Digital marketing for Tech Dinosaurs by Stuart Morrison



Presentation delivered at the Digital Marketing Show 2013 (

Transcript of Digital marketing for Tech Dinosaurs by Stuart Morrison

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Why “Technical Dinosaur” because I hear that all the time from board members and business owners

“Can you make it simple because I’m a bit of a technical dinosaur”

And let’s face it “Technical Dinosaur” sounds better than “Relic of a Bygone Age” or “Old Git”

This presentation is a complete overview an “how to” guide that should give even “Brontosaurus” (one of the biggest dinosaurs) confidence to go and create great online marketing campaigns with clearly defined goals and then you can let the Techheads do the implementation.


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The 3 types of Technical Dinosaur, which one are you?


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The internet is rubbish and you can’t see the fuss, it’s a fad like CB radios


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You have a website and think it might produce some business but your not actually sure, “you got to have one these days though don't you?”


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Got a website and spends 4 hours a day on Facebook or Linked in and website appears in first position for

“purple widget provider in high street London NE10 called smith”


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If anyone out there is think “yup that’s me”

I’m sorry but the good news is I can help you evolve and become...


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Tech man-o-saurus

Able to plan and measure an online marketing campaign with a few tame techies to do the boring bits.


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Actually, it doesn’t – the people having success online now are, broadly speaking, implementing the same overall strategy that has produced success since “B.I.” before Internet era


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The world B.I.

Marketing is the entire process by which you increase the awareness of your business to your target market.

Know – find you: Word of mouth, adverts, referrals.

Like – They want to know more

Trust – They revisit, speak at length, sign up for newsletters.

Try – A salesman will speak to them and offer a sample or a trial etc.

Buy – TADA! Done it!

Repeat – Done it again!!!

Refer – The circle is complete and a new customer “Knows” you.

This is the overview and basis of ALL marketing, whether OFFLINE or ONLINE

This was B.I.


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Now in the I.E. = Internet Era

Most business, unless eCommerce, should concentrate on just 3 things.

Know - Get traffic to your website or look at your online marketing

Like – Getting them to listen to your messages and like your services or products

Trust – Take time to read and act upon your content, speak to you at length, or engage in your online activities like;

Attend webinars, Share your social media, Take part in quizzes, Read white papers, Look at reports, etc.

Trust can be achieved online by using the right content and activities to ensure cold prospects become hot leads receptive to your sales messages. Your primary activities are: Know, Like and Trust – if they TRUST your business you can start to sell to them. NOT BEFORE



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Build a good old fashioned marketing funnel


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What is your aim? Your aim should be to get more relevant traffic. End of.

What is your goal? Something that can be stated & measured = £100,000 in additional sales by 1/4/2014 stated a quantity and deadline allows you to measure your success

Who is your target market? Who will make a purchase? Who is the decision maker? What sector will buy from you. AKA - Prospect Avatars.

What method will you use to reach your target? Depending on your target: Google PPC, Facebook Ads, Email, Twitter, Pinterest, Affiliate, Viral

Also, the method you use to generate traffic will, in some instances, be dictated by cost and timescale.

Whatever method you use you need a stream of traffic that is RELEVANT for your business

DO NOT rely solely on organic search results.

Is SEO a wise spend of your marketing budget? Organic results take time to achieve AND If your marketing is reliant on a Google first place position then you are exposed to the risk of it disappearing overnight.

Traffic is like investments: High, medium and low risk. Organic Search results can be 13

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Build a robust online marketing funnel


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You generate high quality traffic by producing a network of quality content that links that end up back at your website. Focus on drawing quality traffic back to quality content you have added to relevant high quality websites around the web. Start at the centre with your activities on your website and move out. 1) Build a quality website – our first section, ensure good calls to action and high quality,

relevant content 2) Start a quality blog – our second section, add up to date and regular content 3) Engage in quality social media – our third section, share your thoughts and ideas with your

“fans” 4) Tell people about your website, blog and social media – engage in online PR and viralising

your message 5) Build links from AUTHORITY sites, share other content, like other social media – Put

signposts up to point to your content online If you are not engaged in these activities, pretty much in this order anything you are spending on SEO could be wasted money. These steps should all build links back to your website (backlinks). Not ALL links should go directly back to your site but EVERY step along a link should contain a link back or “back link” to some area on the Internet which tells prospects about your business. But most importantly how to get in touch or what the next action you would like them to take. It’s like Hansel and Gretel leaving a breadcrumb trail back to their house.


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Your goal is to capture the details of that traffic. At the bottom of your funnel should be a container, this is a way of retaining visitor information, this is your mailing list and what you should be growing If your website is not building a mailing list you are missing out on building your business. Move your website from being merely a brochure or info site and turn it into a lead generator. Visitors may only come to your website once during the sales cycle. Thus collecting their contact details and having a way to get back in touch is paramount. A mailing list allows you to build repeat quality traffic, notify an interested audience of deals, updates and various business-centric information and grow trust. To capture contact details offer visitors some “take away” in exchange for the visitors contact details. Ensure your takeaway is not a “Newsletter” – this is dull and says “We will spam you with dull and uninteresting stuff about us”. “Newsletter” is me-centric: Inner Circle or V.I.Ps becomes a customer focused statement. Your goal now is to gain the prospects trust and become “front of mind” or Thought Leader in the mind of your prospect. Building a mailing list allows you to build trust


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Your target then changes from simply “selling more” to “building trust” So you forget so much about building ever increasing levels of traffic and concentrate on building trust with your mailing list. A list with a few people on it that trusts you can be very receptive to sales messages, and usually has higher response rates than low quality traffic to your website. If you do not have a way to stay in touch with your visitors then you are not engaging with your prospects and letting sales leak out of your business. You should be encouraging visitors to get in touch, remain in contact and stay receptive to your sales messages with quality content. Fail to collect contact details and you have to ask the question “Why do I have a website?” or “Are we Wikipedia?” Mailing lists are VERY low risk traffic strategies. Having a mailing list can give your business a way to test offers, build products and generate interest during slow seasons.


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So we come full circle: To grow your trust and grow your mailing list means finding high quality traffic and that is what good online marketing should do. Good marketing finds and grows quality targeted traffic that will be interested in what you have to offer and will readily sign up to your mailing list You grow this traffic from several sources: Direct – from offline ads or links in emails you send Search – from being found from keyword searches Blog – readers searching for blogs or looking for information in the “blogosphere” Social – being found, followed, shared, liked, retweeted and bookmarked in the social web You should always build great content wherever you are found, your aim remember is to build trust and thought leadership. Your primary thought should always be to build TRUST not TRAFFIC. If you build trust the traffic will follow.


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So to get traffic, I need to build trust, but how do I get the traffic in the first place to get it to trust me?

Start by building quality, trusted content on your website


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What is your content?

Who are your prospects?

What is your business profile?

In your niche, sector or industry: What or who do people trust?

DO NOT start creating ANY content until you have defined these three areas.

Here’s how to begin...


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To generate traffic you need a repository of content for that traffic to find. Good quality traffic is attracted by content that is High Quality – better than the rest of the competition both on and offline Original – simply not a re-hash of other industry wide content Different – what’s your voice/personality? But before you rush off and start to hammer on the keyboard, the BEST way to create content is to know who you are creating that content for.


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Begin by building a picture of who will be reading your content. Is it 20- 30 year old females in the HR sector? Company directors in the finance industry? Or business owners with a website in your local area? Once you have a VERY clear picture of your target audience you are better equipped to create on target content with great keywords that will be used by your target market. Ensure you understand what is driving them and what is likely to get them to react to your content. You NEED to understand exactly, precisely and clearly what sort of content is going to please them and get them to TRUST you and regard you as “Thought Leader” in your niche or market. Just as you can walk into a magazine seller and see rows of magazines with very specific target readerships then so must you do this with your website. Your target market must think “I’m in the right place” when they land on your website. Fail to do this and your website will fail. Before you continue your quest for content you need to know one more thing...


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Once you know who your visitors will be then you need to ensure you know the following about your company. What do you do? What do you do that your prospects want? What do you do that solves their biggest problems? Where are you located? Within your industry, your physical location, and who you supply to B2B? B2C? Charity sector etc. Who do you do if for? Ensure once you answer the above two bullet points you are still talking to the same prospects you defined in the previous slide.


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You need to become regarded as trusted and ALL your content should encourage people to give you “front of mind” for your chosen niche or topic.

This thought leadership translates online to “authority” which is what Google is looking for.

As the “authority” you will regularly give updates, info, advice, guidance, recommendations, hints, tips and pointers.

This leads to people back linking and spreading your “Authority”.

Thought leader and authority doesn’t happen overnight but start and over time it will build.

Your 1 goal is to become thought leader in your niche in the mind of your target market. This won’t happen on first visit or interaction with your content (wherever they find it) but if you get them to leave a method for you to contact them you have a second chance to build a relationship why building your mailing list is so important.

Remember people who lead are not afraid to recommend others in their field it shows confidence.


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The simple fact is businesses that are willing to spread their ideas, be it product benefits or business info win.

Who invented the lightbulb?

Thomas Edison?

But Humphry Davy, produced rudimentary electric arc lamps first

Sir Joseph Wilson Swan was given a patent for a bulb in 1878

In 1877, the American Charles Francis Brush manufactured carbon arcs lamps


Hiram Maxim had a claim and long running dispute with Edison.

But we remember Edison, why? He had a far bigger and more efficient publicity machine. “The Wizard of Menlow Park”. He was a forerunner to Apple and Steve Jobs.

So, if you don’t tell the world you exist who’s going to do it?


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If you need to ask anything please email [email protected]