Engage 2013 - Measuring SharePoint

If you can’t measure SharePoint, you can’t improve SharePoint Christian Buckley, Axceler Paul Lawbaugh, Webtrends



Transcript of Engage 2013 - Measuring SharePoint

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If you can’t measure SharePoint, you can’t improve SharePoint

Christian Buckley, Axceler Paul Lawbaugh, Webtrends

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About Christian Christian Buckley, Director of Product Evangelism at Axceler •  Microsoft MVP for SharePoint Server

•  Prior to Axceler, worked for Microsoft, part of the Microsoft Managed Services team (now Office365-Dedicated) and worked as a consultant in the areas of software, supply chain, grid technology, and collaboration

•  Co-founded and sold a software company to Rational Software. At E2open, helped design, build, and deploy a SharePoint-like collaboration platform (Collaboration Manager), onboarding numerous high-tech manufacturing companies, including Hitachi, Matsushita, Cisco, and Seagate

•  Co-authored ‘Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Creating and Implementing Real-World Projects’ link (MS Press, March 2012) and 3 books on software configuration management.

•  Twitter: @buckleyplanet Blog: buckleyplanet.com Email: [email protected]

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About Axceler Improving Collaboration since 2007 Mission: To enable enterprises to simplify, optimize, and secure their collaborative platforms

–  Delivered award-winning administration and migration software since 1994, for SharePoint since 2007

–  Over 2,000 global customers

Dramatically improve the management of SharePoint

–  Innovative products that improve security, scalability, reliability, “deployability”

–  Making IT more effective and efficient and lower the total cost of ownership

Focus on solving specific SharePoint problems (Administration & Migration)

–  Coach enterprises on SharePoint best practices –  Give administrators the most innovative tools available –  Anticipate customers’ needs –  Deliver best of breed offerings –  Stay in lock step with SharePoint development and market trends

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About Paul Paul  Lawbaugh,    Sr.  Program  Manager,  Engineering    •  14  Years  at  Webtrends  -­‐  Pro  Services,  Product  Management  and  Engineering  

•  Partners/Integra>ons:  Designed  SharePoint,  SAP  solu>ons,  Ac>on  Center  &  Email  Integra>ons  

•  Mobile:  Designed  Webtrends  Mobile  SDKs  and  Hybrid  SDKs  

•  APIs:  Designed  Webtrends  RESTful  APIs    

Twitter : @portland_friend Email : [email protected]

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A Complete SharePoint Measurement Solution

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Problems with Enterprise Collaboration

•  Adoption •  Business process alignment •  ROI

Adoption + Alignment + ROI = Productivity

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Why focus on Productivity?

•  To simplify the interface into SharePoint

•  To better align end user activities with the needs of the business

•  To better streamline business processes

•  To get more out of SharePoint

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The result?

•  Faster employee on-boarding and training

•  More business output

•  More usage of the platform

•  Faster realization of the financial investments you’ve made in SharePoint

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Why are We Here Today

Productivity Improvements in SharePoint 2013

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My Tasks

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Content Aggregation

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Activity Feeds

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Personalized Data

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Improved Sharing

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Why are We Here Today

Measuring Productivity

•  SharePoint reporting is broad, with available data spread across site, site collection, and farm-level roles and requirements.

•  For Administrators, timely and accurate reporting can help maintain governance rules and compliance policies, and to help monitor productivity and scalability of the platform.

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Reporting Areas SharePoint administration reporting can be separated into 5 categories:

Permissions •  Troubleshooting why users cannot see the content they should •  Reporting for different types of compliance •  Auditing who has access to sensitive content

Usage/Activity •  Finding what content is, or is not, being used •  Planning for future growth •  Understanding hardware requirements

Storage •  Monitoring growth for performance reasons •  Understanding hardware requirements •  Reorganizing taxonomy based on Storage needs

Audit •  Needing to show who accessed what and when, to adhere to internal or external

compliance requirements Performance

•  Monitoring page load times to uncover problems •  Planning for increased usage

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Permissions •  Permissions reporting is critical to your business for a number

of reasons, such as –  Auditing –  Maintaining accurate user access records –  Troubleshooting functionality problems that most commonly stem from end

users trying to perform a task without having the correct permissions.

•  Missing from SharePoint is the ability to perform centralized management and reporting of all permissions

•  Gathering the data you need is time consuming, as it is mostly available only at the site level, which makes real-time reporting impossible.

•  While functionality in SP2010 has been greatly improved, unfortunately the reporting is still not very robust. Administrators need farm-wide visibility.

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Usage / Activity •  Usage and activity reporting is a key tracking mechanism

for capacity planning, disaster recovery planning, and to help the Administrator better prioritize and manage their environment on a day-to-day basis.

•  Activity reports are a great resource for monitoring and measuring user adoption, ensuring the business is getting the most out of their investment.

•  Most SharePoint data is at the site level, and is not aggregated.

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Storage •  Analyzing storage is extremely important for capacity planning,

and for understanding the growth and performance requirements of each team within your organization.

•  The best practice of monitoring and setting limits on the size of SharePoint sites should be an important part of your governance policies.

•  The next step to setting these governance policies is tracking usage and ensuring end users have the storage they require to meet their business needs.

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Audits •  Audit reporting has become an essential

area of focus for many SharePoint administrators as the platform becomes more widely adopted and business critical.

•  As part of this expansion, there is the need for stronger governance, which is maintained through both technology and procedural best practices.

•  As SharePoint grows within an organization, and as more secure content is housed in SharePoint, auditing can provide administrators with the tools needed to manage the major events and changes happening inside of the environment.

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Performance •  Most SharePoint performance reporting comes from outside of the

platform, either through customer scripts and reporting against the farm, or through third-party monitoring and performance tools.

•  Most performance reporting is owned by operations, not the SharePoint Administrator / End User community, however Microsoft and members of the SharePoint partner ecosystem are constantly adding toolkits and solutions to help with this gap.

•  Central Administration now has a whole section for monitoring, which includes Health Analyzer, timer jobs, and detailed reporting.

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Measuring Productivity is Hard •  Everyone  focuses  on  how  to  help  the  customer. •  But  at  the  end  of  the  day,  if  you  don't  understand  what  the  customers  wants/needs  (and  capture  the  right  data  to  measure  their  sa>sfac>on)  you  will  not  be  successful.  

•  It’s  the  same  for  your  end  users.      

•  The  lesson?    – Understand  what  they  want  and  need  –  Track  the  metrics,  and    –  Con>nually  op8mize  the  system  (thank  you  Mr.  Deming)

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Why are We Here Today

(awkward transition slide)

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Webtrends for SharePoint •  A Microsoft Preferred Solution:

»  Analytics, Segmentation, Testing & Optimization

»  Quick time to value »  Compatible with any SharePoint initiative »  Extensibility beyond SharePoint »  Developed by Webtrends in cooperation

with Microsoft for optimum interoperability

"Webtrends has built an integrated analytics and optimization solution for our growing SharePoint community to help our customers get the most from SharePoint 2010,“ "Many SharePoint customers worldwide are Webtrends customers. We expect that this alliance will help drive business results for SharePoint 2010 customers across the globe.”

Jared Spataro

WW Director of SharePoint Product Marketing, Microsoft


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Multi-Channel Measurement in Webtrends

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Webtrends for SharePoint Activation


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SharePoint Intranet Reporting •  Standard Insights –  Pages –  Visits & Sessions –  Content –  Onsite search

•  SharePoint-specific Insights

–  Web Parts –  Breadcrumbs –  User Reporting –  Onsite Search –  Document Actions –  Announcements & Promos

•  Extensible to Social Actions

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What’s New in v3 •  Heatmaps •  Support for Community Sites •  Enhanced Support Office 365 •  List Tracking

–  Reply to List Item –  View List Item –  Edit List Item –  New List Item

•  More Details on Users: –  Department –  Title –  Office –  Manager –  Domain –  Location

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Top 5 Take-Aways •  If you don’t measure SharePoint, you can’t

improve SharePoint •  Measure SharePoint from the inside-out and

the outside-in •  Focus on adoption and engagement – people

matter •  Webtrends is a Microsoft-preferred solution •  Axceler is a great partner – check out their

kiosk to learn more

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Sessions You Must See •  Today @ 3:10m : Leveraging Mobile to Extend

the Social Enterprise –  Webtrends + Slalom Consulting

•  Wed @ 10:10 am: Driving Adotion of Collaboration Initiatives –  NewsGator + Webtrends

•  Wed @ 2:50 pm: Designing a Measurement Framework for the Social Enterprise –  Susan Ettlinger – Altimeter

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Rate Session

& Speakers/ Panelists

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Contact Us *  Christian Buckley

[email protected] +1 425-246-2823 @buckleyPLANET www.buckleyPLANET.com and http://info.axceler.com

*  Paul Lawbaugh [email protected] @portland_friend www.webtrends.com

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