ESS-Bilbao ESFRI Working Group



Responses to the Questionnaire of the ESFRI Working Group on ESS Siting (EWESS). The ESS-Bilbao project is an initiative promoted by the Spanish and Basque governments.

Transcript of ESS-Bilbao ESFRI Working Group

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A. General Aspects

A.1. Who is acting as project proposer (ministry/organization/agency/other)?

B. Basis on which the site proposals are presented

B.1. What is the technical basis (the published technical design) of the ESS on which the site proposal is based?


C. Costing

C.1. Cost Projection and Calculation Model

C.1.1. Construction and Commissioning

C.1.2. Operation costs

C.1.3. Decommissioning Costs

C.2. To Which Year Does the Cost Estimate Refer?

C.3. Cost Projection Breakdown

C.3.1. Construction and Commissioning

C.3.2. Operation Costs

C.3.3. Site-Dependent Costs

C.4. Contingency

D. Financing Points



D.2. Are in-kind contributions foreseen? At what level?


included in D1? VAT and Taxes

D.4. Are there already commitments of other countries? Which ones? At what levels? Connected with

preferential treatment?

D.5. Are satellite infrastructure centres planned?

E. Legal, organizational and security points

E.1. What is the national legal and political framework?

E.2. What are the proposed legal and management plans?

E.3. What are the important risk and insurance issues?

F. Environment and socio-economic points


F.2. What is the local environment/infrastructure?



F.5. What is the socio-economic impact?

G. Additional Features

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A.1. Who is acting as project proposer (ministry/organization/agency/other)?

The ESS-Bilbao project is an initiative promoted by the Spanish and Basque governments. The Spanish effort is conducted through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which promotes and carries out the policy of the government in educational and university matters, as well as issues regarding thepromotionandgeneralcoordinationofscientificresearchand technological development. The Basque effort is managed through the Department of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism and the Education, Universities, and Research Department, which is responsible for proposing and carrying out policies of scientific research and technological innovation. Duringthe last three years, both governments have collaborated on the project to bring the European Spallation Neutron Source (ESS) toSpain, andmore specifically to theBasqueCountry.The collaboration becameofficial in the presentation of theESS-Bilbao candidature in October 2006 and the subsequent creation of a consortium in December of that same year.

A. General Aspects

The ESS-Bilbao Consortium was created through an agreement established between both governments to manage the preparatory stage of the ESS to ensure that it would be set upintheBasqueCountryandtoregulatetheinitialfinancialcommitment of both administrations, amounting to a total of 10 million euros. The consortium would act as the host institution in charge of executing the commitments acquired by Spain towards the ESS legal entity, whichever form the entity adopts as decided by the founding countries. For example, the consortium would be responsible for receiving and managing the financial special purpose vehicle (SPV) described inD1.The consortium is an open structure and could become the embryo of a future European consortium that other member countries could join before or during the construction of the ESS, as well as during different stages in the life cycle of the infrastructure. See Annex A.

Figure A1. ESS-Bilbao chart

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B.1. What is the technical basis (the published technical design) of the ESS on which the site proposal is based?

The ESS-Bilbao Concept

The current ESS-Bilbao proposal complies with the basic machinespecificationscontainedintheESFRI 2006 Roadmap on Research Infrastructures [ESFRI 2006]. Accordingly we propose aphasedapproachinwhichthefirsttargetstationwouldbelong pulse source (LPSS) based on the construction of a linear accelerator that provides 2-ms pulses of 1.334-GeV protons which impinge on a liquid metal target with an average beam power of 5.1 MW, 16.67 times per second. A maximum of 20 instruments could be accommodated around the equatorial plane of this target station. The latter is by design optimized for the production of long-wavelength neutrons, enabling studies of systems exhibiting complex hierarchical structures and a wide range of dynamics with applications in most areas of condensed matter sciences.

A second target station, capable of feeding another 20 beam lines, would be built during a second construction phase. In the initial ESS study this second station was designed to be a short pulse station (SPSS) consisting of a liquid metal target fed by 2-x0.6-µs pulses at a frequency of 50 times a second and similar beam energy and power. Such a SPSS would provide higher intensities and much lower backgrounds than achievable in current short-pulse sources and would be ideally suited to studies of matter in transient states or subjected to extreme environments (pressure, temperature, and magnetic, electric, laserfieldsetc.).

Although the final design of the second target station willbedrivenbyemergingscientificapplicationsandwillrequirefurther consultation with the scientific research communitythe ESS-Bilbao team is following an R&D program that would allow the second phase of ESS to be constructed as either a LPSS or a SPSS.

The Baseline ESS-Bilbao Linac

The baseline design for the ESS-B linear accelerator (linac) adheres to suggestions made by ESS-I and consists of a machine based on a 150 mA, proton beam. Such intensity would be

delivered, as stated in the 2003 Technical Report [Letchford 2003], by a tandem of two H+ ion sources delivering 85 mA each, and funnelled together after the two beams have been accelerated up to an energy of 20 MeV.

The linac design is based on a sequence of drift tubes and coupled cavities operating at 560 MHz and a superconducting section composed of a low beta (β = 0.8) set of four cavities, each composed of six cells, and operating at a frequency of 1.120 MHz.

Current Development Activities

Activities during the last few years within CARE (Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe) and EUROTRANS (TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator DrivenSystem)haveresultedinsignificantadvancesinbothionsource and low-energy acceleration technologies that will surely have a relevant impact on the proposed accelerator design. In consideration of these developments, our current development activities are focused on the following studies:

Use of a single proton source capable of delivering proton •currents of 150 mA or above. Prototypes of such a proton injector, delivering some 5.000 hours/year with low downtimes, have been reported in the literature [Lazarev 96]. Proton sources such as SILHI at CEA have already produced currents of 130 mA at low duty factors [Scrivens 04]. The rationale behind pursuing such an effort stems from the possibility of avoiding the use of the funnel section, which constitutes one of the most complicated parts of the accelerator. In fact, although the principles of the proposed funnel scheme were once considered advanced, there is no similar piece of equipment operating in the world today. In order for the funnel section to perform as required, several effects (space charge, beam rigidity, etc.) will have to be mitigated. Hence the development of the funnel concept will involve a substantial research and development (R&D) effort that could be readily avoided if a single proton source were available.

Use of superconducting cavities (spokes, quarter-wave, •etc.) for medium-energy (40 to 100 MeV) acceleration. The technology has already been developed, mostly geared towards applications within the IFMIF and SPIRAL2 projects,

B. Basis on which the site proposals are presented

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and could provide a cost-effective substitute for the copper cavities both in terms of fabrication and operation.

Behaviour of beams extracted from present-day proton •sources at medium and high energies. Present-day electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) proton sources typically deliver beams with a proton fraction somewhat less than 0.9. Beam dynamics simulations using realistic conditions are now being planned to obtain a better understanding of the transport of the intense, multispecies beams.

As a result of the collaboration established between the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and the ISIS new Front-End-Test-Stand [Letchford 2007], the ESS-Bilbao project team is gaining actual work experience in developing an accelerator front end. In addition, a collaborative research group is being set up between the project team and the CEA/CNRS SUPRATech platformwiththegoalofdevelopingthebaselinespecificationsfor the ESS-Bilbao superconducting cavities.

The ESS-Bilbao Ion Source: Current Developments

The most prominent activity dealing with technical issues carried out within the realm of ESS-Bilbao concerns development work on ion sources. As is well known, because the radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) transmission decreases rapidly with increasing emittance and increasing beam current, the beam current required from the ion source and low-energy beam transport (LEBT) system depends strongly on beam emittance. In fact, the requirement of a 150-mA current at the beginning of the medium-energy beam transport (MEBT) system requires an RFQ input current between 85 and 95 mA for a normalized rms emittance between 0.20 and 0.35 π.mm.mrad. In other words, development of a low-emittance source is essential. In addition, as recognized by various ESS documents [Letchford 2003], improving the reliability of high-power, high-duty cycle +HionsourcesisanecessityifthedesignspecificationoftheESS accelerator is to be met within a reasonable lapse of time. To meet the requirement of producing 60-mA peak current in the MEBT section, our research programme is aimed at developing a high-current, low-emittance ion source and an LEBTthatinducesminimalemittancegrowth.Thefirstphaseofthisprogramme,whichisfinancedthroughtheministriesofIndustry and Education & Science [ITUR 2007], is well under way and consists of a test stand capable of comparing the

emittance characteristics of both ECR proton and -H arc-discharge sources, such as the Penning trap used at ISIS; RF-driven sources, such as the multicusp -H source in use at SNS [Mason 2006]; and a caesium-free, multicusp source, such as that developed by DESY [Peters 2008].

Over the next three years we plan to construct a complete accelerator capable of diagnosing ion beams generated by the aforementioned ion sources. This R&D endeavour will be financedbyboththeBasqueandCentralgovernments.

B.2. In particular, what is the scientific impact of the choice of the long pulse option?

Thescientific impactofahigh intensity, longpulse spallationneutron source has been well documented in a number of recent reports [The ESS Project, Vol. II, New Science and Technology for the 21st Century, The European Spallation Source Project, 2002, available at; A Second Target Station at ISIS, RAL-TR-2000-032, 2000, available at; Medium to Long-Term Future Scenarios for Neutron Based Science in Europe [ESFRI 2003]]

Furthermore the scientific potential of instrumentationbased on a long pulse design was evaluated in the Engelberg [Engelberg 2002] and Rencurel [Rencurel 2008] workshops.

Therationaleforchoosingalongpulseoptionforthefirsttargetstation of ESS is based on a number of technical advantages:

The use of long pulses (of the order of a millisecond) •reduces significantly the effects of cavitation in the mercury target even at the high energies per pulse set forth in the reference design (~300kJ per pulse).

A long pulse target station eliminates the need for an •accumulator ring and associated beam chopping and hence allows more power to be delivered to the target. This is also more cost effective.

The long neutron pulse also allows greater flexibility for the •design of scattering instrumentation using appropriate band

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width selection and repetition rate choppers to optimize to the required resolution.

The long-proton pulse also provides better optimization •of the target-moderator-reflector configuration that lead to additional increases in the neutron beam intensities in particular for cold neutrons.

The reports referenced above show three major themes appearing throughout the discussions of forefront science. The first is the desire to extend current capabilities to beable to answer more difficult questions.These may involveextending measurements to higher resolution, performing themeasurementsinthepresenceofamoredifficultsampleenvironment and concomitant restrictions to smaller samples, or measurements made to higher precision to look for subtle intensity variations or line shape effects. The second is the desire to extend most types of measurements to parametric studiesexploringrangesofcompositions,externalfieldssuchas temperature or pressure, or time scales, as in kinetic studies. The third is the general tendency toward the study of systems exhibiting greater complexity, such as the complex chemical systems that occur in many soft matter studies, aspects of macromolecular functionality important in biology that can be explored using neutron scattering, or the multi-component systems important to the geophysical properties and functions relevant to earth sciences. These trends are all evident today as scientists stretch the capabilities of existing neutron sources and instrumentation to try to extend their measurements into some of these areas. The long pulse ESS will provide major new capabilities that support these three themes and significantly extend the typesof scientificproblems that canbe fruitfully addressed with neutron scattering. By focusing on and optimizing for the production of cold neutrons this new facility will provide much higher cold-neutron intensities than heretofore available on any pulsed neutron source. These higherfluxes translate into theability tostudymuchsmallersamples, more-weakly-scattering processes, and/or higher-rate kinetic behaviors. They also translate into the ability to extend measurements to study of larger length scales and slower dynamical processes.

For example, higher intensities permit tightening the resolution to provide an order-of-magnitude extension of neutron scattering dynamical studies to probe longer time scales (slower motions) at longer length scales (times up to 10 microseconds

at distances up to 1 micron). This order-of-magnitude range extension will lead directly to new insights into forefront highlycomplexanddifficultproblems,forexampleelucidatingthe detailed processes and molecular drivers leading to the folding of proteins that is essential for them to carry out their biological role.

Another example can be found in the field of neutronreflectometry, which has long been a unique and powerfultool for probing the atomic or magnetic density normal to surfaces and layered materials. In principle, lateral structures in suchsystemscanalsobeprobedonneutronreflectometers,using grazing-incidence techniques such as grazing-incidence diffraction or grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). However, the extremely weak signals have made the use of such techniques very difficult, if not impossible, withthe neutron beam intensities that have been available up to now. The much higher intensity of cold neutrons, coupled with emerging new techniques such as spin-echo resolved grazing-incidence scattering, will enable the full capabilities of neutrons (isotopic sensitivity, magnetic moment) to be brought to bear in the study of such lateral surface structures at length scales of about 10 to 1.000 nanometers or more. This exciting prospect will open up broad forefront scientific areas to study withneutrons, including lateral structures in lubricating or adhesive layers, wetting phenomena, block copolymer or liquid crystal layers on surfaces, artificial biomembranes or biomimeticsystems, self-assembly of nanoparticles on surface templates, and perhaps even real biological membranes.

A third example of new capabilities lies in the use of very highly focused neutron beams. At present, neutron focusing devices easily achieve focused beam sizes of <100 microns, and focused neutron beams ~10 microns in size will be possible in the near future. The neutron intensity that will be available in such focused beams will be enough to measure the very weak absorption or scattering produced by the relatively small number of sample atoms illuminated by a beam of this size. This, of course, will permit the study of such very small samples, and should also create opportunities to develop instrumentation for various types of scanning neutron probes for exploring minute regions of larger samples. The availability of intense neutron beams of this size will generate new techniquesthatwillopenuptotallynewscientificfieldswithan ultimate potential that is at present only dimly imagined.

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Updating of ESS 2002 Project costs 1.284,0

Waste Management Facility 18,5

Site conditioning 88,0

Subtotal Cost (M€)




30%19% (CPI)0%

ESS Project (2002) ESS Bilbao (2008)





As a final example of new scientific capabilities providedby the ESS, we mention the area of kinetic studies. The unprecedented fluxeswill allow all structural and dynamicalmeasurements to be made much faster. This will, of course, facilitate parametric measurements probing material structures and dynamics as functions of environmental conditions such as temperature,pressure,appliedmagneticorelectricalfield,orchanging chemical composition of the environment. However, perhaps even more exciting, these rapid measurements will allow structural measurements (at length scales ranging from hundreds of nanometers down to fractions of one nanometer) to be made in a few seconds or less, allowing the kinetics of relaxation processes or the approach to chemical equilibrium to be followed on such time scales. This will enable much more extensive neutron exploration of the behavior of systems far from equilibrium and the approach to equilibrium than has previously been possible. In favorable cases pump-probe or other sample modulation techniques can extend these types of measurements down to a few microseconds, allowing much more detailed study of the initial relaxations in far-from-equilibrium conditions in a wide variety of systems.

In summary, the quantum jump in performance brought by the ESS will provide researchers with the means to probe distance and time scales that have hitherto been unavailable, but are critical to answering some of the grand challenge questions facing our society. Extending the range of measurement to longer distances and slower time scales enables the study of systems exhibiting greater complexity, such as the complex chemical systems that occur in many soft matter studies, aspects of macromolecular functionality important in biology that can be explored using neutron scattering, or the multi-component systems important to the geophysical properties and functions relevant to earth sciences. Furthermore the unprecedented high intensities will also enable very short measurement times with the routine use of parametric studies to explore systems far from equilibrium, in transient states, or in approach to equilibrium. In addition to these unique capabilities, the high intensities of cold neutrons will enable smaller samples to be measured, under more complex environments, thereby providing information on materials under extreme conditions hitherto unattainable.

See Annex B.

C.1. Cost Projection and Calculation Model

C.1.1. Construction and Commissioning

Updating the ESS 2002 Project costs to 2008-year prices, the estimated construction and commissioning cost of locating the ESS 5-MW LP in Bilbao is 1.284 MEur, including a contingency provision of 15%. This cost corresponds to work packages or subsystems 1.1 to 1.8, in accordance with the ESS Project Work Breakdown Structure presented in the ESS Volume III Update Report.

Additionally, although the following two concepts were considered but not costed in the aforementioned report, we have costed them with the following result:

Construction of a waste management facility estimated at •18.5 M€.

Site conditioning required to meet the ESS Project •specifications estimated at 88 M€.

Updating the ESS 2002 Project costing results in a 30% increase with respect to the 989 M€. quoted for the ESS Stage 1 in the ESS Volume III Update Report. The increase is driven mainly by the increased costs of certain raw materials such as steel, copper, and niobium, which are well above the general Consumer Price Index (CPI) evolution.

Table C1. Total construction cost estimate

Fig C1. 5-MW LP ESS construction cost increase with respect to 2002 costing

C. Costing

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ESS 2002 Project costing update 116,5

Insurance (see section E3) 2,5

Emission and Waste Management 1,0

Operation Costs M€ 2008


Updating of the cost projection, based on the 2002 ESS Project costing, has been performed as follows:

Machine costs have been revised and updated based •on identification of the principal cost drivers for each major part, with special attention to the linac, target, and instrumentation, and an analysis of price evolution in Europe from 2000 to 2008 for different parts. Site-dependent considerations were not included.

Estimation of the capital costs for conventional facilities was •performed by quoting the works and installations described in Design and Cost Calculation Report for Conventional Facilities by DP21 Engineering (2002). The new estimate was obtained by applying 2008 construction prices for the Bilbao area.

General costing terms considered in the ESS 2002 Project were also used for the cost projection quoted herein:

Construction costs include all costs from project approval •to fabrication, assembly, testing, and commissioning.

Preproject costs for project definition, preplanning, •baselining, construction preparation, prototyping, and project approval are not included.

Costs do not include value-added taxes or customs duties •and are based on the assumption that the purchasing procedure will be based on a “best value for money” policy.

Other comments regarding the basis for costing:

The potential savings derived from a new linac configuration, •optimized for the LPSS (H+ beam and others) and including the latest advances in SC technologies, has not been considered because further development work and baselining design is required for a reliable assessment of these savings.

The available information on the costing of the conventional •facilities (by DP21 Engineering) provides an estimate for the capital cost of the conventional facilities, which is almost coincident with the total cost of the conventional facilities

provided in the ESS 2002 Project (Vol III and Volume III Update). In addition to updating estimates to 2008-year costs for the Bilbao area, technical support and project management staffing costs for the design and construction of the conventional facilities has been added.

Cost estimates have been cross-checked with SNS and ISIS data.

C.1.2. Operation costs

At 2008-year prices, the total operation budget is estimated at 116,5 MEur/year. The cost is split as follows:

The ESS 2002 Project costing update (116,5 M€ for consumables, personnel, and maintenance and instruments) was derived on the same basis as the update of the machine construction budget. The following points should be noted:

Consumption of up to 70 MW (total installed power) was •computed as an upper bound for the LPSS instead of the 36 MW originally considered. This is the main reason for the large increase (up to 42%) with respect to the operation costs computed in ESS 2002 Project Vol III Updated Report for ESS Stage 1.

The personnel cost, estimated for a workforce of 412 •employees, was updated according to the CPI evolution in Europe from 2000 to January 2008. Potential savings from the site impact on salaries (especially for general administration and routine maintenance operations) was not considered.

Operation costs were cross-checked with data from other neutron source facilities such as ILL and ISIS.

Table C.2 ESS 5-MW LP annual operation budget at 2008-year prices

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Major Subsystems ConstructionCost M€ 2008

Instruments & Scientific Utilization1,1 82Target Systems1,2 113

Beam Transfer to Targets1,3 14Linac & Front End1,5 465

Coventional Facilities1,6 363Controls System1,7 38

Management & Admin. Support1,8 42Total Estimated Costs 1.116

Contingency (15%) 167

Total Project Costs 1.284

ConventionalFacilities32,5 %

Linac& Front End

41,7 %

Beam Transferto Targets

1,2 %Target

Systems10,1 %

Instruments & ScientificUtilization 7,3 %

Management &Admin. Support

3,8 %

ControlSystem3,4 %




Capital Costs Staff Costs





C.1.3. Decommissioning Costs

A preliminary cost assessment for decommissioning is estimated at 170 M€.

C.2. To Which Year Does the Cost Estimate Refer?

All estimates refer to March 2008 prices except for the CPI, for which December 2007 data were used.

C.3. Cost Projection Breakdown

C.3.1. Construction and Commissioning

Updating of ESS 2002 Project Costing:

The following table shows a basic breakdown of construction costs,whichisbasedontheoriginalclassificationusedfortheESS 2002 Project costing. The ring & achromat subsystem (1.4) was removed, as it is not being required for the 5-MW LPSS.

Thefollowingfigureshowsthatabout42%ofthetotalcostsare for the linac and front end, whereas conventional facilities contribute about 32.5%.

The ESS 2002 Project costing shows a slightly different split of costs, mainly due to the following:

Site dependence of conventional facilities cost. With respect •to the European average, Spain and the Bilbao area offer competitive prices both for materials and labour. Hence the contribution of conventional facilities to the total cost decreases from about 35% to 32%, despite the addition of staff costs, which were not computed in the Cost Report by DP21 Engineering.

For main equipment in the machine subsystems, increase •in capital costs above the CPI growth value. Thus, the linac subsystem contribution to the total price increases (from about 38% to 42%). The contribution of the target is maintained within 10% because of the higher ratio of staff costs to capital costs of this subsystem.

The split of the overall cost in capital and staff costs gives the following numbers:

Becauseofthesignificantincreaseinthepriceofrawmaterials,the capital cost contribution to the total cost increases from about 75% to above 78%.

For the cost update of the machine, the cost evolution from 2000 to 2008 for staff and the most relevant raw materials and supplies, as well as the CPI evolution in Europe, was considered. CPI evolution can be considered as a good indicator not only for the overall trend of price increases but also for salary evolution, as they are generally updated according to the annual CPI.

Table C3. Construction costs breakdown

Fig C2. Cost distribution for different subsystems

Fig C3. Cost split in capital and staff costs

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Energy 23,0Other consumables

Personnel 34,0Maintenance, spares 20,0

Breakdown of Operation Costsaccording to ESS 2002 Project costing update

OperationCosts M€ 2008






From 2000 to 2008, the average CPI in Europe has increased by about 19% (OECD data for “OECD-Europe except high inflation countries”).Becausemachine subsystemswouldbeacquired from different European countries and suppliers, a 1.2 factor was applied for items driven by staff and manufacturing costs.

InadditiontotheinfluenceoftheCPI,productsmadeofrawmaterials such as steel, copper, and niobium play a major role in the overall cost increases for several subsystems. Prices for these materials have increased as much as 60, 300, and 280%, respectively, leading to capital cost increases of up to 40 to 45% for some equipment.

Site-dependent considerations have not been considered for the costing of the machine.

The cost projection of the conventional facilities was obtained by applying 2008 construction prices for the Bilbao area to the work described in the Cost Report by DP21 Engineering, thus directly accounting for the site dependence of material and labor costs.

With respect to the DP21 Engineering cost report:

Only the items related to the LPSS are quoted. The •dimensions and consumption of the guest houses and central office & laboratories buildings were also adapted to the needs of the LPSS.

No provision for piles in the target foundation was •considered, as it is directly supported on high bearing strength soil. The cost reduction is estimated at 3.75 M€.

No cost savings were considered because of potential •reduction in the volume and cryogenic power requirements for the front-end building and linac tunnel. Estimated to be 10 MEur2000 according to the ESS 2002 Project Updated Report, the savings should be further assessed in view of the definitive baselining for the ESS 5MW LP configuration.

A provision of 55 M€ was included for technical support •and project management staff.

Despite these additional costs and because of the lower construction material and labor costs in Spain with respect to the European average, the conventional facilities cost increase was kept below 20%. Thus, the relative contribution of the conventional facilities to the total cost is lower than in previous cost estimations.

Additional Cost Estimates:

The cost estimate for the waste management facility is 18.5 MEur, including a 15% contingency provision, and provides for a buried 60-x30-m concrete building with steel shielding, several manipulators, and lead glass windows.

The Site Conditioning, quoted at 88 MEur (including contingency),includesexcavationandflattening,transportationof soil materials, construction of the perimeter main drainage ditch, and the construction of a circular gallery/tunnel for local stream diversion.

C.3.2. Operation Costs

ESS 2002 Project Cost Updating:

The following table shows the basic breakdown for operation costs, according to theoriginal classificationused in theESS2002 Project costing.

Table C.4 Annual operation costs breakdown

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Personnel29,8 %


16,0 %

Energy21,2 %

Instruments15,5 %

Maintenance,spares17,4 %


Insurance Cost

From first approximation, an insurance cost of 2.5M€/yearis considered to be an upper bound. According to NEA and ILL information, civil liability insurance for a nuclear reactor source covering a maximum capital of 700 M€ could amount tothisfigure.Althoughthepotentialriskofradioactivereleaseis much lower in the ESS case, other risks as mercury emission incaseofanaccidentalfiremustbeconsidered.

Waste Management

According to our preliminary studies, waste management costs will be about 1 M€/year for the life of the installation.

Decommissioning: Waste Disposal, Remediation/Rehabilitation

In accordance with Spanish regulations, it is assumed that the operating organisation will be responsible for deactivation and cleanup of the facility. After this period, the facility would be handed over to ENRESA, which would undertake the decommissioning activities of the installations and associated active components. A preliminary cost assessment of 170M€ was determined for decommissioning and dismantling activities. This estimate was based on management of the radioactive materials that will be generated during dismantling, one of the major tasks that will be undertaken by ENRESA during this stage (See Annex C1).

C.3.3. Site-Dependent Costs

Site-dependent impact on costs was considered only for the construction of conventional facilities. In this sense, the Bilbao area offers competitive prices with respect to the average in Europe, as shown in the cost analysis.

The machine subsystems will be acquired from specialized suppliers throughout Europe; thus, average European price increases were used for cost updating.

Operation costs were also computed on an average European basis. Potential savings from local salaries of general administration and routine maintenance operation staff were not considered.

C.4. Contingency

A 15% contingency is generally included. See Annex C.

Before continuing to the next section, please note that the aforementioned costs should be considered as an upper bound, easily reduced if improvements in linac designs, such as those referred in section B.1, come to fruition.

Fig C4. Operating cost breakdown

As for the ESS 2002 Project, staff costs are estimated for a total of 412 posts, and instrument costs refer to the development, refurbishment, or replacement of three instruments every two years in the long term. The cost update was carried out on the same basis previously explained for construction costs. For personnel costs, local cost effects were not considered.

Regarding energy costs, the total power installed for the ESS 5MW LP was considered at 70 MW, instead of the 36 MW originally stated in the ESS 2002 Project costing. This fact, together with an increase in the unit cost for electricity from 0.04 to 0.05 €/kWh, led to a relevant increase in the total energy costs.

The operation budget breakdown in capital, staff, and consumables (33, 30, and 37%, respectively) shows figuressimilar to those for the complete installation at 2000 prices.

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D.1. What is the financing model, what are the financial contributions foreseen and/or guaranteed for construction/commissioning/operation/decommissioning?

Wehavedevelopedapossiblefinancingsystemforthesource,which is sustainable for the Basque and Spanish Governments and is also attractive for potential collaborations with third partycountries.Inordertodothis,theinputandoutputflowsinvolved in the construction and operation of the spallation neutron source have been analysed.

Regarding the output flows, we have considered the costsincluded in Section C of this report, that update the estimations made by Bohn et al. in the ESS Project Volume III, Technical Report (2003). The total budget amounts to 1284 million 2008 euros to construct the source and 116,5 million 2008 euros per year for its maintenance. All the results discussed below are expressed in 2008 euros, which must be adjusted accordingtothecorresponding inflation inordertoconvertthem into euros of the year in which construction begins. The annual outlay implied by the source has been broken down in time over a period of 20 years, in accordance the cost estimation of Section C, and using information from the SNS Completion Report.

Withregardtoinputflows,initiallythecontributionfromtheESS-BILBAO candidature will be used. This contribution is calculated in accordance with the basic assumption that the aim of the ESS-BILBAO consortium is to keep 15% of the property rights and consequently 15% of the right of use. Keeping 15% of the rights of use of the source would involve an ambitious expansion project of activities relating to neutron sciences, taking advantage of the synergies that would arise from the installation of the source in Bilbao (see heading D.5). It seems especially important to foster the use of neutron research by private companies by means of public-private partnerships.

Due to the fact thatamajorpartof theeconomicbenefits(see the results of the socio-economic analysis) resulting from the installation of the source would come to the Basque Country and Spain, we assume that the contribution of the Spanish candidature should include a premium, in the form of an increased share of the construction costs. In other words, 15% of the rights to use the source would mean a contribution

to its construction costs of over 15%. In order to calculate the site premium in a transparent way, the following assumptions about the percentage of the costs assumed by the Spanish candidature are made. We assume that 70% of the costs of the conventional installations are covered by Spain. The remaining 30% of these costs will be divided among those countries participating in the construction phase of the ESS project. Likewise, the costs of the remaining work packages (instruments, target, accelerators, controls and networks, management and administrative support) would be divided among the aforementioned countries and Spain, the portion corresponding to Spain being calculated as the ratio between its contribution to the European GDP vs that of all the countries considered. Once the source has been built, operating costs will be divided based on the property rights, in other words, Spain with 15% of the property, would assume 15% of the operating costs.

Calculated in this way, the contribution of ESS-BILBAO would amount to 375.69 million 2008 euros of the total of 1.284 million euros which the construction of the source would cost, in other words, 29.25% of the total cost. Thus, the site premium would represent 14.25% of the total costs. The Spanish contribution to the annual operating costs would be 17 million 2008 euros, 15% of the total operating costs.

The Spanish contribution of the ESS-BILBAO would be financed through theGeneral StateBudget and theBasqueGovernment Budget. The increase in tax revenue due to a greater economic activity during the construction and operation of the Spallation Neutron Source (see heading F.5) justifiesthis investment.Useofapartofthestructuralfundsassigned to Spain for this purpose is not envisaged.

The remaining funds required for the construction and operation of the source would be obtained from other countries or entities. In principle, the contribution of other countries in kind (through the construction of instruments, accelerators, etc.) would be perfectly feasible during the construction phase and it is considered that this may amount to 70% of the total costs (corresponding to the non-conventional part of ESS). However, the feasibility of a contribution of this type would be examined according to the merits of each individual case. During the operation phase, the participation of countries not having contributed to the construction of ESS is also

D. Financing Points

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Thisschemewillonlybeputintooperationwhenasufficientnumber of countries, accounting for a substantial % of total construction cost, formalise their commitment to participate.

In view of the fact that the aim of the ESS-BILBAO candidature is to keep 15% of the property rights of the ESS, the remaining 85% (priced as if it were only the 71,75% given the site premium) has to be obtained from other countries through a commitment to pay it according to a particular time table suitable to each country involved. In order to illustrate the SPV behaviour, an intellectual exercise has been made according to certain assumptions (See the enclosed study in the corresponding annex D.1). In this exercise, a conservative assumption has been made on the way the contributions from the other countries committed to the construction of the European spallation neutrons source are paid: we assume that the construction would begin without any contribution paid but the Spanish one. However, little by little, during the remaining seven years, all the obligations relating to these property rights over and above the 15% which the Spanish candidature wishes to keep, are being honoured. With regard to the speed with which instalments by other countries do come in, we propose a linear scenario in which 85% of the property comes in at a uniform annual rate.

Annex D.1 explains carefully the details of this scheme. The role played in the SPV by the National Science and Technology Fund would make it unnecessary for countries interested in acquiring part of the ownership rights of the source before the start of the construction to resort to external resources, including European Investment Bank (EIB) credits. For the simulation presented above that would imply between 88,7 and 108,4 million euros saving for the interested countries, assuming a interest rate of 4.5% or 5.5% Moreover, this instrument would allow interested countries to present flexibleannualcontributionprofiles inaccordancewiththeirown budgetary limitations and restraints. See Annex D1.

D.2. Are in-kind contributions foreseen? At what level?

In kind contributions are foreseen to be major part of partners’ contributions. The calculation of the value of these contributions should be based in a common evaluation of the cost.

foreseen, similarly to the ILL scheme, as ScientificAssociateMembers.Thesewouldhavetopayafixedamountannuallyfor compensation of past investments, as well as a percentage of the annual operating costs of the facility according to their beam time usage.

In addition to the ordinary contribution from Spain, the ESS-BILBAO offer includes a powerful tool for ensuring a smooth evolution of the ESS construction (by ensuring the availability of the required funds in due time according to the ESS construction schedule) as well as for facilitating the other ESSmembercountriestopaytheircontributionsinaflexibleway. As we have already announced in several European meetings, the ESS-BILBAO consortium proposes the creation ofaninnovativefinancialinstrumenttomeettheconstructioncosts of the source, an SPV designed in an ad-hoc manner and managed by the ESS-BILBAO consortium. This SPV would be financedviathecontributionsofallthecountriesthatwishtohave a share of the property of the ESS and hold it from the firstmoment.InterestedcountrieswouldpresenttotheSPVtheir annual payment plans and in compensation they would be granted the corresponding property rights over the source. Clearly, the payment plans of the different countries do not necessarily need to coincide with the annual expenditure forecasts in order to meet the costs of the construction. In this sense, the ESS-BILBAO will receive from the Spanish National Science and Technology Fund the funds required to adapt the money inputs generated by the annual contributions of the participating countries to the money outputs required by the construction of the Source, and in this way, the availability of the annual funds required to meet the costs of the construction is guaranteed.

In other words, the countries participating to the construction of the ESS in Bilbao may choose between these two options for paying their contributions:

Regular contributions, in cash or in kind, according to the •construction schedule.

Delayed contributions, in cash, in a flexible way. •

Therightsandbenefitsforagivencountrywouldbeidenticalwhichever option is chosen, as long as the commitment to contribute to the ESS is formalised before the start of the construction phase.

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D.3. What are the financial commitments of the central and/or regional governments of the host state not included in D1? VAT and Taxes

Commitment of local Government

As mentioned in D1, the Spanish and Basque governments assume the possibility of using the Spanish Science and Technology Fund for financing the construction and costsassociated with the site and its preparation. The contribution of the Spanish and Basque governments would amount to:

At least 375.69 M€ of the total 1.284 M€ which the •construction of the source would cost17 M€, 15%, of the total annual operating costs •Land •Site preparation •R&D Center •

VAT Refunds; General Regime and Nonestablished Third Parties The Treasury Department of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, in virtue of the regulations contained in the Economic Agreement, the statute of autonomy, and the Spanish Constitution, has the authority to draw up its own tax regulations. Likewise, regardless of the authority to regulate and manage taxation, it should be pointed out that with regard to VAT, regulations are harmonised at a European level; therefore, all provisions and processes come within this common European framework. Both the provincial and state governments are currently seeking new exemptions to facilitate and promote the ESS facility.

All taxable persons subject to VAT, established in the territory in which the tax is applied, can obtain VAT refunds or compensation by ordinary procedure. This can occur once an activity has begun or even before, which is important with regard to the acquisition of capital goods.

Even business people and professionals not established in the territory in which the tax is applied may exercise their right to a refund of any VAT that they have paid or, if appropriate, collected in the aforementioned territory. This regime might be of interest in the case of operations carried out by business

people and professionals of third-party countries involved in the ESS operation.

To obtain a VAT refund, the taxpayer must not be engaged in VAT-exempt economic activities. In this sense, it is not expected that the economic activity of the ESS will be exempt with regard to the realisation of its internal operations. In the case of certain tax-exempt real estate operations, it might be possible to renounce or claim exemption from VAT, and in these cases, refunds would also be applicable.

Taxes, Exemptions, Refunds

We understand that the subjective exemption stipulated in article 5 of the provincial Economic Activities Tax regulations, according to which public research bodies (section e of the aforementioned article) are declared exempt from the aforementioned taxwithout any kind of clarification orlimitations, is applicable.

With regard to income tax, we should point out that there are discounts as a measure to promote and attract talent. Specifically, those persons who take up residence in theBasque Country can pay taxes during a number of years as if they were not resident and in this case they will be only liable to 24% income tax.

With regard to any possible technological surcharges or taxes, within the territory of Bizkaia there are tax deductions and discounts for a number of different activities in favour of the protection of the environment, apart from the obvious need to comply with environmental regulations. However, there is no tax in the provincial or state taxation regulations levied exclusively on certain activities that could have a damaging effect on the environment in the foreseeable future.

With regard to legal security within the field of taxation,there are mechanisms —such as binding taxation enquiries— which guarantee this. Furthermore, proposals made before taxation, through which taxpayers are allowed to consult the Administration in the case of certain operations of special complexity, are a favourable instrument for the operation oftheESS,astheamountofthetaxdebtcanbequantifiedpreviously and in a binding manner. See Annex D3.

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to-long term development of capabilities in strategic areas of research and, at the same time, supporting the development of a new high technology industry in the Basque Country. It is expected that these Centers will be important satellites of the ESS, making use of the facility and attracting users.

In addition a new research center focused on accelerator physics and spallation technologies is being established based on agreements between the Spanish Science Higher Research Council (CSIC) and the University of the Basque Country. The main purpose of the center will be to help to establish and grow an industrial pole close to the ESS site, capable of providing ready assistance during both construction and operations. The center is also intended as a tool to integrate the industrial and academic communities and serve as a resource for emergent technologies.

The activity of the aforementioned center will initially be focused on the development of a reliable accelerator front end capable of providing uninterrupted service for periods well in excess those currently achieved (about 20 days). Such anendeavorwillbefinancedinpartbyfundsfromthecentraladministration as well as from the Basque Government. Both partieshavealreadyagreedtofinanceajointeffortlaunchedby a cluster of companies and technology centers, together with university and CSIC personnel. The effort comprises two well-differentiated projects: ion source development (ITUR) and full integration into a complete accelerator front end (ETORFETS).

Furthermore there are important synergies being exploited in relation to activities focused on nuclear fusion technologies with theNationalLaboratoryforFusionbyMagneticConfinementhosted by CIEMAT. In particular, efforts are under way to develop expertise with the superconducting accelerator and the RF systems, which are being carried out within the IFMIF and SPIRAL2 projects.

Other user research facilities in Spain include the Alba synchrotron facility under construction near Barcelona, and two supercomputer centers in Galicia and Barcelona. Linked by major high speed data networks throughout Europe, these facilities will provide the means of constructing a powerful distributed network for data management and analysis.

D.4. Are there already commitments of other countries? Which ones? At what levels? Connected with preferential treatment?

The ESS-Bilbao candidature recognizes the importance of both the technical and scientific challenges involved in theconstruction and operation of the future ESS and the role to be played by this large infrastructure, as detailed in the ESFRI roadmap, for international neutron research. Since it is clear that manyfacetsoftheESSprojectwillbeupdatedandmodifiedduring the preparatory stage of the project, irrespective of the location, including the design of the administration model of theESS,whatitslegalstatusistobe,aswellasthespecificationof certain technical parameters, attempts have been made to collaborate with both the Scandinavian and Hungarian candidatesduringthis initialdefinitionphase.TheESS-Bilbaocandidature has signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian candidature, which provides for the combination of resources, creation of synergies, and the coordination of activities not only during the current stage of the candidature but also in successive stages, once the location of the ESS has been decided. This collaboration also includes sharing of technical experts where this makes sense. Furthermore a joint International Advisory Board has been formed to advise both teams during this phase of the project. This bilateral agreement has the advantage of being open and extendable to other countries. This step has been well received by the international politicalandscientificcommunity. Ithasalsobeenagreedtointerchange methodologies used in each country to carry out the socio-economic impact study of such an infrastructure, update the costs of the facility, etc.

D.5. Are satellite infrastructure centres planned?

For more than 25 years the Basque region has followed an aggressive plan to develop a research infrastructure which is closely linked to local industry. The region has 18 Technological Centres, 6 Cooperative Research Centres, and 3 Technology Parks (3 more are under construction).

Noteworthy among these Cooperative Research Centres, are the CIC Biogune, CIC Biomagune and CIC Nanogune, all multi-party cooperation platforms engaged in the medium-

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E.1. What is the national legal and political framework?

Spain has been a member of the European Union since 1986; consequently, European regulations are in force in Spain, and the Council Directives must be transposed to national regulations.Inaddition,SpainhasratifiedtheConventionontheEnvironmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, the Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, the Nuclear Safety Convention, and other relevant conventions. Annex E1.1 gathers all legal aspects related to installations such as the ESS in Spain. The main issues of the legal framework are included there.


In this context, the legislation is composed of a number of national acts and international conventions ratified byParliament. The following acts are directly applicable.

Environmental Impact Assessment Law: • This basic law 1405/2008, recasting that in the interests of the principle of legal certainty, regularized, clarifies and harmonises the current provisions on environmental impact assessment of projects.

Nuclear Energy Law: • The basic Law 25/1964, regulating the use of the nuclear energy and radioactive substances, established the responsibilities and the regulatory framework for the licensing of nuclear and radioactive installations, defined measures for the safety and protection against ionising radiation, and contained provisions for civil liability derived from nuclear damage and penalties and administrative sanctions. This Law stipulated that nuclear and radioactive installations should have special facilities for handling, storage, and transport of radioactive waste. The Nuclear Energy Law has been modified and developed by other laws, royal decrees, and ministerial orders.

Creation of CSN Law: • This law created the CSN as the sole competent authority for nuclear safety and radiation protection, independent from the government and from the rest of the administration, and established its collegiate composition, defining its functions, actuation, and financing

procedures, and creating the Technical Body for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection.

National Electric System Law: • This law regulates the operation of electricity and also applies to certain areas of the nuclear industry since its additional provisions modify the Nuclear Energy Act and the law creating the CSN. It updates the enforcement framework, introducing a new definition of radioactive waste and an additional provision regarding the financing system of radioactive waste management (RWM).

Law on Public Fees and Prices for services rendered by the •CSN (L 14/1999): The objective of this law is to update the financial regime of the CSN, initially established by Law 15/1980, adapting it to cover a series of new functions undertaken by the CSN that were not previously specified. Through this law, the dismantling of nuclear and radioactive installations are detailed for tax purposes, and the performance of studies and drawing up of reports relating to the management of spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste are also considered. According to this law, the CSN may issue instructions itself.

Environment Impact Assessment Royal Legislative Decrees: •These decrees, with character of national basic legislation, incorporate the Directives 85/337/CEE and 97/11/CE respectively, stating that any industrial project that could impact on the environment must have an environment impact declaration. Projects specified in the annexes include those related to nuclear power plants (NPPs), spent fuel treatment and storage facilities outside NPPs, and radioactive waste disposal.

Regulations on health protection against ionizing radiation: • This Royal Decree 783/2001 establishes the radiation protection system based on ICRP recommendations and constitutes the transposition of the EU Directive 96/29/ EURATOM.

Regulations for nuclear and radioactive facilities: • The Royal Decree 35/2008, which amends Royal Decree 1836/1999, defines and classifies nuclear and radioactive installations and details the authorisations for these types of installations: preliminary or site authorisation, construction

E. Legal, organizational and security points

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Among its functions that are of interest to the ESS are the


“To propose the necessary regulations regarding nuclear •

safety and radiological protection to the Government, as

well as the revisions that it considers advisable. Within this

regulation, the objective criteria for the selection of sites for

nuclear and first category radioactive installations shall be

established, following the reports from the Autonomous

Communities, in the manner and within the deadlines

determined by regulations.”

“To issue reports to the Ministry of Industry and Energy, •

on nuclear safety, radiological protection, and physical

protection issues,… all activities related to the manipulation,

processing, storage and transportation of nuclear and

radioactive substances”.

“To carry out all types of inspections in nuclear or radioactive •

installations, during the different project, construction and

commissioning stages…”

“To carry out the inspection and control of nuclear and •

radioactive installations during their operation and until

their closure…”

“To control the measures for the radiological protection •

of workers that are professionally exposed, and of the

public and the environment. To monitor and control the

doses of radiation received by the operating personnel

and the offsite radioactive material discharges from nuclear

and radioactive installations, as well as their incidence,

specific or accumulative, in the areas of influence of these


“To carry out the studies, evaluations, and inspections of •

the plans, programmes, and projects necessary in all the

phases of radioactive waste management.”


facility and the type of documentation required for licensing

and exploitation, as well as for treatment of contaminated

areas during operation.

permit, operating permit, authorisation for modifications to the installation, authorisation for decommissioning and dismantling, and authorisation for change of ownership.

Transport regulations: • The safety aspects of transport of radioactive waste are covered by various royal decrees and regulations (road, railway, maritime, and aerial) used to develop the Nuclear Energy Law and implement the IAEA and the EU radioactive material transport regulations:

1. Rail Transport-European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) (BOE 21/01/2005) and R.D. 412/2001 2. Road Transport-R.D. 2115/1998 and European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR ) (BOE 22/03/2002) 3. Maritime Transport-International Maritime Organization (OMI) (BOE 5/12/2003). 4. Aviation Transport-Real Decreto 1749/1984 amended by Ministerial Decree 28/12/1990 (BOE 23/01/1991).

The national legislation, incorporating the EU Directives 85/337/CEE and 97/11/CE, states that any industrial project that could impact the environment must have an environment impact declaration. Projects specified in theAnnexes include thoserelated to nuclear power plants (NPPs), spent fuel treatment and storage facilities outside the NPPs, and radioactive waste disposal.

Other aspects of the RWM activities and facilities, such as civil liabilities, industrial risk prevention, non-radiological hazards, andminingsafety,areregulatedbyspecificregulations,outsideof nuclear regulatory system.

ESS regulatory framework

TheESS,asanyfacilitywithapotentialsignificantradiologicalimpact, is subject to the following regulatory framework.

The CSN was created in 1980 (Law 15/1980, of 22nd April and amended by Law 33/2007, of 7th November), as the sole body in Spain, with responsibility for nuclear safety and radiological protection matters. This body is independent of the state administration and reports directly to Parliament.

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According to RD 35/2008, which amends RD 1836/1999 regarding the approval of the Regulation on Nuclear and RadioactiveFacilities,theESSinstallationwillbeclassifiedasaRadioactive Facility of First – Class. Article 3 of RD 35/2008, whichamendsTitleIIIofRegulation(RD1836/1999),classifiesas a Radioactive Installation of First-Class those “complex installations in which they handle very high inventories of radioactive substances or very high fluency beams takeplace, so that the potential radiological impact of the facility issignificant”.Note that ESS-Bilbao is not considering using the residual heat recovered from the target cooling water as an energy source for domestic and/or industrial use, as this would necessitate classifying the facility as nuclear.

RD 35/2008 also amends Article 38 concerning requests, which requires the following documentation:

Descriptive report of the facility. •

Safety assessment. •

Verification of the facility. •

Operation rules, including the envisaged staff, projected •organization, and definition of the responsibilities of each job.

On-site emergency plan. •

Forecasts for foreseen closure and economic coverage. •

Budget for the proposed investment. •

Inaddition,statusasafirst-classfacilityrequiressubmissionofthe following:

Site description containing information about the site and •surrounding land.

Operating rules containing the quality assurance manual. •

Radiological protection manual. •

Operational technical specifications. •

Physical protection plan. •

Article 76 of the RD1836/1999 states that the removal and treatment of radioactive substances and/or disposal of, recycling, or reuse of radioactive materials containing radioactive substances from any nuclear or radioactive facility is subject to approval by the Directorate General for Energy before submission to the CSN.

In addition, the “Contaminated Areas” chapter in RD •35/2008 includes a new Article 81, condensed as follows: The state administrations or the owners of the facilities or activities, being or not submitted to the regime of authorizations provided for in these regulations [?], shall inform the CSN of all incidents potentially resulting in radiological contamination of land or water resources.

Plans for mitigating the effects of, or decontamination of, •the affected land or water resources, development of which resulted from actions of the facility owners, will be submitted to the CSN for assessment. After corrective actions have been taken, the CSN will proceed to inspect and reassess the radiological conditions in the area and may issue a report containing a determination of whether the derived constraints for the land use or resources affected must proceed, transferring the land or resources to the corresponding autonomous region.

The CSN will draw up an inventory of the land or water •resources affected by radiological contamination and submit it to the relevant authorities for appropriate action.

This new Article 81 will clearly be applied to the ESS, as its operation will involve activation of the surrounding soil and water resources. Annex E1.1 includes references to guidance recommendations issued by the CSN, as well as the current status of the radioactive waste management system in Spain.

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Related to environmental restrictions, safety regulations

The site proposed for the ESS has been analysed with regard to areas protected by legislation:

Water collected for public supply (Law 29/85). •

Protection areas for birds and protected species •(Directive 79/923/CEE).

Water masses declared for recreational use •(Directive 76/160/CEE).

Environmentally sensitive areas (Directive 91/272/CEE). •

Areas for the protection of habitats (Directive 92/43/CEE •and Directive 79/409/CEE).

From an analysis of the territory, it was concluded that the site proposed in Zamudio.

Does not affect any area designated for the collection of •the public water supply.

Does not affect areas for the protection of habitats or •species.

Is not found within an area susceptible to contamination by •underground water.

Does not affect natural parks or protected biotopes. •

Does not affect Ramsar Agreement wetlands. •

The main environmental procedures to be followed include the following:

Modification of land for urban development purposes •(Decree 183/2003).

Environmental Impact Assessment and the corresponding •Activity Licence (Law 3/98).

Authorisation to introduce water into public waterways •and/or sewage networks (Law 29/85).

Authorisation to refill excess earth from excavation •(Decree 423/94).

Prevention of major accidents and emergency plans (Royal •Decree 886/88).

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Related to Building Legislation/Regulations, Expropriation Legislation

A full body of legislation is in force in Spain gathered around the so-called NBE —Normas Básicas de Edificación BasicBuilding Standards (See Annex E1.2)— which are to be followed in every facility built in the Spanish State. Because of the proximity of the airport, the ESS-Bilbao would also be subject to maximum height regulations, which have been addressed (see Annex E1.3).

Expropriation is the instrument by which the state, for reasons ofpublicinterestforsocialutility,takesormodifiesthepropertyrights of individuals after providing them with compensation in accordance with the law (see Annex E1.4). The authority in issues dealing with the development of legislation in the Basque Country belongs to the Basque Government.

The expropriation procedure, from the declaration of public utility to payment, can be carried out through the Urgency procedure, in which case the occupation of the property by the Administration precedes the determination of its valuation and payment. Any differences between the government and the person expropriated concerning the price or payment have no effect on the occupation and will be resolved subsequently. Once the deposit has been made before real occupation of the property, the government occupies the property within a maximum period of 15 days, is not required to notify the

expropriated persons individually, and can take possession forcibly in the case of any opposition. The urgency procedures are as follows:

1. Notification of the interested parties concerning the day andtimeinwhichthenotarialcertificateistobedrawnupprior to occupation, with a minimum 8-day warning, (article 52.2 LEF).

2. Drawing up on site of the notarial certificate prior to occupation. The property rights to be expropriated are described. Any declarations or useful data for determining the rightsaffected,identificationoftheowners,thevalueofrightsand properties, and any damage that could have been caused by the rapid occupation, are noted down.

3. Formulation by the government of the previous deposit sheets for the cost of damages resulting from the urgency of the occupation. The law does not specify a time frame for this purpose (art 52.4 LEF).

4. Occupation by the government of the property in question within a maximum period of 15 days, (art 52.6 LEF)

5. Valuation and payment stage.

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Central Design Office Business Management Human Resources Project Control




Environment & Safety


E.2. What are the proposed legal and management plans?

With regard to the legal structure of the ESS, since December 2006, the ESS-Bilbao candidature has had its own legal status and full legal and management capacity - the perfect embryo from which the ESS could be initiated immediately. Unless otherwise decided by the founding countries, ESS-Bilbao proposes the creation of an ESS-International Entity (ESS-IE), which could comply with the legal framework being developed by the European Commission for Pan-European Research Infrastructures based on Article 171 of the European Community Treaty. The ESS-Bilbao Consortium would then become the host institution in charge of executing the commitments to the ESS-IE acquired by Spain. For instance, the ESS-Bilbao Consortium would be responsible for

Providing the land for ESS and temporary premises if •required.

Providing host support to the ESS-IE (services, liaison office, •welcome office, etc.)

Managing the financial SPV described in D1. •

Providing and managing other activities in support of ESS. •

Regarding the organisational model of the ESS-Bilbao infrastructure, a governing body with representation from the funding countries and private entities committed to the ESS-Bilbao will be responsible for decisions regarding both the organisation and activities of the centre. Likewise, ESS-Bilbao proposes that there could be institutions (such as the European Commission) or countries not participating in the construction phase that could either form part of the governing body as observers or be involved through the appropriate committees. In particular, ESS-Bilbao believes that some countries might be involvedasscientificassociatesandcontributetotherunningcosts during the operation phase. This would work, for instance, according to the ILL model, whereby interested parties would payafixedcontributionascompensationforpastinvestmentsand future obligations of the member countries in addition to payment of a variable contribution based on beam time.

Wealsoenvisionformationofafinancialcommittee,scientificcommittee, and in-kind contributions committee, all of which will be composed of representatives from the participating governments and institutions. Furthermore, we would like to formwithintheESS-BilbaoScientificCouncilasmall,adhoccommission to accept experiment proposals of exceptional quality irrespective of the nationality or affiliation of theproposers.

Figure E1. ESS Governing bodies

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Accelerator &Target Operation

Human Resources Business Management Environment & Safety Project Control

Science &Instruments Operation

Projects &Development

Site Infrastructures& Maintenance

Science Advisory Council


Figure E2. ESS-Bilbao operation organisational model

In the decommissioning stage, the ESS-IE would hand over the ESS facility to the National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (ENRESA), which would undertake decommissioning of the facility and associated active components. ENRESA is a state–owned, nonprofit organisation and was constitutedby Royal Decree 1522/1984 as the company responsible for the management of radioactive wastes in Spain. ENRESA is a limited-liability company, fully owned by the state through public agencies. In accordance with Royal Decree 1522/1984, the cost of the decommissioning nuclear installations is financedbytheproducersofsuchwastes.InthecaseofESS,the decommissioning cost will be borne by the ESS-IE, for instance, through a fund progressively provisioned by annual instalments during the operation phase.

Ownership, transfer, use, protection and dissemination of the Intellectual Property, as well as the rights to access to it generated will comply in all cases with existing European regulations and the Spanish legislation.

Following these regulations, all the intellectual property and particularly the inventions made by the staff employed directly or indirectly by the ESS project, will belong to the ESS project, except where covered by separate contractual agreements. The intellectual property generated by visiting researchers

shall belong exclusively to the these visiting researchers and a shared property system should be established for joint projects carried out by team of the ESS project and other entities.

The convention or the legal agreement on the ESS project should also stipulate the rights and obligations of their participation within the project. So, as for the rights, each partner in the ESS project should be entitled to obtain a licence of the intellectual property owned by the ESS project. The licence will be free for the research activities conducted by the partner. For other purposes, the licence may be granted on conditions more favourable than licences granted by other third parties. The particular conditions for the licence to be granted should be approved by the governing body of the ESS project.

If the ESS project obtains a license from third parties for the use of intellectual property, the ESS will obtain that right with the possibility to grant sub-licenses to the partners of the ESS project in favourable conditions.

Finally, as for the obligations for the ESS parties, all the partners in the ESS project should make available to the ESS project, free of charge, protected or not, the IP needed for the collaboration within the project.

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E.3. What are the important risk and insurance issues?


The most important risks of the facility are related to the

accidental release of radionuclides or other hazardous materials

present in the target.

The safety of all radioactive and nuclear installations in Spain is

the responsibility of the CSN, an independent regulatory body

that reports directly to Parliament. Therefore, for ESS-Bilbao,

the CSN would be the decision-making institution regarding the

acceptability of the design with respect to potential accidents.

For safety approval of the site, regulations in Spain are based

on dose objectives for design basis accidents in NPPs, the

only facilities that require the approval of the site. For other

facilities, the safety report has to include accidental scenarios

and consequences. Traditionally, CSN has used various

approaches, taking into account the amount of radioactivity

involved and the estimated probability of accidental releases.

The aforementioned Annex E1.1 contains specific tables

and information related to the radiological inventory and the

likelihood of incidents that could take place in a facility like

the ESS, which is itself based on available information from

the Spallation Neutron Source in the United States and the

estimations for the ESS-2003 project.

The target mercury has the most significant inventory of

radionuclides of all the SNS components and systems.

Preventing release of those materials depends on three

conditions: maintaining control of the energy input entering the

mercury (the proton beam), maintaining continuous cooling

of the mercury during beam operation, and maintaining the

integrity of the mercury system itself. These safety functions

are used to address the main possibilities of accidental

conditions in the target,which thenareclassifieddepending

on the occurrence probability:

A: high probability (2.5·10 • -2/year < A < 1/year)

U: unlikely (10 • -4/year < U < 2.5·10-2/year)

EU: extremely unlikely (10 • -6/year < EU < 10-4/year)

Beyond design basis (BDB < 10 • -6/year)

In addition, other accidents may be envisaged concerning

malfunctions of facility auxiliary systems, such as the target hot

off-gas system and liquid waste system. Finally, the catalogue


power, and external natural phenomena, although these are

not considered in this document. In conclusion, the possibilities

for source term development are numerous, and only those

affecting the target system are mentioned here.

The accident catalogue was developed after a systematic

screening of systems and component responses and can be

studied in detail in the reference. A comprehensive list of

accidents considered is available in Annex E3. Nevertheless,

some general characteristics of the SNS accident analysis are

explained here to ease source terms understanding.

SNS accidents are at relatively low pressure and temperature,

and the boiling point of mercury is relatively high (357 ºC at

1 atm). On the other hand, there are highly reliable systems

to interrupt the proton beam when conditions significantly

deviate from normal. Except for iodine and xenon, the boiling

point of all spallation products are above of the boiling point

for mercury. In addition, vapour pressure for all of the products

(except iodine and xenon) is very low at the boiling point

for mercury. Therefore, in accidents involving heating up or

spilling of mercury, the mercury selectively vaporizes leaving

the spallation products behind. Concerning volatiles hydrogen

and xenon, it is expected that they are removed from the


is expected to be held in the target in the form of nonvolatile

Hg2I2, although the compound decomposes upon heating or

oxidation in a more volatile compound, HgI2.

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In Annex E1.1,thefifthcolumnofTableVdetailshowtobuild

the recommended source term for safety analysis, which in

general is conservative and bounding of additional cases. For

some accidents, a further table or list is required, and they are

provided to complete the information in this report (Tables

VI, VII, and VIII). As explained in the table text, for some

accidents the suggested source term must be scaled from the

1-MW power beam results shown. Finally, a set of accidents

taking place in the waste treatment system components is also

considered. In general, such accidents lead to lower radioactive


Other risks to be considered are those caused by present

or future industrial and transport facilities close to the site


source events (i.e., wind and floods), and those associated

with the seismic characteristics of the site. The analysis of the

risks posed by these hazards will be carried out as part of

the licensing process of the facility in Spain, according to the

applicable standards.


As with any other industrial facility, insurance for all personnel

is mandatory and must cover the following:

Risks for common illness o specific of the professional •


Risks for civil responsibility derived from accidents o •

professional illnesses.

In addition, the Spanish Law for Prevention of Risks at Work

is applied, which states that the company has to provide

whatever means are required to ensure safety at all working


but also the particular condition of the person carrying out the


Risks Derived from Common Illnesses

For employees: Spanish Law (General Law of the National

Health Service) forces all companies and employees to pay

a premium to cover this type of risk. Every person is taken

care of by public health services, which, in the Basque Country,

depend on the Basque Government. If a health problem is

a consequence of an accident or professional illness, medical

services are provided by Mutual Insurance Companies, which



For visiting researchers and/or students:

Researchers: • If employed by other institutions, researchers

are covered by the European coverage of health services.

The European Health Insurance Card is recommended.

Students: • Health insurance for students must be examined

on a case-by-case basis, whether the insurance is issued by

the student’s sponsoring institution or specific insurances

are contracted for the duration of the student’s visit.

Spanish Law allows co-existence of private and public

health insurances.

Civil Responsibility Insurance

This insurance covers damage from accidents resulting from

industrial activity, both for misconduct and negligence or lack

of safety and preventive measures. Spanish Law forces every

company toobtain specific insurance to cover civil risks for

damage to any “third party”, which includes its own employees,

the general public, and its own facilities.

Concerningthird-party liability in thefieldofnuclearenergy,

Spain is a contracting party of the Paris Convention and the

Brussels Supplementary Convention, both dealing with this

issue. Recently (2004), the Convention and the Supplementary

Convention were amended; as a result, the amount of civil

liability for nuclear damage increased substantially with respect

to the previous situation [Dussart 2005].

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Convention is the increase in amounts for which an operator

will be liable, together with a corresponding change to the

convention’s unit of account. In addition, the existing minimum

liability amount applicable to incidents arising from both low-

risk installations and the transport of nuclear substances was

raised.Although theESS isnotclassifiedasanuclear facility

(see Section E1) and, therefore, the radiological consequences

are far below what are possible from such a facility, ESS-Bilbao

would adopt a scheme similar to the one used at ILL, whereby

the liability for damage would be established at about 700 M€

for the combination of radiological and chemical hazards.

Additional Insurances (non-mandatory)

At present, no additional insurance is considered necessary,

although the ESS-Bilbao parties could decide otherwise at a

later stage.

The Paris Convention went into effect on 1 April 1968. The

convention has 15 contracting parties and is based on five

main principles with respect to liability for damage suffered by

third parties:

1. exclusive liability of the nuclear installation operator;

2. absolute liability (no proof of fault or negligence required) of

the nuclear installation operator;

3. obligation of the nuclear installation operator to secure

insurance or other financial guarantee up to its liability


4. limitation on the amount of liability and the time allowed for

instituting damage claims; and

5. jurisdiction over claims to reside generally with courts where

the accident occurs.

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Site dimensions




1.475,0 m

850,0 m

1,2 km2

There are 1,2 km2 for future extensions, the total areaof the site being 2,4 km2.


F.1. What is specific for the site?

•Size,topology,geology,sitestability(record),ownership of site

Size of Site

The selected site is located within the expansion area of Bizkaia Technology Park and complies with the dimensions required by the ESS Council:


The terrain slopes gently with an average incline of 3%; therefore, there is little need for excavation and levelling.


Because of construction of large communications networks and infrastructures in the area, the geological conditions and their implications are well known. The installations will be built on a uniform rocky substrate with a thickness in excess of 100 m. This involves marls from the Late Cretaceous, with slight dips towards the northeast. To the north of the site, a level of calcareoussandstonehasbeenidentified,andtothesouthareminor alluvial deposits.

Site Stability

The expected esplanade would be 47 to 49 meters above sea level, thereby guaranteeing direct foundations on a solid rock substrate. Tectonically, the area is stable, and there are no relevant tectonic elements (folds or faults) that could cause significantvariationsinthegeotechnicalconditions.Moreover,in the area surrounding the site, no faults, caves, or mines have been identified that could affect thebuilding foundations. In

conclusion,thesitesatisfiesbyawidemarginthegeotechnicalrequirements for an installation of this type.

Ownership of the Site

Of the surface area reserved for the site, 0,28 km2 belong to the Bizkaia Technology Park and are therefore publicly owned. In the short term, the Basque Government is planning to purchase new plots of land

F. Environment and socio-economic points

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•Accessforpeopleandheavyequipment(roads,train,airport,port, public transport between site and residential areas)

International Accessibility

Air transport (distance to ESS):

Bilbao Airport (5 Km). •

Vitoria Gasteiz Airport (65 Km). •

San Sebastián Airport (105 Km). •

Biarritz (Airport 158 Km). •

Santander Airport (85 Km). •

Direct connections with the following, European hubs: Barcelona, Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris,

and Rome

Roads with international connections:

E05: Paris-Madrid-Algeciras. •

E70: Bilbao-Bordeaux-Lyon-Turin. •

E80: Lisbon-Madrid-Toulouse-Rome. •

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Railway network:

High-Speed Trains (under construction): •

• Bilbao-Paris: 5 hours

• Bilbao-Madrid: 2 hours

• Wide-gauge railway network (RENFE)

(Madrid 5 hours).

Sea Transport

The Basque Country has two major cargo ports: the Port of

Bilbao and the Port of Pasajes (San Sebastián). These ports

are incoming and outgoing centres for petroleum products,

general goods, vehicles, and steel goods. The Port of Bilbao

can accommodate ships up to 378 metres long and of more

than 500.000 tonnes, with depths of up to 32 metres, for large

petrol tankers. In addition, passenger ferry services are available

to England from the Port of Bilbao and the Port of Santander.

Local Accessibility

The AP-8 is the backbone of the region’s roadway network

and forms part of the Trans-European Network, which is

integrated into the E70 international itinerary. The Txorierri

dual carriageway provides a direct link between Bilbao and

Zamudio (15 to 20 minutes), via the Artxanda tunnels. The

Euskotren railway line connects Bilbao with Zamudio (30

minutes). There is also a public bus service (25 minutes). Bilbao

is also connected by metropolitan railway to the population


also has a modern urban tram network.



The Basque Country has 486 Km of high-tension electrical

lines of 400 and 220 kV, with a large number of substations

and transformers. The transport network is used, in turn,

as a source of direct supply in the case of large electricity

consumption or when connection to a high short-circuit power

network is required to minimise the impact on wave quality

and other consumers. Electrical power can be supplied from

the Zamudio substation, 2,5 Km from the ESS site, which takes

current from the 240 kV Gatika-Erletxe line. Alternatively, a

high-tension line (220 kV) runs 200 metres to the northwest

of the ESS site and could provide power to the site if needed.

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Gas25 %

Renewables19 %

Nuclear14 %

Hydro 36 %

Carbon & Fuel6 %

No emissions


The Basque Country has a modern infrastructure capable of respondingtothehighdemandsrequiredbyalargescientificinfrastructure (GIC) such as an ESS. The energy system is well balanced and connected and is environmentally friendly. Indeed, besides the use of conventional energies, the Basque Country, together with Spain, has backed the development of sustainable energy, among other actions, through the production and massive use of renewable energies. This Basque

F.2. What is the local environment/infrastructure?


The ESS-Bilbao project complies both with economic and environmental sustainability criteria and promotes development of the socioeconomic fabric of the territory through a respect for the environment. Bearing in mind that the electricity needed for the ESS has very specific requirements (itmustbe continuous, with 5 MW of power), the supply must be guaranteed and this reliability can only be obtained through an energy mix. The energy mix provided by Iberdrola, who will supply the ESS-Bilbao, has the highest proportion of renewable and clean energies of anywhere in Europe.

The ESS-Bilbao candidature is collaborating with Iberdrola, the leading supplier of electricity on the national market. Iberdrola isoneof thefive largestutilities in theworld andisthefirstworldwideproducerofwindpower.Thesupplieris headquartered in the Basque Country. To provide the specific supply requirements of the ESS, Iberdrola proposesa generation mix of more than 70% renewable and clean energies, as can be seen in the following chart.


Water can be supplied from the Bilbao-Bizkaia Water Consortium’s distribution network, which has extensive infrastructures in the metropolitan area of Bilbao and guarantees supply through an extensive system of reservoirs (220 Hm3). A regional supply pipe runs 200 metres from the ESS site. This pipe is capable of guaranteeing the water required for 1.000 people,aswellastheESSfirehydrantsandcoolingsystems.If necessary, additional water could be obtained through a new 5-km-long pipe from the main system supply. Moreover, additional water could be taken from the River Asua (average flow340l/s),whichrunsinthevicinityoftheESSsite.


The main sewage collector in this area is located in the zone adjacent to the ESS site. This collector forms part of the integrated sewage network of the Greater Bilbao Region. This recently built infrastructure takes sewage to the Galindo treatment plant, which treats 350.000 m3 of sewage/day, with acapacityforpeakflowsupto12m3/s.

See Annex F.

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Country strategy is detailed in Energy Strategy of the Basque Country 2010 and echoes the Spanish strategy of sustainable development, within the European regulatory framework.

Throughout Spain and especially in the Basque Country, special efforts have been made in the installation of wind farms. Consequently, over recent years wind power has undergone spectacular development at a national level, with more than 15 MW installed at the beginning of 2008. By 2010, the Basque Country will have reached its target of 624 MW. Similarly, for 2001 to 2010, target investments amounting to 134.9 million euros have been allocated to the development of solar power production facilities. Finally, with more than 100 small-scale hydroelectric plants and several micro-hydroelectric facilities, the hydroelectric power installed in the Basque Country amounted to 167 MW in 2000, and the necessary investments are being made to reach 175 MW in 2010.

In addition, the ESS-Bilbao will have an environmental management system in place, based on the ISO standards, 14.000 series, to minimize the effect of its operations in the environment and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

• Existing and foreseen e-Infrastructure (communicationnetworks, broadband connectivity)

In the Basque Country, there is a wide range of telecommunications operators, ensuring a high level of competition for Internet access, cable communications, mobile phones, etc. In addition to the conventional telephone infrastructure, there are fiberoptic subnetworks, flat rateservices, and fully developed technologies such as RDSI and ADSL. One initiative of the Basque Government, called Konekta Zaitez! (get connected), has helped the Basque area become Spain’s fourth top community in the percentages of homes with an Internet connection. In 2006, the Basque CountrybecamethefirstEuropeanregiontomakebroadbandavailable throughout its territory.

Regarding the supporting communications infrastructure for thescientificenvironment, the i2BasqueNetworkandthe IrisNetwork provide top-level support for access to the main research and international commercial networks. The i2Basque Network forms the backbone of the Basque R&D&I community. The Iris Network is the Spanish network for the Interconnection

Mare Nostrum computer

of Computer Resources of universities and research centres and provides Internet connection services to these institutions. RedIRIShassome250affiliated institutions,mainlyuniversitiesand public research organisations. The backbone that supports the communications services of RedIRIS, is made up of a number of appropriately distributed nodes throughout the country, connected to each other by means of a core at 10 Gbps. This network offers external connectivity with other research and academic networks in Europe and takes part in the GÉANT pan-European IP network project.

Spain also has one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, the Mare Nostrum, installed at the National Supercomputing Centre within the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. It is available for use by the national and international scientific community. Moreover, recently Spain acquired thelargest shared memory supercomputer in Europe, called the Finis Terrae, which is installed in the Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA).


For more than 100 years, the Basque Country has represented one of the most important industrial concentrations in Spain. In 2005, the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country generated 10.5% of the total industrial GDP of Spain, a much higher percentage than would be expected from the region

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Numberof Companies

Present inthe Basque Country

High Vacuum 3 1

Mecatronics 16 5

Control 10 7

Radio-frecuency 6 2

Magnets, Superconductivity,Cryogenic

6 3

Electronics & ElectricalEngineering

10 5

Materials 7 6

Total 58 29


when considering population (4.8%), geographical extension (1.5%), etc.

Industrial production is diversified. Although metal-relatedactivities are significant —from the production of steel tomachine tools— other sectors such as the chemical and petrochemical industries and refineries also occupy animportant place in the GDP. Basque companies manufacture both capital goods, consumer goods, and other intermediate products. In addition, new technologies and R&D are becoming more prominent.

Beyond conventional industrial sectors, Spain has a branch of enterprises (see preceding map) devoted to the development of technology related to neutron facilities, including instruments or parts of instruments installed in European centres like ILL or ISIS. Examples of products delivered in recent years are the double–focusing, 3-face monochromator for the IN8C line of ILL (see photo at left), for which a neutron analyser and collimator were also built. Another remarkable development

IN8C monochromator

Number of agents by technology

LET spectrometer tank

The spectrometer is an excellent example of engineering, with a unique set of features:

Materials are nonmagnetic: AISI 304L and AISI 310. •

The large volume tank and vacuum requirements (1x10 • -6 mbars) have led to an innovative and complex structural design.

The inner side of tank is protected with neutron-absorbing •material.

Manipulation and transport processes are just within the •existing allowable limits.

carried out by Spanish companies was the large vacuum tank for the LET Spectrometer at ISIS, with a volume of 115 m3 and weighing 50 T. The LET (see photo below) is a cold neutron multichopper spectrometer that is expected to allow quasi-elastic and inelastic measurements over a wide dynamic range from 0.5 to 80 meV.

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Other examples of similar endeavours:

Power supplies for the •

•RFsystemoftheTJ-IIstellarator,Madrid,Spain. Approx budget 1 M€ (2007).

•neutralbeaminjectionsystem,JET,Culham,UK. Approx budget 20 M€ (2002, 2005).

•controlcoilsoftheW7Xstellarator,MaxPlanckIPP, Greifswald, Germany. Approx budget 1 M€ (2004). •RFheatingsystem,TCVTokamak,CRPPLausanne, Switzerland. Approx budget 1M€ (1998).

•coilsystemattheSpanishTJ-IIstellarator,Madrid, Spain. Approx budget 7 M€ (1995).

Fast amplifier for the Plasma Control at JET , Culham, UK, •approx budget 4 M€ (2007)

Supply of tile assembly jigs and cable conduit for JET. •Approx budget 200k€. 2007

CentralsupportstructureforthecoilsystemoftheW7X •stellaratror Max Planck IPP, Greifswald Germany. Approx budget 4 M€ (2007)

Fabrication studies for the cryostat of the new JT60-SA •tokamak , Naka, Japan (budget <100k€) 2007

Examples of Spanish industrial contributions to the ITER project:

Engineering studies for ITER (mechanical engineering, civil •

engineering, Remote Handling, Safety, Balance of plant systems waste management….) approx 50 M€ (overall EFET) during 1995-2007

Site preparation studies for the Vandellos ITER site •proposal. Approx budget 1 M€, 2002-03Site preparation for ITER in Cadarache, civil engineering •support. Approx budget 250 k€. 2006-07

Cassette multi-mover system for the remote handling •of ITER diverter components. Approx budget 500 k€. 2006-07

Engineering support contract for mechanical components •in ITER: coils, vacuum vessel, diverter, first wall. Approx budget 4 M€. 2006-08

Engineering support contract for electrical systems in •ITER. Approx budget 3 M€. 2006-08

More than 35 Spanish companies have collaborated in the design and construction of the LHC at CERN. Some examples of this collaboration:

Manufacturing of corrective magnets (sextupoles and •octopole)

Vacuum chambers LHC dipoles and PS ring •

Control system for the cryogenic LHC lineUltravacuum •tanks for different kind of magnets

Design and manufacturing of Septa magnets for CTF3 •experiment of CLIC. Annex F2.2 provides information of similar endeavours.

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Turnover(Million €)

San SebastianTechnological



















The Basque Country was a pioneer in the Spanish state in the creation of Technology Parks (Bizkaia Technology Park in 1985) and in the conception of a network of Basque Technology Parks.

the network of parks on the total GDP of the Basque Country is 3.4% and the impact on the total employment in the Basque Country is roughly 3%.

The ESS would be built on land belonging to the Bizkaia Technology Park (Zamudio). Founded in 1985, the park was created with the aim of offering the highest quality and the best services for companies committed to technological innovation. Business innovation is well supported by the numerous technology centres located in the park: Gaiker, Labein, Robotiker, European Software Institute, Azti, Robotiker, and theAeronauticalTechnologiesCentre.Thescientificresourcesof the park are also enhanced by the CIC Biogune, Cooperative Research Centre in Biosciences, and multidisciplinary research groups of the University of the Basque Country.

See Annex F2.1.

• Local service providers (catering, cleaning, office servicing,general purpose local industries, etc)

Spain and the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country are also engaged in a conversion to a service-based economy, as are all the developed countries. The services sector clearly

In 2006, there were 2.536 R&D projects under way, of which 899 were projects in official programmes. Investment inR&D exceeded 319 million euros, with the companies and technology centres within the parks dedicating 12% of their turnover to R&D. This represents more than 35% of the total investment in R&D in the Basque Country and almost 50% of the business R&D in the Basque Country. According to data published by the Bizkaia Technology Park (2005), the impact of

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90 %

80 %

75 %

50 %

50 %

40 %

40 %

30 %

25 %

12 %

10 %

Special St




Drop Forgin


Capital Goods


Steel P






tics ICT



dominates the production structure of the Basque Community, with 54.8% of the gross added value (GAV) and 59.5% of employment. The business services subsector is divided mainly into industrial cleaning services, economic activities and market surveys, selection and placing of personnel, and computer activities. Services relating to the organisation of events, design and assembly of stands, catering companies, and translators and interpreters are also of special relevance.

American School of Bilbao ( is •accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

The French School of Bilbao ( •was created in 1933. In 1990, the Management Committee signed an agreement with the A.E.F.E, a public national entity of an administrative nature under the supervision of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Alliance Française). Currently, the school has 1.000 students of French and Spanish origin, as well as foreign nationals from other countries.

Additionally, the Spanish Government will promote the establishment of a European School in the vicinity of the ESS-Bilbao site, similar to the schools already in place near other European facilities such as JET in Culham, UK.

•Attractivenessforahighly-educatedworkforce,opportunitiesfor accompanying partners to find adequate and attractivejobs

The basis of a successful science, technology, and innovation system, is a well-formed critical mass. The Basque System offershighlyqualifiedjobsindifferentdisciplines,bothinthepubic and private sectors. The research and technology carried out are founded on collaboration and cooperation and are organised in the so-called knowledge communities, which generate new types of innovation.

Figure. Impact in the Spanish Total Industry

• International schools close to the site for children fromkindergarten to high school

Metropolitan Bilbao boasts several foreign centres that provide educational experience comparable to those provided in the respective home countries and that are located less than 20 kilometres from the future site of the ESS-Bilbao.

The German School San Bonifacio ( has •offered its services to the inhabitants of Bizkaia since 1917. This centre follows the German Gymnasium system, and the classes are given completely in German. Moreover, the students receive classes in English, French, Latin, Spanish, and Basque. In this centre, students can sit the Abitur examination, which gives them access to German universities.

St. George’s English School of Bilbao ( •com) aims to reproduce the methodology and operation of British schools, adapting it to the experience of total immersion in a different country and culture like ours.

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The Basque Country has two organisations, Ikerbasque-Basque ScienceAgencyandBizkaia:Xede,tofacilitateincorporationofhighlyqualifiedpersonnelintothejobmarket.ThemainaimofIkerbasque-BasqueScienceAgencyistohelpdevelopscientificresearch in the Basque Country by attracting researchers and providing them with support to settle in this country. Likewise, theBizkaia:Xedeagency,promotedbytheProvincialCouncilof Bizkaia, helps establish favourable conditions for attracting and retaining qualified personnel into the innovation andknowledge community.

Inaddition,theBasquelabourmarketissufficientlydiversifiedand flexible to accommodate individuals accompanyingpersonnel to the Basque region to live. The unemployment rate in the Basque Country is the lowest in Spain and is one of the lowest in Europe-3.3% in 2007 according to EUSTAT.


The location of ESS-Bilbao within metropolitan Bilbao would be highly advantageous regarding housing availability, which is large and varied. The options within an area of some 20 km offer a number of different residential typologies: residential blocks, semi-detached homes, detached homes, lofts, etc. Urban environments, with high population densities, are available, as well as rural areas, with isolated population centres “close to nature.” The excellent transport network provides rapid access to the ESS from both urban and rural areas.

According to the quarterly average for 2007, the volume of new homes on sale in the fourth quarter of 2007, was 2.177 for Bizkaia, representing 59 % of the total offered for sale. The Basque Community had a total of 4.329 homes for sale, representing 46% of the total. With regard to second hand houses, 3.850 were for sale.

The Basque Country offers a broad and varied range of leisure activities capable of satisfying the most varied interests. From visiting museums (notably the Guggenheim Museum and the Fine Arts Museums - second only to the Prado as far as classical painting is concerned), attending concerts, and exploring picturesque corners to enjoying the ambience of its streets and village festivals, discovering a local winery, or walking along its beaches and natural spaces. Nevertheless, the Basque Country has maintained the infrastructures needed to enhance the charm of a historic people determined not to lose their customs and traditions.

F.3. What are the scientific environments/infrastructures?


In the Spanish Science and Technology System (SECYT), there are four structural areas of activity: the public research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) system; R&D&I support organisations; companies; and society. In recent years, the R&D expenditure in Spain (1.07% of the GDP in 2004) has shown a high growth rate, more than 25% annually, as a result of the public and private commitment to expansion of research activities in Spain. The construction of the ESS represents a definitive impetus to place the country and Europe at thehighestlevelsofscientificexcellenceintheworld.

ThereisalsotheMapofSingularScientificandTechnologicalInstallations(ICTS),whichcontainsmorethanfiftyinstallationsrelated to different areas of research distributed throughout Spain. This agreement regarding the map heralds an unprecedented fostering of research in Spain. The European Spallation Neutron Source is included in this map.

The Public Research Organisations (OPI) carry out most of the R&D&Iactivities,financedwithpublicfunds,andoftenmanagesome of the programmes included in the national plans. The mainOPIistheHigherCouncilforScientificResearch(CSIC),as well as the Energy, Environment and Technology Research Centre (CIEMAT), Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), National Agricultural and Foods Research and Technology Institute (INIA), and Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands, in which the government of the Canary Islands also takes part.La Concha beach, San Sebastian

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The CSIC, the largest public research organisation in Spain,

has a staff of 2.369 scientists and 3.896 pre-and post-graduate

researchers distributed in 134 institutes and units associated to

the university and other institutions (2006).

The CIEMAT (Centre for Energy, Environmental and

Technological Research) carries out technological research and

development projects and is used as a reference to represent

Spain at a technical level in international forums and to advise

the public administration in those matters for which it is

responsible. The staff of the CIEMAT consists of approximately

1.200 people, of which 47% are university graduates.

Today, the Basque Country has the most extensive network of

science and technology agents in the Spanish state, with more

than 12,500 researchers and backup staff; an interconnected

network of more than 80 entities between technology and

sector centres, laboratories, business units, universities, and

around technological scientific knowledge communities-

understood as multipartite spheres of cooperation consisting

of local groups both in universities and in research centres and

industry. These communities focus on the following disciplines:

biosciences, nanosciences, materials, neutron sciences, energy,

manufacturing, information sciences, social sciences, and


Of special relevance are the 18 technology centres in the

Basque Country that carry out technological development

activities of an industrial, pluri-technology, and pluri-sector

nature; knowledge generation work and training; and the

dissemination of their own technologies, not only for their

associate members or collaborators but also for any entity.

Also in the region are Cooperative Research Centres (CIC),

multi-partite cooperation platforms engaged in the medium-

to-long term development of capabilities in strategic areas of

research for the Basque Community. Today, there are five

centres in the following disciplines: biosciences, biomaterials,

manufacturing, nanotechnology, and microtechnology and

tourism, and a sixth is under way in renewable energies.


Today, the Spanish network of universities consists of 74 universities, among which there are both public and private centres. These centres provide excellent opportunities in both the variety and quality of educational offerings. Moreover, Spanish universities enjoy a leading role in Europe in the fieldof research. In particular, theBasqueCountry has fouruniversities: University of the Basque Country, Deusto University, Mondragón University, and TECNUN. Theseuniversities comprise 28 faculties, 3 higher technical schools, and 11 university schools. More than one-third of the Basque population of between 18 and 25 years of age attend university.

Moreover, in neighbouring autonomous communities are the Universities of Cantabria, Public University of Zaragoza, University of Zaragoza, University of La Rioja, and University of Valladolid. There are also leading universities in the autonomous communities of Madrid, Catalonia, Community of Valencia, Galicia, and Andalusía.

•Scientificenvironmentinneutronscatteringandfieldsthat use neutron scattering (biology, materials sciences, engineering, etc)

The ESS will serve the entire European neutron science

community, which is estimated to have some 5.500 scientists.

In Spain alone, we have around 250 scientists, distributed in

50 research groups, who use neutron techniques on a regular

basis. This high number is remarkable if we take into account

that Spain has no neutron source; therefore, Spanish scientists

carry out their experiments in the two European sources,

namely, the ILL reactor and the ISIS spallation source, in which

Spain participates directly. In comparison, in the United States,

with ten times more inhabitants, estimates are that about

600 scientists conduct research with neutrons. New research

strategies and development plans in bioscience, nanoscience,

new materials, energy, transport, etc. will bring important

margins for growth in the Spanish Scientific Community. In

2007, the growth of the Spanish neutron community led to

the renewal of agreements with ILL and ISIS to increase the

Spanish contribution by 50% and 25%, respectively.

Page 38: ESS-Bilbao ESFRI Working Group

England; 11,90 % USA; 11,40 %Germany; 10,70 %

Italy; 4,72 %

Argentina; 3,97 %Russia; 3,66 %

Switzerland; 3,39 %Denmark; 3,07 %

Sweden; 2,76 %Japan; 2,38 %

Poland; 2,23 %

Netherlands;2,12 %

France;37,70 %











1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006


ber A





Only countries that appear in more than 40 articles out of the 2.122

(61 different countries)

Total: 2.122 articles 40 authors with more than 20 articles

The scientific areas in which most Spanish scientists useneutrons are magnetism, crystallography, materials science, and soft condensed matter. Most of the work is done with diffraction techniques at ILL and spectroscopic and muonic techniques at ISIS.

The number of Spanish neutron-related publications is impressive. Between 1986 and 2006, 2.122 neutron-related articles were published in Spain. Note that most of the publications are made in the Basque Country. If we classify the articles by affiliation, we find that theHigher Council of Scientific Research is the body mentioned most in the articles (650). In some 200 articles, the Universities of the Basque Country, Zaragoza, and the Complutense University in Madrid are mentioned most. Virtually half of all Spanish universities use neutron techniques, demonstrating the importance of neutron scattering in Spanish research programs.

Spain uses 6% of the available time at ILL and 2.5% of the available time at ISIS.

Figure.AnnualdistributionoftheScientificimpactandnumberofSpanish publications relating to neutron techniques

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F.4. What are the specific risks at the site (during construction/operation/decommissioning phases)?


Seismic Activity

Seismic activity is low in the Basque Country, as it may be inferred from the scarcity of earth tremors and their corresponding magnitude and intensity. The registered seismic activity since 1828 indicates that it has always been under 4.0 mb on the Richter scale. Moreover all the tremors over 3.0 mb are located in the eastern area of the territory, far away from the suggested site.

In accordance with current legislation and the seismic danger map (European Macroseismic Scale EMS, 1988), the area

investigated shows seismic acceleration values of < 0,04g, “g”

Intensity (Mercalli scale) and average peak acceleration (m/s2)

being the acceleration of gravity. Consequently, preventive

measures in buildings are not required.

The seismic resistant standard NCSR-02 of the Spanish

Ministry of Public Works and the seismic danger map of Basque

Government show that the zone investigated has low levels

of seismic risk, with a maximum intensity of V (MSK scale)

for a return period of 500 years. According to the application

criteria, special actions are not required “in buildings of normal

or special importance”.

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Flooding and storms

TheESS-BilbaositeisoutsidethefloodplaneoftheriverAsua;therefore, there is no danger of flooding from overflowingriversordams.TheinundationflowoftheriverAsuais120m3/s, with a river basin of 20 Km2 upstream of the site.

There are very few stormy days in the area, with a mean value of 24 per annum. Days with extremely adverse meteorological conditions are limited (2 days of snow and 7 days of hail per year).


The extremely low level of forestation in the area and the high levelofhumidity(72%)preventfiresfromstartingintheareasurrounding the site. Additionally, if there an emergency, the regionalfirestationisjust4kmfromthesite,withanaverageresponse time of 5 minutes.

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l rai


l (m














The region has one of the highest rainfalls in Europe, with an

average annual precipitation of 1.200 mm; hence, the danger

of drought is low. Moreover, water supplies are maintained

through a system of reservoirs. The Water Supply System

Emergency Plan for the Greater Bilbao area sets out the actions

to be taken in the hypothetical case of a drought episode.

Landslides and Geological Hazards

This area has no record of previous instabilities or underground mining activities, and there is no evidence of caves. The low inclination of the slope and the rocky nature of the substrate preclude the danger of landslides. To verify this information, three mechanical exploration drills were made with continuous extraction of geotechnical cores. The drills, at depths of 60, 70, and 75 m, are arranged in accordance with the alignment proposed for the ESS-Bilbao linac.

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The drills provide representative samples of the substrate for laboratory testing and guarantee the strength and uniformity of the foundation substrate. The geometrical properties of the substrate are as follows:

Ground foundation: Marls (Late Cretaceous). •

Density of ground: 2.5 t/m • 3

Uniaxial compressive strength: 1.340 tn/m • 2

Young modulus of ground: 6. 000 MPa •

Poisson coefficient of ground: 0.16 •

Ground load: 76-154 t/m • 2

Allowable average settlement •

Low permeability of ground: 10 • -4 x 10-6 cm/s

Medium rippability of ground •

No ground sulphate attack to concrete •

No mined areas and sinkholes •

No landslide hazards •

Inconclusion,thesitesatisfiesbyawidemarginthegeotechnicalrequirements for such an installation.



The sturdiness and interconnections of the 220-KV network make it especially adequate for supplying consumptions with the characteristics and requirement levels of the ESS. Besides having frequency variation levels of between 49.85 and 50.15Hz (±0.3%) (because it is linked to the entire European system), and maintaining the variation margins issued by UCPTE, the voltage levels of this network are the most stable of the entire system of the Iberian Peninsula, with a variation range that falls

well below the limits stipulated by the operator of the system (REE).

Today, one of the most important connections between the French and Spanish systems is through the Basque Country: the 400-KV Hernani-Cantegrit line and the 220-KV Arkale-Mouguerre line. The strategic plan for 2010 studies the doubling of the Hernani-Cantegrit link to strengthen the possibility of exchanges with France (currently, it imports 31% of the total exchange of power between France and Spain).

The Euskadi 2010 strategic power plan also includes a set of measures to strengthen the distribution network in the Basque Country. As a result of the increased generation of power in the region itself and the need to dispose of surplus energy to the west (Asturias) and towards the Ebro Valley, the role of this area as a crossroads of energy infrastructures is strengthened. As a result, the possibilities of interconnection and support already existing with France and the central regions of Spain will be reinforced with new links that complete the Cantabrian axis from Asturias to France and the eastern axis with Navarre andAragón.

Recently in Bizkaia, three new combined-cycle power stations have begun service: Bay of Bizkaia (800 MW), Iberdrola in Santurtzi (400 MW), and Bizkaia Energy in Amorebieta (800 MW), In addition, for 2010 it is expected that 30% of the energy demand will be met by co-generation and renewable energies.

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Drinking water for the installation can be supplied with absolute guarantees from the general network of the Bilbao-BizkaiaWaterConsortium,whichhassufficienthydraulicandsanitary infrastructures to providewater of sufficient qualityand quantity.

This system is based on reservoirs with a capacity of 220 Hm3, located in a number of different catchment areas. Moreover, the primary network is connected to a number of alternative water supplies (Emergency Plan).

See Annex F.

•Emissions(noise,radioactivity,gas,wastewater,airpollution, etc)

No noise, gas, or air pollution emissions beyond legal regulation limits are foreseen in the construction, operation, or decommissioning of the facility.

Concerning radioactivity, a preliminary study was carried out by CIEMAT, and the conclusions are presented in Annex E1.1. The annex provides a first characterization of the facility interms of produced and managed radioactive inventory under normal operating conditions. It also contains examples of inventory released under accident conditions mentioned in section E3.The inventories are identified regarding threeregions of interest, where radioactivity accumulates in different amounts: (i) the spallation target, (ii) structural and shielding activated material around the target and proton beam, and (iii) underground areas of the facility. Most of the inventory is contained within the target region.

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The target concept, based on liquid mercury operating at low working temperature and pressure (less than 110ºC and 3 atm), is expected to last the entire life of the facility, about 40 years. Only about 0.2 % of the mercury is transformed into different elements after this period. Most of the accumulated spallation products are well below their solubility limit in mercury. A complete list of isotopes produced in the target is provided in the aforementioned Annex E1.1.

Similarly, Annex E1.1 also shows the estimations of inventories for several regions other than the target. According to the ratio that provides information about the radioactive risk provided, it can be observed that values are in general very low.Inaddition,afirstassessmentondispersabilityisprovided.It can be seen that to release radioactive material much of the material would have to be vaporized, a low probability for the postulated accidents.

Therefore, the conclusion from this report is that radioactive material release accidents of the accelerator, including its beam stops (but not including the mercury target system) would not becapableofcausingsignificantradiationexposuresbeyondtheconfinesof theaccelerator.This isbecause theamountof radioactivity present ranges from negligible to modest and because the radioactivity present is distributed primarily throughout activated metal structures and is thus of very low dispersability.

Another potential domain for radioactivity accumulation is the soil around the accelerator and target. In principle, in addition to the required steel to shield the very fast neutrons just below the target as required, a general rule is that concrete is preferredasshieldingmaterialinthefloorinsteadofsoilitselfbecause it is less leachable, undergoes less erosion, and is easier to handle during dismantling and decontamination activities. In addition, the required concrete thickness depends on country regulations. Some countries base shielding requirements on dose limits, while others require a standard level of shielding regardless of activity levels. The case in Spain is described subsequently.

Developments are under way concerning underground transport code tools for dose estimations taking into account agenericsite.SpecificapplicationsanddevelopmentsfortheESS-Bilbao site with Spanish regulations will be necessary to obtain more precise evaluations of this risk.

Concerning gaseous effluents under normal operationconditions, the reference is the Oak Ridge SNS, where the source terms for annual emissions take place from two exhausts: thetargetbuildingandtunnelconfinementexhausts.


Cooling water systems: cooling D • 2O and H2O in the Target Building and H2O in the beam stops. Generated products are H-3 vapour, gaseous radionuclides, and mist from cooling water assumed to carry activated metal corrosion products.

Target off-gas: combinations of tritium vapour, xenon gas, •and mercury vapour in the target off-gas with mercury vapour and mercuric iodide (similar volatility) evaporating from spills in the target cell that could occur during target change-outs. In the calculations it is assumed, however, that iodine in the target is not released because it is chemically bound in non-volatile compounds of mercury.

Beam stops: activated air in the room (water cooling is •accounted for in a previous bullet).

Thetunnelconfinementexhaust receiveseffluents fromthelinac, the accumulator ring, and the beam transfer tunnels. The material collected consists of gas and concrete dust particles activated as a result of beam interactions.

During the operational phase of ESS, all radiological protection rules relating the protection of workers and the public will be followed. The Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP 60), published in 1990, were collected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which incorporated them in 1996 by publication of the Basic Safety Standards (BSS). That same year, the European Union collected and published the European Directive 96/29 EURATOM, which was transposed into the Spanish law by RD 783/2001 of 6th July (Regulation on health protection against ionizing radiation, RPSRI), the aim of which is to establish rules for protecting workers and the public against the dangers of ionizing radiation.


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environment, must be such that the activity concentrations of radionuclides contained therein and, the doses likely to be received by the population, that potentially could be affected, are as lower as reasonably achievable, taking into account social and economic factors. These levels are always less than thespecifiedlimitsformembersofthepublicasArticle13ofthese Regulations state and, where appropriate, those other values that were below being established by the CSN”. At present, these values for dose constraints range from 0.1 mSv/y, in the case of nuclear power plants, and 0.3 mSv/y, for other radioactive facilities. Therefore, it is reasonable to believethatthissamerangeofvalueswillbedefinedbytheCSN to be applied to the ESS.

Inrelationtoeffluentdischarges,thereferenceinformationhasagain been taken mainly from the Oak Ridge SNS. According to the design of the facility, air emissions during operations would be primarily ventilation air from the linac tunnel, accumulator ring, and target building. The linac and ring tunnels would be ventilated to allow hands-on maintenance when the facility is not operating. The ventilation system would be designed to include a short retention time before the air is released to the environment. Ventilation air from the target system would be compressed into tanks for a minimum of seven days to allow many of the short-lived radionuclides to decay. The release of radionuclides from the beam stops would occur only during maintenance. No releases would occur during normal operations.

Operation of the cooling towers, groundwater interceptor system, and storm water drainage system would result in effluentdischargestosoiland/orsurfacewaterbodies.Thesedischarges would consist of cooling tower blow-down, any groundwater that might collect in the groundwater interceptor system under the concentric shielding design, and storm water runoff.

The groundwater interceptor system beneath the beam shielding berms would collect any water that might penetrate thewater-divertingbarrierinthebermsandinfiltratethroughthe berm soil. Only a minimal amount of water would be expected in this system. This water would be collected in a sump that would be inspected monthly, and any water found in the sump would be removed and sampled. If contamination were found, the water would be transported to the appropriate waste treatment systems. Only water with no contamination would be released to the storm water drainage system.

The total dose, both from routine effluent discharges andnuclear activation pathways shall not exceed the dose constraintthatwillbedefinedbytheCSN.

A study is being conducted to determine downwind normalized concentrations (χ/Q’s) of mercury at ground level in the ambient air that would result from an accidental atmospheric release from the ESS facility. The analysis determined a concentration of a single 95th-percentile χ/Q value representing all wind

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directions, which was obtained from a 1-year dataset of

highest calculated 1-hour χ//Q values for all hours of data.

The atmospheric dispersion model used to compute the

χ/Q values requires three types of data: meteorological data,

source data, and receptor locations/elevations. The results

were obtained using the EPA-recommended Industrial Source

Complex Short-Term (ISCST3) air-dispersion model. The

application uses a steady-state Gaussian plume algorithm to

calculate concentrations. Modelling was performed using

meteorological data recorded for each hour over a 1-year

period from the meteorological station located in Derio

(latitude:43.3ºNand longitude: -2.93ºE),close to thefinal

location of the ESS building.

For the proposed scenario, half of the average building height

(7.5 m) was used, based on a hot cell fire with variously

sized openings in the structure surrounding the hot cell. The

1-hour average c/Q values were calculated, considering 1

year of meteorological data, and are presented in following


exposure limit (PEL), according to OSHA (Occupational Safety

and Health Administration) and NIOSH (National Institute for

Occupational Safety and Health). The values are also similar

to those calculated in the SNS report Atmospheric Dispersion

Analysis of Mercury Releases from Postulated Fire Accidents

at the SNS Facility (maximum value of 38.1 µg/m3→χ/

Q=38.1*10-6 s/m3). The most affected area comprises a region

of 2 x 1 km2 around the target, a lowly populated area.

•Hazardousactivities(industrialorother) thatmightcreate

obstacles to the operation of the facility


of the proposed ESS-Bilbao (See Annex F4.1, Radiological

Pre-Exposure), and the facility is designed to prevent

electromagnetic energy emissions that might cause interference

to other systems in the area (See Annex E1.3).

Concerning the activity of the nearby airport, the Ministry of

Public Works regularly reports on incidents corresponding to

approaching areas of every Spanish airport. The record of the


the last decade. The number of events in the area covered

by the airport just reaches 1% of the total number for the whole Spanish State. The only accident worth consideration took place 35 km from the airport grounds.

F.5. What is the socio-economic impact?

•Existingorforeseenstudiesoneconomicandsocialimpacton region/ Work force reservoir, local skills

The following is a summary of the analysis of the socio-economic effects of installation of a spallation neutron source in Bilbao. The economic evaluation has been made from an overall viewpoint, estimating the repercussions of the construction and operation of the source for the state as a whole. Thus, the main aims of the analysis can be summed up in three central points:

Estimation of the economic impact of this investment on •the growth in the GDP.

Estimation of the impact of construction and operation of •the source on employment.

Estimation of tax revenue from the introduction of this •infrastructure into the country.

Although there is no unanimity in the academic world on how to assess the socioeconomic impact of a major infrastructure of this type, the use of a common methodology facilitates comparison of results obtained for different countries. Two different and complementary estimation methods are used: one from the use of input-output tables (IOT) and one from the autoregressive vector method.

The first estimation method presented is the input-output tables, available for the Basque Country and Spain and in general for all countries. These tables represent the production structure of a region or country and break down total production into the sectors that have generated this production and the sectors that have absorbed it. IOTs show the total production of each production sector and the destination of this production; how much of what has been produced is purchased by the consumer, and how much is

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ProductionDirectIndirectSpallation Source

GDPDirectIndirectSpallation Source




Operation Total






EmploymentDirectIndirectSpallation Source





Taxes & SocialContributions

TaxesSocial Contributions





purchased by each one of the other sectors. These tables are used to simulate both the indirect and induced effects of a new investment (an increase in the final demand) in themain macroeconomic variables (GDP and employment), taking into account the interrelationships that occur between sectors in the economy. The IOTs allow a purely static analysis, measuredataspecificmomentintimeandwithadeterminedproductive structure assumed to be constant during the period of analysis.

The second estimation method, based on vector autoregressive models (VAR), is a data-based econometric estimation. It has two advantages: (1) no major theoretical restrictions are required to identify the effects produced by a given increase in investment and (2) it allows the static dimension of the methodology used by IOTs to be resolved. These models set out the long-term relationships between the variables taken into consideration (production and employment and investment in the source) so that not only is an estimation made of the economic benefits of the construction of theinfrastructure but also of those deriving from its subsequent use over a period of time.

The results obtained in the two estimations are complementary, the IOTs providing a lower limit and the VAR model an upper limit of socioeconomic effects.

To estimate the model using the IOTs, the following data have been used as a basis: the expected investment is 1284 million euros, in 2008 funds, (about 1.014.22 2000 million euros, year of the last IOT); 30 years of operation are estimated, without the need for additional investments, with the exception of those required for maintenance; the yearly operating costs will be 116,5 million euros (year 2008); the source will generate 500 direct full-time jobs, as well as the visits of 22 full-time researchers per year.

The reference scenario considered is as follows: 45% of the construction investment is interior, with the rest from Europe or the rest of the world. It is also assumed that 75% of the expense in the operating stage is interior and that the rest is imported.

The expected effects of the source on production have been calculated at 8.409 million year-2008 euros, 85% of which will be generated in the operating stage and the remaining 15% in the construction. The increase in the gross added value of the economy is estimated at 2.977 million year-2008 euros. Of the investment in the source, an impact in terms of the creation of employment measured in year-equivalent full-time jobs (FTJ) has been calculated, amounting to 25,992 direct jobs; 18,322 indirect; and 15,000 in the source (local). More detailed results (including the effect on tax revenue) are presented in the enclosed table.

With regard to the estimation using the VAR model, the variables used were Gross Domestic Product, employment and capital stock. In turn, within the latter, three categories have been differentiated: public in productive activities, public in other activities, and private. The estimation has been made with data from 1970 to 1998.

As can be seen in the annex, once the parameters of the model have been estimated and the results obtained, a simulation can be made about the impact of a disturbance such as an increase in the public production stock capital of 1.014,22 million year-2000 euros (the use of 2000-year euros corresponds to data available for the other variables). Finally, the accumulated effect at a time horizon of 20 years has been calculated. The results obtained from the simulation with regard to the economic impact of the source on GDP indicate an increase in GDP of


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Austria 18,9 11,2


Researchers (FTE) perLabour Force o/oo

Personnel (FTE) perLabour Force o/oo

Human Capital in R&D (2005)

Spain 9,21 5,78

United States 10,7 6,3

Japan 13,5 10,4

Germany 13,2 7,6

EU-25 10,3 6,2

BasqueCountry 13,1 8,2


1.2%, taking 2000 as the base year. This, in absolute terms, represents an impact calculated at 7.604 million year-2000 euros. In terms of the impact on employment, it has been estimated that construction of the source would generate an increase in employment of 0.7% with regard to year-2000 figures,whichisabsolutetermsmeans116,992jobs.

Therefore, the results obtained regarding the impact of the source in GDP for a 20-year time frame indicate an average annualprofitabilityofbetween2.6and6.9%intermsoftheincrease in GDP (between 2,977 and 9,627 million year-2008 euros), depending on the estimation method used. In terms of the impact on employment, estimates suggest that construction and operation of the source would generate an increase of between 59,334 and 116,992 full-time jobs.

Finally, it is important to note that although the construction of the source itself is the focus, it is not the only initiative envisaged within the ESS-Bilbao candidature. In addition to the ESS, the candidature will be promoting new research excellence centres in an effort to create a world-renowned neutron science communitywithatechnologicalandscientificframework of centres and facilities that can make use of complementary capabilities and resources. With this extra initiative, an additional expected impact is the generation of an industrial district oriented towards the creation of business opportunities sparked by the ESS, with new companies and the creationofnewjobs.Onefinalexpectedimpactwillbeatthemetropolitan level. Bilbao is a city ready to host a project on the scale of the ESS, which will allow the community to help strengthen the pillars of a new European society: knowledge, innovation, and the science-society dialogue. These actions planned by the candidature will make the most use of existing structures to strengthen the development of a European space for the dialogue between science and society—as a meeting point between science, technology, and culture in Europe.

Regarding the human resources available and given the vast mobility among all the autonomous communities in Spain, one has to consider not only those in the Basque Country but also those available in other nearby communities. For that reason, data for France are also included. All the data used in the following paragraphs come from the National Statistics Institute (INE), Basque Statistics Institute (Eustat), INSEE, and Eurostat.

First, the level of preparedness of Basque and Spanish society to tackle the challenge of an infrastructure of this type should be mentioned. Of Spaniards between the ages of 20 and 24, 61.6%havecompletedtheirsecondaryeducation,afigurethatincreases to 79.2% (above the European average) in the Basque Country and to 81.1% in France. Moreover, for every 1.000 people between the ages of 20 and 29 in the Basque Country, 27.1 are graduates in science and technology subjects—the highest number in Europe (the numbers are 11.8 in Spain as a whole and 22.5 in France).

The active (i.e., working) population in Spain is 21.585.000 people and 1.059.000 in the Basque region (2006 data). The active population data for France (in 2005) reached a total of 27.005.000 people. The unemployment rate both in the Basque Country and Spain has dropped greatly over the last twenty years and was 4.1 in the Basque Country in 2006 (among the lowest in Europe) and 8.5 in Spain (9.4 in France). This low unemployment rate is indicative of dynamic, healthy Basque economy in particular and of the Spanish economy in general, both of which have experienced very high growth rates in recent years. As mentioned previously, there is in generalahighproportionofhighlyqualifiedpersonsboth inthe Basque Country and in Spain.

As can be seen from the 2006 data in the chart, 16% of Spanish workers had a primary educationonly, this figurewas evenlower in the Basque Country (10%). Moreover, 48% of the Basque workers had a higher education (32% of Spaniards). The percentage of women in the work force (40% of the total

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EU-27 Sp





Denmark Ita



en UK














ue C








96,8 10



4,4 105,5


106,3 10

7,4 109,9 11

7,5 120,7 12






Spanish workers and 42% in the Basque Country) indicates the lack discrimination in this regard. Employment in Spain and the Basque Country is concentrated mainly in the services sector (66% of workers are employed in this area), as occurs in the most developed European societies. However, the importance of the industrial sector in the Basque Country should also be pointed out (this absorbs 25% of workers). Furthermore, in 2005, 12.33% of workers in the Basque Country were employed in high- and medium-technology sectors (7.38% for the whole of Spain). In 2005, personnel in R&D activities equivalent to a full day’s work (FTJ) was 188,977 for Spain as a whole and 13,714 for the Basque Country, while the number of researchers was 115,798 and 8,629, respectively. The number of researchers in France, according to the latest data available for 2003, was 192,790 in full-time employment, which represented 16.4% of all European researchers.

Lastly, it should be mentioned that in addition to being highlyqualified,theavailablehumanresourcesareextremelyproductive.AccordingtothelatestfiguresfromEurostatandEustat, the productivity rate per worker (measured as GDP per worker and correcting for the purchasing power parity) was 130.8 in the Basque Country (the average for UE25 being equal to one hundred; the average productivity per worker in Spain and France amounts, respectively, to 96.8 and 120.7) and is one of the most productive regions in the whole of Europe.

See Annex F5.1

The construction and scientific exploitation of the ESS •in Bilbao, together with other European countries, is the cornerstone of the Spanish and Basque governments’ strategy for developing new research infrastructures as a serious step ahead in the new Spanish economy—one of the ten most important economies in the world. Spain’s excellent qualifications to host a world-class institution such as ESS has already been fully demonstrated as a result of the evaluations performed by the International Negotiators (JASS Ad-Hoc Group) and the European Commission (ITER Site Analysis Group) during the candidature process to host the ITER project (See Annex G1 and G2).

ESS-Bilbao is the instrument for the aforementioned step •ahead. From the very beginning, ESS-Bilbao contemplates not only the construction and operation of ESS but also three complementary initiatives: the building of a knowledge community, creation of a business district, and development of a knowledge city. The ESS-Bilbao project is an overall endeavour that promotes emergence of an environment favourable to innovation and enterprise and that fosters the transfer of technology from research into commercialisation. Moreover, there is a critical mass of companies and other potential technology developers in the environment of the ESS-Bilbao site (See Annex G3).

In order to benefit from the accumulated experience in •this field, ESS-Bilbao has already set up an International Advisory Board (IAB) with well-known scientists. The IAB will provide the Spanish ESS team with advice for the preparation and successful completion of the ESS construction project and related initiatives (See Annex A).

Because of its geographical position at the heart of the •Atlantic Euro-region, between the Iberian Peninsula and France and in a particularly active environment in the scientific/technological and business area, the future ESS-Bilbao will benefit from numerous resources within the region: the presence of the adjoining French regions of Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrenees and their competitiveness poles/clusters, universities and research centres, qualified labour, and an active socioeconomic fabric. The aforementioned competitiveness poles, for example, are engaged in sectors that use neutron techniques in research areas such as the Aeronautics, Space, and On-Board Systems Pole; World

G. Additional Features

Productivity rate per worker

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Annex Title AuthorAnnex A

Annex B

Annex C

Annex C1

Annex D1

Annex D3

Annex E1.1

Annex E1.2

Annex E1.3

Annex E1.4

Annex E3

Annex F

Annex F

Annex F2.1

Annex F2.2

Annex F3.1

Annex F4.1

Annex F5.1

Annex G1

Annex G2

Annex G3

Proposers of ESS-Bilbao Initiative


Cost Study

Decommissioning and Waste Management

Financial Model

VAT and Taxes

Waste Management Framework for theSpallation Neutron Source proposal ESS-Bilbao

Construction of Buildings:Main Regulations applicable

Request to Civil Aviation


Requirements and Characteristics for an ESS site

Characteristics of ESS Bilbao Site (Part 1)

Characteristics of ESS Bilbao Site (Part 2)

Science, Technology and Innovation Plan

Knowledge Community

Spanish Society for Neutron Techniques Report

Radiological Pre-exposure

Socio-Economic Impact

EU ITER King Panel 2003

JAS AHG final

ESS Bilbao Candidature Framework














Basque Government


Spanish Society for Neutron Techniques

CSN (Council of Nuclear Security)


Science and Innovation Ministry

Science and Innovation Ministry



Competitiveness Pole; Aerospace Valley; “Laser Route”, Laser, Optronics, and Vision; Cancer-Bio-Health Pole; and “Prod’Innov” Pole. It is interesting to note that there are already-established and consolidated cooperation projects with associations of the Basque Autonomous Community such as those between Hegan and Aerospace Valley, with the aim that this cooperation will become one of the main vectors for the emergence of European poles.

The high growth in recent years of the number of Spanish •neutron users has lead to significant increases in the level of participation of Spain in the European flagship facilities for neutron science. The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has just renewed the MoU with the STFC, UK, concerning collaboration in scientific research and development of joint actions in the field of pulsed spallation neutron sources, with a 25% increase of the Spanish contribution to ISIS. Concerning ILL, negotiations

are taking place that will lead to a renewed Collaboration Agreement between ILL and the Ministry of Science And Innovation (MCI) for the Spanish scientists participation in the ILL activity programs. Accompanying the agreement will be a 50% increase in the Spanish contribution for the next term starting in 2009, leading to a participation equivalent to 6% of ILL’s annual budget. Such increase is even more significant when considering that for many years Spain has been the ILL Scientific Associate Country contributing and participating most in the facility (followed by Italy at present, which contributes up to 3,5 %). It must also be noted that the new agreement to be signed with ILL includes the possibility of contributing partially in-kind, with high technology equipment and instruments, responding to the growing interest of Spanish industry to become involved with ILL and other similar cutting-edge projects.


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