Evaluation activity 2

Evaluation Activity 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts By Tunbi Oluyede

Transcript of Evaluation activity 2

Evaluation Activity 2:How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

By Tunbi Oluyede

Front and Back Pane

We wanted to ensure that our digipak worked well with our main music video. We wanted elements of our artist’s image to be consistent in both the music video and particular the front pane. Hence why we have our artist dressed similarly to how he is dressed in the music (e.g the hat, the leather jacket). As well as keeping our artist’s image consistent we wanted to keep his surroundings fairly similar. This is why we chose to place our artist in an urban setting to synergise with the urban setting our artist goes through in the music video. We feel this consistency in the combination of the music video and digipak is effective in creating a concrete image of our artist as local and youthful. As well as the front pane we wanted the back pane to continue a similar consistency between the main product and our ancillary task. Due to the music video incorporating two starkly different locations in which the narrative and performance takes place we felt we needed to highlight the tone of the album being consistent with the nostalgia and wildness found in the music video. To do this the back pane has our artist is sitting in a similar position found in the music wearing similar cloths. We slightly faded the image to create a sense that it is a faded memory which is consistent with the reminiscent vibe found in the music video. As well this the matching colour palette helps create synergy when the main product and dipipak are combined.

Inside and Disc Pane

Due to the nature of the digipak being directed at hard-core fans of the artist we thought it was fitting to input a personal child photograph and message from our artist to the fans. To ensure that the inside pane worked well with the music video the place in which the photograph of our artist as a child is the same seaside as the beach huts in the background suggests. The photograph maintains the same tones as the video creating that sense of nostalgia and past memories that is a prominent theme in the music video. As well as this we give the photograph a black outlining much like the black bars that run at the top and bottom of the frame in our music video to give it a wider aspect ration .As well as this the colours we chose to use for the inside and Disc pane work well with our music video. The black disc helps to represent the more emotional performance aspect in the dimly lit pub whilst the yellow background conveys the sunshine and seaside setting found in our music video. We felt that we’ve integrated these two colours successful to help synergise with our music as well as convey our artist in a consistent manner. We also felt to incorporate a handwritten looking font for the message to our artist’s fans. We felt this could be used in conjunction with the video as our artist is seen writing in is notepad in the music video. We felt that these two elements helped to give a sense of our artists genuine nature as a musician and as contributing to our artist’s likeable image. The fans can feel as if he is writing the message to them in the video, allowing the digipak to be working successfully with our music video.

Promotional Poster

We felt our promotional poster combined extremely effectively with both our music video and digipak. Our artist is dressed similarly (leather jacket, hoody etc..) in all three products. This immediately creates an identifiable image for artist which transcends all three products to create a synergy for our target audience to recognise and identify themselves with. As well as this the urban setting throughout all three products help to further our artist’s identity as ‘local’ and ‘humble’. This urban setting is optimised by the graffiti featured in the music video as well as the promotional packages. Through the promotional packages we kept a consistent graffiti like font as if it had been spray painted on the walls that our artist walks in the music video. We felt that the incorporation of this graffiti across all three products was effectively combined to help establish our artist’s identity. We felt is also increased our artist’s appeal to our target audience of young adults who can relate to the more urban settings.