Effective Styles of Communication – Learning to Work

Effective Styles of Communication – Learning to Work with Others Tracy Humphreys BS, MS, CRCST, CHL

Transcript of Effective Styles of Communication – Learning to Work

Effective Styles of Communication – Learning

to Work with Others

Tracy Humphreys BS, MS, CRCST, CHL


Define Effective Communication 4 Types of Communication What is Diversity?

Personality Differences Define Professionalism Effective Communication and Teamwork Communication and Customer Service Motivation Employee Satisfaction

What is Communication?

“Communication is the process of transmitting information and understanding from one person to another by use of words and non-verbal expressions including body language”

Effective communication is an essential component of success

Human relations – development and maintenance of effective interpersonal relationships

Communication Facts

100,000 words in the English language

30,000-60,000 words in average person’s vocabulary

5,000 words have double meaning

750,000 estimated body language symbols

Effective Communication

Crucial to a good and positive working environment

Creates the atmosphere required for smooth operation & great patient outcomes

Does require practice

Types of Communication

Verbal Talk with each other not at or to each other Hold discussions not speeches

Nonverbal Body language Can be interpreted either positive or negative

Written Specific, accurate and brief

Listening Active


In order to have communication, both listening and speaking are necessary

70% of all mistakes are attributed to ineffective communication

25% of what is heard is remembered


$100 $50 $25 $12.50 $6.25

“We hear only half of what is said to us, understand only half of that, believe only half of that, and remember only half of that”

(Walker, 2002, as quoted in Cyr, 2004).

100% 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25% spoken heard understood believed remembered


1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

Factors that Influence Communication Effectiveness

Face-to-Face Communication 55% body language 38% tone of voice 7% spoken word

Telephone Communication 82% tone 18% words

Basic Communication Skills

#1 – senders analyze their receiver & recognize their perspectives

#2 – Use of feedback – ask open-ended questions to assess if message was received Unstructured response is required

#3 – Make the message meaningful Receive and develop messages based on their

own perceptions

5 C’s of Effective Communication

Consistency Clarification Commitment Collaboration Connection

Creates Positive Work Environment

5 C’s create by: Keeping communication channels open Creating a positive workplace atmosphere Encouraging positive co-worker attitudes Working in a professional manner at all times

Barriers of Effective Communication Differing perceptions Lack of knowledge Role of emotions Personality Appearance Prejudice Distractions Language barriers – even though people appear to

speak the same language they may not be communicating at all

Information overload Use of Jargon and Slang

Principles of Listening

Most important part of any communication is your listening ability – it is a skill

Don’t overreact to content or delivery Keep an open mind, ask questions Remove distractions, resist internal distractions Listen between the lines Adapt your thought speed Use all your senses Do not interrupt Paraphrase and ask for clarification

Active Listening

Recognize the importance of listening Listening may be more important than speaking when

confronting difficult issues Benefits to active listening:

Saves time (no need for laterclarification)

Helps bring an accurateassessment of the situation

Encourages the speaker toclarify; the speaker feels heard

Reduces emotion which willclarify thinking

Active listening is the skill of listening with purpose with the intent to understand. (Balfour, 2008)

Avoid Assumptions

Do you have all the information?

Do you have everyone’s perspective?

It may not be – and probably isn’t – about you

Effective Communication Strategies

Think about what you want to say Wait until you are not angry Initiate the contact Affirm them as you begin Tell them you are struggling with a problem Outline the problem Seek to understand

Communicating with Others

“You get what you are, not what you want”

Behavior, communication, teamwork and professionalism

Understand others’ point of view Even if you disagree, take the time to learn &

understand another person’s perspective

Core and Common Goal

Identify the purpose for the conversation Describe the situation or behavior Identify the result or impact to you; to others Communicate possible misunderstandings or lack of

information State common goal Communicate specific desired behavior Affirm the relationship and/or person Offer support


“The concept that people are unique with individual differences stemming from race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, age & physical abilities”

All must recognize the importance of diversity Focus on common goal that holds work group

together Providing quality patient outcomes

Every person is unique & brings special qualities to the job that influences their attitudes & opportunities to contribute


Different perceptions result from different experiences which can impede communication

Characteristics of cultures create differential perceptions No way to know all the cultural rules about people

Effective communication is one way a diverse group of people will work together to achieve the common goal

Culture of understanding, respect, & cooperation encourages teamwork with its benefits


Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder… Teamwork is summed up in 5 words

“We believe in each other”

Personality Differences Personality tests

Many out there

Your personality impacts how you communicate with and perceive others

“What color is your personality?” Help you to

Understand your core personality Discover what motivates you Read others easily and accurately Identify your natural strengths & overcome your limitations Improve your relationships with others Enhance your business performance

Personality Colors


Strength Authenticity Duty Knowledge Skillfulness


sympathy, rapport

Dependability, accountability,Responsibility

Answers, intelligence, explanations

Skills, grace, finesse,


DislikeHypocrisy, deception, insincerity

Disobedience, non-conformity, insubordination

Injustice and unfairness

Rigidity, authority


enthusiasm, inspiration

Concern, stability, purpose

Coolness, calm

Optimism, impatience, eagerness, confidence

Perception and Interpretation

Orange sees self as… Others see orange as…

Fun-loving, enjoys life Irresponsible

Spontaneous Flaky

Carefree Scattered

Perception and Interpretation

Green may see self as… Others see Green as…

98% right Arrogant

Tough-minded Heartless

Calm Cool, aloof, unfeeling

Perception and Interpretation

Gold may see self as… Others may see Gold as…

Stable Rigid

Dependable Boring

Organized Uptight

Perception and Interpretation

Blue may see self as… Others may see Blue as…

Caring, compassionate “bleeding heart”

Warm Overly-emotional

Empathetic, people person

Too trusting

Bottom Line Be aware that perceptions plays a significant

role in effective communication To communicate effectively

Listen Clarify or rephrase Articulate clearly Maintain composure Problem solve

We all work for the same goal Quality Patient Outcomes!!!!


Defined in Websters Dictionary “characterized by or conforming to the

technical or ethical standards of a profession : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace”

Professionals are proud of themselves and the work they do

“goes the extra mile” Is part of a team


Conduct standards Require all employees to treat co-workers with

respect and courtesy, regardless of their personal feelings toward one another

Over ½ of those surveyed stated disrespect prevented them from getting others to listen to them or respect their professional opinion, only 16% confronted their disrespectful colleague

Professional CS technicians

Positive attitude & pride Knowledge & skill Continuous improvement Contribute 100% Interested in helping others Know & exceed quality &

quantity standards Competent and effective


Respect supervisors and co-workers

Are creative Self confident Courteous to co-workers Admit mistakes & learn from

them Sense of humor Does not promote gossip

Professional CS Technicians

Must Try to understand peers as individuals & incorporate

this understanding in how they interact with others Help other employees achieve their highest levels of

job satisfaction Increase their contributions to their team because it

benefits the team, facility & their profession Develop a genuine spirit of cooperation & teamwork

among themselves, their peers & those at higher organizational levels

Must accept some responsibility for & share in the issues that affect the success of their department

Professionalism Quality service is a reflection of professionalism, &

requires maturity, self-esteem, competence, confidence & a positive attitude

Remember that respect is earned Give respect to earn respect When you show you are professional by your actions and

behavior you will earn the respect Takes a lot of commitment and effort to earn the respect of

others If you are truthful & upfront with people, it goes a long way in

gaining respect & trust

Be your best in every situation The way you act reflects on your character

Improving TeamworkTo be successful every CS dept requires

people working in different positionsIndividuals must work as part of a team

The work they do directly relate to others in the department – decontamination impacts assemblers who impacts sterilizer operators, etc

If work is not performed correctly the consequences can be tragic

Staff cannot do their work without the help of othersThe working relationship between the CS and OR

The success or failure of the department is dependent on staff helping each other

Teamwork is beneficial to the facility

Increases patient satisfactionHow?

Improves productivity through increased staff cooperation & reduced interpersonal competition

Increase employee’s job satisfactionHow?

Improves the work environment by creating common purpose for staffHow?

Decrease job-related stressHow?

Employee Satisfaction

Less stressed Feel part of something bigger Working towards common goal Ensuring that everyone succeeds Morale of department increases

Teamwork FactorsAttitude

A proper one is the most important factor necessary

Attitudes about their job, peers, & patients affect their actions

An employee’s attitude is often influenced by co-workers

If part of a team in which all get along, like their job & facility & wants to provide good service, then each staff member will most likely have a good attitude

In contrast if even 1 member dislikes job, supervisor, facility, & does not care about quality of work – teamwork will suffer and morale will decrease among all members

Teamwork Factors

Cooperation To provide good service, one must be willing to help & work

with other employees

Promptness When employee is late or does not show up it affects all

other staff members Remaining members have to work harder and/or goals

related to work quantity & quality will suffer

Loyalty A good member of a team trusts co-workers & supervisors Co-workers & supervisors trust each team member


Cross-functional teams – group of employees from different departments that work together to resolve operating problems How OR and CS staff work together to solve

instrumentation & equipment issues CS and other user departments as well

Group decision-making is the next step & over time cooperation rather than competition becomes common place

Group members find satisfaction in & become committed to working towards the groups’ success due to common goals

Successful groups emphasize the development & attainment of mutual goals

Can you have great teamwork or great customer service without effective communication?

Different way of thinking

Factor CS Staff OR staff

Time Horizon3hrs or more for routine inst

processing "STAT"

Customers served CS has many customers

OR think they are the only customer

Anticipation of needs

CS believes OR should anticipate what they need

OR staff believe we should anticipate what they need

Priority for instCS focus on how devices can

be cleanedOR focus on how they are


Communication"Tell me what you need and

when you need it"

"You should know what we need and when we need it"

Cooperation with Operating Room Personnel

CS and the OR work extremely closely togetherOutcome of every patient procedure depends on

effective communication & cooperation between personnel in these two departments Both work within a fast-paced, ever-changing environment

& communication can break down & relationships can become strained

Relationship relies on mutual trust & respect Trust & respect is earned & actions and responses to

issues of employees in both depts build or erode the trust necessary to reduce communication roadblocks

Cooperation with Operating Room Personnel Differences between systems can create

communication challenges

Slang terms, jargon, & nicknames used to describe medical instrumentation & supplies may not be the same in both departments

Needs change often throughout the day & if info doesn’t flow smoothly frustrations can increase & relationships damaged

Cooperation with OR staff

Several ways to enhance communicationSpecific issue should be addressed firstBroader tactic like a survey to identify & prioritize

communication roadblocks After specific issue is identified it should be addressed

without assigning blame to individuals or work groupsFocus should be on identifying & correcting problems

so that they do not occur again – root cause analysisBy removing the personal element staff can

focus on the issues without allowing personal frustrations & feelings to impact the problem solving process

Cooperation with OR staff

Communication should be on-going instead of when an incident has occurred

Joint projects can be completed

Simple actions like showing appreciation for the efforts & assistance of personnel in other departments can help establish a bond between both groups

Team Approach

1. Listen2. Clarify3. Articulate: What do you

want? What are you willing to give?

4. Maintain your composure5. Problem solve working

towards the same goal

Team Approach

A successful team plays on the individual members’ strengths, communicates well, and keeps their focus on

the ultimate goal.

Remember that “perception is reality” Look at yourself in the mirror

Are you letting your perceptions influence how you interact with others?

Others watch and learn from you

Motivation What motivates you to come to work?

To do your best? To give 110% To go “above and beyond”

Knowing that you touch and influence every patient outcome! 30 days / day 30 patients / day 150 patients / week 7800 patients / year


“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence”

Confucius “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever

has to be done, it's always your choice.”Wayne Dyer

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”William James

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”Aristotle

“I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down.”

Mia Hamm

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit

down and listen” Winston Churchill


Thanks to my family Thanks to Integrated Medical Systems, Inc Thanks to all of my mentors