Emr205 assignment . PDHPE: You and the Profession

PDHPE: You and the Profession By Anna Beex Student no: 11491001


Assignment 1. PDHPE: You and the Profession

Transcript of Emr205 assignment . PDHPE: You and the Profession

  • 1. PDHPE: You and the Profession By Anna Beex Student no: 11491001

2. Me and My PDHPE Experiences What types of physical activity did you participate in? * Soccer in the Winter. * Swimming in the Summer. What influenced me to chose these activities? *My School * My Family 3. Did your choice of physical activity change with age? Consider reasons as to why or why not? Yes my physical activity did change as I grew up. I wanted to socialize and fit in. I did Kayak and got my friends involved in it so we could do it together. 4. What are your current attitudes/ feelings associated with physical activity? Any type of physical activity is good activity Health and theory classes should be associated with physical education classes. 5. How might these feelings influence your teaching of Physical Education in the K-6 context? I want them to know all aspects of the sport before they play. Theory side. Access to sport easily. The student enjoys it so they continue to do it. 6. What does she or he look like? Sports gear Professional at the same time An advocate for physical fitness and healthy eating Involved in the class Has sports equipment- whistle, cones. 7. How does he or she act? Motivated, Encouraging and Enthusiastic Watching the whole game. Be actively involved. Be interested in what the students are doing and be prepared for class. Reference: Tessier,D,. Sarrazin,. P & Ntoumanis,N. 2008. The effects of an experimental programme to support students autonomy on the overt behaviors of physical education teachers. European Journal of Psychology of education Retrieved on: 04/08/2013 8. What skills/ abilities does she or he have? Reasonable at sport Good communication skills Commitment to health and fitness Organizational skills for lessons Knowledge about what sport they are teaching References: New South Wales (1999). Personal development, health and physical education K-6: Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies.. Retrieved on 4/08/2013 Government of Western Australia Department of Training and workforce Development (n.d.). Physical Education Occupation. Retrieved from http://www.trainingwa.wa.gov.au/trainingwa/detcms/portal/. Retrieved on 4/08/2013 9. What are the types of things that she or he might be saying to the learners? Professional things Not demoralizing Encouraging words Fun words Set boundaries Ask for written notes 10. What value/ non value do you believe PDHPE has for Primary Education Settings? What Knowledge does she/he have? Physical education is vital Indoor and outdoor classes Theory classes Teacher is knowledgeable about what they are teaching Reference: Healthy Kids : Physical Activity. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/teachers-childcare/physical-activity-primary- school.aspx Retrieved on: 04/07/2013 11. If you were to compare yourself to the PDHPE Educator you described, how would you compare? How do you feel about teaching PE in K-6 context? What do you believe teachers need to know and be able to do confidently teach PDHPE? I want students to get the best of what I know Positive physical education experience I am excited about teaching the subject. Nervous also Want my children to experience different sorts of sports Different physical needs Be an advocate for Physical education 12. By Anna Beex EMR205 11491001