DRAMA OF THE AGES - Remnant Prophecy


Transcript of DRAMA OF THE AGES - Remnant Prophecy



The final week of years, of the time allotted

to the Jews began in AD 27 and ended in

AD 34 with the Gospel going out to the


Exactly in the

middle of the

week, 3 1/2

days/years in

31 AD, Jesus

died on the


Right when the time

to slay the

Passover Lamb

came about, Jesus

cried "It is finished"

and died.

The lamb that

was about to be

killed escaped

and ran from

the temple.

The curtain that hid the Most Holy Place

from view was torn from top to bottom!

The shadow pictures had come true - no

more would the ceremonial law have any

use except to study and see how prophecy

was fulfilled.

It was God's signal to the Jews that the

Messiah had fulfilled the ceremonies and

no more would they be of any use to


But the Jews did not heed. As a body they

refused their Messiah.

However many

individuals accepted

Him and became

the foundation of the

Christian Church.

The rejection of the Messiah brought on the

events foretold by Jesus in the 24th of


The temple was destroyed in AD 70 and

Jerusalem was under foreign control and

still is.

John was the disciple that lived longest, he

died in his late nineties. In his old age,

Rome tried to boil him in oil but God

protected him and they could not.

So they exiled him to the penal colony on

Patmos. There the Lord appeared to him

in a vision and gave him the amazing

prophecies of the Revelation.

This book is the companion book of Daniel

and the prophesies parallel each other.

Revelation explains Daniel, and Daniel

explains Revelation.

Revelation can be understood by those who

study Daniel and also the ancient

Sanctuary services.

There again we see the prophecy that for

1260 prophetic years, the true faith would

suffer terrible persecution at the hands of

an apostate church.

The events of history are spelled out in

Revelation from John's time to the end,

just as the events of history from Daniel's

time to the end were spelt out in Daniel.

Careful study reveals the overlaps and

parallels enough to fit them together.

Truly, God is wonderful to spell out the

future so clearly for us!

This is one of the ways He encourages us to

have faith and believe in Him.

Paul, John and Peter as well as Jesus, tell

us that soon after the Gospel of Jesus the

Saviour went out to the whole world with

purity and power in the first century, that

corruption would come in.

Again Satan was on the scene to get

heathen priests interested in joining with

the Christians and soon another

mongrelized Pagan religion was born, but

sadly, this one claimed to be Christian.

It took a while before the churches at Rome

and Alexandria had managed to gather

enough power and influence, but soon, the

Papacy was born out of a mix of pagan

sun worship, and a few Christian names.

In the 300s, Constantine, a Sun worshipper

encouraged the adoption of sun-worship

practices into the now apostatizing church,

including Sunday, Easter and so on.

There was a problem though, three nations

that taught a type of Christianity contrary to

Catholicism stood in the way of her

complete dominance of the religious world.

In 508 AD a wonderful event occurred that

turned the tables and led to the uprooting

and destroying of the three powers. Clovis,

King of France declared himself Catholic

and soon most of Europe joined him.

They assisted the Papacy by eradicating the

three nations, the Ostragoths, the Hueruli

and the Vandals.

Prophecy foretold this as the

'uprooting of three horns',

horns meaning kingdoms.

In 538, the Emperor Justinian left Rome for

Constantinople and decreed the Bishop of

Rome was to have his 'seat' (or see).

Now the 1260 years of darkness foretold in

seven different prophecies, began.

Now not all by far of the early church went into

this apostasy, many of the far flung places

such as the far east, the middle east and the

isle of Ireland and Briton had the apostolic

message AND the true Bible.

Also from the area of Rome, many who

would not yield their faith, fled into the

mountains and there through all the years

of darkness maintained their true faith and

the true Bible.

They were called Waldenses, the people of

the valleys.

This was foretold by the prophecy that the true

church would be given wings like and eagle to

flee into the wilderness where God would take

care of her for 1260 years. (Revelation 12)