English 11 AP

A.P. English Literature & Composition Mr. Rose Office Hours My office is located in room 335. If you need extra help, have any questions, would like tutoring on your compositions, or need to make up a quiz, come see me during my office hours, which are as follows for the 2012-13 school year: Monday-Thursday, 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. Thursday, 2:50 - 3:50 p.m. Course Overview This course has been approved by the College Board as the equivalent of a college freshman course in English Literature and/or Composition. In fact, most colleges will award credit for students who score a 4 or 5 on the AP exam. If you’re taking this course, you are expected to take the test in May. Is the test difficult? Of course. The good news is: This course is designed for you to succeed on the AP exam, and you will. LINK: For more info on the AP Test This course will not only prepare you for the AP exam; it will prepare you well for the demands of college reading and writing. More importantly, in my humble opinion, it will expose you to outstanding literature as well as hone your analytical writing and critical thinking skills. Contrary to what some may think, the study of literature is a practical pursuit that will help you develop valuable skills for college entrance exam-taking, university studies, professional work, and life in general. But it is also more than practical in that the study of literature is a way to understand and appreciate life. Literary Analysis The goals of AP English Literature and Composition are to survey certain important forms of British literature--novels, poems, plays--and to introduce you to some techniques for achieving a critical appreciation of literary art. "Critical appreciation" means having informed, intelligent reasons for liking whatever literature you like, and being able to articulate those reasons clearly, persuasively, and interestingly, especially in writing. Vital for critical appreciation is the ability to "interpret" a piece of literature, which basically means coming up with a coherent, interesting account of what a piece of imaginative literature means, what it's trying to do to or for the reader, what technical choices the author made in order to try to achieve the effects he or she wants. We will be learning how to interpret through methods of literary analysis by examining plot, character, setting, point of view, tone, theme, symbol, imagery, etc. Not coincidentally, the AP English Lit and Comp exam focuses on exactly that: literary analysis. Critical Reading In order to prepare for the level of work you will be expected to complete in AP English Literature & Composition, you are expected to read all the assigned readings in their entirety. You should not read SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, or any other “study guides” in lieu of reading these primary texts. I am not interested in what the writers of SparkNotes and CliffsNotes have to say about the literature. I want to hear what you think. Strive to analyze and interpret the literature on your own so that you will be prepared to think critically about other works you will encounter throughout the school year. You will not succeed in this course if you plan to read SparkNotes in lieu of the books.



Transcript of English 11 AP

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A.P. English Literature & Composition Mr. Rose Office Hours My office is located in room 335. If you need extra help, have any questions, would like tutoring on your compositions, or need to make up a quiz, come see me during my office hours, which are as follows for the 2012-13 school year:

Monday-Thursday, 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. Thursday, 2:50 - 3:50 p.m.

Course Overview This course has been approved by the College Board as the equivalent of a college freshman course in English Literature and/or Composition. In fact, most colleges will award credit for students who score a 4 or 5 on the AP exam. If you’re taking this course, you are expected to take the test in May. Is the test difficult? Of course. The good news is: This course is designed for you to succeed on the AP exam, and you will.

LINK: For more info on the AP Test This course will not only prepare you for the AP exam; it will prepare you well for the demands of college reading and writing. More importantly, in my humble opinion, it will expose you to outstanding literature as well as hone your analytical writing and critical thinking skills. Contrary to what some may think, the study of literature is a practical pursuit that will help you develop valuable skills for college entrance exam-taking, university studies, professional work, and life in general. But it is also more than practical in that the study of literature is a way to understand and appreciate life. Literary Analysis The goals of AP English Literature and Composition are to survey certain important forms of British literature--novels, poems, plays--and to introduce you to some techniques for achieving a critical appreciation of literary art. "Critical appreciation" means having informed, intelligent reasons for liking whatever literature you like, and being able to articulate those reasons clearly, persuasively, and interestingly, especially in writing. Vital for critical appreciation is the ability to "interpret" a piece of literature, which basically means coming up with a coherent, interesting account of what a piece of imaginative literature means, what it's trying to do to or for the reader, what technical choices the author made in order to try to achieve the effects he or she wants. We will be learning how to interpret through methods of literary analysis by examining plot, character, setting, point of view, tone, theme, symbol, imagery, etc. Not coincidentally, the AP English Lit and Comp exam focuses on exactly that: literary analysis. Critical Reading In order to prepare for the level of work you will be expected to complete in AP English Literature & Composition, you are expected to read all the assigned readings in their entirety. You should not read SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, or any other “study guides” in lieu of reading these primary texts. I am not interested in what the writers of SparkNotes and CliffsNotes have to say about the literature. I want to hear what you think. Strive to analyze and interpret the literature on your own so that you will be prepared to think critically about other works you will encounter throughout the school year. You will not succeed in this course if you plan to read SparkNotes in lieu of the books.

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LINK: Reading list for AP English Literature & Composition During this course we will explore four general eras of British Literature: Medieval, Elizabethan & Jacobean, Victorian, and Modern (20th and 21st century). The reading list is carefully chosen to explore all major forms of imaginative literature: personal narrative, novel, short story, narrative verse, drama, and poetry. Major works include:

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Wuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon

Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

(an additional novel chosen by the student from an approved A.P. list) Annotation: Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you buy your own copies of all assigned books so that you can practice “active reading.” In order to learn to read actively, you are strongly encouraged to “make a book your own” by taking full advantage of annotation – underlining, highlighting, and taking notes in the margins. Typically, you will be able to use your annotated books on in-class essas and on short essay sections of unit exams. One exception: You are required to purchase The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. Most of the required books are available in new and used copies for just a few dollars from Amazon.com Marketplace. Plan ahead and order them early. Literary Response Journal (LRJ) Throughout the year you will be completing a series of informal, in-class (and out-of-class) writing assignments that complement the reading you are doing.You are required to purchase a NON-spiral-bound composition notebook and bring it to each class -- beginning with the fifth class of the first quarter. These will be collected and graded periodically throughout each quarter, typically on the day of a unit exam. They must be neat, legible, and properly respond to the prompt. No B.S., please. Each LRJ assignment is worth 25 points. If you are completing these assignments thoughtfully, neatly, and legibly in 2-3 pages, these will be“easy points.” If you forget to bring your LRJ to class on a day you have an LRJ assignment, you will receive a Code 13 – that means the maximum number of points you can receive on that assignment is 13/25. A number of these LRJ writing assignments will serve as rough drafts of what you will develop into well-crafted essays. Formal Writing Assignments

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Writing is integral -- and very important! -- to this course. Writing assignments focus on the critical analysis of literature and include three types of essays: • expository: writing to understand • analytical: writing to explain • argumentative: writing to evaluate Although literary analysis makes up the bulk of the course, you will also have the opportunity for creative writing in the form of short stories, plays, film scripts, and/or poetry. Writing instruction includes attention to developing and organizing ideas in a clear, coherent and persuasive language -– this is called “composition,” and it includes the study of the “elements of style.” The writing that you produce in the course is designed to reinforce your reading. Since reading and writing stimulate and support one another, they are taught together. Most writing involves developing an argument using a thesis statement or presenting an analysis at length. In-class writing assignments will help you write effectively under the time constraints that you will encounter on essay exams in other high school courses and later in college courses in many different disciplines, including English. Research Papers In the first semester you will complete an independent reading project and an accompanying research paper. In the second semester you will be completing a research paper on a controversial issue in the field of biotechnology or scientific experimentation. This will fit in with our reading and study of Frankenstein and Brave New World. As a part of this unit we will be studying rhetoric – the art of argument and persuasion -- and research skills, the ability to successfully incorporate others' ideas into your own analytical writing. Grading & Evaluation You will be evaluated on preparation, participation, written assignments, projects, and exams, each with varying degrees of grade value. Each quarter’s grade will be determined by a combination of all work completed. Class Participation: You are expected to be prepared to participate in class discussions each day, typically on the assigned readings. This is an important component of this class. If you fail to participate you may lose up to three percentage points on your final quarterly grade. If you are well-prepared and regularly participate, making substantial contributions, you can raise your final grade by a couple of percentage points. Quizzes and Tests (40-100 points each): Throughout each quarter, you will be given several vocabulary tests correlated to the texts you are studying. Since most of the reading of plays and novels is completed at home, you will also receive reading quizzes. These brief assessments serve to check for comprehension and motivate you to follow the timeline provided. They will be simple and straightforward as long as you have done the reading. They also help you easily improve your grades. Unit Exams (400 points): “Unit exams” will be given at the end of each unit, novel and play we study. These normally consist of multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. A unit exam typically take the majority of an entire

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90-minute block. You will typically have two unit exams per quarter. Essays (300 points): You will only be eligible for full credit on your essays if they are turned in on the due date at the time they are collected (or before class if I allow you to submit them to me electronically). Late essays will receive a 20% deduction for each school day it is late, up to three days. Essays that are not turned in by the third day will receive a 0%. You must have your essays printed out and stapled before you come to class. If you do not, you will receive a late grade. I will not allow you to “go down to the printer.” Not ready at beginning of class period: maximum 80% credit One day late: maximum 80% credit Two days late: maximum 60% credit Three days late: no credit Example: If you turn in an essay two days late (60% max credit) and your original grade would have been a 90%, you will receive a 50% instead. Grade breakdown by assignment types: LRJ free-writing entry: 25 points each Quick Comprehension Quizzes: 45 points Vocabulary Tests: 40-100 points In-class essays: 200 points Developed out-of-class essays: 300 points Unit exams and semester exams: 400 points Research papers: 400 points Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities will be made available throughout each quarter. Attendance at certain cultural events such as a performance at the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company will also count as extra credit. I will provide info on that throughout the year. You will be required to complete a brief assignment and turn in to me your ticket. These are the plays this school year: Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare) Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare) The Importance of Being Ernest (Oscar Wilde) Richard II (Shakespeare) Dangerous Liasons (Christopher Hampton) A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare) Measure for Measure (Shakespeare) NET Moeller: Assignments and homework will be found on Net Moeller. Most of the downloads, however, are available from this website, which is organized by literary unit. Students remain responsible for any assignment given verbally in class, regardless of what Net Moeller may say.

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Plagiarism: Plagiarism will result in a “0” as your grade for any assignment. Period. Incorporating Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, MAXNotes, or any other study aid content is plagiarism and will result in a “0” and a referral to the Academic Dean for disciplinary procedure. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to “plagiarize” means · to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; and · to use another's work without crediting the source. Another important point is that as you progress in your education the standards become higher. As a high school junior (and later, in college) you are expected to have your own ideas, to read information and explain it in your own words. If you complete an assignment by copying material, you are not showing that you understand something, only that you can repeat what someone else has to say. This does not show that you understand. Absences & Make-Up Work: Excused absences from school are obviously not counted against you. Any assignment that is due on the absent day must be presented on the day you return. You are responsible for any assignment, test, or material missed during the absence (notes should be sought from classmates, and tests and quizzes must be made up outside of class, e.g, during M-Block or during my office hours). Exceptions to any of these policies may be granted at my discretion. If you have an extended absence, you should arrange with me a make-up schedule for work missed during your absence. If you have an unexcused absence, you receive no credit for any work that is due that day in my class. Class Guidelines Class Materials: Laptops must be brought to class daily but they must remain closed until it is time to use them. All necessary pens, paper, pertinent handouts, texts and your LRJ must be present. Being unprepared will lower your participation grade. You must come to each class with 1) laptop, 2) pencil, and 3) pen. If you need to "borrow" a pencil or pen from me in order to take or grade an exam or quiz, you will be docked five points! To be purchased: Folder or binder to hold handouts, Composition notebook (for Literary Response Journal), loose-leaf paper, pens (red, black, and blue) Classroom Rules and Procedures: 1. You must arrive on time, be seated, and be prepared to begin class by the bell. Four tardies per quarter will result in a detention slip. You will not be given extra time to take quizes, tests, or exams that are distributed at the beginning of class. 2. You should come to class with a positive attitude and be prepared to participate in class discussions. You should not come to class with outlandish sports equipment! Example: If you arrive with a baseball

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bat, lacrosse stick, shoulder pads, football helmet, etc. you will be asked to leave with your equipment and return without it -- and you'll receive a tardy. 3. Laptops should remain closed unless or until you are instructed otherwise. If your laptop is open when the bell rings you will be considered tardy and will not be given any class materials (e.g., test, exam, etc.). Continued problem with this will result in a detention slip, blue slip, or other appropriate disciplinary measures. 4. No food or drink or candy is permitted in the classroom. Water in bottles during hot weather is the only exception. 5. Cell phones and MP3 players may not be used or on your desk during class. Keep them off and out of sight (in book bag or pocket). If I see them or hear them, you will receive a detention slip. 6. You may not use your laptop for any purpose other than the assigned task at hand. That means no gaming, no emailing, and no completing homework for other courses. I will not be playing cop, but anyone not abiding by this simple rule will be given either a school detention, an "off-task" in-lieu detention (note: you do NOT want one of these!), or both. 7. You must remain in your seat during class unless you have permission from me to be up and moving around. Contributions to class discussion are always encouraged but you must raise your hand and be recognized before speaking. 8. Unruly, rude, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom. In-lieu detentions or blue slips may result. All other handbook policies, including dress code and other pertinent policies of behavior, etc. will be enforced. Infractions will result in detention or other disciplinary measures. My Great Expectations Since this is an Advanced Placement course, I have high standards for all written work you turn in. You should re-read this course syllabus carefully, especially the "Classroom Rules and Procedures." This syllabus is not for show; I do mean it, and I will enforce it. If you want to improve your writing and are willing to put in extra time and effort into it, you'll find much success in this class. Do not plan on whipping off papers the night before they're due, running them quickly through the spell-checker, and handing them in full of sentences that make little sense. I draw no distinction between the quality of one's ideas and the quality of the verbal expression of those ideas. You'll be graded on both. Amen.