ERASMUS + AIR · - Alizée...

ERASMUS + AIR NET KOUROU - november 2015

Transcript of ERASMUS + AIR · - Alizée...

ERASMUS + AIR NETKOUROU - november 2015

Monday● To begin the day , we went in school at 8:30 to

take the breakfast with everyone of the project erasmus+

During the breakfast we made 8 international groups

Morning● After breakfast we started the presentations in

amphitheater .●Presentation about French Guiana

●Geometric study of climate

●Monitoring of airbone dust

●Hurricanes & tornados

●Cyclone model

●Thunderstorm & volcanic eruptions ●kites

End of morning● Then when the presentations were finished for

the Monday we went in a classroom to make some kites with Chelsia , Christine , Francheslise for the afternoon .

●We made some groups 4 or 5 people at random to make these kites

Lunch● After the creation of some kites , we went to eat

at 13h at school .

●Then at 14h we returned at home to prepare for the afternoon on the beach

Afternoon● At 15h we went at Dreyfus tower next to the

beach . Mr.Vinot and Mr.Dumas gave instructions for afternoon .

Afternoon● First , we have to watch some birds next to the

sea and take some informations about this birds , after we did a competition with the kites we made the morning

End of the journey● After the activities of the afternoon at 18h it's the

end on the day we returned at home for the next day , tuesday .

● Marius AVRIL

Montagne des singes AND

Zoo de Guyane



We had an appointment at 7 : 45 am at school for go to the « Montagne des singes » 

▪ We had 3,9km to walk.

The course was difficult for our guests

After 2 hours of course

This is the sight we had

A typical tree of French Guiana

2 pmWe arrived at

the zoo


The wood pig

The turtle

Les perruches

The activity of the zoo

While we waited the bus…

Party at Alizée Delin house

For the majority of us, we came back at 23 a.mThis Wednesday has been a moment with many exchanges.

So everybody was satisfied of the activities

Friday, November 13th

7:20 : departure to the CNES

*Speech of Mr LIROLA about the climatic datas in link with

the rocket in the amphitheatre Jupiter

*Launch of a meteorological space probe.

* Photos in front of the

rocket's model

*Visit of Ariane, Vega and Soyuz's launch pad.

* A birdhouse

* 2 railways

13:00 : Lunch

14:00 : Work at the amphitheatre

* Correction of the logbook

16:00 : Farewells to everyboby

18:00 : Penelope's party French : Slovenian: German: -Penelope - Nejc - Teresa - Anaïs - Tilen - Carolin - Titouan - Ziga - Tina - Marius - Elizabeth - Helenne Spanish: - Jule - Klein - Caterina - Francheslise - Helena English: - Elmer - Katie - Alizée Delin Spanish: - Cerys - Alizée Viraye - Alicia - Adam - Daphnée - Luis - Ynès - Rocio - Cristina - Lola

Menu : - Barbecue - Couscous - Potatoes salad - Cakes - Creps - Brioches

18:00 : Penelope's party (rest)

* Diferents decks * Football

* Draws with henna