Dual Tracked Programs: Friend or Foe

Dual Tracked Programs: Friend or Foe Richard R. Terry, DO, MBA, FACOFP Director, Osteopathic Medical Education Director, Wilson Family Medicine Residency

Transcript of Dual Tracked Programs: Friend or Foe

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Dual Tracked Programs: Friend or Foe

Richard R. Terry, DO, MBA, FACOFPDirector, Osteopathic Medical Education

Director, Wilson Family Medicine Residency

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Dual tracked programs by specialty:

Family medInternal medPediatricsEmergencyPsychOb/gynMed/Peds

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Analysis of ACGME/AOA accredited Family Medicine program: ( Accepted for Publication STFM 2011) Data Collection:• We electronically surveyed all 98 DO program directors from dual

accredited programs with a 7 question Monkey survey ( 72 programs met survey criteria of having graduated at least one dual class)

• 56 completed the survey (response rate = 77%)• We compared our results with hard data from both the ABOFP

and ABFM• We did a “rough” cost analysis approximating the cost of dual

accreditation ( OPTI fees and other costs )• We obtained information from the ABOFP and the ABFM

Presentation Notes
We did this survey to ascertain .. What is really happening. In Dual programs…. We surveyed all Osteopathic program directors
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Critical Questions?

• What is the driving force(s) behind this trend?• What are the cost factors involved in dual

accreditation?• What are the tangible benefits of dual

accreditation for allopathic programs?• What is really happening with certification?• Is dual accreditation a sustainable method of

increasing osteopathic family medicine residency positions?

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The Growth of Dual Programs 1999-2010








1999 2003 2006 2009 2010 2011

1999-2011DO only

Richard Terry:And growing by 5 -10 programs per year

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Rapid growth of dual programs.. As we see a simultaneous decline of purely osteopathic programs with the closure of osteopathic hospitals..- and programs.
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Dual programs: Solution or the problem?

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No college has been as aggressive in increasing residency spots as The acopf.. where virtually all new Osteopathic spots have occurred in allopathic programs. We now have 103 programs and 1160 spots... While the purely osteopathic programs dwindle.. now to 82 programs and 1177 total postions.. ...
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DO Match 2010 FP results

MD match just 42% spots filled


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Less than 1/2 of the spots are filled.. eventually they will back fill with unmatched DOS from NRMP
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Projected Numbers 2010-2011

Number of COM Graduates 1998-2009

19981999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111500








COM Graduates

COM Graduates 2096 2169 2279 2510 2536 2607 2713 2756 2707 3000 3462 3724 3921 4528

Presentation Notes
By the year 2015 we will have over 6000 graduates.. The numbers are markedly expanding..
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They just keep Multiplying

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Why the Explosion?

• More schools - now up to 31• More graduates• Larger class size and ever expanding• DO graduates want FM… More than 2 x

as many DO grads ( 18.7%) want FM than MD grads.. (7.8%% of US MDs choose FM 2010)

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Trends in Osteopathic Matching1988-2009

*Data drawn from AOA Office of Education and the AACOM Annual Report

1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009 20100






Funded Slots Number Matched

No. of Non-Participants Unfilled Slots

Funded Slots 1515 1701 1799 1676 1877 1878 1814 1989 2147 2206 2312 2435

Number Matched 1369 1257 1145 1385 1255 1353 1314 1291 1205 1196 1353 1433

No. of Non-Participants 661 663 994 1212 1363 1356 1748 1902

Unfilled Slots 146 502 654 291 622 525 500 698 942 1010 959 1002




NRMP FM 20102608 availUnfilled 224

Fm AOA 320 spots open!

Presentation Notes
Now most of these 970 spots will back fill with unmatched Dos in the NRMP… Residents not getting their first choice and settling for a osteopathic program not of their first choice. But of their last.. Do we really want reluctant warriors to lead our specialty. Those 320 spots back fill They are all filled now..!!!
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Year Fam. Med.

Int. Med.

Peds Anes. Emer. Med.


Psych. PM&R Path. Neuro.

1985 318 288 73 79 48 77 94 44 28 37

1990 727 665 170 231 116 156 202 78 52 68

1995 786 697 222 244 149 145 191 120 50 71

2000 1057 910 334 167 254 210 197 134 48 60

2005 1341 1173 565 512 364 358 318 252 124 91

2006 1336 1193 548 496 394 354 336 274 123 92 % Change 1985-2006 320% 314% 651% 528% 721% 360% 257% 523% 339% 149%

USMDs Comparison -36% -27% -2% -9% -6% -17% -8% -5% -6% -15%

Number of DOs in ACGME Residency Programs 1985-2006

Presentation Notes
Family medicine sill leads the way… and growing stats are not out as yet but will no doubt be higher..
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Number of DOs in Family Medicine

AOA and ACGME Programs: 1987 to 2007

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 OOO1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O70









AOA 243318 315 408 386 379 430 529 637 805 90711091043882 771 702 580 557 507 629 652

ACGME 551 584 671 727 692 661 686 720 786 852 913 986 982 10571096123612911170134113361305

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Need for AOA-Approved Postdoctoral Positions

2005 to 2011

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20110.4





COM Grads

Funded Slots


COM Grads 2.756 2.707 3.000 3.462 3.724 3.921 4.528

Funded Slots 2.165 2.206 2.189 2.312 2.435

Deficit 0.591 0.501 0.811 1.150 1.289

Richard Terry:AOA Needs spots already at a deficit.



Presentation Notes
We in essence already have a deficit of nearly 1500.. If we had to train our own….. Thank god for allopathic capacity..
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• 25% of all US medical school graduates will be DOs

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SO we should be ideally suited to meet the needs of our country.... As result... many new shows have been started. There has been a 200 % increase in graduates since 1990. This is a astounding number But more graduates does not mean more family physicians... In fact the increase GME spots - very modest.. has led to more specialists... are increase in class size has not led to greater interest in family medicine if anything it is less...
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PGY 1 spots 2008 vs 2020

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current DOS make up about 11% of all GME spots.. by 2020 they will take 20% The variable here is The imgs.. currently they take 25% in 2020 DOS and MDS will lay claim to 95% of the spots... is it reasonable to assume the IMGS will just go away.. unlikely they are making in rodes in to many major medical centers and are choosing primary care at higher numbers than DOs! 2/5 s of all visits to primary care docs are rendered by IMGS.
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But where is the incentive for allopathic programs to become dual accredited?


– Improved reputation of program??????

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Presentation Notes
64% of those surveyed.. Indicated… that .. More US grads was the compelling reason for dual accreditation… yet… look the allopathic fm would be nearly 60% IMGs without us…they need us.. IMGS are quickly becoming the primary care specialists… don’t thing they will not lobby for this..
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Choice of Certification Board: Percent of GraduatesTaking Both ABFM & ABOFP Certification Exams


Richard Terry:Bottom line – One-half of grads not taking both exams

Presentation Notes
Yet dual programs face one problem students want it.. Yet they don ‘t get allopathically certified in the end.. Some I am ok with this… we are finding about 50% of our grads our DOnot choosing the allopathic fm cert PDs indicate that the primary reason is cost… as the driving factor here..
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ABFM certification…. Why not?????

• Cost - of both AOA and ABFM exams and on going costs of maintaining certification.

• Lack of perceived value of ABFM • ABFM exam not required by program and

given after graduation• ( MY RECENT 3 DOS NOT TAKING

ABFM EXAM - Employer does not care!!)

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Virtually no one fails.. At least I have not met anyone yet who has
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Richard Terry:DOs have a higher failure rate on ABFM exam compared to the ABOFP exam

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Clearly on the allopathic exam there are some performance issues. This is data reported from our survey The basic point.. More Dos fail the ABFM exam compared to the ABOFP exam
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AOA Dual





DOs dual 98% pass ABOFPDOs dual 84.6% pass ABFMMDs dual 83.8% pass ABFM

Richard Terry:

Data From



Presentation Notes
There is a 14. 6 point difference in raw score difference between DOS and MDS.. Interesting cost of certification… was the primary reason that program directors indicated was the reason their residents did not not sit for the ABFM exam
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Why the apparent performance variance?

– FP exam is given in March - results in May. Perhaps there is less incentive to prepare for ABFM exam? (Terry’s theory) ( this is changing )

– ABOFP exam easier for DOs because of Osteopathic component (Terry’s hope)

ABOFP exam easier exam then the ABFM exam (Terry’s fear)

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SO why the difference.. They are indeed different exams… .
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What about the costs of dual accreditation?

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Presentation Notes
But it costs more money.. To be dual our survey says….. The costs can be substantial in fact… 20% stated that the costs were over 20,000 dollars… outrageous indeed.. The costs range from no charge to over 100,000 it is a incredible variance… way to extreme…
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What are the additional cost factors?

• AOA- fees • OPTI fees• In service exam fees• Additional faculty costs?• Administrative support?

Presentation Notes
Wait there are more costs….. In addition to the OPTI fees…. These all add up.. And the AOA just increased the cost per accredited spot.
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So where is the WIN in Dual accreditation?

• Increase US graduate applicant pool• Increase US graduate applicant pool• Increase US graduate applicant pool• Integration of OMM in the residency program:

benefits patients and MD residents• Possible to enhance revenue from OMM out-

patient and in-patient service• Improved reputation of program?

Presentation Notes
For the AOA much needed spots… for the MDs warm American grads… so right now …. It is a symbiotic relationship notice…. I say right now… that could change in the future…
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What is the downside of dual accreditation?• Additional costs: DO faculty,OPTI fees,AOA

fees,Certification fees,Membership fees, etc, etc…• Two matches- makes no sense and forces our

hand as PDs (Should rank best applicants DO/MD on same list-- side by side)

• The certification issues.. DO grads not choosing to take the ABFM exam or not performing as well??

• Increased interest from US MDs in Family medicine?

• The ever increasing numbers of DO graduates? Quality issues????

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So should your program remain dual accredited?

• YES if:– You can attract more quality graduates to

your program– It makes geographic sense ( new school

opening up in your state or region )– Your program not attractive to High quality

MDS– You already have qualified DO faculty– Your institution is willing to pay to play

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Should your program remain dual accredited?

• NO if:– You have remained competitive and attract

quality applicants including top notch DOs– You do not have qualified DO faculty– You do not have funds to acquire qualified

DO faculty– Your program has no money..available to

spend on additional fees..

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Is dual accreditation a sustainable method of increasing osteopathic family medicine residency positions? ( My theory……)

• Doubtful IF: – More US MDs want family medicine

(less spots)– Cost factors outweigh benefits

(escalating OPTI fees)– Continued trend of DOs not seeking ABFM

certification - What is the point of being a dual program? Why would the allopathic programs want to pursue it…….?????

Presentation Notes
The relationship quickly is no longer symbiotic if more US grads want the spots… you see there will simply not.. Excess capacity for us…
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What could work?

• Parallel programs - DOs and MDs train side by side, same faculty, similar curriculum but spots not dual accredited: DO spots just AOA accredited.

• WHY:– Saves some money, avoids the certification duplicity and may

enable program expansion to rural sites• How:

– Designate a defined number of your approved spots purely osteopathic ( say if you have 8 make 3- JUST AOA accredited)

• OR Growth of new programs in virgin GME hospitals or new models of residency training (community health centers), ambulatory centers.

Presentation Notes
Only a handful of parallel programs we do not track um..
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Why are parallel programs a better expansion option in allopathic institutions for now..

• Spots protected from MD influx• More curricular freedom• Greater growth potential • One master…..• Cheaper-- do not need a FPC to train

DO residents!!!

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What in practical terms does a parallel program look like

• Can use shared faculty and FMC or alternate site(s)

• DO residents just adhere to ACOFP basic standards

• DO residents only sit for osteopathic in -training exam and ABOFP certification exam

Presentation Notes
Cleaner in many ways… and cheaper for the institution.. Given the AOA still allows for smaller sites… and does not require a expensive FMC
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Are either dual or parallel a sustainable expansion path for osteopathic family medicine?

• Most likely not!– Limited capacity of

GME spots– Allopathic push back– Overwhelming number

of DO graduates– OPTI fees may

become a disincentive

Presentation Notes
We are facing a hugh shortage of qualified FPs… potentially 40,000 we can not count on allopathic spots either dual or parallel to cut out we need more new fm spots.. Many more.. So my hunch is the trend is leveling out.. And as we see a increase in allopaths in FM we will even see a decline in dual programs.. allo
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IMGS- no more…doubtful…..

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We have a enormous challenge on our hands…unless alternative funding is obtained and out of hospital training sites… ect
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NEED MORE OSTEOPATHIC Family Medicine spots

Develop alternative training models ( ie: VA sites, CHCs, rural hospitals, physician offices, online curriculums)Push the parallel track model in existing allopathic programs over the dual modelUse political clout to selectively increase cap for primary care. Need 1000 more spots in osteopathic FM.. At least

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FAMILY MEDICINE: 2020……The future is now….

REF: Reality of AOA Accreditation of ACGME Family

Medicine Residencies, Terry,RR and Hill,F ( Accepted

for publication)[email protected]