ENB Series in Detail

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Videocard with support of Shader Model2.0 or better. Videocards in the list below may fit: GeForce 6100, 6150, 6200, 6600, 6800, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950, 8400, 8500, 8600, 8800, 9600, 9800; Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, 300, 600, 700, 800, 850, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1900, 1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3850, 3870. I can't guarantee that mod will work on all of them by many reasons (different drivers, hardware reduced versions and just because not tested myself). ENBSeries (current version) will not run at all or will not work properly if hardware by any reason not support minimal requirements of the mod. Videocards with lower shader versions capable to work in theory, but they are too slow, no sense. Videocards of new generation (DirectX10 compatible) in common cases works much faster in this mod, than their performance equivalents in DirectX9 games. The requirements to videomemory size are very high, dependsfrom screen resolution and antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary. Operative memory and processor play an insignificant role, though all should be balanced. GAME COMPATIBILITY: Mod may work incorrect with some versions of the games, impossible to test it for every game patch and for already modded games. Some types of installed game modifications may conflict with ENBSeries. INSTALLING: Extract files from archive in to the game directory or where game execution file exist (.exe). For some games it is in the directories named system, bin, bin32. Warning, some games needs root game directory for mod even if .exe file is not there. STARTING: After game start the mod deactivated by default, to activate it use key combination (shift+f12 by default).


GTA San Andreas ENB Series from Boris Vorontsov

Transcript of ENB Series in Detail

Page 1: ENB Series in Detail


Videocard with support of Shader Model2.0 or better. Videocards in the list below may fit:

GeForce 6100, 6150, 6200, 6600, 6800, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950, 8400, 8500, 8600,

8800, 9600, 9800;

Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, 300, 600, 700, 800, 850, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1900,

1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3850, 3870.

I can't guarantee that mod will work on all of them by many reasons (different drivers,

hardware reduced versions and just because not tested myself). ENBSeries (current version)

will not run at all or will not work properly if hardware by any reason not support minimal

requirements of the mod. Videocards with lower shader versions capable to work in theory,

but they are too slow, no sense. Videocards of new generation (DirectX10 compatible) in

common cases works much faster in this mod, than their performance equivalents in

DirectX9 games.

The requirements to videomemory size are very high, dependsfrom screen resolution and

antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of

videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary. Operative memory and processor

play an insignificant role, though all should be balanced.


Mod may work incorrect with some versions of the games, impossible to test it for every

game patch and for already modded games. Some types of installed game modifications may

conflict with ENBSeries.


Extract files from archive in to the game directory or where game execution file exist (.exe).

For some games it is in the directories named system, bin, bin32. Warning, some games

needs root game directory for mod even if .exe file is not there.


After game start the mod deactivated by default, to activate it use key combination (shift+f12

by default).

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After first game start with the mod, configuration file enbseries.ini will be created, use it to

modify mod setting. Warning, if configuration file will be corrupted in any way, remove it

and run mod again.


EnableProxyLibrary=(0,1) when activated, load 3rd party library (other modification) by the

ENBSeries at game start, path to it written in parameter ProxyLibrary. This allow to solve

problem with multiple d3d9.dll files that can't be used at once without special loaders, but if

their internal code was made not correct to hande loading not directly by game, this will

result in game crash or just not workable. If you can't load some useful library with

ENBSeries, there is an other way, to replace original d3d9.dll in Windows System32 folder

with ENBSeries d3d9.dll, but it's for advanced users, who knows how to bypass file

recovering system, this way 3rd party d3d9.dll will be in game folder and will load

ENBSeries like original library and ENBSeries must to load that original d3d9.dll as proxy

from some other path user defined, in this case InitProxyFunctions must to be set 1.

InitProxyFunctions=(0,1) connect to functions of 3rd party library, if it's true d3d9.dll library

that initialize some 3d objects inside or modify them. Some modifications don't need this to

be enabled, they activating when loading, but if proxy library not works, try to set this

parameter to 1.

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ProxyLibrary=(filename) file name of 3rd party library. May be full path, but it must not

contain special symbols, unicode characters (japaneese, chineese) and limited by length. Only

one library allowed currently.


KeyUseEffect=(1..255) decimal key number for activation/deactivation of modification, by

default F12.

KeyBloom=(1..255) decimal key number for bloom activation/deactivation, by default F9.

KeyOcclusion=(1..255) decimal key number for ssao activation/deactivation, by default F10.

KeyReflection=(1..255) decimal key number for reflection activation/deactivation, by default


KeyCombination=(1..255) decimal number of additional key for combining this key with

others, by default SHIFT.

KeyScreenshot=(1..255) decimal key number for capturing screenshots, by default

PRINTSCREEN. Images stored in the same folder where ENBSeries, but not always,

depending from game. Files have BMP format, 32 bit with alpha channel (not all image

viewers support this).

KeyShadow=(1..255) decimal key number for shadow activation/deactivation, by default F8.

KeyWater=(1..255) decimal key number for water activation/deactivation, by default F7.

KeyShowFPS=(1..255) decimal key number activation/deactivation performance statistic

displayed on screen, by default * (multiply).

Category of enbseries.ini presets:


UseEffect=(0,1) activate modification at game start. In some situations HUD or startup

movies may be corrupted visually because of this parameter enabled, i strongly do not

recommend this. By default mod activating by pressing keys SHIFT and F12 together.

AlternativeDepth=(0,1) when activating this, scene depth information required for some

effects renders through fog, that allow to increase performance in some situations, but not all

videocards support drawing of fog at full precision, only newest (DirectX10 compatible)

videocards can do this: GeForce 8xxx, GeForce 9xxx, Radeon 2xxx, Radeon 3xxx (about

Radeon 1xxx not sure). If you see large lines on the objects, disable this parameter.

AllowAntialias=(0,1) enables antialiasing setting from game to be used in the mod effects.

(antialiasing, multisampling, fsaa, in other words). If antialiasing enabled in the videodrivers

control panel, this parameter will not work, disable such antialiasing manually. In most cases

Page 4: ENB Series in Detail

enabled antialiasing is the reason of graphic artifacts, because only newest videocards support

antialiasing of HDR textures. If you see black screen, green and red, white, try to turn off this

parameter and all antialiasing setting in game and drivers.

BugFixMode=(0..5) every value fixes it's own unsupported feature or bug in driver or

hardware. For nvidia forceware drivers 169.xx and higher (last tested 174.xx) do not set this

parameter to 1 or it will crash (driver bug with R32F texture format), unfortunately these

drivers may crash with some other values of this parameter, try yourself. For ATI videocards

set this parameter to 1, for old videocards try 5, this may help in some situations.

Values from 0 to 5 actually HDR texture formats: 0 (R32G32F)-high quality and middle

performance, 1 (R32F)-high quality and fast, 2 (A32R32G32B32F)-high quality and very

slow, 3 (R16F)-low quality and fastest, 4 (R16G16F)-low quality and fast, 5

(A16R16G16B16F)-low quality and middle performance.

SkipShaderOptimization=(0,1) disables optimization when compiling shader, may help to

elliminate bugs. Some drivers and videocards combinations do not compile shaders right

way, perhaps because of their complexity, try to enable this parameter if you see any artifacts.

QuadVertexBuffer=(0,1) some games simply not allow rendering of post processing effects

with this parameter enabled, if you don't see any difference when activating ENBSeries, try to

disable this parameter. Actually when it's enabled, rectangle geometry drawing from

videomemory, otherwise from system memory. May be it's the problem of DirectX version

that game compiled to, guess even game crash may happen if this parameter enabled for some

games, but never have that.

EnableShaders_3_0=(0,1) some effects looks better if rendered with version of shaders 3.0, i

suggest to activate this parameter for videocards with shader model 3_0 support.

AdditionalConfigFile=(filename) if file exist, all parameters from it will be used instead of

default enbseries.ini file. Very useful for sharing parameters between users without loss of

own configuration.

Category of enbseries.ini presets:


EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect, blurring bright screen areas and adding result back

to screen, simulating illumination of some objects. It works very fast on modern hardware,

but wrong setting or bad drivers will result in overbrighting or some other artifacts. Not uses

HDR textures and that's why hardware compatibility is high.

EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables screen space ambient occlusions (ssao) and screen space

indirect lighting (ssil), this makes shadows and lighting between nearest objects. This effect

uses by few modern games, mostly on next-gen game consoles, so it's very slow.

Performance directly depends from display resolution, number of pixels drawed on screen, so

to run this at HD resolutions you need modern videocard from high price category. It's

require support of shaders 3_0, but even if you have it, it's not guarantee fast performance. If

too slow for you, reduce display resolution and quality of this effect, even disable it.

Hardware compatibility is limited, different drivers and videocards have problems and

limited features that result in artifacts. For example antialiasing (multisampling) for HDR

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textures supported only by DirectX10 compatible videocards and enabled antialiasing in

game or in video drivers panel will produce strange artifacts.

EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles. Developed for GTA San Andreasm GTA 3,

GTA Vice City, but in some games also works, of course not for cars. Performance highly

depends from multiple quality setting of this effect and number of objects drawed. More

reflective objects on screen, slower speed. Real time 3d rendering works faster when number

of objects is low, but their vertex number is high, for example 10 objects with 10 millions of

vertices every will draw about the same speed as 3000 objects with 3 vertices each, for

reflection on shaders may be used multiple drawing of the same object. In this case

performance highly depends from CPU and system memory speed. Per pixel lighting in

newest versions of ENBSeries may be faster for some videocards. About bug solving see

another section of this documentation.

EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. On modern videocard not

too much decrease speed, but costly. Current version of this effect have many problems, not

working in most games, wrong, affect HUD, later will be changed. On some videocards do

not work correctly, if you have some problems, try to disable.

EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects, developed for GTA San Andreas only, but may

appear in some other game, not for water surface. Depending from it's presets may affect

speed very much, by itself it's fast, but for deepness factor it need scene depth information.

Good way to compencate losts for depth is to use scene depth for other effects in parallel

(shadows, ssao, dof). Modified water textures or water material (object) setting may produce

unpredictable results.

EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects, their blurring and color changing. This is not

truly soft shadows, because soft shadows have blurring range dependency from distance

between shadow caster and shadow receiver objects. Speed depends from quality setting, it

use scene depth information for some setting, so performance varies. This effect may work in

some other games that use stencil shadows.

DepthBias=(0..1000) shifts objects when drawing scene depth, offset relative to camera

viewpoint. For some videocards and drivers, combination of ENBSeries presets, may need to

remove flickering and hiding artefacts of ambient occlusions. Try to set 100 if something

wrong happens. This parameter not affect speed.

EnableDepthOfField=(0,1) enable eye focusing effect. This effect affect performance a lot,

because it need scene depth information. Whe used together with other effects that also

require scene depth, performance is not too much affected.

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Category of enbseries.ini presets:


ReflectionPower=(0..100) level of vehicles reflection. Overbright reflections problem may be

because of UseAdditiveReflection parameter set to 1, try to change it also.

ChromePower=(0..100) temporary disabled. Level of steel vehicle parts reflection.

UseCurrentFrameReflection=(0,1) when 1 use for reflection current screen image, this reduce

quality because not all objects reflected, but there is no delay between scene and reflections.

Otherwise use previous frame image. Performance is much faster when this parameter is

active. In GTA San Andreas game reflection level depending a bit from this parameter, so

after changing it correct ReflectionPower also.

ReflectionQuality=(0..2) quality, 0 means maximal quality and slowest speed. At 0 quality

reflections not very sharp because they use mipmapping. Currently this parameter not affect

speed too much, but in future the difference will be huge.

ReflectionSourceSpecular=(0..100) percent of using "specular" material color as reflection

factor ("glosiness" in exporter). Some car parts may be reflective with this setting, but works

good for original car models, set this to 0 to elliminate some invalid reflections, but better

modify car. This parameter mixing with ReflectionSourceTFactor to compute final reflection


ReflectionSourceTFactor=(0..100) percent of using "texture factor" as game environment

map mix level ("reflection" in exporter). Some car parts may not be reflective with this

parameter and on the contrary, tested and work perfectly on original cars. This parameter

mixing with ReflectionSourceSpecular to compute final reflection level.

UseAdditiveReflection=(0,1) reflections added to screen car colors making bright, in some

situations oversaturated reflections. 0 means more softly reflection that depends from car

brightness, for bright cars reflection level is lower than for dark cars. Does not affect

rendering speed.

ReflectionDepthBias=(0..1000) shifts reflection geometry relative to camera viewpoint. For

some videocards may be useful to remove flickering and hiding artifacts. ATI videocards

users must set this parameter to 100 or something like that, unless they use single pass


UseLowResReflection=(0,1) use small and blurred texture as reflection, looks like matte

reflection, interesting effect. By rendering speed it's a bit faster, but not too much.

ReflectionSinglePass=(0,1) draw reflection together with car geometry. At this moment also

activates per pixel lighting, which increase vertex processing performance, but decrease it for

pixel processing, so it depending from the size of car on screen. Temporary some limitations

have place, shaders 3_0 required and environment texture that simulate reflections not in use.

If you have artifacts on cars, try to disable this.

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UseEnvBump=(0,1) allow deformation of reflections by car texture, brighter texels means

more deformed (frequently named environment bump, dudv bump). Affect rendering speed,

but not too much for modern hardware.

EnvBumpAmount=(0..1000) level of reflections deformation. Do not set too big values, if the

car was not specially designed to be compatible with environmental bump effect.

EnvBumpOffset=(0..1000) step for generating direction and amount of bump from car texture.

Bigger texture size need less value to make visible small details.

ReflectionFlip=(0,1) reflection texture fliped in comparison to standart method of previous

ENBSeries versions. This greatly increase specific artefacts of used reflection algorithm, but

in some cases looks more realistic. Do not affect speed.

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Category of enbseries.ini presets:


BloomPowerDay=(0..100) intencity of bloom at day time, dependent from screen brightness.

BloomFadeTime=(0..100000) time of bloom adaptation to screen brightness change, in

milliseconds. Not recommended too high values, because hard to see changes in time, low

values like 100 also bad idea, screen will flash frequently, very irritates.

BloomConstantDay=(0..100) power of bloom at day time, independent from adaptation time

between screen brightness change.

BloomQuality=(0..2) bloom effect quality, 0 means maximal quality. Starting from version

0.074 speed is not much depends from this parameter, so set 0 all the time.

BloomScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day


BloomCurveDay=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at day time. negative values increases

halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast,

intensive image).

BloomPowerNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, dependent from screen brightness.

BloomConstantNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, independent from adaptation

time between screen brightness change.

BloomCurveNight=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at night time. negative values

increases halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness

(contrast, intensive image).

BloomScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as

night time.

BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, over which

bloom deactivating. It's desirable that this parameter will be greater than


BloomAdaptationMultiplier=(0..100) percent of day time bloom brightness, that will be used

when screen brightness will be greater than BloomAdaptationScreenLevel. Value 100 disable


BloomAllowOversaturation=(0,1) if 0, bloom softly applied to screen and bright areas not

become too oversaturated.

BloomMaxLimit=(1..100) limitation of bloom brightness. Value 100 disable limitation.

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Category of enbseries.ini presets:


UseFilter=(0,1) enable filtering of ambient occlusion texture, currently froced to be on if

occlusions enabled. Ambient occlusion and indirect lighting effect use randomization for

sampling textures and this produce noise. Filtering is expensive algorithm, it depends from

display resolution (any filtering depends from resolution actually), so this is the one reason of

slow performance, try to change it quality.

OcclusionQuality=(0..2) quality of ssao (screen space ambient occlusion) and ssil (screen

space indirect lighting). 0 means maximal quality and slow performance. Higher quality

makes more detailed shading at small or distant objects and less noisy, even with quality 0

you may use FilterQuality 1 or 2. This parameter greatly affect gaming speed and directly

depends from display resolution, see performance tips section.

FilterQuality=(0..2) quality of ssao noise filtering, 0 is maximal quality in several passes, but

it have negative results in detail loss, small objects or on edges too much blur is noticable.

For good balance between occlusion quality and filtering quality i suggest to use filtering

quality 1 with occlusion quality 1 and filtering quality 1 or 2 with occlusion quality 0, becase

filtering is costly.

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DarkeningLevel=(0..100) darkening level by ambient occlusion. If objects (geometry) are

close to each other on screen, they became dark in nearest areas by SSAO effect.

BrighteningLevel=(0..100) edge lightening level by ambient occlusion. SSAO effect can

make edges of convex polygons brighter to achieve more volumetric look of objects.

IlluminationLevel=(0..100) the amount of indirect lightning applied to surfaces by multyply

add function. This mean that dark areas of screen will be not affected. Too high values for

this parameter makes oversaturated lighting.

AdditiveIlluminationLevel=(0..100) lightening of dark areas by indirect lightning the same

manner as bright areas, this better to illuminate dark rooms with spot of light on the floor,

parameter IlluminationLevel will not work here, but too high values produce strange looking

lighting on initially black objects, like they are in dust.

UseAmbientOcclusion=(0,1) allow darkening of nearest objects, temporary disabled, because

indirect lighting without ambient occlusion is not very useful.

UseIndirectLightning=(0,1) compute indirect lightning between nearest objects. This

parameter greatly increase performance, but also may be a huge quality boost. Try to disable

this parameter first, then to decrease occlusion quality, if you don't like speed at which game


Category of enbseries.ini presets:


DarkeningAmountDay=(-100..100) how much to dark or to bright dark screen areas at day

time. Negative values makes brighter, positive darker. Day and night computes from overall

screen brightness. Actually when this value is negative, dark pixels of screen became brighter

and bright screen pixels almost not change. When this parameter is positive, dark pixels

became even more dark and bright pixels still the same.

ScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day time.

It's easy to compute brightness in any image editing software by blurring game screenshots.

For example, Adobe Photoshop in filters have Blur->Average, it produce RGB color of

screen brightness, now choose one from R, G, B components that have highest value (info

panel, minimal 0, maximal 255 for 8 bit per channel images), divide it by 256 and multiply

by 100, result will be screen brightness in percents. If screen brightness in the game higher

than this parameter, it will be day time any way, for lower value, all brightness dependent

parameters will be interpolated between night and day presets.

ScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as night

time. Description is the same as for ScreenLevelDay.

DarkeningAmountNight=(-100..100) how much to dark or to bright dark screen areas at night

time. Negative values makes brighter, positive darker. Positive values recommended for more

natural nights, but negative values simulates eye adaptation to dark areas when you goint in

to shadow from light. Description is the same as for parameter DarkeningAmountDay.

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GammaCurveDay=(-10..10) gamma correction at day time. Negative values increases

halftone brightness (pale image), dark and bright pixels not much affected. Positive values

decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image), again dark and bright pixels not

much affected, also image became more colorful. In most games negative values for this

parameter will make more realistic look, but this depends from games, how they are


GammaCurveNight=(-10..10) gamma correction at night time. Description is the same as for


ColorSaturationDay=(-10..10) color saturation at the day time with negative values

decreases, producing gray image. Positive values makes colorful images. Some games require

this parameter, especially some Japaneese ported from consoles.

ColorSaturationNight=(-10..10) color saturation at the night time computed from screen

brightness. Description is the same as for ColorSaturationDay.

UsePaletteTexture=(0,1) use special user defined texture to control color correction. When

active, all parameters except ScreenLevelDay and ScreenLevelNight inactive and computed

from palette image. For more detailed description read special section about palettes.

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Category of enbseries.ini presets:


UseWaterDeep=(0,1) use smooth transition between different water deep levels, low deep is

transparent water, deep water has color of water object. As effect itself not too high decrease

speed, but it need for computation scene depth information that computes really slow, if you

don't use any effects that require scene depth (ambient occlusion, depth of field, shadow

quality 0 or 2), then disabling this will increase performance greatly. Otherwise, if scene

depth already used, activating this parameter is almost for free (see performance tips). When

this parameter deactivated, water is clear and only refraction visible (at this time).

WaterDeepness=(0..1000) factor of water semitransparencity at difference deep levels. Not

affect rendering speed.

WaterQuality=(0..2) quality of water effects, 0 means maximal quality. Currently almost no

difference in performance from changing this parameter, but later things will be changed.

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Category of enbseries.ini presets:


ShadowFadeStart=(0..1000) distance, at which shadow starts to be less intensive. It must be

less or equal to value of ShadowFadeEnd, if distance to shadow is less than this parameter,

shadow color do not change. In GTA San Andreas shadows appears/dissapears instantly, this

parameter fix this problem. In fact, shadows still have the same behavior as before, but their

transparency changes. This parameter ignored if ShadowQuality set to 2, because it need

scene depth information. No speed affect from this parameter.

ShadowFadeEnd=(0..1000) distance at which shadow dissapear completely. It must be

greater or equal to value of ShadowFadeStart, if distance to shadow is greater than this

parameter, shadow is invisible. Other description is the same as for ShadowFadeStart.

ShadowAmountDay=(0..100) percent of shadows intencity in the day. Day time computes by

reading brightness of rendered screen and set by ShadowScreenLevelDay parameter. If value

is 0 then shadow is not visible, if value is 100, it's opaque and dark.

ShadowAmountNight=(0..100) percent of shadows intencity in the night. Night time

computes by reading brightness of rendered screen and set by ShadowScreenLevelNight

parameter. If value is 0 then shadow is not visible, if value is 100, it's opaque and dark.

ShadowScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as

day time. It's easy to compute brightness in any image editing software by blurring game

screenshots. For example, Adobe Photoshop in filters have Blur->Average, it produce RGB

color of screen brightness, now choose one from R, G, B components that have highest value

(info panel, minimal 0, maximal 255 for 8 bit per channel images), divide it by 256 and

multiply by 100, result will be screen brightness in percents. If screen brightness in the game

higher than this parameter, it will be day time any way, for lower value, all brightness

dependent parameters will be interpolated between night and day presets.

ShadowScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as

night time. Description is the same as for ShadowScreenLevelDay parameter.

ShadowQuality=(0..2) quality of shadows, 0 is maximal, distance from camera to shadow and

vector of shadowed surface normal affects shadow blurring. At quality 1 surface normal

ignored. At quality 2 everything ignored and blurring radious is constant on screen. This

parameter affect performance, because quality setting 0 and 1 use scene depth information.

For old videocards, integrated videochips and videocards with 64 bit videomemory

bandwidth better to set this parameter to 2. Exception is only if scene depth information is

used in some other effect already (ambient occlusion, water deep, depth of field).

UseShadowFilter=(0,1) enable filtering of shadows. Currently for blurring shadows i use

randomizing, this produce a lot of noise that must to be filtered, but filtering eats a lot of

speed, especially on old videocards, integrated videochips and videocards with 64 bit

videomemory bandwidth.

FilterQuality=(0..2) quality of shadows filtering, 0 is maximal and slowest, filtering happens

in several rendering passes. With quality 2 only one pass used. Performance varies from this

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parameter, be careful, also ShadowQuality affect speed of filtering, with quality of shadows 2

filtering works much faster.

ShadowBlurRange=(0..100) radius of blurring on the screen, too big values produce artifacts.

If value is very low, performance may be faster because of texture cache.

Category of enbseries.ini presets:


ForceAnisotropicFiltering=(0,1) force to use anisotropic filtering for most game textures. If

geometry in the game at far distance looks blurred, activate it. This parameter affect speed, in

some cases when game use complex shaders with hard texture sampling algorithms like

parallax, motion blur, ambient occlusion performance will be extremely low, multiple times.

Also many games for some objects use specific filtering methods that reduce artifacts or used

for effects, in this case activated parameter will work wrong. Frequently anisotropic filtering

is available in game video options, you don't need to activate this parameter then. Also in

video drivers control panel it exist, but i strongly suggest do not use it there if ENBSeries

running, this greatly decrease performance.

MaxAnisotropy=(1..16) maximal level of anisotropy filtering, greater values makes more

sharp textures at low angles. In most cases this value set to 16, 8, 4, 2, because difference

between them non linear. Value 16 may produce too sharp textures if they have any kind of

thin lines, try 8 then. High values of this parameter decrease speed a little, but complex in

game shaders like parallax may drop on knees you PC.

ForceDisplayRefreshRate=(0,1) force to use user defined refresh rate. WARNING! Be very

careful with enabling of this parameter, if you monitor (any other display device) do not

Page 15: ENB Series in Detail

support custom refresh rate it may be corrupted and even your videocard too (but the drivers

may not allow invalid values). This parameter very useful for Windows XP, because by

default it use 60 Hz for full screen 3d applications, for comfortable play it's too low,

especially on CRT monitors, eyes get tired fast.

DisplayRefreshRateHz=(60..240) custom monitor reflresh rate. WARNING! Incorrect use of

this parameter may corrupt you display (or what you are using) and even videocard! By

default Windows XP use 60 Hz, if your display device support greater value for resolution

you play, try to set that refresh rate to this parameter. For me, 85 Hz is enough with CRT


Category of enbseries.ini presets:


MotionBlurQuality=(0..2) sampling quality of motion blur effect, 0 means maximal quality, it

drawed in two passes 10 texture sampling each pass, total visible result 100 samples. 1 is two

pass rendering with 5 samples each pass, total 25 samples. quality 2 is single pass rendering

with 10 samples. This parameter greatly affect performance, only on modern videocards

speed difference is not very noticable, but integrated graphic chips, old models or videocards

with 64 bit wide memory bandwidth will run very slow. Optimal value is 1, quality 0 is good

for screenshots capturing or when velocity vectors very high. In some unknown reason this

effect not work on some old hardware, it's rare, but if something is wrong, try to set this

parameter to 2 or even disable this effect at all. At this time motion blur effect work incorrect

in most games or not work at all, disable in that case.

MotionBlurVelocity=(0..10000) factor of movement vector length in forward or backward

directions. It computes from camera movement. In some versions negative values also

Page 16: ENB Series in Detail

allowed. Unfortunately this parameter affect performance, because when camera moving fast,

texture cache becomes ineffective, for example for GF8600 without camera movement

performance difference between active or disabled motion blur effect almost not noticable

even at maximal quality.

MotionBlurRotation=(0..10000) factor of camera movements to sides and rotation,

recommended the same as MotionBlurVelocity. All other description is the same as for


Category of enbseries.ini presets:


SpecularColorMin=(0..100) minimal limitation of specular color, in percents. Lower levels


SpecularColorMax=(0..100) maximal limitation of specular color, in percents. Higher levels

clamped to this parameter.

SpecularColorMultiplier=(0..100) factor of specular colors all objects.

SpecularGlossinessMin=(0..100) minimal limitation of specular power, in percents.

SpecularGlossinessMax=(0..100) maximal limitation of specular power, in percents. This

may be useful for some models, because 3rd party cars frequently have too high value of

specular power, also some low value of this parameter allow to simulate metallic paint.

SpecularGlossinessMultiplier=(0..100) factor that modify specular power of all materials.

Page 17: ENB Series in Detail

Category of enbseries.ini presets:


DOFQuality=(0..2) quality of depth of field effect. 0 means maximal quality and slow

performance. Higher quality makes less noisy look. This parameter affect gaming speed and

directly depends from display resolution, see performance tips section.

DOFNumberOfPasses=(1..5) effect drawing several times, this parameter allow to configure

how many times. Watch out for performance, each pass computes effect.

DOFFocusRange=(0..1000) focusing level as distance factor, less value mean smaller area

where objects still unblurred.

DOFBlurinessRange=(1..10) relative to screen radius of blurring.