Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD

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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


     The Case ofCitrate Metabolism

    Evolution in E. coliBacteria

    slide version 1.0

  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


    bout this Case:

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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD



     These slides are provided as a teachin& resourcefor the E. coli citrate metabolism case as describedon fuller description of thecase can be found on the website.

     Teachin& notes can be found in the notes sectionbeneath each slide when viewin& the slides in@'ormal Aiew in "ower"oint.

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    Citrate Metabolism in E.coli Bacteria

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    Bacteria Basics

    Bacteria are considered one of theearliest forms of life.

    %ound an!where and

    ever!where: animal &uts*oceanic h!drothermal vents*even radioactive waste

    Estimated that there are D 10,0 bacterial cells on Earth

     The human bod! harbors upwards of 1000

    di;erent bacteria species

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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


    Hiversit! in (hapes

    occu% bacillu


  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


    E. coli basics:

    %ull name: Escherichia coli(hape: Bacillus

    (iIe: $ Jm K 0. Jm

    %ound in the di&estive tractsof most warm-bloodedanimals

    Lenerall! harmless e3cept

    for a few strains that cancause foodborne illnessFe.&. E. coli 1N:9NG

    ne of the most studied and well-characteriIed

    or&anisms in e3istence.

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    "h!lo&enetic Tree of )ife

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    Escherichia coli is a


    • "roteobacteria is a ma#orph!lum within the bacterialdomain.

    •ll proteobacteria are &ram-ne&ative* that is* the! have athin peptido&l!can la!erbetween the cell membraneand an outer membrane.

    • E. coli is a member of theclass &ammaproteobacteria.

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    9ow is E. coli transmitted amon&speciesO

    Gansheroff L J , and O'Brien A D PNAS 2000;97:2959-29!

    ©2000 by National Academy of Sciences

  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


    E. coli >esearch is Common

    • Eas! to &row and maintain - can &rowbetween PN and QRC* optimal &rowth at,NRC

    • Aer! small or&anism*but &rows to form ver!lar&e populations.

    • >eproduce rapidl!*with &eneration timesas low as of $0 minutes

    under optimal conditions.

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    E. coli +nder the MicroscopeF(cannin& Electron Micro&raphG

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    E. coli +nder the MicroscopeFTransmission Electron Micro&raphG

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     The )on&-Term Evolution

    E3periment on E. coli

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     The )on&-Term Evolution E3periment

    • Be&an in %ebruar! of 1QSS b! Hr.>ichard )ens6i usin& E. coli tostud! evolution in action.

    • Aer! simple idea: &row E. coli inserial broth cultures for a lon&time and see what happens.

    • Cultures have been &rowin&

    nearl! ever! da! since* resultin&in over 0*000 &enerations of&rowth and countin& Feuivalentto over 1 million !ears of human


    Hr. >ichard )ens6i*Histin&uished "rofessor of

    Microbial Ecolo&!* Michi&an

    (tate +niversit!

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     The )on&-Term Evolution E3periment

    •  The broth contains a small amount of&lucose for the bacteria to use as afood source.

    • nother possible food source* citrate,is also present in the broth* but thebacteria cannot &row on it under the

    conditions of the e3periment.

      Llucose Citrate

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    9ow does evolution happen in the


    • Hr. )ens6i be&an twelve* initiall! identical populations*each in its own Uas6?.

    •  The populations are 6ept completel! isolated from oneanother* preventin& an! &ene Uow between them.

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    E3perimental "rotocol

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    •  The populations have beentransferred almost ever! da! since*evolvin& for over 0*000 &enerations

    and countin& Feuivalent to over 1.$million !ears of human evolutionG

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    1 !ears into the e3periment*somethin& ver! une3pected


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    i%cu%%ion ue%tionh! is population WQ cloudier than

    the othersO

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     The &rowin& mediumV

    • >emember* the bacteria &row in amedium that contain% both &lucose andcitrate molecules.

    • 'ormall!* E. coli cannot use citrate in thee3perimental environment.

    • Could the bacteriain Uas6 WQ haveevolved the abilit!to &row on citrateO

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    Citrate vs Llucose

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    9ow does evolution happen in the


    • Evolution occurs b! mutation and natural %election.

    • +utation is when a chan&e in the H' seuence occurs in

    an individual. This chan&e ma! or ma! not a;ect a trait* and

    ma! have a neutral* benecial* or detrimental e;ect.• Natural %election is a process in which or&anisms with

    favorable traits are better able to survive and reproduce* and

    are therefore more li6el! to pass on their traits to the ne3t

    &eneration. (imilarl!* or&anisms with detrimental traits are

    less able to survive and reproduce* and are therefore less

    li6el! to pass on their traits to the ne3t &eneration.

    Conseuentl!* over time the population becomes better able

    to survive and reproduce in the environment in which it lives

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    Cell Biolo&! of CitrateMetabolism in E. coli


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    erobic Citrate Metabolism Evolves

    • fter P,,*000 &enerations F1 !earsinto the e3perimentG* population WQwas observed to be cloudier than an!

    other population. – This means there was a si&nicant

    increase in bacterial &rowth in

    population WQ.

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    erobic Citrate Metabolism Evolves

    • 2nvesti&ations indicated that the cells inpopulation WQ were able to import citratefrom the medium.

    •  This is unusual &iven that E. coli &enerall!cannot import citrate in the o3ic FaerobicGconditions present in the e3periment.

    • nce citrate enters the E. coli cell* it canbe metaboliIed in Citric cid c!clereactions.

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    2n the broth* the ener&!molecule used b! thebacteria is $luco%e.

    second ener&!molecule called citrate

    is also present in the brothbut it can onl! bemetaboliIed in the absenceof o3!&en.

     The )on&-Term Evolution E3periment



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    9ow is Citrate used forener&!O

    • Citrate is important in biolo&!* as it isan intermediate in the citric acidc!cle

     – Citric cid c!cle &enerates cellularener&! in all aerobic or&anisms F!es*even humansG

     – hen imported* citrate is incorporatedinto the Citric cid c!cle

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    Citrate vs Llucose

     The nutrient broth contains morecitrate F1N00 JMG than &lucose F1,Q


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    Citrate vs Llucose

    The transport of citrate into the E coli cell isnot possible when o3!&en is present in the


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    Citrate vs Llucose

    2f citrate could &et into the cell* the bacteriumcould metaboliIe it in Citric cid c!cle reactions*resultin& in a si&nicant increase in the ener&!


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     The CitT Transport "rotein

    •  The CitT protein Fin&reenG is an antiporter *meanin& that it can

    transport citratemolecules into thecell in e3chan&e forsuccinate molecules.

    • 2t operates viapassive transport.

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     The CitT Transport "rotein

    • 2n )ens6iXs E. colievolutione3periments* the

    cells in populationWQ evolved a wa! toproduce the CitTtransport protein in

    o3ic FaerobicGconditions.

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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


    2n )ens6iXs E. coli evolutione3periments* the cells inpopulation WQ evolved a wa!to produce the CitT transportprotein in o3ic conditions.

    CitT Transport "rotein Evolution

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     This allows them to importcitrate into the citric acidc!cle* &ain 1T" and $'H9from it* and e3port it as

    succinate in return for morecitrate.

    CitT Transport "rotein Evolution

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    dvanta&e of E3chan&in& (uccinate

    for CitrateO

    • Citrate has more potential ener&!than succinate:

     – Citrate !ields 'H9* 'H9* T"

     – (uccinate !ields %H9$* 'H9

    • B! e3portin& succinate to importmore citrate* the second half of the

    Citric cid c!cle is b!passed and therst half can be repeated.

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    More available ener&! results inmore &rowth* and ultimatel! a

    denser culture with a hi&herpopulation of E. coli.

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    •  The abundance of citrate was a lar&epotential food source waitin& to bee3ploited until &enerations when the

    abilit! to transport citrate into thecell evolved.

    Conseuences of CitrateMetabolism

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    1. 9ow is citrate used as a source ofener&!O

    $. 9ow is citrate imported into the cellO

    9ow is succinate involvedO

    ,. hat is uniue about the cells fromWQO

    . here does the citrate come fromOhere does the succinate &oO

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    ptional Cellular >espiration


    1. 9ow man! moles of T" can be made permole of &lucoseO

    $. 9ow man! moles of T" can be made permole of citrateO 

    ,. 9ow man! moles of T" can be made permole of succinateO

    . Calculate the percent increase in ener&!

    stores if E coli trades out succinate for citrate.ssume that the above reactants are full! o3idiIed too3aloacetate and that 'H9/%H9$ molecules are used to

    build up a proton &radient for o3idative phosphor!lation.

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     The Molecular Lenetics of CitrateMetabolism in E. coli Bacteria

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    Bacterial Lenetics Terms and


    • /peron: Cluster of &enes under the re&ulator!control of a promoter.

    • romoter%: H' seuences that bind >'pol!merase and transcription factors."romoters initiate transcription Fturn on &enesGfor production of m>'< usuall! locatedupstream of the &ene it controls.

    • /perator%: re&ions of H' associated withpromoters that bind re&ulator! proteins toeither promote or hinder >' pol!merasebindin& to promoter.

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     The cit  operon

    •  The citrate-succinate transporter&ene* citT  is a &ene within the cit  operon.

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     The cit  operon

    •  The &enes of the cit  operon aretranscribed from a sin&le promoterlocated at the be&innin& of the operon.

    •  The transcribed m>' FbottomG is thentranslated b! a ribosome into proteins.

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     The cit  operon

    • %or simplicit!Xs sa6e* we willrepresent the cit  operon as picturedbelow.

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    • 2f citT  is not transcribed* the CitTtransport protein cannot be made* andE. coli cannot transport environmentalcitrate into the cell.

    Central Ho&ma of protein s!nthesis

     Transcription is stopped b! ne&ativecontrol

    'e&ative control of the cit  operon

    1'N' Dtranscription m!NA Dtranslation !/2'N

    1'N' Dtranscription m!NA Dtranslation !/2'N

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    'e&ative control of the cit  operon

    >epressor protein


    d b!

    • n the pre%ence of o",$en arepressor protein binds to the citpromoter and bloc6s transcription.

    •  Therefore* when E. coli is in an aerobic

    environment* the &enes in the cit  operon* includin& citT, are nottranscribed.

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    'e&ative control of the cit  operon

    Lene nottranscribedtransport protein



    • n the pre%ence of o",$en arepressor protein binds to the citpromoter and bloc6s transcription.

    •  Therefore* when E. coli is in an aerobic

    environment* the &enes in the cit  operon* includin& citT, are nottranscribed.

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    • stretch of H' in the re&ion of thecitT &ene was duplicated.

    •  This mutation occurred randoml! withinE. coli population WQ. 2t has not* to our

    6nowled&e* occurred in an! of the other11 E. coli populations.

    Lenetic mutation

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    •  The duplication chan&ed how the &enesand promoters in this re&ion of H'were arran&ed.

    Lenetic mutation

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    • s a result of the duplication event* the&enes and promoters in this re&ion ofH' were rearran&ed.

    Lenes and promoters rearran&ed


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    • 2n o3ic conditions* the cit operonpromoter is still inhibited b! a repressorprotein.

    'ew Behavior in 3ic Conditions


    'ew Behavior in 3ic

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    • 2n o3ic conditions* the cit operonpromoter is still inhibited b! a repressorprotein.

    •  The &enes in the cit  operon* includin&

    the ori&inal cop! of citT  are nottranscribed.

    'ew Behavior in 3icConditions


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    • 2n o3ic conditions* the cit operon promoteris still inhibited b! a repressor protein.

    •  The &enes in the cit  operon* includin& theori&inal cop! of citT  are not transcribed.

    • 9owever* the promoters downstream ofthe cit  operon are not Fand never wereGrepressed b! o3!&en.

    'ew Behavior in 3ic Conditions


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    • 2n o3ic conditions* the cit operon promoteris still inhibited b! a repressor protein.

    •  The &enes in the cit  operon* includin& theori&inal cop! of citT  are not transcribed.

    • 9owever* the promoters downstream ofthe cit  operon are not Fand never wereGa;ected b! o3!&en.

    'ew Behavior in 3ic Conditions

    •  The repositioned rnk promoterfacilitates the transcription of the

    downstream H'* includin& the

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    • cit  T is now transcribed and translatedinto the citrate-succinate transporter.

    • Bacteria that can ma6e this proteinhave an advanta&e over those that

    cannot because the! can transportener&! rich molecules into the cell.

    Citrate-(uccinate Transporter

    Lene is transcribed and them>' is translated<

    transmembrane protein is


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  • 8/18/2019 Ecoli Citrate Metabolism Evolution_STD


     The Ecolo&! and "h!lo&enetics of

    Citrate Metabolism in E. coli Bacteria

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    Ecolo&! of %las6 WQ

     The bacterial population in %las6 WQ thatevolved the abilit! to e3press the citratetransporter in aerobic conditions is called CitY

    CitY was not the onl! population in %las6 WQ:the predecessor population* called Cit-* was

    still there.

     These two populations* in the environment of

    the Uas6* created a little ecos!stem that can bestudied.

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    Ecolo&! of %las6 WQ

    ne mi&ht e3pect CitY to ta6e over uic6l!due to the abundance of citrate available*but the two strains developed two di;erent

    niche%* so the! were able to coe3ist.

    Ba%ic ecolo$ical principle: for twoor&anisms to coe3ist in the sameenvironment* the! need to e3ploit twodi;erent niches.

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    hich 'iches HevelopedO

    >ecall that the CitT protein exchanges citrate for succinate Fcitrate comes inand succinate &oes outG

    fter CitY evolved* a pool of %uccinateaccumulated in the environment assuccinate moved out of the CitY cellsin e3chan&e for citrate.

    ithin the e3perimental populations* E. coli cellsFboth Cit- and CitYG have the abilit! to &row onsuccinate* so there were now three di;erent carboncompounds available in the environment: $luco%e4

    citrate4 and %uccinate

    The %las6 WQ ecos!stem

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     The %las6 WQ ecos!stem*

    before CitY evolves

    1luco%e Citrate


    The %las6 WQ ecos!stem

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     The %las6 WQ ecos!stem*

     #ust after CitY evolves


    1luco%e Citrate


    The %las6 WQ ecos!stem

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     The %las6 WQ ecos!stem*some time after CitY evolves




    1luco%e Citrate


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    "h!lo&enetics Terms and Henitions

    • h,lo$enetic%: the stud! of the evolutionar!relationships between &roups of or&anisms

    •  These relationships are determined b!comparin& H' seuence data for theor&anisms under stud!

    • h,lo$enetic tree% are used to show theserelationships in a visual wa!

    • Clade% are &roups of closel!-relatedor&anisms that share a common ancestor*which is represented as a node on the tree

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    "opulation WQ "h!lo&enetics

    • Entire population was hetero&eneous formuch of its histor! – "ossibl! indicative of more comple3 ecolo&ical

    interaction within the population thanpreviousl! thou&ht

    • , di;erent clades coe3isted with oneanother for at least 10*000 &enerations

    prior to the evolution of CitY• CitY forms a fourth clade around ,,*$$$


    • This &ure is a

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    ph!lo&en! of %las6WQ up to 0*000&enerations of

    evolution. 2t was&enerated b! usin&whole-&enome H'seuencin& andcomparin& seuenceof individuals withinthe population.Clades 1-, are Cit-*with Clade bein&the CitY linea&e.•Branches that have

    stopped areindicative of thatlinea&e becomin&rare or e3tinct.•'ote that this &ure

    onl! shows data up to

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    dvanced (tud!

    >ead the followin& article and ma6e alist of uestions to brin& to class:

    Blount* Z. H.* 8. E. Barric6* C. 8. Havidson*and >. E. )ens6i. $01$. Lenomic anal!sis ofa 6e! innovation in an e3perimental

    Escherichia coli population. Nature 567:1,-1S. FbstractG

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    Clic6er [uestion 1

    • 'ormall!* can E. coli metaboliIecitrateO

    . es* in conditions with o3!&en

    B. es* in conditions without o3!&enC. es* in conditions with or without


    H. 'o* not in an! conditions

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    Clic6er [uestion $

    • 2n conditions without o3!&en* howdoes E. coli brin& citrate into the cellO

    . Citrate enters the cell via active

    transportB. Citrate di;uses freel! across the cell


    C. Citrate is brou&ht in throu&h anantiporter protein in e3chan&e forsuccinate

    H. Tric6 uestion* E. coli canXt utiliIe

    citrate without o3!&en

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    Clic6er [uestion ,

    • 2n the )on&-Term EvolutionE3periment* prior to the evolution ofCitY* what are the available carbon

    sources in the nutrient brothO. Llucose

    B. Lalactose

    C. CitrateH. mmonium

    E. Both and C

    li 6 i

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    Clic6er [uestion

    • Hurin& the )on&-Term EvolutionE3periment* what interestin&phenot!pe evolved after P,,*000

    &enerationsO. The E. coli evolved virulence and are

    now able to infect people

    B. The E. coli evolved the abilit! to utiliIecitrate in the presence of o3!&en

    C. The E. coli evolved multicellularit!

    H. 'one of the above

    Cli 6 [ i

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    Clic6er [uestion

    •  To &et citrate into the cell* the E. coli in the )TEE e3perienced what t!pe ofmutation that allowed them to

    e3press CitT in the presence ofo3!&enO

    . "oint mutation

    B. Chromosomal 2nversionC. Heletion

    H. Lene Huplication

    Cli 6 [ i

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    Clic6er [uestion

    • fter the &ene duplication event* what was the&enetic basis for citrate &ettin& into the cell in thepresence of o3!&enO

     A. citT  was inserted into the E. coli &enome allowin& CitT

    to be translated* allowin& citrate into the cellB. h!brid &ene was &enerated* which brin&s citrate

    into the cell

    C. plasmid was ta6en up from the environment withthe &enes reuired for citrate metabolism

    D. citT  was placed under the control of another promoterwhich is active in the presence of o3!&en* allowin&CitT to be produced when normall! it would not be

    Cli 6 [ ti N

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    Clic6er [uestion N

    • h! is it practical for the CitY cells to e3portsuccinate in e3chan&e for importin& citrateO

    . (uccinate cannot be metaboliIed further b! E.coli* so the cells &et rid of it

    B. More ener&! can be acuired from citrate thansuccinate* so metaboliIin& citrate over succinateis more ener&eticall!-favorable for the cell

    C. Citrate can be fermented b! the cells for ener&!

    while succinate cannotH. 2mportin& citrate allows the cells to attain more

    &lucose for ener&!