Emf Tutorial

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  • 7/21/2019 Emf Tutorial


    What every Eclipse Developer shouldknow about EMF

    by Jonas Helming and Maximilian Koegel

    Eclipseource Munich

    Contact Details:Email: [email protected]: http://eclipsesource.com/munichPhone: +49 89 21 !"1

    !his tutorial is also available as a more comprehensive EMF



    #his tutorial is an intro$uction to E%& an$ e'plains the basics o( E%&. We start b) sho*in

    )ou ho* to buil$ a ,er) simple $ata-centric application inclu$in the 0 base$ on E%&. We

    e'plain ho* to $e(ine a mo$el in E%& an$ enerate co$e (rom it. We e'plore the P0 o( the

    enerate$ co$e that is ho* to create na,iate an$ mo$i() mo$el instances.

    e't *e $emonstrate ho* to buil$ a 0 base$ on this mo$el usin $atabin$in. &or oure'ample *e buil$ an application to manae a bo*lin leaue inclu$in matches an$

    pla)ers. 3ater on in the tutorial *e e'plore the a$,antaes o( usin $apter&actories an$

    brie(l) loo at $ata manaement in E%&. We also inclu$e a (e* pointers on the most

    important a$$-on technoloies (or E%&. 0( )ou are intereste$ in ettin (ast results buil$in

    an application base$ on E%& ma)be E%& Client Plat(ormis also a oo$ startin point (or

    )ou see this tutorial.

    #nstallation $e%uirements: #o *or throuh the e'amples )ou5ll nee$ to $o*nloa$ an$

    install a (resh ,ersion o( the Eclipse Modeling !ools(rom the Eclipse Do*nloa$ Pae.

    Pae 1 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    #o ans*er the uestion What is E%&; *e5ll borro* the $escription (rom the E%& *ebsite:

    #he E%& pro

  • 7/21/2019 Emf Tutorial


    Pae ! - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    Example Model0n this tutorial *e *ill create an e'ample mo$el (or manain a bo*lin leaue an$ its

    tournaments. 3eaue contains an arbitrar) number o( Pla)ers. #ournament consists o(

    an arbitrar) number o( %atchups. Each %atchup al*a)s contains t*o Aames. Aame is a

    list o( (rames Bthe score an$ is assine$ to a certain Pla)er. &inall) a #ournament has an

    Enumeration that $etermines the t)pe o( #ournament.

    0n the ne't section *e *ill sho* ho* to create an$ enerate co$e (rom this mo$el.

    Pae 4 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    ModelingWe *ill create our e'ample mo$el in E%& to enerate the entit) classes (or our application.

    #he (irst step is to create an empt) mo$elin pro

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    #he essential part o( the mo$elin pro

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    Clic &inish; to create the mo$el. 0t *ill open in the $e(ault Ecore e$itor *hich allo*s the

    $e(inition o( Ecore mo$els in a tree-base$ ,ie*. #here are se,eral a$$itional options (or

    $e(inin Ecore mo$els inclu$in raphical mo$elin te'tual mo$elin ?a,a annotations an$

    importin (rom %3 tools. We *ill stic to the $e(ault e$itor in this tutorial an$ later brie(l)

    $emonstrate the raphical e$itor (or Ecore.

    0n the Ecore e$itor tree )ou can create an$ $elete mo$el elements as *ell as mo$i() the

    structure o( )our mo$el ,ia $ra an$ $rop. Properties o( mo$el elements can be mo$i(ie$ in

    a secon$ ,ie* *hich opens up on $ouble-clic or riht-clic 6ho* Properties Gie*;.

    Hou5ll nee$ to i,e thepacae o( )our ne* mo$el a name an$ an 0. #his *ill be $one in

    the properties ,ie*. #he 0 is use$ to i$enti() the mo$el later on. ame the pacae

    bo*lin; set the s Pre(i' to or.eclipse.e'ample.bo*lin; an$ the s 0 to


    o* *e can $e(ine our mo$el elements as chil$ren o( the root pacae. Create a ne*

    EClass b) riht clicin on the bo*lin pacae e* Chil$; EClass; an$ set the

    name to Pla)er in the properties ,ie* o( the ne*l) create$ EClass.

    Pae I - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    E%& mo$els usuall) buil$ up a structure$ hierarch) that is mo$el element instances. &or

    e'ample a Pla)er is containe$ in a speci(ic container ob

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    We can alrea$) enerate co$e (rom this (irst mo$el iteration *hich *ill be sho*n in the ne't

    section. E%& can also enerate an e'ample e$itor. With this e$itor )ou can create instances

    o( the enerate$ mo$el in our case instances o( 3eaues an$ Pla)ers. #his allo*s us to $o

    initial testin on the mo$el b) creatin instances o( it. #hen *e can (urther re(ine an$ a$$

    more Ettributes an$ Ee(erences in a secon$ iteration that *ill complete the mo$el.

    Code Generation0n this step *e *ill enerate the entities (rom the Ecore (ile *e ha,e create$. ote that i( )ou

    nee$ to chane )our mo$el )ou *ill be able to reenerate the entities aain. E%& can $eal

    *ith simple chanes lie a$$in mo$el elements or Ettributes. 0( )ou ha,e comple'

    chanes lie mo,in an attribute to another class )ou *ill ha,e to mirate e'istin

    instances o( the mo$el. #his is supporte$ b) the EDP# (rame*or. Bsee


    #o enerate entities *e (irst ha,e to create a enerator mo$el. #his allo*s )ou to con(iure

    properties (or the co$e eneration that are not part o( the mo$el itsel(. &or e'ample source

    co$e is enerate$ (or the pluin an$ sub(ol$er as *ell.

    Pae 1" - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    iht clic the mo$el (ol$er in the pro

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    Pae 12 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    0n the root no$e o( the enerator mo$el )ou can set the properties (or eneratin co$e. 0n

    the tree o( the enerator mo$el *e can set properties (or e,er) enerate$ entit). &or the (irst

    co$e eneration *e5ll use the $e(ault settins. Jase$ on the enerator mo$el *e can no*

    enerate the source co$e. E%& allo*s )ou to enerate a ma'imum o( (our $i((erent pluins

    (or a $e(ine$ mo$el:

    Model: #he mo$el contains all entities pacaes an$ (actories to create instances o(

    the mo$el.

    Edit: #he e$it pluin contains pro,i$ers to $ispla) a mo$el in a 0. &or e'ample the

    pro,i$ers o((er a label (or e,er) mo$el element *hich can be use$ to $ispla) an

    entit) sho*in an icon an$ a name.

    Editor: #he e$itor pluin is a enerate$ e'ample e$itor to create an$ mo$i()

    instances o( a mo$el.

    !est: #he test pluin contains templates to *rite tests (or a mo$el.

    #o enerate the pluins riht-clic on the root no$e o( the enerator mo$el an$ select the

    pluin. &or our tutorial please select enerate all;.

    Je(ore *e loo at the enerate$ co$e let5s start the application an$ create an entit) o( our

    mo$el. iht clic on the pluin containin the ecore (ile an$ select Debu as Eclipse

    pplication;. #his *ill start a ne* runtime Eclipse.

    #hen in the runtime create a ne* empt) pro

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    iht clic the create$ pro

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    6elect 3eaue as the mo$el ob

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    #he enerate$ e$itor (or mo$el instances *ors similarl) to the Ecore e$itor. %o$el element

    instances can be create$ ,ia a riht-clic an$ Ettributes can be mo$i(ie$ in the properties

    ,ie*. Please i,e the 3eaue a name an$ create t*o Pla)ers. n sa,e all create$ instances

    are serialiKe$ in the =%0 (ile leaue.bo*lin;.

    Model Refinement3et5s s*itch bac to our 0DE Eclipse en,ironment complete the mo$el an$ reenerate the

    source co$e. 0n this secon$ mo$el iteration *e *ill a$$ $i((erent t)pe o( Ee(erences as *ell

    as EEnums an$ %ulti-Ettributes. &irst a$$ the (ollo*in classes to the bo*lin mo$el:




    #hese classes mo$el the results o( bo*lin tournaments an$ buil$ up a secon$ tree in our

    mo$el. #here(ore *e a$$ containment Ee(erences (rom #ournament to %atchup an$ (rom

    %atchup to Aame. &ollo*in the bo*lin rules a %atchup consists o( t*o Aames Beach

    (rom one Pla)er. We mo$el this b) settin the upper boun$ an$ lo*er boun$ o( theEe(erence ames; o( the EClass %atchup to 2;.

    Pae 1F - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    We $e(ine$ the Ee(erence bet*een %atchup an$ Aame as bi-$irectional. #his means that

    the re(erence can be na,iate$ (rom both en$s. #here(ore *e ha,e to create a secon$

    Ee(erence (rom Aame to %atchup an$ bin$ both Ee(erences. E%& *ill tae care o( the

    bi-$irectional s)nchroniKation. 0n other *or$s a$$in a %atchup to a Aame *ill automaticall)

    a$$ the Aame to the %atchup.

    Please a$$ an Ee(erence to Aame calle$ matchup; *ith the E#)pe %atchup;. J) settin

    the Epposite to the Ee(erence ames; both Ee(erences are couple$ bi-$irectionall).

    ote that the propert) Container; *ill automaticall) be set to #rue.

    Pae 1I - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    #he ne't step is to a$$ a cross-Ee(erence. 0n contrast to containment Ee(erences cross-

    re(erence$ mo$el elements $o not contain each other. 0n our mo$el *e a$$ a cross-

    re(erencin Ee(erence (rom Aame to Pla)er name$ pla)er;. 6et both container an$

    containment properties to (alse;. n arbitrar) number o( ames can be assine$ to a Pla)er

    no* an$ the Pla)er is still containe$ in a 3eaue.

    Pae 18 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    s a (inal man$ator) step *e *ill create an EEnumeration (or the t)pe o( #ournament.

    #ournament can be o( t)pe Pro; an$ mateur; in our mo$el. Please create an EEnum b)

    riht-clicin on the root bo*lin mo$el pacae in the same *a) *e create$ a class. $$

    t*o EEnum 3iterals to this EEnum.

    #hen a$$ an Ettribute to the EClass #ournament name it t)pe; an$ set the E#)pe to


    #he e'ten$e$ e'ample mo$el contains more Ettributes an$ Ee(erences to be a$$e$

    inclu$in all basic t)pes an$ some special cases as the %ulti-0nteer Ettribute in

    #ournament. 0( )ou5$ lie )ou can also mo$el the (ollo*in (eatures:


    heiht: EDouble

    isPro(essional: EJoolean


    (rames: E0nt pperJoun$ L 1"

    (ter appl)in comple' chanes to the mo$el it is al*a)s a oo$ i$ea to ,ali$ate it *ith a

    riht-clic on the mo$el root in the Ecore e$itor. 3et5s $o somethin *ron in the mo$el an$set the lo*er boun$ o( the Ettribute ames; Bin %atchup to !. s the upper boun$ is 2

    this mo$el $oesn5t mae too much sense. #his *ill be $etecte$ b) the mo$el ,ali$ation -

    somethin that is impossible in plain ?a,a co$e.

    Pae 19 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    (ter this mo$el re(inement *e *ill re-enerate the co$e to re(lect our chanes. 6tart the

    runtime pplication aain an$ create a secon$ mo$el tournament;. $$ a %atchup an$ t*o

    Aames. #o assin the Aames to Pla)ers )ou *ill ha,e to loa$ the leaue; mo$el create$

    earlier. 6elect 3oa$ esource; (rom the menu Jo*lin E$itor; an$ select the (irst mo$el

    (ile. o* lin the Aames to the Pla)ers in the properties ,ie*.

    Why is !his (etter than Writing )*J*s+Hou miht as Wh) shoul$ 0 use E%& instea$ o( creatin the mo$el b) *ritin plain

    P?s; Without consi$erin bene(its lie the enerate$ e$itor (or rapi$ testin an$ all the

    a$$itional (rame*ors a,ailable (or E%& let5s loo at t*o ,er) simple an$ e'emplar)


    Je(ore *e loo at the enerate$ co$e B*e *ill $o that in a minute let5s consi$er the amount

    o( co$e *e ha,e

  • 7/21/2019 Emf Tutorial


    EMF API0n this part o( the tutorial *e *ill e'plore E%&5s P0 inclu$in the enerate$ co$e as *ell

    as E%&5s utilit) classes. 3et5s ha,e a loo at the enerate$ co$e (irst.

    0n the mo$el pluin (rom our tutorial or.eclipse.e'ample.bo*lin )ou *ill (in$ inter(aces an$

    implementations (or all o( the mo$el5s entities. loo at the outline o( an entit)5s inter(ace

    re,eals that it contains etters an$ setters (or the attributes *e ha,e $e(ine$ in the mo$el as

    *ell as etters (or the re(erences. ll entities o( the enerate$ E%& mo$el are subclasses o(


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    Pae 22 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    public voidtestMatchupGameRef() { Matchup matchup = BowlingFactory.eINSTANCE.createMatchup(); Game game = BowlingFactory.eINSTANCE.createGame();

    matchup.getGames().add(game); assert!uals(game.e$ontainer()" matchup);#


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    Import Intermediate Sample SolutionJe(ore *e continue *ith the tutorial please import the interme$iate sample solution *hich

    can be $o*nloa$e$here.

    6*itch to an empt) *orspace B&ile 6*itch Worspace an$ select 0mport; Aeneral;

    E'istin Pro

  • 7/21/2019 Emf Tutorial


    AdapterFactories&or the ne't sections o( the tutorial it is important to un$erstan$ the concept o(

    $apter&actories. We *ill i,e a basic intro$uction. %ore a$,ance$ concepts are also

    $escribe$ here.

    #he basic (unction o( $apter&actories is to pro,i$e )ou *ith the inter(ace )ou nee$ (or a

    certain purpose such as an 03abelPro,i$er nee$e$ in the 0. E%& enerates a lot o( these

    classes (or )ou. #o retrie,e the riht class )ou can use an $apter&actor) implementation o(

    the inter(ace )ou nee$ e.. an $apter&actor)3abelPro,i$er.

    #he $apter&actor)3abelPro,i$er *ill retrie,e the enerate$ 3abelPro,i$ers (or all Eb

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    EMF Data Management0n the pre,ious sections *e ha,e sho*n ho* to enerate a structure$ $ata mo$el *ith E%&.

    0n a t)pical application these $ata mo$els ha,e to be store$ an$ liel) also ,ersione$ an$

    $istribute$. #here are a couple o( (rame*ors that support $i((erent use cases.

    J) $e(ault E%& pro,i$es the abilit) to serialiKe Eb

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    &irst *e create an e$itin $omain. n e$itin $omain manaes a set o( interrelate$ mo$els

    an$ the comman$s that are run to mo$i() them. &or e'ample it contains the stac o( all

    (ormer comman$s. n e$itin $omain can create a resource *hich is a container (or storin


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    #he ne't step is to implement un$o. #o un$o the last comman$ all )ou5ll nee$ to $o is to call

    un$o on the comman$ stac o( the e$itin $omain.

    8%/errideprotected voidundo() { :: 7ndo the last change 3dapterFactoryditing6omain .getditing6omainFor(get2ournament()) .get$ommandtac*().undo();#

    o* start the bo*lin application an$ create an =%0 (ile *ith the e'ample e$itor. 0t shoul$

    contain a #ournament an$ se,eral %atchups an$ Aames. iht clic on the (ile an$ select

    #utorial; ;pen E'ample #ournament Gie*;. 0n this ,ie* )ou can a$$ ne* #ournamentsun$o this operation an$ sa,e b) clicin on 7;. Hou can ,ali$ate the result b) openin the

    (ile in the Ecore e$itor. Please note aain that the 0 o( the Gie* *ill not be up$ate$ )et but

    *e *ill initialiKe the 0 in the ne't step o( the tutorial.

    ,dditional )ersistence Frameworks#here are se,eral (rame*ors (or storin an$ ,ersionin E%& mo$el instances. ere are

    three that *e can recommen$:

    E%&6toreB%o$el epositor)

    CDB%o$el epositor)

    Teneo(Database Back-end)

    E%&6tore%ere Dialo

    Pae 28 - What E,er) Eclipse De,eloper 6houl$ 7no* about E%& Cop)riht 2"11-2"14 Eclipse6ource

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    EMF -#0n this section *e *ill (ill the e'ample ,ie* *ith t*o basic 0 elements. &irst *e *ill bin$ the3abel on top sho*in the number o( %atchups in the opene$ #ournament to the mo$el. We

    *ill use the noti(ication mechanism to up$ate the 3abel *hene,er the number o( %atchups

    chanes. 6econ$ *e *ill (ill the #reeGie*er *ith a list o( the %atchups an$ $ispla) their

    Aames as chil$ren. #o up$ate the 3abel *e *ill reister a listener on the #ournament


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    element. 0n our case the input is the #ournament.

    ContentPro,i$er an$ especiall) 3abelPro,i$er usuall) $epen$ on a certain EClass. E%&

    enerates pro,i$ers (or se,eral purposes inclu$in Content- an$ 3abelPro,i$er. We *ill use

    the $apter&actor) concept e'plaine$ pre,iousl) to retrie,e the riht pro,i$er (or e,er)

    element. &inall) *e set the 0nput to the #ournament that is currentl) open.

    8%/errideprotected voidinitialie2ree/iewer(2ree5iewer tree5iewer) { :: initialie a 2ree5iewer to show the Matchups :: and Games of the opened 2ournament 3dapterFactory1a&elro/ider la&elro/ider =new 3dapterFactory1a&elro/ider(get3dapterFactory()); 3dapterFactory$ontentro/ider contentro/ider =new 3dapterFactory$ontentro/ider(get3dapterFactory());

    tree5iewer.set1a&elro/ider(la&elro/ider); tree5iewer.set$ontentro/ider(contentro/ider); tree5iewer.set0nput(get2ournament());#

    #o test the 0 (eatures

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    8%/erridepublic tring get2e9t(%&'ect o&'ect) { if (o&'ect instanceof Matchup) {

    1istGame@ games = ((Matchup) o&'ect).getGames();

    if (games >= null) { return -Matchup" GamesA - games.sie(); # #

    return gettring(-+70+Matchup+type-);#

    0n the runnin application the ne* 3abelPro,i$er is $ispla)e$ in the #ournament E'ample

    ,ie* as *ell as in the Ecore E$itor:

    s a last step )ou shoul$ remo,e all listeners *hen closin the ,ie*. ote that

    3abelPro,i$er an$ ContentPro,i$er are reistere$ listeners on the mo$el so )ou shoul$

    $elete them as *ell.

    0( )ou *ant to ha,e a loo at the (inal sample solution please import the pro

  • 7/21/2019 Emf Tutorial


    E%& Client Plat(orm a,iator an$ E$itor

    $$itional (rame*ors that are *orth*hile ha,in a loo at (or creatin 0s are:

    AraphitiBAraphical E$itor

    Araphical %o$elin &rame*orBAraphical E$itor

    E'ten$e$ E$itin &rame*orB$,ance$ Propert) Gie*

    ,dditional EMF'based !echnologies0n this last section o( the tutorial *e5$ lie to i,e )ou our short list o( a$$itional E%&-base$

    technoloies (or )ou to e'plore:

    E%& Compare(or comparin mo$els

    EDP#(or miratin mo$els

    E%& 0ncQuer)(or uer)in mo$els

    =#e't(or te'tual mo$elin BD63s

    .onclusionWe hope )ou (oun$ this tutorial help(ul. 0( )ou ha,e (ee$bac or uestions please (eel (ree tocontact us at [email protected]$ates o( this tutorial *ill become a,ailable


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