Digital Storytelling Solutions

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Presentation prepared for students in Rob Nyland's Digital Storytelling course at Lake Washington Technical College.Delivered 26 January 2010.

Transcript of Digital Storytelling Solutions

  • 1. Digital Storytelling Solutions New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Matthew Stringer, MCDM New Media Producer | Social Media Strategist 26 January 2010


  • Lifelong storyteller

3. USC 4. Interactive media 5. Video games 6. Interactive television, film/TV/special effects 7. UW MCDM 8. Pocketmedia, Web video, video slideshows New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Background 9. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling 10.

  • Communication >> Relationships

11. Meaning >> Identity | Empowerment 12. Culture >> Collective narrative 13. What and WHY New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Importance of story 14. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Aristotle Story Arc Biology 15.

  • Folk culture, Shakespeare VS. campfire

16. Printing press 17. Invention of mass communication, media 18. Limited channels >> large audiences 19. Radio, cinema, television 20. Cable TV, Internet 21. Unlimited channels >> niche New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Audience 22.

  • The medium is the message - McLuhan

23. Linear production 24. Non-linear production 25. Content is king 26. Scalability 27. Social strategy and distribution New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Approaches 28. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Content 29. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Scalability VS. 30. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Scalability VS. 31. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Social strategy 32. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Ideation: The hardest part

  • Comedy VS. Tragedy

33. Simple VS. Complex 34. Metaphor, symbolism, meaning, empowerment 35. FOCUS 36. What helps me: music and visualization 37. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Branding & Value

  • What is my mission?

38. How can I develop cohesive message? 39. How can I set that message free? In other words, how do I tell the truth? 40. Value and solutions 41. Execution 42. Brand IS story 43. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Brainstorming

  • Story arc

44. Beginning (character(s), establishing conflict) 45. Middle (complications, plot) 46. Climax (resolution) 47. Dnouement (wrap-up and invitation) 48. Let the story tell itself LET GO 49. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Production Process

  • Writing

50. Pre-production (planning, scheduling, prep) 51. Production (capture) 52. Post-production (ingest and editorial) 53. Wash, rinse, repeat. 54. Feedback 55. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Distribution 56. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling RELATIONSHIPS 57. GET IN THERE AND PLAY! 58. New Media Productions Lake Washington Technical College Nyland Digital Storytelling Except for certain images used, this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. (cc) 2010 New Media Productions Some rights reserved. blog: THANK YOU!