Edison & G.E. J.P. Morgan & Wall Street Leland Stanford & Central Pacific RR.


Transcript of Edison & G.E. J.P. Morgan & Wall Street Leland Stanford & Central Pacific RR.

Edison & G.E.J.P. Morgan & Wall Street

Leland Stanford & Central Pacific RR

HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES – (1890) Jacob Riis

William ‘Boss’ Tweed

Ulysses S. Grant – 18th U.S. President 1869 - 1877






OTHER KEY POLITICAL ISSUES – THE GILDED AGE Civil Service Reform (tens of thousands of jobs at stake) The Problem: Spoils System seen as life blood of political parties, yet associated corruption in job award undermines Key Groups: (Senate Republicans – GOP controlled Senate in Gilded Age) -The Stalwarts- *wished to continue spoils system *Roscoe Conkling (Sen. NY) key leader -The Half-Breeds- *negative term coined by Stalwarts *moderate Republicans *supported idea of some civil service reform *James Garfield and James Blaine key leaders *Garfield assassination when president ends use of terms and begins end of spoils

-Reformers- *supported total reform of Spoils System *anti-protectionist tariff (Stalwarts & Half Breeds pro) *up and coming Teddy Roosevelt an important person

The Pendleton Act 1883-named for Sen. George Pendleton (Dem OH)-pressure from public following death of Garfield-creates Civil Service Commission (administers programs)-creates merit based job system (10% of all jobs at first)-restricts $ contributions from federal employees-will lead to most jobs out of politician’s control

The Money Issue: Gold vs. Silver. Key Questions: Should the money supply be expanded?

Why did/does it matter?

Those in favor: Small business people Farmers


Those opposed: Large business ownersWealthyEasterners

“A Cross of Gold” Wm Jennings Bryan

KEY IDEA SUMMARY:1. Government keeps hands off approach to business & economy2. Spoils System leads to significant issues with corruption.3. Close elections suppresses bold leadership4. Economy rapidly advances. - By 1900 America is the #1 industrial power

What would this man predict about America in the years following theLate 19th century?