Earth and Space Resource File -...

Earth and Space Resource File Macie Harris, Carolina Cardoso, Steph Braunagel, & Chenise Nesler

Transcript of Earth and Space Resource File -...

Page 1: Earth and Space Resource File -… · The Big Golden Book of Dinosaurs by Dr. Robert T. Bakker How Big were

Earth and Space

Resource File Macie Harris, Carolina Cardoso, Steph Braunagel, & Chenise Nesler

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National Earth and Space Science


Earth and Space Sciences Content Standard D: As a result of the activities in

grades K-4, all students should develop an understanding of:

Properties of Earth materials

Objects in the sky

Changes in Earth and sky

Earth and Space Sciences Content Standard D: As a result of the activities in

grades 5-8, all students should develop an understanding of:

Structure of the Earth system

Earth’s history

Earth in the solar system

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Earth and Space Science Standards

Grade 1

1.5.1 Explain that short-tem weather conditions can change daily, and how weather affects people’s daily activities.

1.5.2 Explain why the sun can only be seen in the daytime, but the moon can be seen sometimes during the day and sometimes at night.

1.7.2 Describe ways that humans influence them environment.

Ex: littering, recycling, car pooling

Grade 2

2.5.1 Describe the patterns and characteristics of the four seasons, and how these changes in weather influence plant, animal, and human activities.

2.5.2 Identify different physical properties (size, shape, and texture) of Earth materials (rocks, sand, water).

2.5.3 Explain how fossils provide evidence about plants and animals and their environments that lived long ago.

Ex: wooly mammoths, ferns, ice age

2.5.4 Describe how the sun provides light and heat to warm the Earth.

Ex: land, air, and water

2.5.5 Explain how the moon appears slightly different every day, but looks nearly the same every four weeks.

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Earth and Space Science Standards (Cont.)

Grade 3

3.5.1 Identify weather conditions that can be measured.

Ex: temperature, wind direction and speed, and precipitation

3.5.2 Identify different uses (building materials, sources of fuel) of Earth’s materials based on their properties.

3.5.3 Identify ways (wind, rain, people) that larger rocks break down into smaller rocks.

3.5.4 Identify the properties of soil.

Ex: color, texture, ability to support plant growth, capacity to retain water

3.5.5 Explain how stars are like the Sun, but because they are at a great distance, they look like small points of light.

3.7.2 Identify the benefits of recycling, reusing, and reducing.

Grade 4

4.5.1 Describe how as water condenses small droplets of water form clouds and fog.

4.5.2 Identify slow and rapid processes (wind, water, waves, ice, volcano, earthquake) that are constantly changing Earth’s surface.

4.5.3 Use characteristics to classify Earth’s materials.

Ex: rocks and soil

4.5.4 Compare fossil evidence to existing organisms.

4.5.5 Identify components of our solar system.

Ex: planets, moons, Sun

4.5.6 Identify tools that are used to study the universe.

Ex: telescopes, space proves, satellites, space craft

4.7.1 Identify consequences of natural and human-induced environmental changes.

Ex. erosion, tsunamis, deforestation

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Earth and Space Science Standards (Cont.)

Grade 5

5.5.1 Measure weather conditions.

Ex: temperature, wind direction and speed, and precipitation

5.5.2 Identify characteristics of different clouds.

Ex: cumulus, stratus, cirrus

5.5.3 Identify how the components of soil (plant roots, bacteria, weathered rock) influence the properties of soil (texture, fertility, capacity to hold water).

5.5.4 Identify the characteristics of the Earth.

Ex: spherical in shape, orbits the sun, rotates on tilted axis

5.5.5 Identify the objects in the sky that have predictable patterns of movement.

Ex: sun, planets, moons, stars

5.7.2 Explain ways humans benefit from Earth’s resources.

Ex: air, water, soil, food, fuel, building materials

Grade 6

6.5.1 Identify adverse weather conditions and how humans prepare for them.

6.5.2 Explain how rocks are formed.

Ex: melting, cooling, metamorphism, combinations of minerals

6.5.3 Describe the characteristics of the layers of the Earth.

Ex: crust, mantel, core

6.5.4 Identify the basic characteristics (compositions, rings) of objects (planets, sun, small bodies) in the solar system.

6.7.1 Explain how natural hazards affect populations, resources, and the environment

Floods, storms, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes

6.7.2 Explain how recycling and conservation affect populations, resources, and the environments

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Earth and Space Science Standards (Cont.)

Grade 7

7.5.1 Identify the factors (latitude, altitude, mountains, bodies of water) that affect the Earth’s climate.

7.5.2 Explain how seasons affect organisms.

Ex: hibernation, photoperiodism, migration

7.5.3 Identify the Earth’s renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Ex: solar, wind, fossil fuels, water, soil, metals

Grade 8

8.5.1Explain how factors (fronts, winds, air masses, air pressure, humidity, temperature, location) affect weather.

8.5.2 Understand the rock cycle.

8.5.3 Explain the water cycle.

8.5.4 Explain how landforms are changed.

Ex: crustal deformation, volcanic eruption, deposition, weathering, erosion

8.5.5 Identify evidence for plate tectonics theory.

Ex: fit of continents, location of earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridge, plate boundaries

8.5.6 Identify a variety of methods (rock sequences, fossil correlation, radiometric dating) used to determine geologic time.

8.5.7 Explain the changes Earth has undergone over geologic time.

Ex. fossil record, plate tectonics, climate change, glaciation

8.5.8 Explain how phenomena on Earth (day, year, seasons, lunar phases, eclipses, tides) are related to the position and motion of the sun, moon, and Earth.

8.5.9 Identify characteristics of stars.

Ex: color, size, temperature, life cycle

8.5.10 Identify the composition (stars and galaxies) and scale of the universe.

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The Moon

The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons

So That’s How the Moon Changes Shape! by Allen Fowler

If You Decide to Go to the Moon by Faith McNulty

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The Sun

The Sun by Seymour Simon

The Sun our Nearest Star by Franklyn M. Branley

Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons

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Planets and Stars

Extraordinary Solar System by Stuart Atkinson

The Eight Spinning Planets by Emily Lakdawalla

A Book about Planets and Stars by Betty Polisar Reigot

The Big Dipper by Franklyn M. Branley

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The Earth

The Book of Planet Earth by Clint Twist

Discovery Science: Plant Earth by Deborah Chancellor

On Earth by G. Brian Karas

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My Visit to the Dinosaurs by Aliki

The Big Golden Book of Dinosaurs by Dr. Robert T. Bakker

How Big were the Dinosaurs by Bernard Most

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Earth’s Surface

Erosion: Changing Earth’s Surface by Robin Koontz

Let’s Go Rock Collecting by Roma Gans

Fossil by Paul D. Taylor

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Atmosphere and Weather

Every Season by Shelley Rotner & Anne Love Woodhull

Weather by Jim Pipe

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

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The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor by Joanna Cole

Oceans by Seymour Simon

I Can Save the Ocean!: The Little Green Monster Cleans Up the Beach by Alison Inches

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Attention Getters

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Grades K-2

How to Make a Fossil

Materials: Aluminum foil pie plate, water, plaster of pairs, plastic spoon, Petroleum jelly, assortment of

plant materials, including portions of a carrot a leaf and a twig

How it works:

Have children coat each portion of the plants they are using with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

Have children mix plaster of pairs with water in the bottom of the pie plate until it is thick

Have them press the plant material into the upper surface and set it aside to harden.

Bring the children together for a group discussion. Talk about how this is ONE way fossils are formed- sediment fossils.

Display imprints along with books of fossils and have children hypothesize about how real fossils are formed.

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Grades 3-5

How do Rocks React to Vinegar?

Materials: Collection of rocks, one plastic cup for each rock, vinegar, chalk

How it works:

Put each rock in a cup and the chalk in its own cup.

Pour Vinegar over each.

What happens?

Group the rocks as to how they responded.

This acid test shows which rocks have calcium carbonate and they will fizz in reaction to vinegar if they contain it. Rocks to use that will fizz: limestone, marble, calcite, and chalk.

*Scratch surface of rock before applying vinegar.

Have children guess why each rock fizzes or doesn’t, why do they fizz, why do you think they fizz?

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Starter Ideas

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Starter Ideas

Changes in the Earth and Sky

Through actual observations, charts, diagrams, and simulations children will learn that the earth revolves around the sun in approximately 365 days.

Weather Prediction

Students identify the forms of technology used by meteorologists and build a model of at least one instrument used to gather these observations.


Have a mystery student make a footprint in soil and then based on observation and a made up story have a certain number of children give an alibi. The rest of the kids need to be detectives based off of the stories, shoe size, examining the soil under microscopes, etc.

Rock Cycle

Go on a rock hunt around the school and collect different types of rock, then observe and classify them based on color, size, and texture.

Flip the Class

Have a “Teacher of the day” and each student gets to do calendar math (with supervision/ if they are comfortable) and become the teacher!

Joke of the Day

What do you call a cow that twitches? Answer: Beef jerky

Websites - Discovery website

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Discovery Ideas

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Sunlight in Winter vs. Summer

Objective: The children will observe that light striking an inclined surface does not appear as bright as light striking a surface directly.

Science Process: Measuring

Materials Needed: Black construction paper, book, tape, chalk, flashlight, globe


1. Darken the classroom and pass out a book, tape, chalk, and flashlight to each child or group.

2. Have each student tape the paper to the book and hold the book vertically on the flat surface. Ask them to shine the flashlight on the paper and use the chalk to draw a circle outlining the lit area.

3. Next, tell the students to keep the flashlight at the same distance from the book but to move it so the light strikes a different part of the paper. Have them tilt the book away from the flashlight and outline the lit area.

4. Turn the lights on and display the globe. Use a flashlight to represent the sun, and tilt the globe to show that the earth’s tilt causes the Northern Hemisphere to be angled away from the sun during the winter months. Relate this to the light striking the paper that was tilted away from the light source.

Discussion questions: “How are the drawings you made different from one another?”

“Was the patch of light brighter the first or second time you had the light strike the paper?

Teacher Content: The principal cause for winter is the earth’s tilt, not it orbit. Winter does not occur because the earth is farther from the sun at that time of year. The tilt spreads out the energy from the sun more in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months.


Social Studies- Students can look on a map and see how their lives would be different if they lived in different parts of the world especially during different months of the year.

Technology- Students can utilize website to look at the different temperatures of the world according to the date under Investigations Chapter 17: Atmosphere.

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Resources for Discovery Learning









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Demonstration Activities

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Demonstration Activities

Weatherman in the Classroom

-Students will learn about meteorology from a professional in the community.

Landfill Lesson

-Students will learn about the local landfill and how they can help our planet Earth with

simple daily actions such as recycling.

Skype Conversation with NASA Scientist

-Students will learn about the NASA Space Station, life as a NASA scientist, and life outside

our planet.

Paleontologist Visit

-Students will learn about the job as a paleontologist as well as how to excavate fossils.

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Rain Demonstration

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Tornado in a Bottle

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Soil Erosion

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Phases of the Moon

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Sun Dial

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Cloud in a Bottle

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Plate Tectonics

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Art Activities

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This is an art activity that can be done about earths different seasons.

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This is an art activity that is done with clay that represents earths core layers.

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Solar System in a Jar

This is a discovery jar that includes all the planets.

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Make your Own Solar


This is an art activity where the student will create the solar system that includes all the planets and the sun.

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Foam Solar System

This is an art activity where the student could create the solar system using different size foam balls.

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This is an art activity that can be done using recycled materials. In this picture the student created a tree with birds and bees.

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Bulletin Boards

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Earth and Science

This is a bulletin board that covers various topics about Earth and Space.

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The Sun

This is a bulletin board all about the sun.

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Natural Features

Provide a set of labels for land types, including grasslands, mountains, rivers,

lakes, and so on.

Attach pictures showing examples of each land type to the board.

Challenge the children to attach the headings with the correct pictures.

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This is a simple bulletin board designed around the topic of the layers of soil.

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This is a bulletin board about different landforms that can be found on earth.

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This is a bulletin board about volcanoes. It has provides the labels of different areas located on the volcano.

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Water Cycle

This is a bulletin board that shows how the Water Cycle works.

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This is a fun bulletin board that can be designed around the topic of recycling.

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Additional Ideas p.206-208

Title: The Air – Who Needs It?

Divide the bulletin board into two categories: one labeled “Needs Air to Work” and one labeled

“Doesn’t Need Air to Work.” Show students a jar filled with air and ask, “What is inside this jar?”

Pour the air out of the jay by placing it under a water-filled jar and bubbling air up into it. Then

discuss the question “What can be used for?” Provide the children with magazines and scissors,

and have them cut out pictures for each category and then staple each picture on the board to

form a collage.

Title: Land Shapes

Place on the bulletin board a large topographical map that includes a key. Then place cards on

the board representing different physical features that can be found on the map. Have the

children attach the cards to the proper locations on the map.

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Additional Ideas Con. p.206-208

Title: Our Changing Earth

Prepare a bulletin board so it has two distinct halves. Title one side “Changes Caused by Humans”

and the other “Changes Caused by Nature.” Attach an envelope containing a random

assortment of pictures that depict an example for one half or the other. Have the children attach

each picture to the proper half.

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Field Trips

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Field Trips

Game and Fish Department: Student will learn about different habitats and land formations.

Heritage Center: Students can study fossils and different pre-historic eras.

Dickinson: Dinosaur Museum

Mt. Rushmore: Study rocks, the rock cycle, and integrate with History! Learn about these important people, why they were chosen, and how are the rocks still around today?

Regan Rocks: Students will visit this sand stone rock formation and learn about the weathering process

Air Port: Learn about the atmosphere and flying.

Beulah, ND: Historic Museum- Go back through time and see what was in the past and what science and/or technology was around in the past.

KFYR News Station: Students will see how meteorologists predict weather patterns.

Missouri River: Learn about how bodies of water form/ water ecosystems etc.

Hospital: Have a nurse talk about health and show them around a hospital

Sertoma Park: Study trees, record observations in a notebook, collect samples and press them into books, create vintage looking science journals (like Darwin)!

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Cooperative Learning Projects

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Cooperative Learning Groups


Group Students into groups of 2 or 3. Give them each a planet that they have to create a paper- Mache model of. They will research information of the given planet and formulate it into a speech that they have written down (bulleted points).

Hang models up on the celling and cover windows with black butcher paper to blackout the room, use flashlight to spotlight the planet and have group present to younger grades.


Student will measure out the distance between each planet using toilet paper Divide students into groups of 3 or 4.

Conversions: ( each toilet square= 36 million miles)

Mercury: 1.0

Venus: 1.8

Earth: 2.5

Mars: 3.8

Jupiter: 13.2

Saturn: 24.2

Uranus: 48.6

Neptune: 76.3

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Cooperative Learning Groups

Class Anthology:

Have children write poetry about their science experiment/ or things learned in science, all

semester long, and then at the end of each semester create a class anthology of poems. Create

a class design for the cover and have anthology bound together.

Science Fair:

Divide Students into groups of 2. Each pair will get a certain aspect of earth that they have to

simulate and research.

Some groups can have volcanos: create volcano and have it erupt. Have groups do the different types of volcanos.

Create a plate tectonic diagram of how they slide under each other.

Create mountain ranges.

Create bodies of Water.

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Cooperative Learning Groups

Persuasive Speech

Divide into groups of 2. Have each student research a place/ terrain that they pick out of a hat.

Use accurate information about the place and terrain type to convince people to move to this



Create a recycling center in the school lunch room and have the whole school recycle! At the

end of the school year, create a class bar graph on what was recycles and how many bags it

was. So, you will need to have a daily checker of how full the bags get, and a recorder in the

class to write down the daily statistics.