EvoSpace: A Distributed Evolutionary Platform based on the Tuple Space Model

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Transcript of EvoSpace: A Distributed Evolutionary Platform based on the Tuple Space Model

EvoSpace: A Distributed Evolutionary Platform
based on the Tuple Space Model

Mario Garca-Valdez, Leonardo Trujillo , Francisco Fernndez de Vega, JuanJ. Merelo Guervs and Gustavo Olague

Tecnolgico de Tijuana + U. Extremadura + UGR + CIECESE - Ensenada

Combinacin de color colorcombo19Imagen de fondo de ElectroGuepard http://www.flickr.com/photos/59917388@N08/8016022581/

EvoSpace: the final frontier

Imagen by blaster219 en http://www.flickr.com/photos/blaster219/376919582/

Evolving in the cloud

Looking at the clouds moving


What we do in this paper

Implement EvoSpace and test on a number of benchmark problems.

Picture by vanil.noir at http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanil-noir/3564331650

Evolutionary landscapes

Maintaining diversity

And barely keeping it

How much does it run?


But are EvoWorkers working?

They apparently are, since the number of evaluations is pretty much the same; all change in running time must be due to adding EvoWorkers.


Pool/cloud based EvoSpace works!Evolution as a service!

Good scalability is achieved

Flexibility in implementations: server/cloud based

Parametrization is importantBlock size

Number of workers

Future work



ScalabilityAnd how to achieve it.

Dissimilar webworkers

Characterizing pool-based EAsAnd when to use them.

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