Dynamic positioning

For intermediat professional Index Page 1. Information from Wikipedia 2011 1-14 2. Information from KONSBERG 15-16 (Manufacturer) 3. Video Presentation (YOUTUBE) 17 4. Published BOOKS (Amazone) 18-19 5. Some Manufacturers 20 6. Web Information: IMO & DP Committee 21-22 7. Conference 2011 23-29 8. The End
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Dynamic Positioning for Marine and Off-shore

Transcript of Dynamic positioning

Page 1: Dynamic positioning

For intermediat professional

Index Page

1. Information from Wikipedia 2011 1-14

2. Information from KONSBERG 15-16(Manufacturer)

3. Video Presentation (YOUTUBE) 17

4. Published BOOKS (Amazone) 18-19

5. Some Manufacturers 20

6. Web Information: IMO & DP Committee 21-22

7. Conference 2011 23-29

8. The End

Page 2: Dynamic positioning

Offshore Support Vessel Toisa Perseus with, in

the background, the fifth-generation

deepwater drillship Discoverer Enterprise, over

the Thunder Horse Oil Field. Both are

equipped with DP systems.

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Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer controlledsystem to automatically maintain a vessel's positionand heading by using its own propellers and thrusters.Position reference sensors, combined with windsensors, motion sensors and gyro compasses, provideinformation to the computer pertaining to the vessel'sposition and the magnitude and direction ofenvironmental forces affecting its position. Examples ofvessel types that employ DP include, but are notlimited to, ships and semi-submersible Mobile OffshoreDrilling Units (MODU) and Oceanographic ResearchVessels.

The computer program contains a mathematical modelof the vessel that includes information pertaining tothe wind and current drag of the vessel and thelocation of the thrusters. This knowledge, combinedwith the sensor information, allows the computer tocalculate the required steering angle and thrusteroutput for each thruster. This allows operations at sea where mooring or anchoring is not feasibledue to deep water, congestion on the sea bottom (pipelines, templates) or other problems.

Dynamic positioning may either be absolute in that the position is locked to a fixed point over thebottom, or relative to a moving object like another ship or an underwater vehicle. One may alsoposition the ship at a favourable angle towards wind, waves and current, called weathervaning.

Dynamic positioning is utilized by much of the offshore oil industry, for example in the North Sea,Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, and off the coast of Brazil. There are currently more than

1000 DP ships.[citation needed]


1 History

2 Comparison between position-keeping options

3 Applications

4 Scope

5 Requirements

6 Reference systems

6.1 Position reference systems

6.2 Heading reference systems

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6.3 Reference systems

7 Control systems

8 Power and propulsion systems

9 Class Requirements

10 NMD

11 Redundancy

12 DP Operator


14 References

15 External links


Dynamic positioning started in the 1960s for offshore drilling. With drilling moving into ever deeperwaters, Jack-up barges could not be used any more and anchoring became less economical.

In 1961 the drillship Cuss 1 was fitted with four steerable propellers, in an attempt to drill the firstMoho well. It was possible to keep the ship in position above the well off La Jolla, California, at adepth of 948 meters.

After this, off the coast of Guadalupe, Mexico, five holes were drilled, the deepest at 183 m (601 ft)below the sea floor in 3,500 m (11,700 ft) of water, while maintaining a position within a radius of180 meters. The ship's position was determined by radar ranging to buoys and sonar ranging fromsubsea beacons.

Whereas the Cuss 1 was kept in position manually, later in the same year Shell launched the drillingship Eureka that had an analogue control system interfaced with a taut wire, making it the first trueDP ship.

While the first DP ships had analogue controllers and lacked redundancy, since then vastimprovements have been made. Besides that, DP nowadays is not only used in the oil industry, butalso on various other types of ships. In addition, DP is not limited to maintaining a fixed position anymore. One of the possibilities is sailing an exact track, useful for cablelay, pipelay, survey and othertasks.

Comparison between position-keeping options

Other methods of position-keeping are the use of an anchor spread and the use of a jack-up barge.All have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison position-keeping options

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Jack-up Barge Anchoring Dynamic Positioning


No complex systems

with thrusters, extra

generators and


No chance of running

off position by system

failures or blackouts.

No underwater hazards

from thrusters.


No complex systems

with thrusters, extra

generators and


No chance of running

off position by system

failures or blackouts.

No underwater hazards

from thrusters.


Manoeuvring is

excellent; it is easy to

change position.

No anchor handling

tugs are required.

Not dependent on


Quick set-up.

Not limited by

obstructed seabed.


No manoeuvrability

once positioned.

Limited to water

depths of ~150



Limited manoeuvrability

once anchored.

Anchor handling tugs

are required.

Less suitable in deep


Time to anchor out

varies between several

hours to several days.

Limited by obstructed

seabed (pipelines,



Complex systems with

thrusters, extra

generators and


High initial costs of


High fuel costs.

Chance of running off

position by system

failures or blackouts.

Underwater hazards

from thrusters for

divers and ROVs.

Higher maintenance of

the mechanical


Although all methods have their own advantages, dynamic positioning has made many operationspossible that were not feasible before.

The costs are falling due to newer and cheaper technologies and the advantages are becoming more

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SBX underway

compelling as offshore work enters ever deeper water and the environment (coral) is given morerespect. With container operations, crowded ports can be made more efficient by quicker and moreaccurate berthing techniques. Cruise ship operations benefit from faster berthing and non-anchored"moorings" off beaches or inaccessible ports.


Important applications include:

Servicing Aids to Navigation (ATON)


Crane vessels

Cruise ships

Diving support vessels





Landing Platform Docks

Maritime research

Mine sweepers

Pipe-laying ship

Platform supply vessels


Sea Launch

Sea-based X-band Radar

Shuttle tankers

Survey ships


A ship can be considered to have six degrees of freedom in its motion, i.e., it can move in any of sixaxes.

Three of these involve translation:

surge (forward/astern)

sway (starboard/port)

heave (up/down)

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GPS satellite in orbit.

and the other three rotation:

roll (rotation about surge axis)

pitch (rotation about sway axis)

yaw (rotation about heave axis)

Dynamic positioning is concerned primarily with control of the ship in the horizontal plane, i.e., thethree axis surge, sway and yaw.


A ship that is to be used for DP requires:

to maintain position and heading, first of all the position and heading need to be known.

a control computer to calculate the required control actions to maintain position and correct

for position errors.

thrust elements to apply forces to the ship as demanded by the control system.

For most applications, the position reference systems and thrust elements must be carefullyconsidered when designing a DP ship. In particular, for good control of position in adverse weather,the thrust capability of the ship in three axes must be adequate.

Reference systems

Position reference systems

There are several means to determine a ship's position at sea. Most traditional methods used forships navigation are not accurate enough. For that reason, several positioning systems have beendeveloped during the past decades. Producers of DP systems are: Kongsberg, Navis Engineering Oy,Converteam, EMI, Deep Down Marine Technologies, L3, MT-div.Chouest, Rolls Royce, Nautronix, andothers. The applications and availability depends on the type of work and water depth. The mostcommon Position reference/Measuring systems /Equipment (PRS/PME) are:

DGPS, Differential GPS. The position obtained by GPS

is not accurate enough for use by DP. The position is

improved by use of a fixed ground based reference

station (differential station) that compares the GPS

position to the known position of the station. The

correction is sent to the DGPS receiver by long wave

radio frequency. For use in DP an even higher accuracy

and reliability is needed. Companies such as Fugro or

C&C Technologies supply differential signals via satellite,

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enabling the combination of several differential stations. The advantage of DGPS is that it is

almost always available. Disadvantages are degrading of the signal because of sunspots or

atmospheric disturbances, blockage of satellites by cranes or structures and deterioration of

the signal at high altitudes.[1] There are also systems installed on vessels that use various

different Augmentation systems, as well as combining GPS position with GLONASS.[2]

Acoustics. This system consists of one or more transponders placed on the seabed and a

transducer placed in the ship's hull. The transducer sends an acoustic signal (by means of

piezoelectric elements) to the transponder, which is triggered to reply. As the velocity of

sound through water is known (preferably a soundprofile is taken regularly), the distance is

known. Because there are many elements on the transducer, the direction of the signal from

the transponder can be determined. Now the position of the ship relative to the transponder

can be calculated. Disadvantages are the vulnerability to noise by thrusters or other acoustic

systems. Furthermore, the use is limited in shallow waters because of ray bending that

occurs when sound travels through water horizontally. Three types of HPR systems are

commonly used:

Ultra- or Super- Short Base Line, USBL or SSBL. This works as described above.

Because the angle to the transponder is measured, a correction needs to be made for

the ship's roll and pitch. These are determined by Motion Reference Units. Because of

the nature of angle measurement, the accuracy deteriorates with increasing water


Long Base Line, LBL. This consists of an array of at least three transponders. The

initial position of the transponders is determined by USBL and/ or by measuring the

baselines between the transponders. Once that is done, only the ranges to the

transponders need to be measured to determine a relative position. The position should

theoretically be located at the intersection of imaginary spheres, one around each

transponder, with a radius equal to the time between transmission and reception

multiplied by the speed of sound through water. Because angle measurement is not

necessary, the accuracy in large water depths is better than USBL.

Short Baseline, SBL. This works with an array of transducers in the ship's hull. These

determine their position to a transponder, so a solution is found in the same way as with

LBL. As the array is located on the ship, it needs to be corrected for roll and pitch.[3]

Riser Angle Monitoring. On drillships, riser angle monitoring can be fed into the DP system.

It may be an electrical inclinometer or based on USBL, where a riser angle monitoring

transponder is fitted to the riser and a remote inclinometer unit is installed on the Blow Out

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Light Taut Wire on the HOS


Preventer (BOP) and interrogated through the ship’s HPR.

Light Taut Wire, LTW. The oldest position reference

system used for DP is still very accurate in relatively

shallow water. A clumpweight is lowered to the seabed.

By measuring the amount of wire paid out and the angle

of the wire by a gimbal head, the relative position can

be calculated. Care should be taken not to let the wire

angle become too large to avoid dragging. For deeper

water the system is less favourable, as current will curve

the wire. There are however systems that counteract

this with a gimbal head on the clumpweight. Horizontal

LTW’s are also used when operating close to a structure.

Objects falling on the wire are a risk here.

Fanbeam and CyScan. These are laser based position

reference systems. They are very straightforward

system, as only a small prism needs to be installed on a nearby structure or ship. Risks are

the system locking on other reflecting objects and blocking of the signal. Range depends on

the weather, but is typically more than 500 meters.[4]

Artemis. A radar based system. A unit is placed on a nearby structure and aimed at the unit

on board the ship. The range is several kilometres. Advantage is the reliable, all-weather

performance. Disadvantage is that the unit is rather heavy.[5]

DARPS, Differential, Absolute and Relative Positioning System. Commonly used on

shuttle tankers while loading from a FPSO. Both will have a GPS receiver. As the errors are

the same for the both of them, the signal does not need to be corrected. The position from

the FPSO is transmitted to the shuttle tanker, so a range and bearing can be calculated and

fed into the DP system.

RADius [6] and RadaScan. These are radar based system, but have no moving parts as

Artemis. Another advantage is that the transponders are much smaller than the Artemis

unit. The range is typically 500 – 1000 meters.

Inertial navigation is used in combination with any of the above reference systems, but

typically with gnss (Global Navigation Satellite System) and Hydroacoustics (USBL, LBL, or


Heading reference systems

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Gyrocompasses are normally used to determine heading.

More advanced methods are:

Ring-Laser gyroscopes

Fibre optic gyroscopes

Seapath, a combination of GPS and inertial sensors.

Reference systems

Besides position and heading, other variables are fed into the DP system through sensors:

Motion Reference Units, Vertical Reference Units or Vertical Reference Sensors,

VRU's or MRU's or VRS's, determine the ship's roll, pitch and heave.

Wind sensors are fed into the DP system feed-forward, so the system can anticipate wind

gusts before the ship is blown off position.

Draught sensors, since a change of draught influences the effect of wind and current on

the hull.

Other sensors depend on the kind of ship. A pipelay ship may measure the force needed to

pull on the pipe, large crane vessels will have sensors to determine the cranes position, as

this changes the wind model, enabling the calculation of a more accurate model (see Control


Control systems

In the beginning PID controllers were used andtoday are still used in the simpler DP systems.But modern controllers use a mathematicalmodel of the ship that is based on ahydrodynamic and aerodynamic descriptionconcerning some of the ship's characteristicssuch as mass and drag. Of course, this model isnot entirely correct. The ship's position andheading are fed into the system and comparedwith the prediction made by the model. Thisdifference is used to update the model by usingKalman filtering technique. For this reason, themodel also has input from the windsensors andfeedback from the thrusters. This method evenallows not having input from any PRS for sometime, depending on the quality of the modeland the weather.

The accuracy and precision of the different

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Block diagram of control systemPRS’s is not the same. While a DGPS has a highaccuracy and precision, a USBL can have amuch lower precision. For this reason, thePRS’s are weighted. Based on variance a PRS receives a weight between 0 and 1.

Power and propulsion systems

To maintain position azimuth thrusters (L-drive or Z-drive), azipods, bow thrusters, stern thrusters,water jets, rudders and propellers are used. DP ships are usually at least partially diesel-electric, asthis allows a more flexible set-up and is better able to handle the large changes in power demand,typical for DP operations.

The set-up depends on the DP class of the ship. A Class 1 can be relatively simple, whereas thesystem of a Class 3 ship is quite complex.

On Class 2 and 3 ships, all computers and reference systems should be powered through a UPS.

Class Requirements

Based on IMO (International Maritime Organization) publication 645[7] the Classification Societieshave issued rules for Dynamic Positioned Ships described as Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3.

Equipment Class 1 has no redundancy.

Loss of position may occur in the event of a single fault.

Equipment Class 2 has redundancy so that no single fault in an active system will cause the

system to fail.

Loss of position should not occur from a single fault of an active component or system such

as generators, thruster, switchboards, remote controlled valves etc., but may occur after

failure of a static component such as cables, pipes, manual valves etc.

Equipment Class 3 which also has to withstand fire or flood in any one compartment without

the system failing.

Loss of position should not occur from any single failure including a completely burnt fire sub

division or flooded watertight compartment.

Classification Societies have their own Class notations:

Description IMO







Equipment Class







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Manual position control and

automatic heading control under

specified maximum

environmental conditions


Automatic and manual position

and heading control under

specified maximum

environmental conditions



Automatic and manual position

and heading control under

specified maximum

environmental conditions, during

and following any single fault

excluding loss of a compartment.

(Two independent computer



Automatic and manual position

and heading control under

specified maximum

environmental conditions, during

and following any single fault

including loss of a compartment

due to fire or flood. (At least two

independent computer systems

with a separate backup system

separated by A60 class division).



Where IMO leaves the decision of which Class applies to what kind of operation to the operator ofthe DP ship and its client, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD) has specified what Class shouldbe used in regard to the risk of an operation. In the NMD Guidelines and Notes No. 28, enclosure Afour classes are defined:

Class 0 Operations where loss of position keeping capability is not considered to endanger

human lives, or cause damage.

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Class 1 Operations where loss of position keeping capability may cause damage or pollution

of small consequence.

Class 2 Operations where loss of position keeping capability may cause personnel injury,

pollution, or damage with large economic consequences.

Class 3 Operations where loss of position keeping capability may cause fatal accidents, or

severe pollution or damage with major economic consequences.

Based on this the type of ship is specified for each operation:

Class 1 DP units with equipment class 1 should be used during operations where loss of

position is not considered to endanger human lives, cause significant damage or cause more

than minimal pollution.

Class 2 DP units with equipment class 2 should be used during operations where loss of

position could cause personnel injury, pollution or damage with great economic


Class 3 DP units with equipment class 3 should be used during operations where loss of

position could cause fatal accidents, severe pollution or damage with major economic



Redundancy is the ability to cope with a single failure without loss of position. A single failure can be,amongst others:

Thruster failure

Generator failure

Powerbus failure (when generators are combined on one powerbus)

Control computer failure

Position reference system failure

Reference system failure

For certain operations redundancy is not required. For instance, if a survey ship loses its DPcapability, there is normally no risk of damage or injuries. These operations will normally be done inClass 1.

For other operations, such as diving and heavy lifting, there is a risk of damage or injuries.Depending on the risk, the operation is done in Class 2 or 3. This means at least three Positionreference systems should be selected. This allows the principle of voting logic, so the failing PRS canbe found. For this reason, there are also three DP control computers, three gyrocompasses, threeMRU’s and three wind sensors on Class 3 ships. If a single fault occurs that jeopardizes theredundancy, i.e., failing of a thruster, generator or a PRS, and this cannot be resolved immediately,the operation should be abandoned as quickly as possible.

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To have sufficient redundancy, enough generators and thrusters should be on-line so the failure ofone does not result in a loss of position. This is left to the judgement of the DP operator. For Class 2and Class 3 a Consequence Analyses should be incorporated in the system to assist the DPO in thisprocess.

Disadvantage is that a generator can never operate at full load, resulting in less economy and foulingof the engines.

The redundancy of a DP ship should be judged by an failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) study

and proved by FMEA trials.[8] Besides that, annual trials are done and normally DP function tests arecompleted prior to each project.

DP Operator

The DP operator (DPO) judges whether there is enough redundancy available at any given momentof the operation. IMO issued MSC/Circ.738 (Guidelines for dynamic positioning system (DP) operator

training) on 24-06-1996. This refers to IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) M 117[9]

as acceptable standard.

To qualify as a DP operator the following path should be followed:

a DP Induction course1.

a minimum of 30 days seagoing DP familiarisation2.

a DP Advanced course3.

a minimum of 180 days watchkeeping on a DP ship4.

a statement of suitability by the master of a DP ship5.

When the watchkeeping is done on a Class 1 DP ship, a limited certificate will be issued; otherwise afull certificate will be issued.

The DP Training and Certification scheme is operated by The Nautical Institute (NI). The NI issuelogbooks to trainees, they accredit training centres and control the issuance of certification.

With ever more DP ships and with increasing manpower demands, the position of DPO is gainingincreasing prominence. This shifting landscape led to the creation of The International DynamicPositioning Operators Association (IDPOA) in 2009. www.dpoperators.org

IDPOA membership is made up of certified DPO's who qualify for fellowship (fDPO), while Members(mDPO) are those with DP experience or who may already be working within the DP certificationscheme.


The International Marine Contractors Association was formed in April 1995 from the amalgamation ofAODC (originally the International Association of Offshore Diving Contractors), founded in 1972, and

DPVOA (the Dynamic Positioning Vessel Owners Association), founded in 1990.[10] It representsoffshore, marine and underwater engineering contractors. Acergy, Allseas, Heerema Marine

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Contractors, Helix Energy Solutions Group, J. Ray McDermott, Saipem, Subsea 7 and Technip haverepresentation on IMCA's Council and provide the president. Previous presidents are:

1995-6 - Derek Leach, Coflexip Stena Offshore

1997-8 - Hein Mulder, Heerema Marine Contractors

1999/2000 - Donald Carmichael, Coflexip Stena Offshore

2001-2 - John Smith, Halliburton Subsea/Subsea 7

2003-4 - Steve Preston, - Heerema Marine Contractors

2005 - Frits Janmaat, Allseas Group

(2005 Vice-President - Knut Boe, Technip)

While it started with the collection and analysis of DP Incidents,[11] since then it has producedpublications on different subjects to improve standards for DP systems. It also works with IMO andother regulatory bodies.


^ "IMCA M 141, Guidelines on the Use of DGPS

as a Position Reference in DP Control Systems"


/publications/141.html) . http://www.imca-



^ "Veripos DP system can be installed with

several Augmentation systems as well as

GLONASS support, they can disable any satellite

or service via Ultra corrections received via

Spotbeam or Inmarsat links."

(http://www.veripos.com/s_ultra.php) .



^ "IMCA M 151, The Basic Principles and Use of

Hydroacoustic Position Reference Systems in

the Offshore Environment" (http://www.imca-


. http://www.imca-int.com/divisions/marine



^ "IMCA M 170, A Review of Marine Laser

Positioning Systems" (http://www.imca-int.com

/divisions/marine/publications/170.html) .




^ "IMCA M 174, A Review of the Artemis Mk V

Positioning System" (http://www.imca-int.com

/divisions/marine/publications/174.html) .




^ "RADius relative positioning system"


/watch?v=GmwRBzwDlf4) .




^ "IMO MSC/Circ.645, Guidelines for vessels

with dynamic positioning systems"


/data_id%3D10015/MSCcirc645.pdf) .




^ "IMCA M 166, Guidelines on Failure Modes &

Effects Analyses (FMEAs)" (http://www.imca-


. http://www.imca-int.com/divisions/marine



^ "IMCA M 117, The training and experience of

key DP personnel" (http://www.imca-int.com


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/divisions/marine/publications/117.html) .



^ "IMCA DP History" (http://www.imca-int.com


MarineDPHistory.pdf) . http://www.imca-int.com




^ "IMCA M 181, Analysis of Station Keeping

Incident Data 1994-2003" (http://www.imca-


. http://www.imca-int.com/divisions/marine



External links

List of all offshore vessels


IMO, International Maritime Organization


Introduction to Dynamic Positioning


/reference/intro.html) by the International

Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)

NMD, Norwegian Maritime Directorate


OPL Oilfield Seamanship Series - Volume 9:

Dynamic Positioning - 2nd Edition


/homewelcome.asp?orderdetail=69) by

David Bray

NI, The Nautical Institute


The Dynamic Positioning Committee of The

Marine Technology Society


The International Dynamic Positioning

Operators Association (IDPOA)


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Home / Products / Products by product area / Bridge systems / Dynamic positioning - DP systems

Dynamic positioning - DP systems

A full range of systems

We offer a full range of dynamic

positioning systems to keep the

vessel within specified position andheading limits. These systems are

designed to minimise fuelconsumption and wear and tear on

the propulsion equipment. The

K-Pos operator station is available insingle, dual or triple configurations.

More than 1200 dynamic positioning- DP systems have been supplied to oil and gas related vessels.

Typical applications for dynamic positioning systems

Drill ships

Cable-laying vessels

Crane vessels

Cruise ships

Diving support vessels




Maritime research vessels

Mega yachts

Mine sweepers

Pipe laying vessels

Platform supply vessels

Rock dumping vessels

Survey ships

Supply vessels

Shuttle tankers

The dynamic positioning systems controller

The dynamic positioning systems controller calculates the resulting force

to be exerted by the thrusters/propellers in order for the vessel to remainon station. In station-keeping operations, the K-Pos Controller can be

working in several of the following modes, all with special characteristics:

High Precision control: The High Precision dynamic positioning systems

control provides high accuracy station-keeping in any weather condition

at the expense of power consumption and exposure to wear and tear ofmachinery and thrusters.

Relaxed control: The Relaxed dynamic positioning systems control usesthe thrusters more smoothly, at the expense of station-keeping accuracy.

However, this type of control cannot guarantee that the vessel will stay

within its operational area, and is mainly applicable for calm weatherconditions.

Green DP® control: Kongsberg has developed a unique dynamic

positioning control system (GreenDP® control), which reduces fuelconsumption, and hence also CO2 emissions, by as much as 20 percent.

The GreenDP® control secures the vessel, allowing it to stay within a

specified area of operation. This new approach is based on forecasting thevessel's motion, rather than acting on present conditions, using a method

called 'nonlinear model predictive control', which optimises the predicted

vessel offset against the use of thrusters. By doing so, small andshort-term disturbances that do not force the vessel out of its operational

boundary are 'filtered out'. This allows for very smooth control,dramatically lowering peak loads and significantly reducing the wear and

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Brochure - Dynamicpositioning systems -


Brochure - Dynamicpositioning systems -

Offshore Support Vessel

Brochure - Kongsberg

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Brochure - Mega yachts


Data sheet - K-Pos

dynamic positioning

operator station 650

Newsletter - Cruise


Certificates (PDF)

American Bureau of

Shipping - DesignAssessment

American Bureau ofShipping - Design


China ClassificationSociety - Type Approval

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Page 17: Dynamic positioning

tear on thrusters and is part of KONGSBERG's Grenn Ship Strategy.

Stand alone or integrated systems

Stand-alone dynamic positioning systems interface with other

systems, such as power plant and thrusters, via conventional signal

cables and serial lines

Integrated dynamic positioning systems communicate with other

KONGSBERG systems such as K-Chief (Marine Automation) andK-Thrust (Thruster Control) via a dual Ethernet LAN

Basic forces and motions

A seagoing vessel is subjected to forces from wind, waves and current as

well as from forces generated by the propulsion system.

The vessel's response to these forces, i.e. its changes in position, heading

and speed, is measured by the position-reference systems, the

gyrocompass and the vertical reference sensors. Reference systemsreadings are corrected for roll and pitch using readings from the vertical

reference sensors. Wind speed and direction are measured by the windsensors.

The K-Pos control system calculates the forces that the thrusters must

produce in order to control the vessel's motion in three degrees offreedom - surge, sway and yaw - in the horizontal plane.

More information

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DP Operator information & Persentationavailable at YOUTUBE


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Dynamic Positioning (Oilfield Seamanship) by D. J. Bray (Paperback - Sep 1, 2003) - Import7 used from $497.84Books: See all 35 items


DYNAMIC POSITIONING SECOND 2ND EDITION by EDITORS (Paperback - 2003)1 used from $530.00Books: See all 35 items


DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS by Fay (Paperback - 2009)1 used from $180.00Books: See all 35 items


Dynamic positioning treatment: A new approach to customized therapeutic equipment for the developmentallydisabled by Eileen Cox (Paperback - 1987)1 new from $28.00 6 used from $11.34Books: See all 35 items


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Amazon.com: dynamic positioning http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=ap...

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Dynamic Positioning of Offshore Vessels by Max J. Morgan (Hardcover - Jun 1978)8 used from $45.90Books: See all 35 items


Dynamic Positioning Operator Training by D. J. Bray (Spiral-bound - Jan 1, 1999)Out of Print--Limited AvailabilityBooks: See all 35 items


Dynamic positioning of mobile servers on networks by Oded Berman (Unknown Binding - 1977)Out of Print--Limited AvailabilityBooks: See all 35 items


Dynamic positioning operator training: Meeting the need (Monograph) by M Williams (Unknown Binding - 1984)Out of Print--Limited AvailabilityBooks: See all 35 items


Dynamic Positioning Systems by Hubert Fay (Hardcover - Jan 1989)4 new from $101.99 10 used from $90.60Books: See all 35 items


Zeevaartkunde: Scheepsnavigatie, Zeemanschap, Standaardkompas, Grootcirkel, Cardanische ophanging,Scheepsstabiliteit, Dynamic positioning (Dutch Edition) by Bron: Wikipedia (Paperback - Jul 29, 2011)Buy new: $19.99

Amazon.com: dynamic positioning http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=ap...

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The Dynamic Positioning System (Detailed Info)

By IMO Websitehttp://www.imca-int.com/divisions/marine/reference/intro.html

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Page 23: Dynamic positioning

The Dynamic Positioning Committee of The MarineTechnology Society

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Page 24: Dynamic positioning

Dynamic Positioning Conference

2011 AD





















Marine Technology Society





Houston, Texas, USAConference - October 11-12, 2011

Workshop - Monday October 10, 2011

Houston, Texas, USAConference - October 11-12, 2011

Workshop - Monday October 10, 2011

Opportunity runs deep™

marine technologyS O C I E T Y

IMCANorth American

Arctic Exploration Shell Upstream Americas

Ocean NewsOcean News& Technology& Technology& Technology& Technology

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Page 25: Dynamic positioning



As Dynamic Positioning marks its 50th anniversary, the DP

Committee of the Marine Technology Society

celebrates its 15th year of consecutive

conferences. Recognized as the leading DP

Conference in the world, this event provides

an annual forum for the discussion and

exchange of knowledge, experience, new

techn ology and technological know-how associated with

the application and evolution of Dynamic Positioning.

a session focused on

solving the challenges of DP on Ice , and a session covering New


2011 provides the opportunity to attend an optional full-day

Workshop on Monday October 10. This Workshop is focused on

the MTS DP Operational Guidance released this year. Note that

there is limited space available for the workshop, so please register

early if you wish to participate.

Register by September 12, 2011 for the early registration

Conference discounted rate of $450 for MTS members and $525

for nonmembers ($100 if you are an ACTIVELY SERVING DP

Operator). Registration includes technical sessions, lunch both

days, evening receptions and online access to the Proceedings.

The optional Workshop is offered at $100 per person (free for

ACTIVELY SERVING DP Operators registered for the

Conference). Please see the next page for more information.

Westchase Hilton

9999 Westheimer

Houston, TX 77042


The hotel is located in West Houston at the corner of Westheimer

and Briarpark, about half a mile east of the Sam Houston Tollway.

Accommodation is available at discounted rates ($149 a night)

(Web: http://www.hilton.com, Booking

Code MTDP)

Visit the website at www.dynamic-positioning.com/hotel.html for a

direct link

Two days of cutting-edge presentations, exhibits, opportunities for

informal discussions, social gatherings and comprehensive

Proceedings published on the Internet continue to make the DP

Conference a must-attend event for DP professionals.

From the outstanding number of abstracts received, the Technical

Committee has developed an excellent and well-balanced program

which will suit the interests of DP professionals, including

designers, operators, support staff and vessel managers/owners.

This year’s Conference will again provide


advanced reservations.

. If booking by phone, state that you are attending the

MTS DP Conference.



(Booking Code MTDP)

The Conference is a volunteer-run event and all funds in excess

of those required to stage the conference are used for student

scholarships and other DP related activities.



Monday October 10, 2011

Tuesday October 11, 2011

Wednesday October 12, 2011


Early Bird Reception


Conference - Day One

Awards Luncheon / Operations Workshop Review

Evening Cocktail Reception

Conference - Day Two

Luncheon: United States Coast Guard –

Perspective on future DP Operations

Conference Wrap up


Committee Chairman

Howard Shatto, Shatto Engineering

Committee Vice Chairman

Pete Fougere, Transocean

Conference Chairman

Chuck Richards, C.A. Richards & Associates

Technical ProgramChairman - Richard Simpson, bp

Vice Chairman - Stephen Browne, Veripos/Subsea 7

TreasurerDietmar Deter, Nautex


Brenda Wolak, IHC Merwede America


Ted Murphey, Kongsberg


Stephen Browne, Veripos/Subsea 7


Liz Stansfeld, Stansfeld & Fairbrother


Keith Wyatt, Converteam








Marine Technology Society





Advance Program - Subject to change




Cocktail Reception

Breakfast Sponsor


Refreshment Breaks

Thank you to our sponsorswho include:

BP North American ArcticExploration


Kongsberg - WorkshopDNV - TuesdayIHC Merwede - Wednesday

ABBConverteamL-3 CommunicationsVeripos

ABS Tuesday & Wednesday

Braemar WavespecC-MAR GroupGL Noble Denton

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Page 26: Dynamic positioning


MTS DP Operations Guidance Document

MTS DP Operations Guidance Document consists

of the following sections:

Part 1 - DP Operations Guidance

Part 2 - Appendix 1 - DP MODUs

Part 2 - Appendix 2 - Project/Construction Vessels

Part 2 - Appendix 3 - Logistical Vessels

These documents may be downloaded free of

charge from the DP website via:


Advance Program - Subject to change

In response to feedback from attendees of previous DP Conferences, the MTS DP CONFERENCE will be preceded by a one-day

workshop focused on the implementation of the MTS DP Operational Guidance. The event will be held at the Westchase Hilton.

Attendance is limited to 50 people. Registration for this workshop is separate from the registration for the main Conference and is

$100 per attendee (Free for ACTIVELY SERVING DPOs already registered for the DP Conference).

Master Mariners and DPOs


Representatives from Vessel Owners’/Contractors’ Technical department

(with accountability for DP Operations)

Representatives from Operators (Oil Companies) responsible for DP

Assurance activities/Project Delivery

Training Institutions (Vendor Community)


This session will outline the methodology for developing Activity-Specific Operating Guidelines for DP vessels, embodying

the principles provided in the

This segment of the workshop is designed as a coaching event. It

will provide participants with an awareness and knowledge of

what needs to be considered during the development of the

ASOG, why it is relevant and how it should be used while

executing offshore operations. Industry recognized experts/

specialists will be at hand to work with small teams (6 to 8

participants per team) to provide focused coaching and


- Sponsored by

The second session will take the form of a focused topical discussion. Participants will engage in a brainstorming session

with the objective of identifying core elements which contribute to this particular topic. Representative elements are:

Complexity of Operations

Consequences (Regulatory and Operational)

Role of Shore-based Teams

Training and Competence

Resourcing Constraints

Participants will be divided into small teams (6 to 8 participants per team). These teams will address these elements with

a view to identifying themes and providing a plan to address the issues.

This workshop is structured to be of particular interest to:

MTS DP Operations Guidance Document.


Early registration for the DP Conference and a reception will be held immediately following the conclusion of the Workshop.

8:00 AM

11:30 AM

1:00 PM

4:30 PM





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Page 27: Dynamic positioning

7:00 AM Registration Opens/Breakfast

7:15 AM Speakers’ Breakfast

8:00 AM

- Howard Shatto, Committee Chair

8:20 AM

8:45 AM

Steve Savoy, Cameron Craig (Ensco Offshore)

Saurabh Shah, Roberto Costa, Kamal Garg (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories)

Jan Fredrik Hansen, John Lindtjørn, Klaus Vanska (ABB Marine)

9:45 AM Refreshment Break sponsored by Braemar Wavespec

10:15 AM

Dr. Richard Stephens (Converteam, UK

David Russell (Veripos, USA)

Sam Hanton (Nautronix)


Suman Muddusetti (Shell)

1:30 PM

Rudolf Houben (Klingelnberg GmbH)

Jukka Varis (ABB Marine)

Lars-Erik Saarinen (Rolls Royce)

3:00 PM Refreshment Break - sponsored by MDL

3:30 PM

Eduardo Tannuri (Univ. of São Paulo), Carlo Campos, Allan de Oliveira, Diego Corrêa, João Luis da Silva (Petrobras)

Nina Gundersen, Rob Heijman, Arne Rinnan (Kongsberg Seatex)

Xiaobing Shi (American Global Maritime) Torbjorn Hals (Kongsberg)

5:00 PM













50 Years of DP/15th Year of the Annual Conference

Retrofit and Design of a DP-2 Medium Voltage Protective Relay and Control System -

Onboard DC Grid for Enhanced DP Operation of Ships with Low Voltage Power and

Propulsion Systems

Wind Feed Forward - Blowing Away the Myths

Location, Location, Location - Antenna Installation

SBL and LBL INS Integration - Options, Challenges and Benefits

DP Operations Guidance Document: Workshop Results

New Dimensions in Bevel Gear Production

Good Experiences in DP Drilling Operation - Electrical Pod Thrusters are aiming for Extended

Maintenance Intervals

Condition Monitoring for Rolls-Royce Azimuth Thrusters

Utilization of Numerical Simulation Tools for Aiding DP Operations Decisions

Qualification of a SIMOPS Management Tool

Operability Study for DP Vessel Operation at a Deepwater Spar - A Decision Support Tool


KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Robert Patterson - Vice President, Projects - Shell America Upstream







(Session Chair: Jonathan Davis, BP)

(Session Chair: Dietmar Deter, Nautex)

(Session Chair: Brian Haycock, DP Expertise)

(Session Chair: Steve Cargill, GL Noble Denton)

- )

BP North American Arctic Exploration

DP 2011 - DAY ONE - TUESDAY OCTOBER 11, 2011

Advance Program - Subject to change


communicationsDynamic Positioning and Control Systems


Page 26

Page 28: Dynamic positioning

7:00 AM sponsored by

7:15 AM

8:15 AM


Nagi Abdussamie (Alfateh University, Tripoli, Libya)


Anawat Pongpunwattana (L-3 Communications)

- Jin Woo Choi (DSME)

9:45 AM sponsored by the C-MAR Group

10:15 AM


James Millan (Institute for Ocean Technology, National Research Council Canada)


Torbjørn Hals (Kongsberg Maritime) Fredrik Efraimsson (Stena Rederi)

11:30 AM

1:00 PM

- Ian Giddings (IMCA)

- Chris Jenman (Global Maritime)

- Einar Ole Hansen (Rolls-Royce Marine)

2:30 PM sponsored by GL Noble Denton

3:00 PM

- Mark Carter (Sonardyne International)

- Arne Rinnan (Kongsberg Seatex)

- Suman Muddusetti, (Shell)

4:45 PM

- Howard Shatto, DP Committee Chair

Registration/Breakfast -

Speakers’ Breakfast

Refreshment Break -

Refreshment Break -

CDR Josh Reynolds (USCG)

4:00 PM







(Session Chair: Nick Cranch, DP Technical Authority, BP Shipping)

(Session Chair: Marco Wigny, ExxonMobil Development Company)

(Session Chair: Alan Adamson (Chevron)

(Session Chair: Trent Martin, Transocean)


Criticality Analysis of DP OSV using Fuzzy Logic Approach

DP Control Compensation for Actuator Failure and Saturation

Simulation of Vessel DP Operations inline with Ballast Control System

Ice Force Estimation for DP Control Systems

DP Ice Model Test of Arctic Drillship

DP Operations - A United States Coast Guard Perspective -

Annual Dynamic Positioning Trials for Dynamically Positioned Vessels

DP, Past, Present and Future

DP Dependability

DP-INS - A Paradigm Shift?

Operational GNSS Integrity

MTS DP Design Guidance Introduction

2011 DP Conference Wrap Up


- sponsored by IHC Merwede


Shell Upstream Americas

GL Noble Denton

Advance Program - Subject to change




Page 27

Page 29: Dynamic positioning




Please consider adding your company name to the list of

sponsors. Lunch Sponsors ($3000), Evening Reception Sponsors

($2000) and Breakfast Sponsors ($1,000) are still available.

All sponsors are recognized on the web site, in the printed

Conference material and at the Conference.

To become a sponsor, please contact Liz Stansfeld at (512) 301-


Two connected areas of exhibit space adjacent to the conference

room provide maximum exposure to conference delegates and

generous booth spaces for exhibitors. Refreshment breaks and

the cocktail reception are all hosted in and around the exhibit


1 C & C Technologies

2 & 3 Kongsberg

4 Veripos

5 L-3 DP&CS

6 Thrustmaster of Texas


8 & 9 Fugro

10 Converteam

11 Guidance Navigation

12 Sonardyne

13 Marine Cybernetics

14 GL Noble Denton

15 Braemar Wavespec

16 Rolls-Royce

17 Beier Radio

18 SEL

19 Siemens Oil &Gas Company


21 Forum Energy

22 C-MAR

23 Nautronix

24 ADC

25 & 26 ABB

Two full conference passes

Generous space with ample traffic room

110 VAC electric power. Exhibitors should bring their

own power strips and cords,

Tables, two chairs and drapes provided.

Access to proceedings and attendee list following the


Recognition in printed material, at the Conference and

on the web site.

Conference exhibit space for 2011 is sold out.

Ship exhibit material to:

Westchase Hilton,

9999 Westheimer

Houston, TX 77042


Do not ship materials to arrive earlier than October 10, 2011.

To sponsor or for more information, contact Liz Stansfeld,

Stansfeld & Fairbrother (512) 301-2744, or

Hold For DP Conference 2011






Advance Program - Subject to change








5 6










12 13 14 15 16





24 23 22 21 20 19




Booked - Space is now sold out

Page 28

Page 30: Dynamic positioning

Register by September 12, 2011 to take advantage of the early registration discount

Full Conference Registration

One-Day Registration

Workshop Registration (limited to first 50 paid registrants)

Register online at:and pay http://www.dynamic-positioning.com:

If you wish to pay by credit card, please pay online through the web site at http://www.dynamic-positioning.com

Members of MTS $450.00 After : $550.00

Nonmembers:* After : $625.00

*Nonmembers’ registration fee includes a one-year membership to the Marine Technology Society.

check payable to to:

MTS DP Committee

c/o Stansfeld & Fairbrother, Inc.

9300 Sandstone St.

Austin, TX 78737

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________State/Province:_________________Postal Code_________________

Country: __________________________________________________

Day Phone: __________________Fax:___________________ Email:________________________________________

Full Conference One day (If one day, state day:________________________) Workshop

To access the Proceedings on line, please specify a user name (must be an email address) and password:

(You do need to complete this if you already have a user name and password).


If paying by check, make check payable to DP Committee. and mail to:

MTS DP Committee

By September 12, 2011 September 12

By September 12, 2011 September 12

Licensed and active DPOs, $100.00

Lifetime MTS Members $100.00

Full-time Students $ 50.00

Members of MTS: $250.00 By September 12, 2011 After September 12: $300.00

Nonmembers:* $325.00 By September 12, 2011 After September 12: $375.00

Licensed and active DP Operators No Charge

All other attendees: $100.00

or mail this form with a

c/o Stansfeld & Fairbrother, Inc.

9300 Sandstone St.

Austin, TX 78737


MTS DP Committee

Conference Attendance:

Registration Information:

Please check all that apply:


MTS Member DP Operator (Vessel Name:_________________________) Student� � �

� � �

777 N. Eldridge Pkwy., Suite 280Houston, Texas 77079



The fastest and easiest way to register is online at


Advance Program - Subject to change








Marine Technology Society





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Credit: Unitech Control & Engineering Pte Ltd & AHTES

Have a nice days

The End