Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)

Elephant pit (final draft) 5 PISMP TESL CHARACTERS : THE HUNTER : Nisha THE THIEF : Atiq HIPPO : Dibah LION : Niha ZEBRA : Afiqah BIRD : Sue QUEEN : Ang KING : Tirah SOLDIERS (5) : Charlene, Wawa, Eyrah SERVANTS – 2 FAN : Ezza, Shira 1 FEEDING GRAPES : Madi NARRATOR : Amalina BANNER : Stage position UL (1) Upstage left UC(2) Upstage center UR(3) Upstage right CL(4) Centerstage left CS(5) Centerstage CR(6) Centerstage right DSL(7) Downstage left DSC(8) Downstage center DSR(9) Downstage right Audience


Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)

Transcript of Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)

Page 1: Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)

Elephant pit (final draft)





HIPPO : Dibah

LION : Niha

ZEBRA : Afiqah

BIRD : Sue


KING : Tirah

SOLDIERS (5) : Charlene, Wawa, Eyrah

SERVANTS – 2 FAN : Ezza, Shira


NARRATOR : Amalina


Stage position

UL (1)Upstage left

UC(2)Upstage center

UR(3)Upstage right

CL(4)Centerstage left


CR(6)Centerstage right

DSL(7)Downstage left

DSC(8)Downstage center

DSR(9)Downstage right


Page 2: Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)


CHARACTERS: Hunter, Lion, Thief, Bird, Hippo, Zebra

V: forest with large cage

Thief : *Evil laugh* Hmmm.. what can I steal in this land today?

*looks around*

I think I hear something

*moves towards bush*

Oh my.... aaaawwwww such a kuchi kuuchii lil baby cubs.. I think I will just steal it and sell it fot lots of money!

Lion : Walks in slowly *ROARS*

(Lion chases the thief and moves across the stage*lion growling* *thief screaming in fear*)

Lion and thief moves from UR (3) and exists to UL (1)

(Zebra and Hippo dances across the stage)

Zebra and hippo moves from DSR (9) and exits at CL(4)

(Lion chases thief to the opposite direction)

Lion and thief moves from UL(1) and exists to UR(3)

(Zebra and Hippo dances towards the centre of the stage)

Zebra and hippo moves from CL(4) and stops in CS(5)

*continues dancing*

Soft music accompanying zebra and hippo

Soft music accompanying zebra and hippo. As the bird approaches, the music fades

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(Bird walks in holding its wing, crying softly)

Bird walks from UL(1) and stops in CS(5)

Bird : *cries in pain*

currently, the bird, zebra and hippo are in CS (5)

(Hippo and Zebra stops dancing)

Hippo : hey! What happened to your beautiful wing!?

Bird : It’s all over now! I broke my wing when I was flying across the Ganges river! Look at my wing now! *shows broken wing to hippo*

*Lion roars*

Lion moves from UR (3) and stops in CR(6)

*thief walks backwards and bumps into hippo, zebra and bird*

thief walks backwards from UR(3) and stops in CS(5)

Thief : NO! Please don’t hurt me! I swear I dint mean any harm to your cubs! *pleads*

Bird : (disgusted upon seeing thief) Eeeew! Stay away from me! *flaps wings* * hides behind hippo*

*Lion roars*

Lion: (with a bitter anger)

*both hands up high, walking slowly towards thief to attack him*

You have tried to steal my cubs! And now you will pay for it!!!

THIEF: (Practically begging now) King of the Jungle, I’m sorry!!! *cries* I’m sorry!!!!

*lion approaches the thief and growls at him*

*Hippo, Zebra and Bird scared and tries to protect thief*

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Hippo : Lion macha, let’s talk and settle things. There is no need for violence.

*lion takes another step forward and THE CAGE SHUTS*

Lion moves from CR(6) and stops in CS(5)


Many years ago in the Land of India there was a great hunter of elephants, named Veera. He supplied elephants for the King all kind of special occasion. He traps the wild elephants by having them trapped in cages. One day….

Zebra : OH NO! It’s a trap! What should we do now?!

Lion : Nothing matters more than killing this man! *roars*

Thief : I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry *closing eyes*

BIRD: *wails*Keep quiet, both of you! Your petty fight do not matter anymore Don’t you realize that all of us are trapped here, with no chance of escape!! We are never going to survive!!

Lion:(keeps quiet when bird is speaking, after a minute begins growling at the man again)


Zebra: (firmly speaking)

*protects the thief* Oh enough! Let’s promise to never hurt each other and find a way out from the cage.

Hippo, bird, man: (determined) agreed!

Hippo : (calm and reassured) Now, listen to me all of you. Only the strongest, mightiest, toughest can save all of us.

Lion:* flexing his muscle, standing proud and walks forward*

cage shutting soundtragic music



Page 5: Dramatization2015 (From the Cage)

Hippo:*Pushes lion gently* that would me. ( tries to open the cage but fails )

Bird: There is always strength in numbers…Let us all try together

*all animals walk forward and tries to push the gate *

(the animals could not break the cage)

*all animals sit down*

Hunter is seen on the stairs sharpening his arrow ,DSC (8)

(After a few seconds)

Zebra: Cheer up! follow me

*starts humming* *sing the first lines*

All animals:

*humming *



(All animals started to grin, listening and humming along)

Hunter: (Hears and song and tries to track it down)

*cupping his ears, moves towards the cage*

Hunter moves from DSC(8) to CS(5)

Hunter : What a surprise! I was expecting an elephant, but look what I’ve got here!

Zebra : Look! the hunter is here! He has come to save us! WE WILL BE FREE!!

(sweet talk )So, dear sir , as we all know you are the kindest hunter we have on our land and since you only catch elephants, you should let us out.

Animals in cage except Lion : YESSS DEAR HUNTER! Let us go.

Lion: Let all of us out except the thief. He should never be trusted!

Music to accompany the singing

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Hunter: NO(firmly) To be fair, I must save everyone. Now move back, I will have to pull this rope to free all of you. *pulls rope*

(animals rush out)

Hippo : Thank you hunter!

Bird : We will never forget your kindness. Thank you so much

*sings and dance*


CHARACTERS: King, Queen, Thief, Soldiers

V: Palace, bedroom, where King and Queen are sleeping.-bed- Dressing table-Queen’s Tiara

(Change of props)

*Banner person carries ‘A few days later’ across the hall*

*thief steals tiara from the queens dressing table*

Soldier at DSR(9) is attacked by the thief.


*thief sees soldier and hits him from the back*

*Soldier falls down unconscious*

*evil laugh*

(Walks towards the queens dressing table(CS5) silently and finds queen’s precious tiara)

*mesmerized looking at the tiara*

*puts tiara on and looks at himself in the Queens mirror*

(looks around if anybody is looking)

Music slowly fades Well lit stage turns dark as the music fades

Background music indicating terror and suspense


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*silent laughs*

(Hides tiara under his clothes)

(Walks out of the Palace)


*evil laugh*

*runs to the jungle*

*puts on tiara and walks around happily*


From CL(4) ,she walked towards her dressing table in CS(5)

*walks around, sits on dressing table, combs hair* (realises her tiara is missing)

*screams out loud*

Queen : KING RAJ!!!!!

King: *Awakens and in sheer shock, tumbles down *Whaatttttt???????

*continues to sleep, hiding his face in the pillow*


KING RAJ!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!My tiara, oh my precious tiara is missing!!!How dare someone steal my tiara!!!!!!

(screams in anger)

King: You silly (grumpy) you might have misplaced it like you always do!*goes back to sleep*

Queen: (irritated)

( calls out for soldiers)


Soliders run from UR(3) and stop at DSC (8)

*soldiers rushes in, bows at Queen*


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(angry) My tiara…. Specially made with the finest gold, embedded with rubies and diamonds is missing! How could you be so careless !? Answer me!

Soldier 1 : Your Majesty! The guard was attacked last night! I believe the thief had hit the guard ,stole the tiara and ran towards the jungle.

Queen : He is alright isn’t he? All of you in front of me shall not rest until my tiara is found. Bring me the evil thief and I shall punish him severely!

*bows to the Queen and moves out*

Soldiers move from DSC(8) and exit in DSL (7)

*King is still asleep*

Queen : King Raj!

King : *Wakes up (irritated) and stares at the Queen*

Queen : I told you so !!! will you believe me now! *turns arrogantly and walks out of the stage*




*Soldiers are seen marching*

Lead soldier : SQUAD! ATTEN-TION! STAND EASY! As we know the Queen has lost her precious tiara. It is a symbol of identity to our kingdom as there is only one kind of it out there. The Queen is upset and she had given us the responsibility in finding this tiara. *looks at Khan* KHAN!

Khan : SIR! YES SIR!

Lead Soldier : I do not want to see you sleeping and fooling around again. This is a serious mission. Do you understand Khan?

Khan : SIR! YES SIR!

Lead Soldier : SINGH!

Singh : SIR! YES SIR!

Lead Soldier : I want you to gather the rest of our troops and look for this thief in the jungle. Khan!


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Khan : SIR! YES SIR!

Lead Soldier : I want you to ask the people around the market area whether they have seen the thief you have seen earlier.

Khan : SIR! YES SIR!

Lead Soldier : And if any one of you decides to keep the tiara instead of handing it to the Queen, you know there will be consequences! DISMISS!

*Soldiers march out of the stage*




*Soldier walks in, draws scroll*

Soldier : ATTENTION PEOPLE OF THE LAND OF AYUDHYA, Her majesty has lost her precious tiara. She has declared that 10,000 gold coins will be given to the person who finds the tiara, The thief if seen will be punished severely.

*soldier walks out*

*Sellers in market walks in*



Narrator : The thief thought he could be very rich by selling the tiara in the market.

Thief : *Enters and looks around*

*goes to seller 1* LADY! LADY!, will you buy this jewel I have. Im selling it for a very low price.

Seller1 : How much?

Thief : Only 40 000 gold coins!

Seller1 : I wonder what it is that you are selling. So expensive. Show me the jewel.

Thief : *secretly opens the bag and shows*

Seller 2 : *to seller 1* something is now right here. People are talking about the queen losing her tiara. This jewel seems so..

Seller 1 : LOOK! The soldiers are here!

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*Thief runs away*

*A group of soldiers rushes in*

Lead Soldier : I will ask only 1 time.. has anyone here seen a suspicious man holding a sack?


Seller 2 : Sir, Just a few minutes ago, a man tried selling something, it looked like a tiara!

Soldier : Describe this man to me

Seller 1 : He was short and weird looking.. he wore a ____________

Soldier : Ok which way did he go?

Seller2 : He ran towards that way *points towards the jungle*

Soldier : FAST! LET’S GO!


CHARACTERS: Lion, Zebra, Bird


Zebra, Bird, Lion walked from UL(1) and stop at DSR (9)

Zebra : Bird and Lion! Did all of you hear that the Hunter is ill?

Bird : Oh really? What has happened to him?

Lion : You don’t know? He has fallen ill and he is unable to walk or hunt now.

Bird : That is so sad! We should do something for him!

Zebra : I think we should pay him a visit!

Lion : Ill get him some meat!

Bird : My wings are still weak! I would not be able to get him anything

Zebra : That’s okay, I’ve got some apples for him too. Shall we visit him now?

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Lion : Its 3 in the morning! Only we animals stay awake at night! Let him sleep and get some rest

Bird : Then we shall visit him first thing in the morning when the sun rises

Zebra : That sounds great

Lion : We shall all gather here at 7am. I will have to get the meat ready. See you early morning!

Bird & Zebra : Okay bye!



Hunter : *coughs* What is happening to my body, I don’t feel good at all. I should get to the bonfire to get some heat.

Zebra, Bird, Lion : Hell..ooooo.. Is anybody home? We heard that you have fallen ill.

Hunter : Yes! Come in the door is not locked.

Zebra : Oh look at our poor hunter. We are so sorry to see you like this.

Lion : *gives meat* Since you could no longer hunt, the least I could do is bring you this piece of meat. Here take it.

Hunter : Oh thank you that’s very thoughtful of you.*puts meat in the hut*

Bird : Dear Hunter, I’m sorry my wing still hurts . I could not get you anything. If you ever need my help, sing out for me. The song goes *Aaa Aaa* and I’ll be there immediately for you

Zebra : I got you some apples! *happily hands over the fruits*

Hunter : Oh, that’s so sweet, thank you Zebra!

Bird : So hunter, you should take some rest now. We shall make a move. Do take care of yourself.

Animals : Byeee..

Animals move from DSR(9) and exits at UR(3)

*Hunter walks back into his hut*

Hippo walks from UL(1) ,stops to pick flowers at CS(5)

Hippo: (joyfully walking, picking flowers and humming. He saw thief running)


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*running* *bumps into hippo*

Thief runs from DSL(7) to CS(5)



HEEEEEYYYY!!!!!!! You are going to see hunter aren’t you??? I am on my way to visit him. Poor soul, he had fallen ill. Let’s go together.


But… but… i.. have..


Oh just come,*drags the thief*

*humming and continues picking flowers*

Both walks towards the hut DSR(9)

Hippo: heeeeeyyy buddy, how are you? I brought you some flowers *hands over the flowers*

Hunter: thank you so much hippo. Lion, Zebra and Bird brought some gift and just left a few minutes ago.

Thief: hell..oo (very anxious) are you okay? Do take care. I really have something important to do. Ill have to leave now.

*moves quickly and drops the tiara*

Ahhh…. No!!!!! (looking at fallen jewels)

Hunter:(shocked) Isn’t this…. Oh my… you stole the Queen’s Tiara!? The soldiers are searching for it everywhere. You evil thief!!

Thief: my precious my precious! *collects the jewels hastily*

*Hippo stunned*

*Hunter tries to catch thief*

Thief pushes hunter and start running to UL (1)

Hippo: lion was right! This man cannot be trusted. Don’t worry, you stay here ok? I’ll catch him.

(hippo runs and fails to catch the thief)

*breathes heavily with loud footsteps*

Hunter: Ahaa! Ill get all the animals to help me catch this thief! What was the song? *sings*

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Bird from CL(4) rushes to DSR(9)

Bird: *rushes to the hut* yes hunter! what happened!?

Hunter: The man I saved from the pit is a thief! He had stolen the queen’s tiara. Help me bird!. Call our friends and together we shall catch the thief.

Bird: (shocked) Right away!


*all animals moves quickly to hut*

(A discussion)


CHARACTERS: Hippo, Zebra, Bird, Lion, Thief, Hunter



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Thief runs and rests under a tree.

Thief : I’m so tired. How dare this animals chase me. I shouldn’t have dropped that tiara! *sigh* Silly me! Let me rest here.*falls asleep*

Lion : There he is! I’m going to get him! This time there is no escape!

Lion moves from UL( 1)TO CS(5)



Thief : *wakes up in fright *grabs tiara*


Thief runs from UC(2) to CS(5)

*Lion and Zebra starts running looking down*

Zebra : Don’t you dare run away!

*music continues*

Zebra from UR(3) runs to CS(5),crashing into lion

(Zebra and Lion bumps into one another)

Bird : Have you caught the thief?! Here’s the trap!

Moves from UL(2) to CS(5)

*Throws net over lion and Zebra*

*Lion and Zebra struggles in net*

Bird : Uhoh! My bad

Lion : Get it off me! The thief has escaped!

(Bird helps take off the net and they all walk inside)



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Hippo : I may be big but I’m smart enough to catch this thief. Let me hide here and wait for him to come.

Thief : (Exhausted) (CS5)

*Walks looking down*

*Hippo comes out of the mud quietly*

*Hippo hits thief*

*Thief falls down because too tired*

Hippo : The hippo catches the thief DSC(8)

Haaahh! I got you now! Lion, Bird, Zebra!!! I’ve got the thief!!

*Sits on thief*

*Animals come on stage**hunter comes in with walking stick*

They move from UL(1) TO DSC(8)

Zebra : You caught him! (Happily) *sings*

Hunter : Thank you everyone! Let’s bring him to the palace and give the queen back her tiara.


CHARACTERS: Hippo, Zebra, Bird, Lion, Thief, Hunter, King, Queen

V: Palace



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*King sits down relaxing with eyes closed*

*servant feeds grapes*

King : Is this the seedless grapes my uncle sent me?

Servant: Yes your Highness

King: Now feed me

(Queen sad)

*Queen sits with hands on head beside the King*

King : Stop worrying my lovely Queen, I’ll buy you 10 other tiaras.

Queen : No tiara is as worthy as the one my grandmother gave me! *sad*

Soldier comes from DSL(7) to CS(5)

Soldier 1 : Your Majesty!

Queen : Yes!

Soldier 1 : *bows*Your Majesty, It seems that the tiara has been found.

Queen : Really?! Where is it!?

Soldier 1 : Shall I bring them in?

Queen : Yes of course *Turns over to King*

King : I’d like to see who this brave man who captured the thief successfully.

Hunter and animals walks from DSL 7 to CS(5)

Hunter : *Bows* Your Majesty, this is the man who stole the tiara *points towards thief* It was my friends here who helped catch this man! I surrender this man to you.

*Bird pushes man down*

Queen : How dare you! *moves forward to hit the thief*

King : My lovely queen, let me handle this.

*moves towards thief* You have committed a huge crime that cannot be forgiven. Soldiers! Put him in the darkest dungeon where he can never see the sunshine ever again.

King :

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Queen :


Thank you! I’m very happy and proud of all of you! I will reward all of you for your brave and honest deed.

(Animals happy)

*Soldiers drags man away*

*All animals get together with Queen and hunter*

*Sings song and dances*

-person with ‘The End’ banner walks across the stage-

-Lights goes off-