Ed480.Powerpoint.Special Education

Presentation by Livia Pangelinan


Why integrate technology into a special education classroom?

Transcript of Ed480.Powerpoint.Special Education

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Presentation by Livia Pangelinan

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Research from many expert sources Can be used for any content area Technology in the classroom, if integrated

effectively, supports the four key components of learning:active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.

Prepares students for the real world that has become reliant on technology.

Today’s goal for special needs students is full inclusion…The technology can make that a reality.

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Assistive/inclusive technology can improve the learning environment for the student

Technology may actually enable the student to participate in every lesson. Full inclusion is possible.

With everyday advances, more and more tools are being developed to assist children with special needs.

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Phonic ear Projector Elmo Various screen readers Braille stickers for a keyboard Magnification software On-screen keyboards Predictive Text (like mobile phones) Larger Keyboards

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•Teacher’s voice is amplified through a wireless microphone.•Can assist those with minor hearing and visual impairmentshttp://craigschool.org/index.php?


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•Enlarge your power-point presentations•Everyone can take notes•Can help those with minor visual impairments

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•Document projector•Allows everyone to follow along as you write.•Great tool for everyone


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•Enlarge images on-screen•For visually impaired students


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These are just some of the inclusive/assistive technology available to further enhance the learning of your students, and to enable your students with special needs to participate and learn in your classroom as well.


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Slideshare.net was very easy to use. When I first got the assignment, I googled my topic and it was funny that I actually found a slideshow that was already on there. It really helped me a lot. It’s a simple site that is easy to navigate, and I strongly recommend that teachers use it. Students can view your powerpoint presentations from anywhere that has an internet connection. It’s a very useful tool. It’s also a great way to do research. There are many presentations readily available to teach anyone!

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http://www.freedomscientific.com http://i.ehow.com/images http://craigschool.org http://www.slideshare.net/kmott/integrating-technology-in-a-special-education-classroom http://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-introduction http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr139.shtml

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Inclusive Technology UK MAGic Software for the Visually Impaired Phonic Ear Teaching Tips for using ELMO in the classroom Other Assistive Technology Available Teaching Special Kids: Resources for Teachers