Erasmus+ Sport Project Coordinators' Meeting · Sport 2018: "Sport as a tool for integration and...

Sport Erasmus+ Sport Project Coordinators' Meeting Latest policy developments Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit European Commission 6 February 2019

Transcript of Erasmus+ Sport Project Coordinators' Meeting · Sport 2018: "Sport as a tool for integration and...


Erasmus+ Sport Project Coordinators' Meeting

Latest policy developments

Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit

European Commission

6 February 2019



• Policy context

• Other funding possibilities

- Calls for proposals (Preparatory Actions/Pilot Projects)

- Structural Funds

• European Week of Sport

• Tartu Call

• #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards

• Studies



•Lisbon Treaty (art.165)

Policy orientations

•EU Work Plan for Sport (2017-2020)

Financial tool

•Erasmus+ Sport



Art 165 TFUE

1. (…) The Union shall contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function.

2. Union action shall be aimed at: - (…) developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting fairness and openness in sporting competitions and cooperation between bodies responsible for sports, and by protecting the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest sportsmen and sportswomen. (…) 4. In order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in this Article,:

the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, shall adopt incentive measures, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States (…).


EU exclusive competences

EU /MS shared competences

EU competences to support, coordinate and supplement.

• Articles 3,4 and 6 TFUE

Principle of subsidiarity

Human health; culture; tourisme;

education, vocational training, youth and


European Week of Sport

Good governance

Health Enhancing

Physical Activity

Topic of the

interest for the EU

Fight against doping

Social Inclusion


Dual Career

Qualifications in sport

Economic dimension of




Third EU Work Plan for Sport (2017-2020)

• Adopted on: 23 May 2017

• Inspired by the Commission's report (January 2017)

• Duration: 3 years and a half (until end December 2020)

• Shared responsibilities

• Less outputs

• Towards better cooperation with the sport movement

• Diversification of methods


Third EU Work Plan for Sport (2017-2020)


- Integrity of sport

(good governance; safeguarding of minors, the specificity of sport, combatting

corruption and match fixing, fighting doping)

- Economic dimension of sport

(innovation in sport, and sport and the digital single market)

- Sport and society

(social inclusion, coaches, education in and through sport, sport and health,

environment and sport and media, sport diplomacy)

Expert Groups:

- Integrity (including good governance)

- Skills and Human Resources development in sport


When policy meets the programme…

Clusters meetings

• Foreseen in the 3rd EU Work Plan for Sport

• To discuss policy-relevant outcomes of EU funded

projects that benefit sport as well as to foster exchange

of good practices and insights on specific topics, to

take stock of progress made and to identify where further

action is needed

• At least once per year


Clusters meetings

• Encouraging participation in

Sport and Physical Activity,

4 December 2017

• The Economic Dimension of

Sport, 11 April 2018

• Integrity in sport, 4 December 2018


Characteristics Mono-beneficiary projects

To prepare future EU actions in the field of sport To finance actions that cannot be funded

through the Erasmus+ Sport Chapter Transnational projects put forward by public

bodies or civil society organisations in order to identify and test suitable networks and good practices in the field of sport

Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions



"Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees" • 1.4 million EUR • 96 applications received • 24 selected projects funded - Results published on 21 November: •


"Exchanges and mobility in sport" • 1.2 million EUR • 39 applications received • 7 selected projects - Results published on 12 November •

"Promotion of European values through sport initiatives at the municipal level"

• 1 million EUR • 21 applications received • 4 selected projects – Results published on 29 November •


Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions


Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions


• "Monitoring and coaching, through sports, of youngsters at risk of radicalisation" (3 million)

• "Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees"

(2 million)

• "Exchange and mobility in sport" (1.5 million)

Calls will be available here:

Launching – approx. mid-April


European Week of Sport 2018

• The European Week of Sport promotes sport and physical activity across Europe. Launched in 2015, it takes place annually between 23-30 September

• More than 13 million people participated in over 50,000 events in 37 countries in the 2018 edition

• The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background or fitness level

• The Week inspires Europeans to #BeActive on a regular basis in everyday lives and exercise more


• 22 September – Opening Event, Vienna

• 27 September – EWoS Beyond Borders, Belgrade

• 29 September – #BeActive Night

2 - new regions (Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans) joined for the

first time EWoS

7 – new partners

12 - million participants

48 - thousands events organised across Europe

European Week of Sport – 23-30/09/2018


European Week of Sport 2019

• 19/12 – Deadline for the submission of the national plans for 2019 (ongoing evaluation)

Next steps

• May – EWoS Key stakeholders seminar – Lisbon, Portugal

• 23/06 – Launching of the communication campaign

• June - Meeting with EWoS Ambassadors

• 23/09 – Opening of the EWoS – Espoo, Finland


#BeActive Awards Gala

17 October Sofia, Bulgaria

#BeActive winners:

Education: Jyränkö School from Heinola, Finland

Workplace: Davo Communications, Belgium

Local hero: Corinna Saric, Germany

#BeActive nominees:


Tartu Call

• 15 Actions foreseen in the coming two years to promote healthy lifestyle

• Specific workshops on healthy lifestyle will be held at the next two EU Sport Forums in Spring 2018 and 2019

• Seminar on healthy lifestyle in the second semester of 2019 to assess progress made on implementing the commitments

• Enhanced cross-sectoral cooperation inside the Commission


#BeInclusive EU Sport Awards

• Aim: to highlight outstanding work and commitment in promoting social integration through sport across Europe.

• The 3 best sport projects supporting social inclusion are awarded (each project - €10,000). Preselected projects will be awarded €2,500.

• It is open to any organisation – public or private, commercial or not-for-profit – that has successfully launched this kind of project.



#BeInclusive EU Sport Awards

27 November – Brussels 111 applications received 9 nominees

3 winners

• Judo club for people with disabilities Fuji (HR)

• Fit4Life (FI) • Sport & Refugees (DE)


Studies • New Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity

• Report on developments of the transfer market

• Study on Sport Diplomacy: Identifying good practices

• Workplace physical activity programmes: Study on what works best and lessons learned

• Mapping on Access to Sport for People with Disabilities


Thank you!


Twitter: @EuSport