

    ultimately results in cell cycle arrest .

    Telomeres are short repeated sequence of DNA present at the

    ends of linear chromosomes ,that are important for

    1-ensuring the complete replication of chromosome ends

    2-for protecting the ends from fusion & degradation .When

    somatic cells replicate a small fraction of the telomere is not

    duplicated and telomeres become progressively shorter, & as a

    consequence for its shortening the DNA may break & its ends

    cannot be protected .

    tolemere بقصر الخاليا اإلنسان لما يصير في انقسام

    Telomere length is maintained by nucleotide addition

    mediated by an enzyme called telomerase.

  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 21 –الفريق العلمي

    ××where it is presented ?

    Telomerase activity is present at germ cells ,

    less in stem cells & absent in most somatic

    cells .

    In cancer cells, telomerase is often


  • SCIENTIFIC TEAM 22 –الفريق العلمي

    ❖ Scientific Team

    ▪ Scientific Team

    ▪ Scientific Team

    بالتوفيق ..

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمIntracellular accumulation :