Dublin II Help Booklet

1 Help Organisations in Dublin II Countries Information Booklet for those being removed from the UK to a Third Country under the Dublin II Convention.


For people being removed from the UK to a third country under Dublin II.

Transcript of Dublin II Help Booklet

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Help Organisations in Dublin II Countries

Information Booklet for those being removed from the UK to

a Third Country under the Dublin II Convention.

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Please read this booklet if you are being removed to one of the following countries:

Austria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3

Belgium……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5

Bulgaria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 7

Cyprus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 9

Czech Republic………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 10

Denmark…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 12

Estonia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 14

Finland……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 15

France…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 16

Germany………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 18

Greece……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 20

Hungary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 22

Iceland……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 24

Ireland…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 25

Italy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 27

Latvia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 29

Lithuania………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 30

Luxemburg…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 31

Malta……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 32

Netherlands…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 33

Norway…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 35

Poland…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 36

Portugal………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 38

Romania…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 39

Slovakia………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 41

Slovenia………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 43

Spain ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 45

Sweden………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 46

Switzerland…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 48

Researched and written by Frances Radiguet, intern at Dover Detainee Visitor Group, 2013

Please distribute widely. All content available for personal, public and non-commercial use.

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AUSTRIA ASYL- Asylkoordination Österreich Website: www.asyl.at Tel: ++43/1/532.12.91 Address: Burggasse 81/7 1070 Vienna, Austria A group of Austrian NGO’s aimed at helping asylum seekers and refugees. The organisation specialises in helping unaccompanied minors in Austria, including their living conditions. Caritas Flüchtlings- Asylum and Integration - und Migrantenberatung Website: www.caritas-steiermark.at Address: Kepler Strasse 82 8020 Graz, Austria Tel: +43 316/8015-315 Fax: +43 316/721369-314 A side-branch of the Christian NGO Caritas which offers legal assistance and counselling for rejected asylum seekers, including a special service for return. They also offer health, accommodation and integration advice. Caritas- Marienambulanz Email: www.marienambulanz.caritas-graz.at Tel: +43/316/721.36.93.53 Branch of Caritas specifying in integrative bio-psycho-social health care for people without health insurance and those living illegally in Austria. The Marieambulanz offers general primary health care and diagnoses. Deserteurs- und Flüchtlingsberatung Website: www.deserteursberatung.at Address: Schottengasse 3a/1/59, staircase (Stiege) 1, 4th floor, door No. 59, Austria Tel: +43/1/533.72.71 Email: [email protected] Deserter and Refugee Counselling service which initially begun to aid Serbian and Croatian deserters. Multi-lingual drop in centre that specifies in assisting appeals for failed asylum seekers and offers psychotherapeutic care, necessary medical aid and German language classes, assistance in housing and job search, welfare and family, and legal assistance to asylum seekers and refugees. Diakonie - Austria Website: www.diakonie.at Address: Schwarzspanierstrasse 13 , 1090 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 1 409 80 01 Fax: +43 (0) 14098001-20 Email: [email protected] Protestant humanitarian organisation that provides social and legal services to vulnerable persons including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The Diakonia Refugee Service offers legal, social and health advice to asylum seekers, helps secure accommodation and offers counselling services through referrals. The organisation also offers integration projects for refugees. ZEBRA Website: www.zebra.or.at Address: Schönaugürtel 29, 8010 Graz, Austria Tel: +43/316/83 56 30 - 0 Fax: +43/316/83 56 30 - 50

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Email: [email protected] Broad reaching NGO who work with refugees and migrants for social, legal and health issues. ZEBRA Health Team provides assistance in family and health, including therapy for victims of war or torture, medical advice and counselling. ZEBRA Care Team offers legal assistance in asylum and appeals processes including those in detention, plus assistance in finding accommodation, work, education, and translations. MiGaY- Association for the Integration and Support of Homosexual Migrants. Website: http://www.migay.at/ Address: Lindengasse 24/9, 1070 Vienna E-mail: [email protected] MiGay is an advisory body and counselling centre for LGBT migrants, and provides networking between other LGBT organisations. Oriental Queer Organization Austria (ORQOA) Website: www.orqoa.at Email: [email protected] An Austrian LGBT organisation that focuses on providing advice to gay refugees and asylum seekers in legal and asylum issues. They also offer individual care and a buddy system to LGBT migrants in need.

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BELGIUM Kruispunt Migratie - Integratie Website: www.kruispuntmi.be Address: Intersection Migration Integration vzw, Vooruitgangstraat 323/1, 1030 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2/205 00 50 Fax: +32 (0) 2/205 00 60 The Department of Immigration and Family Private International Law of the Crossroad Migration Integration provides legal information and advice on: Immigration and Asylum: asylum, detention and deportation, residence and work permits, naturalisation; Health and Immigration: including reimbursements of medical expenses; Private International Law: provides information on the application and recognition process of foreign persons and family. Jesuit Refugee Service- Belgium Website: www.jrsbelgium.org Address: Rue Maurice Liétart 31/9, B-1150, Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2/738 08 18 Fax: +32 (0)2/738 08 16 International Christian NGO dedicated the advocacy and aid of refugees and asylum seekers. The Detention Project provides visitors to the detention centres in Bruges, Merksplas and Vottem, and the repatriation centres in Steenokkerzeel and Melsbroek who may offer psychosocial support and legal advice and information regarding the asylum procedure, including liaising with lawyers, immigration officials, family and friends; and specialist support to unaccompanied minors. Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen – Flemish Refugee Council Website: www.vluchtelingenwerk.be Address: Refugee Vlaanderen, Botanique Street 75, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2/225 44 00 Fax: +32 (0) 2/201 03 76 Independent NGO aiding refugees through both legal and social activities to provide information and networking. The Legal Advice Helpdesk offers information to asylum seekers and legal professionals regarding immigration and asylum law to support cases including flight story analysis. Additionally, project helps educated refugees obtain training and work, information on social welfare, and a daily Soup Point. BCHV-CBAR – The Belgian Refugee Council Website: www.cbar-bchv.be Address: Rue des palais 154, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium Tel: +32(0)2/537 82 20 Fax: +32(0)2/537 89 82 Email: [email protected] Independent NGO partnered with the UNHCR who help asylum seekers both in detention and on release. Support is offered to asylum seekers and detainees through legal analysis and information on asylum applications, appeals procedures, Rule 39, obtaining travel documents, financial difficulties, and protection for vulnerable individuals and family reunification. Medimmigrant - Medisch Steunpunt Website: www.medimmigrant.be Tel: +32(0)2/274 14 33 Fax: +32(0)2/274 14 48

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Email: [email protected] NGO providing access to health care for undocumented migrants in the Brussels area. Supplies casework and counselling to undocumented migrants and assists in the provision of health care. The organisation also helps in the obtainment of residence permits on medical grounds. WISHvzw Website: www.hetrozehuis.be Address: The Pink House - Çavaria Antwerp vzw, Draakplaats January , BE 2018 Antwerp, Belgium Tel: +32 (0)3/288 00 84 Fax: +32 (0)3/218 52 23 Email: [email protected] A Belgian Support Group for International Solidarity with LGBTI persons. They may provide asylum seeker support and referral services.

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BULGARIA Legal Clinic for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Website: www.lcrien.wordpress.com Email: [email protected] NGO which offers legal support to asylum seekers and refugees in Bulgaria. The Legal Clinic provides a free legal drop in service to immigrants and refugees, and offers services to those detained at the Busmanci detention centre through visitation. They can help with administrative procedures before state bodies and judicial procedures such as appeals and court defences. The Assistance Centre for Torture Survivors Website: www.acet-bg.org 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria , Krasno selo, 3, Dechko Yordanov Str, Floor 1, office 4 Tel: (+359 2) 423 46 36 Email: [email protected] The Assistance Centre for Torture Survivors aims to rehabilitate torture survivors and protect people from torture. They offer a rehabilitation programme for victims of torture with programmes based in Sofia, Burgas and Plovdiv. ACET also provide mental health and social services, and group activities for second and third generation victims of torture. Bulgarian Red Cross Website: www.redcross.bg Address: 76 James Boucher Blvd, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria Tel: (+359 2) 816 48 14 Fax: (+359 2) 865 81 09 Email: [email protected] The Bulgarian Red Cross is the primary NGO in Bulgaria dealing with the social services and integration of refugees, with offices throughout the country. The main aims of the RMS are to offer support with integration and tolerance and prevent isolation. They may offer financial assistance and other services to refugees and asylum seekers and humanitarian status holders. They also offer medicine and food to detained asylum seekers at the borders. The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Website: www.bghelsinki.org Address: 7 Varbitsa Street, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 943 4876 Fax: +359 884 185 968 Email: [email protected] Refugee Centre: Address : 1 Uzundjovksa Street, 1000 Sofia Tel: +3592 981 3318 and +3592 980 2049 The Bulgarian branch of the Helsinki Committee to protect human rights and stimulate legislative reforms. Their refugees and migrants legal programme is supported by the UNHCR, offering legal consultations, representation and attorney defence. Its team is engaged in: representation in refugee status determination proceedings, professional and independent legal defence, defence before the courts and other state institutions, assistance for successful integration, and assistance for voluntary repatriation. BGO Gemini Website: http://www.bgogemini.org/ Address: 3 Vasssil Levski Blvd. 1142 Sofia, Bulgaria

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Tel: +359 (2) 987 68 72 Email: [email protected] An NGO created to helping and uniting the Bulgarian sexual minority community.

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CYPRUS Future World’s Centre Website: www.futureworldscenter.org Address: 5 Promitheos Street, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357-22-873820 Fax: +357-22-873821 Email: [email protected] Cypriot NGO aimed at promoting peace-building and civic education, human rights, tolerance and diversity. The Humanitarian Affairs Unit is funded by the UNHCR. The Humanitarian Affairs Unit of the organization implements a project funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that offers free legal and social advice to asylum seekers and persons under international protection (recognized refugees, subsidiary protection). A free legal and social advice service is provided to refugees and asylum seekers, whilst the Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (URVT) provides a specialist service to refugees and asylum seekers. Greek Refugee Council (Hellenic Council for Refugees) Website: www.gcr.gr Address: 25 Solomou Street, 106 82 Athens, Greece Tel: 210-38 00 990 Fax: 210-38 03 774 Email: [email protected] The only NGO in Greece which works exclusively with refugees and asylum seekers both outside, inside detention and reception centres to provide aid and liaise between courts and the authorities. The Greek Refugee Council also works in Cyprus .The Law Office provides a legal service to asylum seekers and refugees including legal representation before the courts and translations. Visits to detention centres and translations to support asylum claims including court representation The Central Social Service offers aid in securing accommodation in reception centres and temporary housing, referrals for health and education, and psychosocial support. The Multicultural Centre facilitates integration programmes and offers counselling and employment centre. KISA Migrant and Refugee Centre Website: www.kisa.org.cy Address: 48 Arsenoes Street, Nicosia 1010 / P.O. Box 22113, 1517 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357-22-878181 Fax: +357-22-773039 Email: [email protected] A Cypriot NGO that promotes autonomy and provides services to the two migrant and refugee Centres in Cyprus and helps them set up their own services. KISA aims to facilitate integration and provides free legal and social services and support to asylum seekers and refugees. Accept Cyprus Website: http://www.acceptcy.org/ Address: NGO Support Centre, PO 25561, 1310 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: (00357) 99 812 343 Email: [email protected] Accept Cyprus are an organization that consists of and is addressed to people regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, cultural or religious affiliation, language, physical or other characteristics who demand the acceptance and support of LGBT people and the elimination of all discrimination against the LGBT community in Cyprus.

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CZECH REPUBLIC Association for Assisting Immigrants Website: www.soze.cz/ Address: Demlova 2 – za obchodním domem Prior, Czech Republic Tel: +420 608 915 159 or +420 585 242 535 Email: [email protected] NGO that focuses on assisting immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. They offer legal, social welfare and integration activities. Caritas Czech Republic - Charita Česká Republika Website: www.charita.cz Address: Vladislavova 12, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 296 243 330 Mobile: + 420 731 646 938 Email: [email protected] Caritas is an independent Christian NGO that provides social services to vulnerable people throughout Europe. They have offices in six cities in Czech Rep. Direct social assistance and humanitarian assistance is provided to migrants and refugees and support for victims of trafficking. They also offer activities for integration and work within the residential facilities for foreigners and outpatient counselling. The Association for Integration and Migration Website : www.migrace.com/ Address: Senovážná 2, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 224 224 379 Fax: +420 224 239 455 Legal department: +420 603 547 450 Social department: +420 605 253 994 Email: [email protected] Counselling Centre for Refugees A service dedicated to offering free legal, social and psychological counselling to foreigners regardless of status, provided through a helpline or drop in appointments. They offer free legal counselling with specialism in immigration and asylum law. These can include individual assistance, preparation of documents and court representation through proceedings, and family proceedings including marriage applications. They also offer free, anonymous social counselling and psychosocial support services where they can put people in touch with psychiatry and psychotherapy. Consortium of NGOs Working with Migrants Website: www.konzorcium.cz A Consortium of NGOs that work with migrant communities in Czech Republic. They can put people in touch with specific organisations depending on individual needs. Organisation for Aid for Refugees - OPU Website: www.opu.cz Address: Kovářská 4, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 284 683 545 Mobile: (+420) 739 413 983 Fax: (+420) 233 371 258

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Email: [email protected] Legal advice booking: (+420) 284 683 545, (+420) 284 683 714 , or mail to [email protected] The organisation is dedicated to aiding refugees, promoting human rights and opposing extremism. The organisation provides free social and legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers including asylum procedure, appeals, administration and legal representation. They also offer integration and educational activities and reconciliation projects. Provides free legal and social assistance to refugees and unaccompanied minors including consultation, drafting submissions, and may offer representation in matters surrounding asylum, citizenship and family law. Social counselling in matters such as health care, education, housing etc, and leisure activities. Czech Helsinki Committee Website: www.helcom.cz/ Address: Štefánikova 21, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic Email: [email protected] Czech branch of the European organisation that investigates human rights issues and offers counselling. The Helsinki Committee offer a wide range of free legal and social counselling to immigrants based on integration including: Health care, social security, citizenship, employment, family life, education, residence and housing. PROUD – Platform for Equality, Recognition and Diversity Website: www.proudem.cz Address: PROUD, Šaldova 419/16, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 774 007 202 Email: [email protected] or their legal department: [email protected] A member of ILGA-Europe, PROUD is a Czech LGBT organisation who can help with networking, advice and human rights issues.

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DENMARK The Danish Refugee Council Website: www.drc.dk Address: Borgergade 10, 3rd floor, 1300 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (+45) 33 73 50 00 Fax: (+45) 33 32 84 48 Email: [email protected] Independent umbrella NGO working internationally to protect refugee rights, advocacy and those countries suffering acute refugee crises. Legal aid including assessment of failed asylum claims. The DRC may provide statements where a claim has been determined as manifestly unfounded, and can provide support in a subsequent appeals procedure. The DRC may provide assistance with voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement, asylum procedures, refugee counselling services, humanitarian aid, and capacity-building. Flygtninge Under Jorden – Refugees Welcome/The Committee for Underground Refugees Website: www.flygtningeunderjorden.dk Address: Dronningensgade 14 Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (+45) 50 55 80 11 Email: [email protected] Humanitarian organisation dedicated to helping failed asylum seekers and underground refugees who have suffered injustice at the hands of the Danish immigration authorities. Provides legal advice, counselling and case management to asylum seekers both living in asylum centres and ‘underground’. May recommend good legal representation and investigate failed claims. The charity also may also provide medical aid, aid networking and family reunification, and help in overcoming destitution. Trampoline House Website: www.trampolinehouse.dk Address: The Trampoline House, Skyttegade 3 DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (+45) 32 20 02 25 Email: [email protected] A culture house situated in Copenhagen to provide a connection point for asylum seekers and refugees to meet and take part in activities. Provides social and legal counselling, medical and dental services, educational workshops and courses, a soup kitchen and other entertainment activities to break isolation and aid integration. The Danish Immigrant Counselling - Indvandrerrådgivningen Website: www.indvandrerraadgivningen.dk Address: Vesterbrogade 14-store ,DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark Tel: (+45) 88 70 98 98 or +45 26 22 36 11 Fax: (+45) 88 70 78 70 Private counselling organisation which helps foreign migrants integrate into Danish society. A free and anonymous counselling service for immigrants on a variety of social and welfare issues including housing, relationships, forced marriage and victims of trafficking and domestic violence. Red Cross Denmark Website: www.rodekors.dk Address: Blegdamsvej 27 , 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (+45) 35 25 92 00 Email: [email protected]

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Independent NGO which provides accommodation to asylum seekers on behalf of the government. Provides most of the asylum centres in Denmark where asylum seekers can wait whilst they have their claim processed. Responsible for teaching and activities, healthcare and psychosocial services including psychotherapy and physiotherapy for the residents at the shelters. They accommodate both new asylum seekers and those awaiting departure. The DRC also run residence centres and other centres for adults and unaccompanied young people which provide food, laundry and schooling, and recreation and internship opportunities. Save the Children Denmark (Red Barnet) Website: www.redbarnet.dk Address: Rosenørns Allé 12 , 1634 Copenhagen V, Denmark Tel: (+45) 35 36 55 55 Fax: (+45) 35 39 11 19 Email: [email protected] European programme with a primary focus on separated children. Offers assistance to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers caught up in the immigration system in Denmark.

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ESTONIA Estonian Human Rights Centre Email: www.humanrights.ee Address: Tartu mnt 63 (B entrance) 4th floor, 10115 Tallinn, Estonia Tel: (+372) 5804 7600 Email: [email protected] Organisation dedicated to advocacy and promoting human rights in Estonia. The Estonian Human Rights Centre provides free legal counselling to asylum seekers and refugees in Estonia. Initial legal advice is provided by law students, but lawyers then represent the asylum seeker in court. The ECRE also helps asylum seekers to apply for free legal state aid. Estonian Refugee Council Website: www.pagulasabi.ee Address: Lai 30, 51005 Tartu, Estonia Tel: (+372) 511 8311 Email: [email protected] The aim of the Estonian Refugee Council is to help refugees to integrate into Estonian society by providing social support and raising awareness. Social welfare support is provided to cover housing, documentation and health insurance and jobs and to put asylum seekers and refugees in touch with other organisations and help with integration. Estonian LGBT Organisation Website: www.lgbt.ee Address: Kaarli pst 5-1, Tallinn 10119, Estonia Tel: +372 5551 5817 Email: [email protected] Member of ILGA-Europe, The Estonian LGBT organisation provides a variety of support and information for LGBT people in Estonia, and can refer people to other organisations where necessary.

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FINLAND Finnish Refugee Council - Suomen Pakolaisapu Website: www.pakolaisapu.fi Address: Kaikukatu 3, 4th floor, 00530 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +358 (09) 696 2640 Fax: +358 (09) 876 4271 The Finnish Refugee Council is an independent organisation that aims to improve the rights and living conditions for refugees in Finland and abroad. The Finnish Refugee Council offer a range of social and integrative programmes with asylum seekers and refugees. Finland Centre for Torture Survivors (CTSF) Website: www.hdl.fi Address: Kidutettujen Kuntoutuskeskus, Munkkisaarenkatu 16, 00150 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +358 (09) 7750 7584 Helsinki Deaconess Institute (CTSF) Address: Alppikatu 2. 00530 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +358 (09) 77 501 Fax: +358 (09) 773 1436 CTSF helps victims of torture, asylum seekers and their relatives in Finland by providing rehabilitation and housing services. These include supported housing and sheltered housing, education, child welfare, social welfare and healthcare services, including visits and long term treatment. Finnish Red Cross - Suomen Punainen Risti Website: www.redcross.fi Address: Keskustoimisto, Tehtaankatu 1 a, 00140 Helsinki, Finland Tel: (09) 129 3344 The Finnish Red Cross facilitates communication with lost family members and offers a tracing service. They also offer a befriending service to refugees and volunteers. Finnish Refugee Advice Centre Website: www.pakolaisneuvonta.fi Address: Helsinki office, Kaisaniemenkatu 4 A, 6.krs, 00100 Helsinki, Finland Tel : +358 (0)75 7575 100 Fax : +358 (0)75 7575 120 Email: [email protected] NGO that encompasses other regional NGO’s to provide legal aid through five offices in Finland and works closely with the UNHCR. Provides legal counselling to refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants surrounding asylum process and appeals and social counselling. Seta Website: www.seta.fi Address: Pasilanraitio 5, 2th floor, 00240 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +358 (0)9 6812 580 Fax: +358 (0)9 6812 5880 E-mail: [email protected] Seta is an LGBT human rights organisation based in Finland and a member of ILGA-Europe. They provide advice, support, social activities and psycho-social support for members of the LGBT community.

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FRANCE GAS - Groupe Accueil et Solidarité Website: www.gas.asso.fr Address: 17, place Maurice Thorez, 94800 Villejuif, France Tel: (+33) 01 42 11 07 95 Fax: (+33) 01 42 11 09 91 NGO which aims to build solidarity and provide a support base to asylum seekers and refugees in France, defending the right of asylum. Provides legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, plus temporary housing and assistance in moving and long term housing. Jesuit Refugee Service - France Website: www.jrsfrance.org Tel: (+33) 06 81 05 92 22 Email: [email protected] French branch of the international Jesuit Refugee Service. Aids in asylum procedure and helps find housing for refugees and those living on the streets, or for those awaiting CADA accommodation. Offers support in everyday activities Terre d’Asile Website: www.france-terre-asile.org Address: France haven, 24, rue Marc Seguin, 75018 Paris, France Tel: (+33) 01 53 04 39 99 Fax: (+33) 01 53 04 02 40 Email: [email protected] Independent organisation providing support to refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors and those in detention. Offers social and housing support through reception centres, plus visits to ‘waiting zones’ and detention centres, including legal and humanitarian assistance and protection of unaccompanied minors. L'ARDHIS - (Association de Reconnaissance des Droits des personnes Homosexuelles et transsexuelles à l'Immigration et au Séjour) Website: www.ardhis.org Address: Centre LGBT Paris Ile-de-France, 63 rue Beaubourg, 75003 Paris, France Tel: (+33) 06 19 64 03 91 Email: [email protected] ARDHIS is a support and advocacy group for LGBT asylum seekers and refugees. Offers social and legal support to LGBT asylum seekers and refugees in France. COMEDE – Medical Committee for Exiles Website: www.comede.org Address: Hôpital de Bicêtre 78 rue du Général Leclerc BP31 94272 Le Kremlin Bicêtre Cedex NGO specialising in providing medical care for asylum seekers and refugees Offers social, medical and psychological care where services are in adequate, and also offers medico-legal assistance. LA CIMADE Website: www.cimade.org Address: 64 rue Clisson, 75013 Paris, France

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Tel: +33 01 44 18 60 50 Fax: +33 01 45 56 08 59 Email: [email protected] LA CIMADE is a legal charity that helps refugees, asylum seekers, those in detention and undocumented migrants throughout France. They provide administrative and legal assistance to asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, and hold a presence in many of the French detention centres. GISTI - Groupe d'Information et de Soutien des Immigrés Website: www.gisti.org Address : GISTI 3 villa Marcès, 75011 Paris, France Tel: +33 01 43 14 84 84 Fax: +33 01 43 14 60 69 A small organisation that specialists in immigration law. They offer free legal consultations to those in need of assistance. Médécins sans Frontières (MSF) Website: www.msf.fr Address: 8, rue Saint Sabin,75011 Paris, France Tel: +33 01 40 21 29 29 Fax: +33 01 48 06 68 68 Email: [email protected] French branch of international NGO providing medical aid across borders. MSF offers basic health care and treatments to those where normal access is difficult, including undocumented migrants.

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Office for Medical Assistance for Refugees Website: www.medibuero.de Address: Gneisenaustr. 2a, 10961 Berlin Tel: 030-6946746, Fax 030-62901145 Email: [email protected] The Office for Medical Assistance for Refugees provides free, confidential help to undocumented migrants in Germany. They provide extensive medical aid, for example psychological counselling, medicines, midwifery and physiotherapy, funded through donations. Jesuit Refugee Service - Germany Website: www.jesuiten-fluechtlingsdienst.de Address: Witzlebenstraße 30a, D-14057 Berlin Tel: +49 (0) 30 32602590 Fax: +49 (0) 30 32602592 German branch of the Jesuit Refugee Service. They provide pastoral services to detainees in Berlin, Eisenhüttenstadt (Brandenburg) and Munich (Bavaria). They also offer legal assistance, and specifically have provided temporary legal protection for those who, under Dublin II Convention, may be transferred back to Greece. Association of Binational Families and Partnerships Website: http://www.verband-binationaler.de/ Address: Ludolfusstr. 2-4 , 60487 Frankfurt / M. Germany Tel: 069/71 37 56-0 Fax: 069/70 75 092 Email: [email protected] LESCHIAK is the LGBT working group for the Association of Binational Families and Partnerships, and may be able to provide support to refugees and asylum seekers. Pro Asyl – The Information Network of Asylum and Migration Website: www.proasyl.de Address: PO Box 160624 , D-60069 Frankfurt / M. Germany. Tel: 069 230 688 Fax: 069 230 650 Email: [email protected] Large NGO that provides information and support for refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and Europe, to improve their living situation. Pro Asyl may provide Financial aid for asylum seekers and refugees and assistance in legal proceedings in Germany and at the border, and works with the local refugee councils. Federal Association for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees Website: www.b-umf.de Address: Nymphenburger Str 47, 80335 Munich Tel: 089/20244013 Fax: 089/20244015 Email: [email protected]

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An NGO that focuses on advocacy and rights for unaccompanied minors in Germany. They provide legal and social advice and support to unaccompanied minors on their rights in Germany, including integration and educational support German Caritas Association Website: www.caritas.de Address: Unit of Migration and Integration, Karlstr. 40 , 79,104 Freiburg / Breisgau, Germany Tel: 0761/200475 Fax: 0761/200211 Email: [email protected] NGO that tries to improve the situation of refugees in Germany by providing social support and counselling. Caritas offers counselling to migrants and integration services including language help, advocacy and opportunities to develop social interaction between people. They also provide advocacy for refugees, asylum seekers, those with confused immigration status and those living ‘underground’. German Red Cross Website: www.drk.de Address: Team 44 - Migration and Integration, Carstennstr. 58, 12205 Berlin Tel: 030-85404-130 Fax: 030-85404-451 Email: [email protected] German branch of the Red Cross offering specific help to refugees and migrants in Germany and abroad. Offers the Red Cross Tracing Service to help with family reunification. They provide legal and social counselling to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, repatriates and those without permanent residence status in Germany. There is also an Integration service which offers activities to migrants to help with everyday life, but may also focus on problems of addiction or violence etc..

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GREECE Greek Refugee Council (Hellenic Council for Refugees) Website: www.gcr.gr Address: 25 Solomou Street, 106 82 Athens, Greece Tel: 210-3800990 Fax: 210-38.03.774 Email: [email protected] The only NGO in Greece which works exclusively with refugees and asylum seekers both outside, inside detention and reception centres to provide aid and liaise between courts and the authorities. The Greek Refugee Council also works in Cyprus. The Law Office provides a legal service to asylum seekers and refugees including legal representation before the courts and translations. Visits to detention centres and translations to support asylum claims including court representation The Central Social Service offers aid in securing accommodation in reception centres and temporary housing, referrals for health and education, and psychosocial support. The Multicultural Centre facilitates integration programmes and offers counselling and employment centre. Greek Red Cross Website: www.redcross.gr Address: Lycabettus 1, 106 72 Athens, Greece Tel: 210-36 13 848 E-mail: [email protected] Helpline Information and Support for Refugees: 210-51 40 440 International humanitarian organisation that offers aid to various vulnerable groups in Greece. A helpline provides a comprehensive information service to refugees and asylum seekers including information on useful organisations, legal advice for asylum procedure and other issues, and interpretation services. Medicins du Monde - Greece Website: www.mdmgreece.gr Address: 12 Sapfous str.105 53 Athens, Greece Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] European organisation dedicated to providing medical aid to undocumented migrants, asylum seekers and other destitute groups. Polyclinics run throughout Greece to provide emergency care, medical checkups and treatment for those that are unable to receive healthcare in Greece. Metadrasi Website: www.metadrasi.org Address: 8 Thesprotias st., Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 5201792 or +30 210 5201794 or +30 210 5126456 Fax: +30 210 5126442 An organisation that helps asylum seekers in Greece. They provide legal aid and interpretation services, and can escort unaccompanied minors to suitable housing from the detention centres, Certification for Victims of Torture, and advocacy. They can also help people with voluntary returns. OLKE - Gay & Lesbian Community of Greece Website: www.olke.org Address: 25 Chalkokondili street, 10432, Athens, Greece

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Tel: 00302105237408 or 00306947434353 OLKE aims to advocate and provide a voice for the LGBT community in Greece by providing political lobbying, civil awareness and other activism.

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HUNGARY Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation Website: www.gandhi.ini.hu Address: Ferenc krt. 18. Fszt. 1., Budapest, Hungary, 1092 Tel: (+36 1) 215-8301 Mobile: (+36 30) 99 63 567 Fax: (+36 1) 215-8301 Email: [email protected] Recognised by the UN and African Union, they work primarily with refugees and asylum seekers and raise public awareness. They offer legal counselling, including appeal submissions and legal representation and may provide translators during asylum procedure. The organisation also visits the refugee camps, offering visiting hours, legal advice, books in foreign languages and help with new trials. Lastly, can refer people to specialist groups and offer help in learning the Hungarian language. Hungarian Red Cross Website: www.voroskereszt.hu Address: Arany János utca 31, Magyar Vöröskereszt, 1367 - Budapest 5, PF. 121 Tel: +36-1-3741338 Fax: +36-1-3741312 Email: [email protected] The Hungarian Red Cross provides a Refugee Service to assist those in the refugee and detention centres in the country by providing regular visits. They may provide clothing/books/medicine and other things. They offer ongoing needs assessments and assessment of health needs and may provide interpreters. They can also liaise between other NGOs and the authorities where required. Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims Website: www.cordelia.hu Address: 37. Balzac street, Budapest, H-1136, Hungary Office address: 1/B. Kárpát street, VI. floor, door 24., Budapest, H-1133, Hungary Tel: +36-1-349-14-50 Fax: +36-1-239-13-32 Email: [email protected] The Cordelia Foundation helps traumatised asylum seekers and torture survivors and their families by providing various psychological counselling services.The Cordelia Foundation provides specialist therapeutic services, including psychologists, psychiatrists, Family and Child Therapy Sessions, Relationship Counselling and Relaxation and Art Therapy. They have a Mobile Medical Assessment and Care Unit, and can also prepare Medico-legal reports for clients who need to confirm torture allegations. The foundation also provides mediation, advocacy and social work services. Hungarian Helsinki Committee Website: www.helsinki.hu Address: 1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky 36-38. , 1242 Budapest, Pf 317th, Hungary Tel./ fax: (36 1) 321 4323, 321 4327, 321 4141 Email: [email protected] Partnered with the UNHCR, the Hungarian Branch of the Helsinki Committee seeks to aid human rights issues. They offer free legal assistance to asylum seekers arriving in Hungary and legal defence in asylum procedures, plus educational activities.

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Hungarian Association for Migrants (Menedék) Website: www.menedek.hosting1.deja.hu Counselling Service Address: 13. Vajdahunyad st., Budapest, 1082, Hungary Tel: +36 1 411-1710, 215-7314 Fax: +36 1 411-171 Project Office Address: Budapest, Népszínház utca 16. III/3. Hungary Tel: +36 1 322-1502 Fax: +36 1 479-0272 A migrants association that offers representation; encourages integration and promotes social and psychological wellbeing in Hungary. They offer a variety of social activities and a counselling service to migrants, representation and enable access to medical care. Hungarian LGBT Alliance Website: www.lmbtszovetseg.blog.hu Tel: (06 70) 523 5042 Email: [email protected] An active member of ILGA-Europe, the Hungarian LGBT Alliance is an umbrella organisation that brings together organisations in Hungary who work with sexual minorities to prevent discrimination and promote human rights.

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ICELAND Icelandic Red Cross Website: www.raudikrossinn.is Address: Efstaleiti 9, 103 Reykjavík, Iceland Tel: + 354 570 4000 Fax: + 354 570 4010 Email: [email protected] The Icelandic Red Cross works on behalf of the UNHCR in Iceland. Assistance is provided to asylum seekers and refugees with housing and furnishing, psychological support and offers a tracing system to find lost family members and integration programmes. Iceland Icelandic Human Rights Centre Website: www.humanrights.is Address: Túngata 14 - 101 Reykjavík, Iceland Tel: + 354 552 27 20 Fax: + 354 552 27 21 Email: [email protected] ICEHR provides Legal Counselling to immigrants and asylum seekers. N.B. unfortunately this doesn’t include referrals or legal representation, but they can offer information on specialist lawyers. Samtökin ‘78 Website: www.samtokin78.is Address: Laugaveg 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland Tel: 450179-0439 Fax: 552 7878 Email: [email protected] Iceland’s primary LGBT organisation which offers social and health support and counselling services and leisure activities.

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IRELAND Jesuit Refugee Service - Ireland Website: www.jrs.ie Address: The Mews, 20 Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1 Tel: +353 1 8148644 Fax: +353 1 8734680 Irish branch of the Jesuit Refugee Service. They offer psychosocial support, intercultural events and one-to-one outreach and information for asylum seekers and refugees. The JRS also offers a detention visiting service. BeLonG To Website: www.belongto.org Address: Parliament House, 13 Parliament Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 670 6223 Fax: 01 670 2619 Email: [email protected] BeLonG To offers support to LGBT refugees and asylum seekers throughout Ireland. They offer a range of social support through their Refugees and Asylum Seekers Project, and can help put people in touch with services. Irish Refugee Council Website: www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie Address: 2nd Floor, Ballast House, Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 7645854 Fax: +353 1 6725927 Email: [email protected] Information and Referral Service and Law Services: Which offer guidance through the asylum service and legal aid: applying for asylum, direct provision, subsidiary protection, leave to remain, family reunification, Deportation orders, withdrawing claims and voluntary return and registration with GNIB, referrals and legal representation. NASC – The Irish Immigrant Support Centre Website: www.nascireland.org Address: Enterprise House, 35 Mary Street, Cork, Ireland Tel: 021 4317411 Fax: 021 4570523 Email: [email protected] Legal information and assistance in asylum application processes and other immigration issues (inc. Roma peoples), family reunification, social assistance e.g. housing, education and training. Refugee Legal Service – Legal Aid Board Website: www.legalaidboard.ie Address: 48/49 North Brunswick Street, Georges Lane, Dublin 7 Tel: (01) 646 9600 Fax: (01) 671 0200 Email: [email protected]

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A branch of the Irish Legal Aid Board that provides the specialist Refugee Legal Service (RLS)Private and confidential legal service offering legal aid and advice on matters of immigration, asylum applications and deportation.

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ITALY Jesuit Refugee Service- Italy- Associazione Centro Astalli Website: www.centroastalli.it Address: Associazione Centro Astalli, Via degli Astalli 14/A - I-00186 Roma, Italy Tel: +39-06 697 003 06 or + 39-06 678 12 46 Fax: +39-06 679 67 83 Email: [email protected] JRS-Italy provides food and washing facilities, assistance and health care and psychological counselling to asylum seeker sand refugees, including legal assistance, education and training, and assistance in housing and other basic social care for personal development. Sa.Mi.Fo based in Rome. They also offer temporary accommodation to asylum seekers and refugees, with specialist centres for unaccompanied minors, family units and singles. Borderline Sicilia Website: www.siciliamigranti.blogspot.it Address: Via Ritiro, 24 Modica (Rg), Sicily Tel: (0039) 3409802196 Email: [email protected] An organisation that monitors migration issues in Sicily, and provides aid to vulnerable groups in detention centres. They may provide legal, social and medical assistance to asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors outside and in the reception centres/detention centres. Caritas Diocesana di Roma/Area Immigrati Website: www.caritasroma.it Address: Via delle Zoccolette, 19, 00186 Roma, Italy Tel: +39/06/68.75.228 Fax: +39/06/68.33.295 Email: [email protected] Italian branch of Caritas aimed at providing information to undocumented migrants, advocacy and awareness raising. Provides legal advice and basic assistance such as health care, housing and a soup kitchen. Casa dei Diritti Sociali Website: www.dirittisociali.org Address: Via dei Mille, 6, Rome 00185, Italy Tel: +39/06/446.46.13/06 or +39/06/446.47.42 Email: [email protected] Network of NGOs helping refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. Provides shelter, social and legal information and support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and vulnerable people including unaccompanied minors/victims of trafficking. Cooperativa sociale K-Pax Website: www.k-pax.eu Address: Via Pelabrocco 14, 25043 Breno (BS) Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: (0039) 0364 321365 K-Pax is a managing body of Italian Services for asylum seekers and refugees (SPRAR) They work in directly with the local public services. K-Pax offers a variety of social services including day and night hosting and help with accommodation and languages etc, Free Legal Services including specialist

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lawyers, and medical services through the local health services including specialist mental health for vulnerable groups including victims of torture. Associazione LGBT Italia Website: www.arcigay.it Address: Via Don Minzoni 18th , 40,121 Bologna, Italy Tel : (+39) 05 10957241 or Emergency : 348/7669298 Fax: (+39) 05 10957243 Email: [email protected] A large organisation working throughout Italy supporting LGBT rights in the country. They may provide help with social issues including health and accommodation, support groups and asylum issues.

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LATVIA International Organization for Migration IOM - Starptautiskā migrācijas organizācija Website: www.iom.lv Address: UN House (ANO māja), Pils 21, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia Tel: +371 67503626, +371 67503627 Email: [email protected] The IOM aids immigrants with both the integration process and voluntary return to their home countries. Latvian Red Cross - Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts Website: www.redcross.lv Address: Šarlotes iela 1 d, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia Tel: +371 67336651 Fax: +371 67336652 The Latvian Red Cross offers information and support, clothing and shelter. The Society Shelter “Safe House” - Patvērums Drošā Māja Website: www.patverums-dm.lv Address: NVO “Patvērums „Drošā māja””, Lāčplēša iela 29 – 3, LV-1011, Rīga, Latvia Tel: +371 67898343 (only Latvian-speaking) +371 29152855 (also English speaking) Email: [email protected] The organisation provides a ‘safe house’ to illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees and victims of trafficking. They visit the reception centres and can offer legal, medical and psychological assistance. MOSAIKA – MOSAIC Website: www.mozaika.lv Address: K. Valdemāra 18-1A, Riga, LV-1010. Email: [email protected] Mob: +371 28440340 A member of ILGA-Europe, Mosaika promotes LGBT rights and equality in Latvia and can promote health and awareness and provide a platform for communication, and can help with advising people on legal issues related to discrimination on the bases of sexual identity/gender.

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LITHUANIA Caritas Lithuania Website: www.caritas.lt Address: Papilio str. 5, LT–44275 Kaunas, Lithuania Tel: + 370 (37) 20 54 27 Fax: +370 (37) 20 55 49 Email: [email protected] An international Catholic organisation that helps people in need. The Lithuanian Branch focuses on social care. A family and children’s division offers psychosocial support, clearance, medical, legal, psychosocial support to victims of trafficking, and support to other vulnerable groups. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Office in Lithuania Website: www.unhcr.lt Address: Goštauto str. 40A, 10th flour, LT-01112 Vilnius Tel: 00370 52 107 416 Fax: 00370 52 107 401 Email: [email protected] The UNHCR offers free legal assistance to cases linked to submitting an asylum application. Lithuanian Caritas Website: www.caritas.lt Address: Papilio str. 5, LT-44275 Kaunas Tel: 00370 37 20 54 27, fax 00370 37 20 55 49 Email: [email protected] The Lithuanian branch of the Christian humanitarian charity Caritas offers free legal and psychological counselling to recognised asylum seekers. Lithuanian Red Cross Society - Department of Refugee Affairs Website: www.redcross.lt Address: Juozapavičiaus g. 10A, LT-09311 Vilnius Tel: (+370 5) 2127322 Fax: (+370 5) 2619923 Email: [email protected] The Department of Refugee Affairs offers legal, humanitarian and social support to immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, including integration programmes and leisure activities. They also examine conditions at the border and with deportations. Lithuanian Gay League - LGL Address: A. Jakšto 22-15, LT-01105 Vilnius Website: www.atviri.lt Email: [email protected] Lithuanian gay rights and advocacy group who facilitate communication between organisations and other LGBT people in Lithuania.

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LUXEMBOURG Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés- ASTI Luxembourg Association of Support for Immigrant Workers. Website : www.asti.lu/ Address : 10-12, rue Auguste Laval , L-1922 Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 43 83 33 1 Email: [email protected] An association formed to promote equal rights for immigrants. ASTI offers an extensive information service to migrants and asylum seekers in Luxembourg covering legal, social and integration issues. Caritas Luxembourg Website : www.caritas.lu Address : 29, rue Michel Welter, L-2730 Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 40 21 31-1 Fax: (+352) 40 21 31-409 Email: [email protected] A Christian organisation that provides social aid to vulnerable groups throughout Europe. Caritas provides legal, social and housing assistance for refugees and migrants in Luxembourg. The Foyer Saint Antoine also provides homes for singles and families seeking international protection, promoting solidarity with migrants. Luxembourg Red Cross Website: www.croix-rouge.lu Address: Seat - Luxembourg Red Cross, 44 Boulevard Joseph II, L-1840 Luxembourg B.P. 404 - L-2014 Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 2755-2000 Fax : (+352) 2755-2001 The Luxembourg Red Cross is a humanitarian aid organisation. The Office of the Luxembourg Reception and Integration (OLAI) directs their migrant programmes towards the Red Cross. The Luxembourg Red Cross runs the three reception centres for asylum seekers in Luxembourg, and an emergency shelter for migrants. They provide social activities, welfare, administrative and legal assistance on different levels, and can help find emergency temporary housing. The Centre for Equal Treatment (CET) Website: www.cet.lu Address: 6, place de la Gare L-1616 Luxembourg Tel: 26 48 30 33 Email: [email protected] The CET carries out its missions independently, and its purpose is to promote, analyse and monitor equal treatment between all persons without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, handicap or age.

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MALTA UNHCR Malta Website: www.unhcr.org.mt Tel: +356 2248 9400 Email: [email protected] UNHCR Malta provides an information and outreach services to refugees and asylum seekers. They visit open centres and can advise on housing, medical care, employment and human rights. Jesuit Refugee Service - Malta Website: www.jrsmalta.org Address: St. Aloysius’ Sports Complex, 50 Triq ix-Xorrox, Birkirkara 1631, Malta Tel: +356 21 44 2751 Fax: +356 21 44 2752 The Maltese branch of JRS provides advocacy and essential services to asylum seekers and refugees in Malta. JRS Malta provides a platform for public awareness raising, social work services and psychological support and healthcare. They also do policy and legal advocacy by liaising with Maltese authorities and provide legal advice and information to asylum seekers in detention and in the community. Specialised services provided to vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees including people with serious mental health, chronic illness, disabled and victims of torture, and help provide sheltered accommodation. Aditus Website: www.aditus.org.uk Address: 149, Old Mint Street, Valletta VLT 1513, Malta Tel: +356 2010 6295 Fax: +356 2010 6296 Aditus provides advocacy, a pro bono legal advice service to asylum-seekers, migrants and refugees in Malta. Aditus’ focus is on providing help on asylum and other legal procedures including legal review of administrative detention, discrimination and entitlements according to status. Aditus has a strong provision for LGBTI claimants. Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers (AWAS) Tel: +356 2568 7239 Email: [email protected] A welfare organisation that mediates between government and voluntary groups to provide assistance to refugees and asylum seekers. AWAS provides information and support for vulnerable people, including housing, health, welfare and education, resettlement and facilitated returns.

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INLIA (International Network of Local Initiatives with Asylum seekers) Website: www.inlia.nl Address: Jacobijnerstraat 5, 9712 HZ Groningen Tel: 050-3138181 Fax: 050-3120412 Email: [email protected] INLIA is a central organisation where you can apply for crisis shelter in some municipalities in the Netherlands. They offer emergency services and care to refugees and asylum seekers including legal and medical help, accommodation and psycho-social help. VVN (Vereniging Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland) – Dutch Council for Refugees Website: www.vluchtelingenwerk.nl Address: Surinameplein 122, 1058 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 20 364 7200 Email: [email protected] The largest NGO providing relief to refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands with offices in over 500 towns and villages, including all asylum and reception centres. Provides legal aid and assistance with the asylum process, and can be present in initial IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) meetings including documentation on countries of origin, sources to substantiate asylum history, case law history and European legislation. Social support includes assistance with integration, finding housing, jobs and languages. PHAROS Website: www.pharos.nl Address: Arthur van Schendel Road 620 ,3511 MJ Utrecht, Netherlands Tel: (030) 234 98 00 Fax: (030) 236 45 60 Email: [email protected] Organisation that provides medical services to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. They offer advice and information on social workers relating to the access to health care for refugees and asylum seekers, including medical and psychological support. Stichting LOS (Landelijk Ongedocumenteerden Steunpunt: National Support Point for Undocumented Migrants) Website: www.stichtinglos.nl Address: 243 Canal Street , 3,531 CJ Utrecht, Netherlands Tel: (030) 299 02 22 Fax: (030) 299 02 23 Email: [email protected] A national support service for undocumented migrants. A support group for undocumented migrants offering assistance with living conditions and complaints procedures regarding immigration case handling. Stichting Rechtsbijstand Asiel (SRA) Address: Luchthaven Schiphol (airport Schiphol), Evert van Beekstraat 109, NL – 1118 CN Schiphol Tel: +31 (0) 20 316 11 65

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NGO focusing on legal aid to asylum seekers.The SRA operates in various regional reception centres and research centres to offer legal aid to asylum seekers whose cases awaiting determination by the courts.

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NORWAY Den Norske Helsingforskomité (The Norwegian Helsinki Committee) Website: www.nhc.no Address: Kirkegata 5, 0153 Oslo, Norway Tel: + 47 22 47 92 0 Fax: + 47 22 41 60 76 Email: [email protected] Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers Website: www.noas.org Address: Torggt. 22, 2 etg., 0028 Oslo, Norway Tel: + 47 22 36 56 60 Fax: + 47 22 36 56 61 Email: [email protected] A social justice organisation for asylum seekers, focussing on refugee policy and xenophobia issues. NOAS may provide legal aid and information to asylum seekers in Norway, both inside and outside the reception centres. The Norwegian Refugee Council - Flyktninghjelpen Website: www.nrc.no and www.flyktninghjelpen.no Address: PO Box 6758 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo, Norway Visiting address: Grensen 17, Oslo, Norway Tel: + 47 23 10 98 00 Fax.: + 47 23 10 98 01 Email: [email protected] International organisation that provides humanitarian assistance to refugees, International Displaced Peoples and returnees in Norway. The NRC offers legal assistance in asylum procedure, information and counselling on return and repatriation and advocacy. The Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) department focuses on legal identity and rights, family issues housing, land and property rights. LLH – The Norwegian LGBT Organisation Website: http://www.llh.no Address: Tollbugata 24, Norway Tel: + 47 23 10 39 39 Email: [email protected] The LLH works to ensure that persons who are being persecuted because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression will be granted asylum in Norway. LLH may provide assistance in individual asylum cases, but do not give legal aid.

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POLAND Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights –Website: www.hfhrpol.waw.pl Address: Zgoda 11 , 00-018 Warszawa, Poland Tel: +48 22 556 44 66 Fax: +48 22 556 44 51 Email: [email protected] A human rights organisation which offers free legal assistance and lawyer representation is provided to refugees and asylum seekers to aid the asylum process and offer litigation when needed. Legal advice is also offered to migrants wishing to return to their home countries, and they may help with social welfare and family reunification. La Strada Foundation Against Trafficking and Slavery Website: www.strada.org.pl Address: PO box number 5, PL 00 - 956 Warsaw 10, Poland Helpline: +48 22 628 99 99 La Strada offers support to victims of trafficking and slavery in Poland. They can provide help and advice, and provide shelter, psychological and medical support, crisis intervention and reintegration support Caritas Poland Website: www.caritas.pl/ Address: Trench 55, 01-043 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 22 3348500, +48 22 3348585 Fax: +48 22 3348558 Email: [email protected] An independent, international Christian NGO that provides humanitarian aid to vulnerable people in Poland and abroad through a variety of projects. They may offer legal, psychological and financial help to refugees and asylum seekers in Poland. Rule of Law Institute Website: www.panstwoprawa.org Address: 14 Chopin Street Apt. 70, 20-023 Lublin, Poland Tel: +48 81 743 68 05 Fax: +48 81 743 68 05 A group of legal practitioners, The Rule of Law Institute work to develop Rule Law in Poland, provide advocacy and protect civil and human rights. They provide legal aid throughout asylum procedure as well as support in family reunification, voluntary repatriation, accessing healthcare and obtaining social security benefits during the asylum procedure. They operate in several of the reception centres and detention centres in Poland. Refugee Counselling Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organization Website: www.pah.org.pl and www.refugee.pl Address: Szpitalna 5/18 Warsaw Tel:(22) 828 88 82 Email: [email protected] Polish Medical Mission Association Address: 2 Rejtana Street, 30 - 510 Krakow Tel: +48 12 293 40 50

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Fax: +48 12 40 55 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] NGO of medical practitioners developed to provide medical assistance and humanitarian aid in Poland and abroad. They offer free medical treatment and prevention campaigns targeting groups such as migrants, Roma and the homeless. The Halina Niec Legal Aid Center Website: www.pomocprawna.org Address: Krowoderska 11/7, 31-141 Kraków, Poland Tel: 012 633 72 23 Fax: 012 423 32 77 Email: [email protected] and [email protected] A legal centre offering assistance to migrants in Poland. Free legal aid is provided for foreigners applying for protection and refugee status in Poland in detention centres, reception centres and outside, including information, document preparation, legal representation, complaints procedures and participation in proceedings. They also provide legal aid for victims of trafficking. Ocalenie Foundation Website: www.praktycy.org Address: Działdowska 12/24 , 01-184 Warszawa Organisation which facilitates integration with migrants in Poland. They offer support with integration in Polish society, including health care, psychological support, social care, education and language, and help with the labour market. The Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) Website: http://world.kph.org.pl Address: ul. Solec 30A, 00-403 Warszawa, Poland Tel: +48 22 423 64 38 The Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) is a nationwide public-benefit nongovernmental

organization with non-profit status working for the equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and

transgender people. They offer psychological and legal help to victims of homophobia.

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Portugal Portuguese Refugee Council Website: www.cpr.pt Address: Av. Vergilio Ferreira, Lt. 764, Lj. D, 1950-339 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: + 351 21 83 14372 Fax: + 351 21 83 75072 NGO that works with the UNHCR and Portuguese government to improve the lives of migrants and refugees, carry out research and provide advocacy. Offers housing with the Refugee Reception Centres and can help search for housing and health services. They also provide an integration service, legal service and social support to refugees and asylum seekers. Jesuit Refugee Service – Portugal - Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados Website: www.jrsportugal.pt Address: Rua 8, ao Alto do Lumiar Lote 59 1750 Lisboa Tel: +351 93 754 1620 Fax: +351 21 754 1625 Email: [email protected] The Portuguese branch of the JRS provides social, legal and psychological support to detainees. JRS works to identify vulnerable detainees for specialist services, autonomous to the state. JRS-Portugal also manages the Pedro Arrupe Accommodation Centre in Lisbon. This open centre houses vulnerable irregular migrants and/or those waiting for the process of regularisation. Occupants may also be asylum seekers waiting for a final decision on their application. Persons who have received a final negative decision on their asylum application may also stay in this house. Social Aid offices provides emergency support to undocumented migrants, homeless, single parents and unemployed. UNIVA project: Support for young people with integration/employment. Legal Assistance: The Local Centre for Migrant Support :centre offered information on legalisation, renewal of documents, applications for Portuguese nationality, education, right to health and voluntary return. Migrant Health Area: Medical Aid to regular and irregular migrants, Psycho-social support: Unidade Habitacional de Santo António (UHSA): psychologist, chaplain, social mediators and law firm with legal advice. OPUS GAY Website: www.opusgay.org Address: Rua da Terceira, 34-2 º , 1000-173 Lisbon Tel: +351 96 2400017 Email: [email protected] OpusGay helps provide group and psychological therapy to the LGBT community. They are in partnership with the Portuguese High Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities.

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ROMANIA Generatie Tanara Website: www.generatietanara.ro Address: RO 300244, Timisoara, Str. Molidului 8, Romania Tel: +40 256 282 320 Fax: +40 256 215 659 Generatie Tanara is the UNHCR implementing programme for refugees in Romania offering specialist support programmes to different groups. The Anti-trafficking programme provides medical and psychological care to victims of trafficking and aids their reintegration into society. The GTR has partnered with the UNHCR to provide assistance to refugees housed in the Emergency Transit Centre in Timisoara and offers psychological, medical and social care and integration programmes in the centre to refugees. The GTR also has a specialised programme for reintegration for unaccompanied minors and promote reconciliation. They can aid repatriation of Roma from the French Territory and may provide funding for returnees and projects to help living conditions in Romania. Jesuit Refugee Service - Romania Website: www.jrsromania.org Address: 54 Mr.Ilie Opris Street, Bucharest 4, Romania Tel: 0040.213.322.457 Fax: 0040.372.877.090 Email: [email protected] Emergency care can be provided (e.g. food or clothing). They also offer legal assistance, and medical care for those without insurance, social assistance and educational assistance. The JRS provides a short term accommodation facility for asylum seekers and refugees. Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) Website: www.cnrr.ro Address: 42 Mantuleasa Street, 3rd floor , ap. 10, Bucharest 2 Tel: 0040.213.126.210 / 0040.314.050.275 Fax: 0040.213.126.210 Email: [email protected] CNRR is partnered with the UNHCR, promoting human rights and defending the rights of asylum seekers and refugees through legal defence. The CNRR offers social assistance and free legal counselling to refugees and asylum seekers in Romania. ICAR Foundation | Fundatia ICAR Website: www.icarfoundation.ro Address: 70 Unirii Boulevard, Bloc J5, Sector 3 Romania - Bucharest Postal Code: 030836 Tel: +40 21 321 22 21 Fax: +40 21 327 54 74 Email: [email protected] Founded to provide rehabilitation to people who suffered as a result of totalitarian regimes, the organisation provides a range of specialist medical and psychological care. Free medical care includes general medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, psychiatry, counselling etc, plus occupational and educational assistance. They also operate in the Bucharest Reception and Accommodation Centre for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, where they offer legal counselling and representation in court, and again medical assistance.

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ACCEPT ROMANIA Website: www.accept-romania.ro Address: OP 34, CP 56, Bucuresti, Romania Tel: +4021 252 56 20 Fax: +4021 252 90 00 Members of ILGA-Europe, ACCEPT is a lobby group who aims to reducing discrimination against the LGBT community in Romania, and provide support and advice. They offer legal, social, psychological and health counselling.

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SLOVAKIA Goodwill Society (Spoločnosť ľudí dobrej vôle) Web: www.cassovia.sk/sldv Address: Mäsiarská 13, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia Tel/fax: 095/622 13 97 Email: [email protected] Sector Assistance Project High Commissioner for Refugees : The Goodwill Society offers legal aid and protection in asylum procedure, clothing and housing grants, specialist health care to asylum seekers and refugees, psychological counselling, financial assistance, educational assistance for children, scholarship and retraining opportunities, a Kindergarten service for children of refugees, and special services for women, speech therapy and specialist service for Roma children. Slovak Refugee Council (Slovenská utečenecká rada) Web: www.srcsk.eu Address: Slovenská utečenecká rada, n.o.,Novozámocká 73, 960 01 ZVOLEN Tel: 0915 958 056 Fax: 045/53 255 56 Email: [email protected] The Slovakian Refugee Council provides advocacy and support for refugees and asylum seekers in Slovakia. They may provide both material and financial assistance, crisis intervention and social assistance, legal counselling, psychological counselling, language assistance, an integration programme and social activities. Slovak Humanitarian Council (Slovenská humanitná rada) Website: www.shr.sk Address: Páričkova 18, 821 08 Bratislava 2, Slovakia Tel: +421.2.50 20 05 17 Fax: 20 05 22 +421.2.50 Email: [email protected] The SHR is a large overarching NGO that brings together humanitarian organisations throughout the Slovakia. They have many different projects addressing the needs of asylum seekers and refugees including social and psychological support; assistance with integration; visits to detention centres in Slovakia. Specific support is offered for unaccompanied minors including psychosocial assistance and provision of homes. Human Rights League (Liga za ľudské práva) Website: www.hrl.sk Address: Hurbanovo Square 5 , 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia Tel: 02/544 354 37 02/546 424 38 Fax: 02/546424 39 Email: [email protected] NGO developed by lawyers with specialist expertise in refugee and asylum law to protect the rights of foreigners. They offer a legal aid and family reunification service for unaccompanied minors, refugees and asylum seekers including legal representation and Countries of Origin Information (COI) for legal use. Aside from the legal service, HRL also provides social assistance and help with integration and an Asylum Clinic. Inakosť Initiative Website: www.inakost.sk

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Address: PO Box 15 , 810 00 Bratislava 1, Slovakia Tel: +421948539903 or +421252444187 Email: [email protected] Is a member of ILGA-Europe and works within both Slovakia and Czech Republic to help LGBT people with civic and human rights issues. They promote communication with other members of the community and also provide activities.

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Slovene Philanthropy Website: www.filantropija.org/en/ Address: Poljanska cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: 386 (0) 1 430 1288, 433 4024, 433 5106 Fax: 386 (0) 1 430 1289 Slovenian Philanthropy is an NGO with extensive support programme for undocumented migrants, refugees, unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers and the homeless in Slovenia. Their Migration Programme provides psychosocial support and counselling to the homeless, migrants and refugees outside and inside reception centres, integration programmes and specific support for unaccompanied minors including guardianship. They are also members of programmes that promote health for undocumented migrants and support for victims of trafficking, and provide extensive health and social support including help with accommodation, finding work and documentation. Legal Information Centre for NGOs - PIC Website: www.pic.si/ Address: Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: 01 521 18 88 Mobile: 051 681 181 Email: [email protected] Main provider of free legal information to refugees and asylum seekers in Slovenia. Jesuit Refugee Service - Slovenia Website: www.rkc.si/jrs/ Address: Zrinjskega 9 - SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel : +386-1 430 0058 Fax : +386-1 430 0059 Slovenian branch of the JRS that provides support to refugees and asylum seekers. JRS Slovenia offers a visiting service to detainees and those living in asylum homes in Slovenia. They offer psychosocial and cultural support, including workshops for families. Društvo Ključ Website: www.drustvo-kljuc.si Address: Society Ključ, PO box 1646, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: 080 17 22 Email: [email protected] Društvo Ključ provides expert support and protection for victims of human trafficking, including journalism and advocacy. A helpline provides counselling; they receive referrals, provide information and help victims find crisis and safe house accommodation. The care programme provides emergency help to victims of trafficking such as a safe house, contacting law enforcement and escorting victims, helping victims return to their own countries (if they wish) and psychosocial support. There is also an integration programme for those who wish to stay in Slovenia. Slovenian Red Cross - Rdeci Križ Slovenije Website: www.rks.si Address: Mirje 19 1000 Ljubljana Tel: 01/ 24 14 300 Fax: 01/ 24 14 344

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Email: [email protected] The Slovenian Red Cross is an international humanitarian project. In Slovenia they provide a Tracing Service for displaced refugees and their families. Association Information Centre Legebrita Website: www.drustvo-legebitra.si Address: a Trubarjeva 76, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: 01 430 51 44 Email: [email protected] A large advocacy and support network for LGBT people in Slovenia aimed at promoting human rights and communication. They offer a counselling service and health awareness to LGBT’s and can put people in touch with other organisations.

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SPAIN ACCEM Website: www.accem.es Address: Plaza de Santa Maria Soledad Torres Acosta 2, 28004 Madrid Tel: +34 91 532 74 78 Fax: +34 91 532 20 59 Email: [email protected] Large organisation with extensive projects over Spain covering a broad spectrum of direct support for refugees and asylum seekers including counselling, social support and access to housing, integration programmes, and specialist legal team who can help with asylum processes, immigration and stateless persons and can advise on reporting and records to be presented to the Inter-ministerial Commission for Refugee (CIAR), They have programmes to support children, families, victims of trafficking etc. C.E.A.R. Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado Website: www.cear.es Address: Avda General Perón 32, 2º dcha. 28020 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91 598 0535F Fax: +34 91 55 55 416 Email: [email protected] Organisation focused on defending the right of asylum, with legal and social services. A Social Team helps with accessing social services in Spain, particularly housing, integration and employment. The Legal Team provides advice and aid on asylum procedure and other immigration issues and will research persons’ human rights/country of origin info if it is disputed by authorities. RESCATE Website: www.ongrescate.org Address: C/ Luchana, 36 - 4ºD., 28010 Madrid, Spain Tel: 00 34 (91) 447 28 72 / 29 60 Fax: 00 34 (91) 447 23 21 Email: [email protected] Organisation working with displaced people and refugees with a focus (but not limited to) women and children in Spain and internationally. Specific projects on family reunification and voluntary return, plus legal and psychosocial support ACATHI - Catalan Association for the Integration of Homosexuals, Bisexual and Transgender Immigrants Website: www.acathi.org Address: Pl Robert Gerhard, 3-4, The Good Shepherd, St. Andrew, 08030 Tel: 93 184 55 17 ext. 661 Fax: 93 278 30 85 Email: [email protected] ACATHI specialise in promoting rights and providing advocacy and support to LGBT migrants in Spain. They may offer legal advice e.g. for asylum or civil matters, as well as social and health care, support groups and activities.

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SWEDEN RFSL - Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights) Address: RFSL Association, PO Box 350 , 101 26 Stockholm Visiting address: Sveavägen 59, 2nd floor, 113 59 Stockholm Tel: 08-501 62 900 Fax: 08-501 62 999 Email: [email protected] Works in cooperation with ILGA to safeguard LGBT rights in Sweden. RFSL offers social and health counselling, and maintains a presence in Sweden’s asylum centres. They provide legal information in applying for asylum. Sociala Missionen Website: www.socialamissionen.se Tel: +46/8/556.023.00 Email: [email protected] Sociala Missionen offers social, legal and psychological consultation on migration matters including residence permits, asylum, voluntary return, family reunification and integration. Jesuit Refugee Service – Sweden Website: www.jrssweden.org Tel: +46 8 505 78007 Email: [email protected] Swedish branch of JRS. The JRS primarily works in Detention Centres with detainees to give psychological support and advice and help get detainees in touch with legal services or relatives and mediating between detainees and police/migration board. Caritas Sweden - Caritas Sverige Website: www.caritas.se Address: Johannes Paulus II:s Pastoralcentrum, Brunnsgränd 4, 4 tr, 111 30 Stockholm General Tel: +46/8/ Immigration and refugee issues in the Caritas / Catholic Diocese of Stockholm: Tel: 08-50557672, 0709-63 45 01 Email: [email protected] Clinic for asylum seekers and refugees Tel: 08-660 21 70 Swedish branch of Caritas with offices throughout Sweden. Provides legal information and counselling on legal status, returns and may provide financial assistance. FARR – Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups Website: www.farr.se Address: Vikingagatan 14B, 4 tr, Stolkholm, 113 42 Tel: +46/225/147.77 Large networking NGO based throughout Sweden. Offers legal advice to rejected asylum seekers and monitors asylum practice. Asylkommittén i Stockholm Tel: +46/8/617.69.86 Email: [email protected]

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Local group connected to FARR. The Asylum Committee provides legal advice to rejected asylum seekers and runs a Stockholm-based health clinic for undocumented migrants. Rosengrenska Website: www.rosengrenska.org Address: Rosengrenska / Red Cross, Second Street 19, 413 28 Gothenburg Tel: +46/70/575.34.15 Email: [email protected] Large voluntary network of health professionals dedicated to the support of hidden migrants. Provides healthcare to undocumented migrants, hidden refugees or rejected asylum seekers.

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SWITZERLAND Service d’Aide Juridique aux Exilé-E-S http://www.heks.ch/fr/suisse/secretariat-romand/saje-service-daide-juridique-aux-exiles/ Address: EPER Mutual Swiss Protestant, Communication Department of Grancy 17 bis Bd, PO Box 536 , 1001 Lausanne Tel: +41 21 613 40 70 Fax: +41 21 617 26 26 ELS - Service Legal Aid to Exiled Address: Rue Enning 4 , 1003 Lausanne Tel: +41 21 351 25 51 A humanitarian aid organisation that is part of the Federation of the Swiss Protestant Churches (FSPR) which offers legal and social counselling to migrants. The ELS provides legal aid and guidance through the asylum process and ensures emergency aid is accessible if needed. They also provide a mentoring service and can help with social advice and integration. ELISA Website: www.elisa.ch Address: Elisa-Asile, c/o Agora, 1 ch. de Poussy Bâtiment A, CH-1214 Vernier Tel: 022 733 37 57 Fax: 022 930 00 49 Elisa offers free legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland. Elisa’s office is right under the retention office and provide free legal aid and counselling to asylum seekers during the initial process. Swiss aid organization for refugees OSAR/ Swiss Refugee Council Website: www.osar.ch Address: Weyermannsstrasse 10 , PO Box 8154 , CH-3001 Bern Tel: +41 (0) 31 370 75 75 Fax: +41 (0) 31 370 75 00 Email: [email protected] A federation of Swiss refugee aid organisations that aim to promote solidarity and an open Switzerland, and try and ensure migrants receive a fair trial. A free legal service provides assistance in asylum procedures and country analysis to protect refugees and ensure a fair trial. They also help with education and integration activities. A family reunification scheme provides interest-free loans to refugees to support the process. Caritas Switzerland Website: http://www.caritas.ch Address: Löwenstrasse 3 , PO Box , 6002 Lucerne Tel: +41 41 419 22 22 Fax: +41 41 419 24 24 Email: [email protected] Caritas looks after asylum seekers, temporarily admitted persons and recognised refugees. They offer financial and social assistance and provide accommodation and offers courses, advice and help with repatriation, including legal advice. GayMigs - schwule Migranten – Gay Migrants in Switzerland Website: www.gaymigs.lgbt.ch

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Tel: 044 271 2250 Email: [email protected]@haz.ch An association that provides information and support to LGBT migrants in Switzerland.