Enconcept E-Academy Presents€¦ · •2 • My Dearest Students พี่แนนขอเป...

Enconcept E-Academy Presents ติวสอบภาษาอังกฤษ โครงการ ทบทวนความรูสูมหาวิทยาลัย กับ มามาปที12 By ครูพี่แนน

Transcript of Enconcept E-Academy Presents€¦ · •2 • My Dearest Students พี่แนนขอเป...

Page 1: Enconcept E-Academy Presents€¦ · •2 • My Dearest Students พี่แนนขอเป นตัวแทนท ีม Edutainer แห งบ าน Enconcept E-Academy

Enconcept E-Academy



โครงการ “ทบทวนความรสมหาวทยาลย

กบ มามา” ปท 12



Page 2: Enconcept E-Academy Presents€¦ · •2 • My Dearest Students พี่แนนขอเป นตัวแทนท ีม Edutainer แห งบ าน Enconcept E-Academy

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My Dearest Students

พแนนขอเปนตวแทนทม Edutainer แหงบาน Enconcept E-Academy กลาวทกทายนองๆ คน

เกงทพกฉนทะ วรยะ และความอตสาหะ ซงเปนธรรมะของผรกความสาเรจมาเรยนรประสบการณใหมๆ

ดวยกน เพอเดนกาวผานชวตมธยมเขาสรวมหาวทยาลยอยางมนใจและมความสข

พแนนเปนครมาหลายป ไดรบฟงความวตกกงวลใจของนกเรยนรนแลวรนเลาทมตอการสอบ

Entrance, Admission หรอ GAT–PAT ไมวาจะมาในรปไหน เรยกวาอยางไรลวนสรางความนาสะพรงกลวให

กบเดกๆ ทงนน วนนพแนนกเลยนาคาถาดมาฝากทองกนใหแมนมนนะคะ นนกคอ “อด ถก ควาย” พแนน

ไมไดพดเลนนะ คาถานทาเดก Enconcept ประสบความสาเรจมานกตอนก เรามาไขรหสลบของคาถานกน

นองๆ อาจจะคดวาใครเคากวาโงเหมอนควายพจะใหหนเปนควายทาไม แตจากการศกษา

ชวประวตควายไทยแลวจะพบวา ควายไมไดโงเลยนะคะ แตควายมความขยนอดทน รบผดชอบตอการงาน

(ยงไมเคยปรากฏขาวควายหยดงานประทวง) และทสาคญควายออนโยน มสมมาคาราวะ และรกเจาของ

แลวนกเรยนของพแนนละ เวลาอานหนงสอเคยบนวาเหนอย ไมอยากอานตอแลวบางหรอเปลา

เวลาทพแนนพราบอกวากลบบานทาแบบฝกหด หนเคยดอไมยอมทาบางหรอเปลา ทสาคญทสดเวลาท

เจาของผมพระคณทสดกบหนคอคณพอคณแมอบรมเลยงด และตกเตอนเราใหตงใจเรยนเพออนาคต

ของเรา หนเคยสะบดหนางามๆ ทพอแมใหมาใสทานหรอเปลา หนเคยเอารมฝปากบาง รปกระจบเถยง

ทานหรอไม ลองคดด เราจะเปนควายนอยนารก หรอจะเปนเดกทนสยไมเอาไหน It’s Your Choice!

ถานองๆ เลอกทจะ “อด ถก ควาย” แลวละก พแนนกไมปลอยใหนองๆ ตอสไปตามยถากรรม

เพยงลาพงหรอกนะคะ ทแหงนนอกจากพแนนและทม Edutainer ทกคนทจะเตรยม เทคนคการตอส

ขอสอบทกรปแบบไมวาจะเปน Memolody, Tree Tactic หรอ Strategic Structure พวกเราทกคนยนดท

จะเปนสวนหนงของความสาเรจของนองๆ ขอใหจาไววา You never walk alone.

รกและหวงใยนองๆ เสมอ


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One doesn’t belong (Odd one out)

ขอสอบแบบนใหเราเลอกตวทตางจากพวก นองๆ Enconcept คงคนเคยกนดอยแลว และอยางทรกนวา

สวนใหญสามตวจะเปน Synonym กนแลวกมตวแปลกหนงตว แตนานๆ ครงจะมเปน Synonym กนหมด

แตเปนคนละ Part of speech กน เพราะฉะนน Memolody และกลอนคาศพทจะชวยนองไดมากๆ

e.g. 1. a. complete b. through c. inclusive d. comprehensive

e.g. 2. a. absurd b. practical c. possible d. feasible


ขอสอบแบบน ถาไมเคยเจอมากอน บอกไดคาเดยววา งงเปนไกตาแตกแนนอนวามนคอบาอะไร ซง

นอกจากรปแบบคาถามคาตอบจะชวนงงแลว คาศพทกสดจะไฮโซ แปลไมออกซกตวอกตางหาก

เพราะฉะนนเรามาเรยนรกนหนอยดกวาวา Analogy คออะไร

Analogy เปนการวดคาศพท และตรรกะในการมองหาความสมพนธ (Relation) ของคาสองคา นองๆ

ตองลองทาด จงจะเขาใจวามนคออะไร

e.g. 1) pretense : reality ::

a. hurt : torture b. contract : promise

c. honesty : morality d. ignorance : knowledge

e.g. 2) cellulose : wall

a. mood : manner b. curtain : furniture

c. attic : building d. wheat : cereals

Error Identification

ขอสอบแนวนกเปนขอสอบวด grammar และ structure แบบเดมๆ แตความโหดมนเพมขนไมนอย

เหมอนกน (สวนใหญเจอปญหาแปลศพทไมออก) แลวกมาแนวเดยวกบ conversation คอใหขอแรกเปน

ขอตดกาลงใจ อานๆ ไปเหมอนไมมผด แตเรามแอบบอกกนนดนงวา ถาอานแลวหาขอผดไมเจอจรงๆ ให


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e.g. 1. The minutes of (1) last month's meeting (2) will deliver to all

(3) the board members (4) for approval before the next meeting.

e.g. 2. It is important (1) for understanding that people are not weak or (2) old-fashioned (3) if

they experience dissatisfaction (4) caused by change.


No matter where you live or when you were born, you almost surely have at least a small amount of

DDT stored in the fatty tissues of your body. Why? This notorious toxic pesticide, which led to the

extinction of the American bald eagle in 1970s, has long been banned in the L.S. and most other

developed countries. But according to a new report by the World Wildlife Fund in Washington,

DDT is still used in many developing nations, mainly because it's so effective in controlling

mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite. The persistence of DDT is a problem-and not just in the

countries that use it. DDT and several other common chlorine-containing pesticides are sturdy

molecules that can stay intact for decades. They evaporate into the atmosphere and are blown by

the wind all over the globe. They condense and fall to the ground in cold weather, especially in

higher altitudes. Some of the highest concentrations of DDT are found in polar bears, penguins

and the Inuit people of northern Canada. Although levels of DDT contamination are gradually

falling in countries where the pesticide has been banned, new scientific research suggests that the

chemicals are still a serious threat everywhere.

Studies show that even small amounts of pesticides can disrupt the working of human

hormones, interfering with reproduction and the functioning of the immune system. That’s why

representatives of more than 100 nations gathered at a U.N. meeting in Nairobi to work toward

a global treaty that would phase out DDT and 11 other pesticides, known as the “dirty

dozen.” Environmentalists say it's possible to find alternative way to tight malaria---and get rid

of DDT once and for all.

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51. What is the writer’s tone of the text?

a. manipulative b. obstructive

c. uncooperative d. argumentative

52. Which of the following would be the best title for this text?

a. DDT is still around-and still a menace

b. Where there is DDT, there is no malaria

c. Get rid of DDT in order to save wildlife

d. DDT contamination is a trivial threat everywhere

53. Which of the following does the writer conclude at the end?

a. DDT is the most effective chemical in controlling mosquitoes that carry the malaria


b. A small amount of pesticides can disrupt the working of both human hormone and

immune system.

c. The molecules of DDT and several other common chlorine-containing pesticides

cannot be damaged for many years.

d. A global treaty that would phase out DDT and 11 other notorious toxic pesticides

should be enacted very soon.

54. Why does the writer refer to the new scientific research?

a. to state the impact linked to DDT and other pesticides

b. to illustrate the serious threats caused by DDT and other pesticides

c. to show the amounts of DDT and other pesticides involved with human hormones

d. to explain the effectiveness of DIRT and other pesticides in controlling mosquitoes

55. What is the writer primarily concerned with?

a. Controlling the use of DDT that has not yet been successful for long

b. Encouraging the readers to realize how significant DDT is

c. Giving, examples of the hazardous effects of DDT on human health, wildlife, and plants

d. Discussing the persistence and effects of DDT and several other pesticides found

all over the globe

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Memolody in Exam

รกเธอทสด ตงแตวนทฉนเจอเธอ กรกเธอจนปจจบนน

คดถงเธอหวงใยทกนาท ไมเคยมทใจจะหางกน

ทก ๆ คนใจเธอมเพยงฉน ทก ๆ วนจะมแตเธอคนน

*รกใหเธอทงหมด ฉนรกเธอทสด utter, absolute, entire, altogether complete, comprehensive, downright, definite

ฉนรกเธอทสด total, whole, thorough

ตงแตวนทฉนบอกเธอ วารกเธอมากมายขนาดไหน

ไมลดลงเพมเตมดวยซาไป ถงยงไงจะมแคเพยงเธอ

ทกวนคนมเธอและมฉน ทกคนวนไมเคยจะนอยลงสกท (*,*,*) 

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Business and Economy

Bail a company out ชวยเหลอบรษททประสบปญหาทางการเงน

Bail-out (n) การใหความชวยเหลอทางการเงน (กบบรษททมปญหาทางการเงน)

Bail out (v) จายเงนหรอชวยเหลอใหพนจากปญหา

Bailout (n) สถานการณทธรกจ บคคลสวนตว หรอ รฐบาลใหเงนชวยเหลอแก

ธรกจทลมเหลว เพอทจะปองกนผลลพธทจะตามมาจากความ

หายนะของธรกจ การชวยเหลอมหลายรปแบบ เชน สนเชอ

พนธบตร หน หรอ เงนสด ในเงอนไขทจะคนหรอไมกตาม

ดาวเดน ยามไดเหนดวงหนา ชางงามจบตาพาใหฉน

ละเมอถงเธอทกวน โอแมจอมขวญฉนหวงเชยชม

ยงพศยงคดฝนใฝ ตองทาสงใดจงไดสม

รวมเรยงคเคยงภรมย ชนจตเกลยวกลมดงใจ

ตวเจาดงดาวเดน Dominant, Prominent, Flamboyant

เฉดโฉมเจา Eminent, Remarkable, Notable

พศวงพกตรใกล ๆ ฉนยงคลงไคลลมหลง

ถงตอนละครจบลง ปดโทรทศนปลงถอนใจ

เดนดงสาคญยง Striking, Distinguished

Distinctive, Stunning, Outstanding เปนเชนดาว

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Loan/ credit/ trust สนเชอ Loan (n) การใหยม, เงนก

(v) ใหยม, ใหก = lend Loaner เจาหน Loan shark ผปลอยกโดยคดดอกเบยสงมาก L/C = Letter of credit เอกสารสนเชอ Float (someone) a loan/ loan to ใหกยม Term ขอสญญา, วาระ, ระยะเวลา, สมย Bond พนธบตร, ใบหนก, ใบกยม Shorts พนธบตรระยะสน Tax-exempt พนธบตรทไมตองเสยภาษ Bondholder ผมพนธบตรหรอใบหนก Treasury bill/ treasury certificate/ government bond/ government paper พนธบตรรฐบาล Security หลกทรพย, หลกทรพยคาประกน, หน, พนธบตร Syn. bond, deposit, stocks and shares Asian Bond Fund กองทนพนธบตรเอเชย Fund (n) ทน, กองทน, เงนทน

(v) จดหาเงนทนให, จดหาเงนไวใชหน Liquidity (n) สภาพคลอง, สภาพทเปนของเหลว Liquidity trap (n) กบดกสภาพคลอง Stimulus (n) สงเรา, ตวกระตน Syn. encouragement, incentive, inducement Bankroll (v) เสนอเงนใหแก (n) แหลงของเงน, เงนทน, เงนทอยในครอบครอง Bottom line (n) สวนสาคญ, ประเดนสาคญ,ผลรวม, ยอดรวม Balance sheet บญชงบดล, ใบรายการรายรบรายจาย Shrink (v) หดตว, เลกลง Syn. contract, shorten Ant. expand, grow

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Shrink/ shrinkage (n) การหดตว

Syn. contraction, compression, condensation

Multilateral (adj) พหภาค, ซงมหลายฝาย

Bilateral (adj) ทวภาค, ทงสองดาน, ทงค, เกยวกบสองฝาย

Projection (n) การวางแผน, การวางโครงการ, การคาดคะเน

Syn. guess, prognostication

Outlook (n) อนาคตทคาดหวงไว

Syn. expectation, prospect


Syn. attitude, perspective

Scenario โครงการ, แผนการ/ บทภาพยนตร

Syn. plan/ plot, outline, script

Economic crisis วกฤตการณทางเศรษฐกจ

Recession (n) การตกตาทางเศรษฐกจ, ภาวะถดถอย

Downturn (n) แนวโนมทตกตาลง

Slowdown ภาวะชะลอตว

Slow down/ decelerate ชะลอตว

Impoverish/ poverty/ beggary/ indigence/ destitution/ pennilessness/ pauperism

ความยากจน, ความแรนแคน

Paucity/ lack/ scantiness/ meagerness ความขดสน, ความขาดแคลน

Ammunition (n) วธการโตตอบ, กระสน, อาวธยทธภณฑ

Onslaught (n) การโจมต, การจโจม

Syn. attack, assault

Glut ปรมาณมากเกนความตองการ, จานวนเหลอเฟอ

Syn. overabundance, overflow

Plummet ตกฮวบลง

Syn. fall, plunge

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Mount เพมขน, พอกพน

Syn. increase, rise, ascend

Ant. decrease, reduce

Exacerbate ทาใหแยลง, ทาใหทรดหนก

Syn. aggravate, worsen

Stabilize ทาใหมนคง, ทาใหมเสถยรภาพ

Destabilize ทาใหไมมนคง, ทาใหไมประสบความสาเรจ


Prerequisite(n)/ (adj) สงทตองมหรอทากอน/ ทตองมกอน

Requisite (n)/(adj) สงจาเปน, ปจจย/ จาเปน, สาคญ, เปนหวใจ

Break even ไมเสยดลย, ไมไดไมเสย, คมทน

Break even point จดคมทน

Payoff/ payday/ salary การจายเงนเดอน

บคคลในวงการธรกจ Bigwig (n) ผนา, บคคลสาคญ

Big cheese/ gun/ wheel ผนา, บคคลสาคญ

Captain of industry ผบรหารระดบสงของบรษท

Boys in the backroom กลมผมอานาจตดสนใจเบองหลงเหตการณตางๆ

Bean counter นกบญช

A number cruncher นกบญช หรอผททางานเกยวกบตวเลข

Company man คนททางานหนกและเหนดวยกบเจานายหรอบรษทเสมอ Idiom ทนาสนใจ Bang for the buck คมคาคมราคา

Come down in price ลดราคา

Knock down the price of something ลดราคา

Bottom falls/drops out of (something) ภาวะธรกจลมเหลว และราคาตกตาอยางไมเคยเกดขนมากอน

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Budget crunch/ squeeze สถานการณทมเงนไมเพยงพอกบงบประมาณทตงไว

Bottom out ตกตาถงขดสด

Go belly up ออกจากธรกจเพราะปญหาทางการเงน

Bounce a check จายเชคเดง

Saddled with debt หนสนลนพนตว

Red ink หน

Have a stake in (something) มหนหรอเปนเจาของรวมในกจการ

Buy a stake in (something) เขาซอหนของกจการ Note: In the black คอ ทมกาไร, ประสบความสาเรจแตถา In the red หมายถง ทไมทากาไร, ทขาดทน

สวน In black and white นนแปลวา ทเปนลายลกษณอกษรจะ

Jack up the price of (something) แปลวาขนราคา สวนลดราคาคอ Come down in price

Environment, Technology and Science

Environmental impact assessment /EIA การวเคราะหผลกระทบสงแวดลอม

Extremist พวกหวรนแรง

Negotiation/ bargaining/ conciliation การเจรจาตอรอง

Conclave การประชมลบ

Convene ชมนมกน, รวมตวกน

Syn. meet, assemble

Attainable ถงได, บรรลได, สาเรจได

Upstream steel เหลกตนนา

Upstream ทวนนา, ตนนา

Downstream ตามนา, ตามกระแสนา

Mainstream แนวโนมทสาคญ, ทางหลก, แมนาทมสาขา

Mercury/ quicksilver ปรอท, สารปรอท

Ore แร, สนแร

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Landmass/ continent ทวป, ผนดนขนาดใหญ

Subcontinent ทวปยอย

Permafrost ดนซงแขง (frozen) ตลอดป

Propagate ทาใหแพรพนธ, เผยแพร, แพรขาว

Runoff ของเหลวทไหลออกมา

Syn. drainage, surplus

Emission การปลอยพลงงาน, การแผรงส

Syn. radiation

Syn. discharge, effusion, ejection การปลอยออกมา

Disposal กระบวนการกาจดสงของ

Syn. dumping, elimination, riddance

Sediment ตะกอน, สารตกตะกอน

Syn. grounds, settlings, deposit

Accelerate เรงความเรว, เพมขน, เรงใหเกดขน

Creep คลาน/ คอยๆ เพมขนอยางไมทนสงเกต

Creep in/ into คอยๆ คบคลานเขามา/ คอยๆ เกดขน

Amalgam การรวมกน, การผสม

Syn. mixture, blend

Amalgamate with รวมกน, ผสมกน

Syn. combine with, merge together, merge with

Havoc ความหายนะ

Syn. Destruction, devastation

Dire เลวรายมาก, แยมาก, นากลวมาก

Syn. dreadful, baneful, evil

Unequivocal ชดเจน, แจมแจง

Syn. clear, absolute, certain, definite, incontrovertible, indubitable

Deem (คาเปนทางการ) คดวา, เขาใจวา, เชอวา

Syn. believe, regard, think, consider, judge, hold

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Trigger ตวนา, การชกนา, ไกปน กระตน, เราใจ, จดชนวน Tackle จดการแกปญหา, รบมอ Syn. deal with, undertake Embrace นามาใช Syn. adopt รวบรวมเขามาใหเปนสวนหนง Syn. comprise, contain, include Solution วธการ, คาอธบาย, คาตอบ Syn. explication, resolution, clarification สารละลาย Syn. suspension, solvent Application โปรแกรมคอมพวเตอร การประยกตใช, การใช Syn. use, utilization, employment ความสมพนธ, ความเกยวของ Syn. relevance, applicability, relationship Application software ซอฟทแวรประยกต Application program โปรแกรมประยกต Proprietary ซงมเจาของ, ซงจดทะเบยน, ซงมกรรมสทธ Proprietary/ proprietor เจาของ Copyright ลขสทธ Copy protection การปองกนการคดลอก(ของโปรแกรมคอมพวเตอร) Freeware ซอฟทแวรทเปดใหใชฟรแมมลขสทธ Piracy 1) การกระทาทเปนโจรสลด,การปลนความคด 2) การละเมดลขสทธ หรอสทธบตรของผอน Integrate ผสมผสาน รวมเขาดวยกน Syn. combine, incorporate, join Integrate into รวมกนเปน, ผสมผสานกนเปน Integrate with รวมกนกบ, ผสมผสานกบ

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Integrated/ composite (adj) รวมตวกน, ประสานกน

Integrated software ซอฟทแวรสาเรจรปทประกอบดวยชดคาสงเบดเสรจทางานได


Viral ซงเกยวกบไวรส, ซงเกดจากไวรส

Antiviral (adj)/(n) ซงตานเชอไวรส/ ยาตานเชอวส

Phoney ปลอม, เก

Phishing/ fishing/ fishing email การหลอกลวงทางอนเตอรเนต, การสงขอความทนาเชอถอเพอ

หลอกลวงเอาขอมลสวนตว เชน บตรเครดต ฯลฯ

Phisherman ผทหลอกลวงทางอนเตอรเนต

Crook คนทจรต, คนหลอกลวง

Slang: (v) ขโมย = steal

Subscriber ผบอกรบเปนสมาชกสงพมพ, ผลงนามขางทาย

Scheme แผนผง, แผนการ, รายการ

Syn. design, plot, project

Scheme for วางแผนลวงเพอ

Schemer ผวางแผนการ

Scam เลหอบาย, แผนการราย

Blithering คนโง

Blithe แชมชน, อสระเสร, รนเรง

Skepticism ความสงสย, ความกงขา

Syn. doubtfulness, dubiousness

Offhanded/ offhand/ off-the-cuff ไมไดตระเตรยมมากอน,ทนททนใด

Lame ไมไดเรอง, ใชไมได/ พการ

Lame duck (คนหรอสงของ) ทไรประโยชน

Ironclad ซงไมยดหยน, แขงแกรง, หมเกราะ

Misdirection/ misrepresentation การนาทางผด

Distraction สงททาใหไขวเขว, เครองลอใจ, ภาวะจตวาวน

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♥ Chic Idioms from Technology & Science ♥ Light years ahead (การพฒนา หรอความสาเรจ ฯลฯ) นาหนาไปหลายปแสง

On the same wavelength พดจาภาษาเดยวกน คดเหนไปในทางเดยวกน

To be not rocket science (นยมใชในรปปฏเสธ) ไมยงยากซบซอนทจะเขาใจ

Silver Surfer ใชเรยกผสงอายทเขาไปทองอนเตอรเนต (พเวยง เปนตน)

Sputnik moment มทมาจากยคสงครามเยนระหวางโซเวยตและอเมรกา เมอโซเวยตสงยาน Sputnik I

ขนสอวกาศเพอเอาชนะอเมรกา sputnik moment จงเปนชวงเวลาทคนตระหนกวากาลงถกทาทายและ


To be all-singing, all dancing ใชบรรยายสงทออกมาใหมลาสด และเปนเวอรชนทม feature ใหมๆ


Bells and whistles คอ feature ทนาสนใจหรอหวอหวาของโปรแกรมคอมพวเตอร แตมกจะไมคอย


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English Conversation for Admission Exams


Good morning Good afternoon Good evening How are you? How’s life? How’s it going? Hi / Hello How nice to see you What a pleasant surprise How are things (going)? What’s going on? How are you doing? How’s everything (with you)? What’s up? (It’s) nice to meet you

How are you getting on? What’s new? Howdy? Alright mate! What’s happening? Meeting people after a long time How’ve you been? Fancy meeting you! How are things? Long time no see! How is everything? We haven’t seen much of you lately.

How nice to see you again. You’re quite a stranger! (I’m) fine, thanks. And you? very well, thank you. not too bad. O.K. / all right. so - so. so far so good. First meeting How do you do?

Tips: Love Love Idiom นอกจาก I’m im llove wiith you แลวนองๆ รจกคาพดหวานๆ แบบนบางมย You are aple of my eye. You made my day I’m on the clloud niine today. I need some T.L.C. Love iis bllind. Cupiid shot hiis arrow at me

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2. Conversation Openers

Politely Interrupting Pardon me Excuse me Sorry Pardon me for interrupting, but…… May I interrupt for a moment? Interrupting on the phone Am I interrupting? Can you spare a minute? Do you have a minute? Are you free to talk? Can you give me some advice? Interrupting Monologues Excuse me for interrupting, but ….. Sorry, but … In any case I might add here Anyway May I ask a question? I would like to comment on that. May I say something here? May I add something? I’d like to say something. To return to … To get back to … Where was I?

Going back to … Interrupting to Add a Point Hold it. Wait a minute. Pardon me, but… I mught add that … I have a point here. I have a question, I’d like to say something here. May I add that … Excuse me for interrupting, but .., May I make a comment on that? Question Openers I’d like to know …. I’m interested in …. Could you tell me… Do you know… Could you find out …. Could I ask…. Do you happen to know….. Casual Interrupting Well look You see Listen Now Now really Of course Look it You know

Digression Openers (Moving off topic) Speaking of Speaking about That reminds me Before I forget By the way I just thought of something Steering the conversation Anyway Let’s get back to In any case To return to To get back to What was I talking about Returning to the topic To get back to Let’s get back to Returning to Going back to Could we get back to Tips: ยงยง I’m tied up at the moment. I don’t have time to breathe. I don’t have time to scratch my ass.

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3. Awkward & Embarrassment Questions

Asking Awkward & Embarrassing Question I hope you don’t mind me asking this...?

I’m sorry to have to ask this.

I hope you won’t take this the wrong way...?

I don’t like asking this...?

Perhaps I shouldn’t really ask this, ...?

I know It’s none of my business really, ...?

You don’t have to answer this if you don’t

want to...?

How to Refuse to Answer I’d rather not answer that, if you don’t mind.

I’m sorry, but I don’t really think that’s any of

your business.

You don’t really expect me to answer that, do


I’m not sure I really want to answer that.

What on earth do you mean?

What are you talking about?

I don’t follow you. I’m afraid.

I think it’s personal.

4. Non – Comprehension

I beg your pardon? (I’m afraid)

Pardon me?


What did you say?

What on earth do you mean?

What does “...” mean?

What is the meaning of “.....”?

I didn’t hear what you said.

get that

follow you.

I’m lost.

Can speak louder / more slowly?

Could you repeat that / say that again?

Again please!

What is.......?

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5. Opinion Openers

Eliciting opinion Do you like...? What do you think of / about...? What is your opinion on....? What is your opinion on...? How do you find...? A Simple Guess I think Is it? I’d say Could it be I guess Perhaps it’s An Educated Guess I suspect It looks as if I assume I take it that It looks like A Conviction I strongly believe I believe I honestly feel I’m positive Without a doubt Undoubtedly I’m convinced A Personal Viewpoint Not everyone will agree with me, but To my mind In my estimation In my opinion Personally, I believe I personally think I personally believe

I personally feel - Personal evaluation of case As I see it I understand this to be It appears to me As far as I can tell - Public Relation As I understand it To the best of my knowledge As far as I know My understanding is Personal Circumstances (how something affect you) In my case What I’m concerned with is Personally, I am more interested in For my own part If I had my own way Confidential Information (Gossip) Just between the two of us. Keep this conversation between you and me. Don’t tell anybody! Promise you won’t tell. Don’t say I told you. If I told you something, do you promise not to tell?

This is off the record. I’ve heard They say Just between you and me Rumor has it I hear from the grapevine I hear they say This shouldn’t be passed around, but I wouldn’t let this get out, but Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll keep this to myself. Tips: Gossip I’m going to fix/set you up. His girlfriend pulls him around by the ring in his nose. He’s a pussy – whipped It’s a real shot-gun wedding. They just broke up It was a one-night stand. It was just a one-nighter My ears are burning. You must talking about me.

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6. Suggestions

Asking for Suggestions

How about + V. ing / N............?

What about + V. ing /


Shall we + V1 ..............?

Why don’t we + V1 ..................?

Let’s + V1 ...............?

Do you feel like + V. ing .............?

Why not Why don’t you

I suggest you One way would

be to

Try You can always

Perhaps you could If I were

you, I would

Offering Suggestions

Let’s I have an idea

I suggest you Why not

How about I would

May I make a suggestion?

Perhaps you could

Why don’t you


That’s a good idea

That’s fine

That’d be fine

All right

O.K. Yes, let’s ..........


I don’t think that’s a good idea

I’d rather not / No let’s not

I’m afraid I can’t. / Oh, no

please don’t bother

I’d love / like to but... / I’m sorry

but ...

It’s nice of you to ask but I

really don’t think I can

Giving advice

I suggest (that) you ...............

If I were you I would +


I’d advise you to +


You should / ought to / had

better + V1....................

I think it would be a good idea


It might be a good idea



Yes, I’ll do that. Thanks for you


That’s a very good idea.

Yes, that sounds a good idea.

Yes, I will certainly try that.



I’ve already tried that. Thank

you for your advice.

-I’m not sure, really. But thanks



Can you give me a little advice,


Could you possibly give me

more advice?

What shall I do about that?

I don’t know which one I should


I don’t know whether to accept

it or not.

Can you tell me how to +


What would you do if you were


What would you suggest?

Have you got any idea?


Sure You should +


By all means ought to

Well, certainly had better

If I were you, I’d do it


I can’t find the way out just now.

I think it takes time to think

about that.

I’m sorry I can’t help you now.  

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Tips: เมอธรรมชาตมนเรยกรอง I want to go to peepee/poopoo. Can I go to the bathroom? I want to go to the restroom. I want to go to the little boy’s room. Number one or number two. Mother nature is calling me.

I’ve got to go take a leak. I’ve got to take a dump. I’ve got to drop a load. I’ve got to sit on the throne. I’ve got the runs. Someone whizzed all over the floor.

7. Asking about Thoughts & Feelings

What are you thinking about? A penny for your thoughts. What’s on your mind? You have something on your mind? What are you looking so serious about? You seem a little preoccupied about something.............. Is something bothering you? Is there anything you want to talk about? Want to talk about it? How’s it going? Are you OK? How do you feel about it? Are you worried about something? You seem to be in good spirits. You look a little depressed about something....... You sound as if something wonderful just happened. Likes It’s marvelous

Syn………………………………... I’m very interested in….. I’m very keen on……. I think it’s great/ brilliant/ wonderful Dislikes Scary/ Spooky/ Suck/ Gross I can’t bear/stand/…….. I can’t take it any more. I’m fed up with .…….syn……….. I’ve had enough./ I’ve had it. I hate its guts! I’m through with it. …………. really get(s) on my nerves. …………. drive(s) me crazy Politely reacting to dislike I’m not very keen on.... I don’t practically like.... I’m not a fan of … I have no idea how…… I’ve not got a clue how….. I find it difficult. 

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8. Compliments

Compliments I’d like to compliment you on...... I just love / really like your... That’s a very smart ......../ pretty ..... You look very nice. It suits you well. How clever of you to... How superb! How magnificent! Compliment Responders Oh, thank you./thanks. (How) kind of you to say that. That’s very kind of you. Do you really think so? You’ve made my day. Thanks, I needed that I’m flattered. Oh, I’m glad you think so That’s nice to hear. Oh, really! Thank you, you’re so sweet. Thank you. I’m glad you like it. Oh, I wouldn’t say that. It’s nice of you to say so. But it really isn’t anything special. Yours is even nicer. It’s nice to hear that from someone with your experience. It was nothing. The real credit should go to........

I had very little to do with it. It wasn’t difficult at all, really..... But it’s not really all that good. But anyone else could do it Tips: คาชมคเดท ^^ หาคาพดเดดๆ เอาไวเมาท he or she or both กนดกวา What a stud!! What babe!! She’s hot. She makes me hot. He’s really handsome devil. He’s really handsome. She’s really cute. She’s a knockout. She’s fucking beautiful. She’s a sure thing. She’s dressed to killed. Bad guy. She’s prick tease. She is frigid.

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9. Agreement and Disagreement

Correct/ Incorrect - Correct That’s right. Right Okay Correct Yes Exactly Absolutely - Incorrect No, I’m afraid not Not, quite. You’re close Agree/Disagree - Agree I’ll say That’s for sure You can say that again Over my dead body. You said it. Right on! Hear! Hear! You’re darn right. I couldn’t agree more. I can’t help thinking the same. Definitely/ Precisely, my own view. Dead right. / I bet you / You bet. I’m in. / Count me in. - Disagree Are you kidding That’s ridiculous Aw, come on! What! Not true Down with ….. No way! Come on Don’t give us that Get serious What do you mean a ……..? I couldn’t agree less.

Agree/Disagree (more politely way) - Agree That‘s true That’s for sure I agree with you there Yeah, I know what you mean - Disagree Yes, but don’t you think …. I agree with you, but ….. I don’t see it that way Yeah, on the other hand Reaction to Test Action -Strong Agreement Of course I would I certainly would Most likely I would Sure I would - Mild Agreement Of course I would I certainly would Most likely I would Sure I would - Indecision I don’t know I am not sure I can’t decide I can’t make up my mind I don’t know if I would or not - Mild Disagreement Probably not I don’t think so I doubt it -Strong Disagreement No way Never (in a million years) Not on one life Not even if you paid me Not for all the money in the world

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10. Accepting and Rejecting

Accept I’m not surprised That’s me I knew it I thought so Right on! That’s probably right Reject

You’re kidding I don’t believe it No, definitely not Are you pulling my leg? Aw, come on! That’s doesn’t fit I don’t think so I don’t think that’s fair

11. Permission

Asking for Permission May / Could / can I.....? I wonder if I can.... May I have a permission to...? Would if be possible for me to ...? Would it be okay with you if I ......ed? Am I / Are people allowed to ....? Is ...ing allowed / permitted here? It is all right if I....? Is it O.K. to ......? Do they permit ......ing? Could I possibly ....? Will you let me....? Giving Permission Sure / Certainly / of course By all means Be my guest Go ahead It’s / line / all right / O.K. ... with me. Would you mind if I....? Would you object if I ....? No. I wouldn’t / don’t

No, of course not / absolutely not / certainly not .No, not at all No, please do Rejecting Permission I don’t think / believe so. I’m afraid not. Not as for as I know. I’d rather that you didn’t / not. I’d prefer / you not to I’d prefer it if you wouldn’t I’d prefer that you not No, you may not. You’re not supposed to ... / shouldn’t / oughtn’t to You mustn’t ... under any circumstances I can’t do that with out an authorization

a go - ahead from.... the permission of... an approval the consent 

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12. Help

Asking for Help Could you do me a favor?

give / lend me a hand?

Would you be kind enough to...?

be willing to...?

mind ....ing?

May I ask you a favor?

Would I be troubling / imposing on you if I ask

you to...?

I was wondering if you could ...?

wonder would be willing to...? Offering Help Would you like me to ...?

May I help you?

Can I be of assistance?

Can I be service to you?

Is there anything in particular that I can help


Allow me to .... Accepting Help No problem

No trouble at all.

What is it that you want me to do?

Sure / certainly / of course

I’d be glad to.

By all means.

You can depend on me.

(It would be) my pleasure.

Yes, if it’s no trouble.

Yes, if you don’t mind.

Yes, please Refusing Help I don’t want to bother / trouble /

inconvenience / you.

I don’t want to put you out to any trouble.

Actually, I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.

That’s all right. I can manage it.

Oh that’s beyond me, sorry.

I appreciate your offer, but...

Thank you for asking, but...

No, thanks. I can manage.

No, there’s no need. Thank you any way.

Well, that’s very considerate of you, but

there’s really no need. 

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13. Invitation

Ways to invite.

Do you feel like...ing?

Are you free this evening?

I wonder whether you would be interested in


I’d like to invite to...

Would you like to / care ...?

Shall we...? / Let’s ...?

don’t know your plans for this weekend, but

perhaps you’d like to come to party.

I thought you might like to come to a party

with me.

Will you be able to...?

Why don’t you...?/ Why not...?

Do you fancy ...?

How / What about...? Ways to accept - yes. That would be nice.

- yes, that’s very kind of you.

- Sounds great. I’d like that.

- I’d love to / I’d like that.

- Great idea. I’ve been planning / wanting /


to go that for a while.

- Yes, with pleasure.

- O.K. I accept your invitation

- I’m looking forward to it. Ways to decline Oh, what a pity! I’m afraid I’m not free this


Thanks for inviting / your invitation me. But the

problem is I have to...

I wish I ..... were free / ... didn’t have any


Yes, I’d love to I wish I’d known about it /

earlier / sooner.

That’s very kind of you but....

I’m afraid I can’t. Perhaps some other time.

I wish I could but...

I wish I didn’t have to... Otherwise I’d be able

to make it.

I’m sorry, but I have a prior engagement that


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14. Asking to wait

I’ll be back right away

Please wait a moment.

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

One moment, please.

Just a minute/moment, please.

Please excuse me for a moment.

I won’t be long.

I’ll be here until you get back.

Please take your time.

All right, but please don’t be too long.

Wait up! Wait for me!

Don’t o off without me. Hang on

I’ll be with you shortly. Not to Wait Go on without me.

No need to wait for me.

Don’t bothering waiting for me.

I’ll be late. Don’t stay up and wait for me

15. Be quick Hurry!

Hurry Up! Quickly!

Let’s get moving! Get a move on it!

Be quick about it. Move it.

What are you waiting for!

What keeping you!

Can you please rush this?

Excuse me, I’m in rush.

Would you mind working a little faster?

Not to Hurry Slow down.

Don’t worry.

Don’t rush.

Take your time.

Take it easy,

Do it slowly and carefully.

Let’s not rush things!

Don’t be in such a hurry.

No need to hurry.

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16. Asking to be quite

Please be quiet.

Quiet please!

Keep it down.

Shut up!

Hold your tongue.

Zip your mouth. Bottom you lip.

Please stop talking.

Could you please not talk?

Please stop that voice.

Could you please hold the noise down?

Would you please give me your attention a


17. Borrowing and Lending

May I borrow your pen?

Would you mind lending me your pen?

Please lend me your pen.



Of course not. Here you are.

Sure, I’d be glad t


I’m sorry, but I haven’t got any money with


I’m sorry, but I am using it right now


Tips: Money Talk Money talks! There is no free lunch.

She is a gold digger.

She is after my money.

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18. Thanking

Saying Thank You (Many) Thanks Thanks a million! Thanks a lot It was nice of you Thank you very much (indeed) for...... That’s very kind of you to........ I’m very grateful to you for....... I really appreciate it. I can’t thank you enough.

I really appreciate what you have done for me. How can I ever thank Response Don’t mention it (It’s my) pleasure Not at all. Glad to be of help That’s all right It was nothing You’re welcome It’s a pleasure Forget it No problem Anytime

19. Apologizing

I must apologize to you for... Please accept my apologies for... Will you please forgive me for.... I’m (so)

(awfully) sorry for/that..... (terribly)

I must apologize for…. Please forgive me for…. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Sorry about that. I beg you a pardon. Pardon me. Please excuse me. Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about.....I didn’t mean to..... I take the blame. It’s my fault. I take full responsibility.

It won’t happen again. How can I make it up to you? Response Never mind. You really don’t have anything to apologize for. It doesn’t matter. You don’t need to apologize. It can happen to anyone. I surely forgive you. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. Oh, well, that’s life Forget it. It’s OK. No problem. That’s all right. Not at all. Don’t worry. Rejecting an Apology Are you really sorry? I don’t believe you’re sorry. You’re not really sorry. Don’t say you’re sorry.

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20. Sympathy & Lack of Sympathy Reacting to Unfortunate Event Oh, no That’s too bad What a nuisance Poor you What / It’s a pity! What / it’s a shame! Reacting to Sad or Disastrous Event How awful How terrible That’s too bad Oh, my God That must have been awful I am sorry to hear that It’s not the end of the world. All’s well that ends well. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Keep your fingers crossed. Try not to lose heart. Try to keep your spirits up.

No matter what the result will be. Don’t let it get you down. Cheer up/ Chin up./ Keep your head up high. Give it time./ Time heals all wound./ Tomorrow is another day. That (Shit) happens./ It can’t be helped. That’s life. / C’est la vie. The Response to the Sympathy Thank you. I appreciate it. Thanks for your concern. That’s very kind of you Oh, well, such is life. Reacting to Deserved Misfortune It’s your own fault Someday you will learn That’ll teach you Serves you right What (else) did you expect? 

21. Calm Down

Calm down.

Take it easy.

Stay calm.

Keep cool.

Be patient.

Hold on to your self.

Don’t worry.

You don’t have to worry.

Don’t take things so seriously.

Don’t it bother you.

There’s no need to worry.

Grab a hold of yourself.

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22. Congratulation & Wishing

Congratulations. That’s great!

Enjoy yourself Have a good time / trip

Bon voyage! I’m happy for you!

How wonderful! How fortunate!

How lucky you are. Lucky you.

Good luck. Best of luck.

Wish you luck. / success / happiness

Congratulations on your new baby.

Good fortune be with you.

May god bless you!

May you be happy in this New Year!

23. Seeing the other side

All the same



Even so


After all

Granted, but Y

et on the other hand

Mind you, though

But don’t forget 

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24. Casual & Formal Closers

Casual Closers - No Time to Talk Sorry, I’ve got to go (to) … I have to run I must be going Would you excuse me, please? Sorry to rush off …. I hope you don’t mind, but - Small-talk Closers - for party goers It’s been nice talking to you Oh, I’ve got to see …. - for hosts and hostesses I really should circulate We really must get together sometimes Excuse me. I’d like to try …. Have you met …. Well, nice meeting you (again) Give my regards to … Excuse me. I’d like to refill my glass Phone Closers - for callers I’d better let you go. Thanks for your time I think that about wraps it up I know you’re busy, so I’ll you go. It’s been good talking to you. - for receiver Well, thanks for calling Let me know if I can be of any further help I’m afraid I don’t have the time to talk I appreciate you calling

Formal Closers A meeting with boss/officer Thank you very much for your … Thank you for your time. I really appreciate your … I’d better not take up any more of your time. I’m most grateful for your … You’re welcome My pleasure Best of luck to you Let me know how things work out Preparing to leave. - for visitor I should be going. I guess I ought to get back. Thank you for …. Excuse me. But I really must go. - for host who would like the guest to stay Don’t worry about that There’s no need to …. Don’t feel you have to … Please stay. - for host to say goodbye We’ll have to get together again sometime. Well, thanks for dropping by. I hope we can get together again. It’s been nice.